5090 s17 Ms 22

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Ordinary Level

BIOLOGY 5090/22
Paper 2 Theory May/June 2017
Maximum Mark: 80


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2017 series for most Cambridge IGCSE,
Cambridge International A and AS Level and Cambridge Pre-U components, and some Cambridge O Level

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This document consists of 11 printed pages.

UCLES 2017 [Turn over

5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Mark schemes will use these abbreviations:

; separates marking points

/ alternatives
() contents of brackets are not required but should be implied
R reject
A accept (for answers correctly cued by the question, or guidance for examiners)
Ig ignore (for incorrect but irrelevant responses)
AW alternative wording (where responses vary more than usual)
AVP alternative valid point (where a greater than usual variety of responses is expected)
ORA or reverse argument
underline actual word underlined must be used by candidate
+ statements on both sides of the + are needed for that mark

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

1(a) 1 line starts and ends at body wall + crosses abdomen below ribs ; 3
2 circle with all or part of it touching/on the sternum ;
3 middle of cross below diaphragm ;

1(b)(i) 1 any reference to up/rises/raised ; 2

2 out/forwards ;
3 reference to muscle ;
4 (muscle) contract(ion) ;
5 reference to (requires) energy ;

1(b)(ii) (movement of person's chest) 5

1 involuntary AW ;
2 intercostal (muscles) ;
3 (muscles) between the ribs/in the chest (wall) ;
4 (move) bone/ribs/ribcage ;
5 attached/hinged + to vertebrae/backbone/at back ;
6 *leads to increase in volume/decrease in pressure ; * A once only for either chest or handle

(movement of bucket handle)

7 voluntary AW ;
8 muscle in arm/finger OR reference to bicep(s) ;
9 external to/not part of + the bucket/handle ;
10 (move) metal/plastic OR reference to a single handle ;
11 attached/hinged + to bucket / at side ;
12 *does not lead to change in volume/pressure ; * A once only for either chest or handle

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

2(a)(i) assimilation ; 1

2(a)(ii) (egestion) 2
line ending/letter written below rectum + labelled A'/'egestion' ;

line ending/letter written to left of or inside mouth + labelled 'B'/'ingestion' ;

2(b) (component) protein ; 2 R amino acids

Ig any reference to fat
(where absorbed) ileum/small intestine/villi/capillaries ; A jejunum

2(c) 1 reference to bile (salts) ; 5

2 (bile) not stored ;
3 less/slower + release (of bile) ;
4 less/slower + emulsification AW ;
5 less/slower /not optimum + digestion (of fats)/(lipase) enzyme
action ;
6 fewer fatty acids/less glycerol + produced/absorbed ;
7 incorrect pH/more acidic/less alkaline + in small intestine /duodenum ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

3(a) line ending either on or in sepal + labelled either 'S' or 'sepal' ; 2

line ending either on or in carpel + labelled either 'C' or 'carpel' ;

3(b) (flower D) 3

1 anther(s)/stamen(s) ;
2 pollen + mature/produced/present/released/collected ;
3 stigma + closed/immature AW/does not receive pollen ;

(flower E)

4 stigma + open/mature/receives pollen ;

5 anthers + withered AW OR reference to no pollen produced/present/
released/to be collected ;

3(c) 1 large + petal(s) ; 4

2 reference to insect/bee landing AW on petal ;
3 colour(ful) + petal(s) ;
4 reference to scent/smell ;
5 reference to nectar(ies)/(nectar) guides ;
6 pollen + stick(y)/hooked (to attach to insect/bee) ;
7 insect/bee makes contact AW with anther/stigma + while collecting
nectar ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

4(a) 10.0012.00/noon/midday ; 1 A any single time or range between


4(b)(i) 1 plants may be of different species ; 3 ORA for plant F for each of marking points 2
2 plant G + more/fast(er) transpiration ; to 5
3 plant G + more/big(ger) leaves ;
4 plant G + more stomata/pores/guard cells OR stomata bigger/wider
AW ;
5 plant G + better/big(ger) root system/absorbs more water ;
6 plant G + thin(ner) (waxy) cuticle ;

4(b)(ii) 1 increased + light (intensity) ; 3

2 increased + temperature/heat ;
3 reference to wind OR increased + air movement ;
4 decreased + humidity ;
5 stomata/pores/guard cells + open/wider ;

4(c) 1 highest/fastest (rate of)/most ; 2

2 (evapo) transpiration/evaporation ;
3 reference to previous 4 hours/between 8:0012:00/from 8:00 ;
4 (evaporation) cools (plant/leaves)/removes heat/temperature falls ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

