Entrepreneur'S Field or Expertise: Social Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur'S Field or Expertise: Social Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur'S Field or Expertise: Social Entrepreneurs
She was raised by her grandmother who sold betel nut at the local palengke and a
public school teacher mom, the senator is not only the strong woman behind her
real-estate developer and public servant husband; more recently, shes at the
frontline of national development.
We have three major advocacies: helping OFWs, environmental protection and of course creating
livelihood opportunities to reduce poverty, she explains.
After college, she decided to enter the corporate world instead of joining Gawad
Kalinga as she felt the need to find her own path and step out of her father's shadow. She fell in love with the
art of brand-building and communications. She worked in media, advertising and a multinational food brand
where she learned the skills she find useful in leading Human Nature.
She is currently the President of Gandang Kalikasan, Inc., the makers of Human Nature, a brand of
natural personal care and cosmetic products. She is in new product development, promotion of social
entrepreneurship and Gawad Kalinga partnerships.
Why she became a social entrepreneur?
Human Natures promote advocacies that are Pro-Philippines, in which they use local ingredients whenever
possible so made in the Philippines can mean world-class; Pro-poor, to empower rural and urban
communities by buying raw materials and finished goods at fair trade prices and lastly Pro-environment,
biodegradable and at least 95% natural-safe to earth, kind to animals and good for you.