Wiccan Gods and Goddesses List
Wiccan Gods and Goddesses List
Wiccan Gods and Goddesses List
Article Celebrating the Sacred Masculine. This theme of a female messiah and of female empowerment in general and enlightened equality may
well have inspired the Aradia legends. According to the most common traditions, Hekate was originally a Thracian deity whoas both a Titan
and the daughter of Zeus, had power over the heavens and Earth. Also remove everything in this list from your library. Remove them from Saved?
These different symbols are often incorporated into clothing and jewellery or crafted into ritual objects. She writes in a very friendly, approachable
style, using her personal knowledge of practicing Wicca to teach others. Wiccan Goddesses are part of the nature orientated religion followed by a
diverse group of modern witches and some pagan groups. Later, they attached him to Herne, a trickster from medieval legends. She and her fellow
witches bestow prosperity to the generous, and deny their blessings to the miserly who left nothing. Writer Lizanne Henderson notes how both
church and state, fearful of nonconformity, aligned to combat any source of unofficial empowerment possessed by the common people. She was
originally worshiped on the Tifata Mountain and in sacred forests. Sign up to vote on this title. Its authenticity was in dispute right from the
beginning, but it has since become a wildly popular foundational Wiccan document. List All About Brighid. Article Diana, Roman Goddess of the
Hunt. Discover the Hindu Goddess Kali. Article Disposal of Ritual Offerings. Each spoke represents a different festival known as a Sabbat. In this
symbol the Maiden represents expansion, new beginnings and youth. Close Dialog This title now requires a credit Use one of your book credits to
continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Meet some of the gods and goddesses found in contemporary traditions. Screen
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These witches were granted these powers by the great feminine spirits known as the Orisha. Oya is the oldest sister to the goddesses Yemaya and
Oshun, and she is considered the crone figure in this trilogy of feminine goddesses. List The Greek God Pan. Traditionally Samhain is linked to the
Crone Goddesses , they embody the wisdom of the ancients and represent death and rebirth. Another popular Goddess symbol is the spiral,
reflecting the expansive and cyclical nature of the divine feminine. Article The Egyptian God Horus. According to tradition, Aradia is either an
Italian witch or a goddess come down to Earth. Because of this, Nicneven played a significant role in the ensuing witch trialssuspects would
often name her as the entity that induced them to witchcraft. One of the most important sabbats is known as Samhain, the Witch's New Year, this
is traditionally celebrated on October 31st or November 1st of each year. Close Dialog Are you sure? Article Cernunnos - Wild God of the
Forest. Are you sure you want to delete this list? In Scotland, witch hunts became increasingly entangled with traditional Wiccan worship, as
Christianity struggled to end paganism. Whilst many Wiccans adhere to the dualistic approach to the divine, the energies of the Goddess are often
further divided to reflect many different feminine archetypes taken from Goddess myths from around the world. Article Profile of Nemesis. As the
goddess of light, she represented the Moon, supplanting the goddess Luna in that role. Cerridwen and Taliesin are linked to Arthurian legend, with
the latter thought by some to be Merlin. For a better experience, please download the original document and view it in the native application on
your computer. In their efforts to stamp out paganism, the Romans first associated him with their god Mercury. For more information on other
Goddesses that are linked to this time of year go to the Spring Goddesses section of this site. It is essentially a dualistic belief system where the
male and female energies are worshipped in balance. Is it any wonder that, even today, Hekate is considered to be the undisputed goddess of
witchcraft? Hecate - Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon Hestia - Greek Goddess of the hearth and
domestic life Hel - Norse Goddess daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead Hera - Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of
women, and of marriage Inanna - Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare Isis - Egyptian Mother Goddess, matron of nature and
magick, Goddess of creativity and the underdog Ishtar - Mesopotamian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and war Juno - Roman Queen of the
Gods and Goddess of matrimony. She later became associated with Hekate and was known as a goddess of the dead. Article The Greek
Goddess Hecate. This is a time when the great mother Goddess gives birth to the new Sun God. Cerridwen gave birth to two children: It took the
help of the god Hermes to defeat her spells and free Odysseus from her grasp.