5(a) (H) nucleus drawn in cytoplasm + labelled ; 4

(J) nucleus drawn in cytoplasm + labelled ;
(K) nucleus drawn in cytoplasm + labelled ;

chloroplast(s) drawn only in (H) + at least one labelled ;

5(b) (cell) sperm/male gamete/(cell) K ; 2

(organ) testis/testicle/testes ;

5(c) (cell H) 6

1 traps/absorbs/needs/uses/converts + light (energy) ;

2 reference to photosynthesis OR production of
glucose/starch/carbohydrate OR into chemical energy OR cell
division/mitosis OR growth OR protein synthesis ;

(cell J)

3 active transport/against a concentration gradient AW ;

4 intake AW of + ions/minerals/salts ;

(cell K)

5 movement/use/action + of tail/flagellum ;
6 movement/motility/mobility/locomotion/swimming AW ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

6(a) 1 correct reference to (CO2) diffusion ; 7

2 cytoplasm ;
3 (across) cell membrane ;
4 tissue fluid ;
5 * capillary ; * A once only either here or below
6 plasma/(red) blood (cell) ;
7 vein/vena cava ; Ig inferior / superior vena cava
8 heart + right (side of heart) ;
9 reference to atrium/auricle + followed by ventricle ;
10 pulmonary artery/arch ;
11 * capillary ; * A once only either here or above
12 alveolus/alveoli ; Ig reference to air sac

6(b) 1 (blood is under) pressure ; 3

2 (moved) by (contraction of skeletal) muscles ;
3 reference to veins/correct named vein ;
4 reference to valves (in veins) ;
5 (valves) prevent backflow of blood AW ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

7(a) (seed) 4 A maximum of three of marking points 1 to 5

(i.e. for 'seed')
1 seed + results from fertilisation AW/sexual reproduction ;
2 (fusion/fertilisation of) gametes OR pollen nucleus + egg/ovum/ovule ;
3 reference to (gametes often) from different plants/flowers ;
4 (gametes produced by) meiosis/reduction division ;
5 combination AW of (different) genes/alleles ;


6 fruit (wall) + results from mitosis ;

7 reference to (genetically) identical/clones ;

7(b) (wind) (animal) 6

1 small OR large ;
2 light/buoyant OR heavy ;
3 wings/parachutes OR hooks/hairs ;
4 large surface area OR attachment (to animal) ;
5 large number OR small number ;
6 not coloured/dull OR colour/named colour/bright ;
7 not sweet/juicy/flesh(y)/scented OR sweet/juicy/flesh(y)/scented
8 reference to
food/eaten/digested ;
9 seed + enzyme resistant
/cannot be digested/is
egested / is lost in faeces/is
thrown away ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

8(a) standard pyramid shape with 4 levels ; 2

correctly labelled 'tree' + 'insect' + 'bird' + 'fox' ;

8(b) 1 not all insects/not all parts of insect + eaten (by birds) ; 4
2 (therefore) energy remains in insects (not eaten) ;
3 not all parts of insect digested/some lost as faeces/egested (by
birds) ;
4 (insects) release AW energy in respiration ;

any two uses of energy (by insects) from the following:

5 (electrical) impulses ;
6 active transport ;
7 movement/muscle contraction ;
8 heat (production/loss) ;

8(c) 1 pyramid with 5 levels + 'flea' level at top ; 4 each level referred to in a marking point
2 'flea' level larger than + immediately above 'fox' level ; must be labelled to gain credit
3 'fox' level smaller than + immediately above 'bird' level ;
4 'bird' level smaller than + immediately above 'insect' level ;
5 'tree' level at bottom + of smallest width ;

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5090/22 Cambridge O Level Mark Scheme May/June 2017
Question Answer Marks Guidance

9(a) (to discourage insects from biting) 6

1 insect repellent ;
2 long-(sleeved) clothes ;
3 nets on/close + doors/windows ;
4 nets + over beds/while sleeping ;
5 paint walls white ;

(to kill insects / mosquitoes)

6 insecticides/pesticides/reference to fogging/electric insect killer ;

7* mosquito coils ;
8 irradiated/sterile male mosquitoes ;

(to prevent mosquitoes laying eggs/reproducing OR to kill larvae)

9 drain ponds/remove stagnant AW water/use closed water tanks ;

10 (spray) oil/insecticide on ponds ;
11 stock ponds/lakes with fish ;
12 use of Bti/Bacillus thuringiensis (israelensis) ;

9(b) 1 exposure to/used for + a long time/years/decades ; 4

2 mutation ;
3 natural selection ;
4 resistance (to quinine) ;
5 (quinine) no longer as effective / recent drugs more effective ;
6 reference to plasmodium/parasite ;
7 new drugs cheaper/more easily available/fewer side effects ;

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