6.3.1 - Fluid Flow Measurement (Steady Flow)
6.3.1 - Fluid Flow Measurement (Steady Flow)
6.3.1 - Fluid Flow Measurement (Steady Flow)
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Flow Measurement
There are numerous number of devices used to measure the flow of
fluids. In any of these devices, the Bernoullis Energy Theorem is greatly
utilized and additional knowledge of the characteristics and coefficients
of each device is important. In the absence of reliable values and
coefficients, a device should be calibrated for the expected operating
ME33 : Fluid Flow 3 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
ME33 : Fluid Flow 4 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
ME33 : Fluid Flow 5 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
ME33 : Fluid Flow 6 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
ME33 : Fluid Flow 7 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Head Loss
The head loss through Venturi meters, orifices, tubes, and nozzles may
be expressed as:
ME33 : Fluid Flow 8 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Head Loss
ME33 : Fluid Flow 9 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
2 2
ME33 : Fluid Flow 10 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Head Loss
2 2
If the orifice or nozzle takes off directly from a tank where A1 is very much greater
than A2, then the velocity of approach is negligible and Eqn. (c) reduces to:
ME33 : Fluid Flow 11 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
An orifice is an opening (usually circular) with a closed perimeter through
which fluid flows. It is used primarily to measure or to control the flow of
fluid. The upstream face of the orifice may be rounded or sharp. An
orifice with prolonged side, such as a piece of pipe, having a length of
two or three times its diameter, is called a short tube. Longer tubes such
as culverts under embankments are usually treated as orifice although
they may be also treated as short pipes.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 12 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
The figure below shows a general case of fluid pA
flow through an orifice. Let pA and pB be the air
pressures in the chambers A and B, h
respectively and vA be the velocity of the vA 1 2 vT
stream normal to the plane of the orifice
(velocity of approach). Consider two points 1
Chamber A Chamber B
and 2 such that v1 = vA and v2 = vT and writing
the energy equation between these two points
neglecting losses:
A a
vA 1 2 vT
Chamber A Chamber B
A a
ME33 : Fluid Flow 14 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Orifice Free discharge orifice
Theoretical velocity,
ME33 : Fluid Flow 15 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Torricellis Theorem
The theoretical velocity of
discharge from an orifice is the
velocity acquired by a body
falling freely in a vacuum
through a height equal to the
total head on the orifice.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 16 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Orifices under low heads
When the head on a vertical orifice is small h1
in comparison with the height of the orifice, h2
dh D
there is an appreciable difference between
the discharges using the previous analysis. L
ME33 : Fluid Flow 17 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Venturi Meter
Venturi meter is an instrument used in measuring the discharge through
ME33 : Fluid Flow 18 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Venturi Meter
It consist of a converging tube AB which is connected to the main pipe at
the inlet A, and ending in a cylindrical section BC called the throat, and a
diverging section CD which is connected again to the main pipe at the
outlet D. The angle of divergence is kept small to reduce the head loss
cause by turbulence as the velocity is reduced.
1 2
throat outlet
ME33 : Fluid Flow 19 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Venturi Meter
Consider two points in the system, 1 at the base of the inlet and 2 at the
throat, and writing the energy equation between these two points
neglecting head loss:
The left side of the equation is the kinetic energy which shows an increase
in value, while the left side of the equation is the potential energy which
shows a decrease in value. Therefore, neglecting head loss, the
increase in kinetic energy is equal to the decrease in potential energy.
This statement is known as the Venturi Principle.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 20 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Venturi Meter
The difference in pressure between the inlet and the throat is commonly
measured by means of a differential manometer connecting the inlet and
ME33 : Fluid Flow 21 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
A nozzle is a converging tube
installed at the end of a pipe or
hose for the purpose of increasing
the velocity of the issuing jet.
H = total head at base of nozzle Tip
An = Area at the nozzle tip
ME33 : Fluid Flow 22 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Pitot Tube
Named after the French physicist and engineer Henri Pitot, Pitot tube is a
bent (L-shaped or U-shaped) tube with both ends open and is used to
measure the velocity of fluid flow.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 23 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Pitot Tube
Point 2 at the face of the tube facing the stream is called the stagnation
Consider a particle at point 1 to
h= move with a velocity of v. As the
particle approaches point 2, its
h2 =
h1= velocity is gradually retarded to 0 at
point 2. Writing the energy equation
between 1 and 2 neglecting losses:
1 2 Stagnation point
0 0 0
v v2 = 0
ME33 : Fluid Flow 24 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
A gate is an opening in a dam or other hydraulic structure to control the
passage of water. It has the same hydraulic properties as the orifice.
y h2
h1 0 h2 0
Theoretical velocity
ME33 : Fluid Flow 25 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Actual velocity,
Actual discharge,
Free flow
Coefficient of contraction,
Submerged flow
ME33 : Fluid Flow 26 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Standard Short Tube and Re-entrant Tube
A standard short tube is the one with a square-cornered entrance and has
a length of about 2.5 times its internal diameter.
