Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template
Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template
Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template
Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to identify and describe the beginning, middle,
and end of a story.
Prior Knowledge: The children are expected to know what characters, theme, and plot are.
1. Focus and Review Over the course of this school year you all have been 3 min
learning about stories and the different parts of stories.
Can anyone give me an example of the things that you
have learned? The teacher will call on three students
and allow them to answer.
4. Guided Practice "Let's ask a few more questions about the middle and 5 min.
end of the story. It really helps to think about each part
of the story - beginning, middle and end - separately.
Help me with the next big event. What was our problem
in the story? (students will answer) How did the
characters change at the end? (students will answer)
Finally, tell me about the end of the book.. What was the
solution? (Take ideas). How do you know that?"
Students will be given a flip chart where they will need to fill in
beginning, middle, and end.
6. Assessment Formative: The teacher will ask questions throughout the lesson
Methods of
all Summative: Students are expected to receive 3 out of 5 points. They
objectives/skills: will receive 1 point for correctly filling out each space. They can earn
up to two additional points for details.
7. Closure The teacher will allow three students to come in front of 3 min.
the class and show the answers on their flipcharts.
8. Assessment
Results of
ESL students and low readers will be Students will answer the questions orally and
pulled into a small group. the teacher will write it on a whiteboard for them
to copy.
Reflection on lesson:
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