Test Paper: Name: Date: ..................... Grade: 1p Of. Teacher: Agoston Carmen

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Name: Time: ...

Date: ..................... Mark:

Grade: 1p of.

Teacher: Agoston Carmen

Test paper

1). Faceti legatura intre cele 2 coloane. (10x0.10p= 1p)

1. mama a. father

2. bunic b. baby

3. frate c. parents

4. parinti d. mother

5. familie e. grandmother

6. tata f. uncle

7. bebelus g. grandfather

8. verisor h. brother

9. unchi i. aunt

10. bunica j. family

k. cousin

2). Scrieti urmatoarele numere in engleza. (10x0.10p= 1p)

a. 3 = f. 15 =

b. 8 = g. 19 =

c. 5 = h. 26 =

d. 11 = i. 47 =

e. 13 = j. 81 =
3). Alegeti varianta scrisa correct, a cuvintelor urmatoare. (10x0.10p= 1p)

1. maimuta= monkey/manckey

2. fluture = baturfly/butterfly

3. vaca = couw/cow

4. sarpe = snake/sneick

5. vulpe = focx/fox

6. oaie = sheep/seehp

7. veverita = squirrel/squirell

8. ratusca = dakcling/duckling

9. stea de mare = fish-star/starfish

10. buburuza = laydybird/ladybird

4). Scrieti urmatoarele numere in limba engleza: (5x0.14p= 0.7p)

a. 391 =

b. 705 =

c. 413 =

d. 2005 =

e. 8765 =

5).Alegeti din lista urmatoare 10 ingrediente necesare pentru o supa, si traduceti-le in

limba romana. (10x0.10p= 1p)

Crocodile ..., cabbage ., strawberry.,

monkey.., shoe., fish.., carrot,
lettuce, bananas.., onion,pig...,
peas, corn., pear, lemon..,
mushroom, eggplant, garlic,
tomatoes.. , cucumber .., radish..

6). Scrieti denumirile animalelor in limba engleza sub fiecare imagine. (23x0.10p= 2.3p)

.. .. ..

. . ..

. . ..
7). Colorati fructele si legumele dupa cum se specifica./ Scrieti culoarea fructelor si
legumelor: (10x0.10p= 1p)

orange and green red, brown and green green and yellow

Purple and green brown and white orange green

brown green and pink green and brown

8). Exercitiu oral: Pronuntarea in limba engleza a 10 cuvinte alese de profesor din
caietul elevului. (10x0.10p= 1p)

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