Electromagnetic Theory

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Representation of vectors in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate system, Vector products,
Coordinate transformation.

The Law of force between elementary electric Charges, Electric Field Intensity and Potential due to
various charge configuration, Electric Flux density, Gauss law and its application, Application of Gauss
Law to differential Volume element, Divergence Theorem. Potential Gradient, Dipole, and Energy
Density in Electrostatic Field.


Current and Conductors, Continuity of Current, Conductor Properties and Boundary Conditions. The
Method of Images, Nature of dielectric Materials, Boundary Conditions for Perfect Dielectric Materials
Capacitance, Poissons & Laplace equation, Uniqueness Theorem, Analytical Solution in one dimension.-

Steady Magnetic Field: Biot Savart Law, Amperes Circuital Law, Stokes Theorem, Scalar and Vector
Magnetic Potential,


Force on a moving Charge, Force on a differential Current Element, Force & Torque Magnetisation &
Permeability, Magnetic Boundary Conditions, Inductance & Mutual Inductance.

Time Varying Fields: Faradays Law, Displacement Current, Maxwells Equation.


Wave propagation in Free Space, Dielectric, and Good Conductor. Poyntings Theorem and wave power,
Wave polarization, Reflection and Transmission of Uniform Plane Waves at Normal & Oblique
incidence, Standing Wave Ratio, Basic Wave Guide Operation and Basic Antenna Principles.


[1]. W. H. Hayt (Jr ), J. A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, TMH

[2]. K. E. Lonngren, S.V. Savor, Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Matlab, PHI

[3]. E.C.Jordan, K.G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating System, PHI.

[4]. M. N. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford University Press.



Electromagnetic theory is concerned with the study of charges at rest and in motion. Electromagnetic
principles are fundamental to the study of electrical engineering. Electromagnetic theory is also required
for the understanding, analysis and design of various electrical, electromechanical and electronic systems.

Electromagnetic theory can be thought of as generalization of circuit theory. Electromagnetic theory deals
directly with the electric and magnetic field vectors where as circuit theory deals with the voltages and
currents. Voltages and currents are integrated effects of electric and magnetic fields respectively.

Electromagnetic field problems involve three space variables along with the time variable and hence the
solution tends to become correspondingly complex. Vector analysis is the required mathematical tool with
which electromagnetic concepts can be conveniently expressed and best comprehended. Since use of
vector analysis in the study of electromagnetic field theory is prerequisite, first we will go through vector

Applications of Electromagnetic theory:

This subject basically consist of static electric fields, static magnetic fields, time-varying fields & its

One of the most common applications of electrostatic fields is the deflection of a charged particle such as
an electron or proton in order to control its trajectory. The deflection is achieved by maintaining a
potential difference between a pair of parallel plates. This principle is used in CROs, ink-jet printer etc.
Electrostatic fields are also used for sorting of minerals for example in ore separation. Other applications
are in electrostatic generator and electrostatic voltmeter.

The most common applications of static magnetic fields are in dc machines. Other applications include
magnetic deflection, magnetic separator, cyclotron, hall effect sensors, magneto hydrodynamic generator

Vector Analysis:

The quantities that we deal in electromagnetic theory may be either scalar or vectors. Scalars are
quantities characterized by magnitude only. A quantity that has direction as well as magnitude is called a
vector. In electromagnetic theory both scalar and vector quantities are function of time and position.

A vector can be written as, , where, is the magnitude and is the unit vector
which has unit magnitude and same direction as that of .
Two vector and are added together to give another vector . We have

Let us see the animations in the next pages for the addition of two vectors, which has two rules:
1: Parallelogram law and 2: Head & tail rule

Scaling of a vector is defined as , where is scaled version of vector and is a scalar.

Some important laws of vector algebra are:

Commutative Law..........................................(1.3)

Associative Law.............................................(1.4)

Distributive Law ............................................(1.5)

The position vector of a point P is the directed distance from the origin (O) to P, i.e., = .

If = OP and = OQ are the position vectors of the points P and Q then the distance vector

Fig 1.3: Distance Vector

Product of Vectors

When two vectors and are multiplied, the result is either a scalar or a vector depending how the
two vectors were multiplied. The two types of vector multiplication are:

Scalar product (or dot product) gives a scalar.

Vector product (or cross product) gives a vector.
The dot product between two vectors is defined as = |A||B|cosAB ..................(1.6)

Vector product
is unit vector perpendicular to and

Fig 1.4 : Vector dot product

The dot product is commutative i.e., and distributive i.e., .

Associative law does not apply to scalar product.
The vector or cross product of two vectors and is denoted by . is a vector
perpendicular to the plane containing and , the magnitude is given by and direction is
given by right hand rule.


where is the unit vector given by,

The following relations hold for vector product.

= i.e., cross product is non commutative ..........(1.8)

i.e., cross product is distributive.......................(1.9)

i.e., cross product is non associative..............(1.10)

Scalar and vector triple product :

Scalar triple product .................................(1.11)

Vector triple product ...................................(1.12)

Co-ordinate Systems:
In order to describe the spatial variations of the quantities, we require using appropriate co-ordinate
system. A point or vector can be represented in an orthogonal coordinate system. An orthogonal system is
one in which the co-ordinates are mutually perpendicular.
In electromagnetic theory many physical quantities are vectors, which are having different components.
So we use orthogonal co-ordinate systems for representing those quantities and depending on the
symmetry of the physical quantities different coordinate systems are used.
Cartesian Co-ordinate System :
A point P(x, y, z) in Cartesian co-ordinate system is represented as intersection of three
planes x = constant, y = constant and z = constant, as shown in the figure below. The unit vectors along
the three axes are as shown in the figure.

Coordinate system represented by (x,y,z) that are three orthogonal vectors in straight lines that intersect at
a single point (the origin). The range of variation along the three axes are shown below.

The vector A in this coordinate system can be written as,

The differential lengths, area and volumes are as shown below.

Cylindrical Co-ordinate System :
For cylindrical coordinate systems we have as shown in figure below.

Figure: Cylindrical Coordinate System

Cylindrical Coordinate system represented by ( , ,z) that are three orthogonal vectors, varies in the

The vector A in this coordinate system can be written as,

The following equations can be used to convert between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate systems,

The differential elements in cylindrical coordinate system are shown below.

Spherical co-ordinate system:

Coordinate system represented by (r, , ) that are three orthogonal vectors (as shown in the figure
below) emanating from or revolving around the origin in the range,

The unit vectors in the three orthogonal directions are,


The vector A in this coordinate system can be written as,

The following equations can be used to convert between spherical and Cartesian coordinate systems.
The differential elements in spherical coordinate system are shown below.

Co-ordinate transformation:
Matrix Transformations: Cartesian to Cylindrical

Matrix Transformations: Cartesian to Spherical

Del operator:
Del is a vector differential operator. The del operator will be used in for differential operations throughout
any course on field theory. The following equation is the del operator for different coordinate systems.

Gradient of a Scalar:

The gradient of a scalar field, V, is a vector that represents both the magnitude and the direction of the
maximum space rate of increase of V.

To help visualize this concept, take for example a topographical map. Lines on the map represent equal
magnitudes of the scalar field. The gradient vector crosses map at the location where the lines packed into
the most dense space and perpendicular (or normal) to them. The orientation (up or down) of the gradient
vector is such that the field is increased in magnitude along that direction.

