All About SiaoMouse 2006
All About SiaoMouse 2006
All About SiaoMouse 2006
Note: If you die after reading my crappy writings, at most, I will sent flowers to your funeral & if you wanna
be ghost come haunt me, better get ready sure strike 4D or TOTO numbers cos I will be sure to pester from
any ghost as it's my SOP!
I have quite a numbers of hobbies... & I'm going to confess(oh, fark! There goes my reputation as a Nasty
Barbarian!) that one of my favourite is READING!
Yeah... you know... read books... yep, those thingies with pages & pages of texts, you know?
Read about any damn thing or subjects. Right... imagine a cao ahbeng saying that...
Not comic or what they call graphic novels nowadays. No, not porn material either.
Even though my close friends won't believe I don't have any at home.... Nabei!
No porn VCD or DVD either.
Ok... you can start laughing now... & scorning if you wish. Go on, suan me. I'm so used to it already.
Done? Finish?
Ok, I knew that many sg people hate to read or read only for the sake of school or work.
You can stop reading my writings now if you hate reading cos it's going to be lengthy.
Don't say I didn't warn you hor... please read my disclaimer above at my 1st post.
Let also skip the next few eventful years of street education of every color.... swearing/cursing(who wanna
try out-sweating me in many language?), smoking, drinking, 'peian water'(gangsters fighting to you civilised
people), gambling or be 'see water'(act as watchout lor), be runner or debt collector, sexing... etc, etc.
I learn alot & am nearly fearless, but somehow I still feel unsatisfactory equip for the world at large. I'm
going to conquer the world, right? KNS leh...
Before went into NS, found out that w/o good command of English, I ain't going anywhere.
With inadequately info or knowledge, I will be stuck forever!
People used to tease me about my poor education or lack of skills.
Took a hard look at fact of life & face the ugly, hurtful truth.
Didn't I said I'm nearly fearless? I'm also fearless when it come to this... conquering myself!
A friend once told me, nearly everything can be found or learn from books & revenge will be sweet after
accumulating those.
So I started planning on my revenge... by reading up on anythings that I came across.
After which, I was so hooked on reading trying to find out more & more, I'd forgotten whom I'm gonna do
my revenge on....
Oh, fark it, manz! Where got time? There're so much to read & learn!
That was how I came into this bookworm reading geeky habit, but it's not easy.
Imagine, my looks machiam a gangster.... tall, dark, tough & ugly.
Open mouth is "KNNBCCB! You go where die liao!" < No offence, but it just like you civilised folks greet
each other "good morning" or "How are you?" kinda thingie.
Just a habit, but no longer. I'm an cultured Cao AhBeng now.... LOLZ!
With my barbaric behaviour & looks, who in the right mind will believe that one of my favourite hobbies is
or that I knew more general knowledge or info than many people who look like nerd/geeks.
When I tell people of this hobby of mine, their eyes always went wide with disbelieve.
I talk nonsense & bullshit most of the time. Never serious... happy go lucky... bloody nasty... just look at my
postings here!
You believe me? Nah.... I can see the doubts in your eyes already.
Ok... think you better stop reading before your image of me as a cao ahbeng is all destroyed!
Well... if you want me to be a cao ahbeng, no problem. It's my legacy after all.
Pua Choo Kang the total fake you watch on TV is a wimpy gay when compare to me.
By now, read over 10s of thousand of books on many various subjects, fiction & none-fiction.
You name it, most probably I had read something on it.
After reading so much, I trained myself to think more profoundly & with imagination.
With enough knowledge & imagination, nearly every aspect of life can be overcome.
No, I haven't forgotten about the money factor.
Of course you need money lah & money is always not enough for me lor...
Why you think I dare ask ghost for numbers leh!
Used to own about 500+ book at home till I ran out of space.
Sold or gave away almost all of them, except for some subjects which are dear to me.
I treasure books & love visiting bookstores.
Whenever I walk into a bookstore, staff & security guards sure look at me fishy all the time.
Followed me everywhere I went, check every book I touched! Nabei...
