FRP Flange Design Methodology

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Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 10, 1996 WIT Press, www.witpress.

com, ISSN 1743-3533

FRP bolted flanged connections subjected to lon-

gitudinal bending moments
Adolf E.Blach
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University,
Montreal Canada


Bolted flanged connections for fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) pipes and
pressure vessels are of great importance for any user of FRP material in fluid
containment applications. At present, no dimensional standards or general
design rules exist for FRP flanges. Most often, flanges are fabricated to
dimensional standards for metallic flanges without questioning their
applicability to FRP materials.
Flanges in FRP piping systems are often subjected to external,
longitudinal bending moments of considerable magnitude. In piping systems,
such bending moments are usually caused by thermal expansion of the piping
components themselves, or by thermal expansion of pressure vessels and other
equipment to which the piping system is connected. Such bending moments are
of utmost importance on FRP piping systems due to the relative stiffness of
most FRP materials.
None of the pertinent design codes, neither the ASME Code, Section
X, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels, nor the ASME/ANSI B31.3
Code for Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, contain design rules
for external bending moments on FRP flanges.
In previous papers by the same author, the effect of such external
bending moments on metallic flanges were investigated and compared with a
design criterion listed in the ASME Code, Section III, Nuclear Power Plant
Equipment, based on an "equivalent internal pressure". An analysis of the
stresses in the flange-bolt assembly due to external bending moments was
proposed and results were compared with flange thicknesses using the
equivalent internal pressure. Calculated stresses were also compared with
results from strain gage measurements on a test pressure vessel.
To verify stress values in FRP flanges under external bending, a test rig
is being used to perform strain gage measurements on a test pipe with a bolted
flanged connection, subjected to internal pressure and longitudinal bending.
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12 Composite Material Technology V

1 Introduction

Bolted flanged connections on pressure vessels and in piping systems are often
subjected to bending moments of considerable magnitudes. On pressure
vessels, longitudinal bending moments are mostly the result of external forces
such as wind or seismic loads; in piping systems, such external moments are
usually caused by thermal expansion.
Two interpretive literature surveys, one by Blach and Bazergui [1]*, the
other by Cassidy and Kim [2], show that very little has been published on the
problem of bolted flanged connections with external loads, even for metallic
flanges. Most early researchers on bending moments on steel flanges
concentrated their efforts on the behavior of bolts in such connections and
assumed metal-to-metal contact between the flanges. The flange-gasket-bolt
interaction which exists in externally loaded flanged connections was usually
Even for metallic flanges, design Codes such as the ASME BPV Code,
Section VIII, Division 1 [3], or the ASME-ANSI B31.3 [4] Piping Code, do
not contain rules for the design of bolted flanged connections with external
loads. In the pertinent design codes for FRP flanges, very little can be found
regarding this problem. The ASME Code, Section X, Fiber Reinforced Plastic
Pressure Vessels [5], does not mention external loads on flanges. The
ASME/ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping [4],
Chapter VII, Nonmetallic Piping, covers this problem with a note only:
"Nonmetallic flanges shall be adequate to develop the full rating of the joint
and to withstand expected external loadings".
The only exception is the ASME BPV Code, Section III, Nuclear
Power Plant Components, Division 1 [6], whose Subsections NB, NC, and ND
contain a mandatory formula to convert external bending moments to an
equivalent internal pressure to be added to the design pressure. The expression
given is based on an arbitrary factor of 16/?r and makes no allowance for
different flange geometries such as the outside to inside diameter ratio "K".
In this paper an attempt is made to analyse the stresses produced in an
FRP bolted flanged connection subject to bending moments and axial loads.
Results are then compared with the criterion of the Nuclear Code [6], requiring
an equivalent internal pressure. A simple design method is proposed which
may be used with the Pressure Vessel or Piping Codes [4], [5].

(*) Numbers in square brackets [ ] indicate references listed at the end of

this paper.
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Composite Material Technology V 13

2 Equivalent internal pressure of the nuclear code

The Subsections NB, NC, and ND of the ASME Code, Section III, Nuclear
Power Plant Components [6], include a mandatory requirement for bolted
connections subjected to external bending moments. This requirement expresses
the bending moment in terms of an equivalent internal pressure which must be
added to the design pressure of the bolted connection, namely


where "G" is the effective gasket diameter as specified in the Code.

Using the design rules for bolted flanged connections given in [3] and
[6], the flange operating moment for a flange with ring gasket may be written
in a way similar to equation (1)



The nomenclature used in (3) is the same as the one used in both,
Sections III [6] and VIII [3] of the Code. It can be seen that the factor X is
independent of moment and pressure and depends only on the geometry of
flange and gasket.
Comparing (1) and (2)
Pe& _ 16 PG* 16
it can be seen that for compatibility between internal and equivalent external
pressure, X should be unity, or should at least be constant. This, however, is
not the case, as can be seen in Table 1 which gives values of X for some
standard flanges per ASME- ANSI B16.5, Class 150 [7], which are used
extensively for FRP pipe flanges.
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14 Composite Material Technology V

Table 1 shows that the values of X differ for each pipe size.