-Fundamental properties of the gradient of a scalar field

The magnitude of gradient equals the maximum rate of change in V per unit distance
Gradient points in the direction of the maximum rate of change in V
Gradient at any point is perpendicular to the constant V surface that passes through that point
The projection of the gradient in the direction of the unit vector a, is

and is called the directional derivative of V along a. This is the rate of change of V in the
direction of a.
If A is the gradient of V, then V is said to be the scalar potential of A.

Divergence of a Vector:
The divergence of a vector, A, at any given point P is the outward flux per unit volume as volume
shrinks about P.

Divergence Theorem:
The divergence theorem states that the total outward flux of a vector field, A, through the closed surface,
S, is the same as the volume integral of the divergence of A.
This theorem is easily shown from the equation for the divergence of a vector field.
Curl of a Vector:
The curl of a vector, A is an axial vector whose magnitude is the maximum circulation of A per unit
area as the area tends to zero and whose direction is the normal direction of the area when the area is
oriented to make the circulation maximum.
-Curl of a vector in each of the three primary coordinate systems are,

Stokes Theorem:
Stokes theorem states that the circulation of a vector field A, around a closed path, L is equal to the
surface integral of the curl of A over the open surface S bounded by L. This theorem has been proven to
hold as long as A and the curl of A are continuous along the closed surface S of a closed path L
This theorem is easily shown from the equation for the curl of a vector field.
Classification of vector field:
The vector field, A, is said to be divergenceless ( or solenoidal) if .
Such fields have no source or sink of flux, thus all the vector field lines entering an enclosed surface, S,
must also leave it.
Examples include magnetic fields, conduction current density under steady state, and imcompressible
The following equations are commonly utilized to solve divergenceless field problems

The vector field, A, is said to be potential (or irrotational) if

Such fields are said to be conservative. Examples include gravity, and electrostatic fields.
The following equations are commonly used to solve potential field problems;

Solved Examples:

1. Given that

a. Determine the angle between the vectors A and B .

b. Find the unit vector which is perpendicular to both A and B .


a. We know that for two given vector A and B,

For the two vectors A and B


b. We know that is perpendicular to both A and B.

The unit vector perpendicular to both A and B is given by,

2. Given the vectors

Find :
a. The vector C = A + B at a point P (0, 2,-3).

b. The component of A along B at P.


The vector B is cylindrical coordinates. This vector in Cartesian coordinate can be written as:

The point P(0,2,-3) is in the y-z plane for which .

a. C = A + B

b. Component of A along B is where is the angle between A is and B.

i.e., =

3. A vector field is given by

Transform this vector into rectangular co-ordinates and calculate its magnitude at P(1,0,1).



The components of the vector in Cartesian coordinates can be computed as follows:

6. A given vector function is defined by . Evaluate the scalar line integral from a point
P1(1, 1, -1) to P2(2, 4, -1).

a. along the parabola

b. along the line joining the two points.

Is F a conservative field?

a. For evaluating the line integral along the parabola , we find that


b. In this case we observe that z1 = z2 = -1, hence the line joining the points P1 and P2 lies in the z = -1
plane and can be represented by the equation

Or, y = 3x -2


F . d l = (3x -2)d x + x . 3d x

= (6x -2)d x


The field F is a conservative field.

7. If , calculate over a hemispherical surface bounded by r =2 & .


In spherical polar coordinates


(Preliminary Questions)

1.A small sphere of radius r and charge q is enclosed by a spherical shell of radius R and charge Q. Show that
if q is positive, charhe q will necessarily flow from the sphere to the shell (when the two are connected by a
wire) no matter what the charge Q on the shell is.(NCERT PHYSICS).

2.There are three concentric and conducting spheres of radius R, 2R and 4R respectively. Innermost sphere A
and the outermost sphere C are coonected by a conducting wires while the intermediate sphere is uniformly
charged to +Q. Find (a) charges on conductors A and C (b) potential of A and B. (c)If the spheres A and C
are earthed.

3. If the vector field T=(Axy+BZ3) ax+(3x2-Cz)ay +(3xz2-y)az is irrotational,

determine A,B and C.

4. Express the divergence of a vector in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate system.

5.An electric field intensity is given as

(100 cos ) (50 Sin )

E 3
ar a ; Calculate the |E| and a unit vector in Cartesian coordinate in the
r r3
direction of E at a point (r=2, = 600 , =200)
A field is a function that specifies a particular physical quantity everywhere in a region. Depending upon the
nature of the quantity under consideration, the field may be a vector or a scalar field. Example of scalar field is
the electrostatic potential in a region while electric or magnetic fields at any point is the example of vector
Static Electric Fields:
Electrostatics can be defined as the study of electric charges at rest. Electric fields have their sources in electric
charges. The fundamental & experimentally proved laws of electrostatics are Coulombs law & Gausss

Coulombs law & Electric field Intensity

Statement: The force between two point charges separated in vacuum or free space by a distance which is large
compared to their size is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between them. It acts along the line joining the two charges.

In SI units, Q1 and Q2 are expressed in Coulombs(C) and R is in meters.

Force F is in Newtons (N) and , is called the permittivity of free space & its magnitude is
0 =8.854 x 10-12 = 10 9 F/m.
(We are assuming the charges are in free space. If the charges are any other dielectric medium, we
will use instead where is called the relative permittivity or the dielectric constant of the medium).

Therefore .......................(2.1)

As shown in the Figure 2.1 let the position vectors of the point charges Q1and Q2 are given by and
. Let represent the force on Q1 due to charge Q2.

Fig 2.1: Coulomb's Law

The charges are separated by a distance of . We define the unit vectors as

and ..................................(2.2)

can be defined as .

Similarly, the force on Q1 due to charge Q2 can be calculated and if represents this force then we can
write .

Suppose a charge q is placed in the vicinity of three other charges, q1, q2, and q3, as is shown in Figure 2.2.
Coulomb's law can be used to calculate the electric force between q and q1, between q and q2, and between q
and q3. Experiments have shown that the total force exerted by q1, q2 and q3 on q is the vector sum of the
individual forces, as shown in the equation below;

Figure 2.2. Superposition of electric forces.

Electric Field
The electric field intensity or the electric field strength at a point is defined as the force per unit charge. That is

or, .......................................(2.2)
The electric field intensity E at a point r (observation point) due a point charge Q located at (source point)
is given by:

For a collection of N point charges Q1 ,Q2 ,.........QN located at , ,...... , the electric field intensity
at point is obtained as


The expression (2.4) can be modified suitably to compute the electric filed due to a continuous distribution of
For an elementary charge , i.e. considering this charge as point charge, we can write the field
expression as:

When this expression is integrated over the source region, we get the electric field at the point P due to this
distribution of charges. Thus the expression for the electric field at P can be written as:

Similar technique can be adopted when the charge distribution is in the form of a line charge density or a
surface charge density.


Electric flux density:

As stated earlier electric field intensity or simply Electric field' gives the strength of the field at a particular
point. The electric field depends on the material media in which the field is being considered. The flux density
vector is defined to be independent of the material media (as we'll see that it relates to the charge that is
producing it).For a linear isotropic medium under consideration; the flux density vector is defined



We define the electric flux Y as


Gauss's Law: Gauss's law is one of the fundamental laws of electromagnetism and it states that the total
electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by the surface.

