Educators' Perspectives About Ict Enabled Teaching

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Sibusisiwe Dube
Volume 3 Issue 2, pp. 2146-2158
Date of Publication: 1st November 2017



Sibusisiwe Dube
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

The availability of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education has not
translated to pedagogical use in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), particularly in the
developing nations context where use of ICT based paradigms like e-learning is invisible. This
study investigated the educators perspectives about ICT enabled teaching strategies by
employing quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments. Findings revealed that
despite valuing these strategies, educators have institutional and technological concerns
requiring redress. Contrary to existing literature, generation gap, ICT literacy and individual
values had no effect to the way the cohort perceives ICT based teaching. Instead, universitys
structures, management decision making and the ICT implementation culture were major themes
emerging from this study, as the source of the sporadic ICT utilization that translates to the
second order digital divide, a problem of concern both in theory and practice.
Pedagogy, Information and Communication Technologies; Higher Education Institutions,
Educators Perspectives, Developing Country, Second Order Digital Divide.

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1. Introduction

There is a widespread embrace of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) not

only in business and social spheres, but also in higher education. This trend is attributed to the
reduced cost of ICTs, their ubiquity and the leapfrogging of ICTs particularly in the developing
world. The affordability, availability and ubiquity of ICTs have necessitated their integration in
the teaching and learning practice. Most common ICT enabled paradigms are the electronic
learning, mobile learning, blended learning and cloud learning. Although not originally intended
for teaching and learning, the social media tools have found their way into education. For
instance, YouTube is one such tool that has been effectively used in teaching and learning
(Almoswai & Rashid, 2017), Being key for modernization, personal growth and social
development, educators and students alike are engaging ICTs to enhance teaching and learning in
the preparation of the labour demands and survival skills for the 21st century. ICT based
education equips the current students affectionately known as the Cilliers (2017) Generation Z
learners with the necessary technological Agena (2013) skills to compete and survive in the
global digital environment. It is on this premise that the higher education institutions in the
developing world have been compelled to jump on to the technological wagon and experience
the ICT affordances currently enjoyed by the counterparts in the developed world. More so, one
of the eight millennium goals (MDG)s make emphasis on the need for ICT integration in
education for the betterment of the students future. In the developing Africas higher education
is the brain drain crisis where experts migrate to the developed world in search of greener
pastures, Al-Harbi (2011) increasing the need for ICT enabled teaching and learning as means to
ostensibly ease the strain on the scarce educators in comparison to the increased student
E-learning is the ICT based teaching and learning strategy that has enjoyed popularity in
higher education. It is defined as an ICT based education strategy with the capacity to achieve
pedagogical benefits (Mlitwa, 2007). There are several definitions of e-learning (Njenga, Cyril,
& Fourie, 2010), however, in this research it is defined as the use of telecommunication
technologies to deliver information communicated synchronously or asynchronously through
electronic media (Al-Harbi, 2011). E-learning is a low cost, flexible strategy that facilitates task
collaboration, cooperation, learner centeredness, learning material in various formats, reduced
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negative environmental impacts as well as learning that is time and space independent (Chen &
Tseng, 2012). E-learning is facilitated by Learning Management Systems (LMS) (Martn-blas &
Serrano-fernndez, 2009), a computer software used for creating, managing, delivering and
retrieving course content such as Blackboard, SMILE, MOODLE, Sakai etc. These authors also
show that the LMS have the capacity to handle content in different formats, real-time
interactions, instant feedback, performance evaluation, assessment, communication, content,
administration via the internet.
E-learning system tools can complement face-to-face (f2f) traditional teaching and
learning settings in a blended paradigm form. The intention is to offer pedagogic richness,
flexibility, increased cost-effectiveness, reduction in the need for classrooms, increased
engagement, collaboration and increased higher quality learning (Carbonell, Dailey-hebert, &
Gijselaers, 2013). Pedagogically, e-learning is the art of teaching learners to learn and an active
process of knowledge production, transmission, acquisition and reproduction through activities
(Mayes & Freitas, 2004). It is these affordances that have made both e-learning and LMS
attractive ICT enabled teaching and learning strategies to higher education institutions. Despite
the attractiveness and affordances of such ICT enabled teaching and learning strategies, their
utilization in the developing African countries higher education is still at its infancy (Bhuasiri,
et al., 2012). ICTs are yet to be used for pedagogy in these contexts, nevertheless, Mbengo
(2014) the educators perspectives regarding the ICT enabled teaching are neither known nor
consistent. This is a problem of concern to both practice and theory that is requires attention as
indicated in the section that follows.

