Putnam Anal
Putnam Anal
Putnam Anal
2016-A-1. Find the smallest positive integer j such that for every polynomial p(x) with integer coeffi-
cients and for every integer k, the integer
p(j) (k) = p(x)|x=k
2016-A-2. Given a positive integer n, let M (n) be the largest integer m such that
m m1
> .
n1 n
M (n)
lim .
n n
for all real x 6= 0. (As usual, y = arctan x means /2 < y < /2 and tan y = x.) Find
Z 1
f (x)dx.
2016-A-6. Find the smallest constant C such that for every real polynomial P (x) of degree 3 that has
a root in the interval [0, 1],
Z 1
|P (x)|dx C max |P (x)|.
0 x[0,1]
2016-B-5. Find all functions f from the interval (1, ) to (1, ) with the following property:
if x, y (1, ) and x2 y x3 , then (f (x))2 f (y) (f (x))3 .
2015-A-3. Compute !
Y 2015
log2 (1 + e ) .
a=1 b=1
where Sx is the set of positive integers n for which bnxc is even. What is the largest real number L such
that f (x) L for all x [0, 1)? (As usual, bzc denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to z.)
2015-B-1. Let f be a three times differentiable function (defined on R and real valued) such that f
has at least five distinct real zeros. Prove that f + 6f 0 + 12f 00 + 8f 000 has at least two distinct real zeros.
(1 x + x2 )ex
about x = 0 is a rational number whose numerator (in lowest terms) is either 1 or a prime number.
in closed form.
2014-B-2. Suppose that f is a function on the interval [1, 3] such that 1 f (x) 1 for all x and
R3 R3
f (x) dx = 0. How large can 1 f (x)/x dx be?
2014-B-6. Let f : [0, 1] R be a function for which there exists a constant K > 0 such that
|f (x) f (y)| K|x y| for all x, y [0, 1]. Suppose also that, for each rational number r [0, 1], there
exist integers a and b such that f (r) = a + br. Prove that there exist finitely many intervals I1 , . . . , In such
that f is a linear function on each Ii and [0, 1] = ni=1 Ii .
2013-A-3. Suppose that the real numbers a0 , a1 , . . . , an and x, with 0 < x < 1, satisfy
a0 a1 an
+ + + = 0.
1 x 1 x2 1 xn+1
0 < y < 1 such that
a0 + a1 y + + an y n = 0.
2013-B-2. Let C =
N =1 CN , where CN denotes the set of those cosine polynomials of the form
f (x) = 1 + an cos(2nx)
for which
(i) f (x) 0 for all real x, and
(ii) an = 0 whenever n is a multiple of 3.
Determine the maximum value of f (0) as f ranges through C, and prove that this maximum is attained.
2013-B-4, For any continuous real-valued function f defined on the interval [0, 1], let
Z 1
(f ) = f (x)dx
Var (f ) = +01 (f (x) (f ))2 dx
M (f ) = max |f (x)|.
Show that if f and g are continuous real-valued functions defined on the interval [0, 1], then
2012-A-3. Let f : [1, 1] R be a continuous function such that
(i) f (x) = 2x
2 f x
2x2 for every x [1, 1];
2012-A-6. Let f (x, y) be a continuous, real-valued function on R2 . Suppose that, for every rectangular
region R of area 1, the double integral of f (x, y) over R equals 0. Must f (x, y) be identically zero?
2012-B-4. Suppose that a0 = 1 and that an+1 = an + ean for n = 0, 1, 2, . Does an log n have a
finite limit as n ? (Here log n = loge n = ln n.)
2012-B-5. Prove that, for any two bounded functions g1 , g2 : R [1, ), there exist functions
h1 , h2 : R R such that for every x R,
2011-A-2. Let {a1 , a2 , } and {b1 , b2 , } be sequences of positive real numbers such that a1 = b1 = 1
and bn = bn1 an 2 for n = 2, 3, . Assume that the sequence {bn } is bounded. Prove that
X 1
a a an
n=1 1 2
min{|F (xi , xj )| : i 6= j} .
2011-B-3. Let f and g be (real-valued) functions defined on an open interval containing 0, with g
nonzero and continuous at 0; if f g and f /g are differentiable at 0, must f be differentiable at 0?
2011-B-5. Let a1 , a2 , be real numbers. Suppose there is a constant A such that for all n,
Z X n
dx An.
1 + (x ai )2
2010-A-3. Suppose that the function h : R2 R has continuous partial derivatives and satisfies the
h h
h(x, y) = a (x, y) + b (x, y)
x y
for some constants a, b. Prove that if there is a constant M such that |h(x, y)| M for all (x, y) R2 , then
h is identic ally zero.
