RSML - 5 - e - 8 Etsot - Eleot Alignment
RSML - 5 - e - 8 Etsot - Eleot Alignment
RSML - 5 - e - 8 Etsot - Eleot Alignment
The purpose for the ENGAGE stage Students carry out hands-on Only after students have explored the This phase provides opportunities The final phase provides an
is to pique student interest and get activities in which they can explore concept or skill does the teacher provide for students to apply what they opportunity for students to review
them personally involved in the the concept or skill. They grapple the concepts and terms used by the have learned to new situations and and reflect on their own learning
lesson, while pre-assessing prior with the problem or phenomenon students to develop explanations for the so develop a deeper understanding and new understandings and skills.
understanding. During this and describe it in their own words. phenomenon they have experienced. of the concept or greater use of the It is also when students provide
experience, students first encounter This phase allows students to The significant aspect of this phase is skill. It is important for students to evidence for changes to their
and identify the instructional task. acquire a common set of that explanation follows experience. discuss and compare their ideas understandings, beliefs and skills.
During the ENGAGE stage, students experiences that they can use to help Students practice skills under teacher's with each other during this phase.
make connections between past and each other make sense of the new guidance. Students practice skills under
present learning experiences, setting concept or skill. minimum teacher's guidance.
the organizational ground work for
upcoming activities. Through
discussions, videos may be used to
uncover students prior
understanding. The video format
arouses students curiosity and
encourages them to ask their own
8 ETSOT Non-Linguistic Non-Linguistic Non-Linguistic Non-Linguistic Self-Regulated
Representation Representation Representation Representation Learning
Direct Instruction Reciprocal Teaching Self-Regulated Learning Self-Regulated Meaningful Feedback
Meaningful Feedback Reciprocal Teaching Learning
Concept Mapping Meaningful Feedback Reciprocal Teaching
Direct Instruction Concept Mapping Meaningful Feedback
Inquiry-Based Learning Inquiry-Based Learning Concept Mapping
The 8 Effective Teaching Strategies are mostly already built into or implied in Planning, Teaching & Learning. They are not Extras added on to Lessons or Teacher Chores;
rather, they are so many means to the ends of instruction, or the best means to the most optimal and desired ends. They are Tools only to support Teaching & Learning, i.e., ways
to achieve outcomes based on Learning Intentions and then the means of verifying whether success has been achieved. Many are already built into the Riyadh Schools Model
Lesson Plan.
The purpose of the ELEOT Tool is to help educators identify and document observable evidence of classroom environments that are conducive to student learning.
Results of observations will be used to corroborate information obtained from interviews, artifacts and student performance data.
As with the 8 ETSOT, ELEOT is designed to help identify what is observable in the Teaching & Learning Process. It is not designed as a set of discrete strategies teachers need to
memorize, then plan and refer to as if they were add-ons; rather, it ought to be an integral part of how teachers approach, plan, and reflect on how they intend to and then do deliver
instruction. ELEOT Environments are desirable because of their suitability for better learning outcomes, because they are for students, and every teacher should want to create
Environments which are conducive to Learning.