Pipe K* X

4 2 848 2 186
6 2 061 1 612
8 1 879 1 282
10 1 747 1 Oil
12 1 708 .909
14 1 736 1 025
16 1 672 892
18 1 623 787
20 1 584 725
24 1 584 670

(*) K is based on STD pipe wall thickness

Table 1, Factors K and X

3 Eccentric flange load design method

To describe the effects of eccentric loading on a bolted flanged connection, the

model shown in Fig. 1 is used. The flange bolt area is assumed to be evenly
distributed along the bolt circle "C", the gasket compression area is taken
along the effective gasket diameter "G", with an effective width of "2b", using
the Code nomenclature of [3] and [5]. For simplicity in establishing geometric
relations, the gasket area is placed along the bolt circle and compensated in
A stiffness reduction factor "n" is used to relate the relative stiffness of
the gasket to the flange bolts. Numerical values of "n" are difficult to find in
literature. Schwaigerer [8] gives some values for certain gasket materials.
Values vary from 1.2 for solid metal gaskets to 20 for soft mineral fiber
composition gaskets.
From geometric relations of Figure 1, parameters can be calculated,
based on a variation of a or "k", relating bolt side (tension) and gasket side
(compression) stresses. From external loads such as bending moment and axial
force, the location of the neutral axis can be found and the bolt and gasket
stresses evaluated. An iterative procedure to find "k" can be found in [9].
For a given "k", found by iteration, parameters "z", "i" and "j" are
calculated, also parameters Cg and Q as shown below:
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Composite Material Technology V 15

Fig. 1, Geometry of Eccentrically Loaded Flange



Fig. 2, Moment Arms

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16 Composite Material Technology V

(n-a) coscc - since (4)

1+cos a

since -acosa (5)


C -a) cos^a +3/2sinacosa+l/2 (TI -a) (6)

(71-a) cosa +sina

acos^a - 3/2 sinacosa +a/2 (7)

since -acosa

cosa (8)

cosa (9)


Stresses are then calculated. For moment loading only, without axial
force, from equilibrium





A "k" is found by iteration, then parameters "z", "i", "j", C$ and

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Composite Material Technology V 17

are calculated with sufficient accuracy (3 decimal places). The stresses in bolts
and gasket can now be obtained using (11) and (12).
For a combined moment plus axial force, a similar procedure, using a
dimensionless eccentricity in the calculation oparameters and stresses, is given
in Reference [9].

Fig. 3, Flange Bending Moment

The maximum flange bending moment due to the external loads can
now be calculated. From Figure 3 it can be seen that the maximum flange
bending occurs at the tension (bolt) side of the bolted connection. On the
compression (gasket) side, the effects of the external bending moment are
subtractive of the effects of internal pressure, hence will not govern the flange
design. Thus
_ , _ , - , /-, r \

P (16)

Equation (16) gives an equivalent internal pressure, in most cases

smaller than the pressure obtained using equation (1), for the following
reasons: for standard pipe flanges, the flange bending moment M^ is smaller
than the external moment M; also, for many pipe sizes and gasket types, it is
larger than unity. The flange bending moment My can be larger than the
external moment only in the case of large flange moment arms.
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IS Composite Material Technology V

4 Full face gasket flange design

In many instances, FRP flanges are fabricated to dimensions taken from flange
standards for metallicflanges.The ASME Code, Section X, recommends that
flanges to ANSI B16.5, Steel Flanges [7], be used in nozzles on FRP pressure
Vessels. Section X [5] also contains design rules for full face gasketed bolted
flanges in Article RD-11.
While, for simplicity, early FRP flange applications used the geometry
for steel flanges, it soon became obvious that flanges with ring gaskets were
not really suitable for FRP material, due to the high bending stresses induced
in the flange. Hence the fall face gasket, once used extensivly with cast iron
flanges, became the gasket of choice for FRP flanges.
For full face gasketed flanges, no generally recognized design rules are
contained in the pertinent codes for metallic pressure vessels or piping. While
such flanges were always used for certain specialized applications, it was left
to designers to qualify these flanges for given pressure-temperature conditions.
It became customary to use a design method by the Taylor-Forge Company
[10], in which a full face gasket is simulated by two ring gaskets, one lying
inside, the other outside the bolt circle. Using this method, very heavy flanges
are obtained.
A new design method, based on an elastic analysis was proposed by
Blach etal. [11], also by Blach & Hoa [12], and compared with experimental
data and results of the Taylor-Forge method. It was shown that the Taylor-
Forge method yields thicknesses very much on the safe side, while results
using [11] are closer to actually measured stresses. In [12], the serious problem
of pull-back on hand lay-up flanges is also treated.
In the following, a numerical example is given in which an equivalent
internal pressure is calculated using the method of this paper. This equivalent
internal pressure, added to the design pressure of the flange, is used to
calculate the required thickness of the FRP flange, employing both, the Taylor-
Forge method [10] and the method by Blach et al. [11].

