Oracle Hyperion Planning FULL Training
Oracle Hyperion Planning FULL Training
Oracle Hyperion Planning FULL Training
University of North Texas System (UNTS)
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INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Period ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Years ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Scenario .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Version .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Account ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Department ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Fund ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Function .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
ProgramPurpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Project .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
INTRODUCTION TO HYPERION PLANNING ............................................................................................................... 17
PLANNING HOMEPAGE..................................................................................................................................................... 18
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Planning .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
DATA FORMS.................................................................................................................................................................. 22
OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30
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BUDGET OFFICE PROCESS SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 58
UNTS QUARTERLY PROCESS .................................................................................................................................... 58
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University of North Texas System (UNTS) initiated business processes and analytics improvements related to its
budgeting and reporting. UNTS purchased Oracle Planning to support the business needs around funds budgeting,
position planning, board reporting, and PeopleSoft integration. The solution is meant to replace the existing budgeting
and associated reporting processes, currently being maintained via Excel, Cognos Planning, and a variety of
supplemental source systems.
This training manual documents at a high-level the How-To for Department Managers and Budget Offices to enter
and review departmental data for Budget with Permanent Adjustments, as well as review Actuals. Department
Managers will enter data to calculate the Original Budget. Budget Offices will consolidate department budget for
review and presentation to the Board of Regents (Board). Budget Offices will also perform quarterly spread of Original
Budget for quarterly Board reporting.
The purpose of this training document is to provide users the ability to:
Understand how Hyperion Planning is used for the UNTS budget process
Navigate through Hyperion Planning
Update and change user preferences in Hyperion Planning
Utilize a task list to facilitate the budget process
Input and review data using forms
Run rules to calculate data results
Run standard reports to view the data
UNTS current budgeting process involves using various processes and maintenance via Excel, Cognos Planning, and
other source systems. As a result, UNTS budgeting process presented persistent constraints where data points are
manually sourced with a lack of systematic processes.
Hyperion Planning provides a systemized and streamlined approach to the budgeting process by leveraging
comprehensive task lists and forms. Data is sourced directly from the source system through data automation, which
alleviates the manual data sourcing, while providing users a common data repository to maintain data integrity.
1. Application functionality:
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Automated process to load metadata and data from PeopleSoft
Ability to create, maintain and adjust Base Budgets
Data forms, workflow, task lists and calculations to support the Budget process
Ability to track and budget at the GL Account level for Revenue, and Budgetary Account D level for
2. Budget modeling
Baseline budget based on Current Year Budget with Permanent Adjustments
Actual data loaded from PeopleSoft GL for comparative analysis
Position and Employee data from PeopleSoft HCM/HR for position planning (future phase)
Thus, Hyperion Planning creates a centralized repository for actual, forecast, and budget data, and allows for a
streamlined approach to budget vs. actual reporting. Hyperion Planning allows planners to build and consolidate data
during the budget process and provides consistency in reporting standards.
The following key terms are used throughout this document and reference the components of Hyperion Planning:
System components refer to the modules that make up the system, while application components refer to the
specifics when users access the application to do their budgeting.
Hyperion Planning Centralized, web-based financial planning and forecasting tool that drives
integrated, event-based planning processes
Application Supports specific business processes and contains the associated data and
calculations needed to fully support the planning process from beginning to end
Plan Type Purpose built and purpose driven database designed for specific business need
or functionality
Hyperion Essbase Multidimensional database optimized for planning, analysis, and management
of applications. Planning uses Essbase to store dimension hierarchies and
consolidate data
Workspace Repository for reports, access to applications and other system components
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Application Components Purpose
Master Data Dimensions within a database structure such as Fund and Account that
describes the data
Numerical or textual data stored in the application and/or databased
These are the actual descriptors of the base elements that describe and hold
data. Years, Scenarios, Version and Accounts are all examples of dimensions.
Individual elements of dimensions
Level 0 Lowest level of data within an application, and is often referred to as the
input level
Data Forms Data entry and data viewing via the web; based on users security and role
Task List Structured presentation, flow, or data forms by database based on user roles
Supporting Detail, User defined commentary and details as support for data
Annotations and Comments
Hyperion Planning acts as the centralized budgeting solution for UNTS to meet campus needs and drive change. The
process will incorporate a standardized approach for operational and position budgeting. Budgets may be opened for
campuses at different intervals. Based on a defined schedule, users will be locked out the system to prevent further
data entry.
Historical data will be sourced from PeopleSoft GL into the AllFunds database at the GL level. From there, it will be
mapped into a summary budget account using FDMEE. Position data will be sourced from PeopleSoft HCM into the
Position database by position and associated employee details. Permanent Adjustments will be used as well. Users
will drill-back capabilities to data via the integration process.
