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Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351

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A collaborative game-based learning approach to improving students learning

performance in science courses
Han-Yu Sung a, Gwo-Jen Hwang b, *
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 43, Sec. 4, Keelung Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 43, Sec. 4, Keelung Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a collaborative game-based learning environment is developed by integrating a grid-based
Received 26 May 2012 Mindtool to facilitate the students to share and organize what they have learned during the game-
Received in revised form playing process. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an experiment has been con-
14 November 2012
ducted in an elementary school natural science course to examine the students performance in terms of
Accepted 29 November 2012
their learning attitudes, learning motivation, self-efcacy and learning achievements. From the experi-
mental results, it is found that the Mindtool-integrated collaborative educational game not only benets
the students in promoting their learning attitudes and learning motivation, but also improves their
Teaching/learning strategies
Elementary education learning achievement and self-efcacy owing to the provision of the knowledge organizing and sharing
Cooperative/collaborative learning facility embedded in the collaborative gaming environment.
Interactive learning environments 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

In recent years, various issues of educational computer games have been widely discussed owing to the rapid advancement of computer
and multimedia technologies (Hwang & Wu, 2012). Researchers have indicated that educational computer games could be an effective way
of providing a more interesting learning environment for acquiring knowledge (Cagiltay, 2007; Papastergiou, 2009; Tzn, Ylmaz-Soylu,
Karakus, Inal, & Kzlkaya, 2009). Several studies have reported that educational computer games could enhance students learning
interest and motivation (Burguillo, 2010; Dickey, 2011; Ebner & Holzinger, 2007; Harris & Reid, 2005; Liu & Chu, 2010). Hwang, Sung, Hung,
Yang, and Huang (2012) further indicated that well-designed educational computer games might have great potential for improving the
learning achievements of students.
Although computer educational games seem to be a promising approach, researchers have pointed out that, without proper design,
negative impacts of employing digital game-based learning approaches could occur, such as poor learning outcomes and increasing the
players self-alienating behaviors (Hong, Cheng, Hwang, Lee, & Chang, 2009; Hwang, Sung, Hung, & Huang, 2012; Provenzo, 1992).
Kickmeier-Rust and Albert (2010) indicated that one great challenge of developing educational computer games is to provide support and to
guide the learners while keeping the balance between learning and gaming, and between challenge and individual learners abilities. The
study of Charsky and Ressler (2011) further conrmed this point via conducting a learning activity using a computer game. Therefore, it is
important to provide suitable learning support when employing computer games in education.
Among various computer-supported learning tools, Mindtools have been recognized as being an effective tool for helping students
interpret and organize their knowledge (Chu, Hwang, Tsai, & Tseng, 2010; Peng et al., 2009). Jonassen (2000) has indicated that Mindtools
are computer applications that engage students in critical thinking about the content they are studying when used for representing
knowledge. Hwang, Sung, Hung, Yang, et al. (2012) have further reported that grid-based Mindtools are suitable for helping students
organize knowledge for identifying and differentiating a set of learning targets.
In this study, a collaborative educational computer game is developed based on a grid-based Mindtool which aims to guide students to
organize knowledge collaboratively for differentiating a set of target plants for the subject unit Identifying the plants on the school campus

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 886 915396558.

E-mail addresses: hanyu.sung@gmail.com (H.-Y. Sung), gjhwang.academic@gmail.com, gjhwang@mail.ntust.edu.tw (G.-J. Hwang).

0360-1315/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
44 H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351

of an elementary school natural science course. An experiment has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach
via investigating the following research questions:

1. Do the students who learn with the Mindtool-assisted collaborative game-based learning approach show better learning achievements
than those who learn with a conventional collaborative learning approach and those who learn with an individual Mindtool-assisted
game-based learning approach?
2. Do the students who learn with the Mindtool-assisted collaborative game-based learning approach show better learning attitudes
toward science than those who learn with a conventional collaborative learning approach and those who learn with an individual
Mindtool-assisted game-based learning approach?
3. Do the students who learn with the Mindtool-assisted collaborative game-based learning approach show higher learning motivation
than those who learn with a conventional collaborative learning approach and those who learn with an individual Mindtool-assisted
game-based learning approach?
4. Do the students who learn with the Mindtool-assisted collaborative game-based learning approach show higher efcacy of group
learning than those who learn with a conventional collaborative learning approach and those who learn with an individual Mindtool-
assisted game-based learning approach?

