Shamanism Global Summit 2017 Survey
Shamanism Global Summit 2017 Survey
Shamanism Global Summit 2017 Survey
Thank you for joining us for the Shamanism Global Summit 2017! We
hope you received great value from this gathering of experts and
teachers. Now, we'd love your feedback to help us craft future offerings.
This survey should take less than 5 minutes. Thank you!
All of them
None - I plan on listening to them later
2. Please share your experience of the speakers you listened to. "1" Not good; "10"
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Ingerm
Sandra Ingerm
Ingerm Ingerm Ingerm Ingerm Ingerm Ingerm Ingerm Ingerm an
Ingerm an
an an an an an an an an - The
an - The
- The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The Power
- The Power
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power of
Power of
of of of of of of of of Shama
of Shama
Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama nic
Shama nic
nic nic nic nic nic nic nic nic Healin
nic Healin
Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin g,
Healing g,
g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, Cerem
, Cerem
Cerem Cerem Cerem Cerem Cerem Cerem Cerem Cerem onies
Cerem onies
onies onies onies onies onies onies onies onies and
onies and
and and and and and and and and Comm
and Comm
Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm unity
Comm unity
unity unity unity unity unity unity unity unity to
unity to to
to to to to to to to to Solve
Solve Solve
Solve Solve Solve Solve Solve Solve Solve Solve Our
Our Our
Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Current
Curren Current
Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Issues
t Issues Issues
Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
don don
don Oscar don don don don don don don don Oscar
Oscar Miro- Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Miro-
Miro- Quesad Miro- Miro- Miro- Miro- Miro- Miro- Miro- Miro- Quesad
Quesad a - Quesad Quesad Quesad Quesad Quesad Quesad Quesad Quesad a -
a - Shama a - a- a- a- a- a- a- a- Shama
Shama nism Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama nism
nism and the nism nism nism nism nism nism nism nism and the
and the Future and the and the and the and the and the and the and the and the Future
Future of Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future of
of Human of of of of of of of of Human
Human ity 1- Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human ity 10
ity Not ity 2 ity 3 ity 4 ity 5 ity 6 ity 7 ity 8 ity 9 - Excel
good lent
Dr. Malido Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Malido
Malido ma Malido Malido Malido Malido Malido Malido Malido Malido ma
ma Som ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma Som
Som - Ance Som Som Som Som Som Som Som Som - Ance
- Ances stral - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance stral
tral Wisdo stral stral stral stral stral stral stral stral Wisdo
Wisdo m and Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo m and
m and Indigen m and m and m and m and m and m and m and m and Indigen
Indigen ous Indigen Indigen Indigen Indigen Indigen Indigen Indigen Indigen ous
ous African ous ous ous ous ous ous ous ous African
African Spirit African African African African African African African African Spirit
Spirit Techno Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Techno
Techno logies Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno Techno logies
logies 1- Not logies logies logies logies logies logies logies logies 10
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Lewis Lewis
Mehl- Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis
Mehl- Mehl-
Madro Mehl- Mehl- Mehl- Mehl- Mehl- Mehl- Mehl- Mehl-
Madro Madro
na Madro Madro Madro Madro Madro Madro Madro Madro
na na
- Indige na na na na na na na na
- Indig - Indig
nous - Indig - Indig - Indig - Indig - Indig - Indig - Indig - Indig
enous enous
Wisdo enous enous enous enous enous enous enous enous
Wisdo Wisdo
m Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo Wisdo
m m
Meets m m m m m m m m
Meets Meets
Moder Meets Meets Meets Meets Meets Meets Meets Meets
Moder Moder
n Moder Moder Moder Moder Moder Moder Moder Moder
n n
Science n n n n n n n n
Scienc Scienc
for Scienc Scienc Scienc Scienc Scienc Scienc Scienc Scienc
e for e for
Healing e for e for e for e for e for e for e for e for
Healin Healin
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
g 1- Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin g 10
Not g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 - Excel
good lent
Nontys Nontys
Nontys Charity Nontys Nontys Nontys Nontys Nontys Nontys Nontys Nontys Charity
Charity Sabic Charity Charity Charity Charity Charity Charity Charity Charity Sabic
Sabic - Ubun Sabic Sabic Sabic Sabic Sabic Sabic Sabic Sabic - Ubun
- Ubunt tu I - Ubun - Ubun - Ubun - Ubun - Ubun - Ubun - Ubun - Ubun tu I
u I Am tu I tu I tu I tu I tu I tu I tu I tu I Am
