05rotary Shaft Seals PDF
05rotary Shaft Seals PDF
05rotary Shaft Seals PDF
Applications Application Examples
Fields of Application
Shaft seals with PTFE sealing lips
are suitable for sealing applications
involving the following
media: Typical Applications
Mineral-based and synthetic Rotary compressors
lubricants Screw-type compressors
Pharmaceutical products and Transmissions/gearboxes
foodstuffs (FDA recommendations Blower systems
for certain PTFE compounds) Mills/crushers/grinders
Chemical waste water and wash Machine tools
water Stirring systems/agitators
Corrosive, fluid and gaseous Pumps
media Handling systems
Powders and granulates Centrifuges/hydroextractors
Coolant and lubricant fluids
Water and steam
Resins, glues and pastes
Air/oxygen (BAM tests for certain
PTFE compounds
Heat transfer fluids (oils)
Shaft seal in a rotary Shaft seal in a radial-flow Shaft seal in a spindle
compressor with oil fan with nitrogen boring head type HN 2390,
drainage, type HN 2390. scavenging, type HN 2390. friction-optimized.
Secondary Seal
The following materials are used for the secondary
seal between the PTFE lip and the housing:
Standard: FPM (20 C to +200 C)
Special versions: NBR (30 C to +110 C)
EPDM (60 C to +150 C)
PTFE/metal-special composite
(20 C to +250 C)
Sealing Lip
PTFE compound
Standard compound HS 21037 for type HN 2390
Standard compound HS 21059 for type HN 2580
Stock List
Designation example: rotary shaft
seal with PTFE sealing lip for
shaft diameter d1 = 75, locating
hole d2 = 100 and width w = 10:
RWDR HN 2390 75 x 100 x 10
Max. pressure
High-pressure version. load bar 3
Good pressure and tem-
Center offset mm 0.1
perature resistance,
e.g. for machine tools and Concentricity
rotary transmissions. tolerance mm 0.05
Type HN 2580
Return Feed Spiral Groove in the Return Feed Spiral Groove in the
Shaft Surface/Protection Sleeve Sealing Lip
The hydrodynamic return feed spiral The hydrodynamic return feed spiral
groove should have the following groove is worked into the PTFE
characteristics: sealing lip. To prevent dirt from be
ing carried into the system and
Spiral angle to the plane surface: to optimize sealing performance a
5 10 second sealing or dust lip should
Spiral groove depth: Rz 3 5 m be used.
Spacing of the spiral groove must
be uniform across the whole Return Feed Delivery Rates of Various Types of Spiral Grooves (2)
contacting surface, with individual Oil seal (RWDR) dimensions: 65 x 85 x 8 mm
grooves located close to each Sealing lip compound: HS 21037
other Sealing lip thickness: 1.0 mm
Individual grooves in other Oil level: 20 mm above bottom edge of shaft
angular directions should be Oil type:
Rck-Frdermenge SHELL MYRINA 15 W 20
avoided Oil temperature: 80 C
Operating period: 30 minutes
100 76 75
50 35 33
9 9 8 7 8 10
PTFE 25% Carbon 20% Carbon- 55% Bronze, Compound Compound Compound
unfilled fiber 5% MoS2 HS 21059 HS 21037 HS 10300
Power Losses and Friction Torques
Type HN 2390 standard and HN 2390 special, Dynamic friction torque (2)
friction-optimized (2) Type HN 2390 special, friction-optimized,
Test conditions: Dimensions: 15 x 30 x 7, PTFE compound HS 21037,
dynamisches Reibmoment
Medium: engine oil 15W-40 dry-running, n = 1500 min-1.
Oil level: center of shaft Temperature = room temperature/self-heating
Oil temperature: 100 C pressureless
Dynamic friction torque [Nm]
Sealing lip compound:
Verlustleistung HS 21037
HN 2390 Standard und HN 2390 Sondertype
Shaft diameter: 50 mm 0,05
0.037 0.037
Surface roughness 0,04
0,03 0.025 0.020 0.027
of shaft: Rz = 2 to 3 m
Power loss [W]
250 0
0 bar 3 bar
200 Pressure stages
Test conditions:
Radial force [N]
Medium: engine oil 15W-40 100
Oil level: center of shaft 90
Oil temperature: 100 C pressureless 70 60
Sealing lip compound: HS 21059 48.75
Verlustleistung HN 2580 Standard 38.75 35
Surface roughness 40 30
30 21.25
of shaft: Rz = 2 to 3 m 16.25
Power loss [W] 0
1.5 1.2 1 0.85
350 Lip thickness [mm]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Shaft diameter [mm]
Storage Instructions
Recommended storage
temperature: 10 to +25 C;
humidity 40% to 70%
Do not store in direct sunlight
First-in-First-out storage system
Protect seals from dirt and
Take our plastics know-how to the test.
No liability is assumed for damage claims on the basis of this information. All parts must be installed by trained and specialized staff.
The information provided in this brochure, based upon many years experience and knowledge, does not claim completeness.
Product range and technical specifications subject to modification. No liability assumed for errata.
Headquarters and further plants
ElringKlinger Engineered Plastics (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. | Room 408-409, Building C, Qingdao Int. Finance Plaza
222 Shenzhen Rd, Laoshan District | 266061 Qingdao V.R. China | Fon +86 532 6872 2830 | Fax +86 532 6872 2838
info.ektc@elringklinger.com | www.elringklinger-ep.cn
ElringKlinger Engineered Plastics North America, Inc. | 4971 Golden Parkway | Buford, GA 30518 USA
Fon +1 678 730 8190 | Fax +1 770 932 2385 | info.ektu@elringklinger.com | www.elringklinger-ep.com