Robert Drews - First Tyrants

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The key takeaways are that the rise of hoplite warfare and the availability of hoplite mercenaries (epikouroi) enabled ambitious individuals to build private armies and seize power in various Greek communities in the late 7th century BC, becoming the first tyrants.

The main topic discussed is the rise and origins of the first tyrants in Greece in the late 7th century BC.

According to the author, the main factors that led to the rise of the first tyrants in Greece were the availability of hoplite mercenaries (epikouroi) who could be hired to build a private army, as well as the examples set by Gyges of Lydia and Psammetichus of Egypt in using mercenary forces to seize power.

The First Tyrants in Greece

Author(s): Robert Drews

Source: Historia: Zeitschrift fr Alte Geschichte, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2nd Qtr., 1972), pp. 129-144
Published by: Franz Steiner Verlag
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Accessed: 30/11/2008 16:43

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Zeitschrift fr Alte Geschichte.


During the past fifteen years much has been written about Greek tyrants
and Greek tyranny. The comprehensive volumes of H. Berve, as well as the
convenient surveys of A.Andrewes and Cl.Moss6, provide satisfactory
assessments of the achievements and significance of the various tyrants. Re-
cent chapters on the rise of the first tyrants, however, repeat analyses offered
a generation ago, and the analyses do not quite ring true. They meet the
specification of the social sciences, and duly present the tyrants as the neces-
sary consequence of external, objective conditions. In so doing, it seems,
they obscure the fact that the tyrant's power was also the result of personal
ambition, and the manifestation of an internal, subjective will. That a
Thrasybulus or a Pisistratus was essentially the creature of forces beyond his
control, or even his comprehension, is difficult to accept, and is very likely
not correct.
The most popular explanation of the rise of the tyrants derives from Aris-
totle's venture into political science. Having isolated zyrannosas a degenerate
species of the genus monarchos,Aristotle described its evolution: when
aristocrats become overbearing and abrasive, the demosand the masses set
up a tyrant to champion their own interests'.
Aristotle's analysis served as the foundation for modern investigations of
the problem. Eduard Meyer described the various seventh century tyrants
as coming to power "an der Spitze des Demos"2, and Georg Busolt found
the emergence of tyranny intelligible because "seit der Mitte des 7. Jahrhun-
derts waren die meisten griechischen Stadte von Kampfen zwischen dem
Adel und Burgertum erfuillt"3.To support these generalizations Meyer and
Busolt referred to Aristotle's Politics. In the twentieth century this political
explanation of the rise of the tyrants has become more sophisticated. Since

This paper results from a seminar, at Vanderbilt University, on the origins of Greek tyranny
For criticism and suggestions I thank Miss Carol Cappel, Mrs. Kaye Warren, and Messrs. R. Beaty
J.Custer, M.Horton and J.Wilson.
1 Aristotle 1o/itics 1310 B: KaOtorraTaL.. o6 i tv'pavvo5 EK TOi364,sOV Kai Toi5 A'Oov5ieni TOV5
2 Geschichtedes Alt/crt/us Bd. III (rep. Stuttgart, 1954), pp. 563-4, 573, and 583.
3 Griechiscbe GeschichteBd.I (2nd ed., Gotha, 1893), p.628.
9 Historia XXT/2

there is no contemporary evidence that the nobility was becoming more

arrogant in the middle of the seventh century, another reason had to be
found for the unrest of the demos.M. Nilsson called attention to the impact
which the introduction of hoplite warfare, in the first half of the seventh
century,madeupon the politicalconsciousnessof the middle class4. Whereas
in 700 the nobles fought as individual knights and spear-throwers, and the
commoners did little more than cheer and throw stones, by 650 the commons
had become vital to community defense. The hoplite's spear and great shield
were employed in formation, and the larger the formation the more effective
it was. The nobles, accordingly, had impressed many of the commoners into
the new hoplite phalanx. It is now widely accepted that in the early seventh
century the commons were content to let the nobles rule, since the nobles
did all the fighting for the community; but by ca. 650 the demos,which was
supplying community defense in the form of the hoplite phalanx, demanded
a corresponding voice in community government. Since it was not politically
mature enough to take power for itself, the demossupported as its champion
an aspirant for tyranny6.
The economic explanation for the rise of the Greek tyrants has no classi-
cal antecedents, and was first formulated in the nineteenth century. Accor-
ding to this analysis, economic changes in seventh century Greece necessita-
ted political changes. An extreme version of this theory was presented by
P. N. Ure. Believing, as Meyer, Busolt and Karl Beloch had believed, that
coinage came into use in Greece shortly after 700, Ure postulated that the
new medium of exchange created a class of powerful capitalists. These
financial titans unseated the reigning landed aristocrats, and as tyrants turned
their communities into industrial centers and commercial emporia6. Today
it is generally believed that coinage came to Greece after the appearance of
tyranny, but many historians nonetheless hold the changing economy re-

4 "Die Hoplitentaktik und das Staatswesen", Klio XXII (1929), pp.240-249. In discussing the
origins of tyranny Meyer did not mention the hoplite innovation; Busolt noted it ( but
thought that the invention of coins was a far more important factor. Nilsson's article calledi
attention to the "demokratisches Ideal" of the new hoplite units, and concludcd (p.246): "Mit
dem Schwinden der militarischen Bedeutung des berittenen Adels wurde seine politische Vor-
machtstellung untergraben. Denn die Hopliten, welche die Schlachten fur die Stadt der Vater
schlugen, muB3teneine entsprechende politische Bedeutung beanspruchen und erhalten". Earlier
scholars had interpreted Aristotle's demosas "the lower classes". But Nilsson reasoned that since
the middle class would have furnished the hoplites, it was the middle class which opposed the
5 See e.g. M.White, "Greek Tyranny", Phoenix IX (1955), pp.5-6; A.Andrewes, The Greek
Tyrants (London, 1956), pp.33ff.; W.G.Forrest, The Emergenceof Greek Democracy(London,
1966), pp. 88-97; Cl.Mosse, La tyranniedans la Greceantiquie(Paris, 1969), pp.6-8.
6 Ure outlined this hypothesis in his The Greek Renaissance(London,1921), pp. 138ff., and

developed it in detail in Th.eOriginof Tyranny(Cambridge,1922).

