BRO HyperMILL 2014 en
BRO HyperMILL 2014 en
BRO HyperMILL 2014 en
System requirements: Windows 7 (64 bit), DVD capable drive
Software languages: de, en, es, fr, it, nl, cs, pl, ru, sl, pt-br, ja, ko, zh-cn, zh-tw
Whats new?
Dr Josef Koch,
CTO at OPEN MIND Technologies AG
on YouTube
hyper MILL ShopViewer
Until now, for setup preparation only the NC programs were available to machine operators. With the
new hyperMILL ShopViewer, the visualization solution for the workshop, the hyperCAD -S and hyperMILL
data can be visualised directly next to the machine. Now every manufacturing operation can be checked in
detail on the monitor even before the setup begins.
The clearly structured world of CAM programming has a far better connection to the workshop with the
hyperMILL ShopViewer. In this way, the machine operators with their vast knowledge about production
practices can independently view and simulate CAM/CAD processes. This allows a far better understanding
of the actual manufacturing process than before.
Usage area: The hyperMILL
ShopViewer is designed for Target group: Machine operators
quick access in the manufactu- can apply their in-depth manufactu-
ring environment in the post- Familiar operating concept: Thanks ring know-how with the hyperMILL
CAM programming phase. to the hyperMILL operating concept, ShopViewer. Serious mistakes, such
the user can work in his usual inter- as wrong tool choice or unproductive
face. The operation is intuitive, and processes, can be avoided.
the hyperMILL ShopViewer is thus
quick to use.
NOTE: The ShopViewer is currently available for hyperCAD -S.
hyperMILL ShopViewer
General information
hyperMILL quick-start
Only for hyperCAD -S
With the Automatic hyperMILL Start option in hyperCAD -S,
hyperMILL can now be started from a preset value in the prefe-
rences menus.
Start-up button
Users can start even faster with hyperMILL 2014 as there is a new
start-up button in the Add-Ins menu. This menu window allows
the quick and easy setting of all necessary start-up settings, such
as NCS, frame and raw material denitions. When programming a
new model, these are then automatically executed.
The hyperMILL integration in hyperCAD -S oers a very close
link between the toolpath and the hyperMILL job. By hovering
over the toolpath the following toolpath information can be
seen: hyperMILL toolpath -job: [job name]. By double-clicking
on the toolpath the assigned job can now be opened directly.
General information
View manager for hyperMILL browser
The hyperMILL browser now has a view manager to control/
move the browser window (for sample frame, job list, etc.). The
windows can be detached from the browser tabs and individu-
ally arranged or hidden and displayed via the context menu. The
window elements can be simply moved between the hyperMILL
browser windows via drag and drop.
General information
Tool status
Now milling, drilling or turning tools can be linked to the tool
database. The tool database is a central location to safely store
and quickly access tool information.
In the hyperMILL browser tab tools a new column to display
the tool status has been added. In this way, the tools can be
compared quickly and easily with tools in the database.
Tool comparison
Tools that are used in hyperMILL can be compared with the
associated tool from the tool database.
General information
New tool types
The following new types of tools can be used in hyperMILL :
Lens cutter
Measuring probe
(only applies for the cycle 3D point measuring).
Barrel cutters in diverse design forms:
- General barrel cutter
- Tapered barrel cutter
- Tangential barrel cutter
CAM 2D strategies
CAM 3D strategies
3D point measuring
The in-process quality control on the CNC machine tool is
becoming increasingly important. Therefore, with the new 3D
point measuring cycle any 3D points can be easily dened on
component surfaces that are to be measured later with a probe.
The cycle ensures that an NC program is generated with control-
specic subroutine calls for measuring. In addition, all move-
ments are checked for collisions. By starting the NC measuring
program, the machine records the measurement results that can
be evaluated later with a separate program.
CAM 3D strategies
Automatic 3D rest machining
Safe and improved complete machining
when roughing
This improvement allows the automatic detection of rest ma-
terial areas where additional roughing is necessary. Additional
roughing passes are then calculated for these areas.
Through the clip function, only the collision-free areas are con-
sidered on the machining model. Any existing collision-prone
areas are always clearly indicated and can be processed in a
further machining job using a dierent tool, a dierent strategy
or a dierent tool orientation.
Info: hyperMAXX
hyperMAXX is the High Performance Cutting Strategy (HPC) for hyperMILL . The strategy is
based on VoluMill, a proven best-in-class HPC technology from Celeritive Technologies, and
on highly ecient special developments from OPEN MIND. The result: hyperMAXX is one of the
most extensive and most powerful HPC packages for generating trochoidal-like toolpaths.
Using this strategy, it is very easy to generate ideally distributed 2D, 3D and 5axis HPC paths.
This way, CAM programmers can always maximise machine performance.
Learning to work in hyperMAXX did not take long, less than
an hour in fact. Our tool life has improved by 500 per cent
with respect to our components. This is why we believe in doing
everything with hyperMAXX . Its the best way forward!