2. Literature review

2.1. Educational computer games

Games have been dened by researchers as an immersive, voluntary and enjoyable activity in which a challenging goal is pursued
according to agreed-upon rules (Kinzie & Joseph, 2008). Prensky (2001) pointed out that combining games with educational objectives
could not only trigger students learning motivation, but also provide them with interactive learning opportunities. Kickmeier-Rust and
Albert (2010) further indicated that the nature of utilizing educational computer games is that playing games is one of the most natural
forms of learning. Children learn to talk by playing with sounds, and they learn collaboration and strategic thinking when playing games. In
the past decade, many studies concerning educational computer games have been conducted. For example, Burguillo (2010) presented
a framework for implementing competition-based learning to motivate students and increase their learning performance. In the meantime,
Watson, Mong, and Harris (2010) presented the in-class use of an educational game-based learning in a high school history class and found
that the use of the game-based learning approach resulted in a shift from a traditional teacher-centered learning environment to a student-
centered environment in which the students were much more active and engaged.
In addition, several studies have shown that educational computer games can also enhance the learning motivation and learning
performance of students (Ebner & Holzinger, 2007; Harris & Reid, 2005; Papastergiou, 2009; Wang & Chen, 2010). For example, Huang,
Huang, and Tschopp (2010) surveyed 264 undergraduate students after playing an online game, and found a potential relationship
between intrinsic motives and extrinsic rewards. Inal and Cagiltay (2007) further investigated the ow experiences of children in an
interactive social game environment, and found that the challenge and complexity elements of the games had a greater effect on the
childrens ow experiences than did clear feedback. Dickeys study (2011) investigated the impact of narrative design in a game-based
learning environment and found that intrinsic motivation, curiosity and plausibility all beneted from the game-like environment. In
the meantime, the study of Brom, Preuss, and Klement (2011) showed that the game-playing approach had a signicantly better effect on
students knowledge retention and perceived educational value than the traditional instruction. Recently, Chang, Wu, Weng, and Sung
(2012) found that students revealed more ow experience and better problem-solving performance with a game-based learning
approach in comparison with the traditional instruction.
Bourgonjon, Valcke, Soetaert, De Wever, and Schellens (2011) further developed and validated a path model to explain and predict
parental acceptance of video games in the classroom. It was found that 59% of the variance in parents preference for video games could be
explained by the model comprising hypotheses about learning opportunities, subjective norms, perceived negative effects of gaming,
experience with video games, personal innovativeness, and gender. It can be seen that educational computer games are considered as
a potential way of learning, and the relevant issues have attracted much attention from researchers.

2.2. Collaborative learning

Learning collaboratively not only enables students to learn the spirit of respecting others, but also facilitates their learning performance
(Kuo, Hwang, & Lee, 2012; Schellens & Valcke, 2005). Through the process of collaboration and brainstorming in a collaborative learning group,
students are able to efciently receive a large amount of information, which is helpful to them in generating new ideas for completing learning
tasks (Lipponen, 2002). Consequently, researchers have indicated that attention should be paid not only to the use of new technological
solutions, but also to collaborative learning methods in order to develop students skills for their future careers (Hamalainen, 2008).
In the past decade, many studies concerning collaborative educational computer games have been conducted. For example, Delucia,
Francese, Passero, and Tortora (2009) conducted an experiment involving university students aimed at evaluating Second Life synchro-
nous distance lectures in the proposed learning environment. The results revealed that the virtual environment successfully supported
synchronous communication and social interactions, while the tutors and the teacher noted that the students were really motivated. Huang,
Liu and Wu (2011) found that the learning achievements supported by cooperative and collaborative online game-type computer assisted
learning systems were signicantly better than those of conventional approaches. Hummel et al. (2011) examined how learning outcomes
from playing educational computer games could be enhanced by including scripted collaboration. The experimental result showed that the
collaborative learning approach signicantly enhanced the quality of the learning outcomes. Meanwhile, Snchez and Olivares (2011)
presented the results of conducting a series of learning activities with the mobile game-based learning approach for fostering the
problem-solving and collaborative skills of students. The experimental results showed that the approach signicantly contributed to the
learning improvements of the students.
H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351 45

