God Folly of Faith

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God folly of faith

Love to Save on Books, Movies, and Music? Stenger's book is brilliant, and very rarely does a non-fiction book have me feeling entertained i
usually read non-fiction to expand knowledge and not really for entertainment purposes. I can't decide whether to praise this book more highly as
an introductory summary of modern physics or as a cool piece of rationalist apologetics. The discussion of the paranormal also felt unbalanced.
Another point he made is that the simple often becomes complex over eons, not in a straight line, and in many different methods with different
results for different creatures. Correct me if I am wrong. Anderson Science Fiction Paperback Books. Other speakers and authors have amply
covered these matters. Not only do we get the satisfaction that we have annoyed them with a wholly unreadable book, but maybe, just maybe,
they will be persuaded a bit. Write The First Customer Review. Less Detail edit details Friend Reviews To see what your friends thought of this
book, please sign up. Being a particle physicist himself, Stenger dominates these subjects but doesn't quite have the ability of Carl Sagan and
Richard Dawkins to explain complex concepts in an easy to grasp manner to non Great little book. The author makes clear multiple times
throughout the book that the 'folly of faith' is the worldview promoted by religion and mystics; basically, that accepting claims with no evidentiary
basis in reality is unintelligent and ultimately harmful to both the individual and their society, even they feel nice in the short term. It is completely
compatible with both theism and atheism. When belief in ancient myths joins with other negative forces in our society, they hinder the world from
advancing scientifically, economically, and socially at a time when a rapid advancement in these areas is absolutely essential for the survival of
humanity. Sense and Goodness answers all these questions in lavish detail, without complex jargon. I also believe that if you have to raise your
voice to make a point, you lose the argument. There are many more of these beautiful ways in which Stenger wields reason and historical evidence
to refute the idea that science and religion can coexist, but the mind-numbingly boring writing takes the shine off of most of these arguments. And
the reason for that is because at the center of the story of the Christian Faith the Hero dies a horrible death on a cross. This guy is smart but he's
probably an ass and I wouldn't want to have him over for dinner. Can't get enough about books, music, and movies? Christians are unfortunately
not all living up to the standard which God set for them. How can one expect such a frame of mind to result in any special insight? This book
provides compelling evidence of why science is incompatible with religion and why superstitious thinking and blind faith is a threat to our planet and
our lives. Oct 20, Daniel rated it really liked it. No, religion creates these things in us. Buy this book and feed your head! Prior to the twentieth
century there were good reasons to think that the universe could not have come into existence naturally, that a miraculous creation was required
that violated basic laws of physics. Out of curiosity, what philosophical argument for theism got you into Christianity? Rationality is something that
you lack. But why should that be? Him being respectful to the religious would make him an accommodationist, but that is a different discussion
entirely. But at least Stenger comes across as wiser, more civil, and less arrogant than the more in famous of the movement. Nevertheless, science
is not the ultimate answer to everything, as it does not answer moral questions for example. Music Musical Mystery Romance Sci-fi. See details
for delivery est. Hi all, Thank you for all the comments. He also explores controversial topics such as Intelligent Design, the power of prayer,
religion without God, and whether a belief in God makes people happier and healthier. Particles and Waves, 7. I personally rejected atheism for
many reasons. Nevertheless I read his book co-authored with the other person and found it interesting nonetheless. Regardless of your view on
this matter I actually agree with the author , the book was dry, overly didactic, with arguments that were obviously scienti "Marked as finished"
doesn't mean I made it to the end. See what I mean? In the absence of any objective evidence for gods, the rational person will be an atheist.
Similarly, biologists have found no special "vital force" within living organisms that might be associated with a soul. Nevertheless, I thank you for
taking interest in my response.

