Skill Matrix
Skill Matrix
Skill Matrix
VETA Industries (India) Pvt Ltd, Skill and Competence matrix Rating of Employees at the beginning of the year
Irrungattukottai-602 105.
(For Determining Training Requirements)
SI Skill/competence Total Rating
No Marks =
Employees Job clamping on 5s principal and 25 MARK
Gauge handling skills Instruments handling Visual inspection
machine house keeping S
Rating Marks
5 Excellent Originated By:
Skill Matrix Rating Detail (1 to 5) any one no will be recorded in the 4 Good
matrix out of 5 depending upon individual skill level 3 Better
2 Average Approved By:
1 Poor
(QSP -02) / HRD-1 / IS 01: Rev 0 / 15.10.2009