2010-A-6. Let f : [0, ) R be a strictly decreasing continuous function such that limx f (x) = 0.
Prove that Z
f (x + 1) f (x)
0 f (x)
2010-B-5. Is there a strictly increasing fucntion f : R R such that f 0 (x) = f (f (x)) for all x?
2009-A-6. Let f ; [0, 1]2 R be a continuous function on the closed unit square such that f /x
R1 R1
and f /y exist and are continuous on the interior (0, 1)2 . Let a = 0 f (0, y)dy, b = 0 f (1, y)dy, c =
R1 R1
f (x, 0)dx, d = 0 f (x, 1)dx. Prove or disprove: There must be a point (x0 , y0 ) in (0, 1)2 such that
(x0 , y0 ) = b a
(x0 , y0 ) = d c .
2008-A-4. Define f : R R by
x if x e
f (x) =
xf (ln x) if x > e.
X 1
f (n)
2008-B-1. What is the maximum number of rational points that can lie on a circle in R2 whose centre
is not a rational point? (A rational point is a point both of whose coordinates are rational numbers.)
2008-B-2. Let F0 (x) = ln x. For n 0 and x > 0, let Fn+1 (x) = 0
Fn (t)dt. Evaluate
n!Fn (1)
lim .
n ln n
2008-B-5. Find all continuously differentiable functions f : R R such that for every rational number
q, the number f (q) is rational and has the same denominator as q. (The denominator of a rational number
q is the unique positive integer b such that q = a/b for some integer a with gcd(a, b) = 1.) (Note: gcd means
greatest common divisor.)
2007-B-2. Suppose that f : [0, 1] R has a continuous derivative and that 0
f (x)dx = 0. Prove
that for every (0, 1), Z
f (x)dx max 0x1 |f 0 (x)| .
0 8
2006-A-1. Find the volume of the region of points (x, y, z) such that
2006-A-5. Let n be a positive odd integer and let be a real number such that / is irrational. Set
ak = tan( + k/n), k = 1, 2, , n. Prove that
a1 + a2 + + an
a1 a2 an
is an integer and determine its value.
2006-B-2. Prove that, for every set X = {x1 , x2 , , xn } of n real numbers, there exists a non-empty
subset S of X and an integer m such that
1 .
m + s
2006-B-5. For each continuous function f : [0, 1] R, let I(f ) = 0 x2 f (x)dx and J(f ) =
x(f (x))2 dx. Find the maximum value of I(f ) J(f ) over all such functions f .
for n 0. Evaluate
lim .
n nk
2005-A-5. Evaluate Z 1
ln(x + 1)
dx .
0 x2 + 1
2005-B-3. Find all differentiable functions f : (0, ) (0, ) for which there is a positive real
number a such that
0 a x
f =
x f (x)
for all x > 0.
2004-A-6. Suppose that f (x, y) is a continuous real-valued function on the unit square 0 x 1,
0 y 1. Show that
Z 1 Z 1 2 Z 1 Z 1 2 Z 1 Z 1 2 Z 1 Z 1
f (x, y)dx dy + f (x, y)dy dx f (x, y)dxdy + [f (x, y)]2 dxdy .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2004-B-3. Determine all real numbers a > 0 for which there exists a nonnegative continuous function
f (x) defined on [0, a] with the property that the region
R = {(x, y) : 0 x a, 0 y f (x)}
has perimeter k units and area k square units for some real number k.
2004-B-5. Evaluate n
Y 1 + xn+1
lim .
1 + xn
2003-B-6. Let f (x) be a continuous real-valued function defined on the interval [0, 1]. Show that
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
|f (x) + f (y)|dxdy |f (x)|dx .
0 0 0
2002-A-1. Let k be a positive integer. The nth derivative of 1/(xk 1) has the form (Pn (x))/(xk 1)n+1
where Pn (x) is a polynomial. Find Pn (1).
2001-B-5. Let a and b be real numbers in the interval (0, 21 ) and let g be a continuous ral-valued
function such that g(g(x)) = ag(x) + bx for all real x. Prove that g(x) = cx for some constant c.
2000-B-3. Let f (t) = j=1 aj sin(2jt), where each aj is real and an 6= 0. Let Nk denote the number
of zeros (including multiplicities) of dk f /dtk . Prove that
N0 N1 N2 and lim Nk = 2N .
[Added note: Presumably one is to restrict t to the interval [0, 1) when counting the zeros.]
2000-B-4. Let f (x) be a continuous function such that f (2x2 1) = 2xf (x) for all x. Show that
f (x) = 0 for 1 x 1.
