Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. I
Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. I
Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. I
Convolution Quadrature
and Discretized Operational Calculus. I.
C. Lubich
Institut ffirMathematik und Geometrie,Universit/itInnsbruck, Technikerstrasse 13,
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
1. Introduction
~, eo;(h)g(x-.jh) (1.2)
130 C. L u b i c h
where h > 0 is the stepsize, and the quadrature weights coi(h) are the coefficients
of the power series
where the equality holds by Cauchy's integral formula. The coefficients of the
right-hand side of (1.9) are the Cauchy product of the two sequences {~o;(h)}
of (1.3) and {g(jh)}. This gives finally (1.2).
The above derivation indicates also how to obtain error estimates: One
studies first the error introduced by approximating the inner integral in (1.6)
by the multistep method (1.7), then multiplies the obtained error bound by
the bound (1.5) of F(2) and integrates along the contour F. This will actually
be carried out in Sects. 2 and 3.
Of the linear multistep method we shall assume that it is A(a)-stable with
a>(p of (1.5), stable in a neighbourhood of infinity, strongly zero-stable and
consistent of order p. In terms of 6(0, these conditions can be expressed as:
7 6 ( e - h ) = l + O ( h p) forsome p > l . (1.10c)
It will be convenient to use transfer function notation for the convolution (1.1),
We use the abbreviation Sh=(~(~)/h and employ discrete transfer function nota-
tion for (1.2), (1.3),
With this notation we obtain from (1.9) the "Cauchy integral formula"
F (s,) g (x) = T ~ ~ F (2~). (sh - .~) -1 g (x). d ,~, (t. 13 )
and the same relation, with s formally in place of sh, holds by (1.6), since ( s - 2)-
is the Laplace transform of e ~'.
We shall use the notation (1.11) also for distributional convolution, in partic-
ular for differentiation
Shg(X)=~ Z 6~g(x--jh). (1.15)
With this in mind, the discretization process leading from (t.11) to (1.12) has
a simple interpretation: The symbol of differentiation, s, is replaced by the symbol
of a backward difference quotient, Sh. This idea of a discretized operational calcu-
lus has actually very old origins and seems to have been rediscovered several
times. Of particular historical interest in this context is the work of Post [12]
who has shown pointwise convergence of F(Sh) g(x) as h ~ 0 for the simple
difference quotient sh g(x)=(g(x)-g(x--h))/h, thereby generalizing earlier work
of Liouville [10] and Gr/inwald [8] on fractional integrals, i.e. the case F(s)= s -u.
Post's work appears to have gone unnoticed in numerical analysis (in which
he himself showed no interest), and the author of the present paper is not
aware of any results in the literature going beyond those of Post.
Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. I. 133
These are required because of the special choice of starting values in (1.7), unless
g near 0 or f near x=nh is "small".
In Sect. 4 we turn our attention to the coefficients {o,(h) of (1.3) themselves,
or rather to f,(h)=oo,(h)/h which is shown to approximate the inverse Laplace
transform f(t) of F(s) at t = nh (away from 0) with the full order of the multistep
method (1.7). This result (which comes rather unexpected) extends the classical
Post-Widder inversion formula. Its numerical importance is perhaps not so much
in the numerical inversion of Laplace transforms, but in the fact that it justifies
replacing the weights co,(h) by hf(nh) for nh bounded away from 0, and in
a very simple choice of the starting weights w,j(h) of (1.16).
In Sect. 5 we give some extensions of the results in Sect. 3. These concern
the approximation of derivatives
(d~k x
dx] Jof ( t ) g ( x - t ) d t (x>O)
("finite part integrals") and the convergence of (1.2) under weakened smoothness
assumptions on g, in particular for the important case g (t)= t ~- 1~(t) with fl > 0,
smooth, for which p-th order convergence can again be preserved by a modifi-
cation of the form (1.16).
Topics which have been omitted are an extension to the non-sectorial,
"hyperbolic" case, where F(s) is analytic and suitably bounded only in some
half-plane Re s>c. For A-stable linear multistep methods (1.7) one can still
obtain convergence results (of order at most 2, according to Dahlquist's [4]
well-known order barrier.) Another omission concerns convolution quadratures
in which the underlying multistep method is the trapezoidal rule, Sh=~(1
- ~ ) / ( i + ~ ) , which does not satisfy (1.10a). It appears, however, in the control
literature where it is known as Tustin's method (after Tustin [13]; see, e.g.,
Franklin and Powell [6]).