Am Becaus Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Becaus
Becaus e We Becaus Becaus Becaus Becaus Becaus Becaus Becaus Becaus e We
e We Are: e We e We e We e We e We e We e We e We Are:
Are: How to Are: Are: Are: Are: Are: Are: Are: Are: How to
How to reconn How to How to How to How to How to How to How to How to reconn
reconn ect reconn reconn reconn reconn reconn reconn reconn reconn ect
ect with with ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect with
our our with with with with with with with with our
life's life's our our our our our our our our life's
purpos purpos life's life's life's life's life's life's life's life's purpos
e and e and purpos purpos purpos purpos purpos purpos purpos purpos e and
commu commu e and e and e and e and e and e and e and e and commu
nity nity 1- commu commu commu commu commu commu commu commu nity 10
Not nity 2 nity 3 nity 4 nity 5 nity 6 nity 7 nity 8 nity 9 - Excel
good lent
Jos Jos
Jos Luis Jos Jos Jos Jos Jos Jos Jos Jos Luis
Luis Steven Luis Luis Luis Luis Luis Luis Luis Luis Steven
Stevens s Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven s
- Gaini - Gaini s s s s s s s s - Gaini
ng ng - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini ng
Power Power ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng Power
Throug Throug Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Throug
h h Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug h
Shama Shama h h h h h h h h Shama
nic nic Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama nic
Pilgrim Pilgrim nic nic nic nic nic nic nic nic Pilgrim
age age 1- Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim age 10
Not age 2 age 3 age 4 age 5 age 6 age 7 age 8 age 9 - Excel
good lent
Stevens Lena Lena Lena Lena Lena Lena Lena Lena Lena Lena
- Gaini Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven
ng s s s s s s s s s s
Power - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini - Gaini
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Throug ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng
h Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
Shama Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug
nic h h h h h h h h h h
Pilgrim Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama
age nic nic nic nic nic nic nic nic nic nic
Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim
age 1- age 2 age 3 age 4 age 5 age 6 age 7 age 8 age 9 age 10
Not - Excel
good lent
One One One One One One One One Whiteh
One Whiteh
Whiteh Whiteh Whiteh Whiteh Whiteh Whiteh Whiteh Whiteh orse
Whiteh orse
orse orse orse orse orse orse orse orse Standin
orse Standin
Standin Standin Standin Standin Standin Standin Standin Standin g
Standin g
g g g g g g g g (Herb
g (Herb (Herb
(Herb (Herb (Herb (Herb (Herb (Herb (Herb (Herb Steven
Stevens Steven
Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven Steven son)
on) son)
son) son) son) son) son) son) son) son) - Disso
- Dissol - Disso
- Disso - Disso - Disso - Disso - Disso - Disso - Disso - Disso lving
ving lving
lving lving lving lving lving lving lving lving Time
Time Time
Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Crystal
Crystal Crystal
Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal s:
s: s:
s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: Mome
Momen Mome
Mome Mome Mome Mome Mome Mome Mome Mome nts
ts nts
nts nts nts nts nts nts nts nts frozen
frozen frozen
frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen in time
in time in time
in time in time in time in time in time in time in time in time 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Angaan Angaa Angaa Angaa Angaa Angaa Angaa Angaa Angaa ngaq
gaq ngaq ngaq ngaq ngaq ngaq ngaq ngaq ngaq Angak
Angak Angak Angak Angak Angak Angak Angak Angak Angak korsua
korsua korsua korsua korsua korsua korsua korsua korsua korsua q
q q q q q q q q q (Uncle)
(Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) (Uncle) - Melti
- Melti
- Melti - Melti - Melti - Melti - Melti - Melti - Melti - Melti - Melti ng the
ng the
ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the Ice in
Ice in
Ice in Ice in Ice in Ice in Ice in Ice in Ice in Ice in Ice in the
the the the the the the the the the Heart
Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart of Man
of Man
of Man of Man of Man of Man of Man of Man of Man of Man of Man 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Manda Manda
Manda za Manda Manda Manda Manda Manda Manda Manda Manda za
za Kande za za za za za za za za Kande
Kande mwa Kande Kande Kande Kande Kande Kande Kande Kande mwa
mwa - What mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa - What
- What is - What - What - What - What - What - What - What - What is
is Healin is is is is is is is is Healin
Healing g and Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin g and
and Peace g and g and g and g and g and g and g and g and Peace
