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Stirling engines

A technology overview

Author: Camille Bachelier

MSc Student, Sustainable energy engineering program
Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

Supervisor: Jim Gaston

Smarthome program director
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina

Research paper
July 2009

Pratt School of engineering, Smarthome program

Duke University
Durham, North Carolina

Department of Energy Technology

Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1

2 HISTORY..................................................................................................2
2.1 INITIAL CONCEPT AND FIRST PATENT ......................................................2
2.2 FIRST DEVELOPMENT PERIOD (1816 1910'S) .......................................3
2.3 SECOND DEVELOPMENT PERIOD (1940'S 1970'S) ................................3
2.4 MODERN DEVELOPMENT (SINCE END OF 1980'S).....................................4
2.5 SUMMARY............................................................................................5

3 FUNDAMENTALS ....................................................................................6
3.2 SCHMIDT ANALYSIS: A MORE REALISTIC MODEL ..................................... 10
3.3.1 Advantages .............................................................................. 13
3.3.2 Drawbacks................................................................................ 14
3.3.3 Summary .................................................................................. 15

4 MECHANICAL DESIGNS....................................................................... 16
4.1 TECHNOLOGY TREE ............................................................................ 16
4.1.1 Alpha design............................................................................. 16
4.1.2 Beta design: ............................................................................. 18
4.1.3 Gamma..................................................................................... 18
4.1.4 Free piston Stirling engine........................................................ 19
4.2 COMPARISON OF THE MAIN DESIGNS .................................................... 21
4.3 MAIN DESIGN PARAMETERS ................................................................. 22

5 MARKET AND MANUFACTURERS ...................................................... 23

5.1 MAIN APPLICATIONS ........................................................................... 23
5.1.1 Electric power generation ......................................................... 24
5.1.2 Micro CHP ................................................................................ 24
5.1.3 Other applications..................................................................... 25
5.2 MARKET OVERVIEW ............................................................................ 26

6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 28


TECHNOLOGIES .......................................................................................... 30


METHOD (FROM DR. K. HIRATA WEBSITE) .............................................. 32

Table 3.1: Summary of main advantages and disadvantages of Stirling engines in comparison
to internal combustion engine.................................................................................................. 15
Table 4.1: Comparison of main Stirling engine designs .......................................................... 21

Figure 2.1: Stirling engine development timeline ...................................................................... 5
Figure 3.1: Stirling cycle Clapeyron diagram............................................................................. 6
Figure 3.2: Stirling cycle Temperature-entropy diagram ........................................................... 7
Figure 3.3: Simple mechanical model of main steps of Stirling cycle (from G. Walker 1973)... 8
Figure 3.4: Pistons position during Stirling cycle (from G. Walker 1973) .................................. 9
Figure 3.5: Example of Stirling engine cycle model using Schmidt analysis method (from Dr.
K. Hirata website) .................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.1: Stirling engine technology tree .............................................................................. 16
Figure 4.2: Alpha design.......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4.3: 4 interconnected double acting pistons design ..................................................... 17
Figure 4.4: Beta design ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4.5: Gamma design ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4.6: Ringbom design .................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4.7: Martini design ........................................................................................................ 20
Figure 4.8: FPSE design ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 5.1: Stirling engine applications distribution ................................................................. 23
Figure 5.2: Solar dish/Stirling engine system (from PSA website) .......................................... 24
Figure 5.3: Micro CHP unit (from WhisperGen website) ......................................................... 25
Figure 5.4: Stirling engine manufacturers geographic distribution .......................................... 26
Figure 5.5: Commercially available Stirling engine distribution by power output range.......... 26
Figure 5.6: Working fluid used in commercially available Stirling engines.............................. 27
Figure 5.7: Design used for commercially available Stirling engines ...................................... 27

CSP Concentrated solar power
FPSE Free piston Stirling engine
I.C. engine Internal combustion engine
Micro CHP Micro combined heat and power
We Watt of electric energy
Wth Watt of thermal energy


In a global context where the concerns for energy resources and pollution are
getting more and more importance, new technical solutions have to be
developed to propose alternatives to existing systems in a more efficient and
less polluting way. Developing new technical solutions does not mean that
one has to invent totally new technologies. Sometime some technologies
developed as long as several centuries ago can be rediscovered and used to
deal with todays issues.

Stirling engine technology is one of these technologies which have been

developed long ago but did not find their way through the competition with
other technologies to provide a solution to a particular problem. Because of
the new issues the World has to face, this kind of technology is worth
investigating again.

The aim of this report is to give an overview of this technology as general as

possible in order understand the technology and its development better. Thus
in a first time, the History of Stirling engines is presented. Then the basics
about this technology are described. After that some more practical
information on the different mechanical designs of such engines are listed.
Finally today market and main manufacturer are presented in order to show
what today situation is for Stirling engine


In this part, a brief history of Stirling engines is presented, which helps to

understand the motivation of the choice of this technology and the major steps
of the development of the technology. It also presents to which kind of
applications, this engine was dedicated in different periods of time. First the
original idea of 1816 is presented, then the development period following this
first idea from 1816 to 1910's is described along with the reason why it was
almost forgotten for a while. After that the reasons for the new interest for
Stirling engine in the 1940's-1970's period are presented along with the
reasons for the 2nd decline of the idea. Finally motivations for modern
development since the end of 1980's are presented.

2.1 Initial concept and first patent

The Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century was enabled by the
development of new ways to generate power in order to use machines to do
work which was formerly done by humans or animals. In this context, several
ways to generate power have been investigated in order to improve the
energy efficiency of these new systems. This context was therefore
particularly favorable to the invention of a variety of technologies, some of
them being still used today. At this time, most of the technologies were based
on the heating of a working fluid to generate mechanical power. One of the
first technologies investigated was the steam engines which led to the
invention of the Locomotive for example. But in the search for more practical
and efficient systems, some other technologies have been invented, using
different process or different fluids for example.