Once I triggered the alarm walking into a bookstore, whole tons of security devices plus their guards aimed
at me.
I just collected(from post office) a documentary DVD from oversea with the stupid anti-theft device still
The online store which I bought from, had forgotten to remove it before they ship to me.
The bookstore people find it difficult to believe that it belong to me. Though maybe is porn in disguise....
can't really blame them.
Luckily that title wasn't available locally.... so they let me off. Maybe due to me KPKB all the time.
I bought many documentary DVDs, mostly from oversea. From eBay... it's cheaper with much more
To date, local bookstores have limited subjects.... crappy!
But even after reading so much, my spellings still sux! Still need a dictionary to spell correctly... bloody hell.
It grief me to think that I took a long time to wrote all this lousy shit & I'm damn lazy type!
KNN! What the fark am I doing this? Self-torture I think.
Ok... Back! Down, you monsters, stay down!
Now... back to my normal crappy nonsensical self... lesson in suspense of disbelieve is over, folks.
My other hobbies... Damn! I'm going broke having too many hobbies!
Really have to strike TOTO 1st prize soon!
or gonna find a sugar mummy. Preferably a young & pretty one....
Lets summarize...
1: Pretty Girls.
Hey, can't help it if they all wanna chase me, right?
I didn't do a snatch & run with their purse hor.... just their hearts.
If all of them are pretty, can I complain?
If they wanna give me their body in the process, as a gentleman, I can't refuse can I?
Rule #1: Always check their IC.
Rule #2: Don't ever get them pregnant! This one big trouble!
Rule #3: No other rule.
Had never beaten a girl before & will not want to. That's all I can promise.
They treat me nice, I treat them nice. Fair is fair, right?
If cannot stand me, will ask them sitting down on me. If not get lost.
I'm a rude AhBeng mah! Have to maintain my reputation leh!
Lost count of how many girlfriends I had before.... hmmm... nevermind. Past is past liao.
After reading too much dry dry non-fiction books, sian liao. Nowadays tend to read more fiction.
Used to read many types of fiction, except those love stories ones.
Science fiction are the only ones that can hold my attention for long.
Sci-fi with their imaginary worlds allow my creative thoughts to flow freely.
Since I am quite the footloose wandering soul, sci-fi allow me to explore more & further.
In a harsh world of too much constrain, I like to escape now & then.
Favourite authors which I had completed reading all their works are:
Robert A. Heinlein - deceased.
Isaac Asimov - deceased.
Sir Arthur C. Clarke - deceased.
Frank Herbert - deceased.
Poul William Anderson - deceased.
Finished all their books & awaiting new ones from them.
Larry Niven
Jerry Pournelle
Joe Haldeman
Philip Jose Farmer
Harry Harrison
SM Stirling
David Drake
Hopefully these few still living will write more works cos they are very old men already!
*Cross fingers & toes!*
When I was young, my father used to do ships. Cruise ships, liners, battleships, carriers & some aircraft.
Plastic modelling had being around for a long time(since early 1950s').
This hobby involved too many different skills & knowledge.... Handicraft skills, artistic talent & lots of
reading up on various subjects.
It's not easy to be good in this hobby. Many took it up, but failed.
Many gave up, then tell people is a waste of time playing with toys or it's a kid's hobby... talk about sour
grapes. PUI!
Model kits, unbuilt, comes in many pieces of raw color(mainly grey), molded plastic.
Have to be glue together, putty(patch with filler) the seams or gaps, sand the putty smooth to match the
surrounding & paint.
Have to paint all parts, down to the tiniest details, before & after assembly.
Apply the decals(stickers to many of you, but they ain't sticker actually) for those markings on vehicles.
Then apply weathering to simulate wear & tear or used conditions to make them look realistic instead of a
shining toy.
Took up this hobby at age 10. Used China Panda glue & Great Earth paints. Fix up models to play.
Chinese New Year come along, stuck firecracker rockets on planes & fly them. They flew beautifully.... solo
flight only. =P
Stop this hobby in my teens due to other commitments & NS. Came back again in my mid 20s.
Get quite serious about it this time round, buying proper equipments, books or reference materials & done
up a little work place.