Bordas Mouthpiece
A special case of a re-entrant tube,
consisting of a thin tube projecting
into a tank having a length of
about one diameter.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 27 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Converging Tubes
Conical converging tubes has the form of a frustum of a right circular cone
with the larger end adjacent to the tank or reservoir.
Angle of Convergence,
00 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500
Cv 0.829 0.911 0.947 0.965 0.971 0.973 0.976 0.981 0.984
Cc 1.000 0.999 0.992 0.972 0.952 0.935 0.918 0.888 0.859
C 0.829 0.910 0.939 0.938 0.924 0.911 0.896 0.871 0.845
Diverging Tubes
A diverging tube has the form of a frustum of a right circular cone with the
smaller end adjacent to the reservoir or tank.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 28 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fluid Flow Measurement
Submerged Tubes
An example of submerged tube is a culvert conveying water through
embankments. The discharge through a submerged tube is given by the
ME33 : Fluid Flow 29 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 1
Calculate the discharge through the 140-mm diameter orifice shown.
50 kPa 15 kPa
Air Air
ME33 : Fluid Flow 30 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 1
= 2 50 kPa 15 kPa
= Air
50 15
= 3+
9.81 9.81
= 6.568
= 0.62 2(9.81)(6.568)
= . /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 31 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 2 Air
(s = 1.5) 1m
125 mm
C = 0.65
ME33 : Fluid Flow 32 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14 p
Problem 2 Air
Solution: h2
1.5 m
(s = 0.82)
= 2
= + + 3m
2.5 m
1 0.82 (s = 1.0)
= 1 + 2.5 + 1.5
1.5 1.5
= 3.487 Glycerin
hn (s = 1.5) 1m
= 0.65 2(9.81)(3.487)
4 125 mm
C = 0.65
= . /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 33 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 3
A calibration test of a 12.5 mm
diameter circular sharp-edged
orifice in a vertical side of a large
tank showed a discharge of 590 N Water 4.7 m
(s = 1.0)
of water in 81 sec at a constant head
of 4.70 m. Measurement of the jet vo = v
ME33 : Fluid Flow 34 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 3
Theoretical values: Actual values:
= 2 = 2(9.81)(4.7)
= ( )
= . /
= = = 0.0601 3
(0.0125)2 9810
= = (9.603)
4 0.0601 3
= . / 81
= . /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 35 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 3
Actual values (velocity):
Trajectory of a projectile
Water 4.7 m
The height of y of the projectile at distance x:
(s = 1.0)
= 2 vo = v
2 2
y = -0.3 m
0.3 = 2.3500
2 2 2 (00 ) x = 2.35 m
= . /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 36 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 3
, = = = .
, = = = .
, = = = .
ME33 : Fluid Flow 37 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 4
A 50-mm diameter circular sharp-edged 1
orifice at the side of a tank discharges
water under a head of 3 m. If the
coefficient of contraction Cc = 0.63 and Water 3m
the head loss is 240 mm, compute the (s = 1.0)
ME33 : Fluid Flow 38 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 3
Energy equation between 1 and 2 (actual):
1 12 = 2 = 2 = 2(9.81)(3)
0 + 0 + 3 0.24 = +0+0 7.359
2 = = = .
= 2.76
= 7.359 / (actual velocity)
= = 0.63(0.959) = .
ME33 : Fluid Flow 39 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 5
A jet is issued from the side of a tank under a constant head of 3 m. The
side of the tank has an inclination of 1H to 1V. The total depth of water in
the tank is 6.70 m. Neglecting air resistance and assuming Cv = 1.0,
determine the following:
5.1 The maximum height to which the jet will rise.
5.2 The point it strike a horizontal plane 1.20 m below the bottom of
the tank.