The First Tyrants in Greece 131

sponsible for Greek tyranny. The growing complexity of the Greek economy,
it is urged, created a wealthy class distinct from the landed aristocracy.
Distressed that the aristocrats monopolized all political power, the nouveaux
riches backed a revolution which put into power a single ruler responsive to
their wishes. This economic explanation for seventh century tyranny is just
as common in Western as in Marxist studies7.
A sociological explanation has also been offered: tyranny in Sicyon, and
perhaps in Corinth and elsewhere, may have resulted from the racial tension
between Dorians and non-Dorians8.
These explanations, singly or in combination, may have some validity.
They should be accompanied, however, by the cautionary note that in none
of the ancient accounts of the rise of the tyrants is mention made of a citizen
body newly armed with hoplite weapons, an emerging commercial class, or
non-Dorian dissidents. One could argue that although political, economic
and social conditions created an environment in which individuals could
become tyrants, the direct "cause" of tyranny was something far more ob-
vious to both ancients and moderns: the desire for power and prestige, or
philotimia. And not so much the philotimia of the middle class farmers, the
nouveaux riches merchants, or the non-Dorians, but rather the philotimia of
the individuals who aspired to tyranny. In his recent study, Berve pays lip
service to the various theories outlined above, but in his description of the
early tyrants he calls long overdue attention to their egotism and ostentation,
traits which the Greeks themselves considered the earmark of the tyrant9.

H.-J.Diesner, GriechisciceTyrannisund griechischeTyrannen(Berlin, 1960), finds the ultimate

cause of tyranny in the pressures which the Geldadelbrought to bear on the Gebhrfsadel(p. 6), and
believes that the "hoplite revolution" served to hasten the transition. The extent to which the
economic explanation of tyranny is accepted in contemporary scholarship can be seen in E. Will's
Korinthiaka(Paris, 1955). Discussing the causes of Cypselus' tyranny, Will notes the decline of
Corinthian exports to Sicily in the years 640-620, and comes to the following conclusion (pp. 427-
428): "Ces perturbations &conomiques... durent a leur tour avoir des repercussions sociales,
qu'il est tout aussi impossible de pr6ciser, mais qui purent contribuer au renversement du regime
oligarchique: cet 6v6nement politique n'est, apr6s tout, qu'un moment de 1'evolution sociale,
donc de l'evolution &conomique". Although the ancient chronographers dated Cypselus' coup to
655, and not to 620, Will prefers the later date: "Or le caractere 6videmment &conomique et
social de celle-ci, comme de toute revolution tyrannique ou aisymn6tique, parle cn faveur de cette
date. Une telle revolution en effet, perd en vraisemblance si on la situe trente ou quarante ans
plus t6t". Thus presuppositions about the causes of an event are used to confirm the date of the
event in question!
8 Andrewes, Greek Tyrants,p. 65, concludes that although we have no evidence that Orthagoras

exploited racial tension in order to make himself tyrant of Sicyon, such tension did exist, and was
a secondary factor in various Peloponnesian revolutions.
9 Berve, Die Tyrannis beiden Griechen(two volumes; Munich, 1967), vol. 1, pp.3-5, quite rightly
reminds us of the seventh and sixth century texts which characterize "the tyrant" as an egotist
lusting after great wealth and power, and as the epitome of hybris.On pp. 10-11 Berve does pay

Surely we should no longer insist that the tyrants were placed in power in
order to enact social or economic reforms.
The historian, unlike the scientist, cannot be dogmatic about cause and
effect relationships. He must be content with making plausible suggestions,
having first established what happened, and the chronological order in which
it happened. Instead of trying to determine whytyrants appeared in seventh
century Greece, perhaps we should attempt to reconstruct howCypselus, and
others who were called tyrannoi by their contemporaries, came to power.
The events themselves, hopefully, will help to explain "the origins of Greek
We may begin with the obvious fact that the immediate "causes of Greek
tyranny" in the seventh century were the several coups d'etat which brought
Cypselus and others to power.
In 655 Cypselus ended the rule of the Bacchiad aristocrats and became
master of Corinth'0. The transfer of power was effected by force. An oracle
forged at the time of the coup, or not long thereafter, "predicted" that
Cypselus would "loose the knees" of many Corinthians". Patrocleides, who
was taking his turn as Bacchiad prytanis and ruler of Corinth, was one of
many Bacchiads slain'2. It was, in short, a violent coup d'etat.
Obviously Cypselus had at his disposal an armed force. This resource has
too often been treated as merely incidental to his ambition and success. To

the necessary respects to the middle class hoplites and the commercial rich. Berve's lack of
enthusiasm for the conventional causes of tyranny is critically noted by Ph. Gauthier, "Les tyrans
dans le monde grec antique", Revuedes EitudesGrecquesLXXXI (1968), pp. 555-561.
10 The date, 655, is given by Diodorus Siculus VII 9. Eusebius dates the coup to 657. Diogenes
Laertius I 95 says that Periander died in 585/4; since the Cypselid tyranny lasted 731/2 years
(Aristotle, Politics 1315 B), Diogenes' source must have placed Cypselus' accession ca.658. Karl
Beloch, Grichbiscbe Gescbichle,vol.1,2 (StraB3burg,1913), pp. 274-284, by an amazing manipulation
of Herodotean stories, produced 620 as the date for the coup. Beloch's argument has never won
many adherents, and should now be discarded. J. Servais, "Herodote et la chronologie des Cypseli-
des", L'Antiquigi ClassiqueXXXVIII (1969), pp.28-81, presents an exhaustive analysis of the
passages on which Beloch built his argument, and concludes that the Herodotean tradition is in
agreement with the high chronology of the other ancient writers.
Herodotus V 92, b:
"In the rocks an eagle is pregnant, and will bring forth a lion, fierce and
flesh-devouring. It shall loose the knees of many. Now ponder these things
well, Corinthians, you who dwell round fair Peirene, and beetle-browed
This oracle, of course, was promulgated by Cypselus' foes or victims.
'l Nicolaus of Damascus (Jacoby, Hist. no. 90), fr. 57,6: "Finally, assembling a band of
helpers (hetairikon), he kills Patrocleides, who was then reigning, and the demosimmediately
established him as king in the place of Patrocleides". Ephorus, who was Nicolaus' authority for
the story of Cypselus, and other fourth century writers anachronistically attributed to the seventh
century demosa political consciousness and power which it did not have. Aristotle (Politics 1292A)
believed that radical democracy was not unknown in Homer's time.
Thc First Tyrants in Greecc 133

