Civicat Control Room Servei Català de Transit
Civicat Control Room Servei Català de Transit
Civicat Control Room Servei Català de Transit
Zamora 45-47, 4t 2a
08005 Barcelona, Spain
T. +34 93 515 57 17
Zamora 45-47, 4t 2a
08005 Barcelona, Spain
T. +34 93 515 57 17
Inverted U-shaped structure located in the back of the console for the location of small
rear area, which distributes all the structured KVM units or modules, which are connected to
wiring, as well as the location of power, voice the Functional Arc allowing optimal wiring.
and data inputs. The upper part of the
Functional Arc allows the installation of Integration in the different environments of
articulated supports for TFT / LCD monitors. specific file and impression furniture,
contemplating also the metallic bucks modules
The Lite console has 2 extremely light with 3 drawers, for the operators and offices
structural sides, joined to the central body of adjacent to the control environment.
the functional arc, which facilitate the support of
the working surfaces of the assembly. The work The room integrates ergonomic complements
surface is made of gray phenolic compact resin. for the operators, a 24x7 CXO Extrem chair that
allows a perfect regulation of all the elements
Integration of connectivity elements inside that are in contact with the human body, the
the functional arc and in the work surface itself. used materials facilitate the maximum comfort
for the operator and guarantee the maximum
Possibility of anchoring the audiovisual monitors breathability. Includes height adjustable head
by articulated supports (not included), through a restraint and lumbar tension regulation and is
Rail Monitor System, which would imply a perfect certified by the demanding American air
and continuous adjustment of the screens. regulation FNEW 83-269E, which tests and
certifies that the product is suitable for a 24
Integration of a tray-type compartment on the hour intensive use.
Meeting table
with capacity for
12 users. It has
connection units
and space inside
the structure to
house the
Technical furniture: 1x Console Lite in CRISIS ROOM + ANEXED OFFICES: 1x CRAE
configuration 8 operators, 1x Console Lite in Meeting for 12 Users, 12x Crisis Room Chairs, 1x
triple configuration (3 technicians), 1x Console Lite Office Desk for Auxiliary Dispatch, 1x Lite
Lite in double configuration (2 supervisors) and Office Desk in Triple Setup for Press Dispatch,
1x Console Lite in double configuration (2 radar 3x Lite Office Desk in Individual Setup for
operators). Dispatch 1 & 2, 4x Confident chairs for Offices
Auxiliary 1 & 2, 7x Chair CXO Extrem 24x7, 1x
Auxiliary furniture: 15x Chairs CXO extrem Metal buck with 3 drawers.
24x7, 11x Metal bucks of with 3 drawers, 10x File
cabinets Combi.
Zamora 45-47, 4t 2a
08005 Barcelona, Spain
T. +34 93 515 57 17