2. Problem Statement
The concerns of the developing African countries educators regarding ICT enabled
teaching strategies are scarce in literature (Mbengo, 2014), Despite the affordances of the
ICT enabled teaching strategies like e-learning to provide important tools for the
achievement of pedagogical goals (Heshmatpanah, Ali, & Neyestanak, 2011; Lonn &
Teasley, 2009), their uptake is still low and invisible in comparison to their proliferation,
hence the resultant second order digital divide problem. It is on this background that key
subsequent question is asked.
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2.1. Research Question

The key question answered by this research is:
What are the developing African countrys educators perspectives concerning the
pedagogical value of the ICT enabled teaching and learning strategies
This research question has the potential of establishing the perspectives on the ICT
enabled teaching and learning strategies as told by the educators from the developing African
country context. The perspectives will include their fears, concerns as well as their priorities.
This inquiry was also influenced by Dube and Scott 92014)s earlier study with findings
indicating an insignificant use of e-learning system tools in pedagogy. Similarly, Mcloughlin &
Lee (2007) had noted that the e-learning platforms are not used in accordance with their intended
pedagogical consequences, but rather as course information transmission tools than for pedagogy
converting learners into passive consumers than active participants and co-producers of content.
(Wang et al., 2013) also acknowledge that most educators separate pedagogy from ICTs such as
the e-learning systems when they design courses and they hardly use such platform features to
create interactive learning activities. This research therefore makes an explanatory contribution
that fills the gap currently existing in literature relating to the educators perspectives about ICT
enabled strategies as means for elevating pedagogy, which is scarce (Mbengo, 2014). Such an
insight not only has a practical benefit to the researchers interested in ICT based education, but
also has an empirical benefit to the university management and the current generation of students
who are robbed of the returns from technological investment and frustrated by the ICT
disconnect teaching methods out of synchrony with ICTs respectively. The findings also help the
education management to make informed decisions regarding future technological choices and
implementations that favour both the educators and students alike. It assumes that if the
educators fears and concerns are addressed, then the synergistic relationship between
pedagogies ICT can be established and in turn, the prevailing second order digital divide could
be reduced (Schmid et al., 2014).
It is on this premise that the research yielded the proceeding results after qualitative and
quantitative data were collected based on questions guided by the morphogenetic approach.

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3. Methodology

A mixed data collection and analysis approach was employed in this study not only for
complementary purpose, but also to increase the validity of collected data. Thirty paper-based
questionnaires were distributed to the educators currently teaching one of Zimbabwes sixteen
state universities. Since three of the thirty questionnaires had missing entries and outliers, only
twenty-seven successfully completed questionnaires satisfied the data cleaning process,
achieving a 90% response rate. The educators were randomly selected from the purposively
sampled departments in six faculties. Follow up interviewees were conducted with five educators
who voluntarily participated and found no offence in having their responses recorded on a voice
recorder. The qualitative research approach enabled the capture of the educates lived
experiences with the ICT enabled teaching strategy. This was done to evaluate the validity as
well as to achieve clarity, completeness and complementarity of the data collected through
questionnaires, While the quantitative data were analyzed on a statistical package of social
sciences (SPSS), qualitative data were analyzed on an ATLAS ti, yielding the results discussed
in the subsequent section.