the contrary, it must have been decisive for both. We are told nothing about
Cypselus' activities prior to the coup, other than the fact that he was a po-
lemarchon'3.The "chest of Cypselus" dedicated at Olympia, perhaps by Peri-
ander, featured military scenes on its central panel14. Since we know of no
military distinction which Cypselus won as tyrant, the chest may have re-
called his career as polemarchon.
A second fact about Cypselus' background is implicit in the ancient evi-
dence. Inxhis charming story about the infant Cypselus, Herodotus tells us
that although the Bacchiads married exclusively within their own clan, one
Bacchiad maiden was lame and went unclaimed by her noble kin. The girl,
Labda, was eventually married to Eetion son of Echecrates, "of the demos
of Petra". After Labda had become pregnant, an oracle revealed to the
Bacchiads that Eition's offspring would one day overthrow them. They set
out to kill the baby soon after its birth, but Labda hid the child in a chest
(kupsele). The baby was named Cypselus, after the instrument of its salva-
tion. Upon reaching manhood he was encouraged by an oracle to make him-
self tyrant of Corinth",.
The story is incomplete. The reader will wonder how the temporary ex-
pedient of the chest allowed Cypselus to survive many long years among the
hostile Bacchiads. Did he perhaps stay in the chest from infancy to manhood?
Herodotus' audience must have assumed a fact which has since been for-
gotten: Cypselus grew up outside the land ruled by the Bacchiads, and did
not come to Corinth until shortly before his coup. Herodotus' story was
designed to explain how it happened that a child born in Corinthian territory
grew up elsewhere. Nicolaus of Damascus tells a more complete tale: after
his narrow escape, the infant was sent by its father to Olympia; after spen-
ding some time there, Cypselus was fetched back to Cleonae, not far from
Corinth, and grew to manhood at Cleonael.
No one, I think, believes that the Bacchiads heard an oracle predicting
that the infant Cypselus would one day overthrow them, and so no one
should believe that he grew up in Petra, Olympia, Cleonae or Gonussa be-
cause there was a price on his head in Corinth. He did not grow up in
Corinth, we must conclude, because he was not a Corinthian"7.It is not im-

Is Nic. Dam. fr.57,5.

lo Pausanias V 18,6. This chest must have been intcndcd not as a rclic, but as a symbolof
Cypselus' miraculous rise to power. 16 V92. "I Nic. Dam. fr. 57,3-4.
17 The oracle quoted in note 11 certainly implied that "the rocks"
(;dTrpqat) where Cypselus was
born were not part of the Corinthian "state" prior to Cypselus' accession. Pausanias (V 18,7) says
Cypselus came from Gonussa, west of Sicyon. Cleonae was a polis ten miles from Corinth and
thirteen miles from Argos. During Cypselus' youth it was undoubtedly a dependency of Pheidon
of Argos. It should be remembered that in aristocratic Greece the political and tcrritorial defini-
tion of a statc was still vague. At any rate, Cypselus' claim that hc was in fact a Corinthian is no

possible that his mother was a Bacchiad. But it is also possible that Labda
and her Bacchiad ancestry were contrived together with the story of the
chest'8. The whole story was meant to reassure the Corinthians that Cypselus
of Cleonae or elsewhere was, mirabiledictu, not only a Corinthian by virtue
of his mother's ancestry, but a Baccbiad! Paradoxically, the story is, I believe,
excellent evidence that Cypselus was neither a Bacchiad nor a Corinthian.
At the very least, the invention of the story proves that Cypselus was much
concerned about a widespread belief that he was not a Corinthian and not
of noble blood.
We have seen that prior to his coup Cypselus had been known in Corinth
as apolemarchon.What was the nature of this position? Since Cypselus was not
a member of the Bacchiad aristocracy, he could have commanded Corinthian
troops only as a professional captain, hired by the Bacchiads because of his
martial exploits in other places. If so, he will have become tyrant by sub-
verting to his own ends the troops who were meant to defend the communi-
ty. On the other hand, it may be that prior to his coup Cypselus had never
commanded Corinthian warriors, but had become famous in Corinth as a
military adventurer. Or, again, he may have served for a time as a Corinthian
captain, and then have left that position only to return as a challenger to his
former employers. Whatever thesis is preferred, it must accommodate two
facts: Cypselus was not a Corinthian, but prior to his coup had acquired a
military reputation in Corinth.
At any rate, in 655 Cypselus appeared in the city with an hetairikon,a small
but loyal personal force. He slew the most powerful Bacchiads, exiled the
rest, and made himself master of the city. The Corinthians, we can be sure,
were dumbfounded at the incredible event. Whatever the resentment which
was occasioned by the change, it was softened by the story that Cypselus was,
after all, a Corinthian and, in fact, a Bacchiad on his mother's side. Cypselus
courted the good will of the people, and gave them reason to prefer his rule
to that of the Bacchiads. Dividing among the commoners the estates of the
Bacchiads, Cypselus felt secure enough to disperse his bodyguard'9. The
Corinthians acquiesced in his rule, and called their new master oyrannos20.
Orthagoras of Sicyon may not have been born of noble stock. A dubious
tradition, promulgated by opponents of the Orthagorids, declared that his
more and no less valid than the story that when he was still an infant his future grcatness had been
predicted by Apollo. The "exile" of Cypselus, which haunts modern treatments of the coup,
rests on superstition.
18 The ancients, apparently, had no further information about Labda. In its entry under that

name, the Elym. Magnumspeculates that her name, a variant of the alphabetic "lambda", signified
her deformity. 19 Nic. Dam. fr. 57,7-8.

