Managing Children Positively
Managing Children Positively
Managing Children Positively
By Carol Read.
Start as you mean to go on | The seven Rs | Relationships | Rules | Routines |Rights and
responsibilities | Respect | Rewards
The main aim of managing children positively is to create and maintain a happy working
environment in which the norms and rules of classroom behaviour are respected and children
are engaged in purposeful activity and feel secure and motivated to learn. Maintaining a
balance between childrens enjoyment and acceptable behaviour is often one of the greatest
challenges primary language teachers face.
Many ETp readers who teach children will instantly recognize this challenge. However, even
if you dont teach young learners, it is useful to bear in mind the factors that impinge on
managing any group of learners positively, whatever their age. As you read this article about
managing children positively, you may also like to consider in what ways the different points
may apply to older learners too.
When you start teaching a class of children, it is essential to establish clear parameters for
working together. By this I mean actively seeking to create a positive relationship with the
children and to set up a framework of norms for the way we are and the way we do things in
our classroom in which you and the children can work together harmoniously. First of all,
you need to have a clear idea of how you would ideally like things to be in your classroom
and then work systematically and persistently towards achieving this. It is unlikely to just
happen if left to chance.
The best moment to embark on establishing parameters for working together is as soon as
you meet a new class. This initial time is sometimes referred to as a honeymoon period and
gives you a golden opportunity to establish patterns of how you want and expect things to be.
It is important to make the most of this time, as it is always much harder later on to change
patterns which have already been set.
During the first few weeks of lessons, the children will be getting to know you and will be
willing to respect you, like you and do things your way. They will also, naturally and
understandably, be testing your limits, checking out what they can and cant get away with
and possibly also, either unconsciously or deliberately, provoking your reactions in order to
see what you will do. It is, therefore, crucial to take planned initiatives during this time in
order to establish a healthy and happy working environment, including clearly understood
boundaries of acceptable behaviour.
The exact nature and details of the working parameters that you establish will vary according
to factors such as your own background, beliefs and experience of teaching and learning, the
age of the children, the size of the class and the educational and cultural context in which you
are working. In strategically planning how to establish your ideal working parameters with a
new class, it is very helpful to consider the seven Rs.
The seven Rs
The seven Rs are Relationships, Rules, Routines, Rights, Responsibilities, Respect and
Rewards. Together they provide an integrated framework for establishing clear working
parameters with the children you teach. In the case of each R, you need to consider possible
options and then plan clear goals, together with the approach and/or strategies you will use to
realize these in class.
The relationships that you establish with the class as a whole, and with the individuals that
make up each class, lie at the heart of establishing a healthy and happy working environment
and managing children positively. In a small-scale survey I conducted with children between
the ages of six and eleven in Spain, What makes a teacher special for you?1, children most
frequently identified qualities of good teaching that reflected their relationship with the
teacher. These included someone who is fair, patient, caring, affectionate, kind, funny, listens
to you, helps you, makes you work, treats you as a person, tells you off, if necessary, but
doesnt get angry or shout. These qualities, identified by children themselves, provide a
useful basis for thinking about the kind of relationships you intend to establish with your
classes. Although every teacher has their own unique personality and teaching persona and
will go about establishing relationships in different ways, the following general points help in
getting off to a positive start:
Learn the childrens names as soon as you can and always use them.
Avoid having favourites (or at least make sure that this doesnt show).
Listen to what the children have to say (if a child wants to tell you something at an
inappropriate moment, postpone till later but dont then forget, as this will give the
message that youre not really interested).
Challenge the children appropriately and encourage them to believe that they can
Be patient if you need to explain or give instructions more than once.
Create time for personalized moments in which you convey that you know and care
about each child as an individual. This may be, for example, at the start or end of
lessons, before or after formal teaching begins or while children are working
Model the behaviour that you would like the children to adopt. For example, be polite
and courteous, use please and thank you when you ask them to do things, smile and
greet them whether in or out of the classroom.