Peacem making Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace making
aking? ? 1- making making making making making making making making ? 10
Not ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9 - Excel
good lent
John Lockle
Lockle John John John John John John John John
Lockle y
y Lockle Lockle Lockle Lockle Lockle Lockle Lockle Lockle
y - Track
- Track y y y y y y y y
- Track ing our
ing our - Track - Track - Track - Track - Track - Track - Track - Track
ing our Heart
Heart ing our ing our ing our ing our ing our ing our ing our ing our
Heart to
to Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
to Connec
Connec to to to to to to to to
Connec t to our
t to our Connec Connec Connec Connec Connec Connec Connec Connec
t to our Bones
Bones t to our t to our t to our t to our t to our t to our t to our t to our
Bones (Ances
(Ances Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones
(Ancest tors)
tors) 1- (Ances (Ances (Ances (Ances (Ances (Ances (Ances (Ances
ors) 10
Not tors) 2 tors) 3 tors) 4 tors) 5 tors) 6 tors) 7 tors) 8 tors) 9
- Excel
Nicki Nicki Nicki Nicki Nicki Nicki Nicki Nicki Scully
Nicki Scully
Scully Scully Scully Scully Scully Scully Scully Scully - Sham
Scully - Sham
- Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham anic
- Sham anic
anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic Rites
anic Rites
Rites Rites Rites Rites Rites Rites Rites Rites in
Rites in in
in in in in in in in in Ancien
Ancient Ancien
Ancien Ancien Ancien Ancien Ancien Ancien Ancien Ancien t Egypt
Egypt t Egypt
t Egypt t Egypt t Egypt t Egypt t Egypt t Egypt t Egypt t Egypt 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Beery Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak Itzhak
- Sham Beery Beery Beery Beery Beery Beery Beery Beery Beery Beery
anic - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Healing anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic
: Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin
Traditi g: g: g: g: g: g: g: g: g: g:
onal Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi Traditi
medici onal onal onal onal onal onal onal onal onal onal
ne for medici medici medici medici medici medici medici medici medici medici
the ne for ne for ne for ne for ne for ne for ne for ne for ne for ne for
modern the the the the the the the the the the
world modern modern modern modern modern modern modern modern modern modern
world world world world world world world world world world
1- Not 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
good - Excel
Brooke Brooke
Medici Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Medici
ne Medici Medici Medici Medici Medici Medici Medici Medici ne
Eagle ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne Eagle
- Sham Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle - Sham
- Sham
an's - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham an's
Body, an's an's an's an's an's an's an's an's Body,
Magica Body, Body, Body, Body, Body, Body, Body, Body, Magica
l Body: Magica Magica Magica Magica Magica Magica Magica Magica l Body:
l Body:
Transf l Body: l Body: l Body: l Body: l Body: l Body: l Body: l Body: Transf
ormati Transf Transf Transf Transf Transf Transf Transf Transf ormati
on ormati ormati ormati ormati ormati ormati ormati ormati on
throug on on on on on on on on throug
h the throug throug throug throug throug throug throug throug h the
h the
physica h the h the h the h the h the h the h the h the physica
l 1- physica physica physica physica physica physica physica physica l 10
Not l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 - Excel
good lent
Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Chagal
Chagal Chagal Chagal Chagal Chagal Chagal Chagal Chagal Chagal a
a a a a a a a a a - Heali
- Heali
- Heali - Heali - Heali - Heali - Heali - Heali - Heali - Heali - Heali ng the
ng the
ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the ng the Earth
Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Throug
Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug Throug h
h h h h h h h h h Marag
Marag Marag Marag Marag Marag Marag Marag Marag Marag oli
oli oli oli oli oli oli oli oli oli Rituals
Rituals Rituals Rituals Rituals Rituals Rituals Rituals Rituals Rituals 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Imelda Imelda
Imelda Almqiv Imelda Imelda Imelda Imelda Imelda Imelda Imelda Imelda Almqiv
Almqiv ist Almqiv Almqiv Almqiv Almqiv Almqiv Almqiv Almqiv Almqiv ist
ist - Youn ist ist ist ist ist ist ist ist - Youn
- Youn g - Youn - Youn - Youn - Youn - Youn - Youn - Youn - Youn g
g People' g g g g g g g g People'
People' s People' People' People' People' People' People' People' People' s
s Visions s s s s s s s s Visions
Visions and Visions Visions Visions Visions Visions Visions Visions Visions and
and Dream and and and and and and and and Dream