20 At the end of the sixth century the Corinthian Sosicles supposedly referred to Cypselus as

the archetypal lyrannos(Hdt. V92, 1). Whatever title Cypselus may have appropriated, his subjects
obviously called him a tyrant.
The First Tyrants in Greece 135

father was a cook2l. But Orthagoras displayed considerable military ability,

and eventually became a polelliarchonat Sicyon. Unfortunately, the papyrus
on which this information is recorded becomes very fragmentary at this
point, but indicates that it was his position as polemarchonwhich served as the
springboard to tyranny in 65022.
Theagenes became tyrant of Megara ca.640. Again, we know almost
nothing about the circumstances. Happily, in defining the epagoge,Aristotle
says by way of illustrating this type of argument:
For example, Dionysius, in demanding a bodyguard, aspires to tyranny.
For Pisistratus, who aspired to tyranny long ago, demanded a bodyguard,
and on acquiring it became tyrant, and likewise Theagenes in Megara23.
Here, for once, Aristotle is not forcing an earlier tyrant into the mold of
Dionysius, but the reverse: since it is known that Theagenes, who did in
fact aspire to tyranny, acquired a bodyguard in order to achieve his objec-
tive, so we may infer that Dionysius, who also demanded a bodyguard, was
also aspiring to tyranny. However dubious of the political science, we can
be grateful for the history. Theagenes, it is clear, secured his position in
Megara with the aid of a personal military force, and once in power was
called tyrannos.
During the Olympic festival of 632 or 628 Theagenes' son-in-law, Cylon,
attempted to make himself tyrant of Athens. According to Thucydides,
Cylon was an Athenian of long ago, an Olympic victor of noble ancestry,
and a man of great power. He had married the daughter of Theagenes, a
Megarian, who at that time was tyrant of Megara. When Cylon consulted
the oracle at Delphi, the god told him to seize the acropolis during the
greatest festival of Zeus. Receiving an armed force (dynamis) from Thea-
genes, and winning the cooperation of his own friends, he seized the
acropolis in order to set up a tyranny.... But the Athenians, upon lear-
ning of it, came from the fields en mvasse
against them, and stationing them-
selves round about, put them under siege24.
The armed force which Cylon received from Theagenes was obiously not
made up of Athenians. The Athenians, of whatever class, defeated his efforts
to make himself tyrant.
During the years 655-628 four aspirants for tyranny - Cypselus, Orthago-
ras, Theagenes and Cylon - effected coups d'etat en Greece. Perhaps there

21 Diodorus V1II 24.

22 OXY.Pap.XI, no.1365: 1r[o)e]/'aravrTo 6[? KarT(ijT1 (PX'i" d[V6peCw;]T?P [-r~vJ
TE XWpap
OLKEtav6La[]tavTo- Kai [o.Acai Ka]Ka TOV5 rO)4 -rOV;] 'o2IaVTO[5 O / 6 z6w [EIKVoJ]-
i'j )1u0
vkwv aMtO* ** For the date of Orthagoras see D. Leahy, "The Dating of the Orthagorid Dynasty",
His/oria XVII (1968), pp. 1 f. 23 Aristotle, Rheloric 1356 B.

24 Thucydides I 126,3-7. Aristotle, Ath. Pol. 1-2, places the attack before the time of Draco.

Eusebius dates Cylon's Olympic victory to 640.


were others, but about them we have no information25. Each of the four
aspirants for tyranny had at his disposal a military force of some kind.
Seventh century evidence, whether literary or archaeological, makes it very
clear, certainly, that these forces would have been armed in the hoplite
fashion. But it is not clear that they would have been made up of the citizenry
of the states in which the coups took place. Theagenes and Cylon, and per-
haps Cypselus, were supported by private forces of unknown provenance.
We are undoubtedly justified in saying that hoplites constituted an instru-
ment useful for would-be tyrants, but there are no grounds to conclude that
the "hoplite revolution" (i. e. the arming of middle class citizens) was the
cause of tyranny.
Speculation about the cause of Cypselus' coup may be less profitable than
speculation about its objective. Since the coup made him "tyrant" of Co-
rinth, it is probable that his goal was nothing more and nothing less than
that: to become the ruler of Corinth. That is not quite so self-evident as it
may seem. After generations of rule by the nobles, how could it have occur-
red to Cypselus that the scepter-bearing lords of Corinth were neither indis-
pensable nor invincible? What was it that inspired Cypselus to think thoughts
that had not been thought in Greece before? The answer, I suggest, lies in
the word, oyrannos: someone else had seized power from the legitimate rulers
of another state, and was known as a tyrannos.
We need not look far to find the inspiration for Cypselus' coup. Ca. 685
Gyges had overthrown the legitimate king of Lydia, Candaules, descendent
of Heracles, and since 685 had become famous throughout the Aegean
world26. He had subjugated much of the Ionian and Aeolian coast of Asia
Minor, and his dedications in gold and silver stood near the temple of
Apollo at Delphi27. His wealth was proverbial, as a line of Archilochus indi-
cates, and the same line suggests that he was an object of envy in the Greek
world28. There circulated various stories about his miraculous rise from
obscurity to power.

