Ch.9 Information System Ethics and Computer Crime
Ch.9 Information System Ethics and Computer Crime
Ch.9 Information System Ethics and Computer Crime
Information accuracy
It is concern with ensuring the authenticity (real) and fidelity (accuracy) of
information and with identifying who is responsible for informational errors that
harm people.
Computer never make mistakes, we have come to expect this information to
be accurate.
Teller machines, computerized record systems should provide customers with
quick and accurate access to their account information. However, we continue
to hear about and experience record-keeping error at banks.
Data accuracy error will cause big problem , imagine hospital computer
appeared incorrectly on a patients chart it will result of the medicine that was
mistakenly dispensed to him
Computer-based information systems and the data within those systems are
only as accurate and as useful as they have been made to be.
Everyone must be concerned with data integrity, from the design of the system,
to the building of the system, to the person who actually enters data into the
system, to the people who use and manage the system.
Information property
It is focus on who owns information about individuals and how information can be
sold and exchanged. Such as name, address, e-mail
Data privacy statement
The company that maintains the database of customers or subscribers legally
owns the information and is free to sell it. Your information are all legally kept in
a company database to be used for the companys future mailings.
However, the company can sell its customers list to another company who want
to send mail to similar customers so this is the problem begin.
Spam refers to unsolicited e-mail that promote a g/s or make some other type of
solicitation . Your e-mail address was sold to e-marketers if you have ever sign
Ch.9 Information system ethics and computer crime
Cookie is a small text file on your computer that stores information about your
web-browsing activity at a particular site. Although you can choose to not accept the
storage of cookies, you may not be able to visit the site. E.g. New York Times online,
you have to accept cookies before you use their web site to do something
Information accessibility
It focuses on defining what information a person or organization has the right to
obtain about others and how this information can be accessed and used.
Public policy has issued guidelines for the ethical use of computers. The guidelines
Using computer to harm others
Interfering with other peoples computer work
Snooping in other peoples files
Using a computer to steal
Using a computer to bear false witness
Copying or using proprietary software without paying for it
Using other peoples computer resources without authorization or
Appropriating other peoples intellectual output
The guidelines recommend the following:
Thinking about social consequence of programs you write and systems you
Using a computer in ways that show consideration and respect for others.
As a computer user, you should review the ethical guidelines published by your
school, place of employment or professional organization
Computer security institute (CSI) is record the number of computer crime in each
One side is information industry, communications service providers and hackers who
want to prosecute computer criminals under the law but at the same time not
severely limit or prevent the free exchange of information
Opposing side are privacy advocates, govt agencies, law enforcement officials and
businesses that depend on the data stored in computers who takes a much stricter
position, advocating the free exchange of information only among those with
authorization for access.
own use. And it is legal to offer shareware or public domain software for free through
bulletin boards and other web site.
But warez (slang term for such stolen software) peddling offering stolen
proprietary software for free over the internet is a crime.
Patents and copyrights are giving the creator exclusive rights to benefit from the
creation for a limited period of time.
Patents process, machine, material inventions e.g. one-click
Copyright refer to creation of the mid such as music, software, literature
Software piracy has become a problem. It costs the commercial software industry
and the entire economy billion of dollars a year.
The crime is difficult to trace but many individuals and companies have been
successfully prosecuted for pirating software by trying to the users to enter license
keys or verifying the key before allowing the customer to register or update the
destructive programs that disrupt the normal functioning of computer system,
different from worms and Trojan because viruses can reproduce themselves
viruses not always tend to be harmless (pranks) but often damage to a
computer system by erasing (deleting) files on the hard drive or by slowing
computer processing
viruses spreads rapidly through e-mail or file downloads.
Viruses is the most virulent forms of computer infection
It usually does not destroy file but like virus, it is designed to copy and send
itself, spreading rapidly throughout networked computers.
Trojan horse
Unlike a virus, it does not copy itself
Like a virus it can do much damage
The computer appears to function normally but in fact it is performing
underlying functions dictated by the intrusive code.
Ch.9 Information system ethics and computer crime
Internet hoaxes
It is a false msg circulated online about new viruses.
e.g. e-mail msg told recipients to look for a certain file and delete it, then inform
everyone in their address books of the virus. The msg was a hoax.
Cyber stalking
Repeated contacts with a victim, it can take many forms,
making false accusations that damage the reputation of the victim
on web site, chat room, blog. (e.g. eBay)
gaining information on a victim by monitoring online activities, accessing
encouraging other to harass a victim by posting personal information about the
victim on Web site or in chat room
attacking data and equipment of the victim by sending e-mail viruses and other
destructive code
using the internet to place false orders for g/s such as magazine, pornography
and other embarrassing items
it is really hard to catch cyber stalkers because they can take many forms and can go
undetected by the victim.
Ch.9 Information system ethics and computer crime
Cyber bullying
It is to deliberately (have plan) cause emotional distress in the victim
Cyberwar p.376
It refer to an organized attempt by a countrys military to disrupt or destroy
the information and communication systems of another country.
NATO alliance is the most technologically sophisticated war machine in the world and
also the most dependent on its networking and computing infrastructure and it is
also the most vulnerable (easy to harm) to a cyberwar attack.
Cyberwar vulnerabilities
Cyberwar use a diverse range of technologies including software, hardware and
networking technologies to gain an information advantage over an opponent .
These technologies will be used to electronically blind, jam, deceive, overload and
intrude into an enemys computing and networking capabilities in order to diminish
various capabilities, including the following,
Command and control systems
Intelligence collection and distribution systems
Information processing and distribution systems
Tactical communication systems and methods
Troop and weapon positioning system
Friend-or-foe identification systems
Smart weapons systems
Cyberwar strategy is to control the content and distribute of propaganda and
Ch.9 Information system ethics and computer crime
Unlike cyberwar, it is launched not by govt but by individuals and organized groups
It is the use of computer and networking technologies against persons or property to
intimidate of coerce govt, civilians or any society in order to attain (reach)
political, religious, ideological goals.
What kind of attack are considered cyberterrorism
It could involve physical destruction of computer systems or acts that destroy
economic stability or infrastructure.
It could likely damage the machines that control traffic lights, power plants, dams or
airline traffic in order to create fear and panic.
Globalization of terrorism
The threat of cyberterrorism will continue to increase,
Govt must improve their intelligence-gathering capabilities so that potential attacks
are thwarted before they begin.
Industry must give incentives to secure their information resources so that losses and
disruptions in operation are minimized
International law and treaties must rapidly evolve (develop) to reflect the realities of
cyberterrorism, where attacks can be launched from anywhere in the world to
anywhere in the world.