Accumulated 1000s of unbuilt model kits & hundreds of books in a few short years. That was the crazy
In the beginning, only build military models like aircraft, tanks, battleships, etc, etc.
Build one car & one motorbike model & that's it. Hate those 2 subjects.
Later discovered sci-fi or anime kits, dropped all military stuff, except a very few which I'm attached to very
I prefer sci-fi or anime cos they allow me to let my imagination go wild.
Can't do that in military modelling as they're real subjects & have to follow realistic standards. No crazy
ideas allow!
A number of years ago, when my collection of unbuilt kits amounted to more than 3000+, I took a grip on
myself & face reality.
What am I doing with this mountain of plastic?!? Can't possibly build them all even if I live to 300 years old!
Using them as my funeral pyre when my time comes is not an option or I will do it!
Came to my senses & start selling them off cheaply in lots.
Today, what I have are just a couple of hundreds. Am still buying some new kits, but a very selectively few.
In this hobby, fortunate that I had good handicraft skills & some artistic talent.
Build 100s of them, displayed them in model shops & many were sold.
Typically, hobbyist modellers will refuse to sell what they made. It's sorta of pride they have for their hobby.
I'm of a entire different mentality. Sold many of my works, at the right price(not very high), of course.
Still regretted that many were sold off even before I had time to take photo of them(last time no hp
camera or digital camera leh).
Most of those who come into this hobby are nice types of guys, typically geeks, whom are totally opposite
in characters from an ahbeng me.
In the beginning, many are skeptic that I can do well in this till I show them my P.O.W.E.R. as a handicraft
master & a artist.
They got a rude shock that a crude ahbeng can outdo them in this hobby & upset the perspective of their
geeky world. =P
Many despised me for showing them the light, but they have to resign to fate.
Fated that an ahbeng was gifted with handicraft, artistic talents & who love to read. Heehee....
When I was active in local plastic modelling scene, those geeks get back at me by banning me from joining
any local competition... CB sore losers!!!
Their reason been that I'm classed as a commercial model builder.
Oh well... had to admit I'm good enough to do it commercially, did free-lancing as a commercial modeller &
later(much later), worked for 2 commercial model making companies.
Established quite a reputation as a modeller & the only ahbeng modeller around.
I can walk into any local model shops & even the newer batch of modellers will know or heard of me even
though i don't mix with modellers anymore.
Really boost my ego tremendously! Haahaahaa...
Hey! I'm not one with false modesty, ok! Limbei is egotistic Beng wor!
I know, I know... you won't believe me. Who the fark care as long as the fact is still out there.
NO! Forget it! I'm not going to tell you my real name!
If you ever meet my darling in real as some of you had, ask her. She had seen those occasions before.
This hobby is mostly a guy thing. Never yet meet a girl who is good at this.
Almost all guys who are in this hobby face a similar problem.... girlfriend or wife.
Their girlfriend or wife will nag at them regarding their hobby.
Saying thing like... it's for kids or It's not a respectful hobby like golf or why are you wasting time & money
on this instead of on me? Blah, blah blah & blah....Knn!!!
That's them geeks problem, not mine.
Me, if any of my girls make any noise regarding my hobbies, I tell them this > "I played this hobby longer
than I played you! So STFU! Buay song, Take a walk!"
Women can have many many pairs of shoes or whole wardrode of clothes & yet I never did complain.
Wanna complain about my hobbies? Go die lah... many girls still waiting to chase me leh.
So far, never had any problem from my girls, past & present, regarding this issue.
Call me MCP or whatever. Limbei bo chap lah!
I am now fortunate to have a sweet & pretty girl who know how to appreciate this hobby.
She done up one model kit, but her work doesn't gave her enough time for more.
Mainly, she collect 'toys' which are nicely done up as replicas or display items, not for playing.
Weapons, tanks, aircraft, battleships, dragons & figure of girls... no, not barbie dolls... she hate wimpy
Barbie & she don't go for guys figures much.
She collected quite alot of military hardwares, dragons & girl figures.