It is in this context that appeared the concept of hot air engines which have
been investigated as early as 1699 according to literature (see Stirling engine
society of the USA). This kind of engine generated mechanical power by
expanding air by means of heating either in closed or open cycle from a
thermodynamic point of view. One of the major developments of this kind of
engine was done in 1807 by Sir Georges Caley. The development of this kind
of engine surely inspired Robert Stirling for the design of his engine which
was granted the patent #4081 in 1816 (B. Kongtragool, S. Womgwises, 2002).
The innovative part of R. Stirling engine was the use of a heat economizer or
regenerator which allows improving the engine efficiency. Therefore
according to literature, the name Stirling engine should refer exclusively to
closed-cycle regenerative gas engines (MIT website on Stirling engine). Thus
in this kind of engine the media does not change of phase (as in steam
engines) nor leave the engine border (as in internal combustion engines) and
part of the heat provided over a cycle is recovered by the regenerator. The
first design of the Stirling engine was a Beta design (T. Finkelstein, A. J.
Organ, 2001) also known as displacer configuration.

2.2 First development period (1816 1910's)

After this patent and until 1850's, Robert Stirling and his brother James
started to develop the first industrial commercialization of the Stirling engine.
In parallel, numerous other inventors and engineers developed other designs
of Stirling engines for different applications until the beginning of 1910's. In
1827, Stirling brothers brought some modification to their original design in
order to simplify mechanical design of the engine. From this appeared the
Gamma design around 1827 (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001) with the
advantages and disadvantages it induces.

Around 1860, a new design involving 4 interconnected double acting pistons

was created in order to improve global engine efficiency with existing material
and mechanical knowledge (J. R. Senft, 1993). In 1872, and in the research
for new energy sources, a first solar Stirling system has been designed by
John Ericsson, known for the various engine design he has invented (T.
Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001). The third main Stirling engine design, the
Alpha design, was invented in 1876 by A. K. Rider, which proposed a simpler
mechanical design with less efficiency losses compared to a gamma design.

The last major development of this period will come in 1905 with the invention
of the Ringbom engine which proposes a simpler and more efficient
mechanical design from Gamma or Beta designs (J. R. Senft, 1993). Again,
this design can be seen as a precursor for another design which will come
several years later: the free piston Stirling engine (FPSE). All over this period,
some developments were made on more specific parts of the engine, and
some industrial applications have been created, for marine propulsion or
power generation for example. But the invention and development of internal
combustion engines which at this time proposed better efficiency and specific
power displaced the interest in further development of Stirling engine after the

2.3 Second development period (1940's 1970's)

One has to wait until the end of 1930's to find new serious development of
Stirling engine. The Philips Company wanted a relatively portable energy
source for radio stations, which would not need batteries. Regarding the
progress made in material and mechanical sciences, the Stirling engine was
an interesting option and was chosen for investigations. This choice was also
motivated by the fact that before 1st world war, Stirling engine efficiency was
still far from the theoretical ideal efficiency (Carnot), progress possibilities
were therefore very attractive (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001). Thus during
the 1940's to 1970's period, Philips have been one of the major actor of
Stirling engine development. Some other companies and organizations have
worked on the development of Stirling engines during this period,
independently or from Philips earlier designs. Among them one can find the
NASA, or United Stirling AB (a Swedish company renamed Kockums AB
since, still existing today).

Different applications have been investigated, from power generation to
transport motorization. Even though only few totally new concepts have been
found, the bases of modern Stirling engine have been developed during this
period. One of the most important new concepts of this period is the Free
Piston Stirling Engine (FPSE), invented by William Beale working in Ohio
University in 1964. Some other new concepts, more or less similar to existing
concept, were also found during this period, such as the Fluydine designed
by C. West, which is a Stirling engine entirely based on fluid pistons (alpha
design usually) or the low temperature Stirling engine designed by Bradley
(based on Gamma design usually) (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001).

In the end of this period, Philips development of Stirling engines were

concentrated on the development of engines for transportation applications,
especially for cars. After having designed and tested with success a Stirling
engine fitted in a Ford Gran Torino in 1978, Philips stopped the development
of Stirling engines because of the drawbacks it induced compared to I.C.
engines (difficulties to operate at variable load, lower specific power,...).
However, Philips licensed one of its senior engineer, R. J. Meijer, to create his
own company, Stirling Thermal Motors (shut down in 2007 and bought and
rename Stirling Biopower the same year), to continue development of Stirling
engines (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001). Since Philips was the main
company to develop Stirling engines at industrial scale for commercial
purpose, the abandonment by Philips of Stirling engine development marked
the beginning of a period during which no commercial development of Stirling
engine has been done and which last until around the end of the 1980's.

2.4 Modern development (since end of 1980's)

The new energy context arising by the end of the 1980's, after the 2 oil crises,
the perspective of energy resource short supply, the increasing awareness of
environmental concerns along with the availability of new materials,
mechanical knowledge and design and modeling methods (computer assisted
simulation and analysis), made the study of Stirling engine interesting again
for commercial applications, especially in power generation. Since the end of
the previous development period the development of Stirling engine was
made mainly by universities or research organizations, the few more practical
studies being done for very specific applications, such as new silent
submarine drives for example (see Kockums AB website). Power generation
applications are now one of the most important commercial applications of
Stirling engines, justifying further development. For example, 2 main
applications appeared which are, CHP (production of electricity and heat at
small and medium scale) and solar thermal power production (conversion of
solar thermal power into electricity or mechanical power). To get a better
overview of recent development of Stirling engine on commercial level, see
the part of this report dedicated to the actual manufacturers and market.