25 So long as Archilochus was dated very early in the seventh century, scholars assumed that

Cypselus had been preceded by tyrants in the Greek cities in Asia Minor. Archilochus' dates havc
been advanced a bit, but it would be unwise to assume that Cypselus had no Ionian predecessors.
We know only the names of a few seventh century lonian tyrants. Pittacus' father, Hyrrhas, was
perhaps the first tyrant of Mytilene (Scholion on Dionysius Thrax, 368,13), and was succeeded
by Melanchrus and Myrsilus, both of whom ruled before 600. Erythrac and Chios may also have
had tyrants in the seventh century (Hippias of Erythrae = Hist. no 421, fr. 1). Thrasybulus
became tyrant of Miletus ca.610. There is no reason to believe that all the names of seventh
century tyrants have survived. See note 60.
26 For the date of Gyges' accession see H. Kaletsch, "Zur lydischen Chronologie", Historia VII

(1958), pp. 147. 27 Herodotus I 14.

28 Archilochus fr. 15 (ed. Lasserre and Bonnard, Paris, 1958).
The First Tyrants in Greece 137

The stories about Gyges' overthrow of the Heraclid royal house are well
known29. It is out of the question, of course, that Gyges stabbed Candaules
in the queen's bedroom, and by that single act established himself as ruler
of Lydia. It was, to be sure, a violent coup. The different versions of the
event agree on that essential point, and they are also unanimous that Gyges
had no legitimate claims to power30. Once established, however, Gyges and
his successors ruled for five generations, and later rulers of this Mermnad
dynasty were called basileisby the Greeks, just as we today customarily refer
to them as the "kings" of Lydia. But a fragment of Nicolaus of Damascus,
whose Lydian history was ultimately dependent on Xanthus the Lydian,
suggests that in the tradition of the Lydians themselves, their last real king
was Gyges' predecessor3l. In addition, we are told that Gyges dispensed
with the most important symbol of Lydian royalty. The "axe of Omphale",
which had distinguished Lydian kings since time immemorial, was given by
Gyges as a memento to a Carian32.It seems, then, that Gyges was not re-
garded as a king by his subjects and contemporaries.
Was he known as a tyrannos?The word was unknown to the Greeks before
his time, and Archilochus, the first Greek writer to use the word, may have
used it in reference to Gyges:
I do not care for the goods of gold-rich Gyges,
Envy has not gripped me, and I do not desire
The works of gods, nor do I lust for a great tyranny33.
The historian Euphorion of Chalcis said explicitly that Gyges was the first

29 Herodotus I 8-14; Nic. Dam. fr. 47; Plato, Rep.II,359 d.

30 This obvious fact has been questioned only by S. Mazzarino, Fra orientee occidenie(Firenze,
1947), pp. 171-187, who rejected all the ancient evidence in favor of his own theory that Gyges
was not a usurper, but the legitimate successor to the Lydian throne. Mazzarino contended that
the Heraclid dynasty, which Gyges was said to have deposed, was an invention of the priests at
Delphi. The considerable flaws in Mazzarino's argument are pointed out by 0. Seel, "Hcrakliden
und Mermnaden", Navicula Chilionensis(Leiden, 1956), pp.37-65.
3' Nic.Dam. fr.47, 1: Jrt 'Mvaivrrq7 o gaXaro;'flaatAeO: Av6cOvKaT6AVlO? Tp6nW roIov'rq. Like
most Greek writers, Nicolaus himself used the terms basileusand tyrannosinterchangeably, and
often called Gyges and his successors basileis. The reference to Adyattes as "the last basileus"
of Lydia can be explained, so far as I can see, only on the assumption that the Lydian Xanthus,
whose Lydiaca was Nicolaus' ultimate source, was more careful about his use of basileusand
tyrannos. 32 Plutarch, Moralia 302 A.
" Archilochus fr. 15. The author of the Hypotbesisto Sophocles' OedipusTyrannosnoted that
tyrannoswas not an apt title for Oedipus, and that poets were inaccurate "when they called kings
who ruled before the Trojan War, 'tyrants'; for the word did not circulate among the Greeks until
rather recently; in the time of Archilochus, as Hippias the sophist says". Hippias, the fifth century
antiquarian, presumably found no use of the word in any of the Homeric or Hesiodic corpus.
Berve, Die TyrannisI, p. 3, proposed that the word was current in colloquial speech in Homer's
time, and finds support for that contention in the fact that it was used soon after Homer's time,
by Archilochus!

tyrant, and an ancient etymologist explained the word tyrannos by noting that
Gyges, the first tyrant, came from Tyrrhas34.That is certainly a false etymo-
logy, but it is clear that in antiquity Gyges was widely regarded as the first
tyrant. That tradition must mean that Gyges had been called tyrannosby his
subjects and contemporaries35.
Tyrannosis not a Greek word. It comes from one of the languages of Asia
Minor, and may have affinities with Lydian words and names36. A recent
article, on the other hand, suggests that the word is Lycian, and might be
related to the word tern, "army"37.If it was originally a Carian word, then
Gyges must have had a Carian predecessor. Perhaps Arselis of Mylasa, a
man of considerable power and an older contemporary of Gyges, was known
as a tyrannosin his Carian community38. Whatever its origin - Lydian, Lycian
or Carian - Greek tradition remembered Gyges as the first ruler to whom the
word tyrannoswas applied.
Gyges was killed soon after Cypselus made himself ruler of Corinth, and
we have no record of any contact between the two tyrants. But Herodotus
tells us that Gyges' dedications at Delphi were displayed in the Treasury of
Cypselus39. At the very least, Cypselus had no ill feelings toward Gyges or
his son and successor, Ardys.
The success of Gyges' coup, and his subsequent power, may have inspired
a similar attempt in Egypt. Shortly before 663 Psammetichus renounced his

