Reading: Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), "The Bright Side of Being Blue: Depression As An
Reading: Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), "The Bright Side of Being Blue: Depression As An
Reading: Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), "The Bright Side of Being Blue: Depression As An
Hon H 211
Madness and Melancholy
“Madness and Melancholy” rests on the assumption that definitions of madness and
melancholy are, in Roy Porter’s words, “not fixed points but culture-relative.” While
we’ll read some contemporary discussions of how depression and other mental disorders
are treated and defined, the bulk of our reading will consist of literary, medical, and
philosophical accounts of madness and melancholy written from the classical period to
the early seventeenth-century. Our reading will be comparative and we will seek to
understand each account of madness and/or melancholy in the context in which it was
written. Instead of agreement, we will find, in every period, debate and disagreement
about how madness and melancholy should be defined and treated.
While depression and madness are now typically medicalized and pathologized, in other
periods, writers, scientists included, took an approach to melancholy and madness that
was as much, or more, religious, ethical, or philosophical as it was medical. We will see
madness and melancholy sometimes judged positively rather than negatively. We will
read writers defining madness and melancholy in relation to the bodily humors, to
gender, genius, the gods or God, love, parents, power, the planets, reason, and sin. More
often than not, these same writers are more concerned with what it means to live the good
life than they are concerned with what it means to be well. Frequently, the writers we
read are critical of the societies in which they live and of most of the people in those
societies, including those who are wealthy and have power. The class, then, has less to
say about psychology or medicine than it does about religion, moral philosophy, and the
social and political implications of madness and melancholy.
Excerpts on E-Reserve from work by the following writers: [Pseudo] Aristotle, Timothy
Bright, Robert Burton, Erasmus, Marsilio Ficino, Galen, Hildegard of Bingen,
Hippocrates, Ruth Padel, [Pseudo] Hippocrates, Seneca, Johann Weyer. The following
selection of work that illustrates issues central to the contemporary debate about the
diagnosis and treatment of depression: entries from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), “The bright side of being blue: Depression as an
adaptation for analyzing complex problems” by Paul W. Andrews and J. Anderson
Thomson, Jr., essays by Jonah Lehrer and Louis Menand, and a debate between
Christopher Lane and Nassir Ghaemi about, among other topics, the present and future of
8/30 Introduction.
9/1 Padel, Whom Gods Destroy (E). Watters, “The Americanization of Mental
9/6 Euripides, Medea.
9/8 Euripides, Bacchae.
9/13 Plato, Phaedrus. Nehamas & Woodruff, “Introduction.”
9/15 Plato, Phaedrus.
9/20 Hippocrates, “The Sacred Disease”; “The Nature of Man” (E)
9/22 Galen, “The Affections and Errors of the Soul”; “The Soul’s Dependence
on the Body” (E)
9/29 [Pseudo] Hippocrates, Pseudepigraphic Writings (E)
10/4 [Pseudo] Aristotle, Problem XXX (E); Ficino Three Books on Life (E)
10/6 Hildegard of Bingen, Holistic Healing (E); Weyer, Witches, Devils, and
Doctors in the Renaissance (E)
Essay 1 due.
10/11 Class meets at Wells Library.
10/13 Class meets at Lilly Library.
10/18 DSM IV, “Mood Disorders”; “Antisocial Personality Disorder.”
Library Exercise Due.
10/20 Louis Menand, “Head Case.”
DSM IV, “Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder).”
Author Interviews: Christopher Lane.
Nassir Ghaemi. “The power of words: the disorder of ‘disorder.’”
Christopher Lane. “The More Things Change . . . The Uphill Struggle to
Revise and Reform the DSM.”
Nassir Ghaemi. “DSM and disease: Telling the whole truth.”
Christopher Lane. “DSM and Disease: Dr. Ghaemi’s Partial Answer.”
10/25 Andrews & Thomson, “The Bright Side of Being Blue.” Download at
10/27 Jonah Lehrer, Jerry Coyne, and Ed Hagen on Andrews & Thomson. Links
11/3 Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy. (E)
Essay 2 due
11/8 Seneca, On Anger (E); DSM IV, “Borderline Personality Disorder”;
“Intermittent Explosive Disorder”
11/10 Shakespeare, Hamlet. Excerpt from Bright, “Treatise on Melancholy” (E).
Hamlet and melancholy; Hamlet and anger.
11/15 Shakespeare, Hamlet. Excerpt from Erasmus, Praise of Folly (E). Hamlet
and folly.
11/17 Shakespeare, King Lear. Lear and anger.
11/ 22 Shakespeare, King Lear. Lear and folly.
Revised essay due.
11/29 Individual 5 minute presentations of thesis and argument of final essay.
Please provide a 1 page abstract for every member of the class.
11/31 Individual 5 minute presentations of thesis and argument of final essay.
Please provide a 1 page abstract for every member of the class.
12/6 Individual 5 minute presentations of thesis and argument of final essay.
Please provide a 1 page abstract for every member of the class.
12/8 Evaluations
Essay 3 due.
Essay 1 15%
Essay 2 15%
Essay 3 20%
Revised essay 25%
Library research exercise 10%
Class Participation 10%
Essay abstract 5%
• All essays must be exercises in criticism and analysis. Essays will be graded on
form as well as content. I place a great deal of emphasis on writing skills and
only those students with exceptional writing skills can expect to receive an A in
this class.