Jao Model Papers PDF
Jao Model Papers PDF
Jao Model Papers PDF
Price :- Rs.
MOBILE No. 09444604118 MOBILE No. 09486100100
E-mail: nrsamy26@gmail.com E-mail: vkannanosh@gmail.com
The purpose of this Guide is to take you to the success in JAO-Part-II Exam under
old syllabus as one time measure, last opportunity to become JAO- the Executive cadre
of BSNL. The approach in this book is very simple language, easy to understand and self
motivation to read.
We, the publishers, are extremely happy and satisfactory to release this book as
Third one for the benefit of BSNL Employees Previously we published the guide for JAO
Part-I for Screening Test and many of the takers of that book passed in that Examination.
It shows the success of our publication. And during 2009, we published Guide for BSNL
JAO Part II and many of the takers of that guide became JAO of BSNL. Now also this
edition is under sales.
We published through our editorial board consisted under the full co-operation
and assistance of experienced and eminent officers of BSNL in the Accounts cadres.
We must thank Sri.V.Kannan, Auditor of Tamil Nadu Circle, AIBSNLOA and Chief
Accounts Officer in Tamil Circle for his contribution and advice to bring this guide and
his team mates consisting of Accounts executives and Non-Executives. Without the help
of Sri.V.Kannan and his team mates, we could not bring the publication with the style,
approach to the old syllabus and guiding factors to the path of success.
It may please be noted that as per BSNL Corporate Office letter dated 17.09.2012,
CPWD Works Manual 2012 has been recommended instead of CPWD Manual Vol.II and
reference given as CPWD Manual Vol.II in the guide is to be suitably modified and
verified with the CPWD Works Manual 2012.
For any doubt, mistakes, clarifications etc in this guide is required, candidates are
requested to refer the prescribed Original Volumes/Manual should be referred and it will
be the final.
2. a. What is Demand Note? How are paid demand notes disposed off at the office of
b. What action would be taken in case the Refund Money Order is returned
3. What are the general rules regarding the billing under measured rate system and
preparation of bimonthly meter reading statement?
5. Describe the procedure in postal recovery section in TRA Branch as regards checking
and reconciliation of daily list of Telephone Revenue (TR) collections and paid telephone
bills received from authorized post offices and cash collection centers.
6. What are the items of revenue for which telephone revenue accounting branch of the
telephone division/telephone district is responsible for collection and accounting in the
accounts of the department?
7. How will a watch be kept in TRA branch on the receipt of Advice Notes?
2. a. What deposits are collected at the time of registration for telephones in Metro
Cities under OYT and Non-OYT. How interest is calculated on such deposits and
procedure of clearance at the time of opening of telephones.
b. Whether any person can, without a license, establish, maintain and operate a
telegraph system? What are governing principles?
3. Every Government Officer should realize fully and clearly that he will be held
personally responsible for any loss sustained by Government through fraud or
negligence on his post. What are the instructions for regulating the enforcement of such
4. a. What are unadjusted credits and how they are disposed off?
b. Describe briefly how the demand notes and advice notes are interlinked?
6. a. What are the general conditions prescribed for grant of refund of amount recovered
towards telecom receipts?
7. What are the rules for upkeep of cash book, its verification and balancing?
4. What are the rules for upkeep of cash book, its verification and balancing?
5. What are the safe guards that should be observed by all drawing and controlling
officers against fraudulent use of the sub vouchers relating to the contingent
7. Describe the procedure for dealing with the old claims the connected records of which
have been destroyed.
b. What are the checks to be exercised and actions to be taken by the disbursing
officer in dealing with bills presented for payment?
5. Describe contingent charges. Explain briefly the various types of contingent charges.
6. Describe the procedure to split up the telephone bills on receipt of excess metering
7. Explain in detail about the advance deposit scheme and its interest payable.
3. a) What are the conditions for renting of telephone circuits? How is chargeable
distance calculated?
b) What are the conditions for leasing of a telephone circuit for daily part time use?
5. What are the safe guards exist to prevent the irregular withdrawal of money from
public exchequer?
6. What is internal review? What are the items which are to be checked during such
review and how deficiencies noticed are got rectified?
1. Prepare a sub-ledger Account of X Telecom District for the month of September 1998:
3. Comment on the following:
b) A subscriber refused to pay his trunk call bill amounting to Rs. 45. He challenged to
the DET who disconnected his phone that the DE may do what ever he pleases, but he
will not make the payment.
c) The incharge of PCO claimed late fee for a trunk call booked in his office, half an hour
before the closure of the office. The claim is disallowed by AOTR.
4. What measures are adopted to realize the outstanding amount of telephone bills and
which are the categories exempted from the scope of disconnection due to non-payment
of dues.
The subscriber paid Rs. 1445 on demand note as due charges including SD Rs. 500.
Opening and Closing Meter Reading 10524 and 14845.
Tariff : First 200 calls @ Rs. 0.80; Next 300 calls @ Rs. 1.00 and remaining calls @ 1.20.
Service Tax @ 5%
b) Prepare a demand note dated 01.06.1999 for a subscriber who has been
sanctioned a temporary telephone connection for 75 days at Delhi from 01.07.1999. The
internal fittings are to be provided by the Department and it was decided to claim Rs.
5000 as STD Deposit.
6. An OYTT telephone was opened on 14.05.95 for a subscriber on payment of intital
deposit of Rs. 15000. The phone was disconnected on subscribers request on 14.11.95.
Work out the amount to be refunded to the subscriber on the basis of the following
1. Rent paid up to 31.12.95
2. Local call charges paid upto 31.10.95. Meter Reading 01.11.95 8087 and Meter
reading 14.11.95 8297. Testing calls from 1.11.95 to 14.11.95 10.
3. Internal extension with ICF was opened on 1.10.95 and its charges are yet to be billed
4. The following trunk call bills are still payable: Bill dated 11.09.95 Rs. 40 and Bill dated
11.10.95 Rs. 256.
4. a) Calculate the rent and minimum period hire for a PCO extension to a
private businessman with the following date:
Installed on 01.06.1994; Actual length 8.5 kms and Radial distance 6 Kms.
b) Prepare a demand note to be issued to Shri Ranganathan who has been
sanctioned a casual telephone connection for a period of 30 dyas with internal
extension with ICF at Chennai (exchange capacity of more than 3 lakhs). Deposit
against trunk call as security may be obtained to the extent of Rs. 3000 from the
party. The demand note to be issued on 30.09.96.
5. a) A casual connection was provided at Kolhatta for 3 days on 26.05.2009.
The demand note was paid the subscriber as follows: Rent Rs. 180 Installation
Rs. 150 Security Deposit Rs. 2000 Service Tax 10.3% on Rs. 330.
The OMR is 52120 and the CMR is 52580 and the phone is disconnected after 3
days. Calculate the amount recoverable/refundable to the subscriber.
b) Prepare a demand note to be issued for a subscriber for providing casual
phone connection having more than 300000 capacity for 6 days from 01.06.2009 to
06.06.2009. Security deposit of Rs. 2000 is to be collected and service tax is also
3. Describe in detail the procedure prescribed to be followed in Telecom Circle
Office to maintain the connected records for checking the half yearly returns of
wires and instruments and how the half yearly returns of wires and instruments
checked upto the stage of preparation of rent bills.
Tariff: Rent Rs. 360 bi-monthly. First 300 calls @ Rs.1.00 and balance @ Rs. 1.20
monthly. Service tax @ 12.24%. Installation Fees Rs. 150.
2. (a) What are the telephones exempted from disconnection due to non payment
of telephone dues? (8 Marks)
(b) Comment on the following : (3 x 4 = 12 Marks)
i) Due to heavy rain in Calcutta, the telephones were interrupted continuously for
period of 18 days. The TDE allowed rebate in rental charges for this period ie., 18
days at departmental initiative.
ii) The Accounts Officer (TR) Division decides to disconnect the telephone of a
Member of Parliament held in the personal capacity due to non payment of
telephone bill amounting to Rs. 3000
iii) A claim received after one year for a refund in respect of trunk call bills paid
and refund was sanctioned.
iv) A PCO attendant claims late fee for a trunk call booked at 0530 PM. The PCO
works upto 0600 PM.
3. Prepare the sub-ledger account for the month of January 1999 with the
following details:
1. CB of December 1998 Rs. 5,00,000
2. Amount Billed for Rs. 15,00,000
3. Written-off Sanction Rs. 30,000
4. Balance under EPR Rs. 5,000
5. Total collection by Divisional office Rs. 7,00,000 which include the following
items: OYT deposit Rs. 1,20,000 and the other divisions collection Rs. 10,000;
Double payment (EPR) Rs. 5,000; PCO and Demand Note Collection Rs. 20,000
and Rs. 3,000 towards dishonoured cheque.
6. PO Collection Rs. 9,80,000 out of which one list for Rs. 5,000 not received and
one list for Rs. 8,000 kept under suspense in the previous month received now.
7. PO unadjusted credit balance Rs. 40,000 carried over now.
8. ATC for TR collection from other Division received Rs. 10,000
9. Adjustment from excess payment register Rs. 3,000
10. Cancellation Rs.15,000
11. Adjustment from refund register Rs. 25,000
4. A temporary telephone without STD facility was opened for Shri Sadhu Ram for
six months from 10.09.01 to 09.03.02 at Bombay ( Exchange system more than 3
lakh lines). It was closed on 10.03.02 at subscribers request. Work out the
amount recoverable/refundable from/to the subscriber based on the following
Paid Rs. 5990 as initial deposit on demand note (Rs. 800 installation fee Rs. 3000
Rent for 6 months, Rs. 190 Service Tax and Rs. 2000 TC deposit).
STD facility was provided on 01.12.01 on payment of Rs. 5000 as STD deposit.
Charges for STD installation, if any, are yet to be billed for.
Local call charges paid upto 31.01.01 and 1000 calls recorded in this bimonthly
bill. Meter reading on 01.02.02 : 85000 Meter reading 10.03.02 : 93105.
A tarunk call was made on 10.02.02 for Rs. 300 is yet to be billed for.
Overseas call bill dated 01.06.2000 for Rs. 160 for call made on 07.04.2000 was
issued to Shri Sadhu Ram which was disputed by him and not paid.
Tariff: Monthly Rental charges Rs. 250. Bimonthly Local Call charges First 150
calls @ Rs. 0.00, Next 400 calls @ Rs. 0.80, Next 1000 calls @ Rs. 1.00, Remaining
calls @ Rs. 1.20. Service Tax @ 5%. STD provision/barring -- No charges wef
6. From the particulars furnished below work out the amount refundable to the
subscriber of an OYT telephone connection with an exchange capacity of <1 lakh
lines but >30000 lines.
Amount of OYT Deposited on 01.05.93 15000
Date of opening of telephone 01.06.93
Rent paid upto 30.06.01
Telephone closed at the request of the subscriber 31.08.01
Local call charges paid upto 30.06.01
OMR 01.07.01 26450
CMR 31.08.01 32347
Test calls admissible 10
Bimonthly free calls 150
Bills outstanding : TC Bill dated 11.05.01 Rs. 615.00 plus surcharge RS. 10
An intercom facility was provided on 01.03.01 and a coloured instrument were
also provided on 01.08.01 and these items are yet to be billed.
Tariff: Rent Rs. 120 per month after rebate for OYT deposit. Bimonthly Local call
charges : First 150 calls Free, Next 250 calls - @ Rs. 0.80, Next 600 calls @
Re.1.00, Remaining calls @ Rs. 1.20. Internal extension with ICF Rent for 6
months Rs. 500 and Installation Fees Rs. 800.
1. Prepare a sub-ledger account of X Telecom District for the month of September 1998.
iv) Amount collected at the Post Offices : Rs. 5,00,000. It is noted that one daily
list containing paid bills for Rs. 5,000 relating to the current month is not received
and at the same time some daily lists of the previous months for Rs. 8,000 have
been received.
v) Amount collected at the Telegraph Office Rs. 10,000
vi) Adjustments made from various credit registers Rs. 40,000
vii) Value of bills cancelled Rs. 25,000
viii) Value of bills written-off Rs. 5,000
B. Prepare a demand note dated 01.06.1999 for a subscriber who has been sanctioned a
temporary telephone connection for 75 days at Delhi from 01.07.1999. The internal fittings
are to be provided by the Department and it was decided to claim Rs. 5000 as STD Deposit.
(10 Marks)
4. A. What is the normal periodicity of issue of consolidated telephone bills and what are
the charges claimed in the consolidated telephone bills?
B. How the trunk call reconciliation is made? (5 Marks)
B. Calculate the rent and minimum period hire for a PCO extension to a Private
Businessman with the following data:
Instattled on 01.06.1994; Actual Length 8.5 Kms and Radial distance 6 Kms.
Tariff : First Km Rs.300 pa; Next each Km upto 5 Km Rs. 250 pa and Balance Kms each
Km Rs. 1500 pa.
6. A telephone was installed on 05.07.1999 on casual basis for 30 days for a subscriber at
New Delhi Exchange having capacity of > 3 lakh lines. It was closed on due date.
Calculate the amount refundable/recoverable to/from the subscriber with the following
i) The subscriber paid Rs. 1445 in demand note as detailed below:
TC Deposit Rs. 500; Installation Fee Rs. 150; Rent for 30 days Rs. 750 and ST @ 5%
Rs. 45.
ii) Opening Meter Reading : 22854 and Closing Meter Reading : 30432.
Tariff : Normal rent per month : Rs. 250; Monthly Call Charges - First 200 calls
@ 0.80 Next 300 calls @ 1.00 and remaining calls @ 1.20.
1. Define the following:
a. Imprest
c.Advance Payment
d.Accounting Unit
f.Advance Payment
g.Work Order
h.Allocation of Expenditure
i.Store Dump
j.Imprest Stocks
5. What are unserviceable and obsolete stores? How are they disposed off?
7. Explain the provisions for works which is to be undertaken for which cost is
recoverable wholly or partly from the department of Government or outsider.
3. What are the basic check an Accounts Officer is supposed to ensure before
He/She endorsed a pay order on any claims on enterprise ? Enumerate in brief.
1. (a) What are the registers maintained in Telecom Engineering Divisional Office
for control of expenditure on work?
(b) Describe any two of the registers with reference to how it helps to achieve
the above objective.
6. How are the accounts of Head quarters compiled every month and every year?
CCA 3300 Cycle Advance 900
Int on Cycle Adv 80
Co-Op dues 8200
Court attachment 150
HBA 3800
Festival Advance 2500
Note: Cash drawn from the Bank for the net amount.
2. From the particulars given below, post the contractors ledger and close it on
31.03.98. Name of the contractor Z.
Opening Balance on 01.03.98:
a.Secured Advance for work Rs. 90000 b. 10% of payment for work done in
previous bill Rs.90000 c. Value of steel issued for work A Rs. 35000
4. a) What procedure should be followed if an error or omission in the
recorded expenditure of a work come to light after its accounts have been closed?
b) What are the checks to be adopted by a disbursing officer in respect of
bills presented for payment?
6. The ITI Bangalore purchased 5000 Telephone poles from TF Mumbai. The rate
list of the item is Rs. 120 against the purchase rate of Rs. 135. Calculate the
amount chargeable from ITI Bangalore. Overhead charges to be adopted as
i) Store Keeping Charges 5% ii) Freight charges 2.5% iii) Handling charges
0.5% Iv) Surcharge 7.5%
ITI Bangalore have made their own arrangement to carry the stores.
1. Write up the cash book of --------- Division for the month of July 2000 with the
following particulars:
27.07. In course of checking a 50 rupee not found counterfeited.
30.07. Payment of establishment pay bill:
Gross pay Rs. 720,000 DA Rs. 450,000 HRA Rs.
225,000 CCA Rs. 50,000
IT 3000
SD 300
GPF 100000
GPF advance 50000
Overpayment 1000
Co-Op dues 20000
Court attachment 500
Net amount paid in division cash counter Rs. 1220200
Cheque drawn for Rs. 1222000
2. Post the contractor ledger for Mr. A from the following for May 98:
3. An account officer made advance payment to a supplier of stores for supplies
made to outstation retail store depot of other accounting jurisdiction and
recorded the amount in the register of advance payment to contractor.
4. Late fee collected on telegrams booked during closing hours was paid to the
concerned official on the date of collection by the authority.
4. (a) A Telecom work was proposed to be undertaken at Chennai on the request of the
Railway Administration. Calculate the capital cost of the project and estimating fee
payable by the Railway Administration with the following date:
(b) If the above said work is entrusted by Private Party, calculate the capital cost of the
project and estimating fee payable by the party:
5. Prepare a manufacturing account for Telecom Factory, Calcutta for the month of
August 99
6. Calculate the compensation recoverable from the Civil Aviation Department for
premature surrender of a wireless station with the following data:
1. Write up a cash book for a division for the month of June 2002 with the following
Net pay 32000
a. The pay and allowances of Mr. A for the month of February 94 were drawn by
AO of X drawn upto 16.02.94 as Mr. A had died at 3 AM on 17.02.94.
b. At the time of submitting the claim for payment, a contractor was advised to
use the prescribed form ACE 18 for preparation of bills. Inspite of this,the
contractor prepared the claim in his own form and insisted for payment.
c. The Railway Administration requested the Telecom Department to replace an
Iron Wire on an existing alignment by Cadmium Wire before the expiry of
effective life of Iron Wire. The telecom department proposes to recover the
compensation from Railways for premature surrender of the iron wire.
d. During the execution of their duty, the Jawans of Indian Army damaged a
Telephone Post in Kashmir Valley. The telecom authorities demanded Rs. 400
as compensation which the Army authorities refused to pay.
e. An amount of Rs. 600 was received by SDOT as charges for carrying out a shift
and included in his ACE 2 Account on receipt side.
4. A telephone line leading to subscriber premises was damaged during the construction
work of the subscribers bungalow during January 1999. The lines were re-erected by the
department. Calculate the charges recoverable from the party from the following data:
commission ie., 10% of sale proceeds
4 Surplus stores returned to stock 1500
5 Cost of erection of new line and carriages for return of surplus stores 2600
6 Returned stores reused on the same work 2000
7 Overhead charges are as under:
Freight 2%, Establishment 10% and Store keeping 5%
5. a. Calculate the charges recoverable from the Defence Department in respect of L&W
works estimated to cost Rs. 120000 for which firm demand was placed but cancelled
when the work was actually in progress:
1994-95 1995-96
1 Expenditure incurred (cash) 300 7800
2 Stores issued 15000 39000
3 Stores rendered unserviceable on dismantlement 2400
4 Stores lost in transit 1200
5 Sale proceeds of recovered materials 420
6 Overhead Charges: Freight 2% Estt 9% Store Keeping 4%
b. Will there be any difference if the above work is requisitioned and subsequently
cancelled by a private party?
i) OB as on 01.02.88 100.8 Kms of Iron wire and 2 Telephone Magnet table set with HMT
Work out the amount of rent recoverable from Railway administration through half yearly
rent bill for April to September 1988. Rent of iron wire Rs. 41.37 per km per year, Rent of
above telephone Rs. 48 per annum per number. Accepted advice note was received in
respect of all items.
IT 400
GPF 3500
SDE for Rs. 5600
Rs. 258900
Pay 300000
DA 90000
HRA 22500
IT 8600
GPF 15000
PLI 2000
2. Prepare a cost card of a work order of a Telecom Factory with the following:
Job : Tele Handle Head of Account : 5225 BB Work order no. & Date : 5304/87 dt
Quantity Order : 200000 Estimated Labour Charges : Rs. 200000 Estimated Labour
Hour : 4000 Hrs. Estimated Store Charges : Rs. 300000 On Cost : 400% on Labour
Estimated Components Cost : Rs. 1500000 Estimate No. : 4 Date : 15.07.87.
Labour, Materials and Out-turn booked by the Machine Shop as follows:
Month Labour Labour Amount Net Stores Components Outturn
Hours (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
October 87 2000 100000 1800000 600000 90000
November 87 500 30000 300000 200000 25000
December 87 1500 80000 1000000 500000 80000
January 88 200 20000 -5000 300000 5000
3. Prepare a half yearly rent bill for a Canal Department for the period ending 30.06.1998
with the following details:
a) Opening Balance on 01.01.98 : Iron Wire 200.9 Kms, Copper Wire 100.8 Kms.
b) On 19.03.1998, Copper Wire erected 20.7 Kms and Iron Wire dismantled 15.4 Kms on
c) Opening Balance on Telephone Desk Sets 15 Nos, Buzzers 8 Nos and Switch 4-way 10
d) 2 Additional Telephone Desk Sets were provided on 16.02.1998.
Tarrif: Iron Wire Rs. 522 /Km/Year Copper Wire Rs. 630/Km/Year
Telephone Desk Set Rs. 21/Set/Year Switch 4-Way Rs. 21/Each/Year Buzzers Rs.
4. A Railway Administration requested the Telecom Department for repairs their cables,
the supervision and maintenance of which is entrusted to the Telecom Department:
The details of repairing work done in Jan 98: Cash Rs. 5000. Stores Rs. 15000. Surplus
stores on completion of the work Rs. 2000. Recovered Cables sold at site for Rs. 1500.
Overhead charges : Freight @ 2%, Estt @ 10% and SKC @ 5%. What are the charges are
5. Prepare Stores Account Current of Telecom Engineering Division B for the month of
February 98 from the following details of stores vouchers received with Holl II statement:
1 For posts, wires and insulators issued on work of constructing local 300000
telephone exchange (Manual)
2 Cables to coaxial cable project 1000000
3 Stores indented for works carried out on AOE (Annual Open Estimate) in 50000
4 Received stores on a work of reconstructing damaged trunk line leading to 25500
Auto Exchange
5 Cables issued for construction work of laying cables for Southern Railway 180000
6 Maintenance stores in respect of Apparatus & Plants in Telephone 30000
Exchange (Automatic)
7 Apparatus & Plants for Private construction work 300000
8 Masts & Aerials for Microwave Radio Relay System 450000
9 Iron wire issued for Petty Works 30000
10 Antenna issued for Satellite System 120000
11 Apparatus and Plants for Telex Exchange 750000
12 Cables for Optical Fibre System 300000
13 Test Equipments for Open wire and carrier systems 450000
14 Cables for STD & other Trunk Dialing System 120000
15 Total shown in ACE-155A 4054000
6. Post the contractor ledger for Mr.X from the following for the month May 2006.
1) SD-10 %
a. IT-2%
2) First bill claimed for work done at schedule rate Rs.30000
3) Work done as per 2nd RA bill passed on 30.05.2006 & cheque issued.
i. Earth work 9000 cft Rs.30/100 cft
ii. Masonry 12000 cft Rs.120/100 cft
iii. Plastering work 9000 sft Rs.100/100 sft
iv. Wood wok 600 cft Rs.50/ cft.
4) The rate quoted and accepted 10 % above scheduled rate in every bill.
5) 01.05.2006-300 bags of cements supplied against 250 bags provided in contract
agreement. Book value Rs.100 per bag, Market Value Rs.200/ bag
6) Cut imposed on the bill 2.5% for bad workmanship of plastering work.
7) Water charges 1% on earth work & masonry work
8) Advance of Rs.6000 paid on 10.05.2006 for materials brought to site.
9) Fine for delayed completion @ 250/ day for 7 days.
1. What are the steps to be taken in case of loss of Govt- Enterprise funds or property.
1. Rs. 500 received from Railways on account of rent of Lines & Wires.
2. Rs. 50 received an undelivered MO towards labour charges.
3. Temporary advance paid to JTO Rs. 1000
4. Paid Contractors Bill Rs. 3800.
5. Received sale of old newspaper Rs. 100.
6. Paid TA advance to JTO Rs. 500.
7. An amount of Rs. 150 disallowed by DE in the previous account was shown in the
receipt side of ACE 2 account.
8. Paid Rs. 500 unpaid wages of a labour for which the work has already been
completed and completion report released.
3. Comment on the following citing rules in support:
b) A work was sanctioned by Head of the Circle on 8th Feb 1997. On 14th April 1997, it
was known that some components of the work were not taken into account while
sanctioning the work. The inclusion of extra works required sanction of an authority
higher than that of Head of the circle.
c) What would be the criteria for determining the authority to sanction a reconstruction
4. On receipt of an estimating fee a detailed estimate was prepared and the details are as
follows. Calculate the charges recoverable from Private party before the work is
5. Calculate the charges recoverable from defence department in respect of lines and
wires work estimated to cost Rs. 80000.00 for which firm demand was placed but was
cancelled when the work was actually in progress. Expenditure incurred:
2. Stores used on work (Inluding Rs. 800 value of stores recovered and
5. Unserviceable stores recovered and sold at site Estimated Sale 200
8. Departmental Percentage:
The iron wire in item (2) is of an improved class used purely the departmental
purpose, the difference in value between the improved class and that original being Rs.
2. (a) Name three instances in which the projects are required to be executed in order to
maintain an existing service, without necessity of showing remunerativeness.
(b) A telephone line leading to a subscribers premises was damaged during the
construction work of the subscribers own bunglow. The lines were reerected by the
Department. Calculate the compensation recoverable from the party from the following
3. Serviceable recovered stores and surplus stores sent to stock depot 11000
7. Cost of carriage of surplus stores for Rs. 1000 sent to another work 100
d) A departmental work was sanctioned for Rs. 60000 by the head of the circle. The total
expenditure for this work was Rs. 62000. The DE did not obtain the revised sanction of
the Head of the Circle and submitted the completion report of the work.
4. The railway administration has awarded a cable laying work for their use. The details
for completion report are as follows:
5. a) The ITI Bangalore purchased Steel brackets 2500 Nos from Telecom Factory,
Jabalpur for which rate as per list is Rs. 200 and purchase rate is Rs. 230 per unit.
Carriage onward incurred in the value of Rs. 500. Calculate the amount payable by ITI
Store keeping charges @ 4%, Freight @ 2% Handling @ 0.5%, Surcharge @ 7.5%.
b) Will there by any difference if above supply is made to other than ITI.
6. Prepare a manufacturing account for Telecom Factory, Calcutta for the month of
August 99
Post the following transactions in the Cash book of Shri A Executive Engineer of
Building Division for August 2004 indicating the classification of each item and
Close the Cash book giving analysis of the closing balance.
As per details below:
a) Maintenance and Repair to 2745
Commissioners bungalow
b) Pay of chowkidar for vacant civil 2300
surgeons house 1750
c) Maintenance & Repair of Hospital Building 455
d) Cash refunded
14.08 Cheque no.138 dated 30-4-2004 issued in favour of
contractor A for rs.800 cancelled and a fresh cheque
Issued in lieu thereof
18.08 Received cash on account of rent of Inspection 1100
19.08 Purchased Service Stamps vide Cheque no.492 300
20.08 SDO N renders account of Imprest for Rs2500
(Rs.1250 on muster Roll Payment to labourers engages
on repair to Distric Road and Rs.1250 on repairs to road
roller) The Imprest is recopued and increased to
21.08 Drew self cheque no.493 for cash 8250
22.08 Payment made to work charged establishment relating 4255
to maintenance of National Highway Road
23.08 1/3rd of cash balance (excluding imprests) remitted to
24.08 Paid by cheque no.494 to contractor X first running
account bill for construction of overhead tankof IIT
Total value of work done 400000
Secured Advance 40000
i) Security deposits 10%
ii) Income Tax 2%
iii) Recovery of cost of cement Rs.50000
iv) Court attachment Rs.12000
25.08 Remitted into Treasury 1500
31.08 Drew salary of regular establishment as per details
given below:
Net amount of cheque
Recoveries: 210654
Income Tax Rs. 4000
GPF Rs.44650
CGHS Rs. 540
Licence Fees Rs. 1676
HBA Rs. 5400
Cash found short
Prepare the second running account bill of Contractor R for the construction of school
building from the particulars given below.
Sl.no Item of work done Estimated Work done Work done as per
rate (Rs) to date 1st RA bill Cum
1 Earth work in foundations 2000/1000cum 8000 5000
2 Masonary work in foundations 4200/100cum 500 200
3 Masonary work in super 4400/100cum 800 300
4 structure 300/cum 110 30
RCC in beams in 1:2:4 ratio;50
5 Kg steel per Cum 4000/100cum 650 350
6 Brick work 1000/cum 10 -
Wood work
Contractors rates are subject to a premium of 20% in respect of RCC and woodwork.
i) In the first running bill, the contractor was paid secured advance for 100cum Grit
required for RCC work and for 100000 bricks for brick work. The full assessed rate was
Rs.120/cum and Rs.200 per 1000 number respectively.
ii)The standard norm for consumption of Grit per 100cum of work are 80 cum and of
bricks per 100cum of work are 12000 number.
iii)The advance of Rs.5000 was paid in the first bill for work done but not measured.
iv)Security deposit @ 10% and Income tax @ 2% were recovered from the first bill and
were also to be recovered from the second bill.
(a) Deposit Works (b) Final Payment (c) On Account Payment (d) Rate of
cost and inclusive rate of cost (e) Storage Charge
(a) Market rate and issue rate (b) Grant and appropriation (c) Advance
payment and On account Payment (d) Storage and supervision charge.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Bin Cards (b) Measurement Books (c) Lapsed and confiscated Deposits
(d) Sale of stores to private parties.
6. What is Earnest Money? What is the mode of deposit? How the Earnest Money is
8. What are the rules to be observed with regard to advance payment to contractors for
work done but not measured?
9. Explain briefly the points to be observed while stock taking and physical verification
of stores by the Executive Engineers in their Divisions.
Post the following transactions in the Cash book of the Executive Engineer of
L Division, for the month of September 2004 and close the Cash book giving
Analysis of the Cash Balance.
ii) Coolie charges 50
iii) Amount lost 100
19.09 Contractor A returns cheque no.85 dated 26-8-04 as it is
Defective. Cheque is cancelled and new cheque no.87 is
issued in lieu of it amounting to Rs.3785/-
22.09 Demand Draft on State Bank of India for Rs.300 remitted
Into Treasury but it is dishonoured
25.09 Payment for service Stamps by Cheque no.88 500
30.09 Cash remitted to Treasury 1000
Prepare the Second running account bill of Contractor A for the work constructionof 200
type II quarters for the central Govt general pool Residential accommodation at station D
of Division DCD I from the following particulars.
6)Details of transactions:
8) Advance payment of Rs.14750 on item no 3) was allowed in the first running account
bill. Secured advance was allowed for item no 5) for 45 Sqm of door shutters made of
fibre board brought to site of work vide first running account bill. Market rate of door
shutters is 701 per Sqm. Secured advance was also allowed for 150000 bricks brought to
site of work in the first running account bill. The market rate of bricks is Rs.1100 per
1000.Fresh secured advance was allowed for 80000 bricks brought to site of work. One
Sqm of brickwork requires 500 bricks.
9)security deposits @ 10% and Income tax @ 2% is to be recovered from each bill
subject to limitations provided in the rules. The contractor has deposited Rs.20000 as
Earnest money at the time of submission of tender. Performance guarantee had been
duly received from him.
10) Extra items sanctioned by the competent authority to be paid in this bill-Excavation
trenches of required width for pipe cable etc; rate Rs.22 per metre; Quantity 134 metres
In the first running account bill part rate of Rs.1080 was allowed in respect of item no (4)
c) Cost of three empty bitumen drums not returned to the store of the division @ Rs.100
per drum.
d) Recovery under clause 36 of the agreement for not employing Graduate Engineer by
the contractor Rs.3000
b) How these advances are shown in the accounts of the works and how are their
adjustments effected?
6. What are the initial records upon which accounts of works are based? Describe
7.(a) How errors in the compiled accounts are corrected in accounts of the year in
Errors occurred?
(b)How such errors are corrected if they are noticed after the accounts for the years
Contractors and explain the accounting procedure and the procedure for
9.Describe briefly how the monthly accounts are compiled in Divisional Officer.
Post the following transactions in the cash book of Executive Engineer, CPWD Division
No.1 for July 2004 from the data given below and also indicate the classification of each
item. Close the Cash book giving the analysis of the closing balance.
Engaged on the maintenance of Central
Residential buildings Net Amount paid Rs.11500
Licence Fees Rs. 300
CGEIS Rs 150
Bicycle advance Rs. 100
Undisbursed Amount
11.07 Assistt.Engr Rs Permanent Imprest recouped as
under : 500
a) Payment to part-time sweeper engaged for
sweeping Divisional office Premises
b) Purchased sanitary fittings to be used for 315
maintenance of residential quarters of
Department Pool
Court B) Rs.5000
Received a Cheque no.0310 dated 21-2-2004 from
S & Co. for Rs. 20,022 and a fresh Cheque issued
in lieu of the same no.5024
2.. From the particulars given below, prepare the 2nd running account bill (in forms
CPWA 26 and CPWA 26-A) of contractor X for the work of construction of a Hospital
Building. (i) Date of start of works 5-2-2004 (ii) Stipulated date of completion 4-2-2005
(iii) Agreement NO.M/026 of 2004-2005
(ii) Advance Payment for RCC work not measured Rs.3000 (iii) Maximum advance for
material brought to site by the contractor
(a) 1,00,000 Bricks Market rate assessed was Rs.800 per 1000 No.
(b) 150 M-3 of Stone market assessed rate was Rs.320 per M-3
(c) 5 wood planks market rate assessed being Rs.2,000 per each.
adjusted in this bill. Advance Payment of Rs.15,000 for wood work done but not
measured is to be allowed in the 2nd RA Bill.
a) 5.5 MT of cement issued to contractor from Stock. Issue rate Rs.2,000 per MT.
Stipulated rate in the Contract Rs.2,250 per MT.
(f) Payment to 4 labourers employed for 3 days @ Rs.60 per day to set right defects in the
(g) At the time of passing the 2nd RA Bill test check revealed that contractor had used
inferior type of bricks for which rate was reduced by Rs.50 per cubic metre of brickwork
in foundation.
(h) A sum of Rs.500 withheld for removal of minor defects in the first RA Bill released in
this bill as the defects stand removed.
3. What are the principles governing the allocation of expenditure on a capital scheme
between capital and revenue accounts?
4. Explain the term cash. What categories of bills are permitted by the Divisional Officer
for making payment?
a. Register of Works
b. Contractors Ledger
6. Explain briefly about Measurement Book and the general instructions for recording
the Detailed Measurements in the measurement book.
8. Explain briefly:
a. Bin Cards
b. Priced Stores Ledger
Post the following transactions in the Cash Book of Executive Engineer, Building
Division of CPWD for the month April 2004 and work out details of the closing balance.
Division I 830
iv) Hire charges of departmental machines 500
2. Prepare the 2nd R.A. Bill of contractor X for the work Construction of 100 type IV
Quarters at Jaipur from the following.
II. The contract provides for premium of 60% over the unit rates.
III. Details of work done and other Transactions after the 1st On A/c Bill
(iii) Reinforced Cement Concrete work for Roof 1,000 Cubic Metres at Rs.600 per
Cubic Metre
(iv)Supplying and Stacking of road metal 200 Cubic Metres at Rs.120 per Cubic
b) the brickwork in cement is to be paid at part rate of Rs.300 per Cubic Metre as
bricks used in the entire work were of inferior quality.
c) Deduct 10% for voids in respect of supply of road metal
d) Rs.500 withheld in the 1st On A/c Bill are to be released.
e) (i) Advance Payment of Rs.30,000 is to be allowed for wood work done but not
(ii) Further Secured Advance on 2 lakh bricks brought to site of work is also to be
allowed in this bill.
IV. Consumption of bricks is 350 no. per cubic metre. 80 cubic metre of ballast is
required for 100 cubic metres of cement work in foundations and roof.
V. Following further recoveries are to be made from the 2nd On A/c Bill.
Security Deposit of 10% of value of work done and measured, but in the previous
bill recovery was made erroneously on the amount (K) of that bill.
Income Tax at 2%
Water charges at 1%
Interest on Mobilisation advance relating to another work Rs.5,000
20 tonnes of MS Bars issued from Stock at Rs.12,000 per tonne, out of which one
tonne left in cut pieces could not be used on the work
Labour engaged on behalf of contractor to rectify defect in work Rs.2200.
Hire Charges of Concrete Mixers not stipulated in the contract for 20 days.
Economic Rate Rs.150 per day. Normal rate is Rs.120 per day.
6.. Comment the following:
a) A Temp Advance of Rs500 was granted to a subordinate on the 1st June 2004.
He returned it intact on 4th Sept 2004 having in the mean time been on leave for 15 days.
b) On a request by the contractor the recovery to the extent ofRs.50,000 on account of
cost of materials issued to him for use on the work was not made by the Executive
Engineer from the 1sr and 2nd On Account bills of the contractor. The Executive
Engineer ordered that the recovery should be made from his next bill in lump sum.
7. What are the important duties of Disbursing Officer in respect of verification of entries
in his Cash Book?
Post the following transactions in the Cash Book of sh. K. Executive Engineer,
Buildings and Roads Division, CPWD New Delhi, for May 2004 and close
a) cost of wood for repair to Sun Shades of 300
residential buildings
b) Transportation of cement from Railway 125
station to Stores Godown.
The imprest was settled fully.
The imprest was also increased to Rs.500 in cash
10.05 i) Paid by cheque no.54 to supplier B towards cost of
furniture for Divisional Office after deducting 10%
Security Deposits 27000
ii) Sale proceeds of auction of old Tools and Plant 1800
14.05 Earnest Money received from contractor D in cash 6000
- from contractor E by bank chalan 6000
All tenders were rejected on the same day. Earnest
Was refunded to contractor D by cheque no. 55
*16.05 The Receipt Scroll received from the Bank inicated
The cheque of firm X has been credited to Divisions
18.05 i) issued to staff Revenue Stamps 10
ii) Received by Assistant Engineer H Sub Division
of residential buildings in cash on 9-5-2004 and
remitted to bank on 12-5-2004. Received chalan in 4000
Divisional office and incorporated in the Cash Book
22.05 i) Executive Engineer drew cheque no.56 while in
camp on 22-5-2004 in favour of Supplier P for
purchase of GI Sheets for Store sheds 12000
ii) Executive Engineer accounted for Rs.1700 out of Rs
2500 taken on tour from chest on 20-5-2004 as below:
a) Cartage charges for GI sheets 800
b) wages of chowkidar for April 2004 900
Balance returned to chest
24.05 Paid to Contractor C 2nd on a/c bill for construction of
Staff quarters by cheque no.57
Gross value of work done 220000
Amount paid in 1st Running Bill 80000
DEDUCTIONS: Cost of steel supplied for work 12000
Recovery from contractor advised by another division 2000
Hire charges of vibrator 800
Cost of (same) work executed on behalf of
Contractor Departmentally 9000
Security Deposits 10%
26.05 i) Overpayment of salary refunded by staff in cash and
deposited in Bank 1400
ii) Issued fresh cheque no.58 in favour of contractor
supply of cement for stock in lieu of cheque no.23 96000
dated 23-4-2004 issued erroneously for rs.69000
30.05 i) Received through subsidiary Cash Book advance
and TA given to Junior Engineer on 30-4-2004 6000
ii)Remitted into Bank Miscellaneous Receipts in cash
Balance Miscellaneous Receipts remitted into
Bank by cheque in favour of self and endorsed
for credit to PWD
amounts are 2000 of 3/5; 1800 of 10/5 and
6000 of 14/5 = Rs.9800
Prepare 2nd Running Account Bill for the work of Construction of type Ii 30 Quarters
(ii) Advance Payment of Rs.1,00,000 was made for work done and not measured in the
first running bill for R. C. C. Work.
(iii) Secured Advance for 1,50,000 bricks was given in 1st R. A. Bill , the assessed rate
is Rs.600 per 1000 bricks. Consumption of bricks to be assumed as 500 per cubic
metre of brick work.
(v)Cost of 250 MT cement (for this work) be deduced @ Rs.1000 per MT.
(vi) In 1st RA Bill Rs.500 was withheld for non-submission of labour reports. It is now
decided to release Rs.300 to contractor and balance credited to Govt.
3. Prepare the transfer entries to set right the following errors in the accounts of the
same year in which the error occurred.
i)Income tax received in July 2004 from a work charged Establishment employed on
the maintenance of road economic importance and erroneously credited to the work
during the month Rs.150.
ii) Income Tax recovered from work charged establishment employed on maintenance
of State Highway road and erroneously credited to the work Rs.200
iii) A sum of Rs.2000 recovered from a Mistri on account of licence fee has been
wrongly credited to maintenance work of primary school.
iv) Schedule of Public Works Receipt received from the treasury for May 2009
includes Rs.615 on account of the following items but no entry exists in the cash
4. What are the precautions to be taken when writing detailed Measurement Books:
6. What is an Imprest and how is it accounted for? How do you distinguish it from
Temporary Advance?
(a) The wages of labourers remain unpaid after the completion of the work, and are
claimed five months later.
(b) Expenditure had been incurred on a deposit work in excess of deposit received.
(c) A balance of minus Rs.75 is outstanding in the Register of Works in the column
Suspense Accounts of a work that was noted as completed.
From the details given below write up the cash book of Sh.RG exexutive Engineer
building division, for the month of November 2004 indicating the classification and close
it giving analysis of the closing balance.
14.11 Paid by cheque On account Bill of contractor P for
constructing Quarters for staff on revenue
department;the particulars being as follows:-
Net Payment by cheque 7950
Deductions to be made
Court attachment 500
Over Payment made on another minor work-
construction of Primary school 100
Security Deposit 650
Total Deductions 1250
15.11 Received from Sdob cash-chalan for Rs. 100 remitted
by him into the treasury on account of sales proceeds of 100
procedure from public buildings
21.11 Cheque for Rs.1000 issued to contractor Q on 15-04-
2003 was revalidated
22.11 Cash found in chest 5
23.11 Cxash receipt on account of rent of buildings and 1000
28.11 SDo C rendered a Imprest account of Rs.75 towards
payment made to work charged establishment in
connection with repairs to residential buildings. The 75
amount was recouped to him in cash
30.11 Remitted into treasury the receipts received upto
23.11.2004 by remitting the entire physical cash balance
on hand and drawing a self cheque for the balance under
para 6.3.5 of CPWA Code
In the first on account bill, advance payment of Rs.10,000 and Rs.17,000 on items 4 and
5 above respectively were made, and maximum secured advance was also paid on the
following materials brought to site.
In the second Running Account Bill, further secured advance on 1,00,000 bricks
brought to site was allowed. The cost of bricks and steel actually used since previous
bill was recovered from the second running account bill. Bricks may be calculated at
500 bricks per Cubic Metre. Quantity of steel may be determined at 1% of RCC work
done and taking the weight of steel at 7.8 M.T. per cubic metre.
The following further recoveries are to be made from the 2nd R.A. Bill;
3. Two girders costing Rs.6000 were received for the work of constructing office of
Director of Public Health in July 2004. The work was allotted to contractor on labour
rate only. The work on the building was stopped in Aug 2004. These girders were
taken on stock of the CPWD Division in Sept 2004. What account adjustments are
necessary if market rate of girders was Rs.2254.50 p each.
a) A cheque issued to a Contractor remaining unpaid for over a year. The account of
the work for which this payment was made has since been closed.
6. State briefly the distinctive features of Public Works accounts. Bring out clearly
how the Public Works System of accounts differs from the accounting system of
other Civil Departments.
7. How are time-expired and cancelled cheques treated in a Public Works Division?
1) Para 69 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV and Para 196 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deal with the
Press Trunk Calls.
2) Matter intended for publication in a Newspaper or broadcasting over Radio. That type
of trunk call is termed as Press Call and the caller should specify the call as Press Call at
the time of booking the call.
3) A rebate of 12.5% shall be allowed on such calls and the rebate shall not be allowed
on supplementary charges like PP Charge, PCO Charge, Late Fee and also on rentals and
local call charges. This rebate is also allowed on reversed charge calls also.
4) Press Trunk Call can be booked from any number and even from PCO but that called
number should be a registered Press Number with TRA unit.
5) TRA unit under whose jurisdiction the Head Office falls shall issue the Card of
Authority/Renewal on payment of prescribed fee/security. The currency of the Card shall
be for three years from the date of issue and renewable after every three years.
1. (b)
1) Rule 480 to 482 of FHB Vol. I deal with Lapsed Deposit.
2) Deposits not exceeding Rs.5 unclaimed for one whole account year, balance not
exceeding Rs. 5 of deposits partly repaid during the year than closing and all balances
unclaimed for more than three complete account years shall be treated as Lapsed
3) The above said amount shall at the close of March in each year be credited to
Government by means of transfer entries in Circle Accountants Office by debiting the
Deposit Head and crediting the Lapsed Deposit Head.
4) For refund of such Lapsed Deposit shall be made under the sanction of Circle
Accountant Office when the detailed accounts are not kept in the Telecom Accounting
Units whereas refund can be made without the sanction of Circle Accountant Office when
the detailed accounts are kept in the Telecom Accounting Units.
5) While making payment of refund from Lapsed Deposit, the amount shall be charged to
refunds and not debited to Deposits.
1) Para 92 to 95 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with Subscribers Record Card (SRC).
2) SRC is a ledger account in form ACE-91 for every telephone connection to a
departmental exchange or to PBX, for every non-exchange system or guaranteed
telephone line, long distance telephone circuit rented out to Defence Services, Canals,
Railways etc.
3) It contains the full details regarding the subscriber namely, name, address, indicator
number, date of installation, details of deposit collected, details of facilities provided,
details of bills sent, details of amount collected, date of disconnection for non-payment,
date of restoration/reconnection, date of permanent closure etc.
4) SRC Cards can be kept in Steel Cabinets or in loose leave binders and in different
colors according to category wise (like service connection, Government Connection,
Heavy Callers connection etc) and according to exchange wise.
1) Para 13 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Particular Person Calls.
2) This trunk telephone call booked to call a particular person. Call is put through only
when particular person is available at the called station.
3) This PP facility is not permitted on Fixed Time or Subscription Fixed Time.
4) A supplementary charge (ie., 50% of the ordinary call charges) shall be levied on PP
5) Caller has the option of giving either two names or two telephone numbers.
6) It can also be booked from and to a PCO for which other than above said charges, the
PCO fee, late fee, messenger fee etc., on both the ends as the case may be shall be
2(a) Paras 87 and 88 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals about the Demand Notes.
13. If any outstanding bills paid by the subscriber through the demand, the same
is entered in the concerned Bill Register or Register of Outstanding.
2(b) 1. Rule 52 of FHB Vol V deals with action to be taken on the Money refund
2. On getting the undelivered money order/cheque, the address noted will be checked
and if it is found wrong, the money order/cheque to be sent to the correct address.
3. In all other cases, refund of money order shall be taken to the head Other Receipts
and will be included in the Daily List of Collection under appropriate column.
4. In the case of return of cheque, the same shall be cancelled and taken to Other
Receipts through Journal Slip and will be included in the Daily List of Collection under
appropriate column.
5. On getting the Daily List, the particulars shall be noted in the SRC, Register of
Refunds, Office copy of sanction of Refunds.
1. Rules 30 to 35 of FHB Vo. V deals with preparation of bills under Measured Rate
2. In the case of Measured Rate System, when bimonthly bills are issued, Local call
statement of duplicate copy is being received well before the time for issue of bills.
3. The calls made by the subscriber to the exchange in respect of trunk enquiry,
complaints etc are not metered.
4. The calls made by the departmental staff in connection with the testing faults will be
allowed as credit calls.
5. Morning Alarm Calls or Reminder Service Calls etc are metered as debit calls.
6. A 5% test check of local call statement is being conducted at the exchange by
7. Any unusual number of credit calls allowed in any particular indicator shall be
brought to the notice of higher authorities.
8. In TRA unit, a test check of 25% of the entries are done and a reconciliation of gross
calls minus credit/free calls plus debit calls which is equivalent to chargeable calls and
chargeable amount worked out is being done.
1) Rule 60 of FHB Vol. I deal with Standards of Financial Propriety
2) Strict guidelines for every officer incurring the expenditure from public funds
are given under Standards of Financial Propriety.
He should exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure incurred from public
moneys as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his
own money.
The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands.
He should not exercise his powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass on order which
will be directly or indirectly to his own advantage.
Public money should not be utilized for the benefit of a particular person or section of
the people, unless a claim for the amount could be enforced in a court of law or the
expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized policy or custom.
The amount of allowances granted to meet the expenditure of any type should not be on
the whole a source of profit to the recipient.
Responsibility and accountability is total and indivisible. Public interest should be
uppermost in mind while making a purchase procurement decision. The responsibility is
not discharged merely by the selection of cheapest offer but must confirm the following
yard-sticks of financial propriety: (a) Whether the reasonable procedures have been
followed, (b) Whether the purchase shall meet the adequate requirement, (c) Whether the
purchase shall meet the reasonable quality and (d) Whether the selected offer is most
appropriate one.
Usually or at least whenever it is necessary, the concerned authority must record its
precise terms, the conditions which weighted with it while taking the procurement
5. 1) Paras 291 & 296 of P&T Manual Vol XIV deals with the procedure of daily
list checking and reconciliation.
2) When a subscriber pays a telephone bill at post office and cash counter, the
counter clerk shall affix a date stamp for receipt of payment and return one copy to the
3) Immediately necessary entry is made in the daily list.
4) At the end of the day, daily list is closed by totaling it and will be sent to TRA Unit
along with all vouchers of payment ie., telephone bills and demand notes etc.
5) In the TRA unit, all the daily lists are handed over to TR recovery section. The
daily lists are noted in the relevant post office allotted page. Any missing daily list of the
concerned post offices are called for immediately.
6) Each amount entered in the daily list should be chccked with reference to relevant
7) Thereafter, the vouchers are segaragated and sorted according to exchange wise.