34 Euphorion (F.H.G.III, p.72) fr. 1. Under its entry, tyrannos,the Etym. Gudianumreads,
"Tyrannos. Either from the Tyrrhenians, for they were brutal, or else from Gyges, who came
from Tyrrhas, a Lydian city, where he was the first tyrant". The E/ym.Magnum says much the
S5 That Gyges was the first tyrant was proposed in a lengthy argument by G. Radet, La Lydiec/

le mondegrecaux tempsdesMermnades (Paris, 1893), pp. 146-148 and was emphasized by Ure, Origin,
pp. 127ff. Mazzarino, Fra oriente,pp. 201-203, vigorously attacked the thesis, and few scholars
today regard Gyges as a tyrannos.But Mazzarino's arguments rested on the untenable ground that
Gyges was a legitimate Heraclid king. Unless one accepts that hypothesis, there is no reason
whatever to doubt that Gyges was called tyrannosby the Lydians. Forrest, Emergence,pp.78 if.,
suggests that Gyges' rule was styled a tyrannis,but is unnecessarily cautious about the implications
of that fact ("I am not suggesting for a moment that early seventh century Lydia was in any way
a parallel for or served as a political model for mid-seventh century Greece," p.84). D. Hegyi,
"Notes on the Origins of Greek Tyrannis", Ac/a An/iqua HungaricaXIII (1965), pp.309-310,
calls Gyges "the first tyrannos"without hesitation, and remarks that "this. . . is in general accepted
also by the majority of modern invcstigators". Such, alas, is not the case. Gyges appears in one
sentence in Berve's two-volume work. It is not surprising that Gyges is never mentioned in a
discussion of the "causes of tyranny". s6 Radet, loc.cii.
37 Hegyi, "Notes", pp. 316-318.

I8 Plutarch, Moralia 302A. It seems most probable that the word tyrannistravelled with the
position which it described. It would thus all along have described a monarchical position estab-
lished by armed force. I doubt that Gyges, any more than Cypselus, called himself lyrannos.The
objectionable connotation of the word seems to have been as old as the word itself.
" Herodotus 114.
The First Tyrants in Greece 139

loyalty to Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and proceeded to make himself

master of Egypt, in the process exterminating his rival nomarchs in the
Delta40. He assumed the traditional royal titles of the Egyptian kings, and
we are correct in regarding him as an Egyptian king. But we should consider
what an impact his acquisitionof power must have made on the Greeks of his
time. The successes of Gyges in Lydia and Psammetichus in Egypt must have
been powerful stimulants to ambitious Greeks to attempt the same. We re-
call that one of Cypselus' grandsons, the last tyrant of Corinth, was named
It seems, in short, that Cypselus and other early "Greek tyrants" should
be classified, if they are classified at all, together with Gyges and Psammeti-
chus. It also appears that the same instrument which Cypselus, Theagenes
and Cylon employed had been previously used by Gyges and Psammetichus:
hoplites. Herodotus reports that while Psammetichus was contemplating
the removal of his rivals from the Delta, Carians and lonians with bronze
armor appeared in Egypt. Psammetichus made them promises, they took
employment with him, and with their help he made himself king of Egypt.
These Ionians and Carians were subsequently settled by Psammetichus in the
"Camps" near Bubastis42. They were, in fact, the first of the Greek (and
Carian) soldiers who were to become the backbone of the Saite army43.We
are not told that they were hoplites, but it is obvious that they were not
knights, and their metal armor was a novelty in Egypt. If they fought as a
company, and fought successfully against the levies of the nomarchs, chan-
ces are excellent that they were hoplites.
A cylindrical inscription of Ashurbanipal suggests that these Carians and
Greeks were sent to Psammetichus by Gyges. Ashurbanipal complains, at
any rate, that Gyges sent Psammetichus forces with whose assistance he
terminated Assyrian domination of Egypt44.
Gyges himself might have become tyrant with the assistance of hoplites.
In one of his essays Plutarch addressed himself to the question, "Why does
Labrandean Zeus in Caria wield an axe instead of a thunderbolt?" In answer,
Plutarch passes on the following information: the axe of Omphale, the symbol
of Lydian royalty, was entrusted by Candaules to one of his companions.
When Gyges revolted and made war upon him, Arselis from Mylasa came
as an epikourosto Gyges, with an armed force (dynamnis).And he put an
end to Candaules and his companion, and fetched the axe back to Caria45.

40 For the chronology and details of Psammetichus' rise to power see F. Kienitz, Die politische
GeschichieAgypienrvom7. bis zum 4. Jahrhtindertvorder
Zeitwende(Berlin, 1953), pp. 8-10 and 154-157.
41 Aristotle, Po/.1315B, and Nic.Dam., fr.59,4. 42 Herodotus 11 151-154.

43 Kienitz, PolitischeGeschiclite,
pp. 35 ff.
4- For a translation of the Rassam Cylinder see D. D. Luckenbill, Ancieni Recordsof Assyria and
Babylonia(Chicago, 1927) vol. 11, no. 785. 45 Aforalia302 A.

The Carian dynamiswas very likely a group of hoplites. There is evidence

that hoplite armor was in use in Caria before it was adopted by the Greeks.
The horsehair crest on the hoplite helmet, and the ochanonin the middle of
the hoplite shield were still known as "Carian" devices in the sixth century46.
The reliefs discovered at Karatepe in 1947 suggest that at least certain ele-
ments of hoplite gear originated in eastern Asia Minor, perhaps in Urartu,
about the middle of the eighth century47.
In their bids for power Gyges was supported by Carians, Psammetichus
by Carians and Ionians, Cypselus perhaps by non-Corinthians, Theagenes by
a private "bodyguard", and Cylon by non-Athenians. There can be no doubt
whatever that the warriors who played such an important role in the several
coups were "professionals" who fought in behalf of their commander, an(d
not citizen troops fighting to liberate themselves from oppression.
We know very little about the introduction of hoplite warfare, but it
seems that the new weaponry was first acquired by men who had the means
to afford the expensive metal, and not by small farmers who could afford
neither the armor nor the time needed to practice with the new weapons48.
The original hoplite companies might well have been rather small, made up
for the most part by spirited soldiers of fortune, whose prowess with the
spear won them the admiration of their fellows. That some seventh centur)
hoplites came from higher levels of society is not just a logical assumption.
The earliest evidence for hoplite armor in Greece comes from an Argive
grave, dating from the end of the eighth century. The man there interred was
a man of considerablemeans,a "noble"if wealth reflectedsocial status49. At
the end of the seventh century there were still aristocrats who were proud
of their hoplite status. Alcaeus described the "great house" of one such
hoplite, glistening with bronze and displaying helmets with horsehair crests,
shiny greaves and hollow shields5?. Alcaeus' brother, Antimenidas, was ap-
46 Strabo XIV 2,27 discussed the Carians' reputed love for warfare: "As evidcnce of thieir
zeal for military things, (my authorities) produce shield-bars, blazons, and helmct-crests. For all
of these are called 'Carian'. Anacreon, at any rate, says, 'Once again through the Carian-wrought
shield-bar do I put my hand', and Alcaeus says,'shaking the Carian helmet-crest"'.
4? For the eastern ancestry of the helmet-crests see H.Stier, "Probleme dcr fruhgriechischeii
Geschichte", Historia 1 (1950), pp.214-225. On hoplite armor in general see A. Snodgrass, Early
Greek Armour and Weapons(Edinburgh, 1964).
48 So Snodgrass, "The Hoplite Reform and History", Journ. of Hell. Stud. LXXXV (1965),