Furthermore, researchers have also attempted to propose guidelines or frameworks for designing collaborative games. For example,
Villalta et al. (2011) proposed guidelines for developing Classroom Multiplayer Presential Games (CMPG), which are conducted on a screen
projected at the front of the classroom through which the students interact with the virtual world and among themselves in the shared
space. In a CMPG activity, individual players have their own input devices for controlling the representative characters within the game. In
the meantime, Triantafyllakos, Palaigeorgiou, and Tsoukalas (2011) presented a framework for conducting game design activities that
engage students in designing educational computer games collaboratively. They expected that the proposed framework could simplify the
development and employment of effective and efcient collaborative game design sessions in educational settings. Hwang, Wu, and Chen
(2012) further reported that promoting interactions among students during the gaming process is helpful to students in improving their
learning performance. From these studies, it can be concluded that collaborative learning has been recognized by researchers as one of the
potential approaches for developing educational computer games.

3. Collaborative educational computer game with a grid-based Mindtool

Jonassen (2000) indicated that the process of developing expert systems (i.e., intelligent computer programs that use knowledge from
domain experts and inference procedures to simulate the decision-making behaviors of domain experts), results in deep understanding
owing to the provision of an intellectual environment that demands the renement of domain knowledge. Such a knowledge acquisition
and organization process has been called knowledge engineering (Chu & Hwang, 2008). That is, involving students in the knowledge
engineering process helps them make explicit their own interpretations and reasoning, and further engages them in higher order thinking.
In this study, a well-known knowledge engineering approach, the repertory grid method, is adopted to serve as a collaborative
knowledge construction tool of a game-based learning activity. The repertory grid method originated from the Personal Construct Theory
proposed by Kelly (1955). This method has been recognized by various studies as being an effective tool for helping domain experts organize
the differentiating knowledge for developing expert systems (Edwards, McDonald, & Young, 2009). Recently, it has been adopted by several
studies as a learning tool for helping students collect and organize the knowledge related to the learning targets (Chu, Hwang, & Tsai, 2010;
Hwang, Chu, Lin, & Tsai, 2011).
A repertory grid can be viewed as a matrix, in which the columns represent elements (i.e., concepts to be learned or learning targets to be
identied) and the rows represent the constructs for identifying the elements. A construct consists of a trait and the opposite of that trait. A
5-scale rating mechanism is often employed for representing the relationships between the elements and the constructs, where 1
represents that the element is highly inclined to the trait, while 5 represents highly inclined to the opposite (Chu et al., 2010). An
illustrative example of a repertory grid for identifying a set of learning targets (i.e., the plants on the school campus of an elementary school
natural science course) is given in Table 1.
In this study, a Repertory grid-Assisted Collaborative Educational Game (RACEG) is developed, as shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two
subsystems, that is, the collaborative educational computer game developed with RPG Maker, a role-playing game-development tool
published by Enterbrain Incorporation, and the collaborative knowledge construction system developed with Google Sites, which is
a structured collaborative system-development tool offered by Google. The former contains a learning material module and a learning-
guiding module. The latter is a web-based collaborative learning environment that assists students in organizing knowledge in the form
of a repertory grid based on what they have learned from the game and their discussions with peers.
Fig. 2 shows the collaborative educational computer game-based learning environment of this study. The role-playing game is concerned
with a story of an ancient kingdom in which the people are infected by poisoned water in a river. After studying some ancient medical books, the
king nds that several plants might be the key to curing his people. Therefore, he decides to look for the plants, which are in fact the plants to be
identied and differentiated in the selected subject unit of the elementary school natural science course. Such an approach has been adopted by
several studies in developing computer education games for natural science courses (Brom et al., 2011; Hwang, Sung, Hung, & Huang, 2012).
During the learning process, the students play the role of the king to nd the target plants. They need to nd the detailed information in
the game during the game-playing process. In addition, there are several barriers that prevent the students from taking the plants, including
a maze, a misty forest, and tests set by fairies to ensure that the king has the knowledge of using the plants to help his people. Once the
players collect all of the data about a plant and pass the relevant tests set by the fairies, they are allowed to proceed to the next level of the
game. If the students fail to pass the tests, the fairy will give them some hints or illustrative examples. Following the storyline of the game,
the students can collect the information needed to develop their repertory grid collaboratively via discussing with their peers, and modify
the repertory grid via a shared interface.

