Jip and Janneke
Jip and Janneke
Jip and Janneke
Annie M.G. Schmidt
Jip and Janneke
Illustrated by Fiep Westendorp
then one arm. And then the other arm. And then
he got stuck. Janneke pulled one arm. And then
she pulled the other arm. But it didnt help. Jip was
stuck. And Jip started to cry. And then he screamed.
Jips father came running up in one garden. And
Jannekes father came running up in the other
garden. And together they helped Jip back through
the hole.
So, Jip, his father said, now youve got a little
friend next door. But you have to go out the front Jips got
door like a good boy, and then in through Jannekes
front door. And then you can play together. a ponytail
And thats what they did. Jip and Janneke played
together. One day they played in Jips garden. And Jip is at the barbers. Snip, snip, go the scissors. And
the next day they played in Jannekes garden. They Jip says, Ow!
played mummies and daddies. Im not hurting you, says the barber. How old
are you anyway? I didnt even touch you.
Snip, snip, go the scissors. And Jip hates it. He just
hates it. He keeps shouting, Ow, ow!
Just a little bit more, says the barber.
But Jip shouts Ow! one more time. He jumps up
and runs out of the shop wearing the white barbers
Hey, where are you going? the barber shouts.
Youre not nished yet! Just a little longer!
But Jip has had enough. He runs very fast. And
the barber runs very fast after him. But Jip is faster.
Hes almost home and the barber shrugs and gives
8 9
Jip sits down by the side of the road. He is still and Jip is back out on the street.
wearing the white barbers cape. Hes crying My ponytails gone, he says to Janneke.
because he was so scared. I can see that, says Janneke. It looked really,
Here comes Janneke. She sees Jip sitting there. really silly.
And she starts laughing. She cant help it. You look And then they play marbles.
really silly, she says.
Jip looks up and stops crying.
Youve got a ponytail on top of your head, says
Janneke. And she snorts with laughter. Youve got
a ponytail and youre wearing a serviette.
And its true. Jip is almost completely bald, but
there is a tuft of hair left on the top of his head. Just
like a little ponytail.
Janneke laughs so much it makes Jip angry. Im
not going back to the barbers, he says.
Then youll have to walk around with a ponytail
for the rest of your life, Janneke says. Jips got a
ponytail, Jips got a ponytail!
That really is horrible. Having Janneke laugh at
him! Thats too much. Jip gets up very slowly and
very slowly he walks back to the barbers. The
ponytail has to come o, he says.
I told you that already! grumbles the barber.
You ran o before I was nished. And Jip has to
get back on the chair.
Snip, snip, go the scissors.
There, says the barber. Now its done. Was it
really that bad?
Jip smiles. The barber undoes the white cape