Figures of sexy, scantily clad or nude girls are her favourite.
Girls with weapon, fierce warrior girls, anime(Japanese cartoon to those who are still unfamiliar with this
term) girl or hentai(Japanese anime nudes lah).... yep, figures of sexy naked girls.
Whenever we are together buying those sexy figures, people always assume that it's me who collect them.
Typically, it's guys who collect those lor.... geeks, perverts, otaku...
At first, no one believe that the pretty girl at my side is the one collecting those figures.
Now, I told her to go ask or pay for those items herself. Not that I'm pai say or what.
I look perverts enough w/o needing that kind of assumption! Nabei.... spoil my nice clean guy reputation!
Should see those male shopkeeper face change color or turn funny when they realised that she's the one
who are collecting those nude figures!
Seeing them lost for words is priceless when they tried explaining to her that certain sexy figures can be
strip of their dress or certain figures is total naked or with panty underneath their dress.
Their faces change a different color when she buy collectable dragons figures or military weapons!
Really made them wonder... Hahaha... Real funny shit!
Now, I am semi-retired from plastic modelling. Had my fun. Been there, done it.
I will continue this hobby one day, at a lower profile, after settling certain life problems(life always
interfere, dammit!).
Ok, now you can stop your suspension of disbelief. Go ahead, called me a Toa Pao(big cannon).
Maybe my online album will change your mind. Linky below.
Tried teaching me the theories of photography. I listened politely, of course... me ahbeng dunno theories
How to match against someone with a cert leh?
One day, he have a project from his client.
To shoot a pix of their product, which is a new brand of mineral water, against a poster background(No
have Adobe PhotoShop at that time).
He spend 3 days.... 3 days of figuring how to shoot it.... KNS!
Done lots of test shots, but couldn't get it right. My boss was royally fed-up by then.
On the 4th day, I told this USA graduated certify professional photographer that I can do what his client
Told him I will do it for $50 & in 15 min. My condition: Money upfront first & I will lock up the studio when I
do the shots.
Cocky swine laughed & sarcastically told me that if he can't do it when he have a cert & I can?
Told him he got nothing to lose what. If I can't do it, he will get his money back & he had already wasted 3
days, what's 15 more min leh?
Furthermore, his client's deadline was nearly up.
In the end, he gave me the $50 & told me to take 30 min.
I walked out of the studio in less than 15 min, handed him the test shot & asked, "Is this the result that
your client wanted?"
He was flabbergasted, shocked into realizing an ahbeng photographer just bested him, cert or no cert...
Easiest $50 I ever made! Haaahahaaaa...!!!
Limbei ahbeng never respect cert, only skill, experience, abilities or talent.
Next photography job after my apprenticeship was with a commercial advertising studio.
That's when I came into the world of fashion, product, food, aerial & all sort of photography done for
Fashion shots > Many pretty & sexy female models to beo...
Nudes? Aiya... no big deal. Seen many lor... heehee.
Once I was sorta official photographer to a big local model agency.
That agency's club is a disco at Orchard Road.
Free for all the agency's models & company's clients. I get to go there free too.
Played with models every night... no, not the gays ones. I'm straight.
Take it from me that most male models are gays.... yuck!
They will be the ones going to gym to be admire by other gays.
That's why I won't go gym... they're gays' favourite hangouts.
Anyway, at the club, very few real guys. Very many pretty & sexy girls!
Always surrounded by or taking pixs of pretty girls kinda spoiled me.
That's why I don't do wedding or so-called makeover photography. Can't choose & pick your subjects.
For all the photography skills or equipments in the world, no way to turn a ugly hippo into a swan lah.
Forget what you heard about photographer being able to do it. It's a myth.
I knew many amateur or hobbyist photographers love to use that myth to get girls.
When I was a working photographer, many girls asked to take pixs of them.
They will be very insistent that I write down their name & phone numbers.
When many guys had trouble getting girls phone numbers, but here I am with so much contacts & so little
or "Hey, you a photographer? My friend/relative is getting married. Can you take..."
NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! I don't do weddings or anyhow take pix just cos you are a girl!