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Budget data will contain a combination of data loaded from spreadsheets as well as direct inputs within the system by
the respective Budget Offices. The budget will be input by dimensions such as Fund Category concatenated with Fund
(Fund), Department concatenated with Site (Department), Project, Function, Program concatenated with Purpose
(ProgramPurpose), Account, Scenario, Version, Years, and Period. In addition, Positon combined with Employee
(Position) and JobCode will be included in the Position database only.
Users will load revenue, scholarships, financial aid, and capital expenditures. Complete position planning will include
the ability to update the chart string including fund, department, and salary. Users will select a Reason Code for
position changes. Fringe percentage will be calculated based on YTD Actual data with the ability to adjust. Wage
position(s) will be created to track wages and wage add-on expenses. Final budget data will be sourced from
AllFunds database for write-back to PeopleSoft KK tree.
Yearly Budget
Budget Creation
Creation Process
1 2 3
Administrator runs
runs the
the Budget
Budget Seed
Seed Original
Original Budget
Budget goes
goes to to Budget
Budget Office
Office for
for review
review and
End users
users make
make adjustments
adjustments in
in Budget
Budget Adjs,
Adjs, which
business rule,
rule, which
which will
will copy
copy Current
Current Year
Year adjustments,
adjustments, and
and itit becomes
becomes the
the proposed
proposed budget
budget to
together with
with Seed
Seed Budget
Budget become
become thethe Original
Original Budget
Budget to
to Seed
Seed Budget
Budget for
for Budget
Budget Year
Year present
present toto the
the Board
Board of
of Regents
Board of
of Regents
Regents reviews
reviews and
and approves
approves Proposed
Proposed Original
Original Budget.
Required? Final
No Original
Budget to
to Actuals
Actuals Reporting
Reporting Process
Permanent Original
Permanent adjustments,
adjustments, asas well
well as
as Actuals,
Actuals, Adjs + Budget = Budget
Monthly Load from Peoplesoft
come in
in as
as monthly
monthly loads
loads from
from PeopleSoft,
which are
are loaded
loaded to
to Planning
Planning by
Permanent Adjs
Adjs and
and Original
Original Budget
comprise the Budget, which is used for
the Budget, which is used for Budget to Actuals
Budget to
to Actuals
Actuals reporting.
reporting. Scheduled load by FDMEE Actuals Reporting
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Hyperion Planning allows for yearly, quarterly, as well as budget to actuals reporting, where the budget inputs are
done via budget adjustments for both end-users and budget officers.
For quarterly budget reporting, Budget Offices will have the ability to select a % spread over the quarters and will be
able to review these changes and validate the changes prior to presenting it to the Board of Regents.
UNTS Hyperion Planning solution consists of one application with two databases. Each database is purpose-driven and
purpose-built. The primary and all-inclusive database is AllFunds (Operating Budget). The second database is Position
and purpose-built for Position planning. The Position database will be the source for budgeted personnel expenses
which will feed the Operational budget.
The AllFunds database will serve as the Operational Budget and is the primary source for all-inclusive comparative
data for budget and actual. Users will be able to enter and load tuition and fees, scholarship, and financial aid etc. The
database will include capital expenditures but not complete capital planning.
A dimension represents the highest consolidation level in Hyperion Planning where the members are the individual
components of a dimension. Each Hyperion Planning database (e.g. AllFunds) has the ability to contain unique custom
dimensions specific to their processes, analytics, and reporting needs.
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UNTS budgets according to a fiscal year. The Period Dimension includes monthly members that roll up to the quarters
and the full year. Months are the lowest level of the dimension. Thus, data can be viewed at the month level and
higher. The BegBalance member is used to track data not associated with months, such as Global Rates.
The Years Dimension establishes the range of years stored by application. The start year in Planning is FY16 (2016) and
will go through FY18 (2018). Each Year member represents a fiscal year instead of a calendar year. The Years
dimension is flat, with no hierarchy.
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The Scenario Dimension is used to track different types of data sets and support standardized reporting. The
application will include: Actual, Budget, Act vs Bud.
NOTE: FY16 Seed Budget was loaded from PeopleSoft and includes Adjustments. For subsequent budget years, Seed
Budget will be populated from the previous year Budget, which includes the Original Budget and Permanent
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The Accounts Dimension contains a hierarchy of GL and statistical Accounts including revenue, expenses, drivers and
other input and calculated accounts. Revenues contain GL accounts while expenses are D-level. In addition, expenses
have sponsored projects inputs that sit at the lowest level. Transfer revenues and transfer expenses have sponsored
projects inputs that sit with the GL-level revenues, and D-level expenses respectively. Furthermore, there are non-
sponsored projects inputs for expenses, transfer revenues, and transfer expenses.
The Account dimension contains two Account hierarchies, each with a different purpose:
Total Account: mirrors the existing PeopleSoft Account tree, and used for budgeting purposes. It also contain
Statistical Accounts, which is used to hold metric calculations (e.g. Benefit Percents)
BOR Hierarchy: alternate hierarchy, which mirrors and allows for consistent board reporting.