Fig 2.3: Gauss's Law

Application of Gauss's Law

Gauss's law is particularly useful in computing or where the charge distribution has some symmetry.
We shall illustrate the application of Gauss's Law with some examples.

1.An infinite line charge

Lets consider the problem of determination of the electric field produced by an infinite line charge of
density rLC/m. Let us consider a line charge positioned along the z-axis as shown in Fig. 2.4(a)
Since the line charge is assumed to be infinitely long, the electric field will be of the form as shown in
Fig. 2.4(b).
If we consider a close cylindrical surface as shown in Fig. 2.4(a), using Gauss's theorem we can write,

Considering the fact that the unit normal vector to areas S1 and S3 are perpendicular to the electric field, the
surface integrals for the top and bottom surfaces evaluates to zero.

Fig 2.4: Infinite Line Charge

Hence we can write,


2. Infinite Sheet of Charge

As a second example of application of Gauss's theorem, we consider an infinite charged sheet covering the x-
z plane as shown in figure 2.5.

Assuming a surface charge density of for the infinite surface charge, if we consider a cylindrical
volume having sides placed symmetrically as shown in figure 2.5, we can write:


Fig 2.5: Infinite Sheet of Charge

It may be noted that the electric field strength is independent of distance. This is true for the infinite plane of
charge; electric lines of force on either side of the charge will be perpendicular to the sheet and extend to
infinity as parallel lines. As number of lines of force per unit area gives the strength of the field, the field
becomes independent of distance. For a finite charge sheet, the field will be a function of distance.

Electrostatic Potential and Equipotential Surfaces

Electrostatic potential is related to the work done in carrying a charge from one point to the other in the
presence of an electric field. Let us suppose that we wish to move a positive test charge from a point P to
another point Q as shown in the Fig.2.8.
Fig 2.8: Movement of Test Charge in Electric Field

The work done by this external agent in moving the charge by a distance is given by:


The negative sign accounts for the fact that work is done on the system by the external agent.


The potential difference between two points P and Q , VPQ, is defined as the work done per unit charge, i.e.


It may be noted that in moving a charge from the initial point to the final point if the potential difference is
positive, there is a gain in potential energy in the movement, external agent performs the work against the
field. If the sign of the potential difference is negative, work is done by the field.

We will see that the electrostatic system is conservative in that no net energy is exchanged if the test charge is
moved about a closed path, i.e. returning to its initial position. Further, the potential difference between two
points in an electrostatic field is a point function; it is independent of the path taken. The potential difference is
measured in Joules/Coulomb which is referred to as Volts.

Considering the movement of a unit positive test charge from an arbitrary point B to another arbitrary point A ,
we can write an expression for the potential difference as:


So, the potential difference is independent of the path taken as it only depends on the initial & final points. It is
customary to choose the potential to be zero at infinity. Thus potential at any point ( rA = r) due to a point
charge Q can be written as the amount of work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to that
point (i.e. rB = 0).


Or, in other words,


Let us now consider a situation where the point charge Q is not located at the origin as shown in Fig. 2.9.

Fig 2.9: Electrostatic Potential due a Displaced Charge

The potential at a point P becomes


Let us first consider N point charges Q1, Q2,.....QN located at points with position vectors , ,...... . The
potential at a point having position vector can be written as:

or, ...........................................................(2.21b)

For continuous charge distribution, we replace point charges Qn by corresponding charge elements
or or depending on whether the charge distribution is linear, surface or a volume charge
distribution and the summation is replaced by an integral. With these modifications we can write:

For line charge, ..................................(2.22)

For surface charge, .................................(2.23)

For volume charge, .................................(2.24)

It may be noted here that the primed coordinates represent the source coordinates and the unprimed
coordinates represent field point.

Since the potential difference is independent of the paths taken, VAB = - VBA , and over a closed path,


Applying Stokes's theorem, we can write:


from which it follows that for electrostatic field,


Any vector field that satisfies is called an irrotational field.

From our definition of potential, we can write


from which we obtain,


Electric Dipole

An electric dipole consists of two point

charges of equal magnitude but of
opposite sign and separated by a small

As shown in figure 2.10, the dipole is

formed by the two point charges Q
and -Q separated by a distance d, the
charges being placed symmetrically
about the origin. Let us consider a
point P at a distance r, where we are
interested to find the field.

Fig 2.10 : Electric Dipole

The potential at P due to the dipole can be written as:


When r1 and r2>>d, we can write and .


We can write,
The quantity is called the dipole moment of the electric dipole
Hence the expression for the electric potential can now be written as:

It may be noted that while potential of an isolated charge varies with distance as 1/r that of an electric dipole
varies as 1/r2 with distance.
If the dipole is not centered at the origin, but the dipole center lies at , the expression for the potential can be
written as:


The electric field for the dipole centered at the origin can be computed as


is the magnitude of the dipole moment. Once again we note that the electric field of electric dipole
varies as 1/r3 where as that of a point charge varies as 1/r2.
Work Done by the Electrostatic Field
It is often useful to characterize any system that can impose forces on an object by the work it does to
that object
Suppose a charge q1 is located near another charge, q. The force acting on q causes work to be done by
displacing q a distance dl.

The negative sign indicates that the work done by an external agent, q1. Thus the total work done, or
potential energy required) to move q a distance dl from a to b is:

Work and Energy in Electrostatic Fields

To determine the energy present in an assembly of charges, we must first determine the amount of work
necessary to assemble them.
Suppose we position 3 charges, q1, q2, and q3 in an initially empty space. Initially there is no work done
to transfer charge q1 from infinity to our work space, because the space is initially charge free with no
electric field in the region.
However, there is a field present from q1 when we move q2 into position. The work done by
transferring q2 into our workspace is the product of q2 times the potential difference between q1 and q2.
The same is true as we position charge,q3, with respect to charges q1 and q2

If the charges were positioned in reverse order then:

Thus by adding all of the work possibly performed we obtain

Therefore one can write that the energy, W, present in an electrostatic field fue to different charge
distributions is:
And since we can show by Gauss Law that: , so,

1.An electric field intensity is given as
(100 cos ) (50 Sin )
E 3
ar a ; Calculate the |E| and a unit vector in Cartesian coordinate in the
r r3
direction of E at a point (r=2, = 600 , =200)

2.Derive the expression for electric field due to two equal point charges of opposite sign(Electric dipole).

3.Give the basic Concepts of transformation of one coordinate system to another

4.Explain the Physical significance of term :

(i)Divergence of a vector

(ii)Curl of a vector field

5.A Circular disk of radius R is charged to a uniform surface density s. Show that the electric field on
the axis of the disk a distance x from the center is given by
s [1 x( R 2 x 2 )1/ 2 ]
Ex =
2 0

6.Considering a parallel plate capacitor, explain the concept of energy density.

