Swamp Talk, November 2017
Swamp Talk, November 2017
Swamp Talk, November 2017
Upcoming Event
Leadership is just a District 14 Humorous
measure of the will- Speech and Evaluation
ingness to step for-
ward it's a measure of Contests. November 11th
the courage to step up. at 11:00am. Macedonia Bap-
tist Church, Macon, Ga.
Courage, you have it.
Sometimes those Word Power
simply words need to
be said to someone One role of the Grammarian at a
who wants and needs Quote of the Month Toastmasters meeting is to
to hear it. bring a Word of the Week and
No matter what team youre on or listen for its usage. Here are
@LeaderQuestion what department youre in, com- some words we have used at our
Do we have the humil- munication with other people in
club meetings this year:
ity and the courage to the company horizontal commu-
admit our mistake? nication is required. Teams must Dauntless (adj.) = fearless
share with other teams, not only to Delve (v.)= dig, excavate
@ChickenSoupSoul learn best practices but also to
learn pitfalls and challenges. Factoid (n.) = assumption or
"I don't focus on what
I'm up against. I focus speculation reported and repeat-
Getting to Yes And: The Art ed often until it becomes accept-
on my goals and I try
to ignore the rest." of Business Improv by Bob ed as fact (original meaning)
~Venus Williams Kulhan with Chuck Crisafulli.
p.152. Shirk (v.) = avoid
Photo: VP Membership, Toastmaster
Michael-Angelo (left) with Club Presi-
dent Dennis (right), showing off our
Toastmasters International Smedley
Award ribbon. Our club qualified for
the first time ever by adding 5 new
members within the contest dates; Au-
gust 1st through September 30th.
We welcome you Toastmasters Judy,
Angie, Nate (and also Joann and Bob-
by not in picture). Congrats also to
Toastmaster Angie who delivered her
first speech to the club on November
CHARTER MEMBERS: John Penland 1926-2015 (Sponsor), Andrew Slocum, Joe Gant,
Harry D. Dixon, Jr., Carolyn Morton (Akins), Phil Wysong, C.J. Broome, Paul OCain, James
C. Bunch, W.F. Stephens, Jeanette Stipe, Tom Strickland, Fred Barber, John Karew, Reuben
Flanders, E. Nash Williams, Jerri Davis, Doris Germano, Andy Spivey, Audrey West, and
Margaret Park. Compiled by Janice Williams.