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Revenues Revenues
Net Tuition and Fees Net Tuition and Fees
Gross Undergraduate Tuition Gross Undergraduate Tuition
Resident Undergrad Tuition Resident Undergrad Tuition
40001 Tuit-U/G-Res (40001)
40009 Tuit-U/G-Board Des-Res (40009)
Department dimension contains the three campuses and the System component, and is a concatenation of
department and site, which tracks financial transactions and results related to operating locations. Below is an
example of the department hierarchy structure:
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Fund dimension represents the sources of funding and is a concatenation of fund category and fund. Funds segregate
financial information for the purpose of carrying on specific activities and meet the objectives of various state
regulations, restrictions and other limitations. Funds at UNT are categorized as E&G (state appropriated), Auxiliaries,
Designated Operating, Restricted Spendable, Endowments, Loans, and Plant Funds. Below is an example of the fund
hierarchy structure:
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Function designates the purpose of transactions to meet federal and other external reporting requirements related to
the functional classification of expenses. Below is an example of the function hierarchy structure:
The Program chartfield, as delivered by PeopleSoft, defines a set of ongoing general activities for which financial
activity needs to be tracked. Program does not require a start and end date. It is typically an ongoing effort. The
Purpose chartfield Identifies activities or events directed towards the accomplishment of a set of objectives (e.g.
conference, workshop, event, program, etc.). The identifier is used to track management information across all other
boundaries, including department and fund. Based on dimensionality design, both Program and Purpose has
concatenated. The ProgramPurpose dimension in Planning is the currently used list of the program and purpose
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Below is an example of the ProgramPurpose hierarchy structure:
Projects define a set of ongoing general activities which financial activity needs to be tracked, with a start and end
date. The purpose of Project dimension is to track management information across other boundaries, including
department and fund, and is used for budgeting purposes. The Project dimension in Planning is the currently used list
of projects. These projects are grouped by the UNTS components.
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2. Enter the URL provided by the Hyperion Administrator and press Enter
4. Click Log On
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The following is the Workspace HomePage display:
5. To log off: click File > Log Off to logoff, or File > Exit to exit (effectively logging off), or click on Log Off
on the top right of the screen
Applications and reports are launched from the HomePage. The HomePage displays recently opened documents,
Workspace Pages, and Quick Links to Favorites and Applications.
The main homepage components that a user will generally use are the Recently Opened section, and the Quick Links
section. The Recently Opened documents area displays the eight most recently used items. An icon representing the
item type displays next to the items name. The item name serves as a link for opening the item. At the bottom of the
list is an Open link for opening new items.
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Planning Application
Financial Reports
The Quick Links area displays links to the Planning applications as well as links to Financial Reporting that have been
added to the favorites list. When a user opens up a planning application, a link to the planning application will be
automatically added to Quick Links.
NOTE: The Workspace timeout default is 30 minutes, after which Workspace warns and logs out inactive users.
The user must be logged onto Workspace in order to access UNTSBud application.
2. From the HomePage main menu, Navigate > Applications > Planning > UNTSBud
NOTE: The Application timeout default is 60 minutes, after which the Application server will log out inactive users.
Users have the ability to define preferences or use the default application settings. A common preference setting in
planning is number formatting for display options, and the views for financial reporting.
NOTE: User preferences only apply to a given environment and do not transfer over from one environment to another.
For example, if user preferences are set in the QA environment and the user goes into the Production environment, the
user preferences made in QA do not transfer over. The user will need to set preferences again in Production as well.
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Note: The planning application must be open in order to define preferences. Otherwise, a blank page with the
following message appears: Please open the Planning application to set application preferences.
5. User can select preferences (e.g. Thousands Separator as Comma, Decimal as Dot) for display options or
check Use Application Default to use the applications default display settings
NOTE: Clicking the checkboxes by the line items will set the particular line item to the application default. For example,
if the checkbox by the Thousands Separator is marked, then the Thousands Separator will use the application default
instead of the users selection.
6. Click Save
NOTE: Users must click Save in order to change and apply the application display settings.
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4. Click General
5. Set Default Preview Mode
6. Click Merge Equivalent Prompts
7. Click On under User Point of View
8. Click Smart View and New Worksheet under Query-Ready Export
9. Define Thousands Separator or accept defaults
10. Define Decimal Separator or accept defaults
NOTE: Changes made to Financial Reporting preferences go into effect the next time the user logs into Workspace. If
the financial reporting preferences are not reflected when running the reports, the user goes back to Preferences >
Financial Reporting and ensure user preferences are reflected. Log out and log in again.
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Data forms are used in the budgeting process to enter, update, analyze, and review data. Data forms also support
calculations and aggregation of data. There are three types of Department Manager forms: (1) INPUT, (2) REVIEW,
and (3) SUMMARY. INPUT forms are data entry at the lowest level of detail. REVIEW forms provide aggregated data
for a specific Department-Site and Fund Category-Fund. SUMMARY forms provide aggregated data at a Department
Forms can either be simple or composite forms. A simple form is a single form, while composite forms are a collection
of single forms. An analogy is an Excel workbook, where the specific sheet is equivalent to the single form, while the
Excel workbook with multiple sheets represents a composite form.