The same is sent to TR Accounting clerk who in turn will note down in the SRC and
relevant registers. A certificate to that effect shall be given by the TR Accounting clerk.
8) After getting back all the vouchers, the same shall be entered in the bill register
and outstanding bill register and then the vouchers given to sub-ledger section for
compiliation of sub-ledger.
9) In TR 30 Form, full details of daily lists are entered on daily basis and monthly
consolidation done in TR 31 Form.
10) Total monthly payments (Consolidated in TR 31) should agree with the Sub-
Ledger. This sub-ledger is prepared with the help of bill register and outstanding
11) To check the correctness of bill register and outstanding register payments and
the posting done subscribers record card, at the time of issue of disconnection list, the
list is prepared through SRC and compared with the Bill Register and Outstanding
6.The sources of receipts for Telephone Branch are being dealt in Rule 8 of FHB Vol. V
and are as follows:
Rental and Local Call Fees:
In this category, the receipts are as follows:
Rent of Telephone Connection to Departmental Exchange.
Local Call Fees for the Telephone Connection.
Installation Charges.
Shifting Charges.
Rent of Private and other exchange, non-exchange lines.
Installation Charges for accessories, Fees for accessories and Rent of accessories.
Rent of Telephone Wires/Circuits and instruments leased to Railways, Canals, Defence
and other Government Departments and Private Bodies.
Trunk Call and PCO Call Fees:
In this category, the receipts are as follows:
Charges for Telephone Calls made long distance including the overseas calls.
Charges for Local Calls on PCO connections.
Registration Fees from prospective telephone subscribers under various schemes like
OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal.
License Fee on value added services like Radio Paging, VSAT Service, E-Mail, Video
Conferencing, Voice Mail, FAX, Videotex Service, Broadcast via Satellite and public
mobile radio service.
Recoveries from Guarantors.
Royalty on License for Private Telephone Lines and Systems.
Fee and Other Misc. Receipts:
Receipts from Advertisements.
Sale of Telephone Publication.
Sale of Telephone Application Forms.
Rent of Buildings.
Surcharge on Delayed Payment.
Residential Service Connection Charges billed exceeding the prescribed limit.
7. 1. Paras 81 of P&T manual Vol. XIV deals with the importance of advice note
2. To keep a watch on timely receipt of advice note and to see further action in TRA
branch a register of advice notes is maintained.
3. Advice note register is maintained ACE-90 form .
4. Advice note is issued by the engineering officers in chronological order on serial
5. Receipt of advice note is watched through this register.
6. There should not be any gap in the serial order.
7. Every advice note issued or cancelled are entered in the advice note register.
8. Once serial number allotted to the engineering officers, all the advice note numbers
should be filled in the column against advice note number.
9. On receipt of advice note, the relevant particulars be filled against the advice note
numbers already entered.
10. Column no: 7 meant of date of disposal. The advice note register shall be sent to
Accounting clerk atleast once in a week, so that the accounting clerk shall enter the date
of disposal that is for confirming the advice note particulars entered in the subscribers
record card and rent control register.
11.Column No.9 meant for dated signature of the accounting clerk. This is for having
checked the address of the subscriber for issue of bills.
12. On the first week of the month, engineering officers shall issue a monthly statement
of advice note issued upto the previous month but not submitted.
13. With this statement, the gap in the serial numbers should be checked.
If any missing serial number of advice note is noticed, the same shall be taken up with
the engineering officers and get it solved.
14. After the checking of monthly statement of advice notes issued but not submitted, a
certificate should be given by the Accounting clerk for having checked and missing
serial numbers are brought to the notice of the engineering officers, in the advice note
1. (a)
1) Para 287 ibid of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Outstanding Pursuit Cell.
2) Outstanding Pursuit Cell shall receive the defaulters list after the closure of
connection and adjustment of deposit for the telephone bills due from the TRA Unit for
taking necessary action till the outstanding amount is settled or written-off.
3) While transferring the defaulters list to Outstanding Pursuit Cell, following records
are also transferred: Subscribers Record Card, Trunk Call Tickets, Outstanding Bills
Outstanding Pursuit Cell will pursue the collection of outstanding amount through
outdoor staff. Monthly progress will be watched.
Every month they will put up the case to Board of Liquidation for considering the write-
off cases.
They will pursue the matter with legal authorities for initiation of legal action against
1. (b)
1) Para 305 & 306 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Monthly Sub-Ledger Accounts.
2) Sub-Ledger Accounts for the month is prepared in form ACE-103 in each SSA.
3) This work will start after closure of monthly accounts and recoveries etc are noted.
4) This is progressive account and shows the amount billed for, collections made,
cancellation/written off during the month and the closing balance.
5) Preparation of Monthly Sub-Ledger Accounts:
a) Opening Balance will be posted from the closing balance of previous month which
represent outstanding bills.
b) Amount bills issued during the month (including Demand Notes and PCO Collection
but excluding service telephone connection bills) being the total amount of bills.
c) Amount Collected by Post Offices/Banks/Cash Counters etc as per Bill register.
d) Refund as per Register of Refund, Cancelled as per Cancelled bill register and
Written-off as per the sanctions.
e) Discounts.
f) Closing Balance being the outstanding of bills at the end of the month as per
Outstanding Bill Register.
6) This is being separate independent account which is useful for reconciliation of all the
registers in TRA Unit and it shows the correctness of the payment entries made in the
register and also useful for seeing the trend in collection.
7) Separate sub-ledger is being prepared for Deposits and Circuits also.
1. (c)
1) Para 179 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the refund of OYT Deposit of Closed
2) The telephone connection given under the OYT Scheme is surrendered within the
period which is fixed for rebate in rental in consideration of OYT Deposit is comes under
the case of refund of OYT Deposit of closed connection.
3) In this case, a refund shall be made out of the OYT Deposit after deducting there from
sum total of rebate in rental is allowed for every year or part of the year as is admissible
as per the terms of the deposit.
4) The said refund in any case shall not exceed the 3/4th of the initial OYT Deposit.
5) Telephone Bills due shall also be deducted after making the above said calculation of
refund of deposit.
1. (d)
1) Below Rule 119 of FHB Vol I deals with the custody of used up Cash Book.
2) The Cash Book are preserved permanently and there is no uniform procedure for the
custody of used by Cash Book in Telecom Units.
3) However, Disbursing Officer who is responsible for up keep and maintenance of cash
book should also be responsible for the safe custody of used up cash books also.
4) Used up Cash Books should be serially numbered and kept in a cup board under lock
and key in the custody of Disbursing Officer.
5) Whenever used up cash book taken out, entries with regard should be made in the
register and should be watched for its return.
6) On his transfer, entry should be made under the signatures of both relived and
relieving officer.
2. (a)
1)Para 215 of P&T Manual Vo. XIV deals with the different types of deposits collected
from the subscriber.
2)Following are the different types of deposits are made by the Telephone subscribers:-
a) Advance Deposits
b) OYT Deposits
c) One Year Advance Rental from Non-OYT subscribers.
d) Deposits for temporary or casual connection.
e) Security Deposits.
f) Deposits for Coin Box Attended Type PCO.
g) Deposits for reversed Charge Trunk Call.
h) Deposits of intelex Credit Cards.
i) Voluntary Deposits.
With regard to interest calculation for Advance Deposit and procedure of clearance at the
time of opening of telephones, following are the instructions:
1)Advance deposit scheme was introduced w.e.f. 1st Septemeber 1975.
2)Under this scheme, the applicant for telephone is required to deposit the advance
deposit as indicated in the Tariff.
3)The deposit shall carry interest at the bank rates.
4)The name of interest has been changed as waiting charge w.e.f. 1.4.92.
5)Advance deposit shall earn interest from the date preceding the date of installation of
the telephone w.e.f. 9.681. (Prior to this period, interest was allowed upto the date
preceding the date of issue of orders for installation of telephone).
6) Interest is calculated for completed number of months from the date of payment of
such deposit.
7)At the time of installation of telephone, second demand notes indicating the amount of
advance deposit already paid, interest thereon, amount of advance rental for one year in
the case of Non OYT connections and OYT deposit in the case of OYT connections,
installation fee and net amount payable/refundable, are issued. This second demand
notes are to be prepared by the TRA Branch.
8)The advance deposit registers are cleared by transferring them to advance rental for
one year of OYT Deposit Registers. The refund, if any, is allowed by the adjustment in
the telephone bills.
2. (b)
1) Rule 1 to 8 of FHB Vol. I and Para 1 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the rules
regarding establishing, maintaining and working of Telephone and grant of licences to
private persons or bodies.
2) The exclusive privilege of establishing, maintaining and working telephones within
India vests with the President of India.
3) The same is administrated by Chairman, Telecom Commission in Department of
Telecommunications, Government of India on behalf of President of India.
4)Granting of licences to private firms for erection and operation of Telephone system of
Telephone System is allowed subject to certain conditions laid down in the Indian
Telegraph Rules.
5)The licences to operate Telephone System on profit to private persons can be granted
at the discretion of the President of India as he may thinks fit and the Chairman, Telecom
Commission is authorized to grant licences on behalf of President.
6)The licences to operate Telephone System without profit to private persons in a Circle,
Circle Head is authorized to issue such licences whereas if it involves more than a Circle,
the same is issued by the Chairman, Telecom Commission on specific condition and is
subject to payment of the prescribed royalties.
7)Telephone system is controlled by the Telephone Branch of BSNL and therefore, the
collection of revenue vests with the TRA Unit and it can be collected through the Cash
Counters, Post Offices, Customer Service Centers, Banks etc.
1)Rules 10 to 16 of FHB Vol.I deals with the safeguards exist to prevent the irregular
withdrawal of money from public exchequer.
2)Money can be withdrawn only under the written authority of Accounts Officer or
Disbursing Officer.
3)An Accounts Officer may not permit withdrawal at a place outside his jurisdiction.
4)The following are the only specified purpose for which disbursing officer may permit
withdrawal at his own authority:-
a) To pay sum due from the Government to the Drawing Officer.
b) To provide the drawing officer with funds to meet claim likely to presented
against the Government in the immediate future.
c) To enable the drawing officer to supply to another Government Officer to meet
similar claims.
d) To pay sums on account of loans and advances.
Withdrawal of money for any other purpose mentioned above shall require the
express authorization of the Accounts Officer.
5)A disbursing officer shall not permit withdrawal of any purpose unless the claim for
withdrawal comprise with the provision of the rule.
6)Except where specifically provided payment can only be made in the office under the
jurisdiction of which the claim arises.
7)No authority may incur any expenditure or enter into any liability involving expenditure
from public funds until the expenditure has been sanctioned by the competent authority
and necessary provision exists.
However disbursing officer shall not refuse the payment for which sanction
particulars not noted, the responsibility for incurring unsanctioned expenditure rest with
drawing officer.
8)A disbursing officer has no general authority to make payment; his authority is limited
by the financial rules.
9)A disbursing officer has no authority to act under an order of Government sanctioning
a payment, unless it is an express order to him to make the payment.
10)If a demand is presented at a disbursing officer for payment, it is not authorized by or
under the rules or is not covered by a special order from the Accounts Officer; the
disbursing officer shall decline payment.
4. (a)
(1) Para 297 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with Unadjusted Credits.
(2) Unadjusted credits are one for which payment noting could not be done either on the
bill register or in the outstanding register.
(3) Unadjusted credits arises on the following reasons:
(a) Details attached with the vouchers of Daily List may be sufficient enough.
(b) Vouchers may be missing in the Daily List.
(4) Details of unadjusted credits are entered in a separate register and cleared off in the
following manner:
(a) by adjusting in the concerned outstanding bill register cited relevant serial
item of the credit of the unadjusted register.
(b) by transferring unadjusted credit amount to the excess payment register in
case the bill has been paid more than one time .
(c) by making fresh entry in the bill register in case original entry was missed at
the time of issue of bill and form unadjusted credit. The amount now be cleared.
4. (b)
1)Para 87 of P&T Manual.XIV deal with the interlinking of demand notes and advice notes.
2)Engineering authorities shall issue the demand note to the prospective subscribers for
installation of telephone connection and for provisioning of accessories thereof.
3) It authorizes to collect the amount towards telephone rent, deposit, rent for
accessories, installation fee etc.
4) It authorizes to collect the amount of deposit on the basis of category under which it
has been applied namely, OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal.
5) It is prepared in quadruplicate and three copies are issued to the subscribers retaining
one copy in subscribers file.
6) Payment of Demand Note can be made either Post Officer or in Cash Counter of
the SSA.
7)One copy of paid Demand Note shall be handed over to the subscriber, one copy shall
be retained for Voucher and one copy shall be made over to the TRA Unit along with Post
Office Daily List/Cash Counter of SSA Daily List.
8)On payment of Demand Note, the Engineering authorities shall issue the advice note to
authorize a person to execute the work quoting the demand note particulars in the advice
9)When paid demand note available in the Daily List of Post Office/Cash Counter, the
particulars of the Demand Note Number, Date of Payment. Mode of Payment, Where it
has been paid, Reference of Daily List in which it has been shown etc shall be noted in
the Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes maintained in Form Eng. 53 (a).
10)This Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes shall contain other than the above
said particulars of Demand Note, the Advice Note Number, Date of Issue, Date of
execution of work etc.
11)When the Advice Note received, it has to be verified with the Demand Note Particulars
entered in the Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes Register.
12)Demand Notes which are issued for recovery of advertisement charges in the
telephone directory, charges for damaged instruments, restoration fee and outstanding
bills should not be entered in the Demand and Advice Note Register.
5. (a)
1)Para 443 of P&T Manual Vol. II deals with the tendering procedure.
2)There are four systems of tendering procedure for purchase.
3)Open Tender System:-
(a) Inviting tender by advertisement in newspapers.
(b) This system should be adopted for estimated value of tender is
above Rs. 2 Lakhs.
(c) For estimated value from 2 Lakhs to 5 lakhs, the advertisement
Should be in the local newspapers whereas for the estimated
Value above Rs. 5 lakhs, the medium of advertisement should
Be in National daily and Indian Trade Journal.
4)Limited Tender System:-
a) Inviting directly to the suppliers in the approved list.
b) This system will be adopted for an estimated value less than
Rs. 2 Lakhs.
c) It should be invited to the past successful suppliers plus atleast
15 firms in the list on rotational basis or actual numbers available
In the list, if the number is less than 15.
This limited tender system will be adopted even when the estimated value exceeds Rs. 2
Lakhs in the following circumstances:
a) When sufficient reasons are available to not to call open tender system and the same
should be recorded in writing;
b) When there is sufficient reasons for urgency in procurement, the same should
recorded in writing; and
c) When the sources of supply definitely known and possibility of outside supply
beyond the list available is remote, then the Limited Tender System may be followed.
For all the above cases, approval of the competent authority is must.
5. (b)
1)Para 443 of P&T Manual Vol. II deals with the rejection of lowest tender.
2)When the authority competent to accept the tender is doubtful about the ability of the
lowest tenderer to execute the work satisfactorily, can order for rejection of his tender.
3)When the tenderer have no previous experience for the type of work tendered, then the
competent authority can order for rejection of his tender.
4)When the tenderer is not willing to execute agreement in the prescribed form, then the
competent authority can order for rejection of his tender.
5)When the tender other than the lowest one accepted, the reasons for the rejection of all
the tenders lower than the accepted one, should be recorded.
6)When an authority below the rank of the Head of the Circle intends to accept a tender
other than the lowest one, the approval of Head of the Circle is to be obtained.
6. (a)
(1) Para 214 of P&T Manual Vol.XIV deals with the general conditions for grant of refund
of amount towards telecom receipts.
(2) Double or excess payment made by the subscriber in respect of Rental and Trunk
Call bills should be entered in a separate register for the said purpose. This register is
maintained in Form TR 23 and is called Excess Payment Register. Entries in the register
should be attested by the Head of the Section.
When the excess payment is adjusted in the subsequent bills, the particulars
should be noted against the column provided in red ink and should be attested by
Accounts Officer.
(3) Double or excess payment should also be noted in the Subscriber Record Card and
the adjustment should also be noted in the SRC.
6. (b)
Para 212 ibid of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals the procedure for refund of telephone
Amount of refund to be made to subscriber can be arrived from Excess Payment
Register and Register of Deposits.
The refund order shall be prepared in form ACE 109 in triplicate.
It contains the sanction of payment to be made to the subscriber along with name,
indicator number, address etc.
It will put up to Accounts Officer and he will sign first two copies and also he will sign in
the concerned deposit register and excess payment register.
The third copy will be certified by the Section Supervisor and he certifies that the first
two copies signed by Accounts Officer.
The first copy and third copy shall be forwarded to Cashier and the second copy will be
retained as office copy in TRA Unit.
Then Cashier will prepare the Pay Order for refund by cheque.
A crossed cheque will be issued to the subscriber.
After issue of cheque to the subscriber, Cashier will intimate the cheque particulars,
namely, cheque number, date of cheque, amount of cheque to TRA Unit along with the
third copy.
This third copy will be kept along with second copy already in file in TRA Unit.
1) Rule 114 to 119 of FHB Vol. I deals with the upkeep of cash book.
2) Cash Book should be maintained in prescribed form by the officer who is authorized
to receive money and make payments on behalf of Government of India.
3) Head of the SSA or nominated officer should count the blank pages of the cash book
and record a certificate in the front page of the cash book before the cash book put into
4) Those who are having imprest or Temporary Advances should not maintain a cash
book but render accounts in the prescribed form.
5) Only cash receipts and cash payments are to be entered in the cash book on the
appropriate column with details of receipts and payments.
6) Transactions should be entered in the chronological order in the order of occurrence.
7) Receipt entries should be serially numbered with Receipt Number and the same has
to be noted in the voucher. Payment entries are also serially numbered and the voucher
number should be noted in the bill or voucher.
1) In the office of the Chairman, Telecom Commission, all the contingent expenditure
shall be entered in the Register of Contingent Expenditure and a single entry for each
days lump sum amount shall be entered in the cash book.
2) In the Telephone Districts, even though all the payments are to be entered
immediately in the order of occurrence but can be entered on the order of occurrence at
least on the same day.
3) Normally erasures are prohibited. If any correction is to be made, the wrong entry
should be cancelled and in between the lines, a new entry in red ink should be made with
attestation of DDO. However, if accounts are closed and submitted, then the wrong
entries can be corrected only after getting the sanction from the authority to whom the
accounts were submitted.
1) Rules 120 and 121 of FHB Vol.I deals with verification of cash book.
2) The cash book entries should be checked as soon as the date of occurrence and the
DDO should affix dated initial on the last entry he checked. In the end of the month, he
should sign in the cash book at the end of the last entry in the month.
3) Payment entries should be checked along with the payment vouchers. Each voucher
should be checked whether the pay order has been signed by himself, whether the head
of account charged is correct, whether the mode of payment done as per the instructions
4) Receipt side entries which may reflect from the payment vouchers ie., gross amount
booked in the payment side and the deductions charged in the receipt side. In that case,
in the receipt side it should be checked whether the voucher has been quoted, whether
the deductions have been charged in the correct head of account, whether the authority
of the deductions are in order.
5) Entries of Bank accounts in the payment side should be checked with reference to the
counterfoils of the cheque book whereas the bank entries in the receipt side should be
checked with reference to challans of remittance to the bank.
(1) Rules 123 to 125 of FHB Vol.I deals with the balancing of cash book.
(2) Each month on 10th, 20th and last working day of the month, the cash book should be
closed and balanced. He should certify the cash balance by actual counting. If 10th and
20th happens to be Sunday or holiday, it should be closed and balanced on the next
working day.
(3) If transactions are numerous then the closing and balancing on daily basis is
(4) At the time of closing and balancing of cash book, the out of account money
available in the UD register should also be checked and necessary immediate should be
initiated to disburse the amount or to deposit in the Government accounts.
(5) If any errors found, it should be rectified at once. If any short or excess cash balance
found while balancing the cash book found, necessary entries should be made either in
the Payment side (for short in the cash balance) or in the Receipt side (for excess in the
cash balance) and further action to be taken to rectify the same.
Exceptions: Cash book need not be closed on no transaction day or on holidays/
1. (a)
Para 61 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV and Rule 76 of FHB Vol. V deals with Reconciliation of
Trunk Call Register.
This work has to be done only after the issue of bills.
First, number of tickets chargeable (including the chargeable Phonogram Tickets) should
tally with the number of tickets charged as per the bill register.
Secondly, the sum of above said tickets as per listing list should tally with charged
amount as per the bill register.
It should be maintained in Form TR-4 for exchange wise.
Discrepancies, if any noticed, should be recorded in the register.
A certificate to the effect of reconciliation on exchange wise should be entered by
checker in the concerned Bill Register and the Register of Reconciliation.
1. (b)
1) Para 237 & 238 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deals with the Private Public Telephone.
2) Private Public Telephones are provided at non-residential places and suitable
locations of public places like bus terminus, railway stations, Airports etc in consultation
with the concerned authorities.
3) The said facility shall be opened with CCB without attendant and with ordinary
instrument for making local calls and STD calls with attendant and with computer
peripheral devices for valuing and recording the local and STD calls. It may be manned
by ex-serviceman or by handicapped or by ordinary person.
1. (c)
1) Without assistance of operator, by the use of dial, subscriber can make the trunk call.
This facility is called as STD facility.
2) When the subscriber does not want the STD facility, he can, by request in writing to
the concerned Engineering Authorities to bar the facility of STD. In that case, he cannot
make any trunk call without the assistance of operator.
1. (d)
1) Para 81 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Register of Advice Notes.
2) Advice Note in form ACE-90 is maintained in TRA Unit.
3) Advice Note is the basis on which TRA Unit maintains records and issue bills.
4) It starts from the opening of new telephone connection. Advice Note is being
prepared and issued by Engineering authorities and one copy is sent to the TRA Unit.
5) Being the important document, the check on chronological order on serial number of
advice notes are watched in the TRA Unit through the Advice Note Register.
6) In the Advice Note Register, Advice Note Number, Name of the work, Date of
installation/completion etc are written.
7) Any missing Serial Number in the Advice Note shall be brought into the notice of the
Head of the SSA.
2. (a)
1) Para 170 of P&T Manual Vol.XIV deals with the reconnection of telephone without
2) When a phone is disconnected for Non-Payment of dues but the subscriber has
already paid the amount and intimation received in TRA Unit late, the connection can be
reconnected without reconnection charges on the authorization of Accounts Officer (TR).
3) When the bills issued not paid subsequently noticed by raising of bills itself is
found wrong, then the connection can be reconnected without reconnection charges on
the authorization of Accounts Officer (TR).
4) When a subscriber complaint about the Excess/Wrong billing and the case is
under investigation and till the result of the investigation, the connection can be
reconnected without reconnection charges on the authority of Accounts Officer (TR).
2. (b)
1) Para 191 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the recovery in installment.
2) Accounts Officer at his discretion may recover outstanding amount in
installments provided:- (a) the telephone of the subscriber has already been
disconnected; (b) the installments fixed are not so small as to make the period of
recovery of the dues unnecessarily long; and (c) This course is adopted sparingly so
that the advantage of these facilities may not be extended to the subscribers who really
possesses the means to pay in one installment.
2. (c)
Operating ratio is the ratio of the total operating expenses to the total income from the
2. (d)
1. Average revenue per DEL will be calculated dividing total number of bills issued (ABF)
during the month by the average number of DELs for the month.
ABF (excluding cancelled and written-off)
Average number of DELs
When average revenue is required to be calculated for more than one month, it
shall be calculated by dividing total number of bills issued during the months by
average number of DELs during the month.
Total amount billed for three months
Average DEL x 3
The average number of DELs during a particular period will be the average of the mean of
every month.
Calculation will be as follows:
No. of working DELs (Excluding service connections) as on
01.04.2000 A
30.04.2000 B
31.05.2000 C
30.06.2000 D
Average no. of DELs from April to June 2000
= ( (A+B)/2 + (B+C)/2 + (C+D)/2 ) x (1/3)
Rule 35 of FHB Vol.I deals with the general instruction regarding preparation of the bills
to be observed by drawing officer to Telecom Dept.
Following are the general instructions:
As far as possible printed for of bill should be used for Debt head items bill should be
drawn in the concerned form.
Bills normally should not be used purely on written on Regional languages. Atleast, the
amount, the name of the payee and nature of payment should be written in either hindi or
Bills must be filled and signed in Ink. Ball points may be used if it is legible and clear.
Amount should be written in figures and words followed by only.
As far as possible, bills should be prepared without any correction or overwritten. If any
correction is needed, the old entry should be cancelled and new entry to be inserted. All
the corrections should be attested with dated signature.
When more than one copy of bill is prepared, only one copy should be signed in full
whereas other copies are only initiated.
Correct classification, sub-classification should be given in the rule.
Charges more than one major head in one bill, may be avoided.
Bills should be signed only by the Head of SSA unless otherwise specifically authorized
or delegated to subordinates.
No payment can be made on facsimile signatures.
If more than one copy is prepared, only one should be marked as duplicated Non
Facsimile signature is allowed in Telephone bills likewise, facsimile signatures allowed in
Electricity bills, Municipality or claims of corporation, Indian Airlines on account of their
due etc were allowed for making payment.
Bills require counter signature should be presented only after counter signature.
Bills payment on special orders, Order number should be quoted.
Normally we should get the dated signature from the payee while making payment. If
date is not mentioned, DDO may put date with initial in the bills.
The authority for deductions should be quoted.
Next higher rupee of total payment with the bills should be noted in red ink as Under
When drawing officer requires payment to be made to other than the person mentioned
in the bill, he should enclose the copy of authorization.
The column left blank in money and particulars of bills should be invariably filled with
oblique lines.
The sources of receipts for Telephone Branch are being dealt in Rule 8 of FHB Vol. V and
are as follows:
Rental and Local Call Fees:
In this category, the receipts are as follows:
Rent of Telephone Connection to Departmental Exchange.
Local Call Fees for the Telephone Connection.
Installation Charges.
Shifting Charges.
Rent of Private and other exchange, non-exchange lines.
Installation Charges for accessories, Fees for accessories and Rent of accessories.
Rent of Telephone Wires/Circuits and instruments leased to Railways, Canals, Defence
and other Government Departments and Private Bodies.
Trunk Call and PCO Call Fees:
In this category, the receipts are as follows:
Charges for Telephone Calls made long distance including the overseas calls.
Charges for Local Calls on PCO connections.
Registration Fees from prospective telephone subscribers under various schemes like
OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal.
License Fee on value added services like Radio Paging, VSAT Service, E-Mail, Video
Conferencing, Voice Mail, FAX, Videotex Service, Broadcast via Satellite and public
mobile radio service.
Recoveries from Guarantors.
Royalty on License for Private Telephone Lines and Systems.
Fee and Other Misc. Receipts:
Receipts from Advertisements.
Sale of Telephone Publication.
Sale of Telephone Application Forms.
Rent of Buildings.
Surcharge on Delayed Payment.Residential Service Connection Charges billed
exceeding the prescribed limit.
4 (b)
(1) Para 342 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deals with the Circuits.
(2) Telephone circuits are provided to Government Departments, Private Bodies etc.
(3) Telephone circuits are provided for communication between two offices or premises
of the same subscriber without connecting to the departmental exchange or trunk
(4) The rental are payable in advance, annually or quarterly or monthly at the option of
the subscriber.
(5) No rent will be charged on the stand by circuit if provided on the departments own
(6) The circuit shall be provided on service basis.
(7) No rental rebate shall be allowed on faulty circuit but spare circuit will be provided if
the spare is available.
(8) The circuit will be guaranteed for the number of years based on the capital cost
worked out subject to minimum of 3 months.
Chargeable Distance of a Circuit:
(A) Provided in the same town:
When the circuits are provided in the same town, the chargeable distance will be
the radial distance plus 25% thereof.
(B) Provided in the different places.
Where the premises of the parties at different places and circuits are provided
then the chargeable distance will be the radial distance between the two carrier stations
plus 25% thereof.
In the both the cases, fraction of kilometer shall be rounded off the next higher
5. (a)
1) Para 61 of P&T Manual Vol.XIV deals with Reconciliation.
2) The total number of chargeable trunk call tickets including the Phonogram tickets
entered (as and when received from Exchanges) in the Register of Trunk Call Tickets and
it should agree with the total number of tickets charged in the bill register.
3) The total chargeable value worked out in the listing sheet should agree with the
total value shown in the Bill Registesr.
4) The trunk call reconciliation register is being done in Form TR-4.
5) The register is maintained in exchangewise.
6) A certificate of Reconciliation should be recorded by the checker in Billing section
in the bill register.
7) It is the duty of the Section Supervisor to see that the Reconciliation Register is
properly maintained and a certificate given on each billing period.
8) This register is submitted to Accounts Officer on the first week of every month.
5. (b)
Rule 37 & 38 of FHB Vol. I deals with the checks to be exercised and actions to be taken
by the disbursing officer in dealing with bills presented for payment.
It has to checked whether the rule is prepared as per rule.
Further whether the claim is admissible, the authoring good, the signature and counter
signature whenever necessary genuine and in order and the receipt is legal quittance.
Whether the arithmetical calculation is accurate.
After the above said prescribed checks and is the disbursing officer is satisfied about the
admissibly of the claim,
He should make necessary corrections if any required under his dated signature.
Endorse (sign) the pay order and should indicate the mode of payment by cheque /by
DD/ by cash authorizing the cashier to make according to the mode of payment.
1) Para 211 of P&T Manual Vo. XIV deals with refund by Postal Money Order.
2) The postal money order should be prepared in the prescribed form with reference
to the Refund Sanction authorized by Accounts Officer on the basis of Excess Payment
Register and the concerned Deposit Register.
3) This postal money order along with the refund sanction in Form ACE.109 (in
triplicate) will be put up to Accounts Officer for his signature along with the concerned
4) Accounts Officer will sign in the two copies (First and Third) of ACE.109,
concerned deposit registers and postal money order form. Another copy (Second) will
be certified by the section supervisor indicating that the Accounts Officer Sanctioned the
Refund order and signed in the postal money order.
5) The postal money order may have the details of refund in the communication
6) First and second copy of ACE.109 along with postal money order shall be
forwarded to cashier.
7) On getting the copies by cashier, he will obtain the order of payment from
Accounts Officer in the First copy and will be treated as Voucher.
8) He will issue a crossed cheque in favour of Post Master and enclose the Postal
Money Order.
9) The receipt particulars of postal money order will be noted in the Second Copy
and forwarded to TRA Unit. He will retain the original receipt of Money order along with
ACE 109 Pay Order.
10) Cashier will watch the acknowledgement of Postal Money Order.
11) In the TRA Unit, the relevant particulars about the refund will be noted in the
concerned Registers.
7. (a)
(1) Para 297 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with Unadjusted Credits.
(2) Unadjusted credits are one for which payment noting could not be done either on the
bill register or in the outstanding register.
(3) Unadjusted credits arises on the following reasons:
(a) Details attached with the vouchers of Daily List may be sufficient enough.
(b) Vouchers may be missing in the Daily List.
(4) Details of unadjusted credits are entered in a separate register and cleared off in the
following manner:
(a) by adjusting in the concerned outstanding bill register cited relevant serial
item of the credit of the unadjusted register.
(b) by transferring unadjusted credit amount to the excess payment register in
case the bill has been paid more than one time .
(c) by making fresh entry in the bill register in case original entry was missed at
the time of issue of bill and form unadjusted credit. The amount now be cleared.
7 (b)
(1) Rule 445 of Indian Telegraph Rules deals with powers of Telegraph authority to claim
Security Deposit from the Telephone Subscribers.
(2) Telegraph Authority may at any time before the connection is provided or during at
the time of working of telephone connection any amount he may think fit may charge
deposit which is called as Security Deposit may be levied.
(3) Telegraph Authority may raise the security deposit along with the consolidated
telephone bills issued at fixed frequent intervals or in a separate bill or demand note.
(4) Telegraph Authority can order for disconnection of telephone and removal of
instrument even if the subscriber pays telephone bills but without security deposit.
(5) The security deposit shall be adjusted against telephone bills outstanding and
balance amount refundable to the subscriber on closure of telephones.
1 (a)
1) Para 36 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV defines the Guaranteed Telephone Connection.
2) It is a telephone connection for which the subscriber has executed a hiring
contract with Guarantee Clause, according to which the subscriber will have to retain the
connection for a stipulated period during which subscriber should invariably pay rent at
a specified rate for it.
1 (b)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules defines Local Area.
2) This definition is valid up to 14.08.1998.
3) Up to 14.08.1998, Local Area means 5 Kms Radial Distance from a Telephone
Exchange and in case of Multi Exchange System all subscribers who were within the
Municipality/Corporation boundary or those who were within 5 Kms Radial Distance of
any local area exchange.
4) With effect from 15.08.1998, the definition is modified by an order of DOT dated
03.07.1998. Accordingly, Local Area of an exchange system will be the area co-terminus
with short-distance charging area or where the telephone authority had decided any area
served by multi exchange system to be the local area for the purpose of charging rent of
and local calls put through telephone connection.
1 (c)
Para 61 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV and Rule 76 of FHB Vol. V deals with Reconciliation of
Trunk Call Register.
This work has to be done only after the issue of bills.
First, number of tickets chargeable (including the chargeable Phonogram Tickets) should
tally with the number of tickets charged as per the bill register.
Secondly, the sum of above said tickets as per listing list should tally with charged
amount as per the bill register.
It should be maintained in Form TR-4 for exchange wise.
Discrepancies, if any noticed, should be recorded in the register.
A certificate to the effect of reconciliation on exchange wise should be entered by
checker in the concerned Bill Register and the Register of Reconciliation.
1 (d)
1) Para 92 to 95 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with Subscribers Record Card (SRC).
2) SRC is a ledger account in form ACE-91 for every telephone connection to a
departmental exchange or to PBX, for every non-exchange system or guaranteed
telephone line, long distance telephone circuit rented out to Defence Services, Canals,
Railways etc.
3) It contains the full details regarding the subscriber namely, name, address, indicator
number, date of installation, details of deposit collected, details of facilities provided,
details of bills sent, details of amount collected, date of disconnection for non-payment,
date of restoration/reconnection, date of permanent closure etc.
4) SRC Cards can be kept in Steel Cabinets or in loose leave binders and in different
colors according to category wise (like service connection, Government Connection,
Heavy Callers connection etc) and according to exchange wise.
The sources of receipts for Telephone Branch are being dealt in Rule 8 of FHB Vol. V and
are as follows:
Rental and Local Call Fees:
In this category, the receipts are as follows:
Rent of Telephone Connection to Departmental Exchange.
Local Call Fees for the Telephone Connection.
Installation Charges.
Shifting Charges.
Rent of Private and other exchange, non-exchange lines.
Installation Charges for accessories, Fees for accessories and Rent of accessories.
Rent of Telephone Wires/Circuits and instruments leased to Railways, Canals, Defence
and other Government Departments and Private Bodies.
Trunk Call and PCO Call Fees:
In this category, the receipts are as follows:
Charges for Telephone Calls made long distance including the overseas calls.
Charges for Local Calls on PCO connections.
Registration Fees from prospective telephone subscribers under various schemes like
OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal.
License Fee on value added services like Radio Paging, VSAT Service, E-Mail, Video
Conferencing, Voice Mail, FAX, Videotex Service, Broadcast via Satellite and public
mobile radio service.
Recoveries from Guarantors.
Royalty on License for Private Telephone Lines and Systems.
Fee and Other Misc. Receipts:
Receipts from Advertisements.
Sale of Telephone Publication.
Sale of Telephone Application Forms.
Rent of Buildings.
Surcharge on Delayed Payment.
Residential Service Connection Charges billed exceeding the prescribed limit.
Paras 87 and 88 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals about the Demand Notes.
Engineering authorities shall issue the demand note to the prospective subscribers for
installation of telephone connection and for provisioning of accessories thereof.
It authorizes to collect the amount towards telephone rent, deposit, rent for accessories,
installation fee etc.
It authorizes to collect the amount of deposit on the basis of category under which it has
been applied namely, OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal.
It is prepared in quadruplicate and three copies are issued to the subscribers retaining
one copy in subscribers file.
Payment of Demand Note can be made either Post Officer or in Cash Counter of the
One copy of paid Demand Note shall be handed over to the subscriber, one copy shall be
retained for Voucher and one copy shall be made over to the TRA Unit along with Post
Office Daily List/Cash Counter of SSA Daily List.
On payment of Demand Note, the Engineering authorities shall issue the advice note to
authorize a person to execute the work quoting the demand note particulars in the advice
When paid demand note available in the Daily List of Post Office/Cash Counter, the
particulars of the Demand Note Number, Date of Payment. Mode of Payment, Where it
has been paid, Reference of Daily List in which it has been shown etc shall be noted in
the Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes maintained in Form Eng. 53 (a).
This Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes shall contain other than the above said
particulars of Demand Note, the Advice Note Number, Date of Issue, Date of execution of
work etc.
When the Advice Note received, it has to be verified with the Demand Note Particulars
entered in the Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes Register.
In the demand note, the payment of deposit shall be collected on the basis of category in
which telephone connection applied, namely, OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal etc. Further the
demand note payment contains installation charges and annual rental deposit etc.
After getting the Advice Note, the deposit amount available in the Demand Note shall be
entered in the concerned Deposit Register namely, OYT Deposit Register, Non-OYT
Deposit Register, Tatkal Deposit Register, Annual Rental Deposit Register etc along with
a entry in the Subscribers Record Card.
If any outstanding bills paid by the subscriber through the demand, the same is entered
in the concerned Bill Register or Register of Outstanding.
1) Rule 114 to 119 of FHB Vol. I deals with the upkeep of cash book.
2) Cash Book should be maintained in prescribed form by the officer who is authorized
to receive money and make payments on behalf of Government of India.
3) Head of the SSA or nominated officer should count the blank pages of the cash book
and record a certificate in the front page of the cash book before the cash book put into
4) Those who are having imprest or Temporary Advances should not maintain a cash
book but render accounts in the prescribed form.
5) Only cash receipts and cash payments are to be entered in the cash book on the
appropriate column with details of receipts and payments.
6) Transactions should be entered in the chronological order in the order of occurrence.
7) Receipt entries should be serially numbered with Receipt Number and the same has
to be noted in the voucher. Payment entries are also serially numbered and the voucher
number should be noted in the bill or voucher.
1) In the office of the Chairman, Telecom Commission, all the contingent expenditure
shall be entered in the Register of Contingent Expenditure and a single entry for each
days lump sum amount shall be entered in the cash book.
2) In the Telephone Districts, even though all the payments are to be entered
immediately in the order of occurrence but can be entered on the order of occurrence at
least on the same day.
3) Normally erasures are prohibited. If any correction is to be made, the wrong entry
should be cancelled and in between the lines, a new entry in red ink should be made with
attestation of DDO. However, if accounts are closed and submitted, then the wrong
entries can be corrected only after getting the sanction from the authority to whom the
accounts were submitted.
1) Rules 120 and 121 of FHB Vol.I deals with verification of cash book.
2) The cash book entries should be checked as soon as the date of occurrence and the
DDO should affix dated initial on the last entry he checked. In the end of the month, he
should sign in the cash book at the end of the last entry in the month.
3) Payment entries should be checked along with the payment vouchers. Each voucher
should be checked whether the pay order has been signed by himself, whether the head
of account charged is correct, whether the mode of payment done as per the instructions
4) Receipt side entries which may reflect from the payment vouchers ie., gross amount
booked in the payment side and the deductions charged in the receipt side. In that case,
in the receipt side it should be checked whether the voucher has been quoted, whether
the deductions have been charged in the correct head of account, whether the authority
of the deductions are in order.
5) Entries of Bank accounts in the payment side should be checked with reference to the
counterfoils of the cheque book whereas the bank entries in the receipt side should be
checked with reference to challans of remittance to the bank.
(1) Rules 123 to 125 of FHB Vol.I deals with the balancing of cash book.
(2) Each month on 10th, 20th and last working day of the month, the cash book should be
closed and balanced. He should certify the cash balance by actual counting. If 10th and
20th happens to be Sunday or holiday, it should be closed and balanced on the next
working day.
(3) If transactions are numerous then the closing and balancing on daily basis is
(4) At the time of closing and balancing of cash book, the out of account money
available in the UD register should also be checked and necessary immediate should be
initiated to disburse the amount or to deposit in the Government accounts.
(5) If any errors found, it should be rectified at once. If any short or excess cash balance
found while balancing the cash book found, necessary entries should be made either in
the Payment side (for short in the cash balance) or in the Receipt side (for excess in the
cash balance) and further action to be taken to rectify the same.
Cash book need not be closed on no transaction day or on holidays/
Rule 30 FHB Vol.I deals with the safe guards that should be observed by all Drawing and
Controlling Officers against fraudulent use of the sub vouchers relating to contingent
Following are the safe-guards:
Preservation of sub vouchers in 3 years. Therefore no sub-vouchers should be destroyed
before 3 years without any specific order.
Sub vouchers recorded in the office is to be cancelled by the Drawing and Controlling
Office. A stamp should be affixed on the sub-vouchers as cancelled and paid with dated
initial of Drawing and Controlling officer. Sub-vouchers required to be forwarded to
Accounts Officer should be cancelled.
Sub-vouchers for sums exceeding Rs.50 but not exceeding Rs.200 to be kept in Drawing
and Controlling Office (not required to be forwarded to Accounts Officer) are to be
cancelled after proper check and to be initialized by the Controlling Officer.
Sub-vouchers for sums not exceeding Rs.50 should be cancelled and defaced or
mutilated so that it should not be used again except the payment vouchers of mazdoors.
All the sub-vouchers at the accounts office need to be cancelled and paid by using a
Rubber stamp under the dated initial of SS/JAO/AAO.
On cases where the sub-vouchers are retained by Drawing Offices, a certificate to that
effect that the sub-vouchers except those sent to Accounts office are duly paid and
cancelled, be given in the main voucher.
1) Paras 154 to 157 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deals with the Safe custody of
2) Whenever a subscriber is likely to be away from his premises and does not
require the facility of a telephone, the subscriber can keep the telephone under safe
3) At the time of safe custody of telephone, the heat coil jumper shall be completely
removed in the exchange.
4) The safe custody can be for short duration or long duration.
5) Short Duration:- (a) The period of short duration will be of minimum of 7 days
and maximum of 90 days. (b) Full normal rent will be charged and cable pairs and
telephone number is reserved. (c)The restoration of line can be arranged within a day or
a week or the day specified by the subscriber whichever is later. (d) A prescribed
restoration fee will be levied when the telephone is required to be restored after safe
custody period.
6) Long Duration:- (a) The period of long duration will be of minimum of more than
90 days and maximum of 5 years and this 5 year period in practice may also exceed. (b)
The application specifying the period in writing to be given by the subscriber to the
commercial section within 8 days for which the safe custody is required. (c) 40% of
normal rent would be levied and cable pair would be kept reserve for the subscriber. (d)
The rent for the entire period of safe custody and for its extension would be payable in
advance and a demand note will be issued for this purpose. (e) No rent/adjustment bill
will be issued thereafter. (f) Restoration Fee would be levied if the connection is
restored in the same place whereas shifting fee alone would be levied if the connection is
restored in some other place. (g) Restoration of telephone connection after the safe
custody would be given on top priority.
1) Rule 27 and 28 of FHB Vol. I deal with the procedure for dealing with the old
claims the connected records of which have been destroyed.
2) Old claims connected records of which have been destroyed in the Circle
Accounts Office and which cannot, therefore be verified by the Circle Accounts Office
may be paid only if the payment is sanctioned by the Government of India.
3) However, the departments of the Central Government may sanction adhoc
payments in respect of (a) arrears of pay and allowances, if the pay fixation has been
verified by the Accounts Officer and the amount is not exceeding Rs. 1000; and (b)
claims are time barred but can be verified by the Audit but excluding (a) Leave salary;
(b) Allowances other than due to fixation of pay; (c) Travelling Allowance; and (d) Other
adhoc claims.
4) The certificate of non-availability of connected records from Circle Accounts
Office is not necessary in case payment to be made in respect of non-executives for
which pre-check is not required.
5) If the records are available in respect of executives but the claim is time barred,
that is more than six years old then the sanction of the Head of the Circle is necessary.
1 (a)
Para 61 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Reversed Charge Calls.
Reversed Charge Calls means a trunk call which a person is authorized to make from
PCO to a specified telephone number without making payment for such call and the call
charges shall be recovered from the called subscriber.
It is mainly intended for Newspapers whose representatives/reporters can call from any
PCO without making payment and the amount shall be collected from the Newspaper
Head Office.
TRA unit under whose jurisdiction the Head Office falls shall issue the Card of
Authority/Renewal on payment of prescribed fee/security.
The currency of the Card shall be for three years from the date of issue and renewable
after every three years.
6) The trunk call tickets shall be marked as RC Calls.
1 (b)
1) Para 81 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Register of Advice Notes.
2) Advice Note in form ACE-90 is maintained in TRA Unit.
3) Advice Note is the basis on which TRA Unit maintains records and issue bills.
4) It starts from the opening of new telephone connection. Advice Note is being
prepared and issued by Engineering authorities and one copy is sent to the TRA Unit.
5) Being the important document, the check on chronological order on serial number of
advice notes are watched in the TRA Unit through the Advice Note Register.
6) In the Advice Note Register, Advice Note Number, Name of the work, Date of
installation/completion etc are written.
7) Any missing Serial Number in the Advice Note shall be brought into the notice of the
Head of the SSA.
1 (c)
1) Para 217 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Lapsed Telephone Deposit.
2) Lapsed Telephone Deposits are deposits which are unclaimed or unadjusted for over
three years from the date of closure of connection.
3) Full particulars about the Lapsed Telephone Deposit shall be intimated to Circle
4) Refund of Lapsed Telephone Deposit can be made only after getting the sanction from
the Circle Accountant.
5) When the deposit taken to Lapsed Deposit, the accounting treatment shall be - Debit
to Deposit Head and Credit to Lapsed Telephone Revenue Deposit ie., Revenue Head.
1 (d)
1) Para 13 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Particular Person Calls.
2) This trunk telephone call booked to call a particular person. Call is put through only
when particular person is available at the called station.
3) This PP facility is not permitted on Fixed Time or Subscription Fixed Time.
4) A supplementary charge (ie., 50% of the ordinary call charges) shall be levied on PP
5) Caller has the option of giving either two names or two telephone numbers.
6) It can also be booked from and to a PCO for which other than above said charges, the
PCO fee, late fee, messenger fee etc., on both the ends as the case may be shall be
Para 11 of P&T Manual Vol.XIV deals with the main functions of TRA Unit.
Maintenance of Subscribers Record Card:
In the SRC, the name and address of the subscriber, indicator number, date of
installation, accessories provided, deposits collected, bills issued and paid etc are noted.
3. Advice Note is the authority to be issued by the officer in charge of the exchange to
carry out the work in connection with telephone provisioning, closing, accessories
provisioning or shifting etc of telephones.
Paras 36 to 43 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deals with preparation, authorization, particulars to
be incorporated in the Advice Notes.
Advice Notes are prepared in Form Eng.45.
Advice Notes are serially machine numbered without any break and each book contains
100 Numbers.
Advice Notes are issued in triplicate to carry out the particular work and copy is being
sent to concerned TRA Unit.
Since the Advice Notes constitutes an authority in all the said cases and therefore it can
not be dispensed with in any circumstances.
The blank book of Advice Notes shall be issued by the office of the Head of the SSA on
getting the requisition in writing.
Following details are conveyed through the Advice Notes:
Indicator Number.
Subscribers Name.
Subscribers Address.
Opening Meter Reading.
Closing Meter Reading.
Particulars of Demand Note Payment ie., Date of Payment, Amount Paid, Demand Note
Number etc.
Radial distance of the connection.
Amount of Rent to be collected for every month/bi-month/annual.
Special instructions on Rent to be collected in the guaranteed telephone connection.
Details of accessories provided.
4 (a)
Rule 35 of FHB Vol.I deals with the general instruction regarding preparation of the bills
to be observed by drawing officer to Telecom Dept.
Following are the general instructions:
As far as possible printed for of bill should be used for Debt head items bill should be
drawn in the concerned form.
Bills normally should not be used purely on written on Regional languages. Atleast, the
amount, the name of the payee and nature of payment should be written in either hindi or
Bills must be filled and signed in Ink. Ball points may be used if it is legible and clear.
Amount should be written in figures and words followed by only.
As far as possible, bills should be prepared without any correction or overwritten. If any
correction is needed, the old entry should be cancelled and new entry to be inserted. All
the corrections should be attested with dated signature.
When more than one copy of bill is prepared, only one copy should be signed in full
whereas other copies are only initiated.
Correct classification, sub-classification should be given in the rule.
Charges more than one major head in one bill, may be avoided.
Bills should be signed only by the Head of SSA unless otherwise specifically authorized
or delegated to subordinates.
No payment can be made on facsimile signatures.
If more than one copy is prepared, only one should be marked as duplicated Non
Facsimile signature is allowed in Telephone bills likewise, facsimile signatures allowed in
Electricity bills, Municipality or claims of corporation, Indian Airlines on account of their
due etc were allowed for making payment.
Bills require counter signature should be presented only after counter signature.
Bills payment on special orders, Order number should be quoted.
Normally we should get the dated signature from the payee while making payment. If
date is not mentioned, DDO may put date with initial in the bills.
The authority for deductions should be quoted.
Next higher rupee of total payment with the bills should be noted in red ink as Under
When drawing officer requires payment to be made to other than the person mentioned
in the bill, he should enclose the copy of authorization.
The column left blank in money and particulars of bills should be invariably filled with
oblique lines.
4 (b)
Rule 37 & 38 of FHB Vol. I deals with the checks to be exercised and actions to be taken
by the disbursing officer in dealing with bills presented for payment.