List of Deities
Traditionally the Wiccan Goddesses are further split into three different aspects known as the triple goddess, reflecting the mother, maiden and
crone. Yule logs are burnt with the ashes scattered on the fields to fertilize the ground. She is a fierce warrior who protects women and is
associated with change. Article Disposal of Ritual Offerings. This duality of the divine is reflected in the structure of many covens which are jointly
headed by the high priest and priestess. Traditionally Samhain is linked to the Crone Goddesses , they embody the wisdom of the ancients and
represent death and rebirth. Some even think that her cauldronsymbolizing knowledge and rebirthwas the original Holy Grail. Samhain is
also known as The Day of the Dead. These witches were granted these powers by the great feminine spirits known as the Orisha. Worship of
Cernunnos goes way backit is believed that cults devoted to him existed in prehistory along with the earliest goddess figures in Celtic
mythology. Discover the Hindu Goddess Kali. Discover who they were and whether any of them deserved that title. Eventually, her followers
branched out from Greece and Rome and began to encompass much of the Old World. Is it any wonder that, even today, Hekate is considered to
be the undisputed goddess of witchcraft? List Gods and Goddesses of War and Battle. Look him up on Facebook and keep an eye out for his
articles on Listverse. The sect itself was characterized by social and gender equalitythey even elected their chief, a woman named Maifreda da
Pirovano, as their female pope. Use one of your book credits to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Article Pagan
Offerings to the Gods. She was also a fertility goddess who assisted in childbirth, nursing, and healing. One of the most powerful Orisha was
Oyathe goddess of storms, winds, rainbows, and thunder, as well as a water goddess of the Niger River. The Wiccan year is often illustrated
as a wheel with eight spokes. If you are new to Goddess spirituality or Wicca and want to develop a stronger connection to the Wiccan
Goddesses, please use the lists of goddesses and archetypes on this site to identify which individual resonates most strongly with you and your
current goal. She was known to turn the men she came across into animals, with their minds intact so as to fully appreciate their predicament. The
Goddess of love is a title given to many ancient Goddesses. Article Priapus, God of Lust and Fertility. For more information on other Goddesses
that are linked to this time of year go to the Spring Goddesses section of this site. In , author and folklorist Charles LeLand published Aradia: The
earliest depictions of him were found in northern Italy, but he was primarily worshiped throughout Gaul by names now lost, spreading throughout
Celtic Britain and into Ireland. She herself too wanders about with the souls of the dead, and her approach is announced by the whining and
howling of dogs. Leonard can also take on the forms of a bloodhound, a black bird, or a tree trunk with a gloomy face. List Gods of the Ancient
Greeks. Mother Holle , the Nordic Goddess is associated with evergreen plants. He also has a face on his posterior, which witch hunters claimed
existed so witches could kiss it in adoration during their evil gatherings. While some traditions of Wicca and Paganism honor an all-encompassing
"The God" or "The Goddess", others worship specific deities. Article Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt. Hecate - Greek Goddess of witchcraft
and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon Hestia - Greek Goddess of the hearth and domestic life Hel - Norse Goddess daughter of Loki
and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead Hera - Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of women, and of marriage Inanna - Sumerian Goddess of
sexual love, fertility, and warfare Isis - Egyptian Mother Goddess, matron of nature and magick, Goddess of creativity and the underdog Ishtar -
Mesopotamian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and war Juno - Roman Queen of the Gods and Goddess of matrimony. The Yoruba, for example,
believed that some witches called aje would transform themselves into birds and fly by night to practice magic far from prying eyes. A fearsome
goddess who represents death, destruction and liberation. Circe was the Greek goddess of metamorphosis and illusion. Article Herne, God of the
Wild Hunt. Cerridwen and Taliesin are linked to Arthurian legend, with the latter thought by some to be Merlin. Article Mars, Roman God of War.
She later became associated with Hekate and was known as a goddess of the dead. Despite his plain-sounding name and lack of divinity, Leonard
is the demon inspector-general of sorcery, black magic, and witchcraft. Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our daily or weekly newsletter so
you don't miss out on our latest lists. For a better experience, please download the original document and view it in the native application on your
computer. And perhaps most famously, Circe was the goddess who fell in love with Odysseus after he and his crew landed on her island home of
Aeaea. Celtic , Nordic , Greek and Roman Goddesses are most frequently but not exclusively used. It took the help of the god Hermes to defeat
her spells and free Odysseus from her grasp. Article Taliesin, Chief of the Welsh Bards. The days begin to lengthen once more and the fertility
Goddess is awoken after her long winter sleep. These different symbols are often incorporated into clothing and jewellery or crafted into ritual
objects. In their efforts to stamp out paganism, the Romans first associated him with their god Mercury. This date represents the end of summer
and the final harvest. She was originally worshiped on the Tifata Mountain and in sacred forests. Article The Egyptian Goddess Ma'at. Whilst many
Wiccans adhere to the dualistic approach to the divine, the energies of the Goddess are often further divided to reflect many different feminine
archetypes taken from Goddess myths from around the world. Apples are a sacred fruit for Wiccans as when you cut across them horizontally the
pips form a five sided star known as the pentacle. According to tradition, Aradia is either an Italian witch or a goddess come down to Earth.