To access forms:
2. From the HomePage main menu, select Navigate > Applications > Planning > UNTSBud
3. Click the Arrow ( ) by Forms Folder, located on the left panel, to expand
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5. Click on Dept Manager Forms under Forms folder.
NOTE: Clicking on a form on the main page in the Form and Ad Hoc Grid Management will not open the form.
Forms open by clicking on a form in the Forms in AllFunds Process section on the left panel:
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In the Forms in AllFunds Process section on the left panel, the user can select simple forms or composite forms
(labeled with [Composite]). For example, if the user chooses INPUT: Expenditures, the user will see the following:
Forms are formatted in a manner to align with input, review, and summary budgeting. In the example above, it is
input, which means applicable dimensions are set to input-level (level 0). Forms encompass the POV (point of view),
rows, columns, and pages.
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Users can utilize the toolbar to save, refresh, adjust, etc. data. Toolbar screenshot below:
- Save data
- Refresh data
- Print form
- Adjust data
- Add comments
- View instructions
These actions are commonly used fordata inputs, as discussed in the next section, Data Input Methods.
When inputting budget, users have data input functionalities, such as:
1. Input totals into TotalYear, YearTotal or Quarter: input into TotalYear, YearTotal or Quarter period column will
automatically spread the total into its respective periods. The total will spread based on existing data values.
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2. Lock/Unlock cells: allows users to lock a cell data, and then enter at Total Year. This is typically used for spreading,
where the user wants the spread to apply to unlocked cells. When a cell is locked, the cell will turn into a gold color.
To lock/unlock cells, click on the icon in the toolbar for the selected white cell.
3. Copy/paste: users can select one cell and use copy/paste to another cell. To copy, select the cell the user wants to
copy and Ctrl+C. To paste, select the destination cell and Ctrl+V.
A comment box will appear for the specific intersection of the selected cell on the current form. Click the icon to
add comments and input notes, CTRL+M, or Action > Add:
Another screen will display to write the comment, with the option to change the comments formats:
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NOTE: The maximum character limit for comments is 1,500 characters.
Check Apply to all selected cells on the bottom left if the comment applies to a group of cells that were initially
highlighted. Click Add to save comment on the bottom right. This will close the current screen and bring the user
back to the initial comment screen. Click Close to exit out.
The cells with comments on the form will show a small triangle in the top right corner:
To remove a comment, right-click on the cell with the comment, or click on the cell to highlight it and click the in
the toolbar. Select the comment that the user wants deleted by clicking on the icon, Action > Delete, or Ctrl+Del:
NOTE: DO NOT keep pressing the Adjust Data button repeatedly. It will increase or decrease by the number of times
the user press Adjust Data.
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6. Operators: users have the ability to add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), or divide (/). To do so, select the cell, and
make the change to the number by typing the operator and the value and press Enter on the keyboard. The number
will update immediately.
For example:
Operators must be done as separate steps. Planning is not like Excel; it will not necessarily recognize it as a formula
and an error message will appear if the user does so:
7. Add Supporting Details: provides the details of a total number shown in the form. Users can choose a single month
or highlight across multiple months. To use supporting detail, users right-click on the selected cell or can click on the
icon in the toolbar:
Users will need to key in the description in the first column and/or add numbers in the months with the appropriate
operators. To add additional detail at the same level, press the icon, to add sibling. To add details at a different
level but related to the parent detail, click the icon, to add child. To apply supporting detail changes, click Save.
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By using supporting detail, the affected cells will be an aqua blue. Aqua blue indicates supporting detail usage and
cannot be overwritten on the form. Aqua blue cells can only be changed by clicking on that cell and returning to
Supporting Detail screen to make the modifications or to delete the detail.
The left option clears the input data and replaces with #missing or blank cell, while the right option reverts to the last
value prior to adding supporting detail.
NOTE: Hyperion Planning is different than PeopleSoft where Planning takes in zeros as actual numbers, which impacts
performance. Therefore, the recommended approach is to leave the cell blank or enter #Missing.
Task lists are used to drive the budgeting process. Task lists assist with the budgeting process by providing users
instructions, due dates, completed dates, and alerts. It provides users instructions and guidelines on how to begin,
input, and submit budgets.
To view tasks lists: View > Task List > Task List or click on My Task List on left panel
The above illustrates what portion of the task list is incomplete, complete, and overdue via the pie chart and line
items. Users have two ways to view their task lists:
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Panel on the left: separates task list by main components
Main page: expands the task list components in the left panel
Depending on the users provisioning, the user will either have access to UNTS Budget Process (e.g. if the user is a
Departmental Manager), or UNTS Budget Process, UNTS Budget Office Process, and UNTS Quarterly Process (e.g. if the
user is Budget Office).