2.5 Summary

The following chart sums up the major steps of Stirling engine development

1- 1807: Sir G. Caley Hot air engine

2- 1816: R. Stirling closed regenerative cycle gas engine patent (Beta design)
3- 1827: Stirling brothers Gamma design
4- 1872: First solar-Stirling system by J. Ericsson
5- 1876: Alpha design by A. K. Rider
6- 1905: Ringbom design
7- 1938: Philips new interest for Stirling engines
8- 1964: W. Beale Free Piston Stirling engine
9- 1978: End of Philips development of Stirling engines
10- Beginning of 1990's: New interest in Stirling engine

Figure 2.1: Stirling engine development timeline

For more detailed information on History of Stirling engine and hot air engine
in general, the reader can look at Robert Sier book (Robert Sier, 2000) and
Theodore Finkelstein and Alan J. Organ book (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ,
2001) on Stirling engines History.


This part gives an overview of Stirling engine theory. The working principle is
detailed in a first part, then a simple ideal model is presented and after that a
more detailed analysis of Stirling engines, the Schmidt analysis is presented.
Finally a list of advantages and disadvantages of Stirling engines is described,
with some comparison to usual I.C. engines.

3.1 Working principle and simple thermodynamic model

In order to better understand the Stirling engine working principle, it is

interesting in a first time to have a look at the ideal thermodynamic cycle. The
following figures represent the Clapeyron Diagram (Pressure-Volume) and the
temperature-entropy diagram of this cycle

Figure 3.1: Stirling cycle Clapeyron diagram

Figure 3.2: Stirling cycle Temperature-entropy diagram

This ideal thermodynamic cycle can be described as follow (G. Walker, 1973):
Step 1 to 2: Isothermal compression. The working gas is compressed, the
volume decreases and the pressure increases, the temperature remaining
constant. Heat is transferred from the gas to the surroundings.
Step 2 to 3: Isochoric heat transfer. The working gas is heated up from the
cold source temperature to hot source temperature, at constant volume,
which leads to an increase in the working gas pressure.
Step 3 to 4: isothermal expansion. The temperature remaining constant,
the gas expands, increasing its volume and thus decreasing its pressure.
Heat is transferred from the heat source to the gas.
Step 4 to 1: isochoric heat transfer. The gas temperature decreases from
the hot source temperature to the cold source temperature, at constant
volume, which leads to pressure decrease.

In a more practical way, different designs of Stirling engine exist, which

follows all the same basic cycle presented before. As can be seen in following
figure, which corresponds to a particular design (alpha design, see the part on
the different Stirling engine designs for more details), a Stirling engine can be
modeled by the combination of compression (cooling) and expansion
(heating) spaces and a regenerator which is a device, usually a metal mesh,
used to recover passively heat during the cycle.

Figure 3.3: Simple mechanical model of main steps of Stirling cycle
(from G. Walker 1973)

According to this simple mechanical design, here is a more practical

description of the main steps of the Stirling cycle. During this ideal cycle the
gas in compression space is assumed to be at constant temperature Tmin
and the gas in expansion space is assumed to remain at constant
temperature Tmax:
Step 1: All the working fluid is in the compression (cooling) space at the
beginning of this stage. The global volume of working fluid is at its
maximum so that pressure and temperature are at their minimum values.
Step 1 to step 2: the compression space piston is moving (powered by the
inertia of a flywheel for example), the expansion space piston not moving,
the fluid is compressed and temperature remains constant (Tmin), thus
heat is transferred from the gas to the surrounding. Mechanical work is
needed during this stage.
Step 2: at this step the expansion space piston will start moving at the with
the compression space piston, gas is still at temperature Tmin.
Step 2 to 3: The 2 pistons move, heat is transferred from the regenerator
to the gas as the gas moves from the compression to expansion space.
Since both pistons move simultaneously, the global gas volume remains
constant. The gas heats up from Tmin to Tmax. This temperature rise at
constant volume causes the pressure to increase.
Step 3: The compression piston is at its dead end position. All gas is in
expansion space at Tmax temperature.
Step 3 to 4: The increased pressure pushes the expansion piston,
expanding the working gas volume. The pressure thus decreases. The
heat source supply heat to the working gas, keeping its temperature
constant at Tmax. Mechanical work is generated during this stage.
Step 4: Expansion piston has reached its outer end, all the gas is in
expansion space, at Tmax temperature.
Step 4 to 1: both pistons move simultaneously again, keeping the volume
constant and moving the gas from the expansion to the compression
space. The gas gives heat to the regenerator (which will be given back
during the step 2 to 3 stage). Gas cools down from Tmax to Tmin, causing
the pressure to decrease.

Following figure shows the theoretical position of the 2 pistons, according to
the cycle described previously.

Figure 3.4: Pistons position during Stirling cycle (from G. Walker 1973)

From this diagram, it can be seen that there is a constant phase angle
between the positions of the 2 pistons. This is something which remains the
same no matter which mechanical design is chosen: there should be 90
degree phase angle between the positions of the 2 pistons, all over the cycle.
In reality, the positions of these 2 pistons are continuous and usually have a
sinusoidal motion, with a 90 degree phase angle.

According to the different design chosen, the disposition of the compression

and expansion spaces and of the regenerator may vary. More details on the
different layouts can be found in the part of this report on the different designs
of Stirling engines.

In a first approach, some simple relations can be found to describe this cycle,
making some assumption on the thermodynamics of the gas cycle
(isothermal, isochoric processes, no friction, no pressure drop, perfect gas
assumption). The complete demonstration of such ideal relations is a classical
thermodynamic analysis and can be found in D. Haywood article for example.