It has to checked whether the rule is prepared as per rule.
Further whether the claim is admissible, the authoring good, the signature and counter
signature whenever necessary genuine and in order and the receipt is legal quittance.
Whether the arithmetical calculation is accurate.
After the above said prescribed checks and is the disbursing officer is satisfied about the
admissibly of the claim, he should.
He should make necessary corrections if any required under his dated signature.
Endorse (sign) the pay order and should indicate the mode of payment by cheque /by
DD/ by cash authorizing the cashier to make according to the mode of payment.
1. Rules 333, 340 and 358 of FHB VOL.I deals with the contingent charges.
2. The term contingent or contingent charges means and includes all incidental and
other expenses which are incurred for the management or for running of office as an
office or for the technical of an organization.
3. However it doesnt include the expenditure which fall under the category/head
works, stocks, tools and plans.
4. Examples of contingent charges.
Purchase of stationary items, purchase and repair of furniture etc.
5. The items of contingent charges shall be broadly classified under the five heads,
except the expenditure incurred under contingent on special orders.
(i) Contract contingencies
(ii) Scale regulated contingencies.
(iii) Counter signed contingencies.
Fully vouched contingencies.
Special contingencies.
Contract contingencies.
These are charges incurred under the annual fixed sum allotted/sanctioned and to be at
the disposal of disbursing officer.
For example hot and cold weather charges. These expenditures can be incurred up to the
prescribed sanctioned limit.
No necessity of details of expenditure except the contingent charges need to be written
in the voucher.
Beyond the limit, the expenditure can be incurred only after the getting the sanction of
the expenditure.
Scale regulated contingencies.
These expenditures are regulated according to the scales or conditions prescribed to
incur expenditure.
For example, chappals to Gr. D, uniform to Gr. C and Gr. D, TA and DA for witness in
vigilance enquiry etc.
The prescribed conditions laid down for eligibility, signatures and counter signatures,
sanction etc are to be followed strictly.
Counter signed contingencies.
These charges are incurred without a special sanction and the bills will be paid by the
accounts officer and the counter signature obtained later.
The bills for this nature prepared in Abstract Bill form and counter signature obtained
in the Abstract Bills.
There is no need to attach the sub vouchers namely, paid bills to obtain the counter
Fully vouched contingencies.
These are charges which does not require special sanction or counter signature.
It is routine nature and within the powers of head of SSA.
These charges should be supported by bills and the amount exceeding Rs. 100 need the
signature of the accounts officer.
For example the purchase of electric bulbs, rubber stamps etc.
Special contingencies.
These expenditures may relate to recurring or non-recurring nature.
It requires special sanction from competent authorities.
The sanction copy should be attached with bills. In the bills, sanction letter number and
purchase order number if any should be noted.
For example, purchase of a staff car.
1) Para 454 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the split up the telephone on excess
metering complaints.
2) The bills in respect of local calls are not generally split up. However, when a
subscriber made an excess metering complaint for abnormal billing, the past billing
pattern of the subscriber has to be analysed. If the highest number of local calls charged
in any of the bill during the past one year (ie., 4 quarters in case of quarterly billing & 6
bi-monthly in case of bi-monthly billing) exceed by more than 100% in STD Stations then
the splitting up of the bill has to be undertaken.
3) First, the original bill issued has to be cancelled. And then, two bills have to be
issued. One bill for making payment and another bill comes under the category of
disputed bill and the subscriber need not make the payment for disputed bill till the
result of the investigation.
4) In the bill for payment, the average number of local calls charged during the above
said period shall be the number of local call and charged in this bill plus all other
charges mentioned in the consolidated bill.
5) In the disputed bills, the balance between the number of local calls charged in the
original consolidated bill and the number of local calls in the split up bill for payment,
shall be the number of local call and charged in this disputed bill.
6) Both these bills are entered in the Bill Register as well as in Subscribers Record
7) At the end of each month, the total of disputed bills will be struck and the total
amount shall be deducted from the sub-ledger for the outstanding of the month.
1) Advance deposit scheme was introduced w.e.f. 1st Septemeber 1975.
2) Under this scheme, the applicant for telephone is required to deposit the advance
deposit as indicated in the Tariff.
3) The deposit shall carry interest at the bank rates.
4) The name of interest has been changed as waiting charge w.e.f. 1.4.92.
5) Advance deposit shall earn interest from the date preceding the date of
installation of the telephone w.e.f. 9.681. (Prior to this period, interest was allowed upto
the date preceding the date of issue of orders for installation of telephone).
6) Interest is calculated for completed number of months from the date of payment
of such deposit.
7) At the time of installation of telephone, second demand notes indicating the
amount of advance deposit already paid, interest thereon, amount of advance rental for
one year in the case of Non OYT connections and OYT deposit in the case of OYT
connections, installation fee and net amount payable/refundable, are issued. This
second demand notes are to be prepared by the TRA Branch.
8) The advance deposit registers are cleared by transferring them to advance rental
for one year of OYT Deposit Registers. The refund, if any, is allowed by the adjustment
in the telephone bills.
1 (a)
Para 12.35 to 12.36 of Telecom Accounts Man. Vol I deals with the Review of Sub-Ledger
of Railway/Canal Bills.
A consolidated register is maintained on Telecom District wise and month wise for this
purpose and all the recoveries or refunds made in respect of bills issued to
Railway/Canal Bills are posted for the purpose of reconciling Sub-Ledger figures.
Total will be struck on each month on Telecom District wise. This total should agree with
the Detailed Book under the head Recoveries from Guarantors. If not agreed, each
telecom district wise total shall be arrived, agree with each telecom district wise total
under the head Recoveries from Guarantors and the reconciliation will be done. The
erring unit will be addressed and the rectification will be done.
This reconciliation register will be put up to AO/CAO for review every month.
The difference between amount billed for and amount recovered shall be carried over to
next year with due attestation of JAO/AO after getting it agreed with the Sub-Ledger.
1 (b)
1) Para 421 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with Register of Objections Categorised.
2) A register is maintained for the Audit Report received from the DG P&T Audit on
Section wise as well as Category wise based on the objections raised.
3) All the objections on each category are placed in on section so that the uniform reply
can be furnished to the Audit.
4) This register is to be submitted on quarterly basis for review to the Accounts Officer.
1 (c)
1) Without assistance of operator, by the use of dial, subscriber can make the trunk call.
This facility is called as STD facility.
2) When the subscriber does not want the STD facility, he can, by request in writing to
the concerned Engineering Authorities to bar the facility of STD. In that case, he cannot
make any trunk call without the assistance of operator.
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the Non-Exchange Lines.
2) Non-Exchange Line means lines which connect two subscribers without the
intervention of departmental exchange.
Para 164 of P&T Man. Vo. XIV deals with the list of telephone lines exempted from
Following dignitaries and high Government officials are exempted from disconnection:
President of India (Including all Telephones in Rashtrapathi Bhavan)
Vice President of India.
Prime Minister of India.
All Heads of State and Union Territories.
Former Presidents.
Honble Chief Justice of India.
Speaker of Lok Sabha.
Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
All Ministers and Deputy/State Ministers of Central Cabinet.
All Chief Ministers and Deputy Chief Ministers.
Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission.
Leaders of Opposition in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Ambassadors/High Commissioners etc.
Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha.
Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
Honble Judges of Supreme Court of India.
Members of Planning Commission.
Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Speaker of all State Legislature Assembly.
Chairman of Legislative Council.
Chairman of Regional Committee.
Honble Chief Justice of High Courts.
Honble Judges of High Courts.
Registrars of Supreme Court and High Courts.
All Secretaries to Government of India and State Governments.
Commissioner in State Secretariat.
Leaders of all opposition of all the State Legislative.
Chief of Army Staff.
Chief of Air Staff.
Chief of Naval Staff.
3 (a)
(1) Para 342 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deals with the Circuits.
(2) Telephone circuits are provided to Government Departments, Private Bodies etc.
(3) Telephone circuits are provided for communication between two offices or premises
of the same subscriber without connecting to the departmental exchange or trunk
(4) The rental are payable in advance, annually or quarterly or monthly at the option of
the subscriber.
(5) No rent will be charged on the stand by circuit if provided on the departments own
(6) The circuit shall be provided on service basis.
(7) No rental rebate shall be allowed on faulty circuit but spare circuit will be provided if
the spare is available.
(8) The circuit will be guaranteed for the number of years based on the capital cost
worked out subject to minimum of 3 months.
3 (b)
1) Rule 498 and 499 of Indian Telegraph Rules specifies the conditions for leasing
of a Telephone Circuit for daily part-time use.
2) A Telephone Circuit, if available as spare, may be leased for part time use between
7 pm to 7 am on daily basis. Therefore a telephone circuit shall not be provided on peak
hours between 7 am to 7 pm on daily basis.
3) A part time circuit can be provided only if spare is available.
4) Junction line between private exchange or private branch exchange shall not be
leased on part time basis.
1) Rule 60 of FHB Vol. I deal with Standards of Financial Propriety.
2) Strict guidelines for every officer incurring the expenditure from public funds
are given under Standards of Financial Propriety.
He should exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure incurred from public
moneys as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his
own money.
The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands.
He should not exercise his powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass on order which
will be directly or indirectly to his own advantage.
Public money should not be utilized for the benefit of a particular person or section of
the people, unless a claim for the amount could be enforced in a court of law or the
expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized policy or custom.
The amount of allowances granted to meet the expenditure of any type should not be on
the whole a source of profit to the recipient.
Responsibility and accountability is total and indivisible. Public interest should be
uppermost in mind while making a purchase procurement decision. The responsibility is
not discharged merely by the selection of cheapest offer but must confirm the following
yard-sticks of financial propriety: (a) Whether the reasonable procedures have been
followed, (b) Whether the purchase shall meet the adequate requirement, (c) Whether the
purchase shall meet the reasonable quality and (d) Whether the selected offer is most
appropriate one.
Usually or at least whenever it is necessary, the concerned authority must record its
precise terms, the conditions which weighted with it while taking the procurement
1) Rules 10 to 16 of FHB Vol.I deals with the safeguards exist to prevent the irregular
withdrawal of money from public exchequer.
2) Money can be withdrawn only under the written authority of Accounts Officer or
Disbursing Officer.
3) An Accounts Officer may not permit withdrawal at a place outside his jurisdiction.
4) The following are the only specified purpose for which disbursing officer may
permit withdrawal at his own authority:-
a) To pay sum due from the Government to the Drawing Officer.
b) To provide the drawing officer with funds to meet claim likely to presented
against the Government in the immediate future.
c) To enable the drawing officer to supply to another Government Officer to meet
similar claims.
d) To pay sums on account of loans and advances.
Withdrawal of money for any other purpose mentioned above shall require the
express authorization of the Accounts Officer.
5) A disbursing officer shall not permit withdrawal of any purpose unless the claim
for withdrawal comprise with the provision of the rule.
6) Except where specifically provided payment can only be made in the office under
the jurisdiction of which the claim arises.
7) No authority may incur any expenditure or enter into any liability involving
expenditure from public funds until the expenditure has been sanctioned by the
competent authority and necessary provision exists.
However disbursing officer shall not refuse the payment for which sanction
particulars not noted, the responsibility for incurring unsanctioned expenditure rest with
drawing officer.
8) A disbursing officer has no general authority to make payment; his authority is
limited by the financial rules.
9) A disbursing officer has no authority to act under an order of Government
sanctioning a payment, unless it is an express order to him to make the payment.
10) If a demand is presented at a disbursing officer for payment, it is not authorized
by or under the rules or is not covered by a special order from the Accounts Officer; the
disbursing officer shall decline payment.
1) Paras 400, 402 to 404 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals with the Internal Review.
2) Internal Review is a system through which the Subscribers Record Cards are
a) To ensure that there is no omission in billing;
b) To ensure that the rent is collected after taking into consideration of shift,
accessories provisioning, accessories closing etc. and
c) To ensure that there is no leakage of revenue or loss of revenue.
3) While checking the Subscribers Record Cards, the internal reviewer should check
the following particulars:-
a) To check the sanction particulars of the competent authority and also check the limit
prescribed for the free calls etc in respect of service telephone connections;
b) To check the internal or external extension with or without ICF, loop length,
distance etc of Private Connections along with the rent levied thereof.
c) To check the periodicity as well as rent fixed in case of guaranteed telephone
connections. Further, on expiry of guaranteed period whether the rent is revised or not,
to be checked.
d) To check whether the entries in the SRC are properly noted and attested.
e) To check whether the deposit entries are made and attested. and
f) To check that there is no omission in collection of rental charges for main
connection as well as accessories provided thereof.
4) The deficiencies pointed out will be rectified on the following ways:-
a) The report shall be written in the Review Register on the left hand side of each
page (leaving the right hand page for the reply) on exchange wise.
b) As far as possible, all the objections are got settled on the spot.
c) The register shall be given to the Head of the Section who will arrange for
making correspondence to the exchange, if required and the action taken shall be
entered in the register and returned to reviewer within 10 days from the date of receipt of
the register.
d) Then the register will be put up to JAO for the balance items in the register
who will in turn will get the reply from the available sources on his personal efforts.
e) Then the reviewer shall put up the register to AO with a remark about the
instances in which the correspondence made is delayed, instances of serious
irregularities noticed etc., during the course of internal review.
1) Rules 55 to 57 of FHB Vol. V and Paras 425 to 427 deals with the checking and
their importance in respect of Telephone Directory.
2) The purpose of checking Telephone Directory is to ensure that every connection
shown in the Directory appears in the subscribers record cards and no unauthorized
telephone connection exists for which rent is not being recovered.
3) Telephone Directories are published periodically (yearly or half yearly or at
frequent intervals) and few copies of each Directory along with numerical list are made
available to TRA Branch.
4) The checking should be done (a) Comparing the numerical list with the
subscribers record card and (b) tracing every entry in the alphabetical list into the
numerical list.
5) Check mentioned at (b) above is important as it ensures that the name of any
subscriber is not omitted from the alphabetical directory as well as numerical list.
6) The result of check should be recorded in a separate register which should be
reviewed and pursued vigorously.
1) In order to keep a watch over the punctual receipt of directories and their
disposal, a register in form TRA 24 should be maintained.
2) In case of small exchange (telephone connection below 100) the numerical list is
not printed with the Directory. In such cases the numerical list should be prepared with
the help of alphabetical list in TRA Branch.
3) A list of all connections given from PBX or PABX and Non-Exchange System
should be obtained once a year in April or May from the concerned exchange and
checked with subscribers record card to see that rent is being recovered every year.
Post Office Collections Rs. 5,03,000
District Office Collection Rs.31,30,000
Bills Cancelled Rs. 25,000
Adjusted in various cr. Regr. Rs. 40,000
Written-off Rs. 5,000
------------ Rs. 37,03,000
Closing Balance as on 30.09.1998 Rs. 19,92,000
Sd/ x x x x
Signature of Accounts Officer (TR)
[Rule 149-150 FHB Vol.V]
2 (a)
Interpolated Public Call Office means a PCO which is opened on a trunk line between two
exchanges [ITR 2(s)]
2 (b)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define Private Exchange.
2) Private Exchange means a telephone exchange provided exclusively for the use of
an organization or an individual and is not connected to the public network.
2 (c)
Reversed charge call means a trunk call which a person is authorized to make from any
PCO to a specified telephone number without prepayment of the charges for which call,
the charges being recoverable from the called subscriber instead of calling
2 (d)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define Private Wire.
2) Private Wire means wires are those which connect two subscribers through a
departmental exchange but are not connected to the Local Telephone System and to the
general trunk net work.
2 (e)
Loop Mileage of a telephone connection in the total length of double wire used for the
connection. The term is used in the case of connections where the return circuit is also
metallic. The loop mileage of connection is equal to one half of its wire mileage. [Para
36 (45) of P&T Man. Vol. XIV]
3 (a)
As per Rule 443 of ITR, the restoration charges is recoverable from the subscriber to get
the connection reconnected and therefore the action of the DE is in order.
3 (b)
When there is ground to believe that the subscriber is deliberately avoiding to pay the
telephone dues, the DE may file a suit against him even though the amount is less Rs. 50
after consulting the Head of Circle. [Para 13 of P&T Manual Vol. XII]
3 (c)
As per Para 70 of P&T Manual Vol. XII Pt. (II), the late fee if chargeable only if the call
matures after 15 minutes of the closing time of PCO and therefore, the action of AOTR is
in order.
3 (d)
As per Para 68 of P&T Manual Vol.XII, the sanction of the Head of the Department is
required and therefore, the action of the GM is not in order.
3 (e)
The private telephone of MPs can only be disconnected on obtaining the orders of the
Head of Circle. Hence the decision of the AOTR of a Telecom Division/District for
disconnecting the telephone held by a MP in his personal capacity is not in order. [Para
164 (iii) of P&T Man. Vol. XIV]
1) Paras 159 and 160 of P&T Manual Vo. XIV deals with the realization of money from
2) The telephone bills are required to be paid within 15 days from the date of issue of
3) After posting of payments in respect of Daily Lists collection upto 15 days in
Subscribers Record Card, a list of outstanding bills will be taken and a Telephone
reminder shall be made by a TRA Branch intimating the subscriber to make the payment
within 7 days. If a subscriber is a Registered Subscriber, a Registered Notice shall be
issued to the subscriber by giving 7 days to make considering the transit time of
Registered Notice.
4) A disconnection list is prepared after 7 days of Telephonic / Registered Notice
reminder by intimating to the Exchange that the telephones mentioned in the list may be
disconnected on date mentioned subject to issue of final warning to the subscriber over
phone by the Exchange.
5) For outstation subscribers, 7 days period will be allowed to make the payment ie.,
transit period and 7 days period and for the time required for giving telephone reminders.
6) On receipt of closure advice notice from the exchange, action will be taken in TRA
unit to adjust the amount from the deposits and issue a defaulters list to Outstanding
Pursuit Cell/Legal Section to pursue for recovery/initiate legal proceedings.
7) Immediate action will be taken to disconnect other working telephone connection
to the defaulting subscriber.
8) Due dates for issue of Telephone reminders, disconnection list and finalaization of
accounts of closed connection must be observed to avoid accumulation of outstanding
9) While final closing of accounts, it must be ensured that Local Call Charges and
Trunk Call Charges are accounted upto the date of disconnection.
1. Para 164 of P&T Man. Vo. XIV deals with the list of telephone lines exempted from
18 Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
19 Speaker of all State Legislature Assembly.
20 Chairman of Legislative Council.
21 Chairman of Regional Committee.
22 Honble Chief Justice of High Courts.
23 Honble Judges of High Courts.
24 Registrars of Supreme Court and High Courts.
25 All Secretaries to Government of India and State Governments.
26 Commissioner in State Secretariat.
27 Leaders of all opposition of all the State Legislative.
28 Chief of Army Staff.
29 Chief of Air Staff.
30 Chief of Naval Staff.
5 (a)
CMR = 14845 OMR = 10524 Therefore, Gross Calls = 4321
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
200 x 0.80 = Rs. 160.00
300 x 1.00 = Rs. 300.00
3821 x 1.20 = Rs.4585.20
Total = Rs.5045.20
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 5045.20
Service Tax 5% Rs. 252.26
Total bill value Rs. 5297.46
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 4797.46 Say Rs. 4797.00
5 (b)
1. Since the capacity of the exchange from which the telephone was provided is not
mentioned being recovery of Rs. 15000 for OYT connection, the telephone is presumed
to have been provided from exchange of more than 10000 lines but not more than 300000
lines and the calculation made accordingly. (Bimonthly normal rental charges Rs. 200
Free calls 150 Next 350 calls @ 0.80 Next 500 calls @ 1.00 remaining calls @ 1.20
Service Tax @ 5%)
2. Even though Plan 103 worked for a period less than 4 months, the annual rental
charges of Rs. 500 will be charged since it is not a temporary connection category.
Since the OYT connection worked less than 5 years, maximum refundable amount is 3/4th
of the deposit ie., Rs. 11250.00
Rent paid upto 31.12.1995 (Rs. 200-120=Rs. 80) but due only upto 13.11.1995 which is
{(200-120)x13/60)} Rs. 17.33
Therefore, unexpired rent (Rs. 80- 17.33) Rs. 62.67 is available in credit of the subscriber.
Total credit available (11250+62.67) Rs. 11312.67
Net amount due to the subscriber (11312.67-1940.19) = Rs. 9372.48 Say Rs. 9372.00
Working Sheet to Q.1:
I. Divisional Office Collection 35,00,000
Less: OYT Deposits + Non OYT Deposit +
Tatkal Deposit 3,00,000
Other Units Collection 25,000
Double Payment 9,500
Total Divisional Office Collection 31,65,500
Solution to Q.1:
Divisional Office Collection 31,65,500
Post Office Collection 6,20,000
Written-Off 20,000
Cancelled 20,000
Adj. in Refund Register 15,000
Total Recoveries 38,40,500
Closing Balance as on 31.12.1998 79,500
Signature of Accounts Officer (TR)
(Rule 149 & 150 of FHB Vol. V)
1) Para 211 of P&T Manual Vo. XIV deals with refund by Postal Money Order.
2) The postal money order should be prepared in the prescribed form with reference
to the Refund Sanction authorized by Accounts Officer on the basis of Excess Payment
Register and the concerned Deposit Register.
3) This postal money order along with the refund sanction in Form ACE.109 (in
triplicate) will be put up to Accounts Officer for his signature along with the concerned
4) Accounts Officer will sign in the two copies (First and Third) of ACE.109,
concerned deposit registers and postal money order form. Another copy (Second) will
be certified by the section supervisor indicating that the Accounts Officer Sanctioned the
Refund order and signed in the postal money order.
5) The postal money order may have the details of refund in the communication
6) First and second copy of ACE.109 along with postal money order shall be
forwarded to cashier.
7) On getting the copies by cashier, he will obtain the order of payment from
Accounts Officer in the First copy and will be treated as Voucher.
8) He will issue a crossed cheque in favour of Post Master and enclose the Postal
Money Order.
9) The receipt particulars of postal money order will be noted in the Second Copy
and forwarded to TRA Unit. He will retain the original receipt of Money order along with
ACE 109 Pay Order.
10) Cashier will watch the acknowledgement of Postal Money Order.
11) In the TRA Unit, the relevant particulars about the refund will be noted in the
concerned Registers.
3 (a)
As per DoT lr no. 3-7/82 dated 05.02.1982, no charge is made for replacing colour
instrument and therefore, the action of the AOTR is not in order.
3 (b)
A Telecom official on tour may use free service calls from PCO on urgent administrative
matters only on the following conditions:
i) A requisition in duplicate will be given by the officer requiring the call to the office in
charge of PCO;
ii) Such calls should be booked very sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.;
iii) Calls involving payment of late fee or messenger fee should be avoided as far as
(Para 257 of P&T Manual Vol. XII)
3 (c)
In such a case reconnection is always subject to the condition that intervening rentals
and restoration charges are payable by the subscriber as such the subscriber has to pay
restoration charges of Rs. 100 thought it was not closed due to non-payment.
(DoT Lr No. 2-32/9 PHA dated 29.11.94)
3 (d)
In case the company after two years surrenders the circuit, it shall be liable to pay
compensation for which was having guaranteed for six year, the unexpired period of
gurantee ie., 4 years, at the prescribed rate. (Rule 153 (i) of P&T Manual Vol. XII)
4 (a)
Calculation of rent and minimum period of hire for a PCO extension to a Private
Installed on 01.06.94 Actual Length 8.5 Kms ie., 9 Kms RD 6 Kms.
I) Rent for First Km @ 300 per Km Rs. 300
ii) Rent for next 4 Kms @ 250 per Km Rs. 1000
iii) Rent for balance 4 Kms @ Rs. 1500 per Km Rs. 6000
Total rent chargeable Rs. 7300 or at a special rate whichever is higher. As no special
rate of rent is given, the rent shall charged Rs. 7300 per annum and the minimum period
of Guarantee is THREE years.
4 (b)
Demand Note No. Date:
5. c) Actual distance 5.5 Kms Say 6 Kms. Only standard rental is charged and beyond 5
Kms rent at capital cost or standard rent whichever is higher is chargeable. Hence, to
assess the advantageous, rent proportionate expenditure is to be computed as follows:
Cash Rs. 3520 x 1/11 Rs. 320.00
Stores Rs. 35200 x 1/11 Rs. 3200.00
Freight @ 2% on stores Rs. 64.00
Estt. @ 10% on 3584 Rs. 358.40
SKC @ 5% on stores Rs. 160.00
Total Rs. 4102.40 Say Rs. 4102
Rent is 15% of Rs. 4102 ie., 615.50 say Rs. 616 whereas standard rent beyond 5 Kms is
Rs. 1500. Therefore, standard rent beyond 5 Kms for each Km Rs. 1500 is charged.
Rent : 1 x 300 + 4 x 250 + 1x 1500 = Rs. 2800.00
Period of Guarantee Rs. 4102/1500 = 2.7 years Say 3 years
Amount of Registration Fee is Rs. 15000.
Since the connection is worked less than 5 years, maximum refund is allowed Rs. 11250
only ie., th of Rs. 15000.
Rent to be cancelled along with service tax since the phone is surrendered on
31.10.1994. Therefore one month rent Rs. 120 plus service tax @ 5% on 120 that is, Rs. 9
in total Rs. 129 will be cancelled in the bill dated 15.09.1994.
Therefore net amount due in bill dated 15.09.1994 (Rs. 1728-129) Rs. 1599.00
Therefore, consolidated amount due from the subscriber (Rs.1558+1599+3150) Plus Rs.
40 each on first two bills for which the subscriber had not paid the amount in due date.
The amount outstanding is Rs. 6387.00
Total deposit refundable to the subscriber is Rs. 11250.00
Therefore net amount refundable to the subscriber is (Rs. 11250-6387) Rs. 4863.00
1) Paras 12.00 to 12.06 of Telecom Accounts Manual I and Rule 277 of P&T Manual
Vol. III deals with the maintenance of records in connection with the issue of bills to
Railways, canals and Other Central/State Government Departments and checking of half-
yearly returns.
2) It is the duty of the Circle Accountant to issue bills for rent etc for wires, cables
and instruments supplied to Railways, Canals and Hydro Electric Departments of
Central/State Governments and to arrange for recovery of the amount due from them.
3) Circle Accountant shall get the half-yearly statement from the engineering
authorities regarding the wires, cables and instruments supplied to Railways. Canals and
Hydro Electric Departments of Central/State Governments. This will be the basis for
issue of bills.
4) Bills for miscellaneous charges and charges for supervision or maintenance of
under water cables etc will also be levied by the Circle Accountant on the basis of the
particulars furnished by the engineering authorities.
5) A register shall be maintained for each Railway, Canal Projects etc and as soon as
the returns are received from the Engineering Wing, the date of receipt along with the
due date to be received etc will be noted. This register should be reviewed and any
returns to be received, shall be got received through reminders etc.
As soon as intimation regarding new supply of wires, cables and instruments
received, the same shall be entered in the register with full particulars.
As soon as intimation regarding termination of supply of wires, cables and
instruments received, the same shall be entered in the register with full particulars.
6) The register shall be reviewed by Accounts Officer on the due date of returns to
be received and thereafter every fortnight till all the returns are received.
7) A separate register shall be maintained to record full particulars regarding No and
date of Order, Particulars of asset supplied and the administration to which they have
been leased on special rate of rent etc., the date of completion of the work. On this basis
only the bills for railway, canal etc are prepared.
This register is invariably be reviewed at the time of raising of bills.
8) Half-yearly returns are compared with previous returns and each addition and
deletion shall be seen through the register. Addition and deletion/surrender should be
through Advice Note and the same shall be available in the Register.
9) The calculation shall be checked and then the work of preparation of bills will be
taken up.
10) Bills relating to Canal Administrations and Hydro-electric Projects should indicate
details such as the total amount of the previous bills and particulars of the alterations of
wire mileage made since the last bill etc working upto the total of the new bill.
11) The bills should be raised in each half-year in arrear, as per the name and address
available in the register and bills will be issued in time.
3 (a)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the external extension.
2) External Extension means an additional telephone connection provided in the
same circuit as the main connection which involves the use of external wiring.
3 (b)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules defines Fixed Time Call.
2) Fixed Time Call means a trunk call between two members which is to be put
through at or about a specified time.
3 (c)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules defines Local Area.
2) This definition is valid up to 14.08.1998.
3) Up to 14.08.1998, Local Area means 5 Kms Radial Distance from a Telephone
Exchange and in case of Multi Exchange System all subscribers who were within the
Municipality/Corporation boundary or those who were within 5 Kms Radial Distance of
any local area exchange.
4) With effect from 15.08.1998, the definition is modified by an order of DOT dated
03.07.1998. Accordingly, Local Area of an exchange system will be the area co-terminus
with short-distance charging area or where the telephone authority had decided any area
served by multi exchange system to be the local area for the purpose of charging rent of
and local calls put through telephone connection.
3 (d)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the Local leeds.
2) Local Leeds means the circuit provided between a voice frequency telephone
station, carrier station or truck exchange on one side and subscribers premises on the
other side.
3 (e)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define Own Your Telephone.
2) It is a scheme under which the subscriber makes an initial lump sum payment
towards the rent for the line connecting his telephone to any exchange within the
exchange system and in consideration thereof is allowed a reduction in the rent payable
by the subscriber (bi-monthly/annually) for a specified period.
3 (f)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define Message Rate System.
2) Message Rate System means a system of charging telephone under which a
subscriber besides paying a fixed annual rental for the line connecting his telephone to
any exchange within the exchange system is also required to pay local calls fees for
each call from his telephone at rates prescribed for such calls.
3 (g)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the Late Fee.
2) Late fee means any fee payable in addition to the prescribed call charges for a
local call or a trunk call made from or to PCO outside the regular working hours.
3 (h)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the junction line.
2) Junction Line means a line connecting two exchanges in an exchange system or
connecting a departmental exchange with a PBX or exchange of a licensed or a privately
owned exchange.
3 (i)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define collect call.
2) Collect call means a call for which the person booking the trunk call specifies
while booking it that he wishes the call to be paid by the called subscriber.
3 (k)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the Non-Exchange Lines.
2) Non-Exchange Line means lines which connect two subscribers without the
intervention of departmental exchange.
4 (a)
As per Para 141(4) of P&T Manual Vol. XII Pt. (I), when a casual connection extended
beyond the maximum prescribed period of 30 days then it should be treated as
Temporary connection and therefore double the normal rental for the entire period is
leveiable subject to a minimum of 3 months rent.
4 (b)
1) Paras 154 to 157 of P&T Manual Vol. XII deals with the Safe custody of
2) Whenever a subscriber is likely to be away from his premises and does not
require the facility of a telephone, the subscriber can keep the telephone under safe
3) At the time of safe custody of telephone, the heat coil jumper shall be completely
removed in the exchange.
4) The safe custody can be for short duration or long duration.
5) Short Duration:- (a) The period of short duration will be of minimum of 7 days
and maximum of 90 days. (b) Full normal rent will be charged and cable pairs and
telephone number is reserved. (c)The restoration of line can be arranged within a day or
a week or the day specified by the subscriber whichever is later. (d) A prescribed
restoration fee will be levied when the telephone is required to be restored after safe
custody period.
6) Long Duration:- (a) The period of long duration will be of minimum of more than
90 days and maximum of 5 years and this 5 year period in practice may also exceed. (b)
The application specifying the period in writing to be given by the subscriber to the
commercial section within 8 days for which the safe custody is required. (c) 40% of
normal rent would be levied and cable pair would be kept reserve for the subscriber. (d)
The rent for the entire period of safe custody and for its extension would be payable in
advance and a demand note will be issued for this purpose. (e) No rent/adjustment bill
will be issued thereafter. (f) Restoration Fee would be levied if the connection is
restored in the same place whereas shifting fee alone would be levied if the connection is
restored in some other place. (g) Restoration of telephone connection after the safe
custody would be given on top priority.
4 (c)
The telephone provided under TATKAL Scheme can be surrendered at any time. In case
of surrender ot telephone, the amount of refunded out of a deposit of Rs. 30000 will vary
as given below:
If surrendered during First Year, Rs. 12000 will be refunded. If surrendered during
Second Year, Rs. 15000 will be refunded and if surrendered during Third Year and
beyond, Rs. 18000 will be refunded.
4 (d)
As per Para 15 of P&T Manual Vol. XII Pt. (I), normal rent is to be charged in case of a
telephone disconnected pending shift to another exchange area at the request of
subscriber and therefore, the action of AOTR is not in order.
5 (a)
5 (b)
Demand Note for Casual Connection for 6 days.
3. Security Deposit Rs. 2000.00
4. Service Tax 10.3% on Rs. 680 Rs. 70.00
5. Total ` Rs. 2750.0 Say Rs. 2750.00
(RupeesTwo Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty only)
CMR = 27560 OMR = 24930 Therefore, Gross Calls = 2630
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
133 x 0.80 (200x20/30) = Rs. 106.40
200 x 1.00 (300x20/30) = Rs. 200.00
2297 x 1.20 = Rs.2756.40
Total = Rs.3062.80
Amount due from the subscriber:
Rent for 30 days Rs. 500.00
Local Call Charges Rs. 3062.80
Trunk call charges Rs. 310.00
Installation Fee Rs. 150.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 201.14
Total amount due Rs. 4223.94
Less: Paid in Demand note Rs. 2510.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 1713.94 Say Rs. 1714.00
a) True. As per Para 443 of P&T Manual Vol. II, under the following circumstances, the
lowest tender can be rejected:
When the authority competent to accept the tender is doubtful about the ability of
the lowest tenderer to execute the work satisfactorily, can order for rejection of his
When the tenderer have no previous experience for the type of work tendered,
then the competent authority can order for rejection of his tender.
When the tenderer is not willing to execute agreement in the prescribed form, then
the competent authority can order for rejection of his tender.
b) False. Advance deposit shall earn interest from the date preceding the date of
installation of the telephone w.e.f. 9.681. (Prior to this period, interest was allowed upto
the date preceding the date of issue of orders for installation of telephone) and interest is
calculated for completed number of months from the date of payment of such deposit.
c) False. As per Para 11 of P&T Manual Vol.XIV, the main functions of TRA Unit includes
maintenance of Subscriber Record Card, Preparation and issue of bills, Reconciliation of
Registers, Payment Noting, Preparation of Sub-Ledger etc.
d) True. Para 61 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV and Rule 76 of FHB Vol. V deals with
Reconciliation of Trunk Call Register.
e) True. Sub ledger is prepared on monthly basis and it is progressive, having opening
balance and closing balance.
f) False. Morning alarm calls are debit calls as per Para 30 to 35 of FHB Vol. V.
g) False. CLIP is to be procured by Subscriber from market and installed by themselves.
h) True. FLPP is pre paid account linked to telephone number.
i) True.
j) True. Takkal deposits are non-interest bearing deposit only.
1) Paras 12.00 to 12.06 of Telecom Accounts Manual I and Rule 277 of P&T Manual
Vol. III deals with the maintenance of records in connection with the issue of bills to
Railways, canals and Other Central/State Government Departments and checking of half-
yearly returns.
2) It is the duty of the Circle Accountant to issue bills for rent etc for wires, cables
and instruments supplied to Railways, Canals and Hydro Electric Departments of
Central/State Governments and to arrange for recovery of the amount due from them.
3) Circle Accountant shall get the half-yearly statement from the engineering
authorities regarding the wires, cables and instruments supplied to Railways. Canals and
Hydro Electric Departments of Central/State Governments. This will be the basis for
issue of bills.
4) Bills for miscellaneous charges and charges for supervision or maintenance of
under water cables etc will also be levied by the Circle Accountant on the basis of the
particulars furnished by the engineering authorities.
5) A register shall be maintained for each Railway, Canal Projects etc and as soon as
the returns are received from the Engineering Wing, the date of receipt along with the
due date to be received etc will be noted. This register should be reviewed and any
returns to be received, shall be got received through reminders etc.
As soon as intimation regarding new supply of wires, cables and instruments
received, the same shall be entered in the register with full particulars.
As soon as intimation regarding termination of supply of wires, cables and
instruments received, the same shall be entered in the register with full particulars.
6) The register shall be reviewed by Accounts Officer on the due date of returns to
be received and thereafter every fortnight till all the returns are received.
7) A separate register shall be maintained to record full particulars regarding No and
date of Order, Particulars of asset supplied and the administration to which they have
been leased on special rate of rent etc., the date of completion of the work. On this basis
only the bills for railway, canal etc are prepared.
This register is invariably be reviewed at the time of raising of bills.
8) Half-yearly returns are compared with previous returns and each addition and
deletion shall be seen through the register. Addition and deletion/surrender should be
through Advice Note and the same shall be available in the Register.
9) The calculation shall be checked and then the work of preparation of bills will be
taken up.
10) Bills relating to Canal Administrations and Hydro-electric Projects should indicate
details such as the total amount of the previous bills and particulars of the alterations of
wire mileage made since the last bill etc working upto the total of the new bill.
11) The bills should be raised in each half-year in arrear, as per the name and address
available in the register and bills will be issued in time.
1) Para 211 of P&T Manual Vo. XIV deals with refund by Postal Money Order.
2) The postal money order should be prepared in the prescribed form with reference
to the Refund Sanction authorized by Accounts Officer on the basis of Excess Payment
Register and the concerned Deposit Register.
3) This postal money order along with the refund sanction in Form ACE.109 (in
triplicate) will be put up to Accounts Officer for his signature along with the concerned
4) Accounts Officer will sign in the two copies (First and Third) of ACE.109,
concerned deposit registers and postal money order form. Another copy (Second) will
be certified by the section supervisor indicating that the Accounts Officer Sanctioned the
Refund order and signed in the postal money order.
5) The postal money order may have the details of refund in the communication
6) First and second copy of ACE.109 along with postal money order shall be
forwarded to cashier.
7) On getting the copies by cashier, he will obtain the order of payment from
Accounts Officer in the First copy and will be treated as Voucher.
8) He will issue a crossed cheque in favour of Post Master and enclose the Postal
Money Order.
9) The receipt particulars of postal money order will be noted in the Second Copy
and forwarded to TRA Unit. He will retain the original receipt of Money order along with
ACE 109 Pay Order.
10) Cashier will watch the acknowledgement of Postal Money Order.
11) In the TRA Unit, the relevant particulars about the refund will be noted in the
concerned Registers.
Date of Demand Note Payment : 01.06.1997
Date of provision of the connection : 01.04.1998
Note : The subscriber is also eligible for credit for additional waiting charges @ 3%
beyond the period of 6 months in respect of OYT connection, that is, 15000 x 3/100 x 4/12
= Rs. 150.00
CMR = 8650 OMR = 5250 Therefore, Gross Calls = 3400 Less Test Calls = 5. Net
Chargeable calls = 3395.
(Note: Morning alarm calls in electronic exchange - exempted)
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
100 x 1.00 (300x10/60) = Rs. 100.00
3295 x 1.20 = Rs.3954.00
Total = Rs.4054.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 4054.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 800.00
Service Tax 12.36% Rs. 599.95
Total bill value Rs. 5453.95
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 1000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 4453.95 Say Rs. 4454.00
CMR = 23800 OMR = 21500 Therefore, Gross Calls = 2300 Add: Morning Alarm Calls
5x2 = 10, Net chargeable Calls = 2310.
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
167 x 0.80 (500x20/60) = Rs. 133.60
166 x 1.00 (500x20/60) = Rs. 166.00
334 x 1.25 (1000x20/60) = Rs. 417.50
1643x1.40 = Rs.2300.20
Total = Rs.3017.30
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 3017.30
Rent for 20 days Rs. 275.00
Installation Fee Rs. 150.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 800.00
ICF Rent Rs. 250.00
ICF Installation Rs. 800.00
Service Tax 5% on 5292.30 Rs. 264.61
Total bill value Rs. 5566.91
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 5000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 556.91 Say Rs. 557.00
2 (a)
1. Para 164 of P&T Man. Vo. XIV deals with the list of telephone lines exempted from
2. Following dignitaries and high Government officials are exempted from disconnection:
2 (b) (i)
As per Para 207 of P&T Manual Vol.XIV, the action of TDE is in order.
2 (b) (ii)
The private telephone of MPs can only be disconnected on obtaining the orders of the
Head of Circle. Hence the decision of the AOTR of a Telecom Division/District for
disconnecting the telephone held by a MP in his personal capacity is not in order. [Para
164 (iii) of P&T Man. Vol. XIV]
2 (b) (iii)
As per Para 204 of P&T Manual Vol. XII, the claim is allowed only when it is made within 6
months from the date of the call, and therefore, the action of AO TR is not in order.
2 (b) (iv)
As per Para 70 of P&T Manual Vol. XII Pt. (II), the late fee if chargeable only if the call
matures after 15 minutes of the closing time of PCO and therefore, the action of AOTR is
in order.
Working Sheet to Q.3:
I. Amount billed for 15,00,000
ADD: Demand Note Collection 20,000
Total Amount Billed For 15,20,,000
II. Divisional Office Collection 7,00,000
Less: OYT Deposits 1,20,000
Other Division+EPR+Dishonoured Chq. 18,000
Total Divisional Office Collection 5,62,000
III. Post Office Collection 9,80,000
Less: List not received 5,000
Add: Last month voucher now received 8,000
Total PO Collection 9,83,000
Solution to Q.3:
The connection worked for 6 months ie., from 10.09.2001 to 09.03.2002 and therefore,
double the rental charges (Rs. 250x2) per month is recoverable and Installation charges
are recoverable and the same had been recovered vide demand note. Therefore, no
charges has to be recovered towards rent and installation.
Regarding the overseas call made on 07.04.2000, it doesnt relates to this subscriber and
therefore not to be claimed.
Further STD provision facility done on 01.12.2001 will not attract any charges with effect
from 09.03.1999 as per the orders of DoT.
CMR 93105 OMR 85000 Gross Chargeable calls 8105 Period of local call : 1 month and
9 days which is 39 days.
98 (150x39/60) Free
162x0.80 (250x39/60) Rs. 129.00
390x1.00 (500x39/60) Rs. 390.00
7455x1.20 Rs. 8946.00
Total call charges Rs. 9465.60
Amount recoverable/refundable from/to the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 9465.50
Trunk call charges Rs. 300.00
Service tax @ 5% Rs. 488.28
Total Rs.10253.88
Less: Deposits (2000+5000) Rs. 7000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 3253.88 Say Rs. 3254.00
Paras 87 and 88 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV deals about the Demand Notes.
Engineering authorities shall issue the demand note to the prospective subscribers for
installation of telephone connection and for provisioning of accessories thereof.
It authorizes to collect the amount towards telephone rent, deposit, rent for accessories,
installation fee etc.
It authorizes to collect the amount of deposit on the basis of category under which it has
been applied namely, OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal.
It is prepared in quadruplicate and three copies are issued to the subscribers retaining
one copy in subscribers file.
Payment of Demand Note can be made either Post Officer or in Cash Counter of the
One copy of paid Demand Note shall be handed over to the subscriber, one copy shall be
retained for Voucher and one copy shall be made over to the TRA Unit along with Post
Office Daily List/Cash Counter of SSA Daily List.
On payment of Demand Note, the Engineering authorities shall issue the advice note to
authorize a person to execute the work quoting the demand note particulars in the advice
When paid demand note available in the Daily List of Post Office/Cash Counter, the
particulars of the Demand Note Number, Date of Payment. Mode of Payment, Where it
has been paid, Reference of Daily List in which it has been shown etc shall be noted in
the Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes maintained in Form Eng. 53 (a).
This Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes shall contain other than the above said
particulars of Demand Note, the Advice Note Number, Date of Issue, Date of execution of
work etc.
When the Advice Note received, it has to be verified with the Demand Note Particulars
entered in the Register of Demand Notes and Advice Notes Register.
In the demand note, the payment of deposit shall be collected on the basis of category in
which telephone connection applied, namely, OYT, Non-OYT, Tatkal etc. Further the
demand note payment contains installation charges and annual rental deposit etc.
After getting the Advice Note, the deposit amount available in the Demand Note shall be
entered in the concerned Deposit Register namely, OYT Deposit Register, Non-OYT
Deposit Register, Tatkal Deposit Register, Annual Rental Deposit Register etc along with
a entry in the Subscribers Record Card.
If any outstanding bills paid by the subscriber through the demand, the same is entered
in the concerned Bill Register or Register of Outstanding.
Date of provision of OYT connection: 01.06.1993
Date of surrender of OYT connection: 31.08.2001
Worked for 8 years 3 months Say 9 years (Fraction of a year shall be computed as one
Maximum refund is 15000x11/20 = Rs. 8250.00
Rent due from 01.07.2001 to 30.08.2001 ie., 2 months which is (Rs. 360 120) Rs. 240
Therefore net amount recoverable from the subscriber (Rs.9240-8250) Rs. 990.00
Working Sheet to the Question No.1
I. Amount Billed For:
Rental Charges Rs. 5,00,000
Local Call Charges Rs. 25,50,000
Accessory Charges Rs. 50,000
Trunk Call Charges Rs. 15,000
Misc Charges Rs. 5,000
ADD : Demand Note Collection Rs. 15,000
Total Amount Billed For Rs. 31,35,000
II. Divisional Office Collection:
At Cash Counter Rs. 32,25,000
Less: OYT Deposit + Non-OYT Deposit Rs. 1,05,000
Add: Collected at Telegraph Office Rs. 10,000
Total Divisional Office Collection Rs. 31,30,000
III. Post Office Collection:
PO Collection Rs. 5,00,000
Less: Value of list not received Rs. 5,000
Add: Value of list now received Rs. 8,000
Total Post office Collection Rs. 5,03,000
2 (A)
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the external extension.
2) External Extension means an additional telephone connection provided in the
same circuit as the main connection which involves the use of external wiring.
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the Non-Exchange Lines.
2) Non-Exchange Line means lines which connect two subscribers without the
intervention of departmental exchange.
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define the Late Fee.
2) Late fee means any fee payable in addition to the prescribed call charges for a
local call or a trunk call made from or to PCO outside the regular working hours.
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules defines Fixed Time Call.
2) Fixed Time Call means a trunk call between two members which is to be put
through at or about a specified time.
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define Direct Exchange Line.
2) Direct Exchange Line is a telephone connection directly working on a Telephone
Exchange of BSNL.
1) Para 36 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV defines the casual connection.
2) It is a exchange or a connection from PBX given for a short period at the specified
rate of rent prescribed in this respect.
1) Rule 2 of Indian Telegraph Rules define Local Circuits.
2) Local Circuit means a circuit provided between a Telegraph office and the partys
premises both situated within the same area.
1) Para 36 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV defines the Capital Cost.
2) Capital Cost of an installation is the actual cost, under cash and stores, of the
installation together with indirect cost on account of stores keeping, freight and
establishment which are calculated on prescribed percentage basis.
2 (B)
Demand Note for Temporary Telephone Line for 75 days
Demand Note : Date:
[Valid Upto ------- (15 days from the date of issue)]
1. Rent for 3 months (minimum) Rs. 500 x 3 Rs. 1500.00
2. Installation charges Rs. 800.00
3. STD Deposit Rs. 5000.00
4. Service Tax 5% on Rs. 2300 Rs. 115.00
5. Total ` Rs. 7415.00
(Rupees Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifteen only)
3 (A)(b)
Short Duration:- (a) The period of short duration will be of minimum of 7 days and
maximum of 90 days. (b) Full normal rent will be charged and cable pairs and telephone
number is reserved. (c)The restoration of line can be arranged within a day or a week or
the day specified by the subscriber whichever is later. (d) A prescribed restoration fee
will be levied when the telephone is required to be restored after safe custody period.
Long Duration:- (a) The period of long duration will be of minimum of more than 90 days
and maximum of 5 years and this 5 year period in practice may also exceed. (b) The
application specifying the period in writing to be given by the subscriber to the
commercial section within 8 days for which the safe custody is required. (c) 40% of
normal rent would be levied and cable pair would be kept reserve for the subscriber. (d)
The rent for the entire period of safe custody and for its extension would be payable in
advance and a demand note will be issued for this purpose. (e) No rent/adjustment bill
will be issued thereafter. (f) Restoration Fee would be levied if the connection is
restored in the same place whereas shifting fee alone would be levied if the connection is
restored in some other place. (g) Restoration of telephone connection after the safe
custody would be given on top priority.
Date of Demand Note Payment : 01.06.1997
Date of provision of the connection : 01.04.1998
Note : The subscriber is also eligible for credit for additional waiting charges @ 3%
beyond the period of 6 months in respect of OYT connection, that is, 15000 x 3/100 x 4/12
= Rs. 150.00
4 (A)
Paras 140,141,145 & 150 of P&J manual Vol. XIV deals with the issue of consolidated
telephone bills.
Normally the periodicity of consolidated telephone bills of 2 months that is, every bi-
monthly telephone bills are issued.
Charges to be claimed in the consolidated telephone bills:
It shall contain the opening meter reading, closing meter reading, gross calls, free calls,
credit calls, chargeable calls, chargeable amounts. Local call statement is being received
from the concerned telephone exchange with duly filled.
Trunk call charges include phonogram charges and overseas calls. Trunk calls tickets
received from exchange are duly agreed with the listing sheet. The total under trunk call
charges in the bill register should agree with the listing sheet.
4 (B)
Para 61 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV and Rule 76 of FHB Vol. V deals with Reconciliation of
Trunk Call Register.
This work has to be done only after the issue of bills.
First, number of tickets chargeable (including the chargeable Phonogram Tickets) should
tally with the number of tickets charged as per the bill register.
Secondly, the sum of above said tickets as per listing list should tally with charged
amount as per the bill register.
