An Ideal Google-Resume
An Ideal Google-Resume
An Ideal Google-Resume
1. Institute: Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India (GOI), Kolkata.
Topic: Parallel Programming using CUDA C and OpenCL C. Period: May-July, 2013.
ALICE (CERN) Muon-Filter Program:
1. Used to find number of best possible trajectories of muons, from data generated by Lead-Lead nuclei collision in the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Program was based on this model.
2. Implemented on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs in parallel, using CUDA and OpenCL API. Optimized using debugging tools like
NVIDIA Visual Profiler and CUDA Occupancy Calculator.
Parallel Function Differentiator:
1. A CUDA Program that plots first and second differentials (using GNUPlot) of any differentiable function using Parallel
Computing methods on GPUs.
2. Implemented the same using OpenCL on multiple GPUs and CPUs in parallel.
Programming Languages: C, C++, JAVA, and Python.
Programming Experience: 3 years in C/C++ and >5 years in JAVA.
APIs: CUDA, OpenCL, C network programming API.
Platforms: Linux, Minix, Windows.
Others: ArgoUML, Logisim, MySQL.
Core courses: Data Structures and Algorithms, Unix Network Programming*, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Database
Management Systems, Operating Systems, Theory of Computation, Design of Digital Systems, Concrete Mathematics and
Discrete Mathematics.
Self-Taught courses: CUDA C Programming, OpenCL C Programming, Python Programming*, How to Learn, Web