Below the pie chart are the specific task lists. The Type column indicates whether the specific item is used as a
description, or as part of completing a form. Users can hover over the icons under the Type column to determine the
item type. The Status column indicates whether the specific task is incomplete, complete, or overdue. Again, users can
hover the pointer over the icons to determine the status.
Clicking on the icon in the Instructions column will provide specific instructions related to the item.
Clicking on the icon in the Action column will launch the task list wizard, which begins the users assigned tasks.
Each task list has a bar located on the bottom right of the screen:
Users can check Complete once the task is complete, which will update the task as being complete.
Next will bring users to the assigned next task, regardless whether the task was actually completed.
Task List Home will bring users to the main task list homepage, which is where users first accessed the task lists.
AllFunds supports the inputs and calculations required for approval and reporting of the Original Budget. Seed Budget
will leverage the prior year budget with permanent adjustments as the starting point. Department Managers will be
able to compare the Seed Budget to Actuals and make adjustments in the Budget Adj scenario. The processes
supported by AllFunds are: Operating and Non-Operating Revenue; Operating and Non-Operating Expenses; Quarterly
redistribution/allocation; and calculation and aggregations.
There are three distinct budget processes on Planning: (1) UNTS Budget Process, (2) UNTS Budget Office Process, and
(3) UNTS Quarterly Process. The UNTS Budget Process will by used by Departmental Managers, and the Budget Office
if the Budget Office is also designated as a Departmental Manager. The UNTS Budget Office Process and UNTS
Quarterly Process are only used by the Budget Office.
Users will leverage the task lists for data entry, review and reporting. Budget data is input by Department-Site, Fund
Category-Fund, Program-Purpose, Project, Function, Account, Scenario, Version, Years, and Period.
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Log into Workspace and open the UNTSBud application to access the UNTS Budget Process task list.
2. Click on to expand the UNTS Budget Process folder. Expanding the folder will show the users any
associated subfolders and task lists
NOTE: Clicking on the main Task List folders (e.g. UNTS Budget Process, UNTS Budget Office Process, UNTS Quarterly
Process) on the left panel will display the pie chart and task list line items on the right. Folders within the main Task List
folders (e.g. Departmental Budget) will not display the pie chart and task list line items.
The user can further expand the UNTS Budget Process task list, which will show a list of tasks to complete. They are
grouped into logical sections, where the user begins with the departmental budget and input revenues, expenses, and
transfers, and then review and summarize it. The Budget Office then reviews the departmental budget, and any
changes needed would go back to the input forms (e.g. entering revenue, expenses and transfers). There is also a
section for specifically Budget Office pertaining to quarterly spreads and reports to present to the Board.
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Users can launch the task list through the main page, with the pie chart, by clicking on the icon under the Action
column. To start, users will click the icon for UNTS Budget Process:
General Instructions task list provide general information and instructions on inputting budget, which the user can
refer to at any time while going through the forms. After launching task list from UNTS Budget Process, the General
Instructions task list will be the first item the Departmental Manager sees. The Departmental Manager will click on
Task Instructions to read the general instructions.
NOTE: Marking the task list as Complete is for user reference only. It is not a necessary step. Next Incomplete is
typically used if the user chooses to mark his or her tasks as complete. It is recommended that user click on Next to
go through the budget process methodically.
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The purpose of the Departmental Budget task list is to provide Department Managers the guidance to complete
budget inputs for the revenues, expenses, and transfers for their given departments-sites and funds.
1. Click the Task Instructions tab to view instructions for Departmental Budget:
NOTE: There are different types of task list within UNTS Budget Process. Descriptive task lists such as Departmental
Budget will display the following screenshot above, which is used for reference purposes.
The first step of the budget process is to enter revenues, expenses and transfers. This form is composite form of the
revenue, expenses, and transfers input forms. The composite form is pre-populated with Actual and Budget for the
Current Year, and Seed Budget. The Department Manager can review Actual data to determine what adjustments are
needed. Adjustments are made in the Budget Adjs column. The Department Manager can add accounts for data
input where Actual or Budget data did not exist and aggregate (sum) the data for review and validation purposes.
1. Click the Task Instructions tab for instructions on completing this portion of the budget process:
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2. Click on Task Enter Revenue, Expenses & Transfers tab to view input forms. The first tab of the
composite form is INPUT: Revenues
3. To change the page view, select the relevant Department and/or Fund combination by clicking on the
by department and the by fund:
4. The user can also find the department and fund in the search window (e.g. DP110000) and click on the
correct department (e.g.DP110000-No_Site: Provost-Gen (110000) No Site)
5. Click the (Go) icon to apply the department-site and fund selection to the composite form. This
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means all tabs will have the same selected department-site and fund selection.
NOTE: Clicking the Go icon is a critical step in changing a department and/or fund member. The form does not update
to the department and/or fund until the user clicks the Go icon, even if the member name is reflected in the selection.