4. Findings and discussion

The research findings denote the several educators concerns regarding both the choice
and implementation of the institutional e-learning system. The findings show that these concerns
are because of the interplay between institutional structures and educators the focal intended e-
learning system users. This is contrary to the upward conflation theories with a belief in
voluntarism where educators are considered the major players in the underutilization of e-
learning systems through their negative attitude and low efficacy towards the technology. This
also contradicts the deterministic school of thought, which believes that the underutilization of
ICTs like e-learning systems is determined by solely the learning institution structures.
From the findings, it is neither the institutional structures nor individual educators alone
who are the source of e-learning systems pedagogically concerns. It is however the relationship
between these two structures which are of concern since their separate properties condition the

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

continued use or the abandonment of the e-learning system tools. In this regard, we found that
the case study institution, a university of science and technology has made all necessary efforts
to make sure that the e-learning system tools and the compatible devices are available for use in
pedagogy. This is in addition to the affordability of both the computing devices and the e-
learning systems technology that have reduced costs and open source respectively. The main
issue of concern then is usability, which is also neither emanating from self-efficacy nor negative
attitude as depicted in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Educators attitude towards e-learning system
Attitude Number of Educators Valid percent
Positive attitude to ICT 24 88.9
enabled teaching
Negative attitude to ICT 3 11.1
enabled teaching
Total 27 100.0

Table 1.1 depicts that the surveyed educators value e-learning system in pedagogy. What
is puzzling being the contradiction between e-learning system availability and usability as
revealed in Dube & Scott (2014)s findings that an insignificant number of the educators
frequently integrate the e-learning system tools into the teaching practice contrary to the verified
pedagogical benefits of ICT enabled teaching, which is well documented in literature (Soong,
Chuan, & Chai, 2001).
When asked if the educators were ICT literate, they resoundingly professed both
computer and digital literacy. Of the twenty-seen respondents, 95% were confident of the ICT
literacy while only 5% confessed to their computer and digital illiteracy since they lacked the
skills required for the effective use of ICTs teaching. Figure 1 shows the ICT skills level of the
educators on a scale from Excellent ICT skills to no ICT skills.

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Figure 1 Educators ICT literacy skills

As shown in Figure 1, the educators perceptions and use of ICTs is not influenced by
ICT skills and literacy. This is contrary to previous ICT acceptance studies indicating that the use
of ICTs is influenced by the level of ICT skills differentiated by the generation gap. For instance,
Prensky (2001) argues that the educators teaching at the universities qualify in the class of digital
immigrants as opposed to the current generation of students they teach who passionately termed
the digital natives due to their comfortably use of digital technologies. Prensky justifies this
generation gap based on the presumed lack of ICT skills and digital illiteracy of the older
generation of educators who are considered digital immigrants because they were born prior to
However, our findings contradict this view since Table 1.2 depicts 95% of the digital
skilled and ICT literate educators lie in the so called digital immigrant category, but they are the
same cohort who have tried to integrate the institutions e-learning system tools more than the
younger educators in the digital native category. Both the digital immigrants and natives alike
are no longer integrating ICTs in teaching, particularly the institutional e-learning system,
despite their digital skills and ICT literacy an indication of the existence of underlying issues.

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Table 1.2 Age versus the use of the e-learning system in teaching
Age related use of the e-learning system Sakai Use Total
Yes No
Count 5 4 9
% within Sakai Use 33.3% 36.4% 34.6%
Count 4 5 9
% within Sakai Use 26.7% 45.5% 34.6%
Count 5 2 7
% within Sakai Use 33.3% 18.2% 26.9%
Count 1 0 1
% within Sakai Use 6.7% 0.0% 3.8%
Count 15 11 26
% within Sakai Use 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Table 1.2 shows that of the twenty-seven respondents, fifteen have tried to integrate the
institutional e-learning system in their teaching practice. However, although equipped with ICT
skills, these educators; have since stopped integrating the ICTs in their teaching practice, an
indication that something is not right. Whatever the issue is, it does not affect the so called
digital immigrants alone but also the digital natives since in Table 1.2, only 33.3% of the
educators who attempted the e-learning system are the presumed digital natives while 66.7% are
the digital immigrants. This is evidence of that no correlation exists between age and the positive
attitude towards the ICT enabled teaching.
Per the results in Table 1.2, 71.4% and 100% of the educators in the age categories 46-55
years and 56-65 years respectively actively engage the e-learning tools into the teaching practice
while 55.6% and 44.4% in the 26-35 years and 36-45 years age groups are using the e-learning
system tools in teaching. The analysis of the collected quantitative data demonstrates that the
educators neither fear nor despise the effectiveness of the e-learning system tools in education.
Nonetheless the qualitative data has evidence of the concerns emanating from the interplay
between individual educators and the institutional structures which appears to be an influential
factor of concern as it has the capacity to enable or constrain the use of the available institutional
e-learning system. For example, the respondents indicated that they preferred MOODLE to the
Sakai, LMS, the current choice of the institution. the respondents were concerned about the
rigidness of the Sakai as opposed to the flexible features of the MOODLE LMS. Sakai, an LMS
that was implemented without prior consultation with the concerned educators, the LMS was not
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properly customized and crushes frequently due to its failure to handle multi users. This disrupts
teaching and learning, mainly the online tests and quizzes. The LMS was also criticized for
missing a feature to stream audio and video lessons. All these problems are attributed to the
managements top down approach in both the choice and implementation of the institutional
Sakai LMS, without consultation, hence the conflict leading to the refrained usage of the
technological investment.
Another issue of concern regarded the quality and adequacy training on how to use the
institutional e-learning system. While the institution schedules training program for the educators
on how to use the institutional choice of e-learning system in pedagogy, the respondents
indicated that this is not adequate as shown in table 1.3.