4. Experiment design

To evaluate the effectiveness of the innovative approach, an experiment was conducted on an elementary school natural science course
to compare the learning achievements and the attitudes of the students who participated in the learning activity with different learning

Table 1
Illustrative example of a repertory grid.

Construct Trait Elements Opposite

Mexican Petunia Benjamin g Pachira nut

Leaf edge Neat 3 1 1 Jagged
Leaf apex Sharp 1 3 2 Round
Leaf vein Few 2 2 3 Many
Texture Coarse 3 1 5 Smooth
46 H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351

Fig. 1. The structure of the collaborative game system.

strategies. The selected subject unit was Identifying the plants on the school campus. The aim of the subject unit was to foster students
ability of identifying and differentiating the plants based on their features.

4.1. Participants

The participants of the experiment were three classes of sixth graders of an elementary school in southern Taiwan. A total of ninety-three
students participated in this study. One class was assigned to be the experimental group, one class was control group A and the other was
control group B. Each of the three groups included thirty-one students. In order to avoid the inuence of different instructors on the
experimental results, the three classes were taught by the same instructor.
The students in the experimental group learned with the collaborative educational computer game with the repertory grid approach;
that is, they played the role-playing game in the mode of three or four students as a team to complete the learning tasks embedded in the
story of the game as well as having to complete the repertory grid for organizing the learning content.

Fig. 2. Collaborative repertory grid-based educational computer game.

H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351 47

The students in control group A learned with conventional collaborative game-based learning without using repertory grids; that is, they
played the game in the mode of three or four students as a team to complete the learning tasks embedded in the story of the game and the
learning worksheets. On the other hand, those in control group B learned with the educational computer game individually and developed
their own repertory grids.

4.2. Experimental process

Fig. 3 shows the experimental design of this study. The experiment was conducted on the knowing campus plants unit of an
elementary school natural science course, which aims to teach the students the compositions of the plants (e.g., roots, stems and leaves) and
their main functions, and further foster their ability of identifying and differentiating different types of plants in the eld based on those
Before the experiment, the three groups of students took a two-week course about the basic knowledge of the plants, which is a part of
their natural science course. At the beginning of the learning activity, the students completed a pre-questionnaire of learning attitudes,
learning motivation and self-efcacy of group learning for science; moreover, a pre-test for evaluating their basic knowledge about the
plants was also administered. Following that, the students in the experimental group learned with the collaborative educational computer
game with the repertory grid approach; on the other hand, those in control group A learned with conventional collaborative game-based
learning; for control group B, the educational computer game with repertory grid approach was used, but the students were required to
work individually. The time for the students to complete their learning tasks was one hundred minutes. After the learning activity, the
students took the post-test and the post-questionnaire for measuring their learning achievements and any change in their learning atti-
tudes, learning motivation and self-efcacy of group learning. In addition, the students of the three groups lled out the questionnaire of
cognitive load for the educational computer game.

4.3. Measuring tools

In this study, the measuring tools were a pre-test, a post-test, the questionnaire for measuring the learning attitudes, motivation and self-
efcacy of the group regarding the natural science course, and the questionnaire for surveying the cognitive load of using the collaborative
educational computer game and repertory grid system.
Both the pre-test and the post-test were designed by two experienced teachers who had taught the natural science course for a number
of years. Such an approach for developing achievement tests has been used by several previous studies (Hwang & Chang, 2011; Wu, Hwang,
Su, & Huang, 2012; Yang & Wu, 2011). The pre-test aimed to ensure that the three groups of students had an equivalent basic prior
knowledge of the natural science course content. It consisted of forty multiple-choice items with a perfect score of 100 for evaluating the
students prior knowledge of plants. The post-test contained twenty multiple-choice items for assessing the students knowledge of
identifying and differentiating the plants on the school campus, such as What is the most signicant characteristic for differentiating Indian
Almond, Orchid Tree and Golden Dewdrop? The perfect score of the post-test was 100. Its Cronbachs alpha value was 0.65, showing
acceptable reliability in internal consistency.