It should be maintained in Form TR-4 for exchange wise.
Discrepancies, if any noticed, should be recorded in the register.
A certificate to the effect of reconciliation on exchange wise should be entered by
checker in the concerned Bill Register and the Register of Reconciliation.
5 (i)
As per Para 69 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV and Para 196 of P&T Manual Vol. XII, a rebate of
12.5% shall be allowed on such calls and the rebate shall not be allowed on
supplementary charges like PP Charge, PCO Charge, Late Fee and also on rentals and
local call charges. Therefore rebate allowed on late fee is not in order.
5 (ii)
As per Para 342 of P&T Manual Vol. XII, the fraction of KM shall be rounded off to the
next higher integer and therefore, the action of AO TR is in order. 1.25 times of 22 KMs
comes to 27.5 KM and therefore AO TR charged for 28 KM.
5 (iii)
As per Para 207 of P&T Manual Vol. XIV, the action of DE is in order.
5 (iv)
As per Para 70 of P&T Manual Vol. XII Pt. (II), the late fee if chargeable only if the call
matures after 15 minutes of the closing time of PCO and therefore, the action of AOTR is
in order.
5 (v)
As per Para 141(4) of P&T Manual Vol. XII Pt. (I), when a casual connection extended
beyond the maximum prescribed period of 30 days then it should be treated as
Temporary connection and therefore double the normal rental for the entire period is
leveiable subject to a minimum of 3 months rent.
5 (B)
Actual Length 8.5 Kms ie., 9 Kms
Annual Rent for 1st Km Rs. 300
Annual Rent for 2nd to 5th Kms (Rs. 250x4) Rs. 1000
Annual Rent for additional Kms (Rs. 1500x4) Rs. 6000
Total Annual Rent Chargeable Rs. 7300
Service Tax @ 5% on Rs. 7300 Rs. 365.00
Total amount recoverable Rs. 7635.00
CMR = 30432 OMR = 22854 Therefore, Gross Calls = 7578
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
200 x 0.80 = Rs. 160.00
300 x 1.00 = Rs. 300.00
7078 x 1.20 = Rs.8493.60
Total = Rs.8953.60
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 8953.60
Service Tax 5% Rs. 447.68
Total bill value Rs. 9401.28
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 8901.28 Say Rs. 8901.00
1 (a)
1) Rule 4 (xx) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term Imprest.
2) Advances of money made by a disbursing officer to another officer to enable the latter
to make payment on behalf of organization is called Imprest.
1 (b)
1) Rule 140 of FHB Vol. III Part (II) defines the term ledger.
2) The cash transaction of the entire stores organization should be abstracted in several
ledgers. The receipts and payments of the organization are classified in those ledgers in
full detailed heads of account. There should be a separate ledger for each detailed head
of account for each financial year and posting in the ledger should be made from the
cash book on day to day basis. At the end of the month, the postings should be totaled
and the total of each ledger should be tallied with the cash book.
1 (c)
1) Rule 4 (ii)of FHB Vol. III Part (II) defines the term advance payment.
2) An advance payment means a payment on a running account to a contractor for work
done or for material brought to the site of work by him but not acknowledged by or on
behalf of the officer-in-charge of the work.
1 (d)
1) Rule 1.1.2 (1) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the Accounting unit.
2) It denotes the centre or location for which initial accounts shall be compiled.
1 (e)
1) Rule 476 of FHB Vol. I defines the term earnest money deposit.
2) Earnest money is a deposit to be made by an intending tenderer as a safe guard
against any loss to the Government. In case after his selection he fails to furnish the
required security within the specified time after the acceptance of his tender, the earnest
money deposited by him will be forfeited.
1 (f)
1) Rule 4 (ii)of FHB Vol. III Part (II) defines the term advance payment.
2) An advance payment means a payment on a running account to a contractor for work
done or for material brought to the site of work by him but not acknowledged by or on
behalf of the officer-in-charge of the work.
3) Such advance payment can be done only in cases where it is absolutely necessary
and should not exceed 90% of the total value of materials brought to site or supplies
1 (g)
1) Rule of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term work order.
2) A work order is the authorization of the job for manufacture of article in a Telecom
Factory. For telephone facility of accounting, collection, analysis and control of
expenses each job shall be identified by a work order number and specific series of
numbers are allotted for each kind of job.
1 (h)
1) Rule 4 (iii) of FHB Vol. III Part (I) defines the term allocation of expenditure.
2) The distribution of total cost of a work between the Heads of Accounts prescribed for
the purpose by BSNL Board is termed as allocation expenditure.
1) Rule 19 of FHB Vol. III Part (I) defines the term store dump.
2) A store dump is a place where stocking of serviceable line materials which are found
surplus on works and expected to be utilized in future on other works.
1 (j)
1) Para 110 of P&T Manual Vol. X defines the term imprest stock.
2) Imprest stock are stores provided to the Engineering officers in charge of the
Telephone Exchange to enable them to carry out petty works and the urgent need of
maintaining equipment.
2 (a)
Para 217 of P&T Manual Vol-X deals with Supplementary Estimates.
When a work is in progress and if it is noticed that any development or extension of a
project is necessary, the supplementary estimates all come in to the picture.
Following are the conditions for preparing Supplementary estimates.
It should not arise directly out of the execution.
It does not form part of essential part of the project.
The anticipated cost should not exceed more than 10% of the total project sanctioned
This supplementary should accompany a detailed repost containing the reasons for such
inclusion and how it has been omitted at the time if original submission.
Further it should certain the original sanctioned cost supplementary cost asn the total
modified cost requires for sanction.
2 (b)
Para 473 of P&T Manual Vol-X deals with the steps to the taken for Loss of government
A loss of Government property should be immediately reported to Superior. Copy of the
report shall be sent to Circle Office narrating the circumstances under which the loss
occurred. Circle Office should monitor the investigation and proper pursuation.
If the value of the loss due to fire, theft etc exceeds Rs. 10000 for buildings,
communications and other assets, the same shall be reported to Police authorities for
proper investigation.
Reporting to the police should be sent within a reasonable time.
However, if the loss occurred due to suspected sabotage, the same shall be reported to
Police irrespective of the value of the loss.
A formal investigation report should be obtained from Police authorities and copy of the
report shall be forwarded to CMD, BSNL.
When the matter has been fully investigated, a complete report regarding the nature and
extent of loss, errors or neglect of rules due to which the loss incurred and the prospect
of recovering the loss etc should be submitted.
Competent authority shall sanction the write-off of the loss on receipt of the above report
along with particulars.
Accounts Officer shall properly classify the accounts for loss written-off and amount
The officer receiving the full report should forward the same to the Government through
proper channel with such comments as he considered necessary. Further the causes
and the circumstances due to which the loss incurred should be commented and steps
taken to prevent the same in future should be fully elucidated. The disciplinary action
taken or proposed to be taken should be intimated.
Petty cases involving loss not exceeding Rs. 2000 need not be reported but a half-yearly
statement shall be sent. However, if any special features attached for loss not exceeding
Rs. 2000 the same can be reported.
2 (c)
Paras 3.23,3.29 & 3.30 of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol-I deals with the demands payable
This has been renamed in BSNL as liability Register.
Salary & others allowances of staff for the month of March & other Expenses such as
electricity, rent, faxes etc payable upto the month of March are paid during the next
financial year.
2 (d)
Para 7.1.1 of Telecom accounts Manual Vol-II deals with Appropriation accounts.
It means the amount of expenditure incurred during a financial year the amount granted
on each head.
This appropriation account shall be useful for watching the expenditure periodically and
also useful for controlling the expenditure within the allotment.
Re appropriation of grant from one head to another head shall be made only on the
approval of competent authority.
This appropriation account shall indicate.
Whether the money disbursed were legally available.
Whether the expenditure confirm to the authority
The effect of expenditure made.
The reasons for excess/ savings in expenditure.
Para 215,234 & 235 of P&T Manual Vol.X deals work Allocation of Estimates.
The officer preparing estimate shall allocate under different Heads of Account as per
allocation rules.
The Expenditure can be allocated under Capital & Revenue heads.
Further it can be allocated under local purchases, establishment charges, unforeseen
expenditure etc.
Further it has to be allocated under different areas of operation namely General area,
Rural area & tribal area.
The allocation of expenditure under different heads of account shall be scrutinised and
verified by the circle accountant and necessary certificate to be given for the estimates
which need the sanction from Head Quarters.
Estimates are dismantlement, renewals, reconstruction etc need the credit for recovery
of items.
Recovered items shall be credited to Capital a/c or Revenue a/c as the case may be.
Therefore the estimates need the particulars of the assets namely block value of the
asset, Total accumulated depreciation and net value of the asset.
Rule 390 of FHB Vol.I deals with payment of advances to Private firms for supply of
The advance payment can be made to firms including Govt organisation for supply of
stores etc and Mtce contract made with reputed firms.
The following are the conditions for making advance payment.
The adv amt required to be made in the cases of where the absolute necessity arises.
It should be made on the valid sanction issued by the competent authority.
90% of the total value or Rs.1 lakh which ever is less, is made as adv payment to private
firms. However in respect of Central PSUs and State Govt PSUs the maximum advance
amount shall be 90% od the total value or Rs.10 lakhs which ever is less. More over in
respect of Central PSUs and State PSUs even 100% advance payment can be made
subject to a ceiling of Rs.10 lakhs in spl cases.
In cases of service contract the advance payment should not exceed the one year
payable amount.
The Pvt firm should be an established firm having fair reputation in the market.
When ever adv payment is being made necessary formal agreement is required to be
executed, stipulating the terms & conditions under which adv payment being made.
Normally adv payment can be made either on proof of despatch or on immediate
despatch of goods.
The time gap between the adv payment and the recipts of stores should be as minimum
as possible.
The officer drawing adv is made responsible for the adjustment of the said adv within a
period of one month by a detailed report in the prescribed form to the accounts officer.
IIrd adv should not be made to a firm when the first adv itself is pending for adjustment
The adv amount should be taken to the liability head and it will be taken to final head
only when the adjustment is made against the supply of materials of services.
Rule 195 of FHB Vol-I deals with the procedure to be followed for collection of Telephone
Revenue through DTO/Telecom centres.
In order to provide better accessibility for subscribers, it has been decided to accept the
payment of Telephone Revenue at DTO/Telecom Centres.
No new post has been created to work in collection centres where as the surplus staff
diverted to this job.
Acceptance of telephone bills restricted to one hour before closure of banking hours.
However the heads of Circle are authorised to fix the working hours.
DDs/Cheques can be accepted even beyond Banking hours but upto 17.00 Hrs on all
working days except Sundays/ Telegraph Holidays.
Normally Telephone Bills for payment can be accepted upto the due date of payment.
However the date of acceptance can be extended even beyond due date if Heads of
Circles wishes.
The amount of daily collection should be incorporated in the concerned cash book on
the same day itself.
Normal existing procedure for remitting cash/cheque/DD into bank should be followed.
Daily list should be prepared and long with vouchers (Copy of Telephone Bills) sent to
concerned AO(TR).
Para 11.59 of telecom Accounts Manual Vol-I deals with Banl reconciliation .
The debits and credits booked in the Trial Balance reflect the total amount paid from the
bank and the total amount received from the banks.
The schedule of bank payment (now in operation account) and the schedule of bank
remittance (now in collection account) should agree with the Trail Balance.
If not agreed, the reconciliation should be made in the following ways.
Issued cheques but not presented into Bank for payment.
Wrong debit given by the bank.
Bank charges mentioned in the Bank.
Cheques/DDS remitted into Bank but not accounted in the bank due to collection
Wrong credit given by the Bank.
Bank interest shown in the Bank Account but not reflected in our accounts.
The reconciliation work done through the Bank statement received every month and
comparing this statement with our schedule as per Trial Balance.
Any wrong entry made by the Bank should got rectified through the correspondence with
Bank Authorities.
Any entry missing our Bank schedule, namely Bank Charges, Bank Interest, TDS
recovered etc should be got entered in our Bank Book.
7 (a)
The following register are maintained in Telecom Engineering Divisional office for control
of expenditure on work:-
Register of allotment in Form ACE-12.
Register of Works in Form ACE-23.
Register of Liabilities in Form GFR-6.
Register of unpaid wages in Form ACE-13
Register of Railway credit notes.
Contractors ledger in Form-ACE-10.
7 (b)
Register of Works:-
Rules 201 to 205 of FHB Vol-III Pt (II) deals with records for expenditure in Capital Head.
A collective record of expenditure relating to the construction, Reconstruction, repairs&
maintenance of Lines& Wires, Apparatus & Plants etc in division is maintained in a
register which is called Register of Works.
Separate page will be allotted on each estimate.
In this register, the following particulars are noted
Name of the work, sanction No. & date, sanctioned cost under cash & Stores,
Progressive expenditure on cash & stores etc.
From the expenditure schedule, month to month expenditure are being entered in the
For annual open estimates and maintenance estimate a separate register of works is
In the Index page of register works, the Name of the work, Estimate number & folio No. of
the register are entered.
As soon as estimate is sanctioned, a folio in register of works will be allotted.
Each month, the register of works should got reconciled with the cash expenditure on
capital Heads and Journal register for capital head, total figure available in the T.B.
It should be sent for review on monthly basis to Accounts Officer.
Register of Liabilities:-
Rule 193 of FHB Vol-III Part-I deals with the Register of Liabilities.
The register is maintained in prescribed form and the sums which are due to the
Contractors, Railways for freight etc are noted in the register.
It should entered with the nature of payment, amount due, expected month of payment,
the charges to be made on which work etc.
The allotment under the grant should reduced by the liability.
Some of the liability may be discharged by Circle Accountant and some others by units
for which we may receive ATD to book under work concerned.
When work is physically completed it is the responsibility to see whether the liability
have been cleared either payment or by receipt of ATD.
1) Rule 60 of FHB Vol. I deal with Standards of Financial Propriety.
2) Strict guidelines for every officer incurring the expenditure from public funds
are given under Standards of Financial Propriety.
He should exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure incurred from public
moneys as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his
own money.
The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands.
He should not exercise his powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass on order which
will be directly or indirectly to his own advantage.
Public money should not be utilized for the benefit of a particular person or section of
the people, unless a claim for the amount could be enforced in a court of law or the
expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized policy or custom.
The amount of allowances granted to meet the expenditure of any type should not be on
the whole a source of profit to the recipient.
Responsibility and accountability is total and indivisible. Public interest should be
uppermost in mind while making a purchase procurement decision. The responsibility is
not discharged merely by the selection of cheapest offer but must confirm the following
yard-sticks of financial propriety: (a) Whether the reasonable procedures have been
followed, (b) Whether the purchase shall meet the adequate requirement, (c) Whether the
purchase shall meet the reasonable quality and (d) Whether the selected offer is most
appropriate one.
9) Usually or at least whenever it is necessary, the concerned authority must record its
precise terms, the conditions which weighted with it while taking the procurement
1 (a)
1) Rule 4 (xxxviii) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term Secured Advance.
2) It is a term applied specifically to an advance made, on the security of materials
brought to site of work, to a contractor whose contract is for the completed items of
1 (b)
1) Rule 1.1.2. (xviii) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term depreciation.
2) Depreciation means the gradual decrease in or expiry of, the capital value of an asset
due to wear and tear, use or obsolescence.
1 (c)
1) Rule 2 (h) of FHB Vol. I defines the term Attached officer.
2) The term denotes the Head of the Department in relation to an office or offices under
his administrative control means an authority or person as the concerned department in
the Central Government may by order specify as a Head of the Department, provided that
such a person is the Head of an identifiable organization and the minimum of his scale of
pay is not lower than that of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.
1 (d)
1) Rule 40 of Indian Telegraph Rules, 1885 defines the term abbreviated addresses.
2) For smooth and correct delivery of telegrams, the abbreviated address are registered
at Government Telegraph offices on payment of the prescribed fee and under stipulated
1 (e)
1) Rule 4 (xviii) of FHB Vol. III Part (I) defines the terms establishment charges.
2) This terms is ordinarily applied to the charges which are levied on works (other than
works entirely chargeable to revenue) executed by the engineering and the wireless
branches, in addition to the direct charges, and or intended to cover the expenditure on
engineering or wireless personnel etc employed on such works.
1 (f)
Cash projects are projects for which bulk of materials are supplied direct to the site by
Indian and Foreign manufacturers and the stores organization does not supply most of
the items.
1 (g)
1) Rule 4 of FHB Vol. III Part (I) defines the term Contribution Works>
2) A contribution work is a work the cost of construction or repairs of which is not met
out of the funds of the BSNL but is recoverable from the private parties, bodies,
Government Departments etc. for which such works or repairs are carried out.
1 (h)
1) Rule 1.1.2 (1) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the Accounting unit.
2) It denotes the centre or location for which initial accounts shall be compiled.
1 (i)
1) Para 7.10(%) of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol. I defines the term Telephone Deposit.
2) Deposits are taken from the telephone subscribers for providing the telephones and
rendering services through telephones to them are called telephone deposits.
1 (j)
1) Rule of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term work order.
2) A work order is the authorization of the job for manufacture of article in a Telecom
Factory. For telephone facility of accounting, collection, analysis and control of
expenses each job shall be identified by a work order number and specific series of
numbers are allotted for each kind of job.
2 (a)
Rules 114,116 & 117 of FHB Vol-I deals with Subsidiary Cash Book.
The number of transactions are heavy in the telephone district and SSAs. Therefore they
are allowed to maintained a Subsidiary cash book in addition to main Cash Book.
When the payments are heavy, each transactions will be entered through subsidiary cash
book and the total amount on each head of the accounts will be entered in the main cash
Like wise when the receipts are heavy, each transaction will be entered through
subsidiary cash book and the total amount on each head of account will be entered in the
main cash book. In this case the Sl.No of ACG 67 receipt is watched through the
subsidiary cash book.
2 (b)
Rules 186 to 189 of FHB Vol-III Part-I deals with contractor ledger.
A separate page shall be allotted for each contractor.
This ledger account is credited with value of work done, materials supplied by him and
debited with the amount paid to him, materials issued to him, any advance payment
made to him.
Normally both the Debit and Credit entries are passed in the ledger when the bill is
passed and paid.
Entry in the ledger should have reference of bill no, estimate No etc.
No erasures are allowed in the ledger but the wrong entry should be corrected by striking
out the wrong entry and inserting new entry with the initials of AO.
Evert Contractor Account should be balance every month and net balance should be
worked out.
Amount remaining unpaid on completion of work should be taken to liability head and
discharged therefrom.
A copy of the Contractor Ledger should be enclosed in the Final Bill.
2 (c)
Para 219,220,222 & 224 of P&T Manual Vol.X deals with Petty Works
Petty works are on nature of following works: New Construction, Additions, renewals or
Shifting of Telephone Lines & Wires, Apparatus & Plants or Electrical installation etc.
These petty works are included in the cost of Annual open Estimates.
Annual Open Estimates are estimated expenditure likely to be incurred during a year and
is charged under Working Expenses.
The gross value does not exceed Rs.25000/- exclusive of Freight on Stores,
Establishment Charges & Store Keeping Charges.
No work forming part of a project shall not be included in the Annual Open Estimate.
A Construction work may not be included in the Annual Open Estimate.
Construction of guaranteed line work shall not be included in the Annual Open Estimate.
Work relating to abandonment of asset, dismantlement without replacement may be
charged under Annual Open Estimate.
Estimate for petty works chargeable to Annual Open Estimates are prepared in Eng-90.
These estimates are called as RCR (Requisitions and Completion Reports) and no need
to release completion reports but a certificate to be endorsed in the form Eng-90 about
the date of completion.
2 (d)
Rule 88 of FHB Vol-I deals with Retrenchment register.
This is also known as Recovery Register and is maintained in Form ACG-60.
Advances granted to employees, the amount involved in Loss & theft and recoverable etc
are noted in the register and also its recoveries are noted.
It contains the Name and designation, Nature of Advance, Amount Sanctioned and Paid,
Recovery Amount, Month of Recovery, Balance Amount of Advance etc.
At the end of the month, Recovery register is closed and the amount should agree with
Trial Balance Figure.
At the end of the year (ie 31st March), a certificate should be obtained from each of the
employees for the Outstanding Balance as on 31st March.
3 (a)
The following are the components of a project for opening an exchange in a city.
Land:- for construction a bldg of telephone exchange.
Building:- which includes provision for water supply, drainage, Staff Qtrs and Keeping
the equipments and space for working.
Apparatus & Plants:- Equipments for a telephone exchange like Battery, Power plant etc.
Cables:- for providing local telephone cable. Provisioning of long distance telephone-
Cables, Provisioning of log distance telephone-Circuits, Connected to the nearest Truck
Electrical Fittings.
Masts & Aerials.
3 (b)
Para 134 to 137 & 147 of P&T Manual Vol.X deals with the important points to be checked
in a project estimate.
It is to be seen whether all the components under the project have been included and
whether the project is complete in itself.
It is to be seen whether the project is sanctioned by the competent authority as per the
schedule of Financial Powers.
It is to be seen whether the project is prepared next below authority competent to
sanction the project.
It is to be seen whether the project is prepared in major 3 categories namely Lines
including carrier installation, Trunk Exchange installation and local exchange
It is be seen whether the 1/3rd of the trunk call traffic had been assumed as revenue of the
project for the calculation of the project.
Further it is to be seen that in all the detailed estimated a certificate to the effect that the
estimate forms part of the project, had been mentioned.
Whenever the first detailed estimate sent for sanction necessary certificate such as the
said project has already been sanctioned should be mentioned along with the copy of the
project estimate.
Whenever the last detailed estimate sent for sanction necessary certificate such as all
the detailed estimates mentioned in the project has been sanctioned for all the works
mentioned in the project.
It is to be seen whether the project has got the administrative approval which it means
for approval to incur expenditure.
It is to be seen whether it means has got the Technical Sanction which it means that the
plans are structurally sound and the estimate ae accurately calculated based on the
sufficient data.
It is to be seen whether the project has got the expenditure sanction before going to the
labour & expense of preparing detailed plans and estimates.
4 (a)
Rule 123 & 127 of FHB Vol.III Part ( I ) deals with conditions for sanction of Temp
Temp Advance is granted either separately or in addition to Imprest.
It is granted for specified purpose with known amount.
It is granted by the Head of the SSA and DE as the case may be.
No limit is prescribed for sanction of Temp Advance.
It should be adjusted as soon as expenditure is over or within one month or within the
end of the Financial year which ever is earlier.
It forms part of the cash balance of the officer who grants the temp advance
4 (b)
Rule 4 (XX), 119 120 & 127 of FHB of Vol.III part (I) deals with Imprest.
The Imprest is an advance amount paid by disbursement officer to another officer for
making payment on behalf of the organisation
The Imprest amount form part of cash balance.
Its adjustment shown in the cash book.
Imprest may be either Permanent Imprest or Temporary Imprest.
Premanent Imprest:- The CGM in consultation with the IFA may sanction permanent
Imprest and it should invariably be recouped before the end of each month.
Temporary Imprest:- This can be sanctioned by the Head of the SSA when heavy
payments are anticipated on account of works or Mtce of lines etc No limit is prescribed
and the time limit for its adjustment is within 3 months or at the close of the Financial
year which ever is earlier. It forms a part of Cash balance.
Temporary Advance:-
1) Rule 123 & 127 of FHB Vol.III Part ( I ) deals with conditions for sanction of Temp
2) Temp Advance is granted either separately or in addition to Imprest.
3) It is granted for specified purpose with known amount.
4) It is granted by the Head of the SSA and DE as the case may be.
5) No limit is prescribed for sanction of Temp Advance.
6) It should be adjusted as soon as expenditure is over or within one month or within the
end of the Financial year which ever is earlier.
7) It forms part of the cash balance of the officer who grants the temp advance.
Rules 4 and 64 to 70 of FHB Vol-III Part (I) deals with the contribution works.
Contribution works is one for which the cost of the work is not met out of the the funds
of BSNL but it is recoverable from the private party,Bodies,Govt department etc.
The cost of the work which is recoverable wholly or partly from private, partner, bodies
or Govt department etc are generally known as Contributory Works
Following are the types of Contributory works:
Works executed for private persons. Local bodied and others
Works executed for state Govt and the Central Govt.
Erection of cables etc for Railways, Canals. Defence etc including repairs & renewals
No contribution work should be taken up unless the probable cost is worked out and
intimated to the party and payment thereof deposited by the party of the BSNL.
The amount of the deposit for contribution work shall be debited in the Cash Book and
per contra credit shall be to Claims Recoverable for Contribution Works.
When the expenditure is incurred for contributory work shall be credited in the Cash
Book and per contra debit shall be to Claims recoverable for contribution works.
Accounts Officer should keep a watch that at no point of time, the excess expenditure
should not be booked over and above the Deposit received.
No advance is recovers for the works mentioned at 4 (A) and (B) and therefore the full
amount will be claimed on completion of the work or at the close of the Financial year
which ever is earlier.
In respect of work executed for defence department, no advance is recovered. As soon
as the work is ordered, three estimates are prepared namely, Lost of Original
construction, Traffic charges and monthly cost of maintenances.
The monthly amount debitable to defence department is the total of all three estimates
mentioned above. The vouchers for the defence work should be kept separately.
Details of debits for defence department work should be prepared in ACG-28 form and
forwarded to circle accountant for raising the bills and collection of the amount.
Paras 368 to 372 of P&T Manual VOL-X deals with the disposal of unserviceable stores
and obsolete stores.
Stores which cannot give the due service or cannot be issued for the purpose they have
been manufactures or purchase are called unserviceable stores.
Stores of pattern which no longer manufactured or purchased are called obsolete stores.
However the stores of obsolete can be utilized for the departmental works but the stores
of unserviceable cannot be utilized for departmental works.
Obsolete stores which are not included in the Rate list are termed as unserviceable
These unserviceable can be disposed-off after obtaining sanction from competent
authority in ACE-9 form.
Any stores declared unserviceable and obsolete stores which are no longer useful can
be brought on to a register of unserviceable stores.
ACE-9 shall be prepared for getting sanction of disposal. In ACE-9 the particulars like the
condition of the stores, period upto which the stores are in stock, the cause of
detoriation etc.
In respect of stores of Apparatus & Plants, a committee under the Chairman of DGM-
Material Management should be formed and the committee only declare the
unserviceable stores.
Unserviceable stores of Tools can be sold at site and being the price to the best
advantage of the department.
Unserviceable Electric light, Fans, Battery Materials etc are also disposed-off the same
procedure mentioned above.
Unserviceable Copper wire, Copper disc, Scrap Copper etc are sent to nearest main
stores depot for their disposal.
The unserviceable Zinc etc shall be sent to Telecom Factory, Jabalpur for their disposal.
Para 110 of P&T Manual Vol-X Part (III) deals with Imprest Stocks
The stores kept in the custody of SDOs/JTOs/Officers-in-charge of Telephone system for
maintenance purpose and to carry out the urgent nature of work and other petty works,
which is called Imprest Stock
The imprest stock shall be the part of divisional stores.
Imprest stock should be kept as small as possible.
It can be recouped as and when requires from the parent stock depot.
The number of imprest stocks, location its size and fixed by head of SSA with
contribution of CGM Telecom stores Kolkatta.
Imprest stock holders should maintain a account, each page should be for each article
and all the transaction should be entered if it affects the balance of the stock.
Imprest stcok holder should close the accounts on each month and submit a balance
return in the prescribed form. Any difference of stock noticed should be explained
All the unserviceable stores available in the imprest stock should be disposed off after
obtaining sanction form the competent authority.
In the case of loss, theft etc it should be reported to the Police authorities immediately
and proper action should be taken to recover the same.
When imprest holder transferred, he/she should made over the imprest stock to his/her
successor with due certification signed by both in the prescribed form.
1 (a)
1) Rule 2 (g) of FHB Vol. I defines the term Head of Circle.
2) Head of the Circle means the Chief General Manager Telecom/Telephones, Chief
General Manager, Technical and Development Circle, Telecom Stores, Telecom
Factories, Maintenance or Projects.
1 (b)
The term denotes the original value of asset less depreciation upto a certain date is the
depreciated value of an asset on that date.
1 (c)
1) Rule 4 (ix) of FHB Vol. III Part (I) defines the term works expenditure.
2) This term is used to indicate the expenditure on the special services connected with
the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of lines and wires, apparatus
and plants etc but it does not include the cost of general services, tools and tents and
establishments or any other charges not taken to final heads of account but are kept
under one of the suspense account. The charge falling under these categories should be
net when, under rule, any receipts are taken in reduction of the charges.
1 (d)
1) Rule 476 of FHB Vol. I defines the term earnest money deposit.
2) Earnest money is a deposit to be made by an intending tenderer as a safe guard
against any loss to the Government. In case after his selection he fails to furnish the
required security within the specified time after the acceptance of his tender, the earnest
money deposited by him will be forfeited.
1 (e)
1) Rule 4 of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term book term.
2) The terms applied to the process whereby financial transactions which do not involve
the giving or receiving of cash or stores are brought to account.
1 (f)
1) Rule 4 (xxxvii) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term Running Account.
2) It is terms applied specifically to the account with a contractor when payment for work
or supplies is made to him at convenient intervals subject to final settlement of the
account on the completion or determination of the contract.
1 (g)
1) Rule 1.1.2. (xvi) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the Production Shop.
2) This term is used to distinguish the shops in which the principal function is to
manufacture articles or to execute the orders preferred by a private or departmental
agency outside the Telecom Factories Organisation.
1 (h)
Cash projects are projects for which bulk of materials are supplied direct to the site by
Indian and Foreign manufacturers and the stores organization does not supply most of
the items.
1 (i)
1) Rule 1.1.2. (xviii) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term depreciation.
2) Depreciation means the gradual decrease in or expiry of, the capital value of an asset
due to wear and tear, use or obsolescence.
1 (j)
1) Rule 4 (xxxviii) of FHB Vol. III Part (III) defines the term Secured Advance.
2) It is a term applied specifically to an advance made, on the security of materials
brought to site of work, to a contractor whose contract is for the completed items of
2 (a)
Rule 4 (XX), 119 120 & 127 of FHB of Vol.III part (I) deals with Imprest.
The imprest is an advance amount paid by disbursement officer to another officer for
making payment on behalf of the organisation
The imprest amount form part of cash balance.
Its adjustment shown in the casg book.
Imprest may be either Permanent Imprest or Temporary Imprest.
Premanent Imprest:- The CGM in consultation with the IFA may sanction permanent
imprest and it should invariably be recouped before the end of each month.
Temporary Imprest:- This can be sanctioned by the Head of the SSA when heavy
payments are anticipated on account of works or Mtce of lines etc No limit is prescribed
and the time limit for its adjustment is within 3 months or at the close of the Financial
year which ever is earlier. It forms a part of Cash balance
Rule 123 & 127 of FHB Vol.III Part ( I ) deals with conditions for sanction of Temp
Temp Advance is granted either separately or in addition to imprest.
It is granted for specified purpose with known amount.
It is granted by the Head of the SSA and DE as the case may be.
No limit is prescribed for sanction of Temp Advance.
It should be adjusted as soon as expenditure is over or within one month or within the
end of the Financial year which ever is earlier.
It forms part of the cash balance of the officer who grants the temp advance.
2 (b)
Rule 4(XVIII) of FHB Vol-III part-I deals with Establishment charges.
Normally the Pay & Allowance of the employees are debited to working expenses.
The supervision of the work should be debited to Capital outlay on the percentage if the
cost of the work is known as Establishment charges.
Rule 4 (XXI) of FHB Vol-III Part-(I) deals with Indirect Charges.
According of Commercial accounting principles, any expenditure incurred directly (Cost
& Purchase) and indirectly (Cost of Freight, Establishment, Store Keeping etc) are to be
added to the Cost of Stores to find out the procurement cost and also to determine the
cost of Transfer/Sales.
Therefore the cost incurred on Keeping and maintenance of Stores in store godown are
debited to the stores issued for execution of any work.
The percentage rate is prescribed rate is fixed on year to year basis.
3 (a)
Para 239, 271 to 280 of P&T Manual Vol.X deals with the procedure of reporting
formalities on completion of work.
When the cork is completed in all respect, completion report is prepared on form ACE-26
by the work sanctioning authority and sent to next higher authority for verification and
If the work is sanctioned by the Head of Circle, the completion report received from the
Head of SSA will be scrutinized by the Circle Accountant and sent to BSNL Head
If the estimates need revision, the same may be got sanctioned from the competent
authority and then only completion report is prepared and submitted.
The release of completion report should not delayed.
When the expenditure incurred on the work id more or less by more the 10% over the
sanctioned cost, the estimate have to be revised citing the reasons for excess/savings
and got sanctioned.
3 (b)
Paras 10.31 to 10.40 telecom accounts Manual Vol-I deals with the procedure of final
payment of GPF.
Subscriber of GPF quits from service or on retire or dies while in service become
accumulation in GPF accounts shall become payable to him or to his nominees or legal
heir as the case may be.
After making the final payment the GPF account of the subscriber is closed.
A register is maintained for keeping a watch on the disposal of the accounts finally
Before making final payment of GPF, it has to be thoroughly checked whether all the GPF
advances are recovered in full.
When a subscriber had given no family nomination and subsequently retires/dies, the
possibility of marriage etc has to be checked up.
3 (c)
Rules 92 to 93 0f FHB Vol-IV deals with Searching Fees.
This fees is prescribed for collection of fees from sender who is requesting a certified
copy of the message or requesting for statement of preservation of messages.
Enough particulars should be obtained to search the Telegram easily.
3 (d)
Rule 86,87 & 87A of FHB Vol-III Part-I deals with Register of Allotment.
Every authority sanctioning the expenditure maintains a register for keeping a watch on
the progress of expenditure and controlling it.
In this register, the particulars regarding sanctioned cost, allotment made during that
Financial year, expenditure incurred etc are noted.
Register in ACE-11 form is maintained for Works and Register is ACE-12 is maintained
for Other Account Heads.
The register enables every sanctioning authority to keep a watch over lump sum
received, appropriation made there from and the balance arrived in each case.
Para 96 to 99 of P&T Manual Vol-X Part (III) deals with the procurement of stores locally
by the Head of Circle.
All the stores purchased locally are got inspected and tested by the Telecom inspection
& Testing organisation, so that the quality standards of the items are ensured.
In respect of stores purchased at the level of SSAs a committee ha s to be formed and
should ensured that the supplies are ordered in adequate quantities and according to the
prescribed standards in specification.
Each SSA/Telephone district should have a purchase committee and DGM who is dealing
with material management should be the chairman of the committee. In every
procurement committee CAO or AO should be made as member of the committee.
Normally committee should meet once in a month with seven days notice. However in
exceptional cases, even with out 7 days notice, committee can meet.
When the committee rejects the lowest offer, the reasons should be recorded in writing.
No deviation from the recommendation of the committee should normally be made.
In the case of purchase directly from PSUs like ITI.HCL etc and in the case of purchase
through DGS&D, the proposal need not pass through the committee since the standard
procurement procedures already been signed by the BSNL Board.
Rules 115 to 118 of FHB Vol-III Part-I deals with the funds allocation for working
SDOs will obtain the funds for works expenditure by way of drawing cheques.
SDOs are authorised to draw the cheques on works expenditure on the following
Generally SDOs are authorised to draw on any one day not more than Rs.750/- . This limit
can be increased on the sanction of Head of Divisional/ SSA / Circle.
Normally Cash balance at the end if the month should not exceed Rs.50 unless it is
specially necessary for anticipated specific expenditure.
Even a monthly drawal limit can be prescribed by the Head of the Division/ SSAs
Cheque intimation particulars, namely cheque No, Date to whom issued, amount,
purposed in brief etc should be sent to Accounts Officer immediately for incorporation in
the Main Cash Book.
For works expenditure, every week in Form ACE-2 should be prepared and sent to
Accounts Officer
At the end of each month, SDO should sent the cash count certificate to Accounts
As soon as the receipt of cheque intimation particulars along with vouchers received,
Accounts Officer in his Cash Book should enter the transaction according to the order of
the receipt of cheque intimation from SDOs.
As soon as the receipt ACE-2 accounts for works expenditure on weekly basis from
SDOs. Accounts Officer should check the entries made in the Cash Book.
1) Para 301 to 305 of P&T Manual Vol-X and Rules 17 to 20, 22,24 & 26 of P&T Manual
Vol-X Part-III deals with the procedure for placing store indents.
2) The store items already sanctioned in the Project can be indented to Telecom stores
without any further sanction. When the stores to the purchased from other department or
are to be purchased from CGMT stores, separate sanction is necessary.
In the indent firm, the following particulars are provided.
Name of the work.
Whether Major/ Minor/ Petty/ Annual open Estimate or Maintenance work.
Head of account with description.
A complete distribution list where the stores to the supplied with name and full address
of the consignee.
The nomenclature are number as per the rate list for each article.
The priority of the article to be supplied.
After submitting indent, if any of the column such as the delivery distribution list to be
changed or the entire order to be cancelled, the same to be intimated by FAX or
Telegram. If the stores have already been despatched then the indenting officer will be
responsible to receive the stores.
The following officer are authorised to pass indents.
Heads of Telecom Circles/ Telephone district
Heads of SSAs
Officers in charge of sub-divisions and attached officers
Senior Electrical Engineers
The Manager of Telecom Factories.
Officer in charge of Telegraph Office.
Significant Points:
1) Rules 120 and 121 of FHB Vol.I deals with verification of cash book.
2) The cash book entries should be checked as soon as the date of occurrence and the
DDO should affix dated initial on the last entry he checked. In the end of the month, he
should sign in the cash book at the end of the last entry in the month.
3) Payment entries should be checked along with the payment vouchers. Each voucher
should be checked whether the pay order has been signed by himself, whether the head
of account charged is correct, whether the mode of payment done as per the instructions
4) Receipt side entries which may reflect from the payment vouchers ie., gross amount
booked in the payment side and the deductions charged in the receipt side. In that case,
in the receipt side it should be checked whether the voucher has been quoted, whether
the deductions have been charged in the correct head of account, whether the authority
of the deductions are in order.
5) Entries of Bank accounts in the payment side should be checked with reference to the
counterfoils of the cheque book whereas the bank entries in the receipt side should be
checked with reference to challans of remittance to the bank.
If mistake found:
Rule 119 of FHB Vol-I deals with the action to be taken in case mistake is noticed before
the accounts of the month are closed.
The mistake should be corrected by striking out the incorrect entry and inserting new
entry in RED INK between the lined, and under the attestation of Disbursing officer or any
other officer entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining Cash Book.
Rules 5.4 to 5.7 of FHB Vol-III Part-III deals with Expenses Cards.
Over head charges in respect of indirect material and indirect labour are recorded in the
cards in prescribed form by Costing Section. These overhead charges are at prescribed
The Expenses Cards have the same number as the Expense order against which the
expenses are initially booked.
The Expense Card have the pages for recording the indirect materials and in direct
labour in different colours.
1.After posting in Expense Card, the cards sorted on the basis o account heads and a
reconciliation sheet is prepared on the following format.
2. The total charges of indirect materials and indirect labour should tally with the
expenses cards grand total.
1) Rule 7.1 to 7.4 of FHB Vol.III Part (III) deals with Cost Card.
2) Cost Card is maintained in the factory for obtaining the cost of each product
manufactured and also enables to determine the cost of sales.
3) Cost Card is do designed to determine the expenditure incurred, out turn
challened against each work order and value of work-in-progress at the close of
each month.
4) Separate card is maintained for each work order and entries are made till the work
order is completed in all respects.
5) Each columns in the Cost Card is divided into Two parts namely Nature of
information required to be recorded and source of obtaining the information.
6) It should contain the sanction reference for the manufacture of an article.
7) It shall also contain the work order number and date, the value of raw materials,
labour hours booked and it charges, percentage of overhead charges and its
value, head of account to be booked.
8) Further it will contain the number of articles for which out turn challenged and its
9) Postings on Cost Card are being done in the following method:-
i. The posting of cost card should be done on shop wise and its
writings should be legible and reconciled.
ii. When the work order is to be distributed to different shops, then the
copy of the work order should be made available in each shop.
iii. When the postings of all shops are completed for a month, the
element wise materials namely labour, overhead and the total value
of out turn should be noted in RED INK in column no 20, 22, 23 and
24 and deducted from the total cost of work order and the balance
shows the net value of work to be done.
iv. Head of account wise abstract will be taken from all the shops are
made on all the work orders.
10) Reconciliation:-
The reconciliation shall be made in the following points.
1) Rule 195-B of FHB Vol-I deals with the procedure to be followed for collection of
Telephone Revenue in Post Office.
2) Consolidated Bills for telephone charges are prepared by the TR Branch. Two
parts of the bills are being sent to the subscriber. The subscriber can make the
payment in selected Head Post Office or Sub-Post office.
3) Subscriber while making payment at Post Office, he is submitting Two parts of the
Telephone Bills plus payment. In turn, Post Office will acknowledge the receipt of
payment by impress with date and stamp on the bill and one part will be handed
over to the subscriber. Another part of paid bill will be attached with a daily list.
4) Daily list is prepared on the order of occurrence by Post Office and sent to TRA
unit on the next day along with the paid bill as vouchers. Normally Sub-post office
prepare the daily list and forwarding it to Head Post office, in turn, Head Post
Office attaching this list along with their own daily list.
5) The collection amount is payable by the Head Post Office is settled through a
cheque on the end of the month after deducting commission. This has to be
watched carefully by AO(TR).
1) Rule 123 & 127 of FHB Vol.III Part ( I ) deals with conditions for sanction of Temp
2) Temp Advance is granted either separately or in addition to imprest.
3) It is granted for specified purpose with known amount.
4) It is granted by the Head of the SSA and DE as the case may be.
5) No limit is prescribed for sanction of Temp Advance.
6) It should be adjusted as soon as expenditure is over or within one month or within
the end of the Financial year which ever is earlier.
7) It forms part of the cash balance of the officer who grants the temp advance.
1) Rule 60 of FHB Vol. I deal with Standards of Financial Propriety.
2) Strict guidelines for every officer incurring the expenditure from public funds
are given under Standards of Financial Propriety.
1) Rule 390 of FHB Vol.I deals with payment of advances to Private firms for supply
of stores/services.
2) The advance payment can be made to firms including Govt organisation for
supply of stores etc and Mtce contract made with reputed firms.
3) The following are the conditions for making advance payment.
i. The adv amt required to be made in the cases of where the absolute necessity
ii. It should be made on the valid sanction issued by the competent authority.
iii. 90% of the total value or Rs.1 lakh which ever is less, is made as adv payment
to private firms. However in respect of Central PSUs and State Govt PSUs the
maximum advance amount shall be 90% od the total value or Rs.10 lakhs
which ever is less. More over in respect of Central PSUs and State PSUs even
100% advance payment can be made subject to a ceiling of Rs.10 lakhs in spl
iv. In cases of service contract the advance payment should not exceed the one
year payable amount.
4) The Pvt firm should be an established firm having fair reputation in the market.
5) When ever adv payment is being made necessary formal agreement is required to
be executed, stipulating the terms & conditions under which adv payment being
6) Normally adv payment can be made either on proof of despatch or on immediate
despatch of goods.
7) The time gap between the adv payment and the recipts of stores should be as
minimum as possible.
8) The officer drawing adv is made responsible for the adjustment of the said adv
within a period of one month by a detailed report in the prescribed form to the
accounts officer.
9) IIrd adv should not be made to a firm when the first adv itself is pending for
10) The adv amount should be taken to the liability head and it will be taken to final
head only when the adjustment is made against the supply of materials of
1) Para 158( c ) to (f) of P&T Manual Vol.X deals with FST Reports
2) This report is furnished on half-yearly basis
3) At the end of each half year, it will carry the following particulars: Sanctioned
Cost, Progressive Expenditure upto the half year period, Percentage of Physical
completion etc.
4) This report is required to be sent to Head of the Circle. BSNL Corporate Office.
5) For the sanctioned project, cost of Rs.50 lakhs and above, the FST report are
submitted by 30th November (for the half year period 1st April to 30th September
and 31st May (1st October to 31st March) each year.
6) For the project which have been completed physically but accounts are yet to be
closed, FST reports shall be submitted once in year ie 31st May (1st April to 31st
7) FST reports for project costing Rs.25 Lakhs to Rs.50 lakhs are also furnished to
BSNL Corporate office on the due dates mentioned at Point (5) above.
8) However FST reports for projects costing Rs.10 Lakhs to Rs.25 lakhs on
consolidated bases shall be submitted to BSNL Corporate office on 31st July (1st
October to 31sr March) and 31st January (1st April to 30th September) each year.
1) Rules 4 and 64 to 70 of FHB Vol-III Part (I) deals with the contribution works.
2) Contribution works is one for which the cost of the work is not met out of the the
funds of BSNL but it is recoverable from the private party,Bodies,Govt department
3) The cost of the work which is recoverable wholly or partly from private, partner,
bodies or Govt department etc are generally known as Contributory Works
4) Following are the types of Contributory works:
A. Works executed for private persons. Local bodied and others
B. Works executed for state Govt and the Central Govt.
C. Erection of cables etc for Railways, Canals. Defence etc including
repairs & renewals thereof.
5) No contribution work should be taken up unless the probable cost is worked out
and intimated to the party and payment thereof deposited by the party of the
6) The amount of the deposit for contribution work shall be debited in the Cash Book
and per contra credit shall be to Claims Recoverable for Contribution Works.
7) When the expenditure is incurred for contributory work shall be credited in the
Cash Book and per contra debit shall be to Claims recoverable for contribution
8) Accounts Officer should keep a watch that at no point of time, the excess
expenditure should not be booked over and above the Deposit received.
9) No advance is recovers for the works mentioned at 4 (A) and (B) and therefore the
full amount will be claimed on completion of the work or at the close of the
Financial year which ever is earlier.
10) In respect of work executed for defence department, no advance is recovered. As
soon as the work is ordered, three estimates are prepared namely, Lost of Original
construction, Traffic charges and monthly cost of maintenances.
1 (a)
Para 5.31 to 5.36 and 5.50 to 5.54 Telecom Accounts Manual Vol-I deals with the
procedure of completion of monthly accounts in Circle Accountant office.
All the accounting units shall submit monthly account current along with head wise
schedules to Circle Accountant.
These account currents are checked in the circle and any misclassification and booking
unauthorised account heads are got rectified immediately.
The opening balance under each account head for all the SSAs are checked with
reference to closing balance of previous months account current.
Then in the detail book which is maintained on each Account Head Schedule shall be
posted all the debits and the credits. After postings of all the SSAs in the detail book, the
total will be struck. Then adjustment entries if any, in the Circle Accountant office are
also incorporated in the Detail Book.
Circle Abstract:-
There should be one such abstract for each month.
The totals of debit and credit in each account head shall be filled in the Circle Abstract
along with progressive total of debit & credit.
The total filled in the Circle Abstract should agree with the total in details book and
In the same way, the stores circle abstract shall be filled from the Stores Detail book
wherein the postings are made from the monthly Store Account Current received from
Accounting units.
a) The total of receipts and expenditure in monthly circle abstract shall be filled in the
Trial Balance along with the Opening Balance and Closing Balance of cases .
b) The grand total of receipt and expenditure including the OB & CB should be equal.
1 (b)
Following are the important schedule to be attached with Cash Account Current/ Trial
General Provident Fund Schedule in Form TR-56 for debit and credit.
EPF Schedule is prescribed format for debit and credit.
Drawings from Bank Schedule.
Remittance to Bank Schedule.
Remittance to same Circle.
Remittance to other Circle.
Acceptance of Remittance for same Circle.
Acceptance of Remittance for other Circle.
Para 239, 271 to 280 of P&T Manual Vol.X deals with the procedure of reporting
formalities on completion of work.
When the cork is completed in all respect, completion report is prepared on form ACE-26
by the work sanctioning authority and sent to next higher authority for verification and
If the work is sanctioned by the Head of Circle, the completion report received from the
Head of SSA will be scrutinized by the Circle Accountant and sent to BSNL Head
If the estimates need revision, the same may be got sanctioned from the competent
authority and then only completion report is prepared and submitted.
The release of completion report should not delayed.
When the expenditure incurred on the work id more or less by more the 10% over the
sanctioned cost, the estimate have to be revised citing the reasons for excess/savings
and got sanctioned.
Excess/ Savings should not be due to change of specification.
If Major portion of the work already been completed and it starts earning revenue, the
accounts of the portion should be closed and completion report released for that portion.
Dismantlement of asset without replacement should be given credit to the concerned
In the completion report, the following items requires a certificate:-
Alternation made in Line carrying pairs
Lines & Wires said/utilized in the case of works to Railways/Canal etc and formal
acknowledgement from the concerned should be obtained.
When the work is completed, all claims need to be settled immediately or atleast within a
month and thereafter completion report must be released. Account should not be
reopened when the past claims received for the works on which completion report is
released and the amount involved is less than Rs.100 for debt or credit.
For maintenance works and for petty works, release od completion reports is not
Rule 37 & 38 of FHB Vol. I deals with the checks to be exercised and actions to be taken
by the disbursing officer in dealing with bills presented for payment.
It has to checked whether the rule is prepared as per rule.
Further whether the claim is admissible, the authoring good, the signature and counter
signature whenever necessary genuine and in order and the receipt is legal quittance.
Whether the arithmetical calculation is accurate.
After the above said prescribed checks and is the disbursing officer is satisfied about the
admissibly of the claim, he should.
He should make necessary corrections if any required under his dated signature.
Endorse (sign) the pay order and should indicate the mode of payment by cheque /by
DD/ by cash authorizing the cashier to make according to the mode of payment.