5 Numerical example

An FRP flange of 300 mm diameter, dimensionally equivalent to ANSI B16.5,

Class PN-20, is subjected to the following operating conditions:

Design Code ASME BPV Code, Sect. X

Design Pressure 700 kPa
Design Temperature 150" C
Gasket 3 mm compressed asbestos
Flange Material Glass fiber reinforced Phenolic resin
Bending Moment 4,600 N-m
Axial Force 1,200 N
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For the 300 mm, Class PN-20 flange, twelve bolts M-24, with a stress
area of 353 mnf are used on a bolt circle of 432 mm. For an outside diameter
of 485 mm and a full face gasket 92.5 mm wide, "G" is calculated to be 400
mm (see Ref. [1]) and used in (1) to obtain the equivalent internal pressure of
367 kPa. This equivalent pressure is then added to the design pressure and a
combined pressure of 717 kPa is used in the design of the flange.
This total pressure is more than twice the required internal pressure
and, using the design method prescribed in the ASME Code, Section X, the
"Taylor-Forge" method, which, for a design pressure of 350 kPa, requires a
flange thickness of 48 mm. For the combined pressure of 717 kPa, the flange
thickness increases to 56 mm.
However, using the method described in this paper, the following
parameters are obtained:
k = .5048
Cs = 1.898
Cc = 2.011
z = .392
j = .785

Bolt stress, flange bending moment, and equivalent internal pressure

due to the external bending moment are now calculated.

fs = 10.7 MPa
Mb = 1800 N-m
P, = 143 kPa
P = 350 + 143 = 493 kPa

The total internal pressure calculated using the method of this paper
requires a flange thickness of 50 mm in order to remain within the allowable
stresses of the ASME Code.

6 Conclusions

The empirical formula given in the ASME Code, Section III, to convert an
external bending moment into an equivalent internal pressure, does not take
into account the flange geometry, nor the characteristics of the gasket used. In
Reference [9] it was shown that for some standard pipe flanges, the effects of
external bending moments are less than the formula given in the Code;
however, for certain flange geometries, especially for those with a low "K"
value (narrow flanges), the external bending moment may have a greater
influence on the flange than the one calculated using the Code formula.
The design procedure proposed may be used in FRP flange applications
where external bending moments and axial forces are present, be it on pressure
vessels per Section X of the ASME BPV Code, or in the Piping Code ASME-
ANSI B31.3.
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20 Composite Material Technology V

7 References

[1] Blach, A.E. & Bazergui, A.: "Methods of Analysis of Bolted Flanged
Connections - A Review", WRC Bulletin 271, Oct 1981.

[2] Cassidy, L.M. & Kim, T.J.: "Literature Search and Interpretive Study
on the Design of Bolted Flanges with External Loads and Non-Circular
Flanges", Unpublished Report, PVRC, Sep 1979.

[3] ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Pressure Vessels, The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1995 Edition.

[4] ASME-ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping,

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1993

[5] ASME BPV Code, Section X, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure

Vessels, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
1995 Edition.

[6] ASME BPV Code, Section III, Nuclear Power Plant Components,
Division 1, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New
York, 1995 Edition.

[7] ASME-ANSI B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1993 Edition.

[8] Schwaigerer, S.: "Festigkeitsberechnung von Bauelementendes Dampf-

kessel-, Behalter- und Rohrleitungsbaues", Springer Verlag, Berlin-
Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1961.

[9] Blach, A.E : "Bolted Flanged Connections Subjected to Longitudinal

Bending Moments", Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Pres-
sure Vessel Technology, Dusseldorf, Germany, May 1992, pp 81-89.

[10] Anonymous,: "Design of Flanges for Full Face Gaskets" Taylor-Forge

and Pipe Works Inc. (now: Gulf and Western Energy Group),
Engineering Department Bulletin No. 45, Chicago, 1951, 5 pages.

[11] Blach, A.E . - Bazergui, A. - Baldur, A.: "Bolted Flanged Connections

with Full Face Gaskets", Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 314,
May 1986, 13 pages.

[12] Blach, A.E. & Hoa, S.V.: "The Effects of Pull-back in FRP Flanges",
Experimental Techniques, vol.12, no. 11, November 1988, pp 12s -16s.

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