Fig. 3. Experimental design for the learning activities.

48 H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351

The learning attitude questionnaire was modied from that developed by Hwang and Chang (2011). It consisted of 7 items on a ve-point
Likert scale, where 5 represented strongly agree and 1 represented strongly disagree. The Cronbachs alpha value of the learning
attitude questionnaire was 0.85, showing good reliability in internal consistency.
The questionnaire of learning motivation was modied from the measure developed by Pintrich and DeGroot (1990). It consisted of ten
items (e.g., Compared with other students in this class I expect to do well and It is important for me to learn what is being taught in this
class) with a seven-point rating scheme. The Cronbachs alpha value of the questionnaire was 0.86, showing good reliability in internal
The self-efcacy questionnaire contains seven items using a ve-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. The self-efcacy of group learning
examines the eagerness of the students to participate in group learning activities, including raising questions or opinions. It was modied
from the measure developed by Hwang, Shi, and Chu (2011). The Cronbachs alpha value of the questionnaire is 0.86.

5. Experimental results

In the present study, the collected data were rst examined by descriptive statistics to explore the group means, standard deviations and
numbers. Then, one-directional analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on the pre-test grades. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was
also conducted to examine the effects of using the proposed approach on students science learning achievements and on their perceptions
of the learning activity. In addition, the learning attitudes, learning motivation, self-efcacy of group learning and cognitive load of the
students were analyzed.

5.1. Learning achievement

Before participating in the learning activity, the students took a pretest to evaluate their basic knowledge of the science course content. A
one-way ANOVA was performed on the pre-test results, which showed non-signicant difference of the independent variable and the
covariate of the learning achievement test (F 1.098, p > .05) among the pretest results of the students in the three groups. Consequently, it
is concluded that the three groups had equivalent prior knowledge before the learning activity.
This study conducted an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using the students pre-test scores as the covariate to exclude the impact of the
pre-test on their science learning. It was assumed that the regression coefcients between groups were homogeneous (Keppel & Wickens,
2004). After conducting the learning activity, ANCOVA was performed on the post-test results, in which the pretest was the covariant, the
post-test results were the dependent variable and the different game-based learning strategies (three groups) were the control variable, to
examine the relationships among the post-test results of the three groups. As shown in Table 2, the ANCOVA result shows that the variance
between the three groups is signicant (F 11.795, p < .001) after the impact of the pre-test scores on the post-test was excluded. In other
words, the post-test scores were signicantly different due to the different experimental learning processes. Furthermore, post hoc analysis
was performed to examine specic differences in achievement between the experimental groups. An LSD test revealed that the experi-
mental group scores were signicantly higher than those of control group A, comparing the adjusted mean of 59.37 for the experimental
group with the control group A score of 41.56 (p < .001). Additionally, the experimental group scores were also signicantly higher than
those of control group B which scored 42.5 (p < .001).
Therefore, the learning achievements of the experimental group students were signicantly better than those of the students in control
groups A and B, whereas non-signicant difference was revealed between the students in the two control groups. Accordingly, it was found
that the collaborative educational computer game with the repertory grid approach was helpful to the students in improving their learning
achievements in comparison with the conventional collaborative game-based learning without using repertory grids and the individual
game-based learning approach with repertory grids.