Rule 7.1 to 7.4 of FHB Vol.III Part (III) deals with Cost Card.
Cost Card is maintained in the factory for obtaining the cost of each product
manufactured and also enables to determine the cost of sales.
Cost Card is do designed to determine the expenditure incurred, out turn challened
against each work order and value of work-in-progress at the close of each month.
Separate card is maintained for each work order and entries are made till the work order
is completed in all respects.
Each columns in the Cost Card is divided into Two parts namely Nature of information
required to be recorded and source of obtaining the information.
It should contain the sanction reference for the manufacture of an article.
It shall also contain the work order number and date, the value of raw materials, labour
hours booked and it charges, percentage of overhead charges and its value, head of
account to be booked.
Further it will contain the number of articles for which out turn challenged and its value.
Postings on Cost Card are being done in the following method:-
The posting of cost card should be done on shop wise and its writings should be legible
and reconciled.
When the work order is to be distributed to different shops, then the copy of the work
order should be made available in each shop.
When the postings of all shops are completed for a month, the element wise materials
namely labour, overhead and the total value of out turn should be noted in RED INK in
column no 20, 22, 23 and 24 and deducted from the total cost of work order and the
balance shows the net value of work to be done.
Head of account wise abstract will be taken from all the shops are made on all the work
The reconciliation shall be made in the following points.
Total of materials and components should agree with the materials abstract.
Total of labour and over head should agree with the labour and overhead abstract.
Value of out turn challaned for General stores/ Factory Stores/ Sales should agree with
register of out turn.
1) Rules 120 and 121 of FHB Vol.I deals with verification of cash book.
2) The cash book entries should be checked as soon as the date of occurrence and the
DDO should affix dated initial on the last entry he checked. In the end of the month, he
should sign in the cash book at the end of the last entry in the month.
3) Payment entries should be checked along with the payment vouchers. Each voucher
should be checked whether the pay order has been signed by himself, whether the head
of account charged is correct, whether the mode of payment done as per the instructions
4) Receipt side entries which may reflect from the payment vouchers ie., gross amount
booked in the payment side and the deductions charged in the receipt side. In that case,
in the receipt side it should be checked whether the voucher has been quoted, whether
the deductions have been charged in the correct head of account, whether the authority
of the deductions are in order.
5) Entries of Bank accounts in the payment side should be checked with reference to the
counterfoils of the cheque book whereas the bank entries in the receipt side should be
checked with reference to challans of remittance to the bank.
Para 5.31 to 5.36 and 5.50 to 5.54 Telecom Accounts Manual Vol-I deals with the
procedure of completion of monthly accounts in Circle Accountant office.
All the accounting units shall submit monthly account current along with head wise
schedules to Circle Accountant.
These account currents are checked in the circle and any misclassification and booking
unauthorised account heads are got rectified immediately.
The opening balance under each account head for all the SSAs are checked with
reference to closing balance of previous months account current.
Then in the detail book which is maintained on each Account Head Schedule shall be
posted all the debits and the credits. After postings of all the SSAs in the detail book, the
total will be struck. Then adjustment entries if any, in the Circle Accountant office are
also incorporated in the Detail Book.
Circle Abstract:-
There should be one such abstract for each month.
The totals of debit and credit in each account head shall be filled in the Circle Abstract
along with progressive total of debit & credit.
The total filled in the Circle Abstract should agree with the total in details book and
In the same way, the stores circle abstract shall be filled from the Stores Detail book
wherein the postings are made from the monthly Store Account Current received from
Accounting units.
a) The total of receipts and expenditure in monthly circle abstract shall be filled in the
Trial Balance along with the Opening Balance and Closing Balance of cases .
b) The grand total of receipt and expenditure including the OB & CB should be equal.
Para 11.59 of telecom Accounts Manual Vol-I deals with Bank reconciliation .
The debits and credits booked in the Trial Balance reflect the total amount paid from the
bank and the total amount received from the banks.
The schedule of bank payment (now in operation account) and the schedule of bank
remittance (now in collection account) should agree with the Trail Balance.
If not agreed, the reconciliation should be made in the following ways.
Issued cheques but not presented into Bank for payment.
Wrong debit given by the bank.
Bank charges mentioned in the Bank.
Cheques/DDS remitted into Bank but not accounted in the bank due to collection
Wrong credit given by the Bank.
Bank interest shown in the Bank Account but not reflected in our accounts.
The reconciliation work done through the Bank statement received every month and
comparing this statement with our schedule as per Trial Balance.
Any wrong entry made by the Bank should got rectified through the correspondence with
Bank Authorities.
Any entry missing our Bank schedule, namely Bank Charges, Bank Interest, TDS
recovered etc should be got entered in our Bank Book.
1 (a)
The following register are maintained in Telecom Engineering Divisional office for control
of expenditure on work:-
Register of allotment in Form ACE-12.
Register of Works in Form ACE-23.
Register of Liabilities in Form GFR-6.
Register of unpaid wages in Form ACE-13
Register of Railway credit notes.
Contractors ledger in Form-ACE-10.
1 (b)
Register of Works:-
Rules 201 to 205 of FHB Vol-III Pt (II) deals with records for expenditure in Capital Head.
A collective record of expenditure relating to the construction, Reconstruction, repairs&
maintenance of Lines& Wires, Apparatus & Plants etc in division is maintained in a
register which is called Register of Works.
Separate page will be allotted on each estimate.
In this register, the following particulars are noted
Name of the work, sanction No. & date, sanctioned cost under cash & Stores,
Progressive expenditure on cash & stores etc.
From the expenditure schedule, month to month expenditure are being entered in the
For annual open estimates and maintenance estimate a separate register of works is
In the Index page of register works, the Name of the work, Estimate number & folio No. of
the register are entered.
As soon as estimate is sanctioned, a folio in register of works will be allotted.
Each month, the register of works should got reconciled with the cash expenditure on
capital Heads and Journal register for capital head, total figure available in the T.B.
It should be sent for review on monthly basis to Accounts Officer.
Register of Liabilities:-
Rule 193 of FHB Vol-III Part-I deals with the Register of Liabilities.
The register is maintained in prescribed form and the sums which are due to the
Contractors, Railways for freight etc are noted in the register.
It should entered with the nature of payment, amount due, expected month of payment,
the charges to be made on which work etc.
The allotment under the grant should reduced by the liability.
Some of the liability may be discharged by Circle Accountant and some others by units
for which we may receive ATD to book under work concerned.
When work is physically completed it is the responsibility to see whether the liability
have been cleared either payment or by receipt of ATD.
1) Rules 10 to 16 of FHB Vol.I deals with the safeguards exist to prevent the irregular
withdrawal of money from public exchequer.
2) Money can be withdrawn only under the written authority of Accounts Officer or
Disbursing Officer.
3) An Accounts Officer may not permit withdrawal at a place outside his jurisdiction.
4) The following are the only specified purpose for which disbursing officer may
permit withdrawal at his own authority:-
a) To pay sum due from the Government to the Drawing Officer.
b) To provide the drawing officer with funds to meet claim likely to presented
against the Government in the immediate future.
c) To enable the drawing officer to supply to another Government Officer to
meet similar claims.
d) To pay sums on account of loans and advances.
Withdrawal of money for any other purpose mentioned above shall require the
express authorization of the Accounts Officer.
5) A disbursing officer shall not permit withdrawal of any purpose unless the claim
for withdrawal comprise with the provision of the rule.
6) Except where specifically provided payment can only be made in the office under
the jurisdiction of which the claim arises.
7) No authority may incur any expenditure or enter into any liability involving
expenditure from public funds until the expenditure has been sanctioned by the
competent authority and necessary provision exists.
However disbursing officer shall not refuse the payment for which sanction
particulars not noted, the responsibility for incurring unsanctioned expenditure rest with
drawing officer.
8) A disbursing officer has no general authority to make payment; his authority is
limited by the financial rules.
9) A disbursing officer has no authority to act under an order of Government
sanctioning a payment, unless it is an express order to him to make the payment.
10) If a demand is presented at a disbursing officer for payment, it is not authorized
by or under the rules or is not covered by a special order from the Accounts Officer; the
disbursing officer shall decline payment.
Rules 100 to 109 of FHB Vol-III Part-(III) deals with the procedure for stock verification in
Stock Depot.
Stock verification should be done by the officer-in-charge of stores continuously so that
all the stocks are verified in a Financial year.
However in respect of stores of certain specified articles, verification should be carried
on half yearly basis.
Whenever the verification of store items taking place, the items which are to be made
unserviceable should be pointed out.
In the case of Telecom stores, the administrative official should conduct the stock
verification of all telecom stores in the presence of storekeeper.
Administrative inspection team should prepare list showing the discrepancy in the store
items, and got the signature of store keeper.
If the actual quantity on verification and balance shown in stock card is agreed, a
certificate that the items verified and found correct should be given.
If the actual quantity on stock verification differs from the stock card, then the stock card
balance should be corrected by inserting an entry for excess found or shortage noticed
Three copies of discrepancy sheet will be prepared and AO will value the store items of
discrepancies noticed for follow-up action required namely getting writing off sanction
Rules 5.4 to 5.7 of FHB Vol-III Part-III deals with Expenses Cards.
Over head charges in respect of indirect material and indirect labour are recorded in the
cards in prescribed form by Costing Section. These overhead charges are at prescribed
The Expenses Cards have the same number as the Expense order against which the
expenses are initially booked.
The Expense Card have the pages for recording the indirect materials and in direct
labour in different colours.
1. After posting in Expense Card, the cards sorted on the basis o account
heads and a reconciliation sheet is prepared on the following format.
1) Rule 60 of FHB Vol. I deal with Standards of Financial Propriety.
2) Strict guidelines for every officer incurring the expenditure from public funds
are given under Standards of Financial Propriety.
He should exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure incurred from public
moneys as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his
own money.
The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands.
He should not exercise his powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass on order which
will be directly or indirectly to his own advantage.
Public money should not be utilized for the benefit of a particular person or section of
the people, unless a claim for the amount could be enforced in a court of law or the
expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized policy or custom.
The amount of allowances granted to meet the expenditure of any type should not be on
the whole a source of profit to the recipient.
Responsibility and accountability is total and indivisible. Public interest should be
uppermost in mind while making a purchase procurement decision. The responsibility is
not discharged merely by the selection of cheapest offer but must confirm the following
yard-sticks of financial propriety: (a) Whether the reasonable procedures have been
followed, (b) Whether the purchase shall meet the adequate requirement, (c) Whether the
purchase shall meet the reasonable quality and (d) Whether the selected offer is most
appropriate one.
9) Usually or at least whenever it is necessary, the concerned authority must
record its precise terms, the conditions which weighted with it while taking
the procurement decision
Paras 5.83 to 5.86 of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol-I deals with consolidation of
Accounts preparation in Telecom Directorate ie, in BSNL Head Quarters.
In the corporate office, Corporate Accounts unit processing the consideration of
Telecom Accounts received from all the circles and including the foreign transaction.
It is consolidating the Stores Circle Abstract received from the Stores organisation of
Telecom Department.
On receipt of Circle Abstract from Circles, the opening balance noted against of all the
account heads are verified with reference to the closing balance of previous months
circle abstract.
Details Book, Journal and Ledgers:-
All the circle abstracts received from circles are posted in the detail book, journal &
ledger for Cash & Stores transactions.
For Cash & Stores, a separate detail book is being maintained.
Heads of Account entered horizontally and name of the circle mentioned vertically and
the total of debit, credit, progressive debit, progressive credit noted in the column.
After that, adjustment amount also posted in the account in the Detail book.
The grand totals of all circles abstract should be struck and the detail book should be
made over for posting in General Abstract.
General Abstract:-
The General Abstract of Receipt & Payment is prepared from the Detail Book as complied
Cash & Store transaction all incorporate in two separate General Abstracts.
The Grand totals including OB & CB of receipt and Payment should agree.
Rules 4 and 64 to 70 of FHB Vol-III Part (I) deals with the contribution works.
Contribution works is one for which the cost of the work is not met out of the the funds
of BSNL but it is recoverable from the private party,Bodies,Govt department etc.
The cost of the work which is recoverable wholly or partly from private, partner, bodies
or Govt department etc are generally known as Contributory Works
Following are the types of Contributory works:
Works executed for private persons. Local bodied and others
Works executed for state Govt and the Central Govt.
Erection of cables etc for Railways, Canals. Defence etc including repairs & renewals
No contribution work should be taken up unless the probable cost is worked out and
intimated to the party and payment thereof deposited by the party of the BSNL.
The amount of the deposit for contribution work shall be debited in the Cash Book and
per contra credit shall be to Claims Recoverable for Contribution Works.
When the expenditure is incurred for contributory work shall be credited in the Cash
Book and per contra debit shall be to Claims recoverable for contribution works.
Accounts Officer should keep a watch that at no point of time, the excess expenditure
should not be booked over and above the Deposit received.
No advance is recovers for the works mentioned at 4 (A) and (B) and therefore the full
amount will be claimed on completion of the work or at the close of the Financial year
which ever is earlier.
In respect of work executed for defence department, no advance is recovered. As soon
as the work is ordered, three estimates are prepared namely, Lost of Original
construction, Traffic charges and monthly cost of maintenances.
Solution: 1
Solution : 2
15.03 Secured
450000 advance:[500000x1200/100] x
3. BW in infrastructure 5800
4. Damp proofing 750x70
5. RCC work 1200x100
4550 IT 2%
Solution : 3
a) As per Rule 191 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the action of the DE is in order and he has to
raise an ATD for the expenditure incurred to the concerned division.
b) It will be debited to the head Deposits under 8447 as the amount deposited by the
party previously was credited in this Head as per Rule 65 of FHB Vol.III Part. I. So the
action is irregular.
c) The action of AOTR is not correct as per exception 1 under Rule 111 (a) of FHB Vo. I.
He should accept the outstation cheque and any commission or charges, if any, is
deducted by the bank should be recovered from the subscriber by preparing a
supplementary bill or from subsequent bill.
d) Though the salary for the month of March is paid on 1st working day of April, the
Salary for the month of March will be incorporated in the account of that month by
debiting Salary Head and per contra credit Demands Payable through Journal Slip as
per para 3.23 of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol. I.
4. a) Erasure of an entry once made in cash book is strictly prohibited. If a mistake has
been made and is discovered before the months accounts have been closed and
submitted to the proper authority, the mistake should be corrected by striking out the
incorrect entry and inserting the correct one in red ink between the lines. Every such
correction should be attested invariably with the dated initials of the disbursing officer or
officer responsible for maintaining the cash book.
If the mistake is discovered after the accounts have been submitted to the proper
authority, it can be corrected only obtaining the sanction of the authority to whom the
accounts are submitted and an application for this sanction should be submitted
immediately the mistake is noticed, with a full statement describing the nature of the
mistake and the circumstances in which it was committed. (Rule 119 of FHB Vo. I)
1. Rule 37 & 38 of FHB Vol. I deals with the checks to be exercised and actions to be
taken by the disbursing officer in dealing with bills presented for payment.
2. It has to checked whether the rule is prepared as per rule.
3. Further whether the claim is admissible, the authoring good, the signature and
counter signature whenever necessary genuine and in order and the receipt is
legal quittance.
4. Whether the arithmetical calculation is accurate.
5. After the above said prescribed checks and is the disbursing officer is satisfied
about the admissibly of the claim, he should.
1. He should make necessary corrections if any required under his dated
2. Endorse (sign) the pay order and should indicate the mode of payment
the mode of payment
Charges Recoverable:
Cash Charges (Rs. 2000) + Freight (Rs. 80) + Estt. Charges (Rs. 608) = Rs. 2688
Solution : 1
Total 1509800
Solution : 1
Solution : 1
Solution : 2
30.05 5 4980 Security deposit 10 %
Solution : 3
1. As per Rule 177 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the amount for unpaid wages should be entered
in the Register of Unpaid Wages and it should be paid by the Cashier of the Disbursing
Officer with the prior approval of AO only. Therefore, the payment done by SDE is not in
2. As per Para 150 of P&T Manual Vol. X, the work should have been commenced before
5 years ie., within the period of currency of sanction. Therefore, fresh sanction for the
above work not needed. The objection raised by an inspecting officer is not in order.
3. The accounts officer is authorized to make such payment and after payment ATD
should be raised to the concerned accounting unit. But this amount should not be
recorded in the Advance Register but in the Remittance Head as note 2 under Rule 125 of
FHB Vol. III Part. II.
4. Action of the authority is not correct as per Rule 168 of FHB Vol. IV. It should be paid
at the end of the month after deducting necessary Income Tax, if any.
Solution : 4 (a)
Total Estimated cost of the Project (3877.80+9267.62) Rs. 13145.42
Estimating Fee of the total estimated capital cost for Railways EXEMPTED AND
THEREFORE NIL as per Para 71 of FHB Vol.III Part (I)
Solution : 4 (b)
Therefore, estimating fee vide Para 160 of P&T Manual Vol. X Part (II). 4% of total cost ie.,
Rs. 649.97
Solution : 5
Particulars Materials Labour Overheads Total Particulars Materials Labour Overheads Total
To Opening 1369430 9940180 11309610 5225 BB
balance 102 Stores
Work in Suspense
progress 01- Genl
Stores 3541980
Charges 02- Factory
during Stores 267870
month: 04-Sales
Raw Within Dept 1314770
materials Outside 1125920 2440690
drawn from
stores 3243410 3225 WE
Comp. drawn 03 Stores &
from stores Factories
Direct Lab 1821120 5063530 103
OH charges 320130 320130 Factories
Indirect Lab 05 OE 792340
On cost 812990 800 Misc
1510820 2323810 40 Variation 40420
05 Engg
053 Mtce 15920 8390 24310
101 Petty 3950
WIP 3342190 8563330 11905520
19017080 Total 19017080
Solution : 6
Solution : 1
Solution : 1
------- Division.
Solution : 1
Solution: 2
Contractors Ledger
Dr. Cr.
4567 SD 5% of (1000+90325)
1822 IT 2% of (1000+90325)
Solution: 3
a) As per Rule 234 of FHB Vol. I pay and allowances can be drawn for the day of death,
the hour at which the death takes place has no effect on the claim. Day for the purpose
means a calendar day beginning and ending at mid night. Hence the action of AO is not
in order. The pay and allowances of Mr. A for 17.2.94 should also be drawn and paid to
the legal heirs/dependent of Mr. A.
b) As per Rule 182 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), a contractor may be allowed to prefer his own
bill subject to (a) two copies of the bill should be submitted, one is marked as original
and another one is marked as Duplicate; (b) Details of Quantity, Value of each item along
with Rates already approved; and (c) Date of execution or date of supply made. The bill
should be signed by the contractor. Therefore, if the above mentioned conditions
fulfilled then the contractor can submit the bill on his own.
d) As per Para 499 of P&T Manual Vol X Under Exception to this para, claims in respect
of not exceeding Rs. 500 should be written-off by the SSA. Therefore, the claim preferred
by Telecom Department/BSNL SSA is not in order.
e) As per Rules 130 & 131 of FHB Vol. III (Part. I), no credit is allowed in ACE 2 Accounts.
ACE 2 accounts meant for only the expenditure booking in the nature of Contingent and
Works. Therefore, charges of shift accounted in ACE 2 accounts is not in order.
Solution: 4
[Para 499 of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Solution: 5 (a)
Note: Interest is recoverable as per Note 2 below of Para 487 of P&T Manual Vol. X --
When the commencement and cancellation taken in the same financial year no interest
is recoverable where as when the two events taken in more than one financial year,
interest is recoverable.
Interest Calculation:
Opening Balance : CB of 1994-95 + Int of 1994-95 : 25805.19
Solution: 5 (b)
There will be no difference in the recoverable amount of the work is requisitioned and
subsequently cancelled by a private party as same Paras 442 and 487 (F) are applicable
to the Private Party also.
Solution: 6 (a)
Solution : 6 (b)
The amount of rent recoverable from A Railway Administration for the half year period
ending 30.09.1988:
Note : Any increase or decrease is taken into account from the 1st of same month if the
lines, wires etc are provided on or before 15th and from the 1st of the following month if
these are provided after 15th of the month as per Para 439 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
Solution : 1
Cash Book of a Engineering Division for the
Date RT From Whom Amount Classification
No Received
14.05 To adjustment
of imprest JTO
A Rs. 300
16.05. To adjustment
of imprest due
to death of
imprest holder
31.05. To cheque 258900
To recovery
from pay bill:
Pay Advance
Solution : 1
Month of May 2000.
Date Vr To Whom paid Amount Classification
No etc
barred cheque
By closing 39800
Total 613700
Solution : 1
Daily Cash Balance:
Cash & Imprest Temp IPO
Rev Advance
600 -600
Month Shop Materials Components Total Labour Labour Over- Total No. of Out-turn
No. (Rs.) (Rs.) Materials Hours Amount Heads (7+8) Qty Value
(3+4) (5+9)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Oct 87 1800000 600000 2400000 2000 100000 400000 500000 90000 2900000
Nov 87 300000 200000 500000 500 30000 120000 150000 25000 650000
Dec 87 1000000 500000 1500000 1500 80000 320000 400000 80000 1900000
Jan 88 -5000 300000 295000 200 20000 80000 100000 5000 395000
Total 3095000 1600000 4695000 4200 230000 920000 1150000 200000 5845000
Actual Cost per unit = 5845000/200000 = Rs. 29.23
(Rupees Eighty Five Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four Only)
Recoveries are to be made in accordance with Para 214 of P&T Manual Vol. X read with
Rule 64 of FHB Vol. III Part I and Rule 49 of FHB Vol. III Part II.
Sl Particulars Amount
1 Stores 15000.00
2 Freight @ 2% 300.00
3 Total 15300.00
4 Estt. @ 10% 1530.00
5 Store keeping charges @ 750.00
6 Surcharge -- Exempted 0.00
7 Total 17580.00
8 Adhoc Increase @ 15% 2637.00
9 Total 20217.00
10 Cash 5000.00
11 Estt. @ 10% 500.00
12 Total 25717.00
13 Deduct: (i) Surplus
Stores 2500 (ii) Sale 4000.00
of cable 1500
14 Net amount recoverable 21717.00
First of all we have to classify the transaction by noting down the head of account and
then only store account current has to be prepared in the numerical order:
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 201 coaxial Cable System 1000000
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 203 MW Radio Relay System 450000
6500 M&A
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 205 Open Wire and Carrier 6000 450000
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 208 Satellite System 6500 M&A 120000
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 209 Optical Fibre Cable 4000 300000
8447 Telecom Deposits 101 Telecom Deposit 200 Other Deposit 300000
8554 Telecom Advances 101 Telecom Advances 300 Misc Advances 180000
Total Debits 4054500
Credits 8782 Remittance to Telecom Stores 4054500
Total Credits 4054500
10.05 2 6000 Advance for materials 75 %
30.05. 3 Value of Work done
1. Earth work 9000x30/100 2700
2. Masoning Work 14400
12000x120/100 8775
2. Plastering work 30000
9000x100/100-2.5% of 9000
3. Wood work 600x50
Total value of work done 55875
1) Para 473 of P&T Manual Vol-X deals with the steps to the taken for Loss of
government property.
2) A loss of Government property should be immediately reported to Superior. Copy
of the report shall be sent to Circle Office narrating the circumstances under
which the loss occurred. Circle Office should monitor the investigation and
proper pursuation.
3) If the value of the loss due to fire, theft etc exceeds Rs. 10000 for buildings,
communications and other assets, the same shall be reported to Police authorities
for proper investigation.
4) Reporting to the police should be sent within a reasonable time.
5) However, if the loss occurred due to suspected sabotage, the same shall be
reported to Police irrespective of the value of the loss.
6) A formal investigation report should be obtained from Police authorities and copy
of the report shall be forwarded to CMD, BSNL.
7) When the matter has been fully investigated, a complete report regarding the
nature and extent of loss, errors or neglect of rules due to which the loss incurred
and the prospect of recovering the loss etc should be submitted.
8) Competent authority shall sanction the write-off of the loss on receipt of the above
report along with particulars.
9) Accounts Officer shall properly classify the accounts for loss written-off and
amount recoverable.
10) The officer receiving the full report should forward the same to the Government
through proper channel with such comments as he considered necessary.
Further the causes and the circumstances due to which the loss incurred should
be commented and steps taken to prevent the same in future should be fully
elucidated. The disciplinary action taken or proposed to be taken should be
11) Petty cases involving loss not exceeding Rs. 2000 need not be reported but a half-
yearly statement shall be sent. However, if any special features attached for loss
not exceeding Rs. 2000 the same can be reported.
1. As per Rule 130 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the amount of receipt should not be shown
in the ACE 2 account.
2. As per Rule 130 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the amount of receipt should not be shown
in the ACE 2 account.
3. Temporary should be sanctioned by DE and the amount shall be paid by the
Disbursing Officer as per Rule 123 of FHB Vol. I.
4. Contractors bill should be paid by the disbursing officer only and that too by
cheque only.
5. As per Rule 130 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the amount of receipt should not be shown
in ACE 2 Account.
6. TA advance being the establishment in nature, should be paid by the disbursing
officer only.
7. As per Rule 129 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the amount disallowed by DE should be
shown as reduction in Opening Balance only.
8. As per Rule 177 of FHB Vol. III Part (I), the unpaid amount of completed works
should be paid through the Register of Unpaid Wages at the Divisional Office.
3 (a)
As per Para 150 of P&T Manual Vol. X, the work should have been commenced
before 5 years ie., within the period of currency of sanction. Therefore, fresh sanction for
the above work should have been obtained. The release of CR based on 10% limit
prescribed in the Para 218 of P&T Manual Vol. X is not in order.
3 (b)
As per Para 137 ibid of P&T Manual Vol. X, (ii) old sanction of project has to be
cancelled; (ii) the entire project has to be revised based on the inclusion of the new
component; (iii) detail explanation has to be given regarding how this component was
missing while getting the previous project sanction; (iv) if the revised project cost
exceeded the limit of Head of SSA, it has to be forwarded to Circle explaining the reasons
for getting the project sanction now only after the expenditure incurred till date on this
3 (c)
For determining the authority to sanction a reconstruction work, the estimated cost will
be calculated in the following manner as Rule 73 and 74 of FHB Vol. III Part I: (i) Cost of
dismantlement of the existing asset and carriage back of stores; (ii) Depreciated value, if
any, of the existing asset; (iii) deduct sale proceeds of unserviceable stores and value of
recovered stores sent to stock/another work. And (iv) Value of the reconstructed assets.
3 (d)
In the event of cancellation of a work the estimate for which remains unsanctioned but
some expenditure has already been incurred, the sanction of that authority who would
have sanctioned the work had it not been cancelled as per Note 2 of Para 143 of P&T
Manual Vol. X. In the instant case Chairman should cancel the estimate to regularize the
The amount recoverable from a private party before the work is commenced are
calculates as follows:
Note: It is presumed that the work is commenced and cancelled under the same year
and therefore interest on capital outlay is not recoverable.
For the stores lost in transit, action should be taken to recover the amount from
transport authority vide Para 108 of P&T Manual Vol. X Part. II.
Depreciation is to be calculated from the year 1970-71 to 1990-91 ie., for 20 years. The
calculation of depreciation is as under:
1 Cash 500
2 Gross Stores 5000
3 Freight on Stores 3% 150
4 Establishment Charges 7% on (1+2+3) 395.50
5 Store keeping charges 6% on Stores 300
Amount debitable:
1Cash 500
2Stores (depreciated value) 2333.33
3Freight 150
4Establishment charges 395.50
5Store keeping charges 300
Total Debit 3678.83
Less Amount Creditable:
1) Para 134 to 137 & 147 of P&T Manual Vol.X deals with the important points to be
checked in a project estimate.
2) It is to be seen whether all the components under the project have been included
and whether the project is complete in itself.
3) It is to be seen whether the project is sanctioned by the competent authority as
per the schedule of Financial Powers.
4) It is to be seen whether the project is prepared next below authority competent to
sanction the project.
5) It is to be seen whether the project is prepared in major 3 categories namely Lines
including carrier installation, Trunk Exchange installation and local exchange
6) It is be seen whether the 1/3rd of the trunk call traffic had been assumed as
revenue of the project for the calculation of the project.
7) Further it is to be seen that in all the detailed estimated a certificate to the effect
that the estimate forms part of the project, had been mentioned.
8) Whenever the first detailed estimate sent for sanction necessary certificate such
as the said project has already been sanctioned should be mentioned along with
the copy of the project estimate.
9) Whenever the last detailed estimate sent for sanction necessary certificate such
as all the detailed estimates mentioned in the project has been sanctioned for all
the works mentioned in the project.
10) It is to be seen whether the project has got the administrative approval which it
means for approval to incur expenditure.
11) It is to be seen whether it means has got the Technical Sanction which it means
that the plans are structurally sound and the estimate ae accurately calculated
based on the sufficient data.
12) It is to be seen whether the project has got the expenditure sanction before going
to the labour & expense of preparing detailed plans and estimates.
2 (a)
1) Para 157 of P&T Manual Vol-X deals with the project to be executed without
showing remunerativeness.
2) Following are the 3 instance.
a) Construction of staff quarters, administrative building.
b) Providing Trunk Call and Long distance facilities in rural areas.
c) Maintenance of Telecom System, Replacing faulty cables etc
2 (b)
Charges Recoverable:
Note: !. Cost of carriage of surplus stores to another work shall be claimed in another
work and not in this work.
3 (a)
Charges are to be recovered as per Para 155 (2) of P&T Manual Vol. X.
3 (b)
It is a receipt of the department and as per Rule 130 of FHB Vol. III Part I, receipt should
not appear in any imprest account. It should be sent to DE office direct. So action is not
3 (c)
If the local market rates are lower than the minimum wages prescribed by the
Government, the Government will pay the minimum wages as prescribed as per note 5
under Para 195 (6) of P&T Manual Vol. X. So action of the SDE is correct.
3 (d)
There is no necessity for taking revised sanction as the amount does not exceed 10% of
the sanctioned amount as per Para 217 of P&T Manual Vol. X. So action of the DE is in
5 (a)
5 (b)
Particulars Materials Labour Overheads Total Particulars Materials Labour Overheads Total
To Opening 1369430 9940180 11309610 5225 BB
balance 102 Stores
Work in Suspense
progress 01- Genl
Stores 3541980
Charges 02- Factory
during Stores 267870
month: 04-Sales
Raw Within Dept 1314770
materials Outside 1125920 2440690
drawn from
stores 3243410 3225 WE
Comp. drawn 03 Stores &
from stores Factories
Direct Lab 1821120 5063530 103
OH charges 320130 320130 Factories
Indirect Lab 05 OE 792340
On cost 812990 800 Misc
1510820 2323810 40 Variation 40420
05 Engg
053 Mtce 15920 8390 24310
101 Petty 3950
WIP 3342190 8563330 11905520
19017080 Total 19017080
Details of closing balance:
Notes and coins 8009
Revenue stamp 70
Postal order 640
Imprest M 2000
Imprest N 3000
Total 13719
(Rupees Eight thousand nine only)
SD/xxx Executive Engineer
Certified that the cash has been counted this
day, (last date of concerned month&year)
with a balances of the sub cash chest found to
be Rs. 8719 (Rupees Eight
thousand seven hundred and nineteen only
Sd/ Executive Engineer
Date VR. To Whom Paid etc Cash No. Amount Classification
No. (Rs.)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
5054 Roads &
05.08 1 By bill of Contractor Y 6000 489 20000 Bridges
06.08 By Cheque deposited in bank 1300 Remitt into bank
07.08 By cash for chest 490 7250 cash from bank
Temp Advance given to SDO P-
08.08 2 By Imprest account of SDO M
Repair office furniture 370 2059 PW General
Wages 1975 2059 PW General
11.08 By cheque dishonoured -1300 Remittance to bank
By Temp advance account SDO
12.08 3 P:
Mtce & Rep commissioner
residence 2745 2216 Housing
Watch vacant residence 2300 2216 Housing
Mtce & Rep Hospital 1750 2059 PW General
14.08 New cheque issued in lieu of old
cheque No. 138 dated 30.04.
Rs.800 491
19.08 4 By service stamps 492 300 2059 PW General
20.08 5 By recoupment of imprest N:
Repair district road 1250 3054 Roads
Repair road roller 1250 3059 PW General
Imprest of N increased to
21.08 By cheque for chest 493 8250 Cash from bank
22.08 6 By Mtce of national highway 4255 3054 Roads
23.08 By cash to bank 5147 Remittance to bank
24.08 7 By bill of contractor X 60000 494 330000 8443 Civil Deposits
25.08 By cash to bank 1500 Remittance to bank
31.08 8 By salary bill 56266 495 210654 2059 Dir & Admn
By cash counted and found
31.08 Rs.8719
instead of Rs. 8794
Misc works
Cash found short 75 advances
By closing balance 13719
158602 576454
Qty o/s DeductQty Qty O/s Full rate Material Unit Reduced Upto
From o/s from Rate date
pre bill pre bill amt of
100 64 36 120 Grit Cum 90 3240
100000 36000 64000 200 Bricks 0% 150 9600
Total amount as per this account 12840
(C) 24000
Total amount outstanding as per previous bill
Net amount since previous bill(Minus Rupees eleven thousand one
hundred and sixty only) -11160
III Memorandum of payments Rs Rs
67240 8(b)+8(c)=H
Pay Rs55232/-( Rupees Fifty five thousand two hundred and thirty two only) by Cheque
Sd/disbursing officerss
3 (a)
Deposit Works:
3 )b)
Final Payment
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: PARA 2.1.1(23)
3 (c)
On Account Payment
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: PARA 2.1.1 (37)
3 (d)
Rate of cost and inclusive rate of cost
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: PARA 2.1.1.(44)
3 (e)
Storage Charge
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: PARA 2.1.1 (52)
4 (a)
Market rate and Issue rate
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE:PARAS 7.2.19 TO 7.2.21
4 (b)
Grant and appropriation
4 (c)
Advance payment and On account payment
Storage and Supervision charge
5 (a)
Bin cards
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: PARAS 7.2.11 AND 7.2.12
5 (b)
Measurement Books
5 (c)
Lapsed and confiscated deposits
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: PARAS 15.4.1 TO 15.4.3
5 (d)
Sale of stores to private parties
Internal Audit Organisation
Refer -> CPWD MAN VOL.II PARAS 59.3 & 59.31
Advance payment to contractors for work done but not measured
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNT CODE PARAS 10.2.22 AND 10.2.23
Details of Closing Balance
Cash in Hand Rs.700
Revenue Siamps Rs.20
Deposit at call receipt Rs.2000
Total Rs.2720
Rupees Two Thousand Seven Hundred and
Twenty only
Date VR. To Whom Paid etc Cash No. Amount Classification
No. (Rs.)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
By contractor A for constructing
04.09 1 office
building 8600 86 29400 4059 PW General
10.09 By cash for chest 500 Cash from bank
Remittance to
11.09 By sale of fruit remitted to bank 1000 bank
15.09 2 By account of Temp advance of JE:
Muster roll 350 Work concerned
Coollie charges 50 Work concerned
Misc works
Cash lost 100 Advances
19.09 By new cheque issued in lieu of che
no. 85 for Rs. 3785 87
25.09 3 By service stamps 88 500 2059 PW General
Remittance to
30.09 By cash sent to bank 1000 bank
By closing balance 2720
13820 30400
Daily Cash
Notes Rev Dep
Date and St. Cash Ty Adv DD CR
OB 200 20 500 500 300 2000
10 500
14 500
15 -500
22 -300
30 -1000
1) Name of the contractor A
2) Name of the work: Constructing 200 type IIQrs for Cent Govt
Pool accommodation at station D
3) Agreement No 7/DCD/03-04
4) Date of written order to commence the work: 17-02-2004
5) Due date of completion 16.02.2005
6) Sl.No of this bill CCII & R
I Account of work executed
Qty o/s DeductQty Qty O/s Full Material Unit Reduced Upto
From o/s from rate Rate date amt
pre bill pre bill of Adv
III Memorandum of payments Rs Rs
223857 8(b)+8(c)=H
Pay Rs. -( Rupees Two lakh twentythree thousand eight hundred and fifty seven only) by
Sd/Disbursing officer
3 (a)
Expenditure Sanction
3 (b)
Technical Sanction
3 (c)
Deposit Works
3 (d)
3 (e)
Preliminary Estimate
4 (a)
4 (b)
Measurement books
5 (a)
5 (b)
Refer -> CPWD ACCOUNT CODE PARAS 10.2.22 to 10.2.23, 10.5.1, 10.5.14 &
7 (a)
7 (b)
seventy three only)
Sd/ Executive Engineer
Certified that the cash has been counted this
day, (last date of concerned month&year)
with a balances of the sub cash chest found to
be Rs. 5773 (Rupees Five
Thousand seven hundred and seventy three
Sd/ Executive Engineer
Daily Cash Balance Statement.
Date Notes and Rev St. Ty.Adv Imprest Imprest Adv
OB 2008 100 16000 1000 1000
03 15000
04 -15500
07 1500 -16000
11 -815
12 -400 -500
16 1000
17 200
23 -120
28 42000
31 -39200 15520 22480
5673 100 15520 500 1000 22480
1) Name of the contractor X, 2)Date of start of work 05.02.2004 3) Slno of this bill
CC II & R 4)Stipulated date of completion of work04.02.2005 5)Agreement no and date
M/026 of 2004-2005
II. Form 26.A Account of Secured advances
Qty o/s DeductQty Qty O/s Full Material Unit Reduced Upto
From o/s from rate Rate date amt
pre bill pre bill of Adv
194865 (H)
Pay Rs. -( Rupees One lakh sixty four thousand nine hundred and seventy five only) by
Sd/Disbursing officer
1. Reduced rate(Brick work foundation). It is presumed that the rate was reduced for
the entire quantity of work done. Upto date is Rs72000. Already paid
Rs.19000;Since previous bill Rs.53000.
2. Consumption of materials in respect of Secured advance
Bricks(60+45)x350=36750.Stone [0.9x80]+[0.8x5]=72+4=76cum
(a) H-F=194865-223250=(-)28385
(b) D+E-G=2000+(-)17790-12595= (-)28385 Agreed
(c) Figure in line 8=2000+(-)17790+223250-(-)500=207960
Allocation of Expenditure
5 (a)
Register of works
5 (b)
Contractors Ledger
8 (a)
Bin Cards
8 (b)
Works abstract
Date VR. To Whom Paid etc Cash No. Amount Classification
No. (Rs.)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
01.04 1 By A/c of Temp.Adv of AE A 4701 Capital Outlay
i) Wages recoverable from contractor 2000 on Irrigation etc
ii)Repairs of Jeep 50 2059 Dir & AD
Cash from
03.04 By Cash for chest 2900 Bank/treas
By Temporary Advance of Rs.2900
granted to AE A 2059 PW General
2059 Misc
08.04 2 By Rev Stamps lost 10 Works.Adv
By Bill of Contractor X for
11.04 3 Strengthening
right bank of canal 3330 15670 4701 Irrigation
13.04 4 By A/c of Impt of B
i) Office Expenses 10 2059 Dir & Adm
2059 Misc Works
ii) Loss of cash 10 Adv
23.04 By Issue of fresh cheque in lieu of
expired cheque Rs.10000
30.04 5 By A/c of temp.Adv of AE B
i) Wages 790 2701 Irrigation
W.C. Estt 350 2701 Irrigation
By Granted Temp.Adv to AE B
By Closing balance 5460
12010 18570
Daily Cash Balance Statement.
Name of the contractor X
Qty o/s DeductQty Qty O/s Full Material Unit Reduced Upto
From o/s from rate Rate date amt
pre bill pre bill of Adv
Net amount since previous bill(Rupees Minus One lakh Seventy seven (-)177000
thousand only)
III Memorandum of payments Rs Rs
1257860 (H)
Pay Rs. -( Rupees Ten lakh Ninety six thousand Nine hundred and Fifty seven only) by
Sd/Disbursing officer
Refer -> CPWA code PARAS aras 8.1.2, 8.1.3, & 8.1.4
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 5.5.2
Money at the disposal of a Divisional Officer is not private money. It is
Government money for which he publicly responsible. He should, therefore, not
only be satisfied himself with the accounts but also should be able to satisfy his
superiors, Audit department and the public at large through the State Legislature
that the accounts have been correctly maintained.
The Main points to be kept in mind in maintaining accounts of public
money by the Divisional Officer are the following:-
(1) That the claim, which has been accepted, is valid; that the voucher is a
complete proof of payment; and the account is correct in all respects.
(2) That the accounts have been so kept and accounts so fully recorded that they
can satisfy any enquiry about economy and bonafides of the transactions.
(3) That the record of payments, record of measurements, and record of
transactions has been so kept that it can be produced as satisfactory and
convincing proof in a
Court of law.
(4) That all transactions of cash, stores, other properties (including rights,
privileges and concessions) which have money value are brought to account.
(5) That a transaction is classified to the head of account to which relates. If that is
not immediately known, it should be kept under Miscellaneous Works Accounts
(if it is a Charge) or Miscellaneous Deposits (if it is a Receipt)
6 (a)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 6.6.12
6 (b)
Refer -> CPWA code PARA 10.3.7
6 (c)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARAS 6.3.5 & 6.2.3
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 6.6.5 to 6.6.7
Date VR. To Whom Paid etc Cash Che No. Amount Classification
No. (Rs.)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
02.05 1 By Security Deposits refunded to
Cont. B 52 1800 8443 PW Deposits
06.05 By Deposit in bank 2060 Remittance into Bank
By Fresh cheque in lieu of time barred
cheque of Cont B Rs.3000 53
08.05 2 By a/c of P.I. of AEK
i) Rep. Res. Bldgs 300 2216 Housing
ii) Carriage cement 125 2059 PW General
Permanent Imprest of AE K Sub.Divn
raised to Rs.500
10.05 3 By Cost of Furniture 3000 54 27000 2059 PW General
14.05 4 BY EMD deposit in bank 6000 Remittance into Bank
Refund of EMD to Contractor D 55 6000 8443 PW Deposits
18.05 By rent dep.in.bank by AE H Sub Divn 4000 Remittance into Bank
20.05 By TempAdv to Ex.Engr Rs.2500
22.05 6 By GI Sheets for shed 56 12000 2059 PW General
7 By Ty.Ad a/c of EE
i) Carriage 800 2059 PW Dir & AD
ii) Chowkidar 900 2059 PW Dir & AD
24.05 8 By Constg Qrs by Cont. C 16800 57 102200 4216 Housing
26.05 By Deposit in bank 1400 Remittance into Bank
BY Ch.23 Cancelled 23 -69000 2059 PW Suspense
9 By Payment cement 58 96000 2059 PW Suspense
30.05 By Deposit in bank 6000 59 3800 Remittance into Bank
By Closing Balance 8755
50140 179800
Daily Cash Balance Statement.
Date Notes and Rev St. Chq Ty Adv Imprest Ty Adv
OB 1250 30 4200 1200 400
02 4200 4200
03 4060
06 -2060
08 -525 100
10 1800
14 6000
18 10 -10
20 -2500 2500
22 800 -2500
30 1200 -1200
30 -6000
8235 20 0 0 500 0
Qty o/s DeductQty Qty O/s Full Material Unit Reduced Upto
From o/s from rate Rate date amt
pre bill pre bill of Adv
Net amount since previous bill(Minus Rupees Sixty Seven thousand five (-)67500
hundred only) (E)
III Memorandum of payments Rs Rs
212000 (H)
Pay Rs.144810 ( Rupees One lakh Forty four thousand eight hundred and ten only) by
Sd/Disbursing officer
1) 4(iv) It is corrected by making entries in the cash book of the day on which it is
decided to correct the error.
4(ii) In state division. Income Tax is creditable to 8658 suspense, tax deducted at
Refer -> CPWA Code Para 10.2.8
Refer -> CPWA Code PARAS 4.2.2 to 4.2.5
Imprest: - Imprest is a standing advance of a fixed sum of money given to an
individual to enable him to make certain classes of disbursement, which may be
entrusted to his charge. The amount of an imprest is to be kept as low as possible
and in no case should exceed Rs.5,000 without the sanction of Government.
The amount spent by the imprest holder out of his imprest is brought to
account by the disbursing officer in his Cash Book, and generally an equivalent
amount is paid to the imprest holder by him so that the amount available with the
imprest holder is again equal to the amount of imprest originally granted.
(Para 6.6.8 and 6.6.9 of C.P.W.A. Code)
When a Disbursing Officer makes a remittance to a subordinate officer to
enable to make specific petty payments on vouchers, which have been already
passed for payment, the amount remitted is treated as a Temporary Advance.
After making payment, the subordinate submits an account of the advance along
with the unspent balance, if any. The following are also treated as Temporary
(i) Money taken out by the Disbursing Officer himself for making disbursement at
outstations when on tour
(ii) Advance on transfer to a Government servant pending drawal of the advance
from the treasury/bank in the normal course. (para 6.6.12 & 18.4.2 and notes in
Form CPWA 1)
Distinction: The distinction between the two is clear. The former is a standing
advance of a fixed sum for making payments left to the charge of a subordinate
While the latter is an advance made temporarily to a subordinate to make a
number of specific petty payments on Muster rolls and Vouchers, which have
already been passed for payment.
7 (a)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 10.5.18 ( and Note under it)
7 (b)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 13.4.3 & 7 and note below form 65.
7 (c)
Refer -> CPWA CODE PARA 10.5.19, PARA 10.3.18 ibid & PARA 10.5.18 ibid.
Vr 4:
Cash refunded :
To Amount recovered from Cont. P in 2202 General
14.11 Vr.no. 5 Education
Recovery of Overpayments 100 Education
Govt. Primary
Court Attachment 500 8443 Civil Deposits
Public Works
cash deposits of
Recovery of Security Deposits 650 contractors
as Security
15.11 To Sale proceeds of produce from
0059 Public works
Public buildings 100 general
Other Receipts
0216 Housing:
23.11 To Receipts on account of rents of Buildings 1000 General
Residential Buildings
General Pool
Details of Closing Balance:
Revenue Stamp 5
Imprest C 150
Total 155
revalidated Rs.1000
Cash counted and found
22.11 Rs.10(Rupees
ten only) instead of Rs.15(Rupees 2059 PW Suspense
fifteen only) 5
28.11 6 By C's Imprest recouped 75 2216 Housing
30.11 By Deposit in bank/ty 930 70 Remittance to Bank
By Closing balance 155
3300 8170
Daily Cash Balance Statement.
Date Cash Rev Imprest Ty Adv Ty Adv Chq
OB 100 5 100 50 400 145
02.11 -145
04.11 45 -400
05.11 -90 50
07.11 150
08.11 -200
09.11 5 -50
22.11 -5
23.11 1000
28.11 -75
30.11 -930
0 5 150 0 0 0
Net value of work since previous bill (Rupees Eleven lakh Ninety 1199000 1199000
nine thousand only) (F)
Qty o/s DeductQty Qty O/s Full Material Unit Reduced Upto
From o/s from rate Rate date amt
pre bill pre bill of Adv
Net amount since previous bill(Minus Rupees Five lakh Thirty two thousand (-)532500
five hundred only)
III Memorandum of payments Rs Rs
624500 (H)
Pay Rs.479500 ( Rupees Four lakh seventy nine thousand five hundred only) by cheque
Sd/Disbursing officer
(ii) On their transfer to stock in Sept 2004 (under para 10.3.13 of CPWA Code)
The account of the work will get credit through the summary of stock receipts. No
transfer entry will be needed. The effect will be as below.
5 (a)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 6.2.13 read with 10.5.19
5 (b)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 6.48
5 (c)
Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 10.3.13 & Refer -> CPWA Code PARA 10.5.10
Refer -> CPWA CODE: PARA 3.2.1
Refer -> CPWA Code and Instruction 1 on Form 1 PARASs 6.2.12 and 6.2.13
Problem : 1
An urgent call was booked from Agra to Lucknow on 10.06.2006 at 1800 hrs and
connected at 1920 hours. Duration 2.8 minutes. Calculate the charges.
Tariff: Per unit rate = Rs. 1.20 Service Tax 12.24%
Solution : 1
Ordinary call for one minute = 1+1 = 2 Units
Urgent call for one minute = 2x2 = 4 units.
For 2.8 minutes Say, 3 minutes = 4x3 = 12 units.
a) Trunk call charges = 12 x 1.20 = Rs.14.40
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) Service Tax 12.24% of a+b = Rs. 2.38
d) Total Charges a+b+c = Rs. 21.38
Problem : 2
In the above problem, if the call is PP, calculate the charges.
Solution : 2
a) Trunk call charges = 12 x 1.20 = Rs.14.40
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) PP Charge 50% of Rs. 2.40 (one minute) = Rs. 1.20
d) Service Tax 12.24% of a+b+c = Rs. 2.64
e) Total Charges a+b+c+d = Rs. 23.24
Problem : 3
An immediate PP call booked and connected at 2035 hours for 2.2 minutes on
10.02.2007 (Sunday) and the RD between the 2 stations namely, Delhi and Jaipur
being 650 Kms.
Tariff : Tariff: Per unit rate = Rs. 1.20 Service Tax 12.24%
Solution : 3
Ordinary call for one minute = 1+1 = 2 Units
Immediate call for one minute = 2x4 = 8 units.