Unsaved inputs into the Budget Adjs will change the cell color from white to yellow:
7. Once budget inputs are complete, click the Save icon to save the inputs. Clicking the Save icon will
change the yellow cells to white, which lets users know that Planning accepted the inputs. Saving the
inputs will also allow users to view how their budget adjustments affect the given INPUT tab:
8. Move on to the remaining INPUT tabs to enter adjustments. Click the Save icon to save the inputs for
each INPUT tab:
a. INPUT: Expenditures
b. INPUT: Transfers
9. Some department-site and fund combinations may not have budget for all revenues, expenditures, and
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transfers. If the form shows up as blank for either revenue, expenditures, or transfers, and the form
should be blank, the user can move on to the next INPUT tab:
In the event that the Department Manager realizes that a new intersection of level 0 members needs to be added, and
the Department Manager needs to budget to this particular intersection, then:
1. Right click on any row to activate the Department Manager right-click menu, and click Add Account(s):
2. The department-site and fund combination will pre-populate with that of the INPUT forms. The
Department Manager will need to select a level 0 Function, level 0 ProgramPurpose and level 0 Project,
and an account selection:
NOTE: Members in the Value column pre-populate depending on what cell is selected in the INPUT form. In the
example above, the INPUT: Revenues form does not have valid rows of data for the given department-site and fund.
Thus, values for Fund, Function, ProgramPurpose, Project, and Account(s) are blank.
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i. To change, click the Member Selector and the Member Selection screen appears
NOTE: Users can change how member name and member alias display on the Member Selection screen. Click on the
icon and select a display choice. Once the member display choice is selected, all subsequent member selections
will inherit this setting.
iii. Select the level 0 member the Department Manager wants as part of the intersection
NOTE: The member selection MUST be level 0 (lowest) of the hierarchy for the dimension. If a member other than level
0 is selected, the intersection will not display on the INPUT form.
v. Click OK
vi. Select valid level 0 members for each of the remaining dimensions (e.g. Function,
ProgramPurpose, Project, Account(s))
b. Click Launch
NOTE: The selected accounts(s) will appear on the form that contains the corresponding hierarchy. For example, if the
intersection is created for expenses, then it will appear in the INPUTS: Expenditures form.
NOTE: If the member does not exist within the Planning metadata, the member will need to be created in PeopleSoft as
a valid chart string combination. The chart string with the zero in PeopleSoft will then be brought into Hyperion and the
Department Manager can then input to the intersection.
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Once the given department-site and fund combination is complete for revenues, expenses and transfers, the
Departmental Manager will need to aggregate the level 0 department and level 0 funds. The Department Manager can
aggregate the data for the given department-site and fund combination through the right-click menu or the task list.
1. Right-click on INPUT: Transfers form > Department Manager > Aggregate Current Department and Fund:
2. A popup will show with the selected department-site and fund combination already pre-populated. Click
Launch. This will aggregate the inputs for the given form.
3. The Department Manager will then select a new fund for the department and repeat the input process,
and then aggregate the current department and fund.
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Using Task List to Aggregate:
1. Go to the Task List and select Aggregate Specific Dept-Site and Fund:
2. Click Launch and a screen will appear. The Department Manager will need to select the corresponding
level 0 fund. Click on icon to select the fund:
4. The Department Manager also has the option to search for the specific fund-fund category. Type in the
exact name into the search bar, and click
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NOTE: If the Department Manager does not remember the exact name, the Department Manager must input a * into
the search bar, either in front or end of the search string. The * finds anything before, after, or between the search
string, depending on its placement. For example: *Provost -> find members that specifically has Provost as the end.
Provost* -> find members that starts with specifically Provost
5. Once the correct member is found, click on it to highlight it and then click on the to move it to the
right panel
After Running the Aggregation Rule for the Specific Department-Site and Fund:
1. Click INPUT REVIEW: Overall Departmental Budget to view summarized data for the current department-
site and fund category-fund
a. If the Department Manager realizes that a change needs to be made, then the Department
Manager needs to go back to the input forms, make the adjustments there, and re-aggregate by
running the specific dept-site aggregation rule
2. After the aggregation, the Department Manager will view the inputs for the departmental budget at
upper levels, which will appear in grey and as read-only. Below is an example of the review form:
If the department manager believes the input review is correct, then the department manager moves on to the next
fund for the department and repeat the input process, and aggregate specific dept-site and fund again.
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After all valid level 0 funds and level 0 departments are completed, the Department Manager will aggregate to the
higher-level departments. The Department Manager has the option to right-click to aggregate department, or use the
task list.