Use praise appropriately to provide feedback and encourage participation and effort.
Use inclusive language, e.g. Lets ..., Today were going to ..., etc.
Use humour and show a sense of fun.
Be fair and firm about enforcing rules and insisting on childrens adherence to
classroom norms.
Keep calm at all times if possible; try not to raise your voice or shout.
If you tell a child off, make it clear its their behaviour that you dont like, not them.
Be consistent. If you say that you or the class will do something, make sure it happens.
Mark and return work promptly. Be constructive in your comments and respond to
childrens intended meanings, rather than just language accuracy or spelling.
As you develop your relationship with different classes and children, it is a good idea to get
into the habit of monitoring yourself and how things are going. Through reflection and
analysis of your own behaviour, you will be able to identify aspects of this that make your
relationships work better and produce a more positive response in the children.
Rules may either be imposed by the institution or established as part of your working
parameters. It is usually best to have as few rules as possible and to make sure that the rules
themselves e.g. We must put up our hands if we want to speak as well as the reasons for
the rules e.g. If we all talk at once, no one listens to what we have to say are clear to
It is important that any rules you establish are perceived as fair by the children and that you
can actually enforce them. For example, a rule which states We must always speak English in
class may, at some moments, be perceived as unfair by the children if, for example, they have
something they desperately need to say. It may also at times be neither desirable nor possible
for you to enforce. In this case, a communication rule formulated differently e.g. We must
ask if we need to speak Spanish (May I speak Spanish, please?) may be more effective.
This version of the rule will not only establish English as the main language of
communication in the classroom, but will also encourage the children to think twice before
giving you a signal that they need to resort to their mother tongue.
The most effective rules are those which are expressed using inclusive language (our rules for
our classroom) and for which the children feel ownership. It also helps when rules can be
expressed positively rather than negatively in order to highlight desired behaviour. For
example, in a rule such as We mustnt shout in our classroom, the immediate association is to
think of shouting, whereas if it is expressed positively, e.g. We must talk quietly in our
classroom, the same rule is more likely to work to better effect.
The best way to establish rules as part of your working parameters is to involve the children
in decisions about which ones will apply. Depending on the age and level of the children, the
procedure you use to do this can vary from, for example, talking about the reasons and
importance of key rules with the children and getting them to illustrate these for display on
the classroom notice board, to a more genuinely open negotiation about rules, leading to a
class contract signed by both the children and yourself.
Routines are established patterns of behaviour in which everyone knows what is expected of
them and what they should do. The introduction of classroom routines is instrumental in
setting up working parameters which function effectively. It is vital that routines are
established during the honeymoon period before patterns of behaviour are set. In order to
introduce and establish routines successfully, you need to have a clear plan of the areas these
will cover and the form they will take. For example, you may like to think of routines for
such things as:
Familiar routines help to make children feel secure and confident in the classroom. They
promote co-operation as, for example, when we all help tidy up together. They also foster a
sense of community and belonging, in the sense that we all know and share the way we work
and do things together in the classroom. As children become increasingly familiar with
routines and what is expected of them at different stages of learning, they act with greater
autonomy. This helps you to manage your classes positively. It also helps save your energy
and voice (highly important if you are teaching full time) as, in some areas at least, once
routines are established, children will only need a prompt to know what to do.
Rights and responsibilities are often two sides of the same coin. Here are some examples
from the childrens perspective:
If you have the right to join in the lesson, then you also have the responsibility to
remember to bring your books.
If you have the right to speak in the classroom and have others listen to you, then you
also have the responsibility to listen to others when they do the same.
If you have the right to use the classroom scissors, crayons and glue, then you also
have the responsibility to share them with others when they need to use them as well.
If you have the right to have a turn in games, then you also have the responsibility to
respect the turns of others when they play.
If you have the right to see the pictures when the teacher tells a story, then you also
have the responsibility not to block the view of others.
If you have the right not to be mocked or laughed at, then you also have the
responsibility not to mock or laugh at others.