For 2.2 minutes Say, 3 minutes = 8x3 = 24 units.
a) Trunk call charges = 24 x 1.20 = Rs. 28.80
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) PP Charge 50% of Rs. 2.40 = Rs. 1.20
d) Service Tax 12.24% of a+b+c = Rs. 4.28
d) Total Charges a+b+c+d = Rs. 39.28
Problem : 4
An ordinary PP Trunk call called from Jaipur to Chandigarh on week day for 1.2
minutes for booked time of 2145 hours and connected time of 2210 hours on
01.10.2007. Calculate the charges for per unit rate is Rs. 1.20 and Service Tax is
Solution : 4
Ordinary call for one minute = 1+1 = 2 Units
For 1.2 minutes Say, 2 minutes = 2x2 = 4 units.
a) Trunk call charges = 4 x 1.20 = Rs. 4.80
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) PP Charge 50% of Rs. 2.40 = Rs. 1.20
d) Service Tax 12.36% of a+b+c = Rs. 1.35
d) Total Charges a+b+c+d = Rs.12.35
Problem : 5
Most important call from Delhi to Chennai on 20.04.2007 and the call made for 6.2
minutes and the connected time is 1430 hours.
Tariff : Pulse Rate 30 Sec, Rate per Unit is Rs. 1.20 and Service Tax 12.24%
Solution : 5
Ordinary call for 30 Sec = 1+1 = 2 Units
For one Minute Call = 2+1 = 3 units
For most important call per minute = 3x4 = 12 units
For 6.2 minutes Say, 7 minutes = 7x12 = 84 units.
a) Trunk call charges = 84 x 1.20 = Rs. 100.80
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) Service Tax 12.24% of a+b = Rs. 12.05
d) Total Charges a+b+c = Rs. 118.75
Problem : 6
Lightning PP call from Delhi to Madurai on 21.01.2009 for 6.7 minutes.
Tariff : Rs. 1.20 per unit and 12.36% Service Tax.
Solution : 6
One minute ordinary call = 1+1 = 2 units
One minute Lightning call =2x8 = 16 units
For 6.7 minutes, say 7 minutes lightning call = 7x16 = 112 Units
a) Trunk call charges = 112 x 1.20 = Rs. 134.40
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) PP Charge 50% of Rs. 2.40 = Rs. 1.20
d) Service Tax 12.36% of a+b+c = Rs. 17.21
d) Total Charges a+b+c+d = Rs. 157.81
Problem : 7
Ordinary call from New Delhi booked to Chennai at 1775 hours as PP call on
24.08.2009. The call cancelled at 1820 hours. What is the charges to be levied?
Tariff : Service Tax 10.30% and call per unit Rs.1.20
Solution : 7
Cancellation charges of Rs. 5 plus service tax 10.30% on cancellation charges is
Problem : 8
In the above problem, PP is connected at 1845 hours but the calling party wishes
to cancel.
Solution : 8
One minute ordinary call = 1+1 = 2 units
a) Trunk call charges = 2 x 1.20 = Rs. 2.40
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) PP Charge (when calling party wishes to cancel, no PP charge is levied)
d) Service Tax 10.30% of a+b = Rs. 0.90
d) Total Charges a+b+d = Rs. 8.30
Problem : 9
In the above problem, the call is cancelled by the subscriber at 1830 hours.
Calculate the charges to be levied?
Solution : 9
No charge is levied being ordinary call cancelled after 1 hour.
Problem : 10
Calculate the charges to be levied for and urgent PP trunk call out through from
New Delhi to Bhubaneshwar at 0500 hours. The call was booked at 0300 hours.
Duration of call is 4 minutes.
Tariff : Per unit Rate is Rs. 1.20; Service Tax 5% and Pulse Rate is 16 Seconds.
Solution : 10
Call units for one minute duration = 60/16 + 1 = 3+1 = 4 units
(Note: Only round figure will be taken and balance seconds in a minute will be
For urgent call units for one minute = 4x2 = 8 units For 4 minute = 4x8 = 32 units
a) Trunk call charges = 32 x 1.20 = Rs. 38.40
b) Fixed Trunk Fee = Rs. 5.00
c) PP Charge for one unit 100% = 4x1.20 = Rs. 4.80
d) Service Tax 5% of a+b+c = Rs. 5.90
e) Total Charges a+b+c+d = Rs. 54.10
1. Prepare a demand note dated 01.06.1999 for a subscriber who has been
sanctioned a temporary telephone connection for 75 days at Delhi from
01.07.1999. The internal fittings are to be provided by the Department and it was
decided to claim Rs. 5000 as STD Deposit.
Solution : 1
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
Demand Note for Temporary Telephone Line for 75 days
Demand Note : Date:
[Valid Upto ------- (15 days from the date of issue)]
1. Rent for 3 months (minimum) Rs. 500 x 3 Rs. 1500.00
2. Installation charges Rs. 800.00
3. STD Deposit Rs. 5000.00
4. Service Tax 5% on Rs. 2300 Rs. 115.00
5. Total ` Rs. 7415.00
(Rupees Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifteen only)
Signature of Issuing Officer
Problem : 2
Prepare as on 01.01.2002 a Demand Note for X who has been sanctioned
temporary telephone connection for 70 days at Chennai (> 10 lakh lines). It was
decided to claim Rs. 5000 STD Deposit. The internal fittings are arranged by the
Solution : 2
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
Demand Note for Temporary Telephone Line for 70 days
Demand Note : Date:
[Valid Upto ------- (15 days from the date of issue)]
1. Rent for 3 months (minimum) Rs. 500 x 3 Rs. 1500.00
2. Installation charges Rs. 800.00
3. STD Deposit Rs. 5000.00
4. Service Tax 5% on Rs. 2300 Rs. 115.00
5. Total ` Rs. 7415.00
(Rupees Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifteen only)
Solution : 3
Department of Telecommunications
Demand Note for Casual Connection for 30 days at Chennai
Demand Note : Date:
[Valid Upto ------- (15 days from the date of issue)]
1. Rent for 3o days (1 times bi-monthly rental)Rs. 500 x 1 Rs.
2. Installation charges Rs. 150.00
3. STD Deposit Rs. 3000.00
4. Internal Extn with ICF 50% of annual rental Rs. 250.00
5. Installation fee for accessories Rs. 800.00
4. Service Tax 5% on Rs. 1950 Rs. 97.50
5. Total ` Rs. 5047.50 Say Rs. 5048.00
(Rupees Five Thousand and Forty Eight only)
Signature of Issuing Officer
Problem : 1
An OYT connection was provided on 01.04.1998 on payment of initial deposit of
Rs. 15000 on 01.06.1997. Indicate the waiting charges for which credit is
admissible to the subscriber . The rate of interest payable by SBI for one year
fixed deposit is 9%.
Solution : 1
Date of Demand Note Payment : 01.06.1997
Date of provision of the connection : 01.04.1998
Period for which waiting charge is payable : From 01.06.1997 to 31.03.1998
Rate of waiting charge =9% pa
Waiting Charge payable = 15000 x 9/100 x 10/12 = Rs.1125.00
Note : The subscriber is also eligible for credit for additional waiting charges @
3% beyond the period of 6 months in respect of OYT connection, that is, 15000 x
3/100 x 4/12 = Rs. 150.00
Problem : 1
A casual line was provided at Chennai (> 3 lakh lines) on 01.10.08 for 10 days. In
the demand note, the due charges including SD of Rs. 1000 was claimed and paid
by the party before installation of telephone. The line was duly disconnected on
11.10.2008. It is an electronic exchange. OMR 5250 CMR 8650. Test Calls allowed
5. Morning alarm calls made 10. Trunk call charges due Rs. 800. Calculate the
charges recoverable/refundable by the department.
Tariff: Rent Rs. 360 bi-monthly. First 300 calls @ Rs.1.00 and balance @ Rs. 1.20
monthly. Service tax @ 12.24%. Installation Fees Rs. 150.
Problem : 2
A casual line was provided on 01.09.98 for a period of 20 days at Station X, having
an exchange capacity of 35000 lines. It was closed on the due date.
1) The subscriber paid Rs. 5000 towards TC deposit, installation fee, rent and
Service tax.
2) Opening meter reading as on 01.09.98 : 21500
3) Closing meter reading as on 20.09.98 : 23800
4) Trunk call charges due : Rs. 800
5) Morning alarm calls made : 5 times
6) One internal extension with ICF facility was provided on 01.09.98, the charges
of which are yet to be realized.
On the basis of the above date, work out the amount recoverable/refundable
from/to the subscriber.
Tariff: Bi-monthly - First 500 calls Rs. 0.80, Next 500 calls Rs. 1.00, Next 1000
calls Rs. 1.25 & Balance calls Rs. 1.40.
Bi-monthly rent Rs. 275 Installation charges Rs. 150 Internal extension
Annual rent is Rs. 500 and installation charges is Rs. 800. Service Tax @ 5%.
Problem : 3
A telephone was installed on 05.07.1999 on casual basis for 30 days for a
subscriber at New Delhi Exchange having capacity of > 3 lakh lines. It was closed
on due date. Calculate the amount refundable/recoverable to/from the subscriber
with the following data:
i) The subscriber paid Rs. 1445 in demand note as detailed below:
TC Deposit Rs. 500; Installation Fee Rs. 150; Rent for 30 days Rs. 750 and ST
@ 5% Rs. 45.
ii) Opening Meter Reading : 22854 and Closing Meter Reading : 30432.
Tariff : Normal rent per month : Rs. 250; Monthly Call Charges - First 200 calls
@ 0.80 Next 300 calls @ 1.00 and remaining calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5%
Problem : 4
A casual connection was provided at Kolhatta for 3 days on 26.05.2009. The
demand note was paid the subscriber as follows: Rent Rs. 180 Installation Rs.
150 Security Deposit Rs. 2000 Service Tax 10.3% on Rs. 330.
The OMR is 52120 and the CMR is 52580 and the phone is disconnected after 3
days. Calculate the amount recoverable/refundable to the subscriber.
Problem : 5
A telephone was installed on 05.08.99 on casual basis for 30 days for a subscriber
in a city where the exchange capacity is more than 3 lakh lines. It was closed on
the due date. Calculate the amount refundable/recoverable to/from the subscriber
with the following data:
The subscriber paid Rs. 1445 on demand note as due charges including SD Rs.
500. Opening and Closing Meter Reading 10524 and 14845.
Tariff : First 200 calls @ Rs. 0.80; Next 300 calls @ Rs. 1.00 and remaining calls @
1.20. Service Tax @ 5%
Problem : 6
A telephone subscriber paid Rs. 1445 including Rs. 500 an advance deposit on
demand note to GMT New Delhi for a casual connection for 30 days from Jor Bagh
Exchange. His telephone was installed on 2.5.99 but he got it disconnected on
31.5.99. He did not made any trunk call during this period. The opening and
closing meter readings were 00898 and 03000 respectively. Calculate the total
charges recoverable/refundable from/to the subscriber.
Tariff : First 200 calls @ Rs. 0.80; Next 300 calls @ Rs. 1.00 and remaining calls @
1.20. Service Tax @ 5%
Problem : 7
A telephone subscriber had desired casual telephone connection for 30 days at
Jamshedpur (exchange having capacity of more than 10000 lines). His telephone
was installed on 01.08.99 and was disconnected on 31.08.99. Opening MR was
10298 and Closing MR was 10500. He had deposited Rs. 1036 including Rs. 500 as
TC deposit in demand note. Calculate the amount refundable/recoverable to/from
the subscriber.
Tariff : First 200 calls @ Rs. 0.80; Next 300 calls @ Rs. 1.00 and remaining calls @
1.20. Service Tax @ 5%
Problem : 8
A casual telephone connection was provided on 02.07.2001 at Sonipet (Haryana)
(Exchange capacioty 3000 lines) under rural category for a period of 16 days. It
was closed on its due date. A sum of Rs. 1389 was paid on demand note as per
details given below:
Installation Fee Rs. 150; Rent for 16 days Rs. 220; Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 18.50 and
Security Deposit Rs. 1000.00 Say Rs. 1389.00.
1000 calls were registered during 16 days. Prepared the bill dated 01.08.01 and
pay by date 21.08.2001 for the amount recoverable.
Tariff : (Bimonthly) First 450 Calls @ 0.60; Next 50 calls @ 0.80; Next 500 calls @
1.00 and remaining calls @ 1.20.
Problem : 9
A casual telephone was installed on 01.11.1999 to American Embassy in Chennai
for 30 days for a subscriber from an exchange system with an equipped capacity
of 2 lakh lines. The said telephone was closed on due date. Calculate the amount
recoverable/refundable from the party on the basis of the following data:
OMR on 01.11.99 380400 CMR on 30.11.99 382000 Trunk call and phonogram
charges Rs. 500. Amount paid on demand note towards TC deposit, rent and
installation fee Rs. 3000.
Tariff : Normal rent per month : Rs. 250 LCC (Monthly) First 200 calls @ Rs. 0.80;
Next 300 calls @ Rs. 1.00 and remaining calls @ 1.20. Service Tax @ 5%
(exempted for diplomatic mission)
Problem : 10
A Telephone connection was installed on 05.09.99 on casual basis for 20 days to
Mr. A at New Delhi Exchange measure rate system with two lakh lines. It was
closed on due date. Calculate the amount refundable/recoverable to/from the
subscriber with the following data:
(i) Mr A paid Rs. 2510 on Demand Note with break up as under :
TC Deposit Rs. 2000; Installation Rs. 150; Rent for 20 days Rs. 360.
(ii) OMR 24930 CMR 27560 -- Trunk call made to UK Rs. 310.
Tariff : Rent Bi-monthly Rs. 500 First 200 calls @ 0.80 Next 300 calls @ 1.00
Balance @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5%
Solution : 1
CMR = 8650 OMR = 5250 Therefore, Gross Calls = 3400 Less Test Calls = 5. Net
Chargeable calls = 3395.
(Note: Morning alarm calls in electronic exchange - exempted)
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
100 x 1.00 (300x10/60) = Rs. 100.00
3295 x 1.20 = Rs.3954.00
Total = Rs.4054.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 4054.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 800.00
Service Tax 12.36% Rs. 599.95
Total bill value Rs. 5453.95
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 1000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 4453.95 Say Rs. 4454.00
Solution : 2
CMR = 23800 OMR = 21500 Therefore, Gross Calls = 2300 Add: Morning Alarm
Calls 5x2 = 10, Net chargeable Calls = 2310.
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
167 x 0.80 (500x20/60) = Rs. 133.60
166 x 1.00 (500x20/60) = Rs. 166.00
334 x 1.25 (1000x20/60) = Rs. 417.50
1643x1.40 = Rs.2300.20
Total = Rs.3017.30
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 3017.30
Rent for 20 days Rs. 275.00
Installation Fee Rs. 150.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 800.00
ICF Rent Rs. 250.00
ICF Installation Rs. 800.00
Service Tax 5% on 5292.30 Rs. 264.61
Total bill value Rs. 5566.91
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 5000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 556.91 Say Rs. 557.00
Solution : 3
CMR = 30432 OMR = 22854 Therefore, Gross Calls = 7578
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
200 x 0.80 = Rs. 160.00
300 x 1.00 = Rs. 300.00
7078 x 1.20 = Rs.8493.60
Total = Rs.8953.60
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 8953.60
Service Tax 5% Rs. 447.68
Total bill value Rs. 9401.28
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 8901.28 Say Rs. 8901.00
Solution : 4
CMR = 52580 OMR = 52120 Therefore, Gross Calls = 460
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
460 x 1.00 = Rs. 460.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 460.00
Service Tax 10.3% Rs. 47.66
Total bill value Rs. 507.66
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 2000.00
Net amount refundable Rs. 1492.34 Say Rs. 1492.00
Solution : 5
CMR = 14845 OMR = 10524 Therefore, Gross Calls = 4321
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
200 x 0.80 = Rs. 160.00
300 x 1.00 = Rs. 300.00
3821 x 1.20 = Rs.4585.20
Total = Rs.5045.20
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 5045.20
Service Tax 5% Rs. 252.26
Total bill value Rs. 5297.46
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 4797.46 Say Rs. 4797.00
Solution : 6
CMR = 03000 OMR = 00898 Therefore, Gross Calls = 2102
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
200 x 0.80 = Rs. 160.00
300 x 1.00 = Rs. 300.00
1602 x 1.20 = Rs.1922.40
Total = Rs.2382.40
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 2382.40
Service Tax 5% Rs. 119.12
Total bill value Rs. 2501.52
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 2001.52 Say Rs. 2002.00
Solution : 7
CMR = 10500 OMR = 10298 Therefore, Gross Calls = 202
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
133 x 0.80 (200x20/30) = Rs. 106.40
69 x 1.00 (300x20/30 limited to 69) = Rs. 69.00
Total = Rs. 175.40
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 175.40
Service Tax 5% Rs. 8.77
Total bill value Rs. 184.17
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount refundable Rs. 315.83 Say Rs. 316.00
Solution : 8
Gross Calls = 1000
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
150 x 0.60 (450x20/60) = Rs. 90.00
17 x 0.80 (50x20/60) = Rs. 13.60
166 x 1.00 (500x20/60) = Rs. 166.00
667 x 1.20 = Rs. 800.40
Total = Rs. 1070.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local Call Charges Rs. 1070.00
Service Tax 5% Rs. 53.50
Total bill value Rs. 1123.50
Less: TC Deposit Rs. 500.00
Net amount refundable Rs. 123.50 Say Rs. 124.00
Solution : 9
CMR = 382000 OMR = 380400 Therefore, Gross Calls = 1600
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
200 x 0.80 = Rs. 160.00
300 x 1.00 = Rs. 300.00
1100 x 1.20 = Rs.1320.00
Total = Rs.1780.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Rent for 30 days Rs. 750.00
Local Call Charges Rs. 1780.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 500.00
Installation Fee Rs. 150.00
Total amount due Rs. 3180.00
Less: Paid in Demand note Rs. 3000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 180.00 Say Rs. 180.00
Solution : 10
CMR = 27560 OMR = 24930 Therefore, Gross Calls = 2630
Calculation of Local Call Charges:
133 x 0.80 (200x20/30) = Rs. 106.40
200 x 1.00 (300x20/30) = Rs. 200.00
2297 x 1.20 = Rs.2756.40
Total = Rs.3062.80
Amount due from the subscriber:
Rent for 30 days Rs. 500.00
Local Call Charges Rs. 3062.80
Trunk call charges Rs. 310.00
Installation Fee Rs. 150.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 201.14
Total amount due Rs. 4223.94
Less: Paid in Demand note Rs. 2510.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 1713.94 Say Rs. 1714.00
1. Annual Rent for 1st Km is Rs. 300
2. Annual Rent for 2nd Kms to 5th Kms Rs. 250 for each Kms.
3. Annual rent for more than 5 Kms for each Km in excess of 5 Kms Rs. 1500 per
4. The above rates are standard rates.
5. Kms should be taken only on the basis of actual distance. If actual distance is
not available then the radial distance will be deemed to be the actual distance.
6. Distance should be round figure of next higher integer.
7. When we are having the capital cost of actual expenditure, then the
proportionate charges for additional KMs beyond 5 Kms will be taken and capital
cost will be worked out.
8. Minimum period of hire shall be worked on capital cost without Establishment
and Store keeping charges divided by standard rent ie., Rs. 1500 per Km.
9. Rent shall be calculated as 15% of the capital cost.
10. The standard rent ie., Rs. 1500 Kms for each additional beyond 5 Kms or the
rent calculated on the above basis whichever is higher will be taken into account
for charging the rent.
11. Suppose if we are not having the actual expenditure, then 30% will be added
to find out the capital cost.
12. However after 01.08.1988, only standard rates are taken as per the DOT letter
no. 4-31/86 N(Pt) dated 17.06.1988.
13. Minimum guarantee period is 3 year as per ITR 434 Section XII.
14. Service Tax shall be levied with effect from 01.04.1994 @ 5% and afterwards at
the rate prescribed from time to time.
Problem : 1
Calculate the rent and minimum period of hire for a PCO entension to a private
businessman with the following data:
Installed on 01.06.1994 Actual Length 8.5 Kms Radial Distance 6 Kms.
Solution : 1
Actual Length 8.5 Kms ie., 9 Kms
Annual Rent for 1st Km Rs. 300
Annual Rent for 2nd to 5th Kms (Rs. 250x4) Rs. 1000
Annual Rent for additional Kms (Rs. 1500x4) Rs. 6000
Total Annual Rent Chargeable Rs. 7300
Service Tax @ 5% on Rs. 7300 Rs. 365.00
Total amount recoverable Rs. 7635.00
Problem : 2
Calculate the rent and guarantee period for a PCO extension from a PCO from the
following data:
1. Extension Provided on 01.05.1993 2. Radial Distance 5 Kms 3. Actual
distance 5.5 Kms
4. Actual cost of line and wires during 1992-93 : Cash Rs. 3520 and Stores Rs.
35200 (Freight @ 2%, Estt @ 10% and SKC @ 5%)
Solution : 2
Actual Distance 5.5 Kms Say 6 Kms. Upto Kms only Standard rental and in
excess only rent at Capital cost or standard rent whichever is higher.
Proportionate expenditure : Cash 3520 x1/11 Rs. 320.00
Proportionate expenditure : Stores 35200 x 1/11 Rs. 3200.00
Freight @ 2% Rs. 640.00
Establishment @ 10% on Rs. 4160 Rs. 416.00
SKV @ 5% on stores Rs. 160.00
Total capital cost Rs. 4736.00
Rent @ 15% on capital cost basis Rs. 710.40 Say Rs. 710 or at the standard rate
Rs. 1500 -- whichever is higher.
Guarantee Period = Rs. 4160/15 = 2.7 years say 3 years.
Therefore, annual rent is (300+1000+1500) = Rs. 2800 and Minimum Period of Hire
is 3 Years.
Problem : 3
A departmental exchange connection was given on 01.08.1993 from a flat rate
telephone exchange of less than 100 lines capacity having 24 hour service.
Annual rental for local area is Rs. 750. Actual distance of the connection was 8
Kms beyond local area. The cost of the construction of line beyond local area
was as follows:
Cash Rs. 1600 Stores (Lines and Wires) Rs. 6400.
Calculate the annual rental and fix the guarantee based on the following data:
Freight @ 2% Estt @ 10% SKC @ 5%.
Solution : 3
(With effect from 01.08.1988 rental for all departmental exchange telephone
connections irrespective of their actual distance beyond local area are to be
charged on flat rate basis and not on capital cost basis. However if the telephone
connection is provided with new construction beyond 10 Kms from the local area
the period of guarantee is 3 Years. For distance in excess of 10 Kms from local
area standard rate is Rs. 1500 per Km per annum with the guarantee period of 3
Since the connection after 01.08.1988, the calculation is based on the following
Flat rate telephone exchange of less than 100 lines having 24 hours of service:
Annual rent for local area Rs. 750.00
8 Km beyond local area (Rs. 600x5 + Rs. 800 x3) Rs.5400.00
Total rental per annum Rs.6150.00
Minimum period of guarantee is 2 months.
Problem : 4
Calculate the rental, minimum period of hire and installation fee of extension from
PCO at New Delhi (Exchange system of more than 300000 lines). The extension
was installed on 01.02.1994 and RD was 10 Kms. The actual length from PCO was
11.5 Kms.
Solution: 4
Actual Length 11.5 Kms ie.,12 Kms
Annual Rent for 1st Km Rs. 300
Annual Rent for 2nd to 5th Kms (Rs. 250x4) Rs. 1000
Annual Rent for additional Kms (Rs. 1500x7) Rs.10500
Total Annual Rent Chargeable Rs. 11800
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 590
Total amount recoverable Rs. 12390
1. Normally rent is calculated on percentage basis of the total capital cost. The
percentage shall be for Interest @ 13%, for Depreciation @ 10%, for Maintenance
@ 1% and for profit margin of 10% on interest+depreciation+maintenance
(13+10+1) ie., 2.4% and therefore rent shall be 26.4% of the total capital. However
interest rate shall be changed year after year and upto 31.03.97 it was 13%, from
01.04.97 to 31.03.2000 it was 15% and from 01.04.2000 it is 14%.
2. Minimum period of hire for cable pairs provided shall be 10 years which is fixed
by the department.
3. Suppose if we are not having the actual expenditure, then 30% will be added to
find out the capital cost.
Problem : 1
50 pair cable was provided to M/s. IRE Limited during 1995-96 for their exclusive
use. Calculate the rent and guarantee with the following data:
Estimated Cash expenditure Rs. 20,00,000 Estimated Stores Expenditure Rs.
350,000 Radial distance of cable 10 Kms
Freight @ 3% Estt @ 10% SKC @ 5% Rent on capital cost basis 25%.
Solution : 1
Estimated cash expenditure 20,00,000.00
Estimated stores expenditure 3,50,000.00
Freight 3% on stores 10,500.00
Total 23,60,500.00
Estt. @ 10% on above 2,36,050.00
Storekeeping charges 5% on Stores 17,500.00
Total estimated capital cost 26,14,050.00
Add: 30% towards inflation of stores value and lab cost 7,84,215.00
Assumed capital cost for rental calculation 33,98,265.00
Rent at capital cost 25% 8,49,566.25 say Rs. 849566 per annum.
Service Tax @ 5% shall also be levied.
Minimum period of hire is 10 Years (Fixed)
Problem : 1
A temporary telephone sanctioned for a period of one year at New Delhi
(Exchange system having >3 lakh lines) and was installed on 09.04.2001 with Red
push button telephone instrument. The telephone was closed on 06.06.2001 on
subscribers request as he has to leave the country all of a sudden after
installation of telephone, the following accessories were also provided on the
telephone at subscribers request and their charges are yet to be claimed from
Internal Extension with ICF on 15.04.2001One plug and three sockets with extra
bell on 25.04.2001
Long cord 6 meters on 28.04.2001
Work out the amount refundable to the subscriber on the basis of the data given
(i) Meter reading on 09.04.2001 27542 Meter reading on 06.06.2001 28202
(ii) The meter was routine tested by making total 10 local calls on 26.04.2001 and
(iii) The subscriber paid the following charges on demand note at the time of
opening of telephone:
Installation Fee Rs. 800 Rent for one year Rs. 4560 TC Deposit Rs. 1500 Service
Tax 5% on Rs. 5360 Rs. 268 Total amount paid Rs. 7128.
Tariff : (Bi-monthly) First 150 calls Free Next 250 calls @ 0.80 Next 600 calls @
1.00 Balance calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5% Intl Extn with ICF Annual Rent @ 500
Installation Fee (Accessories) Rs. 800 Installation Fee (Main) Rs. 800 Plug and 3
Socket with extra bell Rs. 300+100 Long cord Rs. 75+30. Rent for main at higher
rate @ Rs. 500 per month.
Solution : 1
Date of installation : 09.04.2001
Date of closure 06.06.2001
Minimum period for which rent to be collected is 3 months.
CMR 28202 OMR 27542 = Gross calls 660 minus test calls 10 = Chargeable calls
Free Calls 150x90/60) 225
375x0.80 (250x90/60) Rs. 300.00
50x1.00 Rs. 50.00
Total local call charges Rs. 350.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 350.00
Rent for 3 months Rs.1500.00
Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
50% annual rent of Intl Extn ICF Rs. 250.00 (worked less than 4 months)
Installation Fee for accessories Rs. 800.00
One time payment for one plug and
3 sockets with extra bell Rs. 400.00
One time payment for Long cord
6 mtrs (75+30) Rs. 105.00
Total Rs.4205.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 210.00
Total amount due Rs.4415.00
Less: Paid in Demand Note Rs.7128.00
Amount refundable to the subscriber Rs.2713.00
Problem : 2
A temporary telephone connection was sanctioned and installed for a period of
one year at the residence of Mr. James at X station with a exchange capacity of >
10000 lines on 01.06.1999 and had to be closed on 31.07.1999 before its due date.
OMR 10369 and CMR 15370. The subscriber paid the following charges on
Demand Note:
TC Deposit Rs. 3000 Installation Fee Rs. 800 Rent for one Year Rs. 2880 Service
Tax Rs. 184 Total Rs. 6864.
Tariff : (Bi-monthly) First 150 calls Free Next 250 calls @ 0.80 Next 600 calls @
1.00 Balance calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5% Rent for main at higher rate @ Rs.
500 per month.
Solution : 2
Local call charges : 15370-10369=5001 calls
Rent for 3 month (minimum period of rent to be collected) (2880x3/12)
Rs. 720.00
Installtion Fee Rs. 800.00
Call charges (225 calls x0+375x0.80+900x1.00+3501x1.20)
Rs. 5401.20
Total Rs.6921.20
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 346.00
Gross amount due from the subscriber
Less: Amount paid in demand note Rs.6864.00
Net amount recoverable from the subscriber Rs. 403.20 Say Rs. 403.00
Problem : 3
A temporary telephone was sanctioned for a period of 6 months at New Delhi
(exchange system having > 3 lakh lines) installed on 09.04.2000. The telephone
was closed on 06.06.2000 on subscribers request. After installation of the
telephone, internal extension with ICF was provided on 15.05.2000 and the
charges to be claimed from the subscriber. Work out the amount recoverable from
the subscriber on the basis of the data given below:
Meter reading on 09.04.2000 23456 Meter reading on 06.06.2000 24680
The subscriber paid the following charges on demand note at the time of opening
of the temporary line:
Installation fee Rs. 800 TC deposit Rs. 1500 Rent for six months Rs. 2280 and
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 154 Total Rs. 4734
Tariff : (Bi-monthly) First 150 calls Free Next 250 calls @ 0.80 Next 600 calls @
1.00 Balance calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5% Intl Extn with ICF Annual Rent @ 500
Installation Fee (Accessories) Rs. 800 Installation Fee (Main) Rs. 800 Rent for
main at higher rate @ Rs. 500 per month.
Solution : 3
(From 01.05.1999 onwards, rent is based on calling rate. When calling rate is more
than 400 calls per bi-month then the rent will be claimed at higher rate ie., Rs. 500
per month)
Date of installation : 09.04.2000
Date of closure 06.06.2000
Minimum period for which rent to be collected is 3 months.
CMR 24680 OMR 23456 = Gross calls 1224
Free Calls 150x90/60) 225
375x0.80 (250x90/60) Rs. 300.00
624x1.00 Rs. 624.00
Total local call charges Rs. 924.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 924.00
Rent for 3 months Rs.1500.00
Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
50% annual rent of Intl Extn ICF Rs. 250.00 (worked less than 4 months)
Installation Fee for accessories Rs. 800.00
Total Rs.4274.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 214.00
Total amount due Rs.4488.00
Less: Paid in Demand Note Rs.4734.00
Amount refundable to the subscriber Rs. 246.00
Problem : 4
A temporary telephone without STD facility was opened for Shri Sadhu Ram for
six months from 10.09.2001 to 09.03.2002 at Mumbai (Exchange capacity more
than 3 lakh lines). It was closed on 10.03.2002 at subsribers regust. Work out the
amount recoverable/refundable from/to the subscriber based on the following
Paid Rs. 5990 as initial deposit on demand note (Rs. 800 installation fee, Rs. 3000
Rent for six months, Rs. 190 Service Tax and Rs. 2000 TC deposit).
STD facility was provided on 01.12.2001 on payment of Rs. 5000 as STD deposit.
Charges for installation of STD facility, if any, are yet to be billed for.
Local call charges paid upto 31.01.2002 and 1000 calls recorded in this bimonthly
Meter reading on 01.02.2002 85000 Meter reading on 10.03.2002 93150.
A trunk call was made on 10.02.2002 for Rs. 300 is yet to be billed for.
Overseas call bill dated 01.06.2000 for Rs. 160 for call made on 07.04.2000 was
issued to Shri Sadhu Ram which was disputed by him and not paid.
Tariff: (Bi-Monthly) First 150 calls Free Next 250 calls @ 0.80 Next 500 calls @
1.00 remaining calls @ 1.20 Service Tax 5%.
Solution : 4
The connection worked for 6 months ie., from 10.09.2001 to 09.03.2002 and
therefore, double the rental charges (Rs. 250x2) per month is recoverable and
Installation charges are recoverable and the same had been recovered vide
demand note. Therefore, no charges has to be recovered towards rent and
Regarding the overseas call made on 07.04.2000, it doesnt relates to this
subscriber and therefore not to be claimed.
Further STD provision facility done on 01.12.2001 will not attract any charges with
effect from 09.03.1999 as per the orders of DoT.
CMR 93105 OMR 85000 Gross Chargeable calls 8105 Period of local call : 1
month and 9 days which is 39 days.
98 (150x39/60) Free
162x0.80 (250x39/60) Rs. 129.00
390x1.00 (500x39/60) Rs. 390.00
7455x1.20 Rs. 8946.00
Total call charges Rs. 9465.60
Amount recoverable/refundable from/to the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 9465.50
Trunk call charges Rs. 300.00
Service tax @ 5% Rs. 488.28
Total Rs.10253.88
Less: Deposits (2000+5000) Rs. 7000.00
Net amount recoverable Rs. 3253.88 Say Rs. 3254.00
Problem : 5
A temporary telephone was sanctioned for a period of 3 months in favour of Shri
A.K. Patnaik (Exchange system having above 10000 lines but below 30000 lines)
and installed on 01.04.2000. The telephone was closed on 10.06.2000 at the
request of the party.
The following accessories were also provided at the request of the party after
installation of the temporary telephone and their charges are yet to be realized
from him.
(1) Internal extension with ICF provided on 20.04.2000
(2) Long Cord 5 meters
(3) One plug and two sockets with extra bell Provided on 25.04.2000
Work out the amount refundable/recoverable to/from the party on the basis of the
following data:
OMR 01.04.2000 680765 CMR 10.06.2000 684265
The meter was tested by making 10 local calls from each period from 01.04.2000 to
30.04.2000 and 01.05.2000 to 10.06.2000.
The party paid Rs. 5000 on demand note towards the installation fee, rent and TC
deposit at the time of opening.
Tariff : (Bi-monthly) First 150 calls Free Next 250 calls @ 0.80 Next 600 calls @
1.00 Balance calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5% Intl Extn with ICF Annual Rent @ 500
Installation Fee (Accessories) Rs. 800 Installation Fee (Main) Rs. 800 Plug and 2
Socket with extra bell Rs. 300 Long cord 5 mtrs Rs. 75+30. Rent for main at
higher rate @ Rs. 200 per bi-month.
Solution : 5
Demand Note collection shall be segaragated as follows:
Rent for 3 months at double the rate Rs. 600
Installation Fee Rs. 800
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 70
Security Deposit Rs.3530
Total amount collected Rs.5000
Local call charges: CMR 684265 OMR 680765 Gross calls 3500 Less Test calls
20 Chargeable Calls 3480
Rent paid upto 30.06.2000 Therefore call tariff shall be for the period 01.04.2000 to
30.06.2000 (3 months- Min period)
225 calls (150x90/60) Free
375x0.80 (250x90/60) Rs. 300.00
900x1.00 (600x90/60) Rs. 900.00
1980x1.20 Rs. 2376.00
Total local call charges Rs. 3576.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 3576.00
Internal extension with ICF Rent 50% of annual rent Rs. 250.00 (worked less
than 4 month)
Installation of accessories Rs. 800.00
Long cord for 5 meters Rs. 75.00
One plug and 2 socket with extra bell Rs. 300.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 250.05
Total amount recoverable Rs.5251.05
Less amount deposited by the party Rs.3530.00
Net amount recoverable from the party Rs.1721.05 Say Rs. 1721.00
Problem : 6
A temporary telephone connection was sanctioned and installed for a period of
one year at the residence of Mr. X at New Delhi (MR Exchange system with 20000
lines) on 01.06.1994 and had to be closed before its due date on 31.07.1994
with10369 and 15370 as opening and closing meter readings respectively. The
subscriber was asked to pay the following charges on demand note: Installation
Fee Rs. 800 TC deposit Rs. 3000 Rent for one year Rs. 2400 Service Tax @ 5%
on 3200 ie., Rs. 160.
Tariff : (Bimonthly) Rent Rs. 200 First 150 calls Free Next 350 calls @ 0.80 Next
500 calls @ 1.00 Next 1000 calls @ 1.25 remaining calls @ 1.40 Service Tax @ 5%
w.e.f. 01.04.1994.
Solution : 6
CMR 15370 OMR 10369 Gross calls 5001
Rent paid upto 31.08.1994 Therefore call tariff shall be for the period 01.06.1994 to
31.08.1994 (3 months- Min period)
225 Calls (150x90/60) Free
525x0.80 (350x90/60) Rs. 420.00
750x1.00 (500x90/60) Rs. 750.00
1500x1.25 (1000x90/60) Rs.1875.00
2001x1.40 Rs.2801.40
Total call charges Rs.5846.40
Amount due from the subscriber:
Rent for 3 months (double the normal rent for 3 months 100x2x3): Rs. 600.00
Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
Local call charges Rs.5846.40
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 362.32
Total Rs. 6208.72
Less: Amount paid in demand note Rs. 6360.00
Net amount refundable to the subscriber Rs. 151.28 Say Rs. 151.00
Problem : 1
An OYT telephone was opened on 25.01.1990 for Mr. X at New Delhi (Exchange
capacity of > 3 lakh lines) against OYT deposit of Rs. 8000 made on 25.07.1989.
The phone was closed on subscribers request on 06.09.1993. Work out the
amount to be refunded:
OMR on 31.07.1993 21090 CMR 06.09.1993 29870 Test calls from 26.08.1993 to
05.09.1993 10
Internal extension without ICF was opened on 18.04.1993 and its charges are yet
to be billed for.
The following bills are outstanding: 01.05.1993 Rs. 290 and 01.07.1993 Rs. 840.
Tariff : (bi-monthly) Rent Rs. 380 First 150 Free calls Next 350 calls @0.80 Next
500 calls @ 1.00 Next 1000 call @ 1.25 remaining calls @ 1.40 Internal extension
without ICF annual rent Rs. 500 & Installation Fee Rs. 800.
Solution : 1
Here in the question lot of ambuquity about the bill date and outstanding amount
etc are there. Therefore following assumptions are taken:
1. In the bill dated 01.05.1993 and 01.07.1993, party has paid the rental charges
and only call charges are outstanding.
2. With regard to 01.09.1993 bill, nothing is mentioned and therefore, it is taken as
rent claimed and paid by the subscriber.
3. Even though LCC meter reading statement OMR and CMR does not reflect the
exact billing schedule, we may take this as it is and claim as outstanding.
Local call charges:
88 calls (150x35/60) Free
204x0.80 (350x35/60) Rs. 163.20
291x1.00 (500x35/60) Rs. 291.00
584x1.25 (1000x35/60) Rs. 730.00
7603x1.40 Rs. 10644.20
Total Local call charges Rs. 11828.40
Internal extension annual rent Rs. 500.00
Internal extension installation fee Rs. 800.00
Outstanding bill dated 01.05.1993 Rs. 290.00
Outstanding bill dated 01.07.1993 Rs. 840.00
Total Debits Rs.14258.00
Rent paid in bill dated 01.09.1993 which meant for 01.10.1993 to 30.09.1993: Rs.
(Rs. 380 Rebate @ Rs. 8 per thousand ie., 64 = 316.00)
Rent due upto 05.09.1993 (316x5/60) Rs. 26.33
Net rental amount due to the subscriber Rs. 289.67
Problem : 2
An OYT connection was provided on 01.06.2001 to Mr. Z in New Delhi (Exchange
capacity > 8 Lakh lines). He got the registration on 01.10.2000. The connection
was closed on 31.10.2001 at the subscribers request. Indicate the amount of
registration, amount of credit to be afforded on account of waiting charges and
additional waiting charges when the rate of interest payable by SBI on FD was
8.5% and calculate the refund admissible after adjusting the rental as well as the
bills payable as under:
Bill dated 16.07.2001 Local Calls Rs. 750 and Trunk Calls Rs. 415
Bill dated 16.09.2001 Local calls Rs. 1100 and Trunk calls Rs. 300
Bill dated 16.11.2001 Local calls Rs. 3000 and Trunk calls Nil.
Solution : 2
Amount of Registration Fee is Rs. 15000.
Waiting and Additional Waiting Charges:
Date of Deposit : 01.10.2000 Date of Provision : 01.06.2001 Amount of Deposit :
Rs. 15000
Waiting charges @ 8.5% from 01.10.2000 to 31.05.2001 : 15000x8.5/100x8/12
Rs. 850.00
Additional Waiting Charges @ 3% from 01.04.2001 to 31.05.2001 :
15000x3/100x2/12 Rs. 75.00
Total Amount credit to be given to the subscriber
Rs. 925.00
Since the connection is worked less than 5 years, maximum refund is allowed Rs.
11250 only ie., th of Rs. 15000.
Therefore total credit available with the subscriber is (925+11250) Rs. 12175.00
Amount due from the subscriber:
Rent for 01.06.2001 to 30.10.2001 : (Rs. 500-120 = 380 per bi-month)= (190x5)=
Rs. 950.00
Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
Service Tax 5% on 1750 Rs. 87.50
Bill dated 16.07.2001 outstanding Rs. 1165.00
Bill dated 16.09.2001 outstanding Rs. 1400.00
Bill dated 16.11.2001 outstanding Rs. 3000.00
Total amount due from the subscriber Rs.7402.50 Say Rs. 7403.00
Therefore net amount refundable to the subscriber (12175-7403) Rs. 4772.00
Problem : 3
An OYT telephone was opened on 14.06.2001 for a subscriber on payment of
initial deposit of Rs. 15000. The phone was disconnected on subscribers request
on 16.12.2001. Work out the amount to be refunded to the subscriber on the basis
of the following details:
1. Rent paid upto 30.11.2001
2. Local call charges paid upto 30.11.2001. Meter reading on 01.12.2001 8087 and
Meter reading on 16.12.2001 8297 Test calls during this period 10.
3. Internal extension with ICF was provided on 01.10.2001 and its charges are yet
to be billed for.
4. Trunk call charges to the value of Rs. 396 is to be billed.
Solution : 3
Important Points:
1. Since the capacity of the exchange from which the telephone was provided is
not mentioned being recovery of Rs. 15000 for OYT connection, the telephone is
presumed to have been provided from exchange of more than 10000 lines but not
more than 300000 lines and the calculation made accordingly. (Bimonthly normal
rental charges Rs. 240 Free calls 150 Next 350 calls @ 0.80 Next 500 calls @ 1.00
remaining calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5%)
2. Even though Plan 103 worked for a period less than 4 months, the annual rental
charges of Rs. 500 will be charged since it is not a temporary connection
Since the OYT connection worked less than 5 years, maximum refundable amount
is 3/4th of the deposit ie., Rs. 11250.00
Rent paid upto 30.11.2001 but due from 01.12.2001 to 15.12.2001 which is {(240-
120)x15/60)} Rs. 30.00
LCC : CMR 8297 OMR 8087 Test calls 10 = 200 calls
38 calls (150x15/60) Free
87x0.80 (350x15/60) Rs. 69.60
75 x1.00 Rs. 75.00
Total call charges Rs. 144.60
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 144.60
Rental charges Rs. 30.00
Internal Extn with ICF Rent Rs. 500.00
Acc. Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 396.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 93.53
Total due Rs.1964.13 Say Rs. 1964.00
Net amount due to the subscriber (11250-1964) = Rs. 9286.00
Problem : 4
An OYT telephone was opened on 14.05.1995 for a subscriber on payment of
initial deposit of Rs. 15000. The phone was disconnected on subscribers request
on 14.11.1995. Work out the amount to be refunded to the subscriber on the basis
of the following details:
1. Rent paid upto 31.12.1995
2. Local call charges paid upto 31.10.1995
Meter reading on 01.11.1995 8087 Meter reading on 14.11.1995 8297 Test calls
from 01.11.1995 to 14.11.1995 10
3. Internal extension with ICF was opened on 01.10.1995 and charges are yet to
billed for.
4. The following trunk call bills are still payable by the subscriber: Bill dated
11.09.1995 Rs. 40 and Bill dated 11.10.1995 Rs. 356.
Solution : 4
1. Since the capacity of the exchange from which the telephone was provided is
not mentioned being recovery of Rs. 15000 for OYT connection, the telephone is
presumed to have been provided from exchange of more than 10000 lines but not
more than 300000 lines and the calculation made accordingly. (Bimonthly normal
rental charges Rs. 200 Free calls 150 Next 350 calls @ 0.80 Next 500 calls @ 1.00
remaining calls @ 1.20 Service Tax @ 5%)
2. Even though Plan 103 worked for a period less than 4 months, the annual rental
charges of Rs. 500 will be charged since it is not a temporary connection
Since the OYT connection worked less than 5 years, maximum refundable amount
is 3/4th of the deposit ie., Rs. 11250.00
Rent paid upto 31.12.1995 (Rs. 200-120=Rs. 80) but due only upto 13.11.1995
which is {(200-120)x13/60)} Rs. 17.33
Therefore, unexpired rent (Rs. 80- 17.33) Rs. 62.67 is available in credit of the
Total credit available (11250+62.67) Rs. 11312.67
LCC : CMR 8297 OMR 8087 Test calls 10 = 200 calls
33 calls (150x13/60) Free
76x0.80 (350x13/60) Rs. 60.80
91 x1.00 Rs. 91.00
Total call charges Rs. 151.80
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 151.80
Internal Extn with ICF Rent Rs. 500.00
Acc. Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 396.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 92.39
Total due Rs.1940.19
Net amount due to the subscriber (11312.67-1940.19) = Rs. 9372.48 Say Rs.
Problem : 5
From the particulars furnished below work out the amount refundable to the
subscriber of an OYT telephone connection with an exchange capacity of < 1 lakh
line but > 30000 lines.
Amount of OYT deposited on 01.05.1993 Rs. 15000
Date of opening of telephone 01.06.1993
Rent stand paid upto 30.06.2001
Telephone closed at the request of the subscriber 31.08.2001
Local call charges stand paid upto 30.06.2001
OMR on 01.07.2001 26450
CMR on 31.08.2001 32347
Test calls admissible 10
Bi-monthly free calls 150
Bills outstanding TC Bill dated 11.05.2001 Rs. 615 + Surcharge Rs. 10
An intercom facility provided on 01.03.2001 and a coloured instrument were also
provided on 01.08.2001 and these items are to be billed.
Tariff : Normal Bi-monthly rental Rs. 360 Bi-monthly 150 calls Free Next 250 calls
@ 0.80 Next 600 calls @ 1.00 remaining calls @ 1.20 Plan 103 annual rental Rs. 500
& its installation Fee Rs. 800 Service Tax @ 5%.
Solution : 5
Date of provision of OYT connection: 01.05.1993
Date of surrender of OYT connection: 31.08.2001
Worked for 8 years 3 months Say 9 years (Fraction of a year shall be computed as
one year).
Maximum refund is 15000x11/20 = Rs. 8250.00
Rent due from 01.07.2001 to 30.08.2001 ie., 2 months which is (Rs. 360 120) Rs.
Local call charges: (for 2 months)
CMR 32347 OMR 26450 Test calls 10 = Gross chargeable calls = 5887.
150 calls Free
250x0.80 Rs. 200.00
600x1.00 Rs. 600.00
4887x1.20 Rs. 5864.40
Total call charges Rs. 6664.40
Amount due from the subscriber:
Rental charges Rs. 240.00
Local call charges Rs. 6664.60
Rent for Plan 103 Rs. 500.00
Installation for Plan 103 Rs. 800.00
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 410.22
TC Bill dated 11.05.93 + Surcharge Rs. 10 Rs. 625.00 (ST already been included)
Total amount due from the subscriber Rs. 9239.62 Say 9240.00
Therefore net amount recoverable from the subscriber (Rs.9240-8250) Rs. 990.00
Problem : 6
An OYT telephone connection with Rs. 15000 as OYT deposit is working at
Hyderabad (Exchange capacity > 3 lakh lines) provided on 01.05.1998. Billing
cycle 11.03.2001. Prepare a bi-monthly telephone bill based on the following data:
1. Rent paid upto 31.12.2000
2. LCC paid upto 31.12.200o with CMR 30922
3. Plan 103 internal extension with ICF provided on 01.01.2001 and charges to be
billed for.
4. Telephone with extension shifted to another exchange area within Hyderabad
on 31.01.2001.
5. CMR 0n 31.01.2001 in the old exchange meter 42920.
6. OMR in the new exchange meter 31254 as on 31.01.2001 and CMR also same as
no recorded that day.
7. CMR on 28.02.2001 51073
8. Test calls upto 31.01.2001 20 and in Feb 2001 10 calls.
9. Morning alarm calls during the period upto 31.01.2001 5 times and upto
28.02.2001 10 times.
10. Trunk calls amounting Rs. 1000 were booked during 01.01.2001 to 28.02.2001.
Tariff: Bimonthly normal rent Rs. 500 Bimonthly 150 calls Free Next 250 calls @
0.80 Next 600 calls @ 1.00 remaining calls @ 1.20 Shifting charges main and
accessories Rs. 600 each Plan 103 annual rent Rs. 500 and its installation fee Rs.
800 Service @ 5%.
Solution : 6
Important Points:
1. Even though it appears to be an electronic exchange, no where it has been
given in the problem. Therefore, Morning alarm calls are charged.
2. Service tax shall be leviable on Normal rental charges and not on reduced
rental charges.