134 c. Lubich
2. L i n e a r M u l t i s t e p M e t h o d s A p p l i e d to y ' = 2y+g
with ~ Varying in a Sector
In this section we derive some technical estimates which will be required for
the subsequent development. We begin with some preparation.
Since F(Sh)g is the convolution of g with the sequence {co,(h)}~, the associati-
vity of convolution yields
and similarly
p- 1 g(q)(o) 1 1
g (x) = Y' ~ x q+ ~ ( t ' - * g('))(x), (2.3)
[(S h -- S) (S -- 2) - 1 t q (X) I ~ ]h~T" px/h. h q (q = O, 1 . . . . , p)
with C = C (r) and p-=p(r) < t independent o f h ~(O, I], x > h and 2.
b) There exists r > O such that f o r ] h 2 1 < r
](Sh--S)tq(x)l<=C.pX/h.h q - t ( q = 0 , 1. . . . . p) (2.5)
By (1.10a), 5 i = O(p~) for some p < 1. Let n o w x - ~ n h + O h with 0 < 0 < 1. Then
i co oo
Re(h2)+<--c<0 for l a r g ( - s [hR[>=r.
Then the upper limit of the above integral can be extended to infinity, and
we obtain the estimate
Using (2.5) with q + 1, ..., p instead of q we obtain thus for [h2[ <const.
[(Sh--S)(S--A)-ltq(x)[<Cz.pX/h.hq+C1.]2P-q].hV-l.(fh*]ea'[)(x). (2.6)
b) Let 0 < < 1. There exists r = r(tz) > 0 such that for ] a r g ( - z)[ __<e' < ~ and
]z[<r the series ( 6 ( O - z ) - 1 is majorized by M.~le"KZ[ ~n with M independent
ofz. o
Proof a) By (1.10) the series 6 ( Q - z is for [zl>r, [ a r g ( - z ) l < ~ ' < a analytic
and without zeros in a disc ]([__<1/p with p < 1, where p is independent of
z (but depends on r). Also
sup j ( b ( O - z ) - l [ < j ~ T
Convolution Quadrature and DiscretizedOperationalCalculus. I. 137
with M < oo independent of z. Hence Cauchy's estimate (e.g. Ahlfors [-1, p. 98])
yields that the n-th coefficient of (6(~)--z)-1 is bounded by Mp"/Iz[. This gives
b) Since 3(1)=0, the estimates in a) deteriorate as r ~ 0 . For small [z[ we
use instead (1.10c). We define R(z) implicitly by
6(1/R(z))= z, R(0)= 1. (2.7)
We split
1 1 --R(z)~ 1
6([)--z 6([)--z 1--R(z)[
r 7/:
for [z] __<r and [ a r g ( - z)[ __<a < ~. Therefore
1 1
is majorized by
1-R(z)~ 1-[e~Z[~"
1--R(z)( M
6(()--z is majorized by l-p('
t M 1
~(~)--z is majorized by 1-p~ 1-[e~Z[~"
We can choose r so small that e~'p<l. For the n-th coefficient of the above
series we then obtain
pJle~Zl"-J<:leK~["~ pJleKZ]-J<:le~Zl"--
j=O j=O
1 - p e ~r"
where the constant C does not depend on he(O, [;f], x~[h, 2] with f i x e d ,2< oo,
and g ~ C p [0, ~].
Remark. If additionally F(s) is exponentially stable (i.e., F(s) is analytic in some
half-plane Re s > Y with negative 7), T h e o r e m 3.1 extends to a result of uniform
convergence on the half-line x => 1, with exponential decay in the low-order error
terms caused by g(0) . . . . , g(p-2)(0). (The p r o o f is even slightly simpler, since
no contour-shifting is necessary on intervals b o u n d e d away from 0.)
Proof. By (2.1)-(2.3),
E g~q)(O) F (sh) tq(x) + T~ pS -- l-)~ ' ( F (sh) t p- l * g(P))(x),
F (Sh) g (X) = p-1 (3.1)
F (Sh) t q(X) -- F (s) t q(x) = ~ : F (,l)- [(Sh -- 2)-1 t q(X)-- (S-- 2)-1 t q(X)]- d 2.
(The factor x " - 1 comes from [F(w/x)l < M - x " . I w l - " and d2 = d w / x . The integral
remains absolutely convergent, because # > 0.)