5.3 The velocity of the jet as it strikes the ground.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 40 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 5 y
vo 1
3m = 450 x
6.7 m
3.7 m
y2 = 4.9 m
1.2 m
x2 v2
ME33 : Fluid Flow 41 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 5
Actual velocity of jet at the orifice, vo:
= = 2 = 1 2(9.81)(3)
= 7.672 /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 42 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 5
5.2 Point it strike the ground, x2 5.3 Velocity of the jet as it strikes the ground
(at point 2, y2 = -4.9 m) Work-Energy equation between O and 2
2 + 2 = 2
= 2
2 2
1 2 1 2
9.81(2 )2 + =
4.9 = 2 450 2 2 2
2(7.672)2 2 (450 )
7.6722 22
= . + 4.9 =
2(9.81) 2
= . /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 43 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 6
Oil discharges from a pipe through a sharp-crested round orifice as
shown in the figure. The coefficients of contraction and velocity are 0.62
and 0.98, respectively. Calculate the discharge through the orifice and
the diameter and actual velocity in the jet.
300 mm
Oil 75 mm
(s = 0.85)
750 mm
180 mm
ME33 : Fluid Flow 44 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14 300 mm 75 mm
Problem 6 Oil
(s = 0.85)
Solution: 2
Discharge Q = Q1 = Q2 750 mm
Energy equation between 1 and 2 (theoretical): 180 mm
82 1 82
+ +0 = 2 +0+0
2 (0.30)4 (0.075)4
= 26012 Eqn. 1
ME33 : Fluid Flow 45 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14 300 mm 75 mm
Problem 6 Oil
(s = 0.85)
Solution: 2
2.13 = 26012
= 0.0286 3 /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 46 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 6
Actual diameter of the jet, d: Actual velocity, = = 0.98(6.474)
2 Actual velocity, = . /
= = 2
0.62 = 2
= .
Theoretical velocity:
= = = 6.474 /
4 (0.075)
ME33 : Fluid Flow 47 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 7
A sluice gate flows into a horizontal channel as shown in the figure.
Determine the flow through the gate per meter width when y = 1.0 m and
h1 = 6 m. Assume that the pressure distribution at sections 1 and 2 to be
atmospheric and neglect friction losses in the channel. Use coefficient of
contraction Cc = 0.85 and coefficient of velocity Cv = 0.95.
h1 = 6 m
y=1m h2
ME33 : Fluid Flow 48 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 7
2 = = 0.85 1 = 0.85
Energy equation between 1 and 2 (theoretical):
12 22
+0+6 = + 0 + 0.85
2 2
22 12
= 5.15
22 12 = 101.043 Eqn. 1
ME33 : Fluid Flow 49 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 7
6 1 1 = 0.85 1 2
1 = 0.14172
In Eqn. 1,
22 (0.14172 )2 = 101.043
2 = 10.154 /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 50 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 8
A 150-mm diameter horizontal Venturi meter is installed in a 450-mm
diameter water main. The deflection of mercury in the differential
manometer connected from the inlet to the throat is 350 mm.
8.1 Determine the discharge neglecting head loss.
8.2 Compute the discharge if the head loss from the inlet to the
throat is 300 mm of water.
8.3 What is the meter coefficient?
ME33 : Fluid Flow 51 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 8
450 mm
1 150 mm
Inlet Outlet
375 mm
= =
ME33 : Fluid Flow 52 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 8
Energy equation between 1 and 2 neglecting head loss (theoretical):
82 1 82 2
+ + 0 = + +0
2 (0.45)4 2 (0.15)4
1 2
= 161.22 Eqn. 1
ME33 : Fluid Flow 53 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 8
Sum-up pressure head from 2 to 1 in meters of water:
2 1
+ + 0.375 13.6 0.375 =
1 2
= 4.725
In Eqn. 1,
161.22 = 4.725
= . /
ME33 : Fluid Flow 54 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 8
Energy equation between 1 and 2 considering head loss (actual):
1 12 = 2
82 1 82 2
+ + 0 0.30 = + +0
2 (0.45)4 2 (0.15)4
1 2
0.30 = 161.22 Eqn. 2
4.725 0.30 = 161.22 0.1657
= = = .
= . / 0.1712
ME33 : Fluid Flow 55 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
Problem Set 14
Problem 9
A vertical Venturi meter, 150-mm in
diameter is connected to a 300-mm
diameter pipe. The vertical distance
150 mm
from the inlet to the throat being
750 mm. If the deflection of mercury
in the differential manometer
750 mm
connected from the inlet to the
throat is 360 mm, determine the 1
300 mm
flow of water through the meter if
the meter coefficient is 0.68. 360 mm