1999-A-5. Prove that there is a constant C such that, if p(x) is a polynomial of degree 1999, then
Z 1
|p(0)| C |p(x)|dx .
1999-B-4. Let f be a real function with a continuous third derivative such that f (x), f 0 (x), f 00 (x),
f (x) are positive for all x. Suppose that f 000 (x) f (x) for all x. Show that f 0 (x) < 2f (x) for all x.
1998-A-3. Let f be a real function on the real line with continuous third derivative. Prove that there
exists a point a such that
f (a) f 0 (a) f 00 (a) f 000 (a) 0 .
1997-A-3. Evaluate
x3 x5 x7 x2 x4 x6
x + + 1 + 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 2 + dx .
0 2 24 2 4 6 2 2 4 2 4 6
1996-A-6. Let c 0 be a constant. Give a complete description, with proof, of the set of all continuous
functions f : R R such that f (x) = f (x2 + c) for all x R. [Note: R is the set of real numbers.]
1995-A-2. For what pairs (a, b) of positive real numbers does the improper integral
Z q
x+a x x x b dx
1994-A-2. Let A be the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by the line y = 21 x, the
xaxis, and the ellipse 19 x2 + y 2 = 1. Find the positive number m such that A is equal to the area of the
region in the first quadrant bounded by the line y = mx, the yaxis, and the ellipse 91 x2 + y 2 = 1.
1994-B-3. Find the set of all real numbers k with the following property:
For any positive, differentiable function f that satisfies f 0 (x) > f (x) for all x, there is some number N
such that f (x) > ekx for all x > N .
1994-B-5. For any real number , define the function f by f (x) = bxc. Let n be a positive integer.
Show that there exists an such that for 1 k n,
fk (n2 ) = n2 k = fk (n2 ) .
1993-A-1. The horizontal line y = c intersects the curve y = 2x 3x3 in the first quadrant as in the
figure. Find c so that the areas of the two shaded regions are equal.
dx + 3
dx + 3
100 x 3x + 1 1
x 3x + 1 101
x 3x + 1
is a rational number.
1993-B-4. The function K(x, y) is positive and continuous for 0 x 1, 0 y 1, and the functions
f (x) and g(x) are positive and continuous for 0 x 1. Suppose that for all x, 0 x 1,
Z 1 Z 1
f (y)K(x, y)dy = g(x) and g(y)K(x, y)dy = f (x) .
0 0
1992-A-2. Define C() to be the coefficient of x1992 in the power series expansion about x = 0 of
(1 + x) . Evaluate
Z 1
1 1 1 1
C(y 1) + + + + dy .
0 y+1 y+2 y+3 y + 1992
1992-A-4. Let f be an infinitely differentiable real-valued function defined on the real numbers. If
1 n2
f( ) = 2 , n = 1, 2, 3, ,
n n +1
1992-B-3. For any pair (x, y) of real numbers, a sequence (an (x, y))n0 is defined as follows:
a0 (x, y) = x
1992-B-4. Let p(x) be a nonzero polynomial of degree less than 1992 having no nonconstant factor in
common with x3 x. Let
p(x f (x)
1992 3
dx x x g(x)
for polynomials f (x) and g(x). Find the smallest possible degree of f (x).
1990-A-2. Is 2 the limit of a sequence of numbers of the form 3
n 3
m (n, m = 0, 1, 2, . . .)?
1990-A-4. Consider a paper punch that can be centered at any point of the plane and that, when
operated, removes from the plane precisely those points whose distance from the center is irrational. How
many punches are needed to remove every point?
1990-B-1. Find all real-valued continuously differentiable functions f on the real line such that for all
x Z x
(f (x))2 = ((f (t))2 + (f 0 (t))2 )dt + 1990.
1989-A-2. Evaluate Z a Z b
x2 ,a2 y 2
emax(b dydx,
0 0
1988-A-2. A not uncommon calculus mistake is to believe that the product rule for derivatives says
that (f g)0 = f 0 g 0 . If f (x) = ex , determine, with proof, whether there exists an open interval (a, b) and a
nonzero function g defined on (a, b) such that this wrong product rule is true for x in (a, b).
1988-A-3. Determine, with proof, the set of real numbers x for which
X 1 1
csc 1
n n
1988-A-5. Prove that there exists a unique function f from the set R+ of positive real numbers to R+
such that f (f (x)) = 6x f (x) and f (x) > 0 for all x > 0.
1988-B-4. Prove that, if 1 an is a convergent series of positive real numbers, then so is 1 (an )n/n+1 .
1971-A-6. Let c be a real number such that nc is an integer for every positive integer n. Show that c
is a non-negative integer.