7.In inkjet printer, quiet, fast printing on paper is accomplished by deflecting inkdroplets by electrostatic
field. The arrangement is similar to that for a CRT except that a nozzle replaces the electron gun with
droplets produced in a continuous stream. Charges are then sprayed onto the ejected droplets so that they
can be electrostatically deflected as in a CRT. The nozzle of an ink-jet printer ejects droplets at 30m/s
For a 4-mm deflection on the sheet being printed, find the deflecting field required if the deflecting field
extent in the direction of the droplets travel is 18mm. The sheet is 25mm from the leaving edge of the
deflecting field. Assume an inkdrop mass of 40ng and charge of 250nC

Currents & Conductors:
Convection and Conduction Currents:
Current (in amperes) through a given area is the electric charge passing through the area per unit time,

Current density is the amount of current flowing through a surface, A/m2, or the current through a unit
normal area at that point

Depending on how the current is produced, there are different types of current density
Convection current density
Conduction current density

Convection Current Density

Convection current density
Does not involve conductors and does not obey Ohms law
Occurs when current flows through an insulating medium such as liquid, gas, or vacuum

Where u is the velocity vector of the fluid.

Conduction Current Density

Conduction current density
Current in a conductor
Obeys Ohms law
Consider a large number of free electrons traveling in a metal with mass (m), velocity (u), and scattering
time (time between electron collisions), .

The carrier density is determined by the number of electrons, n, with charge, e

Conduction current density can then be calculate as

Where is the conductivity of the conductor

This relationship between current concentration and electric field is known as Ohms Law.

Electrical resistivity:
Consider a conductor whose ends are maintained at a potential difference ( i.e. the electric field within
the conductor is nonzero and a field is passed through the material.)
Note that there is no static equilibrium in this system. The conductor is being fed energy by the
application of the electric field (bias potential)
As electrons move within the material to set up induction fields, they scatter and are therefore damped.
This damping is quantified as the resistance, R, of the material.
For this example assume:
a uniform cross sectional area S, and length l.
The direction of the electric field, E, produced is the same as the direction of flow of positive charges
(or the same as the current, I).

So, we can write,

Continuity Equation
Remembering that all charge is conserved, the time rate of decrease of charge within a given volume
must be equal to the net outward flow through the surface of the volume.
Thus, the current out of a closed surface is,

Applying Stokes Theorem,

The above equation is continuity equation.

1.Show that Lorentz condition in the following equation is merely a restatement of continuity equation.


2.A long copper wire of radius R runs through a deep lake at a height h above the plane bottom.
Assuming the bottom to be a good conductor, show that the resistance per unit length between it and the
wire is

Coh 1 (h / R)
where = Conductivity of the lake water.

3.State the Continuity equation for steady currents

Polarization in Dielectrics
The main difference between a conductor and a dielectric is the availability of free electrons in the
outermost atomic shells to conduct current
Carriers in a dielectric are bound by finite forces and as such, electric displacement occurs when
external forces are applied
Such displacements are produced when an applied electric field, E, creates dipoles within the media that
polarize it
Polarized media are evaluated by summing the original charge distribution and the dipole moment
One may also define the polarization, P, of the material as the dipole moment per unit volume

Potential due to a dipole moment


Where the operator is with respect to (x,y,z).

So, we can define two charge densities,

When polarization occurs, an equivalent volume charge density, pv , is formed throughout the dielectric,
while an equivalent surface charge density, ps , is formed over the surface.

For nonpolar dielectrics with no added free charge

For cases in which the dielectric contains free charge density, v


In many substances, experimental evidence shows that the polarization is proportional to the electric
field, provided that E is not too strong. These substances are said to have a linear, isotropic dielectric
This proportionality constant is called the electric susceptibility, e . The convention is to extract the
permittivity of free space from the electric susceptibility to make the units dimensionless. Thus we have

We know,
Thus, the dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) of the material, r , is the ratio of the permittivity to
that of free space.

If the electric field is too strong, then it begins to strip electrons completely from molecules leading to
short term conduction of electrons within the media. This is called dielectric breakdown.
The maximum strength of the electric field that a dielectric can tolerate prior to which breakdown occurs
is called the dielectric strength.
In linear dielectrics, the permittivity, , does not change with applied field, E.

Homogenous dielectrics do not change their permittivity from point to point within the material.
Isotropic dielectrics do not change their dielectric constant with respect to direction within the material.

Two types of dielectrics exist in nature: polar and nonpolar

Nonpolar dielectrics do not posses dipole moments until a strong electric field is applied
Polar dielectrics such as water, posses permanent dipole moments that further align (if possible) in the
presence of an external field

Electric field in material medium:

We have considered charge distributions only in free space & found its effect in terms of electric field
intensity, electric flux density & electrostatic potential. Now well consider effect of charge distributions
in material medium.
In general, based on the electric properties, materials can be classified into three categories: conductors,
semiconductors and insulators (dielectrics). In conductor , electrons in the outermost shells of the atoms
are very loosely held and they migrate easily from one atom to the other. Most metals belong to this
group. The electrons in the atoms of insulators or dielectrics remain confined to their orbits and under
normal circumstances they are not liberated under the influence of an externally applied field. The
electrical properties of semiconductors fall between those of conductors and insulators since
semiconductors have very few numbers of free charges. The parameter conductivity is used characterizes
the macroscopic electrical property of a material medium.

If some free charge is introduced inside a conductor, the charges will experience a force due to mutual
repulsion and owing to the fact that they are free to move, the charges will appear on the surface. The
charges will redistribute themselves in such a manner that the field within the conductor is zero.
Therefore, under steady condition, inside a conductor , and using Gausss theorem
= 0 .......................(2.36)
We know , so a conductor behaves as an equipotential surface.
Boundary conditions:
Boundary conditions govern the behavior of electric fields at the boundary (interface) between two
different media. The interface may be between two dielectrics or between a conductor & free space or
between a conductor & dielectric. The last two cases will be special cases for first case.To complete this
analysis we will use Gausss theorem & conservative nature of electrostatic fields.

We will also need to break the electric field intensity into two orthogonal components (tangential and

Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary
Two different dielectrics characterized by 1 and 2 .


Thus, tangential E undergoes no change and is continuous across the boundary condition Tangential D on
the other hand is discontinuous across the interface.
Two different dielectrics characterized by 1 and 2 .



Thus, normal D undergoes no change and is continuous across the boundary condition Normal E on the
other hand is discontinuous across the interface.
So, we have,

Conductor-Dielectric Boundary
Perfect conductor with infinite conductivity (therefore no volume charge density, potential or electric
field inside the conductor) and a dielectric, 2 .
Law of Refraction:
Consider the boundary of two dielectrics, 1 and 2
We can determine the refraction of the electric field across the interface using the dielectric boundary
conditions provided.

Thus an interface between two dielectrics produces bending of flux lines as a result of unequal
polarization charges that accumulate on the opposite sides of the interface.

Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems

Poissons and Laplaces Equations for Electrostatics:

Solving for the potential, V, using charge density.


The above equation is known as Poissons equation. For a charge-free region the above equation can be
written as,

The above equation is known as Laplaces equation.

Uniqueness theorem: Although there are many ways to solve a differential equation, there is only one
solution for any given set of boundary conditions.

For a uniform conductor, the resistance is given by,

We can also define it using Ohms law, for a conductor with non-uniform cross-section, as,

The actual resistance in a conductor of non-uniform cross section can be solved as a boundary value
problem using the following steps,
Choose a coordinate system.
Assume that Vo is the potential difference between two conductor terminals
Solve Laplaces Eqn. to obtain V. Then Determine E = - V and solve I from

Finally, R = Vo/I.

Capacitance is the ratio of the magnitude of charge on two separated plates to the potential difference
between them.