I take pixs of pretty girls only hor! That's how choosy I am cos of my experiences in fashion photography.
Nice experiences in this trade are many & sometime, get to go on oversea assignments.
Certain matters still piss me off like some clients' behaviour.... esp Sinkaporean!
Those clients who think cos they're boss & that made them the most intelligent person on Earth!
Worse are those who think that way & took photography as a hobby.
They will proceed to teach you how to shoot their product or location.
Then lecture you on the theories of photography & which camera is best.
Will also tell you where is the correct position to place the lightings & camera.
Well, I just let them cos it's them paying the money anyway.
Nice shots or not, it's their say. Who am I to argue with money?
I will politely suggest, but if they still want it their way... ok lor.
Funny thing will happen when they asked to look into the viewfinder.
When they can't find where to look....
Client: " Hey? Where's the viewfinder ar?"
Me: (if the cam is a medium format) " Er... it's at the top of cam."
(if it's a large format cam) " You got to look inside the black bag attached to the back of the cam."
Inevitably the same old thing will happen...
Client, in a very loud voice: "Oie? How come your cam view is torbalek(upside down) one?!?"
Bloody idiot amateurs... best thing is they sometime make a fool of themselves in front of their staff.
Note: Most medium or large format cam which pro photographer use do not come with a prism SLR
It's just a piece of ground glass which light from the lens go or reflect directly to.
That's why the image is upside down or flipped unlike a prism SLR viewfinder which right the image for you.
There're prism SLR viewfinder available for certain medium format cam, but I'm use to seeing torbalek view.
During the period as a photographer, I went through the change from film to digital.
The two advantage I like about digital cam is no need to waste money on film & instant viewing of shots
Before digital cam technology, mostly it's medium or large format that can do test shots.
Those test shots waste money cos they are actually instant films like Polaroid or Fuji ones.
Even with those test shots, it's not 100% fool proof as instant film properties are different from
trans(medium format slide) which pro photographers used.
With film cam, even after test shots, we need to blanket a number of actual shots on film.
Blanketing in photography trade mean to shoot a number of different exposures on the same set-up
Now with digital cam, all those problems are solved.
Can have instant viewing of what I shot or delete & try again if no good.
No need to blanket. No wastage of films or guesswork or mistake.
With the rapid advance in digital cam, no longer need to carry bulky cam & equipments.
At one time, only medium format digital cam is useable for commercial standards.
Now, any digital cam that have over 5 megapixels will do nicely.
Since I'm not working as a photographer anymore, but I still wanted to have commercial standard shots.
Thanks to digital cam, I can do it with a small & light cam.
It's damn silly carrying a medium format digital cam around, you know?
Damn bloody heavy & need a laptop to operate it properly.
Only amateurs or hobbyist love carry lots of equipments just to show that they are pro....
Wah lau... I'd seen so many in those public fashion shows...
They come with huge bags, digital SLR, long freaking tele lens(dunno why they need that, shooting models
on a catwalk. Mebbe wan close-up of their pimples?), big tripod, foldable mini ladder..... crazy amateurs.
Me? I'm too lazy lah.... been there, done it.... even when I'm working, I don't carry so much. No need what.
Stupid hobbyists.
My darling also love photography. Shoot any damn thing, she does!
The cam I used these days belong to her actually. My beloved Nikon FE-2 film cam spoil liao.
I don't shoot much nowadays. Mostly will be pixs of my darling... she's my private model. =P
Taken thousands of her pixs. Show you ar? Have to get her consent lor....
I don't fear women, but I still respect their privacy.
My portfolio? Uhuh... can't put that up even though I am not a working photographer anymore.
Almost all of my portfolio consist of commercial projects.
Many of those pixs cannot be made available in public cos copyrights still belong to clients.
Some pixs are of models & well known people... so, no way, as a professional, I'm going to put those up in
public too.
Very sorry. Got nothing to prove my words, but as the title of this thread is....
Assume what you like of what I wrote. I frankly don't care much lor.....
I'm Nasty, Mean & Crazy... I just can't help myself cos... I'm a Barbarian!!!