Similarly with childrens rights, it is important to show through your behaviour that you
value these and are willing to protect them. If, for example, a child mocks or laughs at
another child in the class, you need to make it clear that this behaviour is completely
unacceptable. In this case, it may be also be worth explicitly discussing the reasons for this,
possibly in a private moment after the class, and inviting the child to consider the situation
from the other childs point of view by asking how they would feel if the same happened to
them. Encouraging children to reflect on their behaviour and see things from someone elses
point of view means they will be more likely to act towards others in a responsible way.
Respect is the glue which underpins and holds together all the other Rs. Respect cannot be
taught explicitly, but it can be modelled in all your behaviour, such as using the childrens
names, being polite, respecting personal space, valuing diversity, recognizing that children
contribute and participate in different ways and understanding that they have feelings and off
days just like you. The most important thing about fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect
as part of managing children positively is to remember that respect works two ways. If the
children feel that you respect and treat them like individuals rather than a class to control,
they will also respect and respond to you as individuals, rather than with a collective group
mentality which is always much harder to manage positively.
It is usually best not to use any system of extrinsic rewards to raise motivation levels and/or
ensure good behaviour, at least at the outset. This gives a positive message that you expect
everything to go well. However, there may be times with some classes when introducing a
reward system can be an effective way to reinforce appropriate behaviour and/or to add an
additional, motivational, feel-good factor to things that are already going well.
Reward systems can be devised in all kinds of different enjoyable ways, e.g. using stars,
stickers, points, smiley faces, raffle tickets or marbles in a jar. If used effectively, they can
help promote collaboration, appropriate behaviour and individual as well as class effort.
However, if used without care, they may also have the opposite effect and create a divisive
atmosphere of winners and losers, in which some children become obsessed by collecting
stars or points, while others adopt a strategy of opting out, which has a correspondingly
negative effect on their motivation, effort and behaviour in class.
The kinds of reward systems which generally work most effectively are ones which are
designed to involve each child working cooperatively for a prize or pay-off which will be
won by the whole class. For example, in the case of collecting marbles in a jar, individual
children, pairs or groups may be awarded marbles during lessons for such things as working
well, making an effort to speak English, helping others, completing their work carefully or
whatever you decide. As soon as the jar is filled with marbles, the whole class gets a reward.
This may be something as simple as watching a favourite video, having a quiz, playing a
favourite game or whatever else you and the children choose. The jar for the marbles should
not be too big, so that the reward is attainable over a reasonably short period of time, for
example a week or, maximum, two. If it takes a whole term (a long time in the life of a child!)
to fill up the jar and earn the reward, then they are likely to lose interest and enthusiasm.
Giving a reward is best done instantly as an ongoing part of your teaching, so that the
association between the reward and the reason for it is always fresh in the childrens mind,
e.g. Great work, Daniel and Antonio. I only heard English in the game. Two marbles in the
jar for you!
The effect of individuals collecting rewards for the benefit of the whole class creates an
atmosphere in which there is positive peer pressure to make an effort, work well and produce
appropriate behaviour. A collaborative reward system like this can also be made fun by your
challenging the class, e.g. Can you fill the jar by Friday? I dont think so. Show me Im
If you do decide to use a reward system such as the one described above, it is a good idea to
vary the system you use for accumulating rewards (marbles, raffle tickets, stars, etc.)
regularly, as, if you always use the same one, it is likely after a while to lose its associations
of pleasant expectation, surprise and fun. It is also essential always to use reward systems in
the positive way in which they are intended, i.e. as rewards, rather than negatively or
punitively, for example, by taking or threatening to take marbles back out of the jar once they
have been awarded.
In conclusion, the seven Rs provide an integrated framework for thinking about ways of
managing children positively and creating a happy working environment in which teaching
and learning take place in an effective and harmonious way.
An unpublished survey of 120 primary school children carried out in Spanish in January
2000 at Arturo Soria School, Madrid, with the help of my colleague, Ana Sobern