Dreams s for Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream s for
for Person s for s for s for s for s for s for s for s for Person
Person al and Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person al and
al and Planeta al and al and al and al and al and al and al and al and Planeta
Planeta ry Planeta Planeta Planeta Planeta Planeta Planeta Planeta Planeta ry
ry Healin ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry Healin
Healing g 1- Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin Healin g 10
Not g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 - Excel
good lent
Bhola Bhola Bhola Bhola Bhola Bhola Bhola Bhola Bhola Banstol
Banstol Banstol Banstol Banstol Banstol Banstol Banstol Banstol Banstol a
a a a a a a a a a - Ance
- Ance
- Ances - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance - Ance stors
tors stors stors stors stors stors stors stors stors and
and and and and and and and and and Nature
Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature in
in in in in in in in in in Nepale
Nepales Nepale Nepale Nepale Nepale Nepale Nepale Nepale Nepale se
e se se se se se se se se Shama
Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama nism
nism nism nism nism nism nism nism nism nism (dhami
(dhami (dhami (dhami (dhami (dhami (dhami (dhami (dhami (dhami -jhakri)
-jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) -jhakri) 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe Heathe
rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh rAsh
Amara Amara Amara Amara Amara Amara Amara Amara Amara Amara
-A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A
New New New New New New New New New New
Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis
m: m: m: m: m: m: m: m: m: m:
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
percept heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart,
ions open open open open open open open open open open
percept percept percept percept percept percept percept percept percept percept
ions 1- ions 2 ions 3 ions 4 ions 5 ions 6 ions 7 ions 8 ions 9 ions 10
Not - Excel
good lent
Fredy Fredy
Quispe Fredy Fredy Fredy Fredy Fredy Fredy Fredy Fredy Quispe
Singon Quispe Quispe Quispe Quispe Quispe Quispe Quispe Quispe Singon
a Singon Singon Singon Singon Singon Singon Singon Singon a
(Puma) a a a a a a a a (Puma)
- Medi (Puma) (Puma) (Puma) (Puma) (Puma) (Puma) (Puma) (Puma) - Medi
- Medic
cinal - Medi - Medi - Medi - Medi - Medi - Medi - Medi - Medi cinal
Plants cinal cinal cinal cinal cinal cinal cinal cinal Plants
and Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants and
Enterin and and and and and and and and Enterin
ga Enterin Enterin Enterin Enterin Enterin Enterin Enterin Enterin g a
New g a ga ga ga ga ga ga ga New
Era 1- New New New New New New New New Era 10
Not Era 2 Era 3 Era 4 Era 5 Era 6 Era 7 Era 8 Era 9 - Excel
good lent
Evelyn Evelyn
C. Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn C.
Rysdyk C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. Rysdyk
- Sham Rysdyk Rysdyk Rysdyk Rysdyk Rysdyk Rysdyk Rysdyk Rysdyk - Sham
- Sham
anic - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham anic
Activis anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic Activis
m: Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis Activis m:
Steppin m: m: m: m: m: m: m: m: Steppin
g back Steppin Steppin Steppin Steppin Steppin Steppin Steppin Steppin g back
g back
from g back g back g back g back g back g back g back g back from
the from from from from from from from from the
brink the the the the the the the the brink
of brink brink brink brink brink brink brink brink of
Ragnar of of of of of of of of Ragnar
k 1- Ragnar Ragnar Ragnar Ragnar Ragnar Ragnar Ragnar Ragnar k 10
Not k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k 6 k 7 k 8 k 9 - Excel
good lent
Aribalo Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku Mallku
- Solar Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo Aribalo
Initiati - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar - Solar
ons: Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati Initiati
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
The ons: ons: ons: ons: ons: ons: ons: ons: ons: ons:
Andean The The The The The The The The The The
master Andea Andea Andea Andea Andea Andea Andea Andea Andea Andea
path n n n n n n n n n n
master master master master master master master master master master
path 1- path 2 path 3 path 4 path 5 path 6 path 7 path 8 path 9 path 10
Not - Excel
good lent
Sergio Sergio Sergio Sergio Sergio Sergio Sergio Sergio Sergio Maga
Maga Maga Maga Maga Maga Maga Maga Maga Maga a
a a a a a a a a a - Tappi
- Tappi
- Tappi - Tappi - Tappi - Tappi - Tappi - Tappi - Tappi - Tappi - Tappi ng Into
ng Into
ng Into ng Into ng Into ng Into ng Into ng Into ng Into ng Into ng Into Your
Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Caves
Caves Caves Caves Caves Caves Caves Caves Caves Caves of