Roland Mascke, CNC programmer
at Werkzeugbau Gebr. Kemmerich GmbH & Co. KG
CAM 5axis machining
Benet: Can be used for all supported tool types and in all
operations. Undercut machining is possible. More options when
projecting reference toolpaths.
Special applications
Single-blade milling
Feature for automatic single-blade milling
The user interface of the single blade application has been
improved and simplied. The proven method for the selection
of the geometry and to automate the machining of impellers
and blisks is now also available for the machining of blades.
In hyperMILL 2014, the geometry selection is carried out
centrally via a specially designed feature.
Thanks to the full feature support for the turbine blade cycles,
new possibilities open up for the automation of the CAM pro-
cess: Improved user guidance in dening the machining strat-
egy in the platform machining cycle allows targeted machining
of hub or shroud surfaces through simple switching in the user
interface. These are available at all times without re-selection
thanks to the central management of all geometry data in one
feature. The blade point milling cycle has been extended by
the complete machining function that oers an easy way of
nishing the entire blade surface by means of a ball mill.
Feature and macro technology
User-dened variables
Feature recognition
Faster creation of hole features by selecting a reference feature
and the associated parameters.
Benet: More exibility.
Post-processors and simulation
Machine simulation
Machine models for machines with parallel axes can be built in
hyperMILL 2014. The parallel axes can be simulated.
Zoller integration
The Zoller integration in hyperMILL enables fast data exchange
with the Zoller tool management system. To enable the inter-
face, the user must select the Zoller TMS hyperMILL function.
Subsequently tools from hyperMILL can be exported to the
Zoller system, or tools can be imported from the Zoller system
into hyperMILL .
Drilling cycles
Drilling in work planes
With this extension of the 5axis drilling, extremely ecient dril-
ling on highly dynamic and non-highly dynamic 5axis machines
is possible. The new drilling mode allows the denition of the
direction of drilling using workplanes. For dierent workplanes,
relative clearance planes are used according to user specica-
tions and global clearance planes are no longer used.
Info: hyperCAD-S
Every CAM programmer is familiar with the standard CAD tasks such as: Selecting, inserting, deleting, modifying,
showing and hiding points, curves and faces. Users expect top-quality results from the ruled, lling and
oset faces. hyperCAD -S is able to meet these standards. OPEN MIND took extra care when developing the
CAD innovation to adapt the CAD functions to meet the specic needs of CAM programmers.
The powerful hyperCAD -S delivers everything a CAM programmer wants and needs today. OPEN MIND,
known as a pioneer in 5axis CAM machining, has also taken a new approach with hyperCAD -S as it seeks
to deliver the best possible product to its customers.
64-bit multi-application
Top performance
Optimal ergonomics
Highly intuitive
CAD integrations
In hyperCAD -S, the user has the possibility to deform all geometries according to his concepts with
the new deformation module. Through this powerful modication tool, global and local component
areas can be altered in a way which would be very costly with traditional modelling techniques.
Deforming elements
Volumetric deforming
Volumetric deforming
Application areas
Creating complex
Before geometries: Projecting-
ing a 2D logo to a 3D
geometry by volumetric
Volumetric deforming
of a tire mould
Deforming elements:
Starting from start
contours or points, the
selected elements such as
surfaces, curves, points,
point cloud and network
(green) are deformed
to target contours or
points (red). Sections
can also be xed here.
CAD integrations
Chamfer generation
Fast creation of chamfers between two surfaces.
Restore selection
Each command saves the selection of elements and options
when leaving or applying the command. Thus, the previous situ-
ation can be restored quickly if you rerun the command.
CAD integrations
3D dimensions
3D dimensions of distance, angle, diameter, radius and length
can be inserted into hyperCAD -S. Various properties are
available for the dimensioning, which can be clearly arranged
and freely dened via the dimension properties dialogue. The
dimensions can be edited and moved later.
Copy attributes
Using a pipette in the visibility lter, the layer and material can
be picked up directly from several elements in the graphics area
in order to hide or display them.
CAD integrations
Changing line/arc/circle
Export views
The current view can now be easily and quickly exported via the
print le and image export functions.
Besides splines, also lines, arcs and spirals are now represen-
ted as toolpath elements, in order to obtain an exact represen-
CAD integrations
Floating widgets
Tool tip
The tooltip displays properties of an element at the current
cursor position. Now also RGB values, job used, locked item,
command-specic information and custom properties are
With the new coordinate dimensioning, labels with XYZ values
can be attached to a 3D text, based on a selected workplane
and its zero point.
Restricted surface
The limited surface function supports inner curves (islands) in
the perimeter boundaries and trims these areas automatically
from the surfaces.
Headquarters OPEN MIND Technologies AG
Argelsrieder Feld 5 82234 Wessling Germany
Phone: +49 8153 933-500
All rights reserved, OPEN MIND Technologies AG, Wessling, Germany. Last updated July 2014. Subject to modications. No reproduction allowed without the consent of the publisher.
Asia Pacic OPEN MIND Technologies Asia Pacic Pte. Ltd.
33 Ubi Avenue 3 #06-32 Vertex (Tower B)
Singapore 408868 Singapore
Phone: +65 6742 95-56