1. Right-click on the INPUT: Transfers form > Department Manager > Aggregate Department:
2. A pop-up will appear, with the department-site member already pre-populated. The Department
Manager will need to change the member to reflect the level 0 department-sites parent:
3. Click on the icon to change the member. Another pop-up will appear:
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4. Click on the member name on the right panel, and then click Remove:
5. On the left panel, select the appropriate higher-level department that corresponds with the level 0
departments that the Department Manager will aggregate
8. Click Launch
2. Click Launch and a screen will appear. The Department Manager will need to select a parent department:
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3. Click on the icon to change the member. Another pop-up will appear:
6. Click Launch
After running the aggregation rule for department using the right-click menu:
1. Click on Review Departmental Budget, located on the left panel under My Task List
After running the aggregation rule for department using the task list:
1. Click Next, located on the bottom right. The Departmental Manager will move on to the next task, which is
Review Departmental Budget.
After aggregating the departments, Department Managers can view the inputs for their departmental budget at upper
levels, which will appear in grey and as read-only.
Depending on the Department Managers security and the type of review form, the Department Manager will notice
that some of the department choices are in black while others are in blue. The selections in black indicate that it is the
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lowest member (level 0) of the given dimension, while blue member below either the black or blue member indicates
that it is the parent:
In the screenshot above, DP1005-No_Site: State Empl Charitable Camp (100005) No Site is the lowest member. Its
parent is DP10005: State Empl Charitable Camp (100005). The parent of DP10005: State Empl Charitable Camp
(100005) is E10000: Office of the President (E10000), and so forth.
If the aggregated amount for a given department does not make sense, or the Department Manager incorrectly
inputted a different amount, the Department Manager will need to go back to the input forms, locate the correct
department-sites and funds and make changes there. Changes are only done at the input (level 0) level.
Department Managers can view the departmental budget in a report-like structure using forms. Because
department and many of the dimensions are presented at the upper levels, cells are grey and read-only.
The first summary form breaks out the budget by fund categories at any level of selected department-site,
while other dimensions are fixed at a specific period or at the highest level in the POV:
The second summary form further categories the budget by fund categories with the given function, while
other dimensions are fixed at a specific period or at the highest level of POV:
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General instructions provide general information and instructions on inputting budget, which users can refer to at any
time while going through the forms. The setup is similar to the General Instructions for the UNTS Budget Process on
Planning. Refer to UNTS Budget Process, General Instructions, of the training document for further details.
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NOTE: If the Budget Office and Department Manager is the same individual, then the Budget Office will need to first
start at Departmental Budget and fill out the inputs before proceeding to the Budget Office section in Planning.
After the Department Managers complete the Departmental Budget, the Budget Office reviews the Department
Managers inputs and makes any necessary changes before moving the working budget to a proposed budget. The
proposed budget will be presented to the Board. The UNTS Budget Office Process has a separate task list.
Accessing the UNTS Budget Office Process task list is similar to how Department Managers access the task list:
1. Go to My Task List, located on the left panel of the interface, and click on UNTS Budget Office Process.
Users can launch the task list through the main page, with the pie chart, by clicking on the icon under
the Action column. To start, users will click the icon for UNTS Budget Office Process:
2. The Budget Office will see General Instructions. Click Next. The Budget Office will see the Budget Office
Review task list:
NOTE: Like UNTS Budget Process, there are also different types of task list within UNTS Budget Office Process.
Descriptive task lists such as Budget Office Review will display the following screenshot above, which is used for
reference purposes.
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The Budget Office reviews the departmental budgets submitted by the department managers. Any required changes
will need to be made on the input forms.
The Review Departmental Budgets form is set up to show level 0 departments with associated aggregated funds:
To select a department, click on the drop-down icon, and select the appropriate level 0 department:
After selecting the department, click on the icon to run the report for the selected department.
Once the Budget Office is satisfied with all the level 0 departments budgets, the Budget Office can move on to the
aggregation step. Click Next.
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The Aggregate Budget folder contains two options: Aggregate Department or Aggregate Component. The Aggregate
Department rule is used to aggregate changes made to level 0 department budgets or reflect recent aggregation of
funds to the selected department. The Budget Office will use the task list.
2. Click Launch and a screen will appear. The Budget Office will need to select the department parent of the
level 0 departments to aggregate.
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4. Once the correct department parent is found, click on it to highlight it and then click on the icon to
move the parent to the right panel
To validate that changes are reflected, the Budget Office will go to the Review Departmental Budget section.
Aggregate Component aggregates the components. Budget Office will use the task list to aggregate the components.
2. Click Launch and a screen will appear. The Budget Office will need to select the relevant component:
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3. Click on the icon to select the Budget Offices component:
4. Select the component and then click on the icon to move it to the right panel
To validate that changes are reflected, the Budget Office will go to the Summary Budget Office Review.
The Summary Budget Office Review allows the Budget Office to review the budget at various department levels and at
the component-level after running the aggregations.
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The second tab, SUMMARY: Budget Office Review, allows the Budget Office to view the budget at the component-
To run the budget for the Board, the Budget Office will run the Copy Working to Proposed rule. The rule will copy the
Working Budget version to a Proposed version. Doing so will maintain the inputs done by Department Managers and
the Budget Office and prevent any subsequent changes to the budget prior to Board presentment.