5.2. Learning attitudes toward science

This study performed ANCOVA using the learning attitude scale of the students toward science as the covariate to exclude the impact of
the learning attitude pre-questionnaire scores. According to the non-signicant interaction of the independent variable and the covariate of
the learning attitude scale (F 2.40, p > .05), the use of ANCOVA is appropriate.
As shown in Table 3, the ANCOVA result shows that the learning attitudes of the three groups were signicantly different (F 3.90,
p < .05) after the impact of the learning attitude pre-questionnaire scores was excluded. Furthermore, post hoc analysis was performed to
examine specic differences in achievement between the experimental groups. An LSD test revealed that the experimental group scores
were signicantly higher than those of control group A, comparing the adjusted mean of 4.54 for the experimental group with the control
group A score of 4.32 (p < .01). Additionally, the experimental group scores were also signicantly higher than those of control group B
which scored 4.38 (p < .05). In other words, the post-questionnaire scores were signicantly different due to the different learning
approaches. The signicantly better score of the experimental group than that of control groups A and B suggests that the collaborative
educational computer game with repertory grid approach has improved the learning attitudes of students toward science.

Table 2
Descriptive data and the ANCOVA result of the learning achievement post-test for the three groups.

Variable Group N Mean S.D. Adjusted mean F (2,89) Post hoc

Post-test (1) Experimental group 31 57.26 16.87 59.37 11.795a (1) > (2)
(2) Control group A 31 43.07 14.24 41.56 (1) > (3)
(3) Control group B 31 43.07 14.47 42.50
p < .001.
H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351 49

Table 3
The ANCOVA result of the learning attitudes post-questionnaire for the three groups.

Variable Group N Mean S.D Adjusted mean F (2,89) Post hoc

Attitudes toward (1) Experimental group 31 4.62 0.38 4.54 3.90a (1) > (2)
science learning (2) Control group A 31 4.24 0.62 4.32 (1) > (3)
(3) Control group B 31 4.40 0.59 4.38
p < .05.

5.3. Learning motivation in science courses

After the learning activity, the three groups of students took the learning motivation post-questionnaire. Table 4 shows the ANCOVA
result of the post-questionnaire ratings of the experimental group, and control groups A and B. It is found that the post-questionnaire ratings
of the three groups were signicantly different (F 4.84, p < .05). Furthermore, post hoc analysis was performed to examine specic
differences in achievement between the experimental groups. An LSD test revealed that the experimental group scores were signicantly
higher than those of control group A, comparing the adjusted mean of 6.13 for the experimental group with the control group A score of only
5.61 (p < .001). Additionally, the experimental group scores were also signicantly higher than those of control group B which scored 5.81
(p < .05). It is therefore concluded that the collaborative game-based learning with repertory grid approach had a signicant impact on
improving the students learning motivation in the natural science course.

5.4. Analysis of self-efcacy of group learning

The self-efcacy of group learning questionnaire is presented with a ve-point Likert scale where 5 represents strong agreement or
positive feedback and 1 represents high disagreement or negative feedback. Table 5 shows the paired-samples t-test of the questionnaire
results before and after learning for the experimental group, and control groups A and B. For the students in the experimental group, the
self-efcacy of group learning attained signicant improvements. That is, the collaborative educational computer game with the repertory
grid enhanced the students self-efcacy of using computers to learn, and their condence in and expectations of learning collaboratively
with their peers. On the other hand, for the students in control groups A and B, there was non-signicant improvement after the learning
It should be noted that although the students in control group A played the educational computer game collaboratively, their collab-
oration mainly focused on how to complete the game missions instead of organizing the knowledge obtained from the game. This could be
the reason why their self-efcacy of group learning did not signicantly improve after the learning activity. On the other hand, the students
in control group B played the game and developed the repertory grids individually; that is, they did not engage in any collaboration activity
during the learning process, which could be the reason why their self-efcacy in expectations of using technology to learn and of coop-
erating with their peers was not improved.

