CV Fajar Al-Habibi
CV Fajar Al-Habibi
CV Fajar Al-Habibi
Jl. Pramuka, Perum Bukit Alam Permai 3 Blok E-1. Kec. Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, 35144.
Hp. 081278620651 / e-mail :
Personal Details
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Place & Date of Birth Lampung, November 5th 1991
Nationality and Citizenship Indonesian
Languages Spoken and Written Proficiency Indonesian (mother tongue), English (Fair)
Height 168 cm
Weight 60 kg
Number Identity Card 1809070511910004
Home Address & Phone Numbers Jl. Pramuka, Perum Bukit Alam Permai Blok E-1,
Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, 35144,
Phone: 081278620651
Email Address
Formal Education
1. Elementary High School SDN 4 Kedondong (1997-2003)
MIN 1 Kedondong (1997-2003)
2. Junior High School SMPN 1 Kedondong (2003-2006)
3. Acceleration Class Senior High School SMAN 1 Gadingrejo (2006-2008)
4. Faculty of Medicine University of Lampung (2009-2013)
5. Professional Program Faculty of Medicine University of Lampung (2013-2015)
Abdoel Moeloek Hospital, Bandar Lampung
Ahmad Yani Hospital, Metro
Lampung Insane Asylum, Pesawaran
PTPN VII Clinical Center and Factory, Lampung
Rajabasa Indah Local Government Clinic
Work Experiences
Klinik Pratama Aldira Medica As Inovator and Developer Clinical Information
Jl. H. Aliudin Pasar Baru, Kecamatan Kedondong,
Management System (1 Mei 2014 - 15 Desember 2016).
Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung,
As General Practioner 1 Juli - 25 November 2015.
Izin Klinik No: 449.7e/1473.A/III.02/VII/2014
Express TV 2016)
Simposium Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Ruangan Sudirman Korem 041/Gamas dan Rumkit TK
Indonesia (PERDOSSI) IV 02.0701 Zainul Arifin Bengkulu (18 Mei 2016)
Skripsi Effectivity of Legundi (Vitex trifolia L) Leaves Extract
as Aedes aegypty Ovicide (Februari 2013)
Evaluation Program Report, Ilmu Kedokteran
Komunitas, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Evaluasi Program Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Pada Bayi
Lampung Usia 0-6 Bulan Di Puskesmas Rajabasa Indah Pada
Periode Maret 2013 - Maret 2014
Jurnal Agromedicine Universitas Lampung, Volume
1, Nomor 3, Desember 2014
Case Report: Trauma as Trigger Factor and
Malnutrition Status as Risk Factor in The
Mini Project in Puskesma Perawatan Beringin Raya Etiopathogenesis of Fournier;s Gangrene Scrotalis on a
39 Years Old Man (Desember 2014)
Organizational Experience
Karya Ilmiah Remaja (KIR) SMAN1 Gadingrejo As a Leader (2006 2008)
Interpersonal Skill
Microsoft Office Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point, Access. Visio
Engineer Tools Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) 17.0,
AutoCad 2004, Corel Draw X5, Visual Basic C++,
Highlights Of Qualification
1. Honest, Productive and Hard working person
2. Analytical Thinking and fast leaner.
3. Good leadership, organizational and communication skill
4. Agromedicine based on University of Lampung vision
My Motto Work
I Dont Stop When Im Tired, I Stop When Im Done