Unit Assessment Plan

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Subject Area Music

ED 3604
Grade Level 2
Unit Assessment Plan Topic One School, One Book
Emma Arndt 001174430 Length of Unit (days) 14 days (2 weeks)

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals GLO(s):
Insights into music through meaningful musical activities
Awareness and appreciation of a variety of music, including music of the many cultures represented in

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand Students will
How to using their singing voice and Differentiate between their speaking, singing and
singing in tune effects expression in a yelling voice in order to express the emotion of a
performance. variety of musical styles.
How to sing in unison and in tune. Learn that listening to their peers and matching
Students will understand how body pitch is a vital part of singing accurately in
percussion transfers to various types of unison.
Orff instruments. Students will use planned body percussion as a
stepping-stone into using instruments to
accompany unison singing.

Prior understandings Students will be able to (SLOs):

Follow directions and in class Expression. #6 - Music reflects our feelings about
Ability to match pitch holidays, seasons, our country and cultural heritage.
Can clap, patch, and stomp Movement #2 - Move to the beat in music through
Ability to skip, run, walk, gallop, and hop walking, running, hopping, galloping and skipping, as
Can speak and yell appropriate to the psychomotor
Singing #1 - Distinguish between childrens speaking
and singing voices.
Singing #2 - Respond to tone matching and echo
Where does this lead? Playing Instruments #5 - Accompany singing with
We can internalize and keep the beat appropriate body percussion and movement (beat,
through skipping, running, walking, accent, rhythm patterns) and transfer these to
running, etc. instruments
We use the ability to match pitch to Singing #5 - Sing, in tune, many rhythmic and
accurately sing in unison melodic songs, singing games and action songs.
Can use their speaking voice and yelling Singing #7 - Sing accurately in unison
voice to identify their singing voice
Can take their clapping, patching, and
stomping skills to accurately perform body

EDUC 3604 Unit Assessment Plan Template

Subject Area Music
ED 3604
Grade Level 2
Unit Assessment Plan Topic One School, One Book
Emma Arndt 001174430 Length of Unit (days) 14 days (2 weeks)

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Students will perform a well-known song (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) during this I will listen to
students to see if they are singing together in unison. I will also listen for students who are singing in
their singing voice and if they are differentiating between singing and yelling.
Students will march around the room while singing the song. This will allow me to see if the students
are able to internalize the beat through kinesthetic movement.

Quizzes, Tests, Assignments Performance Tasks, Projects

For this unit and grade level quizzes, tests, At the end of this unit the grade two classes will
and assignments are not applicable. perform their final piece for the grade 6 classes. This
Assessment will be done in performance performance will combine movement, singing,
tasks, through observations, discussions, and expression and playing instruments.
within the lessons

Other Evidence (observations, work samples, Student self-assessment

dialogues) Students will have time to reflect upon them selves
I will have a discussion with the students and decide if when they sing they are singing the
about why having the ability to match pitch same thing as their partner.
is important. Students will reflect if they are using their singing
Have a discussion about the various sounds voice, speaking voice, or yelling voice when they are
that you body makes when students clap, participating in class.
patch, and stomp. Students will work in groups and display their
Discuss the sounds that instruments make understanding of body percussion and discuss how it
and how they relate to the sounds of body can transfer to various instruments.
Observe if students have the ability to skip,
run, walk, gallop, and hop the beat and can
use kinesthetic motion to internalize the
I will listen and observe if students can
differentiate between their speaking, talking
and yelling voice and use each at the
appropriate time.

EDUC 3604 Unit Assessment Plan Template

Subject Area Music
ED 3604
Grade Level 2
Unit Assessment Plan Topic One School, One Book
Emma Arndt 001174430 Length of Unit (days) 14 days (2 weeks)

Display of
Observations and
Title Speaking/Singing Singing Evaluation Performance for Class
Learning Outcomes Voice Pitch Matching
Type Formative Formative Summative Summative

Weighting 0% 0% 35% 65%

Expression. #6 - Music reflects our feelings
about holidays, seasons, our country and
cultural heritage.
Movement #2 - Move to the beat in music
through walking, running, hopping,
galloping and skipping, as appropriate to the

Singing #1 - Distinguish between childrens

speaking and singing voices.

Singing #2 - Respond to tone matching and

echo games.

Playing Instruments #5 - Accompany

singing with appropriate body percussion
and movement (beat, accent, rhythm
patterns) and transfer these to instruments

Singing #5 - Sing, in tune, many rhythmic

and melodic songs, singing games and
action songs.

Singing #7 - Sing accurately in unison

Subject Area Music
ED 3604
Grade Level 2
Unit Assessment Plan Topic One School, One Book
Emma Arndt 001174430 Length of Unit (days) 14 days (2 weeks)

Assessment Tool Overview Assessment

Assessment Assessment
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR
AS Learning OF Learning
This will be an exit slip where I get a group
of students echo a phrase in their singing or
Display of
there speaking voice.
Speaking/Singing Voice
Pitch Matching I will do a pitch matching echo game
where students need to echo back a musical
phrase before leaving the class.
In class I will be observing the students and
having discussions with them. During this
Observations and
Discussion time I will determine what the students
have grasped and if they have enough
understanding of a topic to move on.
I will have the students sing the song as a
whole and in small groups. This song
allows the students to display if they have
Singing Evaluation differentiated between their singing voice
and yelling voice, are able to match pitch,
are able to sing in unison, and if they have
developed the ability to sing in tune.
At the end of this unit the grade two classes
will perform their final piece for the grade
6 classes. This performance will combine
Performance for Class movement, singing, expression and playing
instruments. The students will have the
opportunity to display what they have
learned during this music unit.

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