The negative sign is dropped in the definition above because we are interested in the absolute value of the
voltage drop.
Capacitance is obtained by one of two methods
Assuming Q, determine V in terms of Q
Assuming V, determine Q in terms of V

Using the above equation we can find the capacitance & resistance associated with parallel plate
capacitor, coaxial cable & spherical capacitors.
Method of Images
Image theory: A given charge configuration above an infinite grounded perfect conducting plane may be
replaced by a mirror image of the charge configuration and an equipotential line in place of the
conducting plane
This theory is of significant importance because it allows one to significantly simplify complex
problems using symmetry.

1.Prove that any solution to Laplaces equation which satisfies the same boundary conditions must be the
only solution regardless of the method used.
2.What is the current density of a convection current constituted by some charge in motion.
3.Derive the point form of continuity equation.
4.Define polarization of a dielectric. Establish the relationship between electric susceptibility, polarization
vector and electric field intensity.
5.Why do charges remain on the surface of conductor.
6.What is electrostatic shielding? State the approach for finding the capacitance of a multiconductor
7.Two Condensers of capacity C1 and C2 possessing initially charges q1 and q2 respectively are connected
(C2 q1 C1q2 )2
in parallel. Show that there is a loss of electrostatic energy amounting to . In
2C1C2 (C1 C2 )
what form does this energy appear?
8.Compute the work done in moving a point charge Q around a closed loop in a static field. What is the
nature of electric field?

Introduction to Magnetic Fields

Electrostatic fields are generated by static charges, magnetostatic fields are generated by static currents
(charges that move with constant velocity in a particular direction).
There are several similarities between electrostatic and magnetostatic fields
For example, as we had E and D for electrostatics, we now use B and H to examine magnetic systems
Our study of these fields allows us to evaluate and solve for a tremendous number of electric and
electromechanical devices.
Furthermore this study, will provide the basis for formulating an universal theory of Electromagnetic
Fields that is utilized in almost every aspect of electrical engineering
Biot-Savarts Law

The differential magnetic field intensity, dH, produced at a point P, by the differential current element,
Idl, is proportional to the product Idl and the sine of the angle between the element and the line joining P
to the element and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, R, between P and the element

Considering different current distributions(as shown above) we can rewrite expression for field intensity
as below,
H Field From a Strait Current Carrying Filament
The H field is determined for a strait filament of current in a manner very similar to that of the electric
field determined from a line charge.

Using Biot-savarts law we can find the expression for field intensity due to different current carrying
conductor configurations.

Amperes law:
The line integral of H around a closed path is the same as the net current, Ienc, enclosed by the path,

Similar to Gauss law since Amperes law is easily used to determine H when the current distribution is
Amperes law ALWAYS holds, even if the current distribution is NOT symmetrical, however the
equation is typically used for symmetric cases.
Like Gauss and Coulombs Laws, Amperes law is a special case of the Biot-Savart law and can be
derived directly from it.
Applying Stokess theorem, we have,

We can also write using current density,

So, from the above two equations,

Applications of Amperes Circuit Law

A simple application of Amperes law can be used to easily derive the magnetic field intensity from an
infinite line current ,

Amperes Circuit Law: Infinite Sheet of Current

Consider an infinite sheet of current in the z=0 plane with a uniform current density, K=Kyay.
Thus for an infinite sheet of charge,

So, by using Amperes circuital law, the expressions for magnetic field intensity of different structures
can be derived.

Magnetic Flux Density

Magnetic Flux density, B, is the magnetic equivalent of the electric flux density, D. As such, one can
Similarly, Amperes Law is,

And the Magnetic flux through a surface is,

The magnetic flux through an enclosed system is,

Unlike electrostatic flux however, magnetic flux always follows a closed path and fold in on themselves.
This simple statement has profound consequences. In electrostatics, we can easily define a point charge in
which electric fields emanate to infinity. However, the solenoidal nature of the magnetic field requires
magnetic flux to travel from a positive (north) to a negative (south) pole and it is not possible to have a
single magnetic pole at any time.

There are NO magnetic monopoles, stipulating that an isolated magnetic charge DOES NOT EXIST
The minimum field requirement for magnetics is a dipole.
So, mathematically,

Maxwells Eqns. for Static Fields

Magnetic Scalar & Vector Potential

We can define a magnetic field using the following requirements.

Just as , we can define a magnetic scalar potential Vm related to H when the current density is
zero as

The requirement for a solenoidal field (and Maxwells 4th law of electrostatics) stipulates

And we can therefore define a magnetic vector potential, A, as

Just as we defined the Electric Potential as , We can define the Magnetic Vector Potential


1.Derive Biot Savart law using the concept of vector magnetic potential.
2.Show that the vector Magnetic Potential A of two parallel infinite straight wires carrying current I in
the opposite direction (as shown in Fig below) is given by,

0 I r2
A ln( ) a z
2 r1

3.Calculate the force of repulsion per meter between two long parallel wires 30cm apart carrying current
of 50amp in opposite directions

4.A circuit is in the form of a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a circle of radius a. If it is carrying a
current I, show that the magnetic induction at the center is given by

0 ni
tan . Show that this expression approaches the induction at the center of a circle as n is
2 a n
indefinitely increased.


Magnetic Forces Materials and Devices:

Lorentz Force Law:

The force on a charged particle in an electric field is simply F=qE
However, in the presence of an electromagnetic field an additional force is imposed from the charge
displacement of velocity, u, quantified by the magnetic field, B.
The combined force is defined by Lorentz Force Law:

Equating the Lorentz force to Newtons force equation, we have,

Where a is the acceleration of the particle is space.

Force on a Current Element

One can also use field calculations to determine the force acting on a current element, Idl=KdS=Jdv,
due to an applied external magnetic field B.
Assume that a copper wire carries a current density, J= vu.
We know:

And that:

Thus we can solve for the force on the first wire:

Now one can define force on a current element from a magnetic field.
However, that magnetic field must be generated somehow. What if it was generated by field produced
from current passing through a second current element nearby. This means that currents in neighboring
wires generate magnetic fields that generate forces on each other.

Newtons law requires that the force, F1, acting on element 1 is equal and opposite to the force F2
acting on element 2.
One can calculate these interdependent forces through the following derivation.

From Biot- Savarts law we have,

On substituting,

Using the above method we can find the force between two current carrying conductors.
Magnetic Torque and Moment:

Lets examine the Torque applied to a current carrying loop.

Torque, T, on the loop is the vector product of the force, F, and the moment arm, r.

And for a uniform magnetic field,

But, ,so

Where we can now define a quantity m as the magnetic dipole moment with units A/m2 which is the
product of the current and area of the loop in the direction normal the surface area defined by the loop


1.A wire is bent into a plane to form a square of 30cm side and a current of 10 A is passed
through it. Calculate H at the centre of the loop.

Magnetization in Materials:
We know that all materials are made up of atoms consisting of electrons orbiting nuclei.
Each of these electrons can also be said to spin about its axis.
In certain materials these spins associated with atomic magnetic dipoles align over large atomic
distances to create magnetic domains across several thousands of atoms.
As the individual magnetic domains align, over larger and larger volumes of the material, then the
material is said to magnetize.
Magnetization M, in A/m, is the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume.
If N atoms are in a given volume, v, then the kth atom has a magnetic moment mk.