The main results of this simple analysis are the following:


W: the work generated by the engine in J

QL: the heat input to the engine in J
V1: minimal volume of the working gas over the cycle in m3
V2: maximal volume of the working gas over the cycle in m3
R: Perfect gas constant specific to the gas selected: R=8.314/M where M is
the molar mass of the gas. R is in J/(kg.K)
m: mass of gas in the engine in kg
TL: Temperature of cold source in K
TH: Temperature of Hot source in K

The combination of these 2 relations allows getting the ideal efficiency of such

being the thermal efficiency of the engine. This does not take into account
any losses linked to the mechanical design or other parameters of the
engines. It just characterizes the efficiency of the conversion of the heat
transferred to the gas into mechanical work.

The result of this relation is as follow:

This means that the theoretical efficiency of Stirling cycle machines is as high
as the maximal conversion efficiency a thermal machine could get, namely
Carnot efficiency. This is one of the main characteristics of Stirling engine why
Stirling engine can appear more interesting than other thermal machines.

In reality, a lot of other losses have to be taken into account which takes away
the real efficiency from this theoretical efficiency, such as mechanical (friction
e.g.), thermodynamic (non isothermal process e.g.) or heat transfer losses.
When designing a Stirling engine, the aim is to get as close as possible to the
theoretical efficiency by reducing all the possible losses.

3.2 Schmidt analysis: a more realistic model

The previous analysis gave a simple way to calculate the work ideally done by
the engine over the Stirling cycle in the case of ideal Stirling cycle. It is easy to
understand that such method alone can not be used once one want to design
an elaborated power generating engine. Then a more complex method has to
be used to define the main design parameters.

One of the standard methods used when dealing with Stirling engine design is
the Schmidt analysis method. This method published in 1871 by Gustav
Schmidt, then working at the German polytechnic institute of Prague, was the
first attempt to give a mathematical analysis of the Stirling cycle (see Prof.
Urieli website).

This method is base on 2 main assumptions:

Ideal isothermal model (constant temperature of compression and
expansion spaces over the cycle)
Sinusoidal motion of the pistons during the cycle

Since the aim of this report is not to get in depth knowledge of all the
mathematical analyses of Stirling cycle, the demonstration of such method will
not be presented here, but the reader can found 2 alternatives descriptions of
this method on Prof. Israel Urieli website and Dr. Siegfried Herzog Website.

The advantage of this method is that it proposes a closed solution of the

equation system describing the Stirling cycle. The main result of this method
concerns the work generated by the engine.



W: indicated energy output of the engine over a cycle in J

Wc: indicated energy output of the compression space over a cycle in J
We: indicated energy output of the expansion space over a cycle in J
Vswc: swept volume of compression space in m3
Vswe: swept volume of expansion space in m3
Vr: volume of regenerator space in m3
Vk: Cooling space volume in m3
Vh: heating space volume in m3
Pmean: mean gas pressure over the cycle in Pa

: phase angle between the position of the 2 pistons
Vclc: clearance volume of compression space (dead volume) in m3
Vcle: clearance volume of expansion space (dead volume) in m3
Th: heating space temperature in K
Tk: cooling space temperature in K
Te: expansion space temperature in K

To get the corresponding powers, one has to multiply the energy output by the
frequency of the engine (number of cycle per seconds).

The definition of each of these input parameters may vary according to the
engine design chosen. More details on the application of this method for the
different designs can be found in Dr.. K. Hirata website. One of the main
criticisms done about this analysis is that the results are not realistic since
they imply that all heat exchangers of the engine are redundant (see prof.
Urieli website). Thus some alternatives to this method have been proposed,
but not always proposing closed form solution for the equation system
describing the cycle (ideal adiabatic model e.g.). Anyway, this method is often
used as a basis to model Stirling cycle in particular cases for practical
applications, as can be seen in B. Kongtragool (2004) for example.

The following figure represents the Clapeyron diagram of an example of

Stirling cycle model using Schmidt analysis method. This example comes
from Dr. K. Hirata academic website.

Figure 3.5: Example of Stirling engine cycle model using Schmidt

analysis method (from Dr. K. Hirata website)

The input parameters to get this model can be found in appendix 2. From this
figure, it can be seen than despite all the drawbacks of this method, it can
gives more realistic results and a closed form solution.

3.3 Advantages and disadvantages of Stirling engine

To understand the interest in Stirling engine all over the time, it is important to
know its different advantages, especially compared to other machines such as
I.C. engines for example. In the same way, to understand the different
disinterest and barrier to Stirling engine development over time, it is
interesting to have a look at its drawbacks.

3.3.1 Advantages

At the moment, this kind of engine still has lower efficiencies, around 30%
(M.E. Corria, 2005), than usual I.C. engines, around 45 to 48 % (T. Stehende,
2009). In spite of that, as seen in the previous part, the Stirling engine is a
thermal machine which theoretical efficiency is the highest possible, namely
Carnot efficiency. This should make possible, by developing the engine
enough, to reach at least as high real efficiencies as for I.C. engine for
example. This potential efficiency improvement makes it interesting to
investigate and develop.

Another advantage of Stirling engine which can explain the renewed interest
for further development is the fact that such engine can accept a large array
of different heat sources. Since the fuel has not to be put inside the engine, it
is possible to design a Stirling engine to work on any classical fuel (diesel,
gasoline, natural gas, coal), biofuels (biogas, ethanol,) or biomass and even
solar energy. Moreover, this kind of engine can be designed to run on
different temperature of heat source which allows for example to use such
engine to generate power from waste heat.
In the case of fuel combustion heat source, the fact that the heating is
continuous, contrary to I.C. engine where combustion of the fuel is done
through a cyclic sequence, improve combustion efficiency and limits
hazardous emissions (CO2, NOx, CO) (B. Kongtragool, 2002). So even if the
only heat source involves combustion of a fuel, Stirling engine remains in
theory less harmful for environment than I.C. engine. Moreover, since in this
case, the combustion is done without any explosion, this engine is much more
silent than usual I.C. engines. This explains the interest of some companies
for this engine for particular applications (military submarines e.g.).