pp.110-122. There is also something to be said for the theory, endorsed by Snodgrass, that the
first warriors armed with the hoplite shield and spear may have fought as individuals, and not as
members of a phalanx.
49 Paul Courbin, "Une tombe geomctrique d'Argos", Bulletin de Correspondance Hellinique
LXXXI (1957), pp. 322-386. A well preserved bronze helmet (with a crest rib) and bronze cuirass
were found, along with fragments of bronze which perhaps are the remains of greaves (p.367).
The tomb had been robbed, but a few gold rings and gold leaf were overlooked (pp.385-386).
30 Alcacus fr. 54 (Diehl).
The First Tyrants in Greece 141

parently a "professional" hoplite51, and Alcaeus himself was proud of his

own exploits in the phalanx52.
Many hoplites fought wherever their services were requested and rewar-
ded. It would be convenient to call such men "mercenaries", but that term
can be, and has been, quite misleading since it calls to mind mercenary sol-
diers of other ages and societies. Before the invention of coinage profession-
al soldiers may have been less "mercenary" than, e.g., the ten thousand who
were employed by the young Cyrus at the end of the fifth century. The
Greek word epikouros,"assister", or "ally", eventually became a synonym
for misthophoros,"the wage earner", and both are commonly translated
"mercenary". But in the seventh century epikourosdescribed the man who
rendered assistance in another man's battle. Earlier, Homer had applied the
term to the Trojan "allies" who brought assistance to Priam53.
Stories about the Homeric heroes undoubtedly helped to inspire ambitious
seventh century Greeks to follow a career of adventure and danger. Al-
though they were willing to leave the land of their birth, such men need not
have been outcasts of socety. We know something about one epikourosof
the early and middle seventh century - the poet Archilochus54. It was once
thought that Archilochus was a destitute bastard, forced to earn his liveli-
hood, in wretched Thasos, by serving as a "mercenary". But recently dis-
covered fragments of his poetry, and archaeological excavations at Thasos,
where he spent much of his adult life, tell a different story. It now appears
that Archilochus was a proud and admired man of action, who lived in a
society which was accustomed to some comforts and refinements55. There
61 Alcaeus fr. 50. 2 Athenaeus XIV 627 a.
8 See e.g., Iliad II 815, III 456, V 614.
54 The assumption that "mercenary" is an adequate translation of epikouros has had unfortunate
results. Cf., e.g., F.Lasserre and A. Bonnard, Archiloque (Paris,1958), pp. xxi-xxii, where it is
argued that Archilochus was not a mercenary. Whether or not he was a "mercenary", there is
ample evidence that he was an epikouros.In fr. 8 he calls himself a servant of the god of war, "I am
both a servant of Lord Enyalios, and know the lovely gift of the Muses". And in fr. 7 he says,
"In my spear is my kneaded barley-cake, in my spear is Ismarian wine. I drink while leaning on
my spear". Since there is no indignation or embarrassment in either of these statements, there is
no reason to doubt Archilochus' intentions when he says, (fr. 27) "I shall be called an epikouros,
like a Carian".But Bonnard, translating epikourosas "mercenary" comments on this last fragment,
"quelle humiliation!" and suggests that since "un soldat mercenaire" would not have had such
pride in his military calling, Archilochus must have been a citizen-soldier. We know nothing about
citizen-soldiers in the early seventh century. For similar presuppositions about the meaning of
epikouros,see N. M. Kontoleon, "Archilochos und Paros", Archiloque(Fondation Hardt, 1964),
p.70. Archilochus' comparison of himself to a Carian might have suggested to some scholars that
epikouroi,like Carians, were to be pitied. But the Carians were not pitied until the fifth century.
In Homer's time they were regarded as a sophisticated people, Cf.Iliad I1 867-875 and IV 141-142.
a55 J.Pouilloux, "Archiloque et Thasos", Archjiloque(Fondation Hardt,1964), pp.3-27. See
especially pp.20-21 for the monument which the Thasians erected to honor Glaucus, Archilochus'
good friend and a captain of soldiers.

is now little doubt that Archilochus also fought in Euboea56. Although it is

possible that he travelled there as part of a citizen levy of Thasians, it is far
more likely that he went to Euboea as an individual, looking for action and
anxious to win rewards for his rare hoplite prowess. Antimenidas, the bro-
ther of Alcaeus, offered his services to the king of Babylon, and was re-
warded by the gift of a sword with a chryselephantine handle57.The Ionians
and Carians who aided Psammetichus in Egypt were also called epikouroi58.
We may conclude that in seventh century Greece there were professional
hoplites who passed up no opportunity to display their valor. In so doing
they not only suffered no social stigma, but in fact won an enviable reputa-
tion. Needless to say, they were rewarded with material prizes as well. The
sixth century "Song of Hybrias" may reflect the motivation of earlier sol-
diers of fortune:
My wealth is my great spear and sword
And the good rawhide shield, bulwark of hide.
With this I plough, with this I reap,
With this I drink sweet wine from the vine,
With this I have gotten the name, "Lord of the serfs".
Those who have not the courage to wield a spear and sword,
And the good rawhide shield, bulwark of hide,
All of them fall and kiss my knee,
Calling me "Lord" and "Great King"59.
Gyges, Psammetichus, Cypselus and Theagenes, I believe, were among
the first to realize the possibilities which the availability of hoplite epikouiroi
provided. Surely there were others whose names have not survived. A new
fragment of Archilochus' poetry refers to an ambitious man who has won
himself a tyranny with a force of hoplites:
This city . . . men once sacked for you.
You captured it with the spear and won
great glory. Rule it and hold tyranny60!
The tyrant who, once established, no longer required the services of his
epikouroi,will have sent them on their way with rich rewards. But in those
instances where their continued presence was necessary, some regular means
of reimbursement was called for. If Gyges was, in fact, the "inventor" of

