Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries: International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria
Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries: International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria
Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries: International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria
May 2014 1. Would you be free from your burden of sin? There's wonderful power in the blood.
Power Must Change Hands, There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you o'er evil a victory win? 3. Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
& There's wonderful power in the blood. There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Sin-stains are lost in its life-giving flow,
Deliverance Prayers for Children and Unborn Children There is power, power, wonder-working power, There's wonderful power in the blood.
In the blood of the Lamb;
There is power, power, wonder-working power, 4. Would you do service for Jesus your King?
In the precious blood of the Lamb. There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you live daily His praises to sing?
2. Would you be free from your passion and pride? There's wonderful power in the blood.
There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide,
14. O God, arise and give us God-fearing leaders, in the name of Jesus. 18. Every power of my fathers house that does not want me to profit from the lives of my
children, die, in the name of Jesus.
DELIVERANCE PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN AND UNBORN CHILDREN 19. I release my children from every conscious and unconscious covenant with the spirit of
marital failure, in the name of Jesus.
1. Every evil gang-up against my children, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.
20. According to Your promise, Father Abraham, O Lord, bless those who bless my
2. Father, deliver m y children from any sickness that may want to claim their lives, in the
children, curse those who curse my children, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus.
21. Any habit in the lives of my children that will destroy their destinies and bring shame
3. Holy Ghost fire, make the lives of my children untouchable, in the name of Jesus.
and disgrace to the family, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. I speak destruction unto the altars speaking against the purpose of God for the life of _
_ _, in Jesus name.
5. I speak unto the umbilical gate of _ _ _ to overthrow all negative parental spirits, in the
name of Jesus.