We know,



Where b in the J and K terms represents a bound current densities

For any linear magnetic material medium we have,

Where is called the permeability of the material and is measured in H/m r is called the relative

Classification of Magnetic Materials:

In general we use the magnetic susceptibility (or relative permeability) to classify materials in terms of
their magnetic property.
A material is said to be nonmagnetic if there is no bound current density or zero susceptibility. Otherwise
it is magnetic.
Magnetic materials may be grouped into three classes: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic.
For many practice purposes, diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials exhibit little to no magnetic.
susceptibility. What magnetic properties these materials do have, follows a linear response over a large
range of applied fields.
Ferromagnetic materials kept below the Curie temperature exhibit very large nonlinear magnetic
susceptibility and are used for conventional magnetic device applications.

Classification of Magnetic Materials

Occurs when the magnetic fields in the material due to individual electron moments cancels each other
out. Thus the permanent magnetic moment of each atom is zero.
Such materials are very weakly affected by magnetic fields.
Diamagnetic materials include Copper, Bismuth, silicon, diamond, and sodium chloride (table salt)
In general this effect is temperature independent. Thus, for example, there is no technique for
magnetizing copper
Superconductors exhibit perfect diamagnetism. The effect is so strong that magnetic fields applied
across a superconductor do not penetrate more than a few atomic layers, resulting in B=0 within the
Materials whose atoms exhibit a slight non-zero magnetic moment
Paramangetism is temperature dependent
Most materials (air, tungsten, potassium, monell) exhibit paramagnetic effects that provide slight
magnetization in the presence of large fields at low temperatures
Occurs in atoms with a relatively large magnetic moment
Examples: Cobalt, Iron, Nickel, various alloys based on these three
Capable of being magnetized very strongly by a magnetic field
Retain a considerable amount of their magnetization when removed from the field
Lose their ferromagnetic properties and become linear paramagnetic materials (non magnetic) when the
temperature is raised above a critical temperature called the Curie temperature.
Their magnetization is nonlinear. Thus the constitutive relation B= 0 r H does not hold because r
depends directly on B and cannot be represented by a single value.

Magnetic Boundary Conditions:

Magnetic boundary conditions for B and H crossing any material interface must match the following
conditions developed using Guasss law for magnetic fields and Amperes circuit law.
These boundary conditions can be used to develop an equivalent to Snells law for magnetic fields

Inductors and Inductance:

We now know that closed magnetic circuit carrying current I produces a magnetic field with flux

We define the flux linkage between a circuit with N identical turns as,

As long as the medium the flux passes through is linear (isotropic) then then flux linkage is proportional
to the current I producing it and can be written as,

Where L is a constant of proportionality called the inductance of the circuit. A circuit that contains
inductance is said to be an inductor.
One can equate the inductance to the magnetic flux of the circuit as

where L is measured in units of Henrys (H) = Wb/A.

The magnetic energy (in Joules) stored by the inductor is expressed as,

Inductors and Inductance:

Since we know that magnetic fields produce forces on nearby current elements, and that those magnetic
fields can be generated by an isolated or coupled set of current carrying circuits, then it is only reasonable
that such circuits may induce fields and magnetization between them.

We can calculate the individual flux linkage between the two components as

Likewise we can determine a mutual inductance between the circuits that is equal from circuit 12 as it is
from circuit 21 as
Individual inductances are

The total magnetic energy in the circuit is

Mutual inductance may be calculated by the following method,

Determine the internal inductance, Lin for the flux generated by the first inductor
Determine the external inductance, Lext produced by the flux external of the first inductor
The sum of the internal and external inductance equals the individual inductances plus the mutual
inductance between the elements

Magnetic Energy
We can derive a similar term as derived for electric energy, for magnetic energy using the relation for
energy as a function of inductance.

Magnetic Circuits
The following relations allow one to solve magnetic field problems in a manner similar to that of
electronic circuits. It provides a clear means of designing transformers, motors, generators, and relays
using a lumped circuit model. The analogy between electronic and magnetic circuits is provided below.
Maxwells Equations:
Faradays Law for induced emf:
Induced electromotive force (emf) (in volts) in any closed circuit is equal to the time rate of change of
magnetic flux by the circuit,

where, as before, is the flux linkage, is the magnetic flux, N is the number of turns in the inductor,
and t represents a time interval. The negative sign shows that the induced voltage acts to oppose the flux
producing it.
The statement in blue above is known as Lenzs Law: the induced voltage acts to oppose the flux
producing it.
Examples of emf generated electric fields: electric generators, batteries, thermocouples, fuel cells,
photovoltaic cells, transformers.
To elaborate on emf, lets consider a battery circuit.

The electrochemical action within the battery results and in emf produced electric field, Ef
Acuminated charges at the terminals provide an electrostatic field Ee that also exist that counteracts the
emf generated potential
The total emf generated in the between the two open terminals in the battery is therefore

Transformer and Motional Electromotive Forces:

The variation of flux with time may be caused by three ways
1. Having a stationary loop in a time-varying B field
2. Having a time-varying loop in a static B field
3. Having a time-varying loop in a time-varying B field

A stationary loop in a time-varying B field

A time-varying loop in a static B field

A time-varying loop in a time-varying B field

Displacement Current:

Lets now examine time dependent fields from the perspective on Amperes Law.
We can apply the displacement current concept on the simple case of a capacitive element in a simple
electronic circuit, as shown below.

Based on the equation for displacement current density, we can define the displacement current in a
circuit as shown. Applying Amperes circuit law to a closed path provides the following eqn. for current
on the first side of the capacitive element. However surface 2 is the opposite side of the capacitor and has
no conduction current allowing for no enclosed current at surface 2. If J =0 on the second surface then Jd
must be generated on the second surface to create a time displaced current equal to current on surface 1.

If J =0 on the second surface then Jd must be generated on the second surface to create a time displaced
current equal to current on surface 1.

We know,

Maxwells Time Dependent Equations

The Maxwells equations for time dependent fields are,


1.Explain the terms Self inductance and mutual inductance.

2.Derive the relationship between magnetic vector potential and current density vector
3.An electron travels with a velocity of 2x108 m/s perpendicular to a magnetic flux density of 0.15W/m2.
Determine the force on moving electron.
4.Draw a comparison between Electric and magnetic monopoles and dipoles.
5.Discuss the nature of various magnetic materials.
6.State the Maxwells equations for static fields.
7.Show that the magnetic induction in Weber per square metre at the center of a square circuit of length l
2 2 0i
on a side carrying a current i is where i is in amperes and l is in meteres.
8.Write the expressions for vector magnetic potentials for three standard current configurations i.e.
current filament, sheet current and volume current.
9.Derive Poissons equation and also its analogous one for static magnetic field.

10.Prove that the field V= A 4 B 4 sin 4 obeys Laplaces Equation
11. Prove that any solution to Laplaces equation which satisfies the same boundary conditions must be
the only solution regardless of the method used.
12.A 1-m diameter loop carries 25Amp. Find the magnetic flux density(B)
(i) at the center of the loop and (ii)on the loop axis 1m from the center

Plane Wave:

A uniform plane wave is the wave that the electric field, E or magnetic field, H in same direction, same
magnitude and same phase in infinite planes perpendicular to the direction of propagation. A plane wave
has no electric field, and magnetic field, components along its direction of propagation.