Another advantage of such an engine is that because it can be designed with

very few moving parts or mechanically stressed parts (exposed to explosion
e.g.), it is more reliable than I.C. engines and thus requires less maintenance
(Walker, 1973).

3.3.2 Drawbacks

One of the main disadvantages of Stirling engine which explains why the idea
has often been forgotten and I.C. engines preferred is that such engine as
quite a low specific power (ratio power versus volume swept by the piston)
compared to I.C. engine (R. Senft, 1993). This is for example one of the
reason why the attempts to use Stirling engine for automobile motorization
have not succeeded yet.

Another disadvantage of Stirling engine is that it needs a certain warming up

time before really starting to generate power. This is the other major reason
why the attempts to use Stirling engine for automobile motorization have not
succeeded yet.

Because of the continuous heating the temperature of the hot part of the
engine can be problematic and this part may require being build with special
heat resistant material. In an internal combustion engine, even though some
high temperature can be reached punctually, since heating is not continuous,
the average engine temperature is lower (Walker, 1973).

This engine is harder to scale up because of the limitation of heat transfer

area between the heat source and the working gas. Indeed, if the engine is
too large, the heat transfer to the working gas will needed too big areas to be
efficient. (Walker, 1973).

The fact that the technology is not as mature as I.C. engines, not as widely
commercialized yet, and because of different design parameters (heat
exchangers, choice of working gas, pressurization,), the cost of Stirling
engine, around 1125 to 3000 $/kW (M.E. Corria, 2005), is higher than I.C.
engines, around 900 to 1300 $/kW (T. Stehende, 2009).

3.3.3 Summary

Following table sums up some main advantages and disadvantages of Stirling

engines in comparison to internal combustion engines.

Characteristics Stirling engine I.C. engine

efficiency Highest theoretical efficiency Higher efficiency at the moment
emission Much lower emissions or no emission Higher emissions, depending on the
at all fuel used
Fuel Large fuel flexibility (good Special fuel requirements for a given
opportunities for renewable energies) engine
Noise Silent Noisy, need noise reduction
Power Hard to scale up, lower specific Large power range available, high
power specific power
Cost and Higher investment cost, Cheaper, widely commercialized for
commercialisation commercialization just started different applications
Level of scattered development through time Mature technology
understanding and

Table 3.1: Summary of main advantages and disadvantages of Stirling

engines in comparison to internal combustion engine


This part presents the different possible mechanical designs usually used to
build Stirling engines. The first part presents a non exhaustive list of the main
design and the second part compares the 4 main designs.

4.1 Technology tree

Several alternatives exist concerning Stirling engine design. All these designs
are following the same thermodynamic cycle, the difference between each
being mainly mechanical. The following chart sums up the different existing
designs of Stirling engines. It does not give an exhaustive list of designs but
an overview of the main designs and the relation between each other.

Stirling Engines

Alpha design Beta design Gamma design

Single acting 4 double Free piston

piston acting pistons Stirling engine

Martini design Ringbom design

Figure 4.1: Stirling engine technology tree

4.1.1 Alpha design

The alpha design is characterized by the fact that the expansion and
compression spaces are in 2 different cylinders as can be seen on the
following figure.

Figure 4.2: Alpha design

This configuration corresponds to a single acting piston configuration: one of

the piston is the compression piston (cold side in blue) compressing the gas
and pushing it in the hot side during the cycle and the other one is the
expansion piston (hot side in red) which generates work during the expansion
part of the cycle (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001).

The 4 double acting piston design comes directly from this simple single
acting piston design. In this case, the expansion space of a cylinder is
connected, via a pipe with a regenerator to the compression space of the
following cylinder. Usually this is done with 4 cylinders, which makes easier to
control the position of the pistons in their cycle compared to the other pistons
(using a swash plate for mechanical linking of the pistons for example), but it
is possible to use it in the same way with a different number of pistons (T.
Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001).

Figure 4.3: 4 interconnected double acting pistons design

4.1.2 Beta design:

In this design,2 pistons are in a same cylinder: the displacer piston (in light
gray in the figure) which is not sealed and makes the gas circulate in the
cylinder between compression and expansion space of the engine and the
power piston (in dark gray in the picture) which is sealed and which generates
the work during the cycle.

Figure 4.4: Beta design

4.1.3 Gamma

For this design as for Beta design, there is a displacer and a power piston but
in this particular case, the 2 pistons are in different cylinders as can be seen
on following figure.

Figure 4.5: Gamma design

In this figure, the power generation is done using a linear alternator, the power
piston being or containing a permanent magnet which creates a magnetic
field. In some other cases, the power is generated by connecting an alternator
(rotating) to the power piston wheel. In this case the power piston does not
have to create a magnetic field.

4.1.4 Free piston Stirling engine

This kind of design is similar to Beta or more Gamma design. The main
difference is that one of the pistons or both of them are not linked to any
mechanical systems (crankshaft, manifold,). There are different alternative
to build such engines, each corresponding to a sub-category of engine.

The first one is the Ringbom engine. In this case, the displacer is not linked to
any mechanical system. Its movement in the cylinder is controlled by a gas
(bounce gas) which makes it move back acting like a spring during the
different phases of the cycle (J. R. Senft, 1993). As for the previous design,
power generation can be done using a linear or rotating alternator.