of of of of of of of of of Power
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power 10
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
Luzclar Luzclar
a Luzclar Luzclar Luzclar Luzclar Luzclar Luzclar Luzclar Luzclar a
Camus a a a a a a a a Camus
- Wom Camus Camus Camus Camus Camus Camus Camus Camus - Wom
- Wome
en's - Wom - Wom - Wom - Wom - Wom - Wom - Wom - Wom en's
Roles en's en's en's en's en's en's en's en's Roles
Today, Roles Roles Roles Roles Roles Roles Roles Roles Today,
Sacred Today, Today, Today, Today, Today, Today, Today, Today, Sacred
Sexuali Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sexuali
ty and Sexuali Sexuali Sexuali Sexuali Sexuali Sexuali Sexuali Sexuali ty and
ty and
Inner ty and ty and ty and ty and ty and ty and ty and ty and Inner
Marria Inner Inner Inner Inner Inner Inner Inner Inner Marria
ge 1- Marria Marria Marria Marria Marria Marria Marria Marria ge 10
Not ge 2 ge 3 ge 4 ge 5 ge 6 ge 7 ge 8 ge 9 - Excel
good lent
del Rio Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso
- Sham del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio del Rio
anic - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham - Sham
Consci anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic anic
ousness Consci Consci Consci Consci Consci Consci Consci Consci Consci Consci
from ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes ousnes
the s from s from s from s from s from s from s from s from s from s from
Past to the the the the the the the the the the
1- Not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Excel
the Past to Past to Past to Past to Past to Past to Past to Past to Past to Past to
Present the the the the the the the the the the
Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present
1- Not 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
good - Excel
Please share specific comments about these sessions or speakers here.
4. How are we doing? (Reminder: Many online events of this type give listeners
only 24 hours of free listening. We've given you 48 hours from the time each
session aired.)
1 - Needs 5 - Thank
improvemen 2 3 4 you! Loved
t it!
Enough Enough
Enough time time to listen Enough Enough Enough time to listen
to listen for for free, time to listen time to listen time to listen for free,
free, overall overall 1 - for free, for free, for free, overall 5 -
Needs overall 2 overall 3 overall 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Sound Sound
Sound quality, Sound Sound Sound quality,
quality, overall 1 - quality, quality, quality, overall 5 -
overall Needs overall 2 overall 3 overall 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Ease of Ease of
Ease of access, Ease of Ease of Ease of access,
access, website 1 - access, access, access, website 5 -
website Needs website 2 website 3 website 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Ease of Ease of
Ease of access, Ease of Ease of Ease of access,
access, schedule/prog access, access, access, schedule/prog
schedule/prog ram page of schedule/prog schedule/prog schedule/prog ram page of
ram page of website 1 - ram page of ram page of ram page of website 5 -
website Needs website 2 website 3 website 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Listening or
watching on Listening Listening
Listening Listening Listening
cellphone or or watching or watching or watching or watching or watching
tablet on cellphone on cellphone
1 - Needs 5 - Thank
improvemen 2 3 4 you! Loved
t it!
or tablet 1 - on cellphone on cellphone on cellphone or tablet 5 -
Needs or tablet 2 or tablet 3 or tablet 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Email Email
Email notifications, Email Email Email notifications,
notifications, overall 1 - notifications, notifications, notifications, overall 5 -
overall Needs overall 2 overall 3 overall 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Number Number
Number of of sessions Number Number Number of sessions
sessions per per day 1 - of sessions of sessions of sessions per day 5 -
day Needs per day 2 per day 3 per day 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Length of Length of
Length of summit, Length of Length of Length of summit,
summit, overall 1 - summit, summit, summit, overall 5 -
overall Needs overall 2 overall 3 overall 4 Thank you!
improvement Loved it!
Specific comments about your response.
5. If you would, please share a testimonial about your positive experience of the
summit that we can use in future promotions or websites. Thank you!
6. If you provided a testimonial in the last question, what is your name and
location (city or country) so we can attribute your quote to you. (this is optional)
Important Note: Please copy and paste this link into your browser if you would
like to contact customer support: (We
aren't able to respond to customer support issues from this survey. Your survey
response is anonymous.)