Local Call charges calculation:
CMR 42920 OMR 30922 Credit Calls 20 + Morning Alarm calls 10. Therefore
chargeable calls 11988
CMR 51073 OMR 31254 Credit calls 10 + Morning Alarm calls 20. Therefore
chargeable calls 19829
Total chargeable calls for two months 31817
150 calls Free
250x0.80 Rs. 200.00
600x1.00 Rs. 600.00
30817x1.20 Rs.36980.40
Total local call charges Rs.37780.40
Telephone Bill date: 11.03.2001 Due Date: 25.03.2001 Pay by date : 31.03.2001
Rent 01.01.2001 to 28.02.2001 (Rs. 500-Rs. 120) Rs. 380.00
Local call charges Rs. 37780.40
Internal extension with ICF annual rent Rs. 500.00
Internal extn installation charges Rs. 800.00
Main and extension shifting charges Rs. 1200.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 1000.00
Service Tax @ 5% on Rs. 41780.40 Rs. 2089.02
Total claim Rs. 43749.42 Say Rs. 43749.00
Problem : 7
An OYT telephone was opened in 05.01.1994 on payment of initial OYT deposit of
Rs. 10000 (Exchange capacity 8000 Lines). The party surrendered the telephone
connection due to some personal reasons and ultimately the telephone was
disconnected on 20.10.1996. Work out the amount refundable or recoverable
to/from the party with the following data:
1. Bi-monthly bills are issued on 1st of every even month.
2. Bill dated 01.10.1996 stands paid which covers the rental from 01.11.1996 to
31.12.1996 and local call charges upto 15.09.1996.
3. Meter reading on 15.09.1996 47060
Meter reading on 20.10.1996 48040
4. Test calls made during 15.09.1996 to 20.10.1996 10
5. The following bill is still outstanding: Bill dated 01.06.1996 Rs. 2500.
Tariff : (Bi-monthly) Free calls 150 Next 350 calls @ 0.80 Next 500 calls @ 1.00
Next 1000 calls @ 1.25 remaining calls @ 1.40
Service tax @ 5%
Solution : 7
Since the OYT connection worked less than 5 years, maximum refundable amount
is 3/4th of the deposit ie., Rs. 7500.00
Rent paid from 01.09.1996 to 31.12.1996 (Rs. 200-80=Rs.120x2= Rs.240) but due
only from 01.09.1996 to 19.10.1996 which is {(200-80)x49/60)} Rs. 98.00
Therefore, unexpired rent (Rs.240- 98) Rs. 142 is available in credit of the
Total credit available (7500+142) Rs. 7642.00
LCC : CMR 48040 OMR 47060 Test calls 10 = 970 calls
85 calls (150x34/60) Free
198x0.80 (350x34/60) Rs. 158.40
284 x1.00 (500x34/60) Rs. 284.00
403x1.25 Rs. 503.75
Total call charges Rs. 946.15
Amount due from the subscriber:
Local call charges Rs. 946.15
Service Tax @ 5% Rs. 47.31
Total due Rs. 993.46 Say Rs. 993.00
Outstanding bill dated 01.06.1996 Rs. 2500.00
Total amount due from the subscriber Rs. 3493.00
Net amount refundable to the subscriber (7642-3493) = Rs. 4149.00
Problem : 8
An OYT connection was provided on 01.05.1994 to Mr. Z in New Delhi (Exchange
capacity > 1 Lakh lines). He got the registration on 01.06.1993. The connection
was closed on 31.10.1994 at the subscribers request. Indicate the amount of
registration, amount of credit to be afforded on account of waiting charges and
additional waiting charges when the rate of interest payable by SBI on FD was 7%
and calculate the refund admissible after adjusting the rental as well as the bills
payable as under:
Bill dated 15.07.1994 Local Calls Rs. 750 and Trunk Calls Rs. 415
Bill dated 15.09.1994 Local calls Rs. 1100 and Trunk calls Rs. 300
Bill dated 15.11.1994 Local calls Rs. 3000 and Trunk calls Nil.
Solution : 8
Amount of Registration Fee is Rs. 15000.
Waiting and Additional Waiting Charges:
Date of Deposit : 01.06.1993 Date of Provision : 01.05.1994 Amount of Deposit :
Rs. 15000
Waiting charges @ 7% from 01.06.1993 to 30.04.1994 : 15000x7/100x11/12
Rs. 962.50
Additional Waiting Charges @ 3% from 01.12.1994 to 30.04.1994 :
15000x3/100x5/12 Rs. 187.50
Total Amount credit to be given to the subscriber
Rs. 1150.00
Since the connection is worked less than 5 years, maximum refund is allowed Rs.
11250 only ie., th of Rs. 15000.
Bill dated 15.07.1994:
Rent for 01.05.1994 to 30.09.1994 (360-120)x5/2 Rs. 600.00
Installation Fee Rs. 800.00
Local call charges Rs. 750.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 415.00
Service Tax @ 5% on 2865 Rs. 143.25
Less: Waiting charge and additional waiting charge Rs. 1150.00
Amount due from the subscriber Rs. 1558.25 Say Rs. 1558.00
Bill dated 15.09.1994:
Rent for 01.10.1994 to 30.11.1994 Rs. 240.00
Local call charges Rs. 1100.00
Trunk call charges Rs. 300.00
Service tax @ 5% on 1760 Rs. 88.00
Amount due from the subscriber Rs. 1728.00
Rent to be cancelled along with service tax since the phone is surrendered on
31.10.1994. Therefore one month rent Rs. 120 plus service tax @ 5% on 120 that
is, Rs. 9 in total Rs. 129 will be cancelled in the bill dated 15.09.1994.
Therefore net amount due in bill dated 15.09.1994 (Rs. 1728-129) Rs. 1599.00
Bill dated 15.11.1994:
Local call charges Rs. 3000.00
Service Tax 5% Rs. 150.00
Amount due from the subscriber Rs. 3150.00
Therefore, consolidated amount due from the subscriber (Rs.1558+1599+3150)
Plus Rs. 40 each on first two bills for which the subscriber had not paid the
amount in due date. The amount outstanding is Rs. 6387.00
Total deposit refundable to the subscriber is Rs. 11250.00
Therefore net amount refundable to the subscriber is (Rs. 11250-6387) Rs.
Important Points:
Problem: 1
The half yearly return of wires and instruments leased to A Railway Administration for
the period ending 30.09.1988 sent by X Telecom Engineering Division showed the
following particulars:
1. Opening Balance as on 01.04.1988 : 108.8 KMs of Iron Wire and two telephone
magnet table set with instrument.
2. Addition on 12.06.1988 : 4.5 KMs of Iron Wires.
Work out the amount of rent recoverable from A Railway Administration through half
yearly rent for April 1988 to September 1988.
Rent for Iron Wire is Rs. 41.37/KM/Annum and rent for the above instrument Rs.
48/annum/per set.
Accepted advice note was received on all.
Solution : 1
The amount of rent recoverable from A Railway Administration for the half year period
ending 30.09.1988:
1. Iron Wire:
Problem: 2
From the following particulars, prepare the half-yearly bill for the period ending
a. Opening Balance : Iron Wire 20.6 Kms Copper Wire - 13.4 Kms
b. Additions (20.06.1996) : Iron Wire 4.5 Kms Copper Wire 3.3 Kms
c. Surrender (12.08.1996) : Iron Wire 2.6 Kms Copper Wire 10.6 Kms
Tariff: Rs. 522 p.a./km for Iron Wire and Rs. 630 p.a/km for Copper Wire.
Solution : 2
31.07.96 =1087.50
Additions 3.3 01.07.96 to 630 (630/12x16)
31.07.96 =840.00
Surrender 2.6 01.08.96 to 522 (522/12x2x22)
30.09.96 =1914.00
Surrender 10.6 01.08.96 to 630 (630/12x2x6)
30.09.96 =630.00
Total 22.5 6.1 9,129.00
Problem: 3
Prepare a half yearly rent bill for a Canal Department for the period ending 30.06.1998
with the following details:
a) Opening Balance on 01.01.98 : Iron Wire 200.9 Kms, Copper Wire 100.8 Kms.
b) On 19.03.1998, Copper Wire erected 20.7 Kms and Iron Wire dismantled 15.4 Kms on
c) Opening Balance on Telephone Desk Sets 15 Nos, Buzzers 8 Nos and Switch 4-way 10
d) 2 Additional Telephone Desk Sets were provided on 16.02.1998.
Tarrif: Iron Wire Rs. 522 /Km/Year Copper Wire Rs. 630/Km/Year
Telephone Desk Set Rs. 21/Set/Year Switch 4-Way Rs. 21/Each/Year Buzzers Rs.
Solution: 3
Rent & Teleph Switch 4- Buzz Period Rate/set/e Amount
Mtce of one Way ers ach/year
Wire Desk
OB 15 10 01.01.98 to 30.06.98 21 (21/12x6x25)
= 262.50
OB 8 01.01.98 to 30.06.98 6 (6/12x6x8)
= 24.00
Additions 2 01.02.98 to 30.06.98 21 21/12x5x2)
= 17.50
Net Total 17 8 10 304.00
Total Amount Chargeable : Rs. 85050 + Rs. 304.00 = Rs. 85354.00
(Rupees Eighty Five Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four Only)
Problem : 4
Prepare a half yearly rent bill for the period ending 30.09.1998 for a line leased to Central
Railway with the following particulars:
Iron Wire Copper Wire
a. Opening Balance 01.04.1998 24.5 Kms 12.6 Kms
b. Instruments were provided by the Railway Department.
c. Iron Wire of 7.4 Kms erected on 14.06.1998 for which accepted copy of advice note yet
to be received from Railway Department.
d. Shortage detected during the joint inspection with Railway Department in Copper Wire
for 10 Kms and the same to be claimed in this bill. Originally constructed on 12.04.1996.
Tarrif: Iron Wire Rs. 522 /Km/Year Copper Wire Rs. 630/Km/Year
Solution : 4
Problem : 1
Prepare a Cost Card of a work order of a Telecom Factory from the following details:
Job : Brass Caps Head of Account : 5225 BB Work order no. & Date : 22053/97 dt
Quantity Order : 150000 Estimated Labour Charges : Rs. 12000 Estimated Labour
Hour : 900 Hrs. Estimated Store Charges : Rs. 30000 On Cost : 700% on Labour
Labour, Materials and Out-turn booked by the Machine Shop as follows:
Month Labour Hours Labour Amount Net Stores Out-turn
(Rs.) (Rs.)
December 97 200 2400 25000 ---
January 98 150 1800 6000 60000
February 98 300 4000 2000 50000
March 98 200 3000 -1000 22000
Solution : 1
Month Shop Materials Compon Total Labour Labour Over- Total No. of Out-turn
No. (Rs.) ents Materials Hours Amount Head (7+8) Qty Value
(Rs.) (3+4) s (5+9)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Dec 97 25000 25000 200 2400 16800 19200 --- 44200
Jan 98 6000 6000 150 1800 12600 14400 60000 20400
Feb 98 2000 2000 300 4000 28000 32000 50000 34000
Mar 98 -1000 -1000 200 3000 21000 24000 22000 23000
Total 32000 32000 850 11200 78400 89600 13200 121600
Actual Cost per unit = 121600/132000 = Rs. 0.92
Problem : 2
Prepare a cost card of a work order of a Telecom Factory with the following:
Job : Tele Handle Head of Account : 5225 BB Work order no. & Date : 5304/87 dt
Quantity Order : 200000 Estimated Labour Charges : Rs. 200000 Estimated Labour
Hour : 4000 Hrs. Estimated Store Charges : Rs. 300000 On Cost : 400% on Labour
Estimated Components Cost : Rs. 1500000 Estimate No. : 4 Date : 15.07.87.
Labour, Materials and Out-turn booked by the Machine Shop as follows:
Month Labour Labour Amount Net Stores Components Outturn
Hours (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
October 87 2000 100000 1800000 600000 90000
November 87 500 30000 300000 200000 25000
December 87 1500 80000 1000000 500000 80000
January 88 200 20000 -5000 300000 5000
Solution : 2
Month Sh Materials Components Total Labour Labour Over- Total No. of Out-turn
op (Rs.) (Rs.) Materials Hours Amount Heads (7+8) Qty Value
No. (3+4) (5+9)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Oct 87 1800000 600000 2400000 2000 100000 400000 500000 90000 2900000
Nov 87 300000 200000 500000 500 30000 120000 150000 25000 650000
Dec 87 1000000 500000 1500000 1500 80000 320000 400000 80000 1900000
Jan 88 -5000 300000 295000 200 20000 80000 100000 5000 395000
Total 3095000 1600000 4695000 4200 230000 920000 1150000 200000 5845000
Actual Cost per unit = 5845000/200000 = Rs. 29.23
Problem : 3
Work Order Date : 20.07.1998 Estimate No: 4 Estimate Date : 12.05.1998
Qty Ordered : 1000 Pipes Estimated Labour cost : 15,000
Estimated Labour Hours : 30 Estimated Store Materials: 45,000
Estimated Store Components : 25,000
On Cost 200% on Labour.
Month Labour Labour Stores Components Out-turn
Hours amount
November 2 2000 25000 10000 ----
December 10 4000 12000 8000 250
January 99 15 8000 5000 6000 500
February 99 13 6000 (-) 6000 (-) 4000 250
Solution : 3
-- 053 Maintenance
-- 3000 A&P Maintenance
-- 5000 Lines and Wires Maintenance
-- 101 Petty Works
b. 5225 -- Telecom Services -- BB Capital Outlay on Telecom Services
-- BB1 Telegraph and Telex
-- 202 Telex
-- 3000 A&P
-- 5000 L&W
-- BB2 Local Telephone System
-- 201 Telephone Exchange Automatic
-- 202 Telephone Exchange Manual
-- BB3 Long Distance Switching System
-- 201 Trunk Automatic Exchange
-- 202 STD & Trunk Dialing
-- 4000 Cables
-- 203 Manual Trunk Exchange
-- 5000 L&W
-- 3000 A&P
-- BB4 Long Distance Transmission System
-- 203 Microwave Radio Relay System
-- 6500 Mast & Aerials
-- 205 Open Wire and Cable System
-- 6000 Instruments
-- 208 Satellite System
-- 6500 Mast & Aerials
-- 209 Optical Fiber System
-- 4000 Cables
-- 307 Voice Frequency Telegraphy (VFT)
-- 3000 A&P
-- BB5 Training Centre
c. 8447 Telecom Deposits -- 101 Telecom Deposits
-- 200 Other Deposit Work
d. 8554 Telecom Advances -- 101 Telecom Advances
-- 300 Misc Advances
e. 8782 Remittances of Stores.
Problem : 1
Prepare the store account current to Telecom Engg Division X for December 97 with the
following details:
3 Laying cables for Microwave Project Cables 250000
4 Maintenance of local telephone lines (Manual) Wires & Insulators 40000
5 Surplus stores returned stock (Coaxial Cable Cables 30000
6 Repairing Cables lines of E.Rly at X Cables 140000
7 Opening Training Centre at X Instruments 225000
8 VFT equipment for the work Equipment 500000
Solution : 1
First of all we have to classify the transaction by noting down the head of account and
then only store account current has to be prepared in the numerical order:
Amount intimated by CAO CTS through Holl 11A Statement for Dec 97 Rs.
Gross issue of Stores Rs. 14,05,000
Less Stores returned to stock Rs. 30,000
Net Issue of Stores ------------------ Rs. 13,75,000
[Rule 200 to 219 of FHB Vo. III Part (III)]
Problem : 2
Prepare Store Account Current of Telecom Engineering Division B for the month of
February 98 from the following details of stores voucher received with Holl 11
1 For posts, wires and insulators issued on work of constructing local 300000
telephone exchange (Manual)
2 Cables to coaxial cable project 1000000
3 Stores indented for works carried out on AOE (Annual Open Estimate) in 50000
4 Received stores on a work of reconstructing damaged trunk line leading 25500
to Auto Exchange
5 Cables issued for construction work of laying cables for Southern 180000
6 Maintenance stores in respect of Apparatus & Plants in Telephone 30000
Exchange (Automatic)
7 Apparatus & Plants for Private construction work 300000
8 Masts & Aerials for Microwave Radio Relay System 450000
9 Iron wire issued for Petty Works 30000
10 Antenna issued for Satellite System 120000
11 Apparatus and Plants for Telex Exchange 750000
12 Cables for Optical Fibre System 300000
13 Test Equipments for Open wire and carrier systems 450000
14 Cables for STD & other Trunk Dialing System 120000
15 Total shown in ACE-155A 4054000
Solution : 2
First of all we have to classify the transaction by noting down the head of account and
then only store account current has to be prepared in the numerical order:
3225 05 Engineering 101 Petty Works 30000 3
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 208 Satellite System 6500 M&A 120000 11
5225 BB1 Telegraph & Telex 202 Telex 3000 A&P 750000 4
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 209 Optical Fibre Cable 4000 300000 12
5225 BB4 LD Transmission System 205 Open Wire and Carrier 6000 450000 10
5225 BB3 LD Switching System 202 STD & Trunk Dialing 4000 Cables 120000 7
Store Account Current of B Division for the month of February 98
Problem : 1
Prepare a manufacturing account for Telecom Factory, Calcutta for the month of August
Solution : 1
Particulars Material Labour Overhea Total Particulars Material Labour Overhea Total
s ds s ds
To Opening 1369430 9940180 1130961 5225 BB
balance 0 102 Stores
Work in Suspense
progress 01- Genl
Stores 3541980
Charges 02- Factory
during Stores 267870
month: 04-Sales
Raw Within 131477
materials Dept 0 2440690
drawn from Outside 112592
stores 3243410 0
Comp. 3225 WE
drawn from 03 Stores
stores 1821120 & Factories
Direct Lab 320130 5063530 103
OH charges 320130 Factories 792340
Indirect Lab 812990 05 OE
On cost 1510820 800 Misc 40420
2323810 40
8390 24310
05 Engg 3950
053 Mtce 15920
101 Petty
8563330 11905520
Total WIP 334219 19017080
1901708 0
0 Total
Problem : 2
Prepare a Manufacturing Account for Telecom Factory, Calcutta for the month of
February 1998 with the following particulars:
(Amount in Lakhs)
1. Work in progress on the 1 of the month 1550
2. Work in progress at the end of the month 4420
3. On cost on work in progress on the 1st of the month 3220
4. On cost on work in progress at the end of the month 3090
5. Raw materials drawn from stores 4310
6. Components drawn from stores 2110
7. Value of manufactured components re-used `140
8. Direct Labour 1520
9. Indirect Labour 850
10. On cost on manufactured articles 1320
11. Value of stores
a) General Stores 1530
b) Factory Stores 1050
c) Sales within Department 1520
d) Sales outside department 1150
12. By expenses
a) Contingent expenses 320
b) Net loss or gain on estimates 480
c) Petty works 390
d) Maintenance
i) Labour 130
ii) Stores 720
iii) Overheads 80 930
Solution : 2
[Amount in Lakhs]
Particulars Material Labour Overhea Total Particular Material Labour Overhea Total
s ds s s ds
To 1550 3220 4770 5225 BB
Opening 102 Stores
balance Suspense
Work in 01- Genl
progress Stores 1530
Charges Factory 1050
during Stores
month: Deduct: -140 910
Raw Reused
materials 04-Sales 1520
drawn 4310 Within 1150
from Dept
stores Outside
Comp. 2110
drawn 3225 WE
from -140 6280 03 Stores
stores 1520 1520 &
Deduct: Factories 320
Reused 850 103
Direct Lab 1320 2170 Factories 480
OH 050 OE
charges 800 Misc
Indirect 40 720 130 80 930
Lab Variation 390
On cost
05 Engg
053 Mtce 4420 3090 7510
101 Petty
14740 14740
[Rule 8.1 to 8.16of FHB Vol. III Part. III]
1. Para 487 of P&T Manual Vol. X and Annexure A under Rule 59 of FHB Vol. III Part I.
2. Premature surrender of wires and wireless stations constructed by the Department for
renting to other Departments, involve a loss to that Department, therefore, compensation
is recoverable from the borrowing department.
a) Depreciated value of abandoned asset.
c) Actual cost of carriage back of materials recovered and any expenditure incurred
in the sale of
4. Depreciated value of abandoned asset and materials which can be reused and
depreciated value of unserviceable materials will be calculated on Sinking Fund Method
as per Appendix XIII.
8. Each item on debit and credit should be rounded off to nearest rupee.
Problem : 1
d) Original value of recovered serviceable materials : Post Rs. 8,000 Iron Wire
Rs. 4,000
e) Sale proceeds of recovered unserviceable stores including auctioneers
commission Rs. 100 Rs. 1100
f) Credits actually received for stores returned to stock Posts Rs. 5000 Iron Wire
Rs. 3000
g) Compound interest @ 3.75% may be adopted. Residual value for both the
assets Rs. NIL.
h) OH Charges: Freight @ 2% Estt @ 8% SKC @ 5%
i) Annual contribution Per Rupee = 0.004627 Compound interest for 8 years =
Problem : 2
A Telegraph line was provided in 1977-78 for a railway administration. The entire
line was given up by the Railway Department in June 1996. From the following
particulars calculate the charges recoverable from the railway department:
a) Original value of the line in 1977-78 including all departmental charges: Posts
Rs. 50000 Iron Wire Rs. 30000.
b) Iron wire was replaced by copper wire in 1988-89. Original cost including all
departmental charges was Rs. 60000.
c) Cost of dismantlement of the assets. Cash Rs. 5000 and Stores Rs. 1000.
Cash expenditure was taken from the completion report.
d) Original value of dismantled stores which can be reused on recovery: Posts
Rs. 20000 Iron Wire Rs. 25000.
e) Cash credits/sale proceeds of recovered u/s stores Rs. 1000.
f) Expenditure incurred for selling of u/s stores Rs. 100.
g) Cost of carriage back of stores to depot Rs. 200. The railway department
agreed to take the stores to the depot.
h) Compound interest will be adopted @ 3.75% and OH charges:- Freight 2% Estt
8% SKC 4%.
i) Residual value Post Nil Iron Wire 30%.
j) Annual contribution Per Rupee = 0.004627 Compound interest for the years
used: Posts= 27.00471
Iron Wire = 10.47503
Solution : 1
Depreciated value of abandoned assets and recovered assets which can be reused:
.004627 .004627
Annual .004627 .004627
ion per
8 8 No. of 8 8
years in
use (89-
90 to 97-
9.13255 9.13255 Compou 9.13255 9.13255
for no. of
years in
(15000x.004627x9. (10000x.004627x9. Deprecia (8000x.004627x9. (4000x.004627x9.
13255) 13255) tion 13255) 13255)
= 633.84 = 422.56 = 338.05 = 169.03
14366 9577 Deprecia 7662 3831
ted Value
Charges Recoverable:
I. Debits:
a) Depreciated value of abandoned assets (Rs. 14366+ Rs. 9577) Rs. 23,943.00
c) Carriage cost of materials and cost of sale of u/s stores including departmental
II. Credits:
a) Depreciated value of materials which can be reused (Rs. 7662 + Rs. 3831) Rs. 11,493.00
III. Net amount recoverable (Rs. 29051- Rs. 12593) Rs. 16,458.00
Solution : 2
Charges Recoverable:
I. Debits:
II. Credits:
a) Depreciated value of materials which can be reused (Rs.17501+ Rs. 24152) Rs. 41653.00
III. Net amount recoverable (Rs. 108258.00- Rs. 42653.00) Rs. 55605.00
1. As the cash expenditure has been taken from completion report of the work, it means
all cash charges included under item cash. So expenditure on sale of u/s stores has not
been taken into account.
2. As the railway department agreed to take the recovered stores to store depot, the
expenditure on that has not been taken into account.
1. As per Para 255F of P&T Man Vol. X, when the works requisitioned by Central
Government Departments, State Government Departments, Corporate Bodies and
Private Parties etc (except Railway and Canal) are cancelled after the stores has
been issued, the following charges can be levied:
a) Freight on Gross Stores issued from stock
b) Cash (Cash plus expenditure in receiving the stores and returning them to
stock, plus auctioneers commission plus expenditure for erection and
dismantlement etc.)
c) Establishment charges on (a+b+Gross value of stores)
d) Store keeping charges on Gross Stores
e) Estimating fee
f) Value of stores becoming unserviceable due to handling and transit less sale
proceeds, if any.
g) Interest on unadjusted capital outlay, if any.
h) Total amount chargeable (sum a to g)
i) Less amount deposited, if any.
j) Net amount recoverable.
2. For railway administration and canal department, calculation will be done in the
above manner under Para 210 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
3. Freight incurred in dispatching of stores from the depot to Railway Station or
port or issue of surplus stores direct from the site to another work will not be
included as cash expenditure.
4. Freight incurred for returning recovered/surplus stores to stock should be
taken into account.
5. Loss of stores in transit due to theft, fire, flood etc, amount shall not be
6. Interest on unadjusted capital outlay will be recovered as per Rule 47 of P&T
Accounts Manual Vol. I.
7. No interest will be charged from the private party if the amount is recovered
within the financial year in which the work was started.
8. As the value of stores is not taken into account, the value of stores returned
will not be taken into account.
9. Estimate Fee shall be calculated as per Para 160 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
10. Estimated cost shall be calculated as per Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
Problem : 1
A State Government department placed a firm demand for erecting a Telephone
line in their compound. When the work is in progress the demand was cancelled.
From the following particulars calculate the charges recoverable:
Estimated cost of the work Rs. 50000, Cash Expenditure for erection Rs. 10000,
Cost of dismantlement after cancellation Rs. 2000.
Stores issued to the work Rs. 20000. Stores became unserviceable due to
handling Rs. 1500. Stores destroyed by flood Rs. 1000. Stores returned to stock
Rs. 17500.
Sale proceeds of unserviceable stores Rs. 1000. Auctioneers commission for
sale of unserviceable stores Rs. 100.
Overhead charges Freight 3% Estt 8% and SKC 5%.
Problem : 2
Calculate the charges recoverable from a Central Government department in
respect of a underground cable work for their sole use.
The work was commenced on 10.01.96. During construction the demand was
cancelled. The charges will be paid on 01.07.1996.
Estimated cost of the work Rs. 120,000
Cash expenditure in Jan 96 Rs. 15000. Stores issued in Jan 96 Rs. 30000.
Cash expenditure in Apr 96 Rs. 5000. Stores issued in Apr 96 Rs. 10000. Cost of
dismantlement after cancellation Rs. 3000.
Stores lost in transit Rs. 1000. Stores became unserviceable during transit Rs.
Stores became unserviceable on dismantlement Rs. 900. Sale of unserviceable
stores excluding auctioneers commission for Rs. 100 on sale Rs. 500.
OH Charges Freight 2%, Establishment 8%, SKC 5%.
Rate of Interest during the year 1995-96 and 1996-97 @ 10% p.a.
Problem : 3
A Railway administration placed a demand for erection L&W for their sole use.
During construction, the demand was cancelled by them in Oct 97. Calculate the
charges recoverable with the following:
Estimated cost of the work Rs. 150,000. Stores issued in June 97 Rs. 30,000,
Cash expenditure in June 97 Rs. 20,000.
Stores became unserviceable due to handling and dismantlement Rs. 1200
Value of stores issued in Aug 97 Rs. 10000, Cash expenditure in Aug 97 Rs. 7000.
Value of stores returned to stock after dismantlement Rs. 30,800.
Cost of carriage to depot Rs. 500, Cost of dismantlement Rs. 1000 and sale
proceeds of unserviceable stores after deducting 10% auctioneers commission
Rs. 900.
Charges will be recovered on 01.11.97. OH Freight @ 3% Estt. @ 10% SKC @ 5%
and rate of interest @ 8% pa.
Problem : 4
Is there any change if the above work is requisitioned by a State Government
department or any other Central Government department?
Problem : 5
On a firm demand by a manufacturing company for erection of trunk telephone
line for their sole use asked to deposit estimating fee for Rs. 1000 and a sum of
Rs. 100000 for constructing the line. The said amount was deposited by the party
in April 97 and the work started from the same month.
When the work is in progress the party withdraw its demand in August 97.
Calculate the amount recoverable or refundable with the following:
Stores issued Rs. 50000, Cash Rs. 40000, Cost of dismantlement Rs. 10000, Value
of stores returned to depot Rs. 44000.
Stores lost in transit Rs. 1000. Cost of carriage back of recovered stores to depot
Rs. 800. Cost of carriage of stores sent to another work Rs. 200. Sale proceeds of
u/s stores Rs. 3000. Auctioneers commission on the above sale Rs. 100.
Overhead charges: Freight @ 3%, Estt @ 10% and SKC @ 5%. Interest 1997-98:
@ 8% p.a.
Problem : 6
A Telegraph line was constructed in the year 1995-76 for a Canal Department, at a
cost, Cash Rs. 10000 and Stores Rs. 30000 on rental basis.
The administration wished to given up the line in the year 1996-97 and agreed to
pay the compensation for premature surrender.
Accordingly, the work for dismantlement was started but the party changed its
mind and to continue the rent of the line.
By that time a cash expenditure for Rs. 1500 was incurred and carriage cost of
tools and plants for bringing and returning them to store depot for Rs. 1000 was
also made. Estimated cost Rs. 45000.
Calculate the charges recoverable from the Canal Department with OH Charges
are being Freight @ 2%, Estt @ @8% and SKC @ 5%.
Problem : 7
Calculate the charges recoverable from Defence department in respect of lines
and wire work estimated to cost Rs. 80000 for which firm demand was placed but
was cancelled when the work was actually in progress.
Expenditure incurred:
Cash 7000
Stores issued 40000
Stores returned as u/s on dismantlement 1600
Stores lost in transit 500
Sale proceeds of u/s stores recovered 400
Year 1985-86 Interest Rate 8% pa. Estimate fee 2.5% Freight 2% Estt 9% and
SKC 4%.
Solution: 1
Note: 1. Regarding stores destroyed by fire, the case should be taken up for written-off.
2. I t is presumed that the work is commenced and cancelled under the same year and
therefore interest on capital outlay is not recoverable.
Solution : 2
Estt. @ 8% Rs. 2,448.00
Total Interest Rs. 1241.00+ Rs. 1902.00 = Rs. 3,143.00
Charges Recoverable:
Note: 1. Regarding stores destroyed by fire, the case should be taken up for written-off.
Solution : 3
Charges Recoverable:
[Paras 442 and 487 (F) of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Solution : 4
Solution : 5
Charges Recoverable:
Note: 1. No interest will be recovered as it is a private party and deposited the amount in
3. For stores lost in transit, departmental action to be taken against such loss.
Solution : 6
Charges Recoverable:
Solution : 7
Charges Recoverable:
5 Estimating fee (2.5% of 80000) 2000
6 Value of unserviceable stores less sale proceeds (1600-400) 1200
7 Amount recoverable 16902
[Paras 442 and 487 (F) of P&T Manual Vol. X]
1. Para 499 of P&T Manual Vol. X deals with compensation for damage to telecom
2. The calculation is as follows:
a. Cash (including auctioneers commission, erection and dismantlement cost
and other cash expenditure)
b. Gross Stores issued.
c. Freight on Gross Stores.
d. Establishment charges on Cash + Gross Stores + Freight.
e. Store keeping charges on Gross Stores.
f. Gross amount recoverable (sum of a to e).
g. Deduct: (i) Anticipated sale proceeds or actual sale proceeds of unserviceable
(ii) Stores returned to Stock depot (Surplus and serviceable
recovered stores sent to stock depot)
h. Net amount recoverable (f-g).
3. Reused stores will not be taken into account.
4. No surcharge is recoverable as Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
5. The compensation shall be credited to Other Receipts:.
6. No compensation shall be recovered from Defence Department. Only Written-
off sanction shall be issued.
7. If the compensation is not recoverable, either they have to file a suit in court of
law or obtain the written-off sanction for other than defence also.
Problem : 1
A Telephone line was damaged by an owner of a Tractor. Calculate the charges
recoverable from him with the following:
Cost of pulling down and dismantling the line Rs. 1000. Expenditure for erecting
the line : Cash Rs. 5000 and Stores Rs. 4000.
Recovered stores reused Rs. 3000, Recovered Stores returned to Stock Depot
Rs. 1000.
Value of surplus stores after completion of the work returned to stock Rs. 500.
Cost of carriage of stores to store depot Rs. 100.
Unserviceable stores due to dismantlement sold at site including auctioneers
commission @ 10% of sale Rs. 1000.
OH Charges: Freight @ 3%, Estt. @ 10% and SKC @ 6%.
Problem : 2
If the above damage is made by Defence department during execution of their
duty, what charges are to be recoverable?
Problem : 3
If the above compensation could not be recoverable, what action will be taken?
Problem : 4
A telephone line leading to a subscribers premises was damaged during the
construction work of the subscribers own bunglow. The lines were reerected by
the Department. Calculate the compensation recoverable from the party from the
following details:
1. Cost of stores issued to re-erect the line 27000
2. Cost of pulling down damangedline 4500
3. Serviceable recovered stores and surplus stores sent to stock depot
4. Anticipated sale proceeds of recovered unserviceable stores after paying
Auctioneers commission of 10% of sale proceeds 1000
5. Cost of erection of new line 35000
6. OH: Freight 3%, Estt 7% and SKC 6%
7. Cost of carriage of surplus stores for Rs. 1000 sent to another work
Solution : 1
Charges Recoverable:
Solution : 2
As per exception In Para 499 of P&T Manual Vol. X, the claim is not recoverable from
defence department and action should be taken to get the sanction from the competent
authority as per Financial Rules for written-off of the amount.
Solution : 3
As per Para 267, if the compensation can not be recovered in normal way, then it should
be recovered through the court of law else sanction of the competent authority is to be
obtained for waiving of the amount.
Solution: 4
Charges Recoverable:
Note: !. Cost of carriage of surplus stores to another work shall be claimed in another
work and not in this work.
1. Paras 152, 155 (1), 155 (2), 155 (4) of P&T Manual Vol. X deals with shifting work.
2. There are different treatment for shifting work.
3. Cost of carriage back of stores to another work will not be taken into account
as this is to be borne by the Department.
4. If the party has already taken compensation then half the compensation or the
amount calculated above whichever is less will be recovered (Section 17 of IT
5. No surcharge will be taken.
(ii) Following charges will be recoverable from them:
A. Debit: (i) Cash plus freight at Gross Stores.
(ii) Depreciated value of net stores issued from stock depot (Gross
stores minus surplus stores including new stores becoming unserviceable due to
handling) and from other works.
(iii) Establishment charges on Cash plus Gross Stores issued.
(iv) Store keeping charges on Gross Stores.
(v) Total Debits.
B. Credits: (i) Depreciated value of recovered serviceable stores returned to
stock and other works.
(ii) Sale proceeds of unserviceable stores, where the sale is not
actually effected the value may be assessed scrap value.
(iii) Depreciated value of difference between improved class of materials
and those originally used.
(iv) Total credits (i+ii+iii) -> This amount should be limited to the
depreciated value of stores issued from stock and others as in A(ii) above.
C. Net amount recoverable (A-B).
2. Recovered and reused stores will not be taken into account.
3. The value of recovered serviceable stores sent to depot and another work
should be taken into account which represents the full value of current issue rate
in the year of shifting.
4. In the case original date of construction is not known, the DE will fix such date
as accurately as possible.
5. Calculation of Depreciation = Net value (original value-Residual
Value)/Effective Life X No. of year in use.
6. Therefore, Depreciated value = Original value Depreciation.
Same Formula as at II above.
Calculation will be done as per contribution work vide Rule 49 of FHB Vol. III Part I
(excluding surcharge) [Para 155A].
OWN NECESSITY [Para 223A of P&T Manual Vol. X].
1. Shifting of lines for re-alignment of railway trucks, remodeling of station yards,
extension of That line etc. Cost of which including departmental charges exceeds
Rs. 1000 or which do not involve the use of expensive stores ie., Cables etc.
2. Following charges are recoverable:
a) Cash
b) Gross Stores (Expensive + Ordinary)
c) Freight on Gross Stores
d) Total (a+b+c)
e) Establishment charges on (d) above.
f) Expensive Stores (Net) [Cables etc]
g) Charges Recoverable (a+c+e+f).
3. Recovered stores and sale of unserviceable stores will not be taken into
4. As a result of shifting if the wire length is reduced by 10% or more or 2 miles or
more, whichever is less, compensation for premature surrender of the decreased
wire length will be recoverable.
5. No surcharge will be taken for all types of shifting work.
6. No charges will be taken for temporary shifting in connection with repairs and
renewals of railway bridges under Para 223B of P&T Manual Vol. X.
7. No charges of shifting requested by local bodies from their property for public
interest as Para 155 (4) of P&T Manual Vol. X.
Problem : 1
A telegraph line was passing across the compound of a private party was shifted
at the request of the owner in 6/97. Calculate the amount recoverable from the
party on the basis of the following data:
Cash Rs. 5000. Stores issued to the work Rs. 20000. Recovered stores reused
Rs. 8000. Recovered unserviceable stores sold at the site Rs. 300. Surplus stores
returned to deport Rs. 700. New stores rendered unserviceable Rs. 300.
Auctioneers commission on sale of unserviceable stores Rs. 50.
Overhead charges : Freight @ 3%, Surcharge @ 10%, Storekeeping charges @
4% and Estt. @ 7%.
Problem : 2
If in the above case, a compensation for Rs. 12000 was paid to owner at the time
of original construction, what will be the charges recoverable now?
Problem : 3
A proprietor of a tailoring shop requested to shift a telegraph line passing over the
public road in front of his shop. Telecom department agreed to shift the line.
Calculate the charges recoverable from the following details:
Shifting work started in August 97. Year of original construction 1987-88. Cash
expenditure Rs. 5000. Value of stores issued : Posts Rs. 15000 Cu. Wire Rs.
Recovered re-used stores : Posts Rs. 2000 Cu. Wire Rs. 3000.
Original value copper wire sent to depot Rs. 700. Original Value of copper wire
sent to another work Rs. 300.
Scrap value of recovered unserviceable stores Rs. 500. Freight paid for sending
recovered stores to depot Rs. 200.
Surplus copper wire return to depot Rs. 500.
OH: Freight @2%, Estt. @ 9% and SKC @ 5%.
Problem : 4
If the above shifting is requested by a Government Department, what charges will
be recovered with the additional information?
Residual Value: Posts Nil Cu. Wire 30%, Effective Life: Posts 50 Yrs, Cu. Wire
50 Yrs.
Problem : 5
A telegraph line was erected on a public road in 1985-86. The line was replaced in
July 1995 at the request of a State Housing Board by underground cable. The
details of the cost of the work are as follows: Calculate the amount recoverable
from the State Housing Board.
1. Value of cables and other stores issued from depot Rs. 200000.
2. Cost of dismantlement and carriage charges Rs. 1500.
3. Original value of recovered stores, Posts Rs. 50000, Copper Wire Rs. 40000.
4. Original value of Unserviceable brakets and stayrods kept in stock for sale at a
later date Rs. 4000.
5. Cost of laying cables Rs. 15000.
6. Original value of recovered unserviceable copper wire Rs. 1000.
7. Surplus stores returned to stock depot Rs. 1000.
8. OH: Freight @ 3%, SKC @ 5% and Estt. @ 13%.
9. Effective Life: Cable 40 yrs and Post and Wires 50 Yrs.
10. Residual value cables & Posts Nil, Wires 30%.
Problem : 6
Eastern Railway requested telecom department for shifting a telegraph line leased
to them for remodeling station yard. Calculate the charges recoverable with the
Cash Rs. 25000. Stores Rs. 1000. Cables Rs. 80000. Recovered serviceable
stores re-used Rs. 20000. Recovered unserviceable stores sold through an agent
for Rs. 2000 for which the agent had charged 10% of the sale proceeds.
Recovered serviceable stores sent to stock depot Rs. 3000. Cost of carriage of
surplus stores to depot Rs. 200. Cost of carriage of recovered stores to depot
300. Recovered serviceable stores to another work Rs. 1000. Cost of carriage of
serviceable stores to another work Rs. 100. OH: Freight @ 2%, SKC @ 5% Estt. @
Problem : 7
In the above problem, if the cable is supplied by the Railway Department for the
above work, what will be the charges recoverable from them?
Problem : 8
In the Problem :9, if the wire length is decreased/increased, what will be the effect
on charges?
Problem : 9
In the Problem: 15, if the wire length is decreased more than 10% due to shifting,
what will be the effect on charges?
Problem : 10
A trunk telephone line which was constructed in 1985-86 shifted in the interest of
State Electricity Board in February 1996 with the following. Calculate the charges
recoverable from the Board.
Cash Rs. 30000. Iron Posts Rs.20000 Iron Wire Rs. 45000. Stores transferred from
another work: Posts Rs. 4000 Iron Wire Rs. 10000.
Recovered stores reused: Posts Rs. 3000. Iron Wire Rs. 3000.
Recovered unserviceable stores sold at site after deducting 10% auctioneers
commission Rs. 1800.
Recovered stores returned to stock Rs. 2000.
Iron wire used is of an improved class purely for departmental purposes and the
difference in value between improved class and that originally used is Rs. 3000.
Residual value for both the assets Nil.
OH Charges: Freight @ 3%, Estt. @ 9% and SKC @ 5%. Effective life, Posts 50
yrs and Iron Wire 35 yrs.
Surplus Iron wire returned to stock Rs. 5000. Cost of carriage for returning
surplus stores Rs. 200.
Problem : 11
Eastern Railway requested Telecom Department for shifting of a under ground
cable in connection with a private siding required by a manufacturing concern
which was executed in June 97. Calculate the charges recoverable with the
Cash Rs. 15000. Stores Rs. 15000. Surplus stores returned to depot Rs. 1000.
Recovered stores sent to other work (including carriage charges Rs. 100) Rs.
Recovered serviceable stores returned to stores depot Rs. 2000. Cost of carriage
of recovered stores to depot Rs. 200.
Cost of carriage of stores issued Rs. 1000. Cost of carriage of surplus stores
returned to stock Rs. 100. Sale proceeds of unserviceable stores Rs. 500.
Year of construction of the original asset: 1986-87. OH Freight @ 2%, Estt. @ 9%
and SKC @ 5%. Residual Value Nil and Effective Life 40 years.
Problem : 12
In the above problem, if the above shifting is requested by the Railway
Department for any Central/State Government Department, will there be any
Problem : 13
In the Problem no. 11, what will be the charges if shifting is requested temporarily
for repairing of railway line?
Solution : 1
Note: Recovered stores reused and sale proceeds of recovered stores will not be taken
into account.
Solution : 2
Under Section 17 of the Indian Telegraph Act read with Para 155 (i) of P&T Manual Vol. X,
half the amount of compensation paid or the actual out of pocket expenses whichever is
less is recoverable.
Solution : 3
This is a request from other than the owner of the property. Therefore Para 155 (2) is
applicable. Hence charges are recoverable as per Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X ie., for
contribution work.
Charges recoverable:
Note: 1. Recovered re-used stores will not be taken into account. 2. Carriage charges
for sending of stores to another work will not be claimed in this work.
Solution : 4
Depreciated Value of Stores abandoned and recovered stores which can be re-used:
Charges Recoverable from a Government Department:
I. Debit:
1 Cash 5200.00
2 Freight on Gross Stores (2% on 15000+25000) 800.00
3 Establishment charges @ (9% on 4140.00
4 Depreciated value of stores used 33070.00
5 Store keeping charges (5% on 40000) 2000.00
6 Total Debits 45210.00
II. Credits:
1 Depreciated value of recovered stores 860.00
2 Scrap value of recovered u/s stores 500.00
3 Total credits 1360.00
III. Net amount recoverable from Government Department 43850.00
[Para 155(2) of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Solution : 5
Since shift is requested by other than the owner of the property, charges shall be
calculated as per Para 155 (2) of P&T Manual Vol. X.
Depreciated Value of Stores abandoned and recovered stores which can be re-used:
I. Debit:
1 Cash (1500+15000) 16500.00
2 Freight on Gross Stores (3% on 200000) 6000.00
3 Establishment charges @ (13% on 28925.00
4 Depreciated value of stores used 149250.00
5 Store keeping charges (5% on 200000) 10000.00
6 Total Debits 210675.00
II. Credits:
1 Depreciated value of recovered stores 74400.00
2 Scrap value of recovered u/s stores (30% of Rs. 1000) 300.00
3 Total credits 74700.00
III. Net amount recoverable from State Housing Board 135975.00
[Para 155(2) of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Solution : 6
It is the request of Railway Administration for their necessity. Therefore, charges shall
be calculated as per Para 223A of P&T Manual Vol. X.
Note: 1. Recovered reused stores will not be taken in to account. 2. Carriage charges
for sending stores to another work will not be taken into this account.
Solution : 7
Solution : 8
Solution : 9
Where the wire length is reduced by 10% or more or 2 miles or more whichever is less,
compensation for premature surrender will be calculated as per Para 255 of P&T Manual
Vol. X.
Solution : 10
Depreciated Value of Stores abandoned and recovered stores which can be re-used:
I. Debit:
1 Cash (30000+200+200) 30400.00
2 Freight on Gross Stores (3% on 2370.00
3 Establishment charges @ (9% on 10059.00
4 Depreciated value of stores used (19200+35714) 54914.00
5 Store keeping charges (5% on 79000) 3950.00
6 Total Debits 101693.00
II. Credits:
1 Depreciated value of recovered stores 1429.00
2 Sale of recovered u/s stores 2000.00
3 Depreciated value of difference between improved 2143.00
class of materials and those originally used
3 Total credits 5572.00
III. Net amount recoverable from State Housing Board 96121.00
[Para 155(2) of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Solution : 11
Since it is a private party and other than owner of the property, it will be calculated like
contribution work vide Para 152 read with Para 155 A of P&T Manual Vol. X.
1 Stores 15000
2 Freight @ 2% on 15000 300
3 Total 15300
4 Estt. @ 9% on 15300 1377
5 SKC @ 5% on 15000 750
6 Total 17427
7 Adhoc increase 15% on 17427 2614
8 Cash (15000+200+100) 15300
9 Estt. @ 9% on 15300 1467
10 Total 36608
11 Deduct value of stores returned to stock, 4400
another work and sale of unserviceable
stores (1000+900+2000+500)
12 Net amount recoverable from 32408
manufacturing company
[Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Note: Cost of carriage of stores issued will not be taken into account as the amount is
borne by the Department.
Solution : 12
Depreciated Value of Stores abandoned and recovered stores which can be re-used:
Charges Recoverable from Railway Department for benefit of State/Central Govt Dept:
I. Debit:
1 Cash (15000+200+100) 15300.00
2 Freight on Gross Stores (2% on 15000) 300.00
3 Establishment charges @ (9% on 15300+300+15000) 2754.00
4 Depreciated value of stores used 10150.00
5 Store keeping charges (5% on 15000) 750.00
6 Total Debits 29254.00
II. Credits:
1 Depreciated value of recovered stores sent to depot 2102.00
and other work
2 Sale of recovered u/s stores 500.00
3 Total credits 2602.00
III. Net amount recoverable from Railway Dept. (29254- 26652.00
[Para 155(2) of P&T Manual Vol. X]
Solution : 23
No charges will be taken for temporary shifting vide Para 223 B of P&T Manual Vol. X.
a. Cash
b. Gross Stores issued.
c. Freight on Gross Stores
d. Total
e. Establishment Charges on Cash + Gross Stores + Freight
f. SKC on Gross Stores
g. Surcharges @ 10%
h. Total (d+e+f+g)
i. Adhoc Increase @ 15% on (h) above.
j. Total (h_i)
k. Deduct : Surplus stores returned to store depot or another work.
l. Net Capital Estimated cost. (j-k)
4. Estimating fee on per centage basis on Net Capital Estimated Cost shall be
recovered from the party before handing over the estimate sheet.
5. Estimating fee collected shall be credited to 8447 -- Other Deposits and when
the work is cancelled, it shall be taken to the head 1225 -- Other Receipts whereas
when the work is executed, the same shall be refunded to party.
6. On receipt of confirmation from the party, once again the Net Captial
Estimated Cost will be calculated based on the modification suggested on the
above basis and the party will be asked to deposit the entire amount in advance to
execute the work. The amount so received shall be taken to the account 8447 --
Other Deposits.
7. The expenditure on the above said work shall be booked under the head 8447
Other Deposit and at any point of time the expenditure shall not exceed the
deposit collected from the party.
8. In case, when the expenditure exceeded the deposit collected from the party in
the end of Financial Year, the interest of unadjusted capital outlay should be
recovered as per Rule 47 of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol. I, as per the following
a. For complete year -- ie., 1st April to 31st March -- Mean of the Opening and
Closing Balance.
b. For broken year -- On monthly mean of capital outlay upto 31st March.
c. Rate of Interest: 7% upto 31.03.90 and 10% thereafter or as given in the
d. Interest on the year shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee.
9. In case of contribution work mentioned at 2 (b) and 2 (c) above, the Net Capital
Estimated Cost is not recovered in advance from the parties.
10. As per Para 209 of P&T Manual Vol. X, a bill for the entire cost is presented
when the work has been completed or at the close of financial year whichever is
earlier and expenditure incurred is recorded under the head 8554 -- Misc.
Telecom Advances.
11. Preparation of Capital bill after completion of work (Rule 49 of FHB Vol. III Part
a. Gross Stores
b. Freight on Gross Stores
c. Total (a+b)
d. Estt. Charges on above
e. SKC on Gross Stores
f. Surcharge (if any) on Gross Stores + SKC
g. Total (c+d+e+f)
h. Adhoc Increase 15% on (g)
i. Total (g+h)
j. Cash
k. Estt. on (j)
l. Total cost of work (i+j+k)
m. Deduct: (i) Value of recovered stores sent to depot or another work and value
of u/s stores minus sale proceeds.
n. Add: (i) Stores becoming u/s due to handling at the rate it was issued.
o. Net cost (i-m)
p. Deduct: Amount already deposited.
q. Amount recoverable
r. Interest on unadjusted capital outlay, if any.
s. Net amount chargeable (q+r)
12. As per Rule 67 of FHB Vol. III Part I, no interest will be recovered for any
excess expenditure over the deposited amount if the work completed within the
financial year from the Private parties and Local bodies.
13. As per Rule 75, the value of recovered serviceable stores sent to depot or
another work should be taken into account.
14. As per under Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X, Surcharge is exempted for
Railways , Canals and Defence Departments.