Wave Equations:

If the wave is in simple ( linear, isotropic and homogeneous ) nonconducting medium ( =0), Maxwells
equation reduce to,

The first-order differential equations in the two variables E and H . They can combine to give E or H
alone using second-order equation.

Using Maxwells equation,

The curl of equation of (1)

Replacing in equation (2)

We know that because of equation (3), thus the wave equation is

The wave equation also can written as


Assuming an implicit time dependence in the field vector. Equation (a) also called Helmholtz
equation. The k is called the wave number or propagation constant.

where c is the velocity of light in free space.

For magnetic intensity domain, H , we have,

For a uniform plane wave with an electric field E x E x traveling in the z-direction, the wave equation
can be reduced as

The solution of this wave equation,

Where is the attenuation constant of the medium and is its phase constant.

The associated magnetic field, H ,

where is the intrinsic impedance of the medium.

The k is called the wave number or propagation constant.

The wave number can also be written in terms of and .


By solving (1) & (2),

So for different medium,

Electromagnetic Phenomena are described by using four Maxwells equations:

Poynting Vector and Power Flow in Electromagnetic Fields:
Electromagnetic waves can transport energy from one point to another point. The electric and magnetic
field intensities associated with a travelling electromagnetic wave can be related to the rate of such energy
Let us consider Maxwell's Curl Equations:

Using vector identity

The above curl equations we can write

And .
In simple medium where and are constant, we can write
Applying Divergence theorem we can write,


The term represents the rate of change of energy stored in the electric and

magnetic fields and the term represents the power dissipation within the volume. Hence right
hand side of the equation (a) represents the total decrease in power within the volume under

The left hand side of equation (6.36) can be written as where

(W/mt2) is called the Poynting vector and it represents the power density vector associated with the
electromagnetic field. The integration of the Poynting vector over any closed surface gives the net power
flowing out of the surface. Equation (6.36) is referred to as Poynting theorem and it states that the net
power flowing out of a given volume is equal to the time rate of decrease in the energy stored within the
volume minus the conduction losses.
Poynting vector for the time harmonic case:
For time harmonic case, the time variation is of the form , and we have seen that instantaneous value
of a quantity is the real part of the product of a phasor quantity and when is used as
reference. For example, if we consider the phasor

then we can write the instanteneous field as

when E0 is real.
Let us consider two instanteneous quantities A and B such that

where A and B are the phasor quantities. i.e,


Since A and B are periodic with period , the time average value of the product form AB, denoted
by can be written as
Further, considering the phasor quantities A and B, we find that

and , where * denotes complex conjugate.

The poynting vector can be expressed as


If we consider a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in +z direction and has only component,
from (b) we can write:

Using (6.41)

where and , for the plane wave under consideration.

For a general case, we can write

We can define a complex Poynting vector

and time average of the instantaneous Poynting vector is given by .

Polarisation of plane wave:

The polarization of a plane wave can be defined as the orientation of the electric field vector as a function
of time at a fixed point in space. For an electromagnetic wave, the specification of the orientation of the
electric field is sufficient as the magnetic field components are related to electric field vector by the
Maxwell's equations.
Let us consider a plane wave travelling in the +z direction. The wave has both Ex and Ey components.
The corresponding magnetic fields are given by,

Depending upon the values of Eox and Eoy we can have several possibilities:
1. If Eoy = 0, then the wave is linearly polarised in the x-direction.
2. If Eoy = 0, then the wave is linearly polarised in the y-direction.
3. If Eox and Eoy are both real (or complex with equal phase), once again we get a linearly polarised wave

with the axis of polarisation inclined at an angle , with respect to the x-axis. This is shown in
fig 6.4.

Fig 6.4 : Linear Polarisation

If Eox and Eoy are complex with different phase angles, will not point to a single spatial direction.
This is explained as follows:

Let ,


and ....................................(c)

To keep the things simple, let us consider a =0 and . Further, let us study the nature of the electric
field on the z =0 plain.
From equation (c) we find that,
and the electric field vector at z = 0 can be written as


Assuming , the plot of for various values of t is hown in figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5 : Plot of E(o,t)

From equation (d) and figure (6.5) we observe that the tip of the arrow representing electric field vector
traces an ellipse and the field is said to be elliptically polarized.

Figure 6.6: Polarisation ellipse

The polarisation ellipse shown in figure 6.6 is defined by its axial ratio(M/N, the ratio of semimajor to
semiminor axis), tilt angle (orientation with respect to xaxis) and sense of rotation(i.e., CW or CCW).
Linear polarisation can be treated as a special case of elliptical polarisation, for which the axial ratio is

In our example, if , from equation (6.47), the tip of the arrow representing electric field
vector traces out a circle. Such a case is referred to as Circular Polarisation. For circular polarisation the
axial ratio is unity.

Figure 6.7: Circular Polarisation (RHCP)

Further, the circular polarisation is aside to be right handed circular polarisation (RHCP) if the electric
field vector rotates in the direction of the fingers of the right hand when the thumb points in the direction
of propagation-(same and CCW). If the electric field vector rotates in the opposite direction, the
polarisation is asid to be left hand circular polarisation (LHCP) (same as CW).
In AM radio broadcast, the radiated electromagnetic wave is linearly polarised with the field vertical
to the ground( vertical polarisation) where as TV signals are horizontally polarised waves. FM broadcast
is usually carried out using circularly polarised waves.
In radio communication, different information signals can be transmitted at the same frequency at
orthogonal polarisation ( one signal as vertically polarised other horizontally polarised or one as RHCP
while the other as LHCP) to increase capacity. Otherwise, same signal can be transmitted at orthogonal
polarisation to obtain diversity gain to improve reliability of transmission.

Behaviour of Plane waves at the inteface of two media:

We have considered the propagation of uniform plane waves in an unbounded homogeneous medium. In
practice, the wave will propagate in bounded regions where several values of will be present.
When plane wave travelling in one medium meets a different medium, it is partly reflected and partly
transmitted. In this section, we consider wave reflection and transmission at planar boundary between two
Fig 6.8 : Normal Incidence at a plane boundary
Case1: Let z = 0 plane represent the interface between two media. Medium 1 is characterised

by and medium 2 is characterized by .

Let the subscripts 'i' denotes incident, 'r' denotes reflected and 't' denotes transmitted field components

The incident wave is assumed to be a plane wave polarized along x and travelling in medium 1 along
direction. From equation (6.24) we can write



where and .
Because of the presence of the second medium at z =0, the incident wave will undergo partial reflection

and partial transmission. The reflected wave will travel along in medium 1.
The reflected field components are:



The transmitted wave will travel in medium 2 along for which the field components are


where and
In medium 1,
and in medium 2,
Applying boundary conditions at the interface z = 0, i.e., continuity of tangential field components and
noting that incident, reflected and transmitted field components are tangential at the boundary, we can

From equation (e) to (j) we get,

Eliminating Eto ,


is called the reflection coefficient.
From equation (k) & (l), we can write


is called the transmission coefficient.

We observe that,

The following may be noted

(i) both and T are dimensionless and may be complex

Let us now consider specific cases:
Case I: Normal incidence on a plane conducting boundary
The medium 1 is perfect dielectric and medium 2 is perfectly conducting .