Table 1.3 Adequacy of e-learning system training

Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 69.8 74.0 74.0

Valid Yes 24.5 26.0 100.0

Total 94.3 100.0

Another issue of concern regarded the quality and adequacy of training on how to use the
institutional e-learning system. While the institution schedules training program for the educators
on how to use the institutional choice of e-learning system in pedagogy, the respondents
indicated that this is not adequate as shown in table 1.3. In addition to the training is the lack of
user manual concern. Per the educators. Neither a user manual is nor online help is accessible to
educators for guiding them use the institutional e-learning system manipulation or to solve
encountered challenges. Furthermore, it takes time to get help from the department responsible
for manning the e-learning system. However, per the institution authorities, there is a training
program scheduled for once at the end of each semester during the vacation, which has always
been characterized by low turn up. Accordingly, a user manual is also available as a soft copy for
those who request for it. However, there is a shortage of staff to respond to the educators
problems with the e-learning system.
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The educators were also concerned about the lack of recognition through incentives to
motivating frequently and effective integration of the e-learning system tools in the teaching
practice. However other educators indicated that they effectively taught through the traditional
face-to-face mode than the ICT enabled one and therefore indicated that forcing the latter on
them violated their academic freedom. In this regard, one educator had this to say:
when physically present in the classroom during a lecture, I can observe each student to
identify the signs of confusion or misunderstanding and further elaborate to such ones so that
they move at the same pace with the rest of the class.
Similar sentiments were acknowledged by another educator asserting that
credibility is lost if students must operate on their own without the presence of the
educator particularly when taking assessments because you will not be sure if you are
assessing the actual student or a colleague did it on their behalf.. Although in the
research findings is evidence of the high value attached by the educators to ICT enabled
teaching, several concerns have been raised that constrain the educators successful
integration of ICTs in teaching and learning within the learning institutions of a
developing country.

5. Conclusion

The research quantitative and qualitative data revealed that despite having positive attitude
towards e-learning as a pedagogical tool, they however had concerns that needed immediate
redress. These included e-learning system selection, implementation, training, user support, lack
of incentives, user manual and academic freedom. From their perspectives, these concerns are
biased towards blaming the institutional structures. The educators sentiments are acknowledged
in Vehovar, et al., (2006) suggesting that nonusers of ICTs would be more willing to engage
with new technology if their assumptions, fears, and preconceived ideas about ICTs are properly
addressed. However, our analysis indicates that not only the institutional structures but also
agential structures (educators) have a major role to play in either promoting or resisting the
integration of e-learning system tools in pedagogy.

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The study was limited in scope. The sample size was too small to make valid generalizations.
Twenty-seven educators are an insignificant number in comparison with the population of more
than four hundred educators. It is also possible that the random sample of educators who
participated in the study share similar perspectives of the IT based teaching that are different
from those educators who did not participate in the research. Furthermore, the perspectives and
beliefs of five educators who were interviewed are not representative of what can be called the
shared meanings of the educators lived experiences with the ICTs.
5.2.Further work
The preceding limitations would need to be addressed by conducting a study on the
perspectives of the developing African countries educators perspectives of ICT based teaching
that are drawn from not only a larger sample size, but also from multiple cases to achieve more
valid generalization.
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