Further, for 0 < x < h we have
We can get rid of the low order error terms in Theorem 3.1 by a simple
F(sh)- g(x)=F(Sh)g(x)+ ~, w.~(h)g(jh) at x=nh, (3.3)
where the correction quadrature weights w,~(h) are determined such that the
quadrature formula becomes exact for polynomials up to degree p - 2 :
]w,,~(h)l<C.xU-l-h (x=nh).
I r ( j h ) l ~ C . h p-1 for j = 0 , 1, . . . , p - - 2 .
Inserting these estimates in (3.5) and applying Theorem 3.1 (with r instead of
g) gives the result. []
We define f,(h) by GO
so that
f,(h)=co,(h)/h (4.2)
with e),(h) given by (1.3). We show that f,(h) approximate the inverse Laplace
transform of F(s). For the special case 6(~)= 1 --~ (backward Euler) this is known
as the Post-Widder inversion formula [12, 14].
Theorem 4.1. Assume (1.5), (1.10), and let f (t) denote the inverse Laplace transform
of F(s). Then
[L(h)-f(nh)l<=C.xU-l-V.h p (x=nh)
where the constant C does not depend on he(O, hi and xe [h, ~] with fixed ,2 < oo.
Remarks. a) For exponentially stable F(s) (i.e., exponentially decaying f ) Theo-
rem 4.1 can be extended to a uniform p-th order estimate on the half-line x > 1,
with exponential decay of the (absolute) error.
b) For F (s) = (s-- 2)- 1 the coefficients f, (h 2) are the solution of a linear mult-
istep method applied to y'=2y with the special choice of starting values Y0
= 1 / ( 8 o - h 2), y_ k . . . . . Y 1 = 0. It is rather unexpected that f , (h 2) are p-th order
approximations to e nh;~ for n h bounded away from 0.
Proof a) By Cauchy's integral formula,
I F(,~)
F(6(~)/h)=~ni ~r (6(~)/h--2) d2
where F is again the path of (1.4). We denote the n-th coefficient of the power
series ( 6 ( ~ ) - z ) - 1 by e.(z) and thus have
We are thus led to study the difference en(h2)-e "ha. As in the proof of Theo-
rem 3.1, we substitute w = 2x ( x = nh) and replace the contour x F by the contour
F 1 (independent of x) given there.
b) For z=h2 with ]arg(-z)] =<~'<a and ]z] =>r>0 Lemma 2.3a) shows
c) Let now Iz] < r, r sufficiently small. As in the proof of Lemma 2.3 b) let
R (z) be defined by
so that
R(z)=e~+O(zP+l). (4.7)
Let first Ia r g ( - z)[ < a' < ~. Using IR (z) l < Ie~l for some 0 < K< 1, the relation
R (z)" -- e "~ = ~ R (z)" - ' - j e jz [R (z) -- e =]
, 7Z
IR(z)"-e"ZI<=C.z~le~"Z I for Iarg(-z)l_<~ < ~ , Izl<=r. (4.8)
Using [R (z) l< eelzl for some ff > 1, one has the well-known estimate
d) We split again
1 1-R(z)( 1
6(O--z- 6(O--z 1--R(z)~
and recall that by Cauchy's estimate the coefficients of(1 - R(z)O/(a(O--z), which
we denote by ?, (z), satisfy
We write
The last term is O(p") for p of (4.10), provided that pea'r< 1 (~7 as above). By
definition of ~/,(z) and by de l'Hospital's rule
e) Inserting the estimates (4.5), (4.13), (4.14) and the bound of (1.5) yields
~C.xU-l.n-P=C.xU-a-P.hP. []
Theorem 4.1 is also of practical interest in the approximation of F(s)g(x).
F(Sh)~g(x)=F(Sh)g(x)+ ~ co,_i(h)cjg(jh ) (x=nh) (4.15)
where the constant C does not depend on h ~ (0, h-] and x = n h ~ [Xo, x] with fixed
Examples. p = 2: Co= -- 1/2 (trapezoidal rule)
p = 3 : Co= - 7 / 1 2 , c~=1/12
p = 4 : C o = - 5 / 8 , c1=1/6, c 2 = - 1 / 2 4 ,
Further, at x = n h,
F(Sh) ~ (vg)(x) = h ~ f,_j(h)(vg)(jh) + h ~ f,_j(h) c~(vg)(jh)
j=o j=o
= h ~ f ( ( n - j ) h ) ( v g ) ( j h ) + h ~, f ( ( n - j ) h) c~(vg)(jh) + 0 (h;)
j=O j=0
= V(s)(vg)(x) + O(hP).