56 Oxy.Pap.XXX, no.2508. For the significance of this fragment scc now A.J.Podlecki,
"Three Greek Soldier-Poets: Archilochus, Alcaeus, Solon", Class. WorldLXIII (1969), pp.75-76.
57 Alcaeus fr. 50.

In both instances the word has the meaning,

"I8Herodotus 11 152, 4-5 twice calls them epikouiroi.
"assisters", rather than "mercenaries".
59 H.W.Smyth, Greek MfelicPoets (London, 1900) p.153.
'O Archilochus fr. 35 (Oxy. Pap. XXII, no. 2310).
The First Tyrants in Greece 143

coinage61, it is tempting to suppose that he found in this device the most

convenient method of rewarding his epikouroiwith a fixed amount of pre-
cious metal at regular intervals. Greek tradition recalled that Pheidon of
Argos was the first Greek to issue coins62. Did he advertise for hoplite
epikouroiand retain their services by a regular monetary payment? Pheidon's
military successes in the early seventh century have for long been explained
by the hypothesis that he was the first Peloponnesian to command hoplite
troops. This hypothesis has been strengthened by the discovery, in 1953,
of the late eighth century Argive "hoplite" armor63.
In summary: by the beginning of the seventh century some Carians and
Greeks had acquired hoplite armor. In association, a few of these hoplites
constituted a very effective military force. Many hoplites were "professional"
adventurers, who, as epikouroifought wherever their valuable services were
requested. Ca. 685 Gyges assembled a phalanx of such hoplites, recruited
primarily in Caria, and proceeded to overthrow Candaules, the king of
Lydia. Although he usurped the powers of Candaules, he did not adopt the
royal symbols or titles. He was called tyrannos by his subjects and their
Greek neighbors. About twenty years after becoming tyrannoshe recruited
for Psammetichus a force of Carians and Ionians, and with their help
Psammetichus made himself master of Egypt. Inspired by these precedents,
various ambitious Greeks assembled hoplite forces and attempted to make
themselves masters of various Greek communities. One such instance was
Cypselus' seizure of Corinth in 655. Cypselus, who was in fact not a Corin-
thian, marched upon the city and threw out the Bacchiad rulers. Because his
position, and the means employed to attain it, paralleled Gyges' seizure of
power, Cypselus too was called tyrannos.Ca. 640 Theagenes, with a small
private army, seized Megara and was also called tyrannos.Cylon's attempt
61 So Radet, La Lydie, p.166, and Ure, Origin, pp. 127ff. Herodotus I 94,1 credits the Lydians

in general with the invention; for the same tradition cf. Xenophanes, fr.4 (Diels, 5th ed.).
Numismatists are far from agreeing on the date or the place of origin, but seventh century Lydia
is the favorite. See C. M. Kraay and M.Hirmer, Greek Coins (London, 1966), pp.11-12: ".. . whe-
ther the idea was Lydian or Greek in origin will perhaps never be decided .... By about 600 B. C.,
however, Lydian regal coins can be identified .... The process which culminated in the appearance
of distinctive coin types at a number of centres by about 600 B. C. need have started no earlier
than about 650 B.C.".
62' Strabo VIII 358 and 376: Marmor Parium ( Hist. no. 239) 30; Pollux IX 83; Eusta-

thius, Comm. l/iad II 562.

63 See note 49. The tomb in which the armor was found also yielded two curious iron pieces:

andirons shaped like the keel of a ship (Courbin, "Une tombe", pp. 367ff.). This tomb may have
belonged to a proud warrior such as the soldier of fortune whom Odysseus impersonates (Od.
XIV 222-225): "Work was never a pleasure for me, nor home-keeping thrift, which nourishes
good children. But for me oared ships were always a pleasure, and wars, and well polishcd spears
and arrows". The "swift black ships" which carry adventurous warriors arc a commonplace in
the Odysse).
144 ROBERT DREWS, The First Tyrants in Greece

to make himself tyrant of Athens in 632 or 628 followed along similar lines,
as may have Orthagoras' successful coup at Sicyon ca.650.
Instead of saying that Greek tyranny originated in the middle of the
seventh century, it would be less misleading to say that in the first seventy
years of the seventh century various individuals in Caria, Lydia, Egypt and
Greece made themselves masters of communities large and small, and that
many who did so were called oyrannoi. Instead of calling attention to the
increased political consciousness of farmer-hoplites, the emergence of a new
commercial class, or the hostility between Dorians and non-Dorians, we
should emphasize the fact that the men who tried to make themselves
masters of communities in the early and middle seventh century, enlisted
hoplite epikouroiin order to reach that objective.
With a hired force at their disposal, aspirants for tyranny may not have
needed the active support of farmers, merchants, or non-Dorians. These
three groups undoubtedly prospered under the tyrant, for the tyrant's natu-
ral enemy was the landed aristocrat, who claimed a share of the power which
the tyrant monopolized. But we do not know that these three groups played
any role at all in establishing the first tyrants. Philotimia, the examples of
Gyges and Psammetichus, and the availability of hoplite epikouroimay suf-
fice to explain the first tyrants in Greece.

Vanderbilt University, Robert Drews

Nashville, Tennessee

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