Figure 4.6: Ringbom design

The second one is the Martini design. As for the Ringbom, one of the pistons
motion is controlled by a gas which acts like a spring during the different steps
of the cycle. The difference being that in this case, it is the power piston which
is not connected mechanically.

Figure 4.7: Martini design

The third alternative is the Free piston Stirling engine (FPSE) design for which
both of the pistons are not connected to any mechanical system.

Figure 4.8: FPSE design

For the free piston systems for which there is no mechanical device
connected to the power piston, the extraction of power is usually done using a
linear alternator, to generate electricity, the power piston being or containing a
magnet generating a magnetic field. For all these free piston designs, the
correct sequence of the cycle is insured by sizing and choosing carefully the
different elements of the engine.

More details on the different kind of Stirling engine designs can be found in G.
Walker book (G. Walker, 1973) and Theodore Finkelstein and Alan J. Organ
book (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001).

4.2 Comparison of the main designs

Among the designs presented in previous part, there are 4 main mechanical
designs (according to how often they are used for commercial applications) to
consider when it comes to Stirling engine conception:
Alpha design
Beta design
Gamma design
Free Piston Stirling Engine (FPSE) design

As seen in the History part, these designs were not invented at the same time
and they present different characteristics which make them more suitable for
given applications, manufacturing possibilities and working conditions.
Following table sums up the advantages and drawbacks of these different

Design Advantages Disadvantages

Alpha - Simplest mechanical configuration - Both pistons must be sealed in order to
(J. R. Senft, 1993) generate work and keep the fluid inside
- The interconnected double acting the engine. This represents a big
piston design allows more compact disadvantage when it comes to scaling up
design and higher specific power (D. of the engine and its production (G.
G. Thombare, 2006) Walker, 1973).
- For larger size of engine, the weight of
the systems can quickly become
problematic (G. Walker, 1973).
Beta - More compact design. Overlaps of - More complex design, especially when it
pistons strokes allow better use of comes to the connection between
volume. Reduced weight (G. Walker, displacer rod and power piston (T.
1973). Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001).
- Only one piston has to be sealed - Therefore More expensive design (T.
(Prof. Urieli website). Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, 2001).
Gamma - Same thermodynamic advantage as - Larger dead volume which reduce
Beta design but with a simpler efficiency and specific power (power over
construction which makes it less swept volume ratio) (T. Finkelstein, A. J.
expensive (T. Finkelstein, A. J. Organ, Organ, 2001).
- Can run on low temperature
difference (Prof. Urieli website).
FPSE - No cinematic mechanism which - More complex design (for example the
reduce mechanical losses and allows pressure of the different gas have to be
the engine to be hermetically sealed set accurately enough to ensure proper
(possibility to pressurize the gas) (G. operations of the system)
Walker, 1973).
- Self starting (G. Walker, 1973).
- Higher output if working gas is
pressurized (G. Walker, 1973).

Table 4.1: Comparison of main Stirling engine designs

4.3 Main design parameters

According to literature and what can be found concerning commercial

applications and development of Stirling engine (see the part of this report
dedicated to manufacturers of Stirling engines), it seems that efficiency
difference is not the main criteria of choice between 2 different designs. The
choice of a design compared to another seems to be done more according to
the power output, the input requirements (heat source, temperature ratio,
pressurization,), the mechanical design and costs of a given type (D. G.
Thombare, 2006).

As can be seen in the part on Stirling engine theory (Beale Formula and
Schmidt analysis), there are some main parameters to take into account when
designing and sizing a Stirling engine:
Mean pressure over the cycle
Rated speed (frequency)
Piston strokes and swept volume ratio between displacer and power piston
Heat source to heat sink temperature ratio
Phase angle between power and displacer piston

By acting on these parameters, it is possible to change the output power and

speed of the engine. For example, pressurizing the working volume of a
Stirling engine allows increasing the power output from a given engine.
Concerning speed variation of Stirling engine, different techniques are used
according to which mechanical design is used (change of stroke, phase angle
variation,) (D. G. Thombare, 2006).


This part presents todays main applications of Stirling engine and some
important facts about the main manufacturers of Stirling engines for these
different applications.

5.1 Main applications

Historically, as can be seen in the part of this report about Stirling engine
development History, the Stirling engine was first designed for mechanical
power generation application. Depending on the technology new
developments and needs of the time period, new applications appeared for
this engine.

Today, Stirling engines are intended mainly for 2 applications:

Electric power generation
Micro Combined Heat and Power generation (micro CHP)

Following figure shows the distribution of main applications

Figure 5.1: Stirling engine applications distribution

From this figure, corresponding to 19 different manufacturers, it can be seen

that Power generation and Micro CHP represent the main parts of the
applications and are equally distributed. The remaining 5% corresponds to a
manufacturer which produces engines for Submarine propulsion (Kockums,
see Appendix 1).

5.1.1 Electric power generation

The use of Stirling engine for power generation has been strongly motivated
by its ability of using almost any kind of heat source for heat input, especially
renewable energies. In this way, manufacturers proposes different engine
models, some driven by concentrated solar energy or fuel combustion and
even waste heat since Stirling engine can be designed to work on low
temperature difference. Concentrated solar power (CSP) is the preferred heat
source for power generation. In this case, a circular parabolic solar
concentrator concentrates sun rays on the heating side of the Stirling engine,
placed at the focal point of the concentrator. Such combination of solar energy
and Stirling engine can be found on broad power generation scale, usually
from 1 kWe to 25 kWe. Following figure shows an example of such a system.

Figure 5.2: Solar dish/Stirling engine system (from PSA website)

Some manufacturers propose Stirling engine systems for power generation as

low as 42 We and some projected products aim at power generation as high
as 2MWe (see appendix 1 for more details).