Here we have used Theorem 4.1 in the second line, and p-th order convergence
of the Newton-Gregory rule in the last line. Since g - - u g + v g , this yields the
Newton-Gregory result. []
Convolution Quadrature and DiscretizedOperationalCalculus. I. 143
In this section we extend Theorem 3.1 in two directions. First we consider the
approximation of
Theorem 5.1. Under the assumptions (1.5), (1.10) we have for integer k >=0
]sk F(sh) g(X)-- sk F(s) g(X)] ~ C" Xu- 1 -k. {h [g(0)] + h p- 1 [g(P- z)(0)]
+ h p.([gr 1)(0)] + x [g<P)(0)]+ . . . + x k ]gtp+k- 1)(0)] +Xk+ 1 max IgtP+*)(t)])}
where the constant C does not depend on he(0, h-I, x~[h, Y:] with ~ < o c , and
g ~ C p+k [0, 2].
Remarks. a) Theorem 5.1 can be interpreted as an extension of Theorem 3.1
to the case p < 0 in (1.5). (Take F(s)=skF(s), fi =/~--k.)
b) For exponentially stable F(s) the result can again be extended to the
whole half-line, with exponential decay of the error terms involving
g(O). . . . . g(P+k-1)(0).
c) Corollary 3.2 remains valid with # - k instead of #.
d) Theorem 4.1 can be extended similarly.
The proof of Theorem 5.1 is documented in LuNch [11]. For the sake of
brevity we shall here only sketch the main arguments.
Outline of the proof We write
The first term on the right-hand side can be shown to satisfy an estimate of
the desired type by using analyticity and growth properties (as t ~ 0) off(t).
The estimate for the second term follows from (1.13) and the error bound
I Skh [(Sh __ ,~,) - 1 t q __ (S -- 2) - I t o] (X)]
<=C. ]2k+P-q-le~XlhP+ l+lh2~PX/h.h q+l-k ' ) ( q = p ..... p + k - 1 )
where ~c>0, p < l , and C are independent of he(0, 1], x > h and 2 with ]arg(
This estimate is obtained using techniques similar to those of Sect. 2 and
the following asymptotic expansion for R(z) defined in (2.7):
where Pj are polynomials (of degree j), Pj(0)=0, and the remainder satisfies for
[ a r g ( - z)] < a' < ~- and [z] < r (r sufficiently small)
Next we turn to the situation where g(t) is smooth on t > 0 , but has an asymptotic
expansion in fractional powers of t at t = 0. Here we have the following extension
of Theorem 3.1 (or equivalently, of (3.2)). Convergence of order p for F(Sh)g
can be restored by eliminating low-order error terms as in Corollary 3.2.
Theorem 5.2. Under the assumptions (1.5), (1.10) we have
where the constant C is independent of he(0, h-] and x ~ [h, if] with ~ < oo.
Remark. For 0 < fl < 1 the above estimate is understood to hold for
which differs from (1.12) in the omission of the last term of the sum, in order
that g is not sampled arbitrarily close to the singularity at 0. All the previous
results remain valid also for this modified definition.
The proof uses Theorem 5.1 and the following lemma.
Lemma 5.3. Let #, v ~ O , - 1,--2 .... real numbers. The convolution of two
sequences u, = O(n u- 1) and vn = O(n ~- 1) satisfies
n --I ~ n u- 1
(-1) ( n )=~(~[l+O(n-1)].
Remark. This formula is the special case F(s)=s -u, 6 ( 0 = 1--(, nh= 1 of Theo-
rem 4.1.
Proof of Theorem 5.2. a) If fl > p, we use
t ~- 1 t p- 1 t #-p- 1
r(13) - r ( p ) * ~
and the result follows from (3.2), since t#-p- 1 is locally integrable.
Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. I. 145
:[S~(shaF(sh))--sP(S-aF(S))]tP-I--F(Sh)[S~Sh#--SPS-#]tP-1. (5.1)
] [ Sp Sh fl _ _ S p S - fl] t p - 1 (X)[ ~ C " X fl - 1 - p . h p. (5.3)
IF(Sh)[Sg-a--sP-a]tP-l(x)[=l ~ ogj(h)'[s~-fl--sP-a]tP-l(x--jh)[
< C x " - 1. h a. (5.5)
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