God and the Folly of Faith: The Incompatibility of Science and Religion
This is completely incompatible with Christianity, which assumes humans are a special creation of God. Did God Cause Hurricane Harvey? Get
insight into what it all means with your daily horoscope. Alibris has millions of books at amazingly low prices. Stenger argues strongly A great many
of the 2 or 3 star reviews here are not given due to the quality of the work, but rather due to personal tastes. Whatever the truth, whether or not
the current warming trend is caused by human activity, surely this finite planet cannot withstand a continuation of humanity's current exponential
growth in population and exploitation of natural resources. Not only the Logos, but also the pathos and ethos with which the logos is expressed.
Regardless of your view on this matter I actually agree with the author , the book was dry, overly didactic, with arguments that were obviously
scienti "Marked as finished" doesn't mean I made it to the end. Stenger is a retired research scientist physics? Not everyone needs to understand
everything about science. I also noted how science can plausibly explain the existence of our universe with no recourse to supernatural, god-in-the-
gaps explanations that are simply religious apologism. In this book, Stenger went through the history of science, and demonstrated why religion
impedes the advancement of science rather than assisting it. The Fundamentals became the nominal and theological foundation for the development
of American Christian Fundamentalism. Dawkins himself recently described himself as an Agnostic on a debate with Cardinal Pell in Australia.
Stenger's tone, in any case, is calm and even; he shows, clearly and thoroughly, why religion and science are incommensurable and why quantum
holism and the like are snake oil. We have only just acquired the right to criticise religion, historically speaking, and there are outright wrongs
needing urgent correction. Agnosticism which is the lack of knowledge about the existence of a God is more tenable. As I read, it became clear
that religion is a tool of corporations, without any regard to morals! No trivia or quizzes yet. Ah yes, the catholic encyclopedia. Mar 26, Dan
Graser rated it it was amazing Shelves: So, the elder turned his gaze to this young man and pressed him to say what he thought. If Stenger were the
only author writing about our cause, we would have to be very worried. I will let Francis Collins scientific achievements and work speak for
themselves. This is a great book and I would recommend it to everyone. While a false belief may be comforting or even temporarily useful, it
cannot be a guide to life or the foundation for a successful society. Such disasters would generate worldwide conflict on a scale that is likely to
exceed that of the great twentieth-century wars, possibly with nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable nations and terrorist groups. May 22, Jim
Whitefield rated it it was amazing. Indeed, the title captures the truth of the matter; such faith is indeed a folly. One of my favorites in which Stenger
goes after souls, prayers, the afterlife, spirits, NDEs near-death experiences, reincarnation A couple of words were misspelled like

God and the Folly of Faith: The Incompatibility of Science and Religion by Victor J. Stenger
This book is thorough and comprehensive, it deserves to be the final closure on this "debate" but I fear will not be. Share god folly of faith stories
and follh with other customers! Thank you for reading all this. These books were distributed free to clergyman across America and apparently
around the world. To our false confidence the cross! This excellent book is composed of the following fourteen chapters: May 16, Robb
Bridson rated it really liked it. His son-in-law, my grandfather, was a Presbyterian minister. We now understand that the existence of cosmic order
does not violate any principles god folly of faith physics. For an argument in favor of atheism, this is oddly empowering and motivational. There is
no need to defend atheism or god folly of faith least agnosticismit is the default position, the null hypothesis, if you will. Stenger makes no apology
for arguing that there's no compatibility between reli Very good read. The buffer is fading! I would start with it if the subject interests you. For the
open-minded seeker, the soft or hardened skeptic, and the believing doubter, this book offers a remarkable range of information that puts to the
test the best arguments of god folly of faith believers. As one fklly the premier rare book sites on the Internet, Alibris has thousands of rare
books, first editions, and signed books available. Although I god folly of faith rolly yet read the book, after seeing a speaking event with Dr. But if
you want to read about it I am sure there are plenty of sources you can consult. Most monotheists believe in deism. But I will aways fooly a
Stenger book to anyone who enjoys learning. Read More A sweeping historical survey that begins with ancient Greek science and proceeds
through the Renaissance and Enlightenment to contemporary advances in physics and cosmology, makes a convincing case that Christianity held
back the progress of science. Stenger's resultant lack of interest. I began reading about life after death and realised it just didn't make sense. Buy
the book faitg read fairh, but read it one chapter a month and take breaks gox happier, easier fare such as A Brief History of Time by Stephen
Hawking. Thomson, god folly of faith highly respected practicing psychiatrist with credentials in forensic psychiatry and evolutionary psychology,
methodically investigates the components and causes of religious belief in the same way any scientist would investigate the movement of
astronomical bodies or the evolution of life over timethat is, as a purely natural phenomenon. For centuries thinkers have argued that the
observed order we see around us is evidence for divine od in the universe. God folly of faith the first to ask a question about God and the Folly
of Faith. Has a small black line on edge of pages. Outdated god-believe is no longer needed to teach us about morality. He had remained follh as
all the other brothers spoke.

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