From (k) and (l)

= -1
and T =0
Hence the wave is not transmitted to medium 2, it gets reflected entirely from the interface to the medium

Proceeding in the same manner for the magnetic field in region 1, we can show that,

The wave in medium 1 thus becomes a standing wave due to the super position of a forward travelling
wave and a backward travelling wave. For a given ' t', both and vary sinusoidally with distance
measured from z = 0. This is shown in figure 6.9.

Figure 6.9: Generation of standing wave

Zeroes of E1(z,t) and

Maxima ofH1(z,t).

Maxima of E1(z,t) and

zeroes ofH1(z,t).

Case2: Normal incidence on a plane dielectric boundary

If the medium 2 is not a perfect conductor (i.e. ) partial reflection will result. There will be a
reflected wave in the medium 1 and a transmitted wave in the medium 2.Because of the reflected wave,
standing wave is formed in medium 1.
From above equations we can write

Let us consider the scenario when both the media are dissipation less i.e. perfect dielectrics
( )

In this case both and become real numbers.

From (n), we can see that, in medium 1 we have a traveling wave component with amplitude TEio and a
standing wave component with amplitude 2JEio.
The location of the maximum and the minimum of the electric and magnetic field components in the
medium 1from the interface can be found as follows.
The electric field in medium 1 can be written as

If i.e. >0
The maximum value of the electric field is

and this occurs when

or , n = 0, 1, 2, 3.......................(o)

The minimum value of is

And this occurs when

or , n = 0, 1, 2, 3.............................(q)
For i.e. <0

The maximum value of is which occurs at the zmin locations and the minimum value

of is which occurs at zmax locations as given by the equations (o) and (q).

From our discussions so far we observe that can be written as

The quantity S is called as the standing wave ratio.

As the range of S is given by

We can write the expression for the magnetic field in medium 1 as

From above equation we can see that will be maximum at locations where is minimum and
vice versa.
In medium 2, the transmitted wave propagates in the + z direction.

Oblique Incidence of EM wave at an interface

So far we have discuss the case of normal incidence where electromagnetic wave traveling in a lossless
medium impinges normally at the interface of a second medium. In this section we shall consider the case
of oblique incidence. As before, we consider two cases

i. When the second medium is a perfect conductor.

ii. When the second medium is a perfect dielectric.

A plane incidence is defined as the plane containing the vector indicating the direction of propagation of
the incident wave and normal to the interface. We study two specific cases when the incident electric
field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence (perpendicular polarization) and is parallel to the
plane of incidence (parallel polarization). For a general case, the incident wave may have arbitrary
polarization but the same can be expressed as a linear combination of these two individual cases.

Oblique Incidence at a plane conducting boundary

i. Perpendicular Polarization
The situation is depicted in figure 6.10.

Figure 6.10: Perpendicular Polarization

As the EM field inside the perfect conductor is zero, the interface reflects the incident plane wave.
and respectively represent the unit vector in the direction of propagation of the incident and reflected
waves, is the angle of incidence and is the angle of reflection.

We find that

Since the incident wave is considered to be perpendicular to the plane of incidence, which for the present
case happens to be xz plane, the electric field has only y-component.

The corresponding magnetic field is given by

Similarly, we can write the reflected waves as

Since at the interface z=o, the tangential electric field is zero.

The above equation is satisfied if we have

The condition is Snell's law of reflection.

The total electric field is given by

Similarly, total magnetic field is given by

From above two equations we observe that

1. Along z direction i.e. normal to the boundary
y component of and x component of maintain standing wave patterns according
to and where . No average power propagates along z as y
component of and x component of are out of phase.
2. Along x i.e. parallel to the interface
y component of and z component of are in phase (both time and space) and propagate
with phase velocity

The wave propagating along the x direction has its amplitude varying with z and hence constitutes a non
uniformplane wave. Further, only electric field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation (i.e.
x), the magnetic field has component along the direction of propagation. Such waves are called transverse
electric or TE waves.
ii. Parallel Polarization:
In this case also and are given by the derived equations. Here and have only y

Figure 6.11: Parallel Polarization

With reference to fig (6.11), the field components can be written as:

Incident field components:

Reflected field components:

Since the total tangential electric field component at the interface is zero.

Which leads to and as before.

Substituting these quantities in (r) and adding the incident and reflected electric and magnetic field
components the total electric and magnetic fields can be written as

Once again, we find a standing wave pattern along z for the x and y components of and , while a

non uniform plane wave propagates along x with a phase velocity given by
where . Since, for this propagating wave, magnetic field is in transverse direction, such waves
are called transverse magnetic or TM waves.
Oblique incidence at a plane dielectric interface
We continue our discussion on the behavior of plane waves at an interface; this time we consider a plane
dielectric interface. As earlier, we consider the two specific cases, namely parallel and perpendicular

Fig 6.12: Oblique incidence at a plane dielectric interface

For the case of a plane dielectric interface, an incident wave will be reflected partially and transmitted
In Fig(6.12), corresponds respectively to the angle of incidence, reflection and transmission.
1. Parallel Polarization
As discussed previously, the incident and reflected field components can be written as

In terms of the reflection coefficient

The transmitted filed can be written in terms of the transmission coefficient T

We can now enforce the continuity of tangential field components at the boundary i.e. z=0

If both and are to be continuous at z=0 for all x , then form the phase matching we have

We find that

Further, from equations (s) and (t) we have


From equation (u) we find that there exists specific angle for which = 0 such that

For non magnetic material
Using this condition

rom equation (v), solving for we get

This angle of incidence for which = 0 is called Brewster angle. Since we are dealing with parallel
polarization we represent this angle by so that

2. Perpendicular Polarization

For this case

Using continuity of field components at z=0

As in the previous case

Using these conditions we can write

From equation (w) the reflection and transmission coefficients for the perpendicular polarization can be
computed as

We observe that if = 0 for an angle of incidence




or .........................(x)
We observe if i.e. in this case of non magnetic material Brewster angle does not exist as
the denominator or equation (x) becomes zero. Thus for perpendicular polarization in dielectric media,
there is Brewster angle so that can be made equal to zero.
From our previous discussion we observe that for both polarizations

For ;

The incidence angle for which i.e. is called the critical angle of
incidence. If the angle of incidence is larger than total internal reflection occurs. For such case an
evanescent wave exists along the interface in the x direction (w.r.t. fig (6.12)) that attenuates
exponentially in the normal i.e. z direction. Such waves are tightly bound to the interface and are called
surface waves.


1.Write down Maxwells field equations in the differential and integral form for time harmonic fields
2.Derive the expressions for energy stored in electric and magnetic field. Which field is efficient.

3.In a uniform plane wave, E and H are at right angles to each other. Prove.
4.A lossy dielectric is characterized by R=1.5, R=1 and /=2.5x10-4. At a frequency of 200MHz, how
far can a uniform plane wave propagate in the material before

(i)it undergoes an attenuation 1Np

(ii)its amplitude is halved

5. Deduce the integral form of the theoram of Poynting and state the significance of the three terms
appearing in the equation.

6.What are the properties of uniform plane wave?

7.Write Maxwells equation in integral form and interpret

8.Show that characteristic impedance of free space is 377ohm

9.State and explain Poynting Vector(P) and Poynting theorem.

10.A brass(conductivity=107mho/m) pipe with inner and outer diameter of 3.4 and 4 cm carries a total
current of 100A dc. Find Electric field (E), Magnetic field(H) and Poynting Vector(P) within the brass

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