5.1.2 Micro CHP

As for power generation, the ability of Stirling engine to run on different heat
source and especially renewable energy sources made it interesting for CHP
applications. However, the difficulty to design large scale Stirling engine made
it more attractive for smaller scale application, namely micro CHP
applications. In most of the cases, such micro CHP unit are powered by the
combustion of a given fuel (natural gas, biomass, biogas). Following figure
shows an example of WhisperGen Micro CHP unit (see appendix 1 for more

Figure 5.3: Micro CHP unit (from WhisperGen website)

Stirling engine allows in the case of Micro CHP to get unit large enough to
supply an individual home, still keeping a total efficiency around 90% as larger
CHP plants theoretically do. This allows using decentralized CHP at lower
investment cost than usual larger scale plant. For this kind of application the
power ranges from 800 We and 5.5 kWth to 35 kWe and 140 kWth (see
appendix 1 for more details).

5.1.3 Other applications

Some other applications have been found for Stirling engine through time but
one of the most important is the application for transportation. As explained in
the part about History of Stirling engine development, in the 70s some
company tried to adapt Stirling engine for automobiles, but the
warming/cooling time and speed control problems of Stirling engine and some
other drawbacks stopped the development of such applications.

Today, a Swedish company, Kockums A.B. (www.kockums.se), continues to

develop Stirling engine for motorization of military submarines, because of the
silent operation of such engines which is critical for submarines.

5.2 Market overview

In this part, a list of 20 manufacturers of Stirling engine for commercial

application is presented. This list is as exhaustive as possible and try to show
an overview of the technology used, their characteristics and the kind of
applications they are made for. The table in appendix A summarizes the main
Stirling engine manufacturers and the characteristics of their products. All the
data come directly form the manufacturers websites. Some of these products
are already commercially available, some are still under development, which
explains the difference of availability and accuracy of the data.

Following charts summarize main data about Stirling engine manufacturers

and technologies

Figure 5.4: Stirling engine manufacturers geographic distribution

From the 20 manufacturers of Stirling engine found, the 2 countries most

represented are the US and Germany.

Figure 5.5: Commercially available Stirling engine distribution by power

output range

27 different products have been found, produced by different manufacturers. It
appears that the main design electric powers are in the range of 1 to 5kW

Figure 5.6: Working fluid used in commercially available Stirling engines

For the engines for which data on the working fluid were available, it appears
that Helium is the working fluid used most of the time.

Figure 5.7: Design used for commercially available Stirling engines

Concerning the type of design of the Stirling engine, among the Stirling engine
for which data were available, Free piston Stirling engine (FPSE) and alpha
double acting pistons designs seems to be more represented, quickly followed
by the other major designs. It can be noticed that none of the industrial Stirling
engine found is built following the Gamma design, probably because of its
lower efficiency.



Bancha Kongtragool, Somchai Wongwises (2002); A review of solar-powered

Stirling engines and low temperature differential Stirling engines; Elsevier
science-direct; available at www.sciencedirect.com

Bancha Kongtragool, Somchai Wongwises (2004); Investigationon power

output of the gamma configuration low temperature differential Stirling
engines; Elsevier science-direct; available at www.sciencedirect.com

David Haywood, An introduction to Stirling cycle machines, Stirling cycle

research group, department of mechanical engineering, University of

D. G. Thombare, S.K. Verma (2006); Technological development in the

Stirling cycle engines; Elsevier science-direct; available at

Maria Eugenia Corria, Vladimir Melian Cobas, Electo Silva Lora (2005);
Perspectives of Stirling engines use for distributed generation in Brazil;
Departement of mechanical engineering, Federal university of Itajuba, Brazil;
Elsevier science-direct; available at www.sciencedirect.com

Lecture notes

Thomas Stenhede (2009); Internal combustion engines; Lecture notes from

applied heat and power technology course, Sustainable energy engineering
MSc program, Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (royal institute of technology),
Stockholm, Sweden.


Theodore Finkelstein, Allan J. Organ (2001); Air engines: the History, science,
and reality of the perfect engine; New York: ASME Press ; Bury St. Edmonds,
Suffolk, UK : Published in the U.K. by Professional Engineering Publishers;
ISBN 0791801713, ISBN 9780791801710

James R. Senft (1993); Ringbom Stirling engine; New York : Oxford University
Press; ISBN 0195077989, ISBN 9780195077988.

Robert Sier (2000); Hot air caloric and Stirling engines, volume one: a History;
L.A Mair, UK; ISBN 0 9526417 1 2

G. Walker (1973); Stirling-cycle machines; Clarendon press Oxford; Oxford

University press; OCLC number 26463852


Stirling engine society of USA website, www.sesusa.org as accessed on June

8th 2009

MIT website on Stirling engine, web.mit.edu/2.670/www/Stirl/stirl.html as

accessed on June 8th 2009

Kockums AB website, a Swedish company producing Stirling engines for

Submarine drive, www.kockums.se as accessed on June 9th 2009.

Pierre Gras website, private website with explanations on the different type of
Stirling engine designs, www.stirlingengine.fr as accessed on June 15th 2009

Professor Israel Urieli website, professor at the department of mechanical

engineering of the university of Ohio, lecture notes from Stirling cycle
machines course, www.ent.ohiou.edu/~urieli/ as accessed on June 15th 2009.

PSA (Plataforma Solar de Almeria) website, Solar dish/Stirling engine project,

www.psa.es as accessed July 16th 2009.

Doctor Siegfried Herzog website, assistant professor of mechanical

engineering at the Penn State university at Monte Alto, Mathematical analysis
of Stirling engine, mac6.ma.psu.edu as accessed on June 15th 2009

World alliance for decentralized energy (WADE), www.localpower.org as

accessed June 20th 2009.