15. If the stores are supplied by the party, only Establishment Charges will be
recovered on Stores where as Store Keeping Charges and Freight will not be
recovered on Stores.
16. Railway and Canal Department should bear interest on capital expenditure
incurred by the Department during the period of construction from the date on
which stores issued from stores depot to the preceding month of handing over
the assets.
17. As per Para 16 of P&T Manual Vol. X, the rates of Estimating Fee:
For estimate cost Rs. 1 Lakh and above 2% of the cost
Rs. 60000-Rs.99999 2.5%
Rs. 30000-Rs.59999 3%
Rs. 20000-Rs.29999 3.5%
Rs. 10000-Rs.19999 4%
Rs. 1000-Rs.9999 4.5%
Below Rs. 1000 5%
Problem : 1
A Private Exchange was proposed to be installed at the request of a private party
in Calcutta in the year 1997-98. Calculate the capital cost and estimating fee with
the following estimated expenditure:
Lines and Wires A&P
Cash 5000 12000
Stores 28000 45000
Overhead Charges : Freight @ 2%, Estt. @ L&W 10% and A&P 7%, SKC 5%
Problem : 2
In continuation of the above problem, the party deposited the amount of
estimating fee and ordered for execution of work with some modifications.
Prepare a detail estimate with the followings and indicate the amount which is to
be recovered from the party before execution of the work.
Year of execution 97-98 and OH charges as per the above rates.
Lines and Wires A&P
Cash 5000 15000
Stores 30000 48000
Problem : 3
As per the detail estimate prepared in the above problem after modification, the
party deposited the amount of Rs. 138905.00. The work was completed within 97-
98. Prepare the final bill after completion of the work with the following actual
Cash 5500 13500
Stores issued from stock 30000 48000
Surplus stores returned to stcok 1000 2000
Surplus stores tfd to another work 500 700
Stores became u/s due to handling 200 300
Sale proceeds of u/s stores 75 125
Problem : 4
A private party deposited a sum of Rs. 250000 on 01.04.95 for constructing a
Telegraph line on contribution basis. Calculate the amount recoverable from the
party after completion of the work with the following:
Expenditure made: Cash : May 95 Rs. 30000 and July 96 Rs. 10000. Stores: May
95 Rs. 200000 and July 96 Rs. 20000.
The work was completed in May 97 and unadjusted capital outlay was recovered
in the same month. Surplus stores returned to stock Rs. 2000 and transferred to
another work Rs. 4000 in the same month. Carriage charges for returning stores
to depot Rs. 100 and to another work Rs. 200. Rate for interest 95-96 & 96-97 @
10% and 97-98 @ 12% pa. OH Charges : Freight @ 2% Estt @ 9% and SKC @ 5%
for all the years.
Problem : 5
Southern Railway requisitioned for a Telegraph Line for their sole use on rental
basis. What charges will be recovered from the Railway Department with the
following expenditure:
Value of stores issued from Store Depot on 15.07.95 for Rs. 50000. Cash
expenditure in July 95 Rs. 5000.
Expenditure made in April 96: Stores Rs. 35000, Cash Rs.8000 and in May 97:
Stores Rs. 15000 Cash : Rs. Nil.
The work commenced in July 95 and completed in May 97.
Surplus stores returned to Depot on completion of work for Rs. 3000. Cost of
carriage back of stores to depot Rs. 100.
The line was handed over to Railway Department on 10.06.97.
Rate of divided payable by the Telecom Department to the General Revenue 12%
p.a. for all the years. OH: Freight @ 1%, Estt. @ 9% and SKC @ 4%.
Problem : 6
A cable work was requisitioned by the Railway Department on 01.04.1997 for their
sole use. The cable was supplied by the Railway at their cost at the site of the
Expenditure involved: Cash Rs. 15000, Stores Rs. 10000. Cost the cable which
was supplied by the Railway Department at departmental rate Rs. 90000.
Surplus stores returned to stock Rs. 1000. OH: Freight @ 3%, Estt. @ 9% and
SKC @ 6%.
Problem : 7
A State Government Department requested for erection of lines and wires in their
premises for their sole use. Expenditure on the work are as follows:
July 97 : Stores issued from Depot : L&W Rs. 10000 A&P Rs. 20000 Cash
Expenditure Rs. 4000. Expenditure for handling and distribution Rs. 2000.
January 98 : Cost of erection of line Rs. 3000.
March 98 : Stores issued from depot L&W Rs. 10000 Cost of erection Rs. 2000
August 98 : Surplus stores returned to depot Rs. 1000.
The work was completed in August 98 and handed over on 01.09.08. Rate of
interest for the year 1997-98 and 1998-99 @ 10% p.a. OH: Freight @ 2%, Estt
L&W @ 9% A&P and Cash @ 10%, SKC @ 5%. Calculate the charges recoverable
from the State Government.
Problem : 8
A Railway Administration requested the Telecom Department for repair their
cable, the supervision and maintenance of which is entrusted to the Telecom
Department. The details of repairing work done in Jan 99. Cash Rs. 5000, Stores
Rs. 15000, Surplus stores on completion of the work Rs. 2500 and recovered
stores sold at site for Rs. 1500. OH : Freight @ 2%, Estt @ 10% and SKC @ 5%.
What are the charges to be recoverable?
Problem : 9
A State Government wanted a cable line to be erected on rental basis for their sole
use. The work was commenced in Nov. 97 and completed in 3/99. The line was
handed over to the State Government on 24.04.99.
Value of stores issued from Store Depot on 07.12.97 for Rs. 500000, Cash
expenditure in 1/98 Rs. 20000 and in 8/98 Rs. 30000.
Value of surplus stores returned to depot on 01.04.99 Rs. 1000. Sale proceeds of
stores which became unserviceable due to handling credited to the Department
Rs. 500. Calculate the charges recoverable.
Rate of Interest for all the years @ 10% pa and OH Freight @ 3%, Estt. @ 7% and
SKC @ 5%.
Problem : 10
In the above problem, is there any difference if the asset is handed over on
Problem : 11
Railway department requested for shifting of a under ground cable in connection
with a private siding required by a private concern which was executed in June 98.
Calculate the charges recoverable with the following:
Cash Rs. 10000, Stores Rs. 18000, Recovered stores reused in the work Rs. 5000,
Surplus stores returned to depot after completion of the work Rs. 1200.
Cost of recovered stores sent to another work Rs. 1500, Recovered stores
returned to depot Rs. 2500.
Cost of carriage of recovered stores to another work Rs. 200 and to stock depot
Rs. 300.
Cost of carriage of stores received from Stock depot Rs. 1500, Cost of carriage of
surplus stores returned to depot Rs. 200.
Sale proceeds of unserviceable stores Rs. 500. Auctioneers commission on
above sale Rs. 50.
Year of construction of the original assets 1987-88.
OH Freight @ 2%, Estt. @ 9% and SKC @ 5%. Residual value Nil, effective life 40
Problem : 12
At the request of a State Government Department, a cable line was erected from X
to Y by the Telecom Department. Calculate the charges recoverable with interest
from the State Government with the following particulars:
1. Work commenced in Oct 96 and completed on 01.04.98
2. The asset was handed over on 02.04.98
3. Details of expenditure :
Month Cash Stores Recoveries
Oct 96 35000 112000 6000
Aug 97 21000 75000 9000
4. Stores became unserviceable due to handling for Rs. 1000 out of stores
recovered in Aug 97.
5. Sale proceed of unserviceable stores Rs. 600.
6. OH : 96-97 : Freight @ 1%, Estt. @ 10% and SKC @ 5%. For 97-98: Freight @
2%, Estt. @ 11% and SKC @ 5%
7. Rate of interest 96-98 : @ 10% pa and 97-98 @ 12% pa.
Problem : 13
A work was requisitioned by a Government Department for their sole use.
Accordingly an estimated was prepared in Jan 98 involving Cash Rs. 30000 and
Stores Rs. 50000. On receipt of the estimate they desired some substantial
changes. As such fresh estimate was prepared with cash Rs. 50000 and Stores
Rs. 85000 and quoted to them along with estimating fee for the 1st estimate.
But the Government Department changed their mind and accepted the 1st estimate
and ordered to execute the work.
The work was completed in Feb 98 and handed over to the Department. The
actual expenditure as per verified completion report is as follows:
Cash Rs. 35000, Stores Rs. 45000, Surplus stores returned to depot Rs. 1000, Cost
of carriage back of stores to depot Rs. 100.
Prepared a bill for the amount which is to be recovered from the Government
OH: Freight @ 2%, SKC @ 5% and Estt. @ 11% pa.
Solution : 1
Estimating Fee = 2% of Rs. 126712.00 ie., Rs. 2534.24 Say Rs. 2534.00
Solution : 2
9 Adhoc Increase @ 15% 6736.50 11381.58
10 Total 51646.50 87258.78
Total Cost (Rs. 51646.50+Rs. 87258.78) Rs. 138905.28 Say Rs. 138905.00
Party should be instructed to deposit the amount to carry out the work.
Solution : 3
Solution : 4
7 Total 253360.00 25336.00
8 Adhoc Increase 15% 38004.00 3800.40
9 Cash 30000.00 10000.00 100.00
10 Estt @ 9% 2700.00 900.00 9.00
11 Total 324064.00 40036.40 109.00
Say 40036.00
12 Deduct : Amount deposited (-
13 Deduct : Surplus Stores (-)
14 Capital Cost 74064.00 40036.00 (-)
Calculation of interest on unadjusted capital outlay:
Note: As it is a private party, no interest will be charged for the year of completion as the
amount has been paid within the financial year.
Solution : 5
8 Deduct: Surplus stores 3000.00
9 Capital Cost 62495.00 48651.50 14222.50
62495.00 48652.00 14223.00
Calculation of Interest during construction period from July 1995 to May 1997:
Total Interest for the year 1995 -96 : Rs. 5312.08 Say Rs. 5312.00
Total interest for the year 1996-97 : Rs.13094.38 Say Rs. 13094.00
Total Interest for the year 1997-98 : Rs. 2294.06 Say Rs. 2294.00
[Note: As the line was handed over on 10.06.97, rent will be recoverable w.e.f. 01.06.97
as per Para 434 of P&T Manual Vol. X. Hence no interest is calculated for June 97]
Solution : 6
It is presumed that the cost of the work will be recovered from Railway Department and
therefore it will be treated as Contribution Work.
Sl Particulars Amount
1 Stores 10000.00
2 Freight @ 3% on 10000 300.00
3 Estt. @ 9% on 100000+300 9027.00
4 SKC @ 6% on 10000 600.00
5 Total 19927.00
6 Adhoc Increase @ 15% 2989.05
7 Total 22916.05
8 Cash 15000.00
9 Estt. @ 9% 1350.00
10 Total 39266.05
11 Deduct: Surplus Stores 1000.00
returned to stock
12 Total amount recoverable from 38266.05
Railway 38266.00
[Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X read with Rule 64 of FHB Vol. III Part I]
Note: 1. Interest on capital outlay is to be calculated but not calculated due to non-
availability of monthwise data.
Solution : 7
It is a contribution work and will be calculated as per Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X read
with Rule 49 of FHB Vol. III Part II.
Interest for Feb 98 : (53839+53839)/2 x1/12 x10/100 : Rs. 448.66
Interest for Apr 98 to July 98: (70607+70607)/2 x4/12 x10/100 : Rs. 2353.56
Solution : 8
Recoveries are to be made in accordance with Para 214 of P&T Manual Vol. X read with
Rule 64 of FHB Vol. III Part I and Rule 49 of FHB Vol. III Part II.
Sl Particulars Amount
1 Stores 15000.00
2 Freight @ 2% 300.00
3 Total 15300.00
4 Estt. @ 10% 1530.00
5 Store keeping charges @ 750.00
6 Surcharge -- Exempted 0.00
7 Total 17580.00
8 Adhoc Increase @ 15% 2637.00
9 Total 20217.00
10 Cash 5000.00
11 Estt. @ 10% 500.00
12 Total 25717.00
13 Deduct: (i) Surplus
Stores 2500 4000.00
(ii) Sale of cable
14 Net amount recoverable 21717.00
Solution : 9
It is not a contribution work but however, interest only to be calculated as per Para 209 of
P&T Manual Vol. X.
2 Freight @ 3% 15000.00
3 Total 515000.00
4 Estt @ 7% 36050.00
5 Store keeping charges 25000.00
@ 5%
6 Total 576050.00
7 Cash 20000.00 30000.00
8 Estt. @ 7% 1400.00 2100.00
9 Total Capital Cost 576050.00 21400.00 32100.00
Calculation of Interest from Dec 97 to Apr 99 (Since the line was handed over on 24.04.99
and therefore, the rent is chargeable only from 01.05.99 and hence, interest is
recoverable up to 30.04.99)
Solution : 10
If the asset is handed over on or before 15th of the month rent will be calculated from the
1st day of that month. So interest will be recovered upto March 99 instead of April 99 and
the amount of interest will be Rs. 78597.
Solution : 11
Since it is a private party and other than owner of the property, it will be calculated like
contribution work vide Para 152 read with Para 155 A of P&T Manual Vol. X.
1 Stores 18000.00
2 Freight @ 2% 360.00
3 Total 18360.00
4 Estt. @ 9% 1652.40
5 SKC @ 5% 900.00
6 Total 20912.40
7 Adhoc increase 15% 3136.86
8 Cash (10000+300+200+50) 10550.00
9 Estt. @ 9% 949.50
10 Total 35548.76
11 Deduct value of stores returned to stock, another work and sale of
unserviceable stores (1200+2500+1500+500)
12 Net amount recoverable 29848.76
Say Rs. 29849.00
Note: Cost of carriage of stores issued and transfer to another work will not be taken
into account as the amount is borne by the Department. And this is a shifting work, so
no surcharge is imposed.
Solution : 12
As the asset is handed over to the State Government which will be owner of the asset so
it will be treated as a Contribution work as per Rule 64 of FHB Vol. III Part I. Therefore,
calculation has been done as per Para 152 of P&T Man Vol. X read with Rule 49 of FHB
Vol. III Part II.
Interest for Oct 96 : (0+195561)/2 x1/12 x10/100 = Rs. 814.84
Solution : 13
The Government Department should pay the cost of the work executed as well as the
estimating fee for preparation of the 2nd estimate.
Preparation of capital bill for work done as per Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol X r/w Rule 49
of FHB Vol III Part II.
Sl Particulars Amount
1 Gross Stores 45000.00
2 Freight @ 2% 900.00
3 Total 45900.00
4 Estt. @ 11% 5040.00
5 SKC @ 5% 2250.00
6 Surcharge @ 10% 4725.00
7 Total cost 57924.00
8 Adhoc Increase @ 15% 8688.60
9 Total 66612.60
10 Cash 35000.00
11 Estt @ 11% 3850.00
12 Total 105462.60
13 Less: Surplus Stores 1000.00
14 Net Cost 104462.60
Calculation of Capital cost of 2nd Estimate under Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X to
ascertain estimating fee:
Sl Particulars Amount
1 Cash 50000.00
2 Stores 85000.00
2 Freight @ 2% 1700.00
3 Total 136700.00
4 Estt. @ 11% 15037.00
5 SKC @ 5% 4250.00
6 Surcharge @ 10% 8925.00
7 Total cost 164912.00
8 Adhoc Increase @ 15% 24736.80
9 Total 189648.80
Say 189649.00
Estimating fee vide Para 160 of P&T Manual Vol. X Part II : 2% of 189649 = Rs. 3793.00
Note : 1. As the cash expenditure has been taken from the completion report, it includes
cost of carriage back of stores to depot. So it has not been taken separately.
2. As the work was completed within the month, no interest for construction period has
been taken.
1. On 01.01.98, 20 Kms Iron wire was erected for the use of Railway Department.
But it was not included in the bill which was prepared for the period ending
31.03.98 due to non-receipt of accepted advice note.
2. The cost of air cooler installed in a departmental building will be treated as
Contingent Expenditure or even debited to the head of Buildings by being treated
as part of electric installation pending upon the circumstances of the case. What
are the circumstances?
3. Expenditure of Rs. 2000 was incurred on the construction of a temporary store
shed during the execution of a project was charged to 3225 working expenses.
4. Rs. 4000 realised by sale proceeds of materials recovered while dismantling an
old structure in a plot of land purchased in connection with construction of a
Telephone Exchange building is credited under Misc. Revenue Receipts by AO.
5. A sum of Rs. 50 being unpaid MO paid to a labour relating to a bill already
included in the imprest account appeared as an item of receipts in the works
expenditure account of SDE X.
6. V Division executed a work requisitioned by a Semi Government Department
and debited the cost of the work to Misc Telecom Advances.
7. A SDE paid temporary advance to his JTO for Rs. 500 and submitted a report to
the DE simultaneously explaining the circumstances which necessitated the
advance. Objection is however raised by the local audit party that prior approval
of the DE should have been obtained.
8. After the completion report of a work had been verified by the audit office, it
was noticed that a sum of Rs. 80 creditable to the work had been credited to
another work.
9. An imprest bill of a SDE was fully recouped by the TDE but an objection was
raised in the imprest bill of a JTO for Rs. 100 which was disallowed. This imprest
bill was included in the SDEs imprest account. TDE ordered to recover the
amount from the JTO.
10. At the time of preparing estimate for construction of a Telecom line an
estimate includes the freight charges of stores from store depot to the railway
station of the site and for return of surplus stores from work spot to the depot.
11. A 30 Kms copper wire was constructed and handed over to railway
department on rental basis. Before the expiry of assumed life of the asset the
railway administration surrendered the line. It was decided by the Telecom
Department that the relinquished asset would be utilized by them and the railway
administration was asked to pay compensation for premature surrender of the
12. A Telegraph line which was outside the property of a private party, instead of
asking the department to shift the line, the private party had the line removed,
uprooted and intentionally damaged. The department intends to launch
proceedings against the party.
13. At the request of canal authorities copper wire leased to them in 1990 was
replaced by ACSR wire in 1996. The department recovered actual expenditure
incurred on the replacement as the rental rate for copper and ACSR wires were
the same and as there was no change in wire mileage.
14. The sanctioned cost of a work was Rs. 450,000 but the actual expenditure was
Rs. 455,000. The DE submitted compliance report of the work without obtaining
revised sanction of the Head of the Circle who had sanctioned the original
estimate on the ground that the excess was less than 10% of the sanctioned
amount and were within his power of sanction.
15. Residential quarters in a P&T colony were damaged during the Army
Exercises. The head of the circle claimed damages amounting to Rs. 15000 from
the defence department.
16. On completion of a contribution work undertaken at the request of the railway
department the total capital outlay on the work was recovered from them in
November 1996. In April 1997, it came to notice that stores valuing Rs. 50000
utilized on the work had not been included in arriving at the total capital outlay.
The DE asked the railway department to pay the amount along with interest by
preparing a supplementary bill.
17. A contribution work of lines and wires was taken up after obtaining a deposit
of Rs. 120000 and an estimating fee based on the same. The work was completed
on the following year of the year of acceptance and the actual cost gone up to Rs.
130000 due to increase of labour rate. The party refused to pay the difference on
the plea that the increase was exorbitant. The divisional officer referred the
matter to the head of the circle.
18. What do you mean by Price Variance customs duty?
19. An Accounts Officer made advance payments to a supplier of stores for
supplies made to a outstation retail store depot of other accounting jurisdiction
and recorded the amount in the Register of Advance payment to contractor.
20. Recoveries from a contractors was shown in the receipt side of a cash book.
21. In Engineering Division double entry accounting system are maintained.
22. The cost accounting branch in each of the factories consists of three
sections. What are they?
23. Element of cost comprises three types of expenditure. Indicate these.
24. No overhead was charged on a work which was done on experimental basis.
25. After closure of a work order some errors were noticed. It was opened with
the prior permission of the Manager Telecom Factory for rectification.
26. A sanctioned bill was placed before a disbursing officer for payment. But he
denied to make the payment on the plea that the bill was not prepared in
prescribed form.
27. What action will be taken by a disbursing officer in case an arithmetical
mistake or minor doubtful items are noticed in sanctioned bills?
28. For taking several payments the payee submitted a single receipt duly affixing
Revenue stamp as acknowledgement of payment. But the cashier asked him to
sign all the bills relating to payment.
29. Some records against which audit objections were pending were destroyed by
the authority on expiry of preservation period.
30. A head of the circle sanctioned a refund of Rs. 50 on 10.01.99 in favour of a
person in connection with collection of Telegram charges. The payee produced
the refund memo on 12.06.99 before the Postmaster who expressed his inability to
make the payment.
31. Late fee collected on Telegrams booked during closed hours was paid to the
concerned official on the date of collection by the authority.
32. Departmental property was damaged by a unit of Chief Military Engineer
during the construction of a bridge. The accounts officer preferred a claim of Rs.
10000 for damages to CME office.
33. TDE agrees to loan 100 meters of cable beyond three months to Chief
Engineer State Electricity Board.
34. A contractor applied for an extract of his ledger account but the DE did not
agree for want of such provision.
35. The competent authority sanctioned a refund of Rs. 25 collected on telegrams
to Mr A on 10.08.98 payable at Mumbai Head office. Mr A presented his copy of
the refund order to the Postmaster, Mumbai on 01.01.90 for payment but the
Postmaster expressed his inability to make payment.
36. An imprest holder of Rs. 100 died. The disbursing officer recommended to
write off the amount for adjustment of imprest in his cash book.
37. Mr. X Line Inspector reported that he has lost the imprest amount of Rs. 300.
The authority written off the amount of imprest.
38. A TDE undertakes the shifting of telephone lines free of cost when EE of State
Electricity Board request him to do so.
39. An amount of Rs. 600 was received by a SDOT as charges for carrying out a
shift and included in the ACE 2 Account on receipt side.
40. A SDO is able to find labour at Rs. 15 per day in his town. The rate approved
by the DE for that town is however Rs. 17 per day. The SDO therefore pays labour
at the rate of Rs. 17 per day.
41. A departmental work was sanctioned for Rs. 60000 by the head of the circle.
The total expenditure for this work was Rs. 62000. The DE did not obtain revised
sanction of the head of the circle and submitted the completion report of the work.
42. A work was sanctioned by Government in Feb 92 at an estimated cost of Rs. 5
Crore was not commenced till April 97. The work commenced in May 07 and
actual expenditure booked under the estimate during the month was to the tune of
Rs. 350 lakhs. In reply to an audit objection, it was stated that cancellation of the
previous and issue of fresh sanction was not necessary because the expenditure
has not exceeded the 10% of the original estimate.
43. A work was sanctioned by Head of the circle on 8th February 1997. On 14th
April 1997 it was known that some components of the work were not taken into
account while sanctioning the work. The inclusion of extra works required
sanction of an authority higher than that of Head of Circle.
44. What would be the criteria for determining the authority to sanction a
reconstruction work?
45. In anticipation of sanction of a project estimate by the Chairman, some
expenditure was incurred. The project estimate was not approved by the
Chairman. Who is the competent authority to cancel the project estimate?
46. A TDE found certain line stores remaining surplus stock in his division. He
considered that the line stores were not worth repairing and ordered that the
stores should be despatched to the stores depot.
47. An amount of Rs. 1200 was received by SDOT as charge for carrying out a
shift and he included the amount in his ACE 2 Account on receipt side.
48. A Government servant was entrusted with fixed imprest. He was asked to
maintain a cash book.
49. A claim of refund of excess paid by Shri T on telegram transmitted on 14.01.96
was made on 30.01.96. The amount was refunded by the head of the office who is
a gazette officer.
1. As the six monthss period after the erection of the line has not been lapsed the
action of the billing aurhority is absolutely correct as per Rule 277 of FHB Vol. III
Part I.
2. Water, Sanitary and electrical installations including fittings, laid at the time of
construction of building should be treated as part of the building. If these are
installed after construction will be treated as contingent expenditure as per Note 3
under Rule 51 of FHB Vol. III Part I.
3. Expenditure should be booked under 5225 Capital Outlay as per Note 1 under
Rule 51 of FHB Vol. III Part I. So action is not in order.
4. Sale proceeds from old structure or trees etc which stand on plot of land are
required to be removed prior to constructions will not be treated as revenue
receipts. It will be credited in the account as a reduction in the cost of land as per
Note 2 (i) under Rule 58 of FHB Vol. III Part I. So action of the AO is not correct.
5. It should be shown in the imprest account as deduction from expenditure
instead of showing receipt in the account as per Rule 181 of FHB Vol. III Part I.
6. It will be debited to the head Deposit under 8447 as the amount deposited by
the party previously was credited in this head as per Rule 65 of FHB Vol. III Part I.
So action is not in order.
7. Action of the SDE is absolutely correct as per Rule 123 of FHB Vol. III Part I. So
objection raised by the audit party is irregular.
8. If any error or omission in the recorded expenditure came to light after its
accounts have been closed the following procedure should be followed as per
Rule 208 FHB Vol. III Part I. Therefore, if the amount involved is not more than Rs.
100 it will be sufficient to make a note of the error or omission in the relevant
documents under intimation to the circle accountant.
9. When the officer-in-charge has objected to any item of a subordinates bill
passed by an officer, he should take immediate measure to recover the amount as
per Rule 129 of FHB Vol. III Part I.
10. Freight charges on stores from depot to railway station will be borne by the
CTS and should not be provided under Freight in the body of the estimate as per
Para 184 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
11. Compensation is required to be paid if the department is unable to utilize the
relinquished asset otherwise as per Para 255 of P&T Manual Vol. X. So action of
the authority is not correct.
Manual Vol. X. So charging of actual expenditure incurred on replacement is not
in order vide Para 206 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
15. In such cases, compensation under Para 267 of P&T Manual Vol. X should be
worked out and the matter of recovery of the same from the defence department
should be referred by the head of the circle to Chairman for orders of written off
vide exception under Rule 267 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
16. The action of the DE is absolutely correct as per Note under Para 209 of P&T
Manual Vol. X.
17. In accordance with Sub para (ii) of Para 152 of P&T Manual Vol. X, the party
wourld have been informed of the condition when the estimated cost was quoted
to the party, that all reasonable excess over the estimated rate due to rise in cost
of labour or materials etc would be recoverable from the party. So the partys
attention should have been drawn to the above condition with request to pay the
excess instead of referring the matter to the head of the circle.
18. The standard rate of imported stores include cost of stores plus customs
duty, freight and other charges on percentage basis. The difference between the
actual payment on account of custom duty, freight and other charges and the
amount taken under these heads on percentage basis is taken to the head privce
variance custom duty as per Rule 26 of FHB Vol. III Part II.
19. AO is authorized to make such payment and after payment ATD should be
raised to the concerned accounting unit. But this amount should not be recorded
in Advance Register vide Note 2 under Rule 125 of FHB Vol. III Part II.
20. Recoveries from the contractors bill will not be shown in the receipt side of
the cash book but it should be incorporated in the accounts through journal slip
vide Para 3.48 of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol. I.
21. Double entry accounting system are maintained in the engineering division as
Para 3.51 of of Telecom Accounts Manual Vol. I.
22. The three sections are (i) Store accounting; (ii) Cost accounting and (iii)
Cost control vide Rule 1.10 of FHB Vol. III Part III.
23. As per Rule 1.11 of FHB Vol. III Part III, the elements of cost are (i) Direct
material; (ii) Director labour and (iii) Overhead charges.
24. As per Note 2 under Rule 2.4.2 of FHB Vol. III Part III, overhead percentage will
require to be charged at prescribed rate. So action of the authority is irregular.
25. For rectification of any expenditure recorded in the work order which has
already been closed prior permission of the Manager Telecom Factory is
necessary as per Note under Rule 7.6. of FHB Vol. III Part III. So action is correct.
26. A disbursing officer has every right not to make payment of a bill it is not
submitted in prescribed form as per Note 2 under Rule 16 of FHB Vol. I. So action
is in order.
27. When bills presented for payment contain arithmetical mistakes or any
doubtful items which can easily be eliminated, the disbursing officer should make
necessary correction or disallowing the doubtful items before making payment
under the intimation to Drawing officer as per Rule 17 of FHB Vol. I.
28. The action of the cashier is not correct as per Note 2 under Rule 43 of FHB
Vol. I which stipulates that a single receipt given by a payee in acknowledgement
of several payments made to him in one occasion. In such cases, a note all the
vouchers should be made by the cashier.
29. Records against which audit objections are pending should not be destroyed
till final settlement of the objections as per Note below Rule 60 of FHB Vol. I. So
action is irregular and will be viewed seriously.
30. Period of currency of the refund order 3 months following month after the
issue of sanction of refund as per Rule 156 (b) of FHB Vol IV and the currency of
sanction in this case has already been over, the action of the Postmaster is
31. Action of the authority is not correct as per Rule 168 of FHB Vol. IV. It should
be paid at the end of the month after deducting necessary income tax, if any.
32. Action of the AO is not in order as the matter is required to be referred to
Head quarters vide exception under Para 267 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
33. Action of the TDE is not in order as this should be sanctioned by the
Chairman vide Rule 56 of FHB Vol. III Part II.
34. As per Rule 189 of FHB Vol. III Part I, copy of the ledger account should be
supplied to the contractors if they desire. So action of the DE is absolutely wrong.
35. Refund will be made to Mr. A by the Postmaster as per Rule 156 of FHB Vol IV.
So action is not in order.
36. If an imprest holder dies, the amount of the imprest outstanding against him if
it is not adjusted in the months account due for closing after his death should be
shown in the cash book by debit to Advance Recoverable under 8554 DAOA for
subsequent recovery vide note under Rule 106 of FHB Vol. II Part I. So action of
the disbursing officer is not correct.
37. Action of the authority is not in order. First it will be charged in the suspense
head and thereafter it can be written off under the order of the competent
authority vide Rule 53 to 55 55 of FHB Vol. I.
38. Charges are to be recovered as per Para 155 (2) of P&T Manual Vol. X.
39. It is a receipt of the department and as per Rule 130 of FHB Vol. III Part I,
receipt should not appear in any imprest account. It should be sent to DE office
direct. So action is not regular.
40. If the local market rates are lower than the minimum wages prescribed by the
Government, the Government will pay the minimum wages as prescribed as per
note 5 under Para 195 (6) of P&T Manual Vol. X. So action of the SDE is correct.
41. There is no necessity for taking revised sanction as the amount does not
exceed 10% of the sanctioned amount as per Para 217 of P&T Manual Vol. X. So
action of the DE is in order.
42. As per Para 150 of P&T Manual Vol. X: Currency of sanction is 5 years from
the date of sanction. As the work was commenced after five years, fresh sanction
should have be obtained. However, if the work has commenced before 5 years
but not completed within 5 years and expenditure has not exceeded 10% or Rs. 1
lakh whichever is less, fresh sanction is not necessary.
43. As the introduction of extra work results in the entire project requiring the
sanction of an authority higher than that which has already sanction it. In this
case all previous sanction will be cancelled and the whole project will be put up
for denovo to the higher authority as per Para 137 of P&T Manual Vol. X.
44. For determining the authority to sanction a reconstruction work, the estimated
cost will be calculated in the following manner as Rule 73 and 74 of FHB Vol. III
Part I: (i) Cost of dismantlement of the existing asset and carriage back of stores;
(ii) Depreciated value, if any, of the existing asset; (iii) deduct sale proceeds of
unserviceable stores and value of recovered stores sent to stock/another work.
And (iv) Value of the reconstructed assets.
45. In the event of cancellation of a work the estimate for which remains
unsanctioned but some expenditure has already been incurred, the sanction of
that authority who would have sanctioned the work had it not been cancelled as
per Note 2 of Para 143 of P&T Manual Vol. X. In the instant case Chairman should
cancel the estimate to regularize the expenditure.
46. As it is considered that the line stores are not worth for repairing it should be
declared as unserviceable by DE. The unserviceable line except copper wire
should be sold at the site to best advantage as per Para 141 and 144 (a) of P&T
Manual Vol. X. So action of the DE is not regular.
47. As it is telecom receipt it should be sent to the Divisional office separately as
per Rule 130 of FHB Vol. III Part I. So action is not in order.
48. Imprest allowed an employee is recorded in the divisional cash book as per
Rule 106 of FHB Vol. III Part I. Imprest holder will maintain his account in Form
ACE 2 only and should be submitted to the DO at least once in a week for
incorporation his expenditure in the DO Cash Book as per Rule 116 of FHB Vol. III
Part I.
49. If the head of the office holds the gazette posts he may sanction the refund
where the claim is received within 45 days of the booking of telegram. So action
is regular as per Rule 149 of FHB Vol. IV.
Problem : 1
Post the contractors ledger for the month of September 2008 from the following
1. Opening balance of 3rd and Final Bill Rs. 50000
2.IT @ 2% and SD 10% recoverable on every bill.
3.Advance paid during September 2008 75% on the value of material Rs. 100,000
brought to site
4.Work done on 3rd and Final Bill:
a) Plastering work 12000 cft @ Rs. 20 per cft.
b) Iron work 20000 cft @ Rs. 10 per cft.
c) White washing and painting 25000 sft @ Rs. 50 per sft.
5. Cut imposed Rs. 2 per cft on plastering for bad work.
6. Water charges Rs. 10000 and electricity charges Rs. 20000 are to be recovered
from contractor.
Problem : 2
Post the contractors ledger for the month of March 93 from the following
1.SD recovery will be 5% of every payment.
2.OB of 3rd and Final bill Rs. 1000.
3.Advance paid on 4.3.93 on 75% of the value of bricks woth Rs. 9000 brought to
4.Work done as per the 3rd and Final Bill dated 24.03.93:
a) Brick work in Line 12000 cft @ Rs. 90 per 100 cft.
b) Brick work in cement 8000 cft @ Rs. 105 per 100 cft.
c) Iron work 3000 cft @ Rs. 15 per 10 cft.
d) Plastering with cement 800 cft @ Rs. 25 per Sft.
e) White washing 8000 sft @ Rs. 8 per sft.
5. Cut imposed by DET for bad plastering @ Rs. 175 and water and electricity
charges consumed by the contractor Rs. 230 are to be recovered.
6. Penalty Rs. 100 was imposed for delay in execution of the work in the final bill.
7. IT recoverable @ 2% on every payment.
8. Measurement Book shows plastering area 8000 Sft.
Problem : 3
Post the contractors ledger for ABC & CO in respect of construction of
administrative building for the month of June 2008 from the following particulars:
1.SD 10% and IT 2%
2.First bill claimed for work done @ departmental rate Rs. 50000.
3. Work done as per 2nd Running bill passed on 30.06.08 and cheque issued:
a) Earth work 2000 cft @ Rs. 100 per 100 cft.
b) Masonary work 5000 cft @ Rs. 200 per 100 cft.
c) Plastering work 6000 sft @ Rs. 10 per sft.
d) Wood work 1000 sft @ Rs. 50 per sft.
4. The rates quoted are accepted 10% above the departmental rates in every bill.
5. 10.06.08: 300 bags of cement supplied against 200 bags provided in the
contract agreement book value being Rs. 150 against market value of Rs. 200.
6. Cut imposed on this bill 5% for bad workmanship in plastering work.
7. Water charges 1% on earth and masonary work. Advance of Rs. 20000 paid on
20.06.08 for materials brought to site.
8. Fine delayed completion of work Rs. 5000 imposed in this bill.
Problem : 4
Post the contractor ledger for Mr. A from the following for May 95:
1.SD 10% 2. IT 2%
3. First bill claim for work done on schedule rate Rs. 20000
4. Work done as per the 2nd Running Bill passed on 31.05.95 and cheque issued.
a) Earth work 1000 cft @ Rs. 25 per 100 cft.
b) Masonary work 1000 cft @ Rs. 150 per 100 cft.
c) Plastering work 5000 sft @ Rs. 100 per 100 sft.
d) Wood work 500 cft @ Rs. 50 per cft.
The rate quoted and accepted 10% above schedule rate in every bill. 200 bags of cement supplied against 150 bags provided in the
contract agreement book value Rs. 100 as against market value Rs. 200.
6. Cut imposed on the bill 2.5% for bad workmanship of plastering work.
7. Water charges 1% on earth and masonary work. Advance of Rs. 5000 paid on
10.05.95 for material brought to site.
8. Fine for delayed completion @ Rs. 200 per day for 7 days.
Problem : 5
Post the contractor ledger for the month of June 1996 from the following
1.Work done in the 1st RAB for Rs. 80000 and paid on 31.05.96.
2. on 08.06.96, 100 bags of cement supplied @ Rs. 200 per bag.
3. on 10.06.96, contractor brought 20 MT Steel to the site. Assessment market rate
being Rs. 2000 per MT. Maximum secured advance was allowed.
4. Work done on 2nd RAB:
a) Earth work 10000 sft @ Rs. 100 per 100 sft.
b) Brick work 8000 sft @ Rs. 150 per 100 sft.
c) RCC work 2000 sft @ Rs. 20 per sft.
d) Plastering work 1000 sft @ Rs. 50 per sft.
5. SD @ 10% and IT @ 2%.
6. Cut imposed @ 5% for using bad quality of brick.
7. Bill was paid on 30.06.96.
Problem : 6
Post the contractor ledger for the month of April 98:
1.Credit balance as on 31.01.98 Rs.5000; as on 28.02.98 Rs. 8000 and as on
31.03.98 Rs. 15000.
2. Work done as per 4th Running Account Bill and bill paid on 20.04.98:
a) Plastering work 2100 sft @ Rs. 5 per sft.
b) Iron work 3000 sft @ Rs. 10 per sft.
c) Wood work 500 sft @ Rs. 100 sft.
3. Cut imposed 10% for bad plastering on plastering work.
4. Electricity charges Rs. 2000 deducted.
5. As per M Book, plastering work measured 2000 sft.
6. 10% reducted from the schedule rate and agreed by the contractor.
7. SD 10% and IT 2% are to be recovered on each payment.
8. An advance of Rs. 6000 was paid on 06.04.98 to the contractor for the material
brought to site.
9. 100lbs of Iron rod supplied to the contractor on 12.04.98 from departmental
stock. Its book value Rs. 120 per lbs where as its market value was Rs. 150 per
10. Further advance paid to the contractor on 24.04.98 for the materials brought
to site value being Rs. 28000.
Solution : 1
Contractors Ledger
Dr. Cr.
172600 SD 10% of (50000+1676000)
34520 IT 2% of (50000+1676000)
Solution : 2
Contractors Ledger
Dr. Cr.
4567 SD 5% of (1000+90325)
1822 IT 2% of (1000+90325)
Dr. Cr.
11781 SD 10% of 117810
2356 IT 2% of 117810
Dr. Cr.
193 Water charges 1% of 19250
938 IT 2% of 46901
Dr. Cr.
9972 SD 10% of 99720
1994 IT 2% of 99720
Solution : 6
Contractors Ledger
Dr. Cr.
80100 ie., 72090
1442 IT 2% of 72090
For payment of salary in the middle of the Both side of the cash book for drawal of
month -- being unpaid and not drawn cheque as well as payment for the gross
previously amount minus recoveries.
For issue of time barred cheque Both side of cash book
For pay & allowances returned by MO Receipt side of the cash book
Imprest holder dies Payment side of the cash book for the
imprest amount
Imprest surrendered Red ink entry on the receipt side
Reports loss of cash in temp advance Payment side of the cash book
Issue of fresh cheque in lieu of old cheque Only red ink entry on the payment side of
with same value the cash book.
Temporary advance paid by cheque For drawal of cheque -- on the receipt side
For payment of temp advance -- red ink
entry on the payment side
Increase of imprest by cheque For drawal of cheque -- on the receipt side
For payment -- red ink entry on the
payment side
Disallowed amount in the temporary Will not appear in the cash book
advance or imprest
ATD received from another division for Receipt side of the cash book and in the
transfer of imprest amount payment side, a red ink entry will be made
Cash found short Payment side of the cash book
Cash found excess Receipt side of the cash book
On the last day, the difference between
exact amount paid and cheque drawn shall
be given effect only on the daily cash
balance as a minus amount.
As per BSNL Corporate Office letter dated 17.09.2012, CPWD Works Manual 2012 has
been recommended instead of CPWD Manual Vol.II.
Contractor Bills
I) Nature
Contractor bills can be paid for the following four types of transactions
(i) On account payment- Payment to a contractor for work done or
supplies made by him and duly measured.
(ii) Advance payment- Payment made to a contractor for work done but
not measured.
(iii) Secured advance- Advance paid to a contractor when contract is for
completed items of work and the security of the materials brought to the site of
the work.
II) Bills
(i) First and final bill- Only on completion and final settlement.
(ii) Running account bill- When payment being made at convenient
intervals for the path of the work or supplies made, subject to the final settlement
and completion of work.
Note: The first and final bill, the question of advance payment and secured
advance does not arise.
III) Form26
Running account bill is prepared in Form 26 and it contains the following
four main parts
(a) Account of work executed.
(b) Certificate.
(c) Memorandum of payment.
(d) Annexure of secured advances.
(7) Total of the value of the work done up to date by totaling column no
5. While putting the total, fractions should be rounded off by way of 50 paise or
more to be taken as next higher rupee and vice versa.
(8) Column no 6 has to be arrived by totaling and entered as deducts
value of work shown on previous bill.
(9) In the final column the difference between the above mentioned
point nos 7 and 8 will be shown as net value of work since previous bill.
Note: This figure shall be shown in words also but within brackets.
(2) Total up to date advance payments shall be entered as per the particulars
given in the questions.
(4) In the fourth column sum of item 1, 2 and 3 area entered as total.
(5) In the fifth column the amount withheld will be returned as deduct amount
withheld. Following area the circumstances under which the amount can be
withheld or taken as deductions:
(a) The security:-
This security shall be deducted only on the basis of the up to date
payment as mentioned at (a) (5). The security is to be rounded off to the nearest
(b) Only this security shall be entered under column 5(b)
whereas if the question relates to security deposit it will appear only at column
(c) If the security is less than 500, it has to be entered in column
(d) If the security is more than 500, invariably it has to be taken
to column
(e) In column no 8(a), the recovery of creditable to this work
namely cost of materials supplied to the contractor for the work, fine for bad work,
recoveries due from contractor on account of expenditure incurred on the work at
its risk and cost.
(c) Hire charges of tools and plants.
(d) Supervision charges on issue of materials.
(e) Code attachment.
(f) Cost of materials supplied to contractor for other works.
(g) Fines of delay and other fines creditable to revenue.
(7) Pay order by the disbursing officer should be the check value whereas the
acknowledgement of the contractor should be the sum equal to the difference
between items 6 and 7.
1. What is Earnest Money? What is the mode of deposit? How the Earnest Money
is refunded?
CPWD MAN VOL. II PARA 21.1, 21.4.1 & 21.6.1
2. What is the Scope and Duties of Internal Check Organisation?
CPWD MAN VOL.II 59.3 & 59.31
3. Under What Circumstances advances to contractors can be paid?
CPWD ACCOUNT CODE 10.2.22 AND 10.2.23
4. How the advances paid to the contractors are shown in the accounts of the works
and how are their adjustments effected?
CPWD ACCOUNT CODE 10.2.22 to 10.2.23, 10.5.1, 10.5.14 & 10.5.15
5. What are the initial records upon which accounts of work are based? Describe
CPWA ACCOUNT CODE: 10.1.1 & 10.1.5
6. How errors in the compiled accounts are corrected in accounts of the year in
which error occurred?
7. How errors are corrected if they are noticed after the accounts for the items have
been closed?
8. Describe the procedure and precautions to be observed in issuing materials to
contractors and explain the accounting procedure and the procedure of recovery.
CPWD ACCOUNT CODE: 10.3.1 TO 10.3.7
9. Describe briefly how the monthly accounts are compiled in Divisional Office.
CPWD MANUAL VOL.II: 22.4.12 TO 22.4.16
10. Describe the various stages of execution of work.
CPWD MANUAL VOL.II: 2.1,2.5,2.6,2.8 & 2.9
11. What are the entries to be made in the measurement books with each set of
measurements to be recorded?
12. What are the essential ingredients of contract?
13. What is the procedure for award of work without call of tenders?
14. What is the procedure to be adopted in connection with the receipt and opening of
15. What checks are to be exercised by Divisional Accounts Officer while submitting
16. Describe Core Cell and its function s.
17. What is the procedure regarding accounting and custody of Muster Roll Forms?
18. What is the procedure for payment for sub-standard work?
19. What is Measurement Book? What are the important items of Measurement?
20. What are the functions of Financial Advisors?
21. What are the various forms of Security Deposit?
22. What do you understand by Lapsed and Confiscated Deposits? Describe briefly
procedures to be taken to make the entertainment of a double claim impossible.
Describe briefly how refund claim are to be entertained in such cases.
CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 15.4.1 TO 15.4.4
23. What is fundamental principle on which the accounts of stores are bases?
Specify the main categories of Stores.
24. Discuss in detail the guiding principles which a sub-divisional officers should
observe in the preparation, examination and payment of contractors bills. What
are the safe guards to avoid double payment to a contactor on the same account.
CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 10.2.16 TO 10.2.18
25. Name the main heads under which the transactions of the division may be
26. What are the main principles to be borne in mind by the Divisional Officers in
maintaining the accounts of his Division?
27. Describe the duties and functions of Divisional Accountant.
28. What are the conditions to be observed by Divisional Officer before incurring any
29. What are the instructions to be observed by Divisional Officer for rectification of
errors found in the Cash Book?
30. How to keep a watch over the progress of expenditure?
31. How are the time expired and cancelled cheques are treated in the accounts?
32. How are the dishonoured cheques are treated in the accounts?
33. How are the EMD received and refunded on the same day shall be treated in the
cash book?
34. How are the Receipt by DD/Cheque and remitted into the bank on the same day
shall be treated in the cash book?
CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 6.3.1 TO 6.3.3 AND 6.3.5
35. What are the instructions on cheque lost and issued a fresh cheque and its
treatment in the Cash Book?
36. Whether any limitation for using the departmental receipts for the purpose of
departmental expenditure. If so, explain.
37. What are instructions on verification of cash book?
38. What is an imprest? How is it accounted?
CPWD ACCOUNT CODE: 6.6.8 TO 6.6.11
39. What is Temporary Advance? How is it accounted?
40. What are the instructions in the accounting on cash found excess and short?
41. What are the principles governing the allocation of expenditure on a capital
scheme between capital and revenue accounts?
42. Explain the term cash. What categories of bills are permitted by the Divisional
Officer for making payment?
43. Explain the following briefly:
Register of works -- CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 10.6.1 AND 10.6.2
Contractors Ledger CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 10.7.1 TO 10.7.4
44. Explain briefly about measurement book and the general instructions for
recording the detailed measurements in the measurement book.
45. Explain various purposes of transfer entries.
46. Explain about Bin Cards -- CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 7.2.12 TO 7.2.15
47. Explain about Priced Stores Ledger CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE : 7.2.31 TO 7.2.33
48. What is Works Abstract and emplain its preparation in a Divisional Office.
CPWD ACCOUNTS CODE: 10.5.1 TO 10.5.11
1 Cheque received from third party indicated in OB Does not include in OB remittance to
Now in this month remitted into bank Bank
6 Imprest Account submitted and recouped with the Imprest expenditure to be accounted and
same account same amount recouped.
7 Imprest account submitted but recouped with Imprest expenditure to be accounted and
increased amount. for increase, entry in payment side, only
8 Imprest Account submitted but recouped with Imprest expenditure to be accounted and
decreased amount for decrease, entry in the receipt side,
only narration.
13 Cheque issued previously and now No amount shall be written. But narration
revalidated/renewed in red ink in payment side.
15 Cheque wrongly issued, cancelled and new Cheque cancelled entry Minus in the
cheque issued for correct account bank column . New cheque issued entry.
16 Cheque issued previously, now cancelled Cheque now cancelled minus in Bank
19 EMD received and remitted into Bank Entry in both sides of Cash book.
20 EMD received and returned on the same day for No entry in the Cash book
unsuccessful tenderer
22 DD remitted to Bank but received back Minus entry in the receipt side of Cash
dishounoured book.
23 DD remitted to Bank but received back DD remittance to bank need not shown in
dishounoured on the same day payment side. Minus entry in the receipt
side of the Cash book.
29 Misc. Receipts
1. Sale proceeds of fruits in PWD quarters Receipt side of Cashbook
Same as above
2. Sale of Newspapers Same as above
3. Sale of Timber Let Material cost = 100
4. Sale proceeds of material from stock, the Supervision(10%) = 10
amount include 10% supervision charges and 2% Storage (2%of 110%)= 2.2
storage charges
30 Purchase of service postage stamps Entry on the payment side of cash book.
32 Sale of Tender Forms Entry on the receipt side of Cash book.
34 Local purchase like Stationery Entry on the payment side of Cash book.
35 Deposited all Call Receipts into bank Entry to be made in Cash column of
payment side of cash book.
39 Bank intimated that the cheque of third party No entry. No such charges need to be
credited in our account and involves bank imposed on us
40 Bank intimated that the cheque presented had No entry. In BRS, we are showing still it
been wrongly credited to some other account. is uncleared
42 EE taken from Chest Rs.1200 and on his return It has to be treated as if he has taken
from tour, EE submitted muster rolls for Rs.1200 temporary advance and submitted
for labour engaged on construction of a school accounts. The same treatment of
building and refunded unpaid wages Rs.30 in temporary advance.
43 Cheque received from contractor for putting EEs No entry in cash book.
signature which was omitted
44 Soiled Note sent to RBI for exchange with fresh Soiled notes normally taken as cash
were party rejected balance whereas counterfeit notes/coins
will not be taken as cash balance. When
soiled notes rejected, the amount of
rejection shall be entered in the payment
side of cash book under the classification
of Misc. Works advances