6. Discussion and conclusions

In this study, a collaborative game-based learning environment was developed by integrating a grid-based Mindtool originating from
a knowledge engineering method, which is quite different from most studies, such as those reported by Cagiltay (2007), Papastergiou (2009)
or Tzn et al. (2009) that aimed to provide more interesting learning environments for students to acquire knowledge, or those that mainly
employ digital games as an approach for promoting students learning motivation (Burguillo, 2010; Dickey, 2011; Ebner & Holzinger, 2007;
Harris & Reid, 2005; Liu & Chu, 2010). Instead, this study aims to improve the learning performances of students from both the aspects of
cognition (e.g., learning achievement) and affection (e.g., learning motivation and attitudes) by gaining benets from both the Mindtool and
the digital game.
Charsky and Ressler (2011) and Hwang, Sung, Hung, Yang, et al. (2012) have further pointed out the problems encountered as well as the
potential benets of integrating Mindtools with digital games. Although Mindtools could help students organize knowledge and engage
them in higher order thinking, some students might have difculty learning with Mindtools on their own; moreover, without proper
integration, the use of Mindtools might become an interference rather than a learning support in the game-based learning process (Charsky
& Ressler, 2011). To cope with this problem, this study integrated the knowledge construction process using the grid-based Mindtool into the
game missions in a collaborative gaming environment.
From the discourses of the students during the collaborative learning process, it is found that the students in the experimental group
tended to pay more attention to the development of the repertory grid, while those in Control Group A spent more time discussing how to
complete the tasks in the game. For example, one of the experimental group students asked, In comparison with Mexican Petunia, is the
leaf edge of Pachira nut more neat or jagged? On the other hand, one of the control group students asked, I think the number of leaf vein
branches of Benjamin g is large, so why did the fairy not let me pass? Consequently, it is concluded that the more time the students spent

Table 4
Descriptive data and the ANCOVA result of the learning motivation post-questionnaire for the three groups.

Variable Group N Mean S.D. Adjusted mean F (2,89) Post hoc

Attitudes toward science (1) Experimental group 31 6.13 0.69 6.13 4.84a (1) > (2)
learning (2) Control group A 31 5.53 1.14 5.61 (1) > (3)
(3) Control group B 31 5.89 1.10 5.81
p < .05.
50 H.-Y. Sung, G.-J. Hwang / Computers & Education 63 (2013) 4351

Table 5
Paired-samples t-test result of the self-efcacy of group learning for the three groups.

N M (SD) (before learning) M (SD) (after learning) t

Experimental Group 31 3.64 (0.58) 3.97 (0.50) 4.08a
Control Group A 31 3.91 (0.47) 4.00 (0.51) 1.04
Control Group B 31 4.03 (0.72) 4.10 (0.79) 1.25
p < .001.

on discussing and organizing the knowledge they acquired, the better learning performance they revealed. Such a nding also conforms to
what has been reported by some previous studies, namely that computerized Mindtools are able to help learners organize what they have
learned and hence can assist them in improving their learning performance (Chu et al., 2010; Jonassen, Peck, & Wilson, 1999).
In addition, several experimental group students shared the same feeling that the shared repertory grid provided them with a clear
objective to discuss, which made them feel more challenged and interested in playing the game. This might explain why the students in the
experimental group revealed signicantly better learning attitudes toward science and higher learning motivation in the science course
than those in the two control groups. Most of them also indicated that the use of the shared repertory grid was helpful to them in exchanging
information in an efcient way. This further explained why their self-efcacy of group learning was signicantly improved.
Although the proposed game-based learning approach has shown signicant effectiveness in improving the students learning
performance, some limitations of using this approach need to be noted. First, researchers have indicated that the grid-based method is more
suitable for organizing the knowledge for differentiating a set of learning targets that share some common features; that is, to deal with the
learning content related to ill-structured knowledge, graphical Mindtools such as concept maps might be a better choice. Second, it is time
consuming to develop such collaborative educational computer games for other applications. To cope with these problems, we are trying to
develop other Mindtool-integrated computer educational games. Moreover, we plan to develop a template for this type of collaborative
educational computer game so that teachers can use it to develop new games for other applications in the future. In the meantime, we also
plan to apply the proposed approach to the learning activities of other science and social science courses to investigate more research issues,
such as the effect of students learning styles and achievement levels on their performance.


This study is supported in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under contract numbers NSC 99-2511-S-011-011-
MY3 and NSC 101-2511-S-011-005-MY3. The authors would like to thank Mr. Chun-Ming Hung for his assistance in conducting the
experiment of this study.


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