Dr Koichi Hirata website; details on the Schmidt analysis method,

www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~khirata/academic/schmidt/schmidt.htm; as accessed
June 20th 2009.


Name of the Application Stirling engine Efficiency Power* Workin Pressure Hot source Status Website
company design * g fluid temperature **
(country) used
TEDOM Power Alpha (single 24.13%e 7.4 kWe Helium 10Mpa 160C U. D. Engine.stirling.cz
(Czech generation and acting piston) (1450 (320F)
Republic) CHP (from fuel psi)
combustion and
solar dish)
Stirling CHP (from fuel Alpha (4 27%e - 43 kWe - - - - C. A, www.stirlingbiopow
biopower combustion) interco-nnected 48%th - 77 kWth - er.com
formerly STM double acting 75-80%T 120 kWT
(US) pistons)
SES - Stirling Power Alpha (4 31.25%e 25 kWe - - - U. D. www.stirlingenergy.
energy system generation interco-nnected com
(US) (solar dish) double acting
Kockums AB, Marine - 31%m 75 kWm - - - C. A, www.kockums.se
formerly propulsion and
United Stirling power
AB generation
(Sweden) (solar dish in
with SES)
Sunpower (US) Power FPSE 1) 32%e 1) 42 We - - - C. A, www.sunpower.com
generation 2) 36%e 2) 95 We
(solar dish) 3) 32%e 3) 1 kWe
Infinia (US) Power FPSE 24%e 3 kWe - - - C. A, www.infiniacorp.co
generation and m
CHP (in
with Enatec and
ReGen Power Power FPSE 1) 13%e 1) 250 kWe - - 1) 100C U. D. www.rgpsystems.co
system (US) generation 2) 25%e - 1 MWe (212F) m
(waste heat or 2) 500 kWe 2) 250C
fuel - 2 MWe (482F)
Stirling DK CHP (from fuel Alpha (4 18%e - 35 kWe - Helium 4.5 MPa - C. A, www.sd.econtent.dk
(Denmark) combustion) interco-nnected 88%T 140 kWth (653 psi)
double acting
Cleanenergy Power - - 9 kWe - - - C. A, www.cleanergyindus
AB (Sweden) generation tries.com
(solar dish)

Stirling 1) Micro-CHP 1) FPSE 1) 18%e - 1) 1.2 kWe 1) 1) 3.5 1) 650C 1) C. www.stirling-

Systems AG (from fuel 2) Alpha 90%T - 5 kWth Helium MPa (1202F) A, systems.com
(Switzerland) combustion) 2) 23%e 2) 2 to 9.5 2) (508 psi) 2) 650C 2) U.

2) Power kWe Hydrog 2) 2 to (1202F) D.
generation en 15 Mpa
(solar dish) (290 to
WhisperGen Micro-CHP Alpha (4 11%e - 800 We - - - - C. A, www.whispergen.co
(New Zealand) (from fuel interco-nnected 90%T 5.5 kWth m
combustion) double acting
Enerlyt GmBH Micro-CHP Beta 20%m 1 kWe - 3.5 - 1 Mpa 766C U. D. www.enerlyt.de
(Germany) (from fuel kWth (145 psi) (1410F)
SunMachine Power Alpha (single 20%e - 3 kWe - Nitroge 4 Mpa - C. A, www.sunmachine.co
(Germany) generation and acting piston) 90%T 10.5 kWth n (580 psi) m
CHP (from fuel
combustion and
solar dish)
DISENCO ltd. Micro-CHP Beta 20%e - 3 kWe - 15 Helium - - C. A, www.disenco.com
(UK) (from fuel 90%T kWth
SPM Micro-CHP Alpha (4 - 1 kWe Air - - U. D. www.stirlingpower
(Germany) (from fuel interco-nnected module.com
combustion) double acting
ADI (US) Power Beta 30%e 25 kWe - - 1150C U. D. www.adithermalpow
generation and (2100F) er.com
CHP (from fuel
Stirling Micro-CHP Beta 40%e - 8 kWe - 21 Helium 1.65MPa 700C U. D. Www.stirling-
Engineering (from fuel 90%T kWth (240 psi) (1292F) engineering.com
(Austria) combustion)
BSR solar Water pumping FPSE 1) 13%m - - 1) 1 Mpa 1) 100C U. D. www.bsrsolar.com
technology and power 2) 36%m (145 psi) (212F)
(Germany) generation 2) 1 MPa 2) 500C
(solar) (145 psi) (932F)
BAXI (UK) Micro-CHP FPSE 15%e - 1.1 kWe - - - 525C C. A, www.baxi.co.uk
(from fuel 92%T 6kWth (977F)
Stirling Micro-CHP Beta 10%m - 3.7 kWm air 0.5 MPa 650C C. A, www.stirling-
Technology (from fuel 80%T (73 psi) (1202F) tech.com
Inc, spin off of combustion)
Sunpower (US)

*Note: concerning efficiencies and power, the letters e, m, th and T in index refers
respectively to electrical, mechanical, thermal and total.

**Note: C. A. stands for commercially available. U. D. stands for under development.


Input parameters:

Engine type: alpha

Swept volume of an expansion piston: Vswe=0.628 cm3
Swept volume of a compression piston: Vswc=0.628 cm3
Dead volume of the expansion space: Vcle=0.2cm3
Dead volume of the compression space: Vclc=0.2cm3
Regenerator volume: Vr=0.2cm3
Phase angle: =90deg
Mean pressure: Pmean=101.3 kPa
Expansion gas temperature: Te=400degC
Compression gas temperature: Tc=30degC
Engine speed: N=2000 rpm.


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