RMPH Experiment Sub
RMPH Experiment Sub
RMPH Experiment Sub
a2 b r2 p
v L3 - For elementary volume corresponding to a division marked on the
syringe. In expression N is five time the number of syringe of water
necessary to completely fill the can.
0 - For unknown density of can material.
m - For unknown mass of empty can.
m1 - For the unknown mass of elementary volume of water v .
Keep in mind that t a .
Experimental Problem no. 1 Subject Page 1 of 26
Romanian Master of Physics 2014
Consider the coordinate system Oxyz shown in the figure below. When the can is in balance, the
center of the circular upper face of the box is the origin O of the system; the Ox system axis
passing through the two mounting holes of the suspension wires. Axis Oy is perpendicular to the
axis. The Oz axis of the coordinate system is the axis of symmetry of the box.
Task no. 1 - Deduction of the expressions useful for solving experimental problem
Assume that the can rotates so that the centers of its circular faces remain on Oz axis. In the new
situation, the direction of each wires forms angle with the vertical original direction. During
rotation, the wires are always stretched; a diameter of circular face of can rotates with the angle ,
and the can rises with h . Consider that one of the suspension wires is trapped in C . In Figure 1 is
represented the evolution of the radius OC of the top face of the can.
Figure 1
In the figure 1, OC is the radius of the top face of the can in the equilibrium position and O'C" is
the radius of the top face of the can when the box is rotated by the angle around the axis of
symmetry. O'C' is a segment of length equal to the radius, parallel to OC and at a distance h of
OC .
1.a. Write the expression for the coordinates of C " - the place where a suspension wire is caught -
in the situation where the box is rotated by the angle around the vertical axis of symmetry.
Express your answer in terms of, a , h and .
1.b. Deduce the expression of angle as function on the angle , length L and radius a of can
cover .
1.c. Deduce the expression of angle and elevation h , when the angle is small enough to
admit that sin ; cos 1; 0 . Express the results as functions of, L , a and .
1.d. Deduce the expression of the interior volume V , as well as the expressions for the mass m
and moment of inertia J of the empty can. Express results as appropriate functions of L, r , p, q,
and 0 .
1.e. Determine the expression of the mass mk and of moment of inertia J k of the can filed with k
elementary volumes of water. Express the results as appropriate functions of L, r , p, q, , 0, N
and k .
1.f. Deduce the expression of the momentum MT of the forces acting on the can when it is rotated
by a small angle . Express your answer in terms of mk , g, a, L and .
1.g. Neglecting damping, determine the equation of motion describing the rotation of the can with a
small angle and show that it performs simple harmonic motion. .
1.h.Period of oscillatory motion of the can has the expression Toscil where
q r 2 p p r
g N
2 w r 2
L r
r 2 q 2 p
Find the unknown coefficient w in the above expression.
2.d. Measure the period of the rotating oscillation for the empty can and for the can having added
one or more elementary volumes of water. Put the measured data in a table for each amount of
water (measured time, number of oscillations and period)
Task no. 3 Interpretation of experimental data
3.a. In the appropriate box in Answer sheet builds a linear plot of experimental data that allow you
to determine the geometric dimensions of the box, its mass and density of its material. Express all
these characteristics in SI units.
3.b.Use the graphical representation obtained in the task 3.a. to determine the geometric
dimensions of the can in meters.
3.c. Using the graphical representation obtained in the task 3.a. determine the mass of the can in
3.d. Calculate the density of the metallic material of the can and the elementary volume of water
and express the results in SI.
3.e. Write the errors when measuring length in arbitrary units and for measuring time using
chronometer. Decide whether the errors are larger when the amount of water increases. Justify
your answer.
Answer Sheet
Experimental Problem no.1 (10 points)
Determination of length, mass and density using a chronometer
Task no.1 - Deduction of the expressions useful for solving experimental problem
1.a. The coordinates of C " - the place where
a suspension wire is caught - in the situation
where the box is rotated by the angle
around the vertical axis of symmetry
1.b. Expression of angle as function on the angle , length L and radius a of can cover
1.c. Expression of angle and elevation h , when the angle is small enough
1.d. Expressions of the interior volume V , as well as the expressions for the mass m and
momentum of inertia J of the empty can
1.e. Expressions of the mass mk and of moment of inertia J k of the can filed with k elementary
volumes of water
1.f. Expression of the momentum MT of the forces acting on the can when it is rotated by a small
1.g. Equation of motion describing the rotation of the can with a small angle showing that the
can performs simple harmonic motion(when neglecting damping)
2.d. Measurement of the periods of the rotating oscillation for the empty can and for the can having
added one or more elementary volumes of water. Writing the measured data in a table for each
amount of water (measured time, number of oscillations and period)
2.d. (data)
3.b. Calculation of the dimensions of the can in meters using the graph obtained in task 3.a.
3.c.. Calculation of the mass of the can in kilograms using the graph obtained in task 3.a.
3.d. Calculations of density of the metallic material of the can and of the value of elementary
volume of water v in SI units.
3.e. The values of errors when measuring length in arbitrary units and for measuring time using
chronometer. Decision if the error increases when the amount of water increases. Justification
Task 2
2.a. Determine the values of the electrical resistance of the resistors and electromotive force (emf)
of ideal voltage sources that form the simplest circuit (a circuit triangle, delta, ), which has the
behavior described by the above data. Keep in mind that the ideal voltage source connected in
series with the resistor having the lowest electrical resistance, has an emf of 10V.
2.b. Draw the equivalent circuit diagram for black box. Write on diagram the values of electrical
resistance and emf of the sources - as they results in the task 2.a.
Task 3
3.a. For the equivalent circuit that you have determined in the task no. 2, plot the current-voltage
dependence, when the terminals P and Q are in electrical contact with terminals 1 and 2
respectively. Write numerical values of the intersections with the axes of coordinates of the graph
Answer sheet
Experimental Problem nr. 2 (10 points)
Electrical Black box
Task no. 1
1.a. Plotted current - tension characteristic for data in Table 1
1.b. Determined values of the intersection of current-voltage characteristic with the axes of
coordinates. Determined value of the slope of line outlined in 1.a
1.d. Determined values of the intersection of current-voltage characteristic with the axes of
coordinates. Determined value of the slope of line outlined in 1.c.
1.f. Determined values of the intersection of current-voltage characteristic with the axes of
coordinates. Determined value of the slope of line outlined in 1.e.
Task no. 2
2.a. Calculus of the values of the resistance of the resistors and electromotive force (emf) of ideal
voltage sources that form the simplest circuit which has the behavior described by the above data.
2.b. Drawing of the equivalent circuit diagram, having written the determined values of electrical
resistances and electromotive voltages of sources
Task no. 3
3.a. Plotting of the current-voltage dependence in the case of the terminals P and Q are bound to
the terminals 1 and 2 respectively; writing of the numerical values of the intersections of graph with
the axes of coordinates.