5090 s17 Ms 22
5090 s17 Ms 22
5090 s17 Ms 22
BIOLOGY 5090/22
Paper 2 Theory May/June 2017
Maximum Mark: 80
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2017 series for most Cambridge IGCSE,
Cambridge International A and AS Level and Cambridge Pre-U components, and some Cambridge O Level
1(a) 1 line starts and ends at body wall + crosses abdomen below ribs ; 3
2 circle with all or part of it touching/on the sternum ;
3 middle of cross below diaphragm ;
1 involuntary AW ;
2 intercostal (muscles) ;
3 (muscles) between the ribs/in the chest (wall) ;
4 (move) bone/ribs/ribcage ;
5 attached/hinged + to vertebrae/backbone/at back ;
6 *leads to increase in volume/decrease in pressure ; * A once only for either chest or handle
7 voluntary AW ;
8 muscle in arm/finger OR reference to bicep(s) ;
9 external to/not part of + the bucket/handle ;
10 (move) metal/plastic OR reference to a single handle ;
11 attached/hinged + to bucket / at side ;
12 *does not lead to change in volume/pressure ; * A once only for either chest or handle
2(a)(i) assimilation ; 1
2(a)(ii) (egestion) 2
line ending/letter written below rectum + labelled A'/'egestion' ;
line ending/letter written to left of or inside mouth + labelled 'B'/'ingestion' ;
3(b) (flower D) 3
1 anther(s)/stamen(s) ;
2 pollen + mature/produced/present/released/collected ;
3 stigma + closed/immature AW/does not receive pollen ;
(flower E)
4(b)(i) 1 plants may be of different species ; 3 ORA for plant F for each of marking points 2
2 plant G + more/fast(er) transpiration ; to 5
3 plant G + more/big(ger) leaves ;
4 plant G + more stomata/pores/guard cells OR stomata bigger/wider
AW ;
5 plant G + better/big(ger) root system/absorbs more water ;
6 plant G + thin(ner) (waxy) cuticle ;
5(c) (cell H) 6
(cell J)
(cell K)
5 movement/use/action + of tail/flagellum ;
6 movement/motility/mobility/locomotion/swimming AW ;
1 small OR large ;
2 light/buoyant OR heavy ;
3 wings/parachutes OR hooks/hairs ;
4 large surface area OR attachment (to animal) ;
5 large number OR small number ;
6 not coloured/dull OR colour/named colour/bright ;
7 not sweet/juicy/flesh(y)/scented OR sweet/juicy/flesh(y)/scented
8 reference to
food/eaten/digested ;
9 seed + enzyme resistant
/cannot be digested/is
egested / is lost in faeces/is
thrown away ;
8(b) 1 not all insects/not all parts of insect + eaten (by birds) ; 4
2 (therefore) energy remains in insects (not eaten) ;
3 not all parts of insect digested/some lost as faeces/egested (by
birds) ;
4 (insects) release AW energy in respiration ;
5 (electrical) impulses ;
6 active transport ;
7 movement/muscle contraction ;
8 heat (production/loss) ;
8(c) 1 pyramid with 5 levels + 'flea' level at top ; 4 each level referred to in a marking point
2 'flea' level larger than + immediately above 'fox' level ; must be labelled to gain credit
3 'fox' level smaller than + immediately above 'bird' level ;
4 'bird' level smaller than + immediately above 'insect' level ;
5 'tree' level at bottom + of smallest width ;
1 insect repellent ;
2 long-(sleeved) clothes ;
3 nets on/close + doors/windows ;
4 nets + over beds/while sleeping ;
5 paint walls white ;