The rule can be accessed either through My Task List or by pressing Next in the task list several times until the
applicable rule shows.
Go to My Task List, expand the Copy to Working to Proposed folder, and select the appropriate components Copy
Working to Proposed rule. Click Launch on the main page to run:
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As the rule is running, the Budget Office should keep the above screenshot open and wait. If the aggregation takes
more than five minutes to run, an error message will appear:
Once this error message appears, the Budget Office can proceed to navigate Planning as the rule runs in the
background. To determine that the rule is still in progress, go to Tools > Job Console > scroll down to the rule
associated with the Budget Offices user name and time the rule was launched.
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Once the status indicates Complete, go back to My Task List and open Validate Proposed vs. Working to verify that the
data transitioned:
After clicking Next from the Validate Proposed vs. Working screen (see screenshot above), the Budget Office will see
the Run Reports task:
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Clicking Next will automatically redirect the Budget Office to the first report on the task list, which is Department
Details by Fund.
However, if the Budget Office wants to run a different report, go back to the UNTSBud Task List Status tab, and click
on the specific report in My Task List under Run Reports:
There are five financial reports designed to accommodate board reporting and assist with the budget process.
1. Department Details by Fund: a roll-up of the various departments (at DP-level and C-level) , across the
respective revenues and expenses for a selected fund
a. E.g. If President UNT is selected, the report will display all underlying departments of President UNT,
as well as any departments subtotals
2. Estimated Revenue Breakout by Current Funds: breaks out a selected departments revenues accounts
by current funds
3. Fund Details by Department:
4. Revenue Detail by Fund: breaks out a selected departments revenue accounts by current funds
5. Revenues, Expenditures, Transfers by Fund Group: reports on revenues, expenditures, transfers of a
department across its current and non-current funds
The following is general information on picking members from the Preview User Point of View screen, displaying
reports in HTML or PDF format, and running reports outside of using task list.
Picking Members from Preview User Point of View: When the Budget Office chooses a report from the task list, a
new tab will open, which will automatically run and a message will appear for Preview User Point of View:
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NOTE: If no message appears for Preview User Point of View, User must return to Preferences and enable Preview User
Point of View. See Section, Set User Preferences Financial Reporting for more information.
To change the existing selection for a given dimension, click Select. Expand the dimension and check the member that
the report will use. Click OK.
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Displaying Reports in HTML or PDF Format: In the example below, the report is in HTML-format. To change the report
display default to PDF format, go to user preferences. See Set User Preference Financial Reporting for more details.
NOTE: From the Task List, reports will always display in HTML format
To change between PDF or HTML format, the Budget Office will run the report from Explore on Planning instead of
from the task list.
Running Reports Outside of the Task List: To run reports outside of task list, click the Explore button on the toolbar.
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To access Financial Reports:
5. Click OK
Click on to update POV selections if any were made on the interface after the initial report ran.
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General instructions provide general information and instructions on inputting budget, which users can refer to at any
time while going through the forms. The setup is similar to the General Instructions for the UNTS Budget Process on
Planning. Refer to UNTS Budget Process, General Instructions, of the training document for further details.
The UNTS quarterly process allows the Budget Office to input % spreads across quarters for quarterly reporting. To
access UNTS Quarterly Process on Planning, go to My Task List on the left panel, and expand the UNTS Quarterly
Process folder. Click on General Instructions to read general instructions. Expand the Budget Office folder, and then
click on Quarterly Budget Spread to begin the quarterly process.
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The Budget Office will expand YearTotal to show Quarters. Click on the arrow by YearTotal.
Enter the % spreads for the quarters for the applicable component NB input:
NOTE: The input must be entered as a decimal. For example, 0.25 will equate to 25%
Press enter, and the percentage % will show for the input decimal number:
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Ensure that the percentages for the four quarters total 100%:
Click the icon to save inputs. Proceed to tab, BUDOFFC: Quarterly Budget Spread:
Select the relevant level 0 department and level 0 fund. Click on the icon to run the form and validate the spread:
To view how the spread affected the quarters, expand YearTotal for Original Budget Working:
NOTE: The first two columns (displayed above in white) are the amounts already imputed (e.g. from Department
Managers or Budget Office). The third column, Original Budget Working, is the spread result. The fourth column,
Original Budget Final ,represents the amounts prior to the spread.
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NOTE: The BUDOFFC: Quarterly Budget Spread form is used as a validation to ensure that the spread provided
appropriate results as well as to validate errors prior to aggregation. The spread inputs are applied globally across
the components departments and accounts for budget.
A green cell indicates that the values balance, whereas a red cell indicates an imbalance, which should be further
reviewed. To perform manual adjustments specific for an intersection to the quarterly % spread, expand the second
column (Budget Adjs) to show the quarters. White cells allow for input.
NOTE: The input saved will affect the specific level 0 department and level 0 fund presented in the form.
The Aggregate Budget folder contains Aggregate Department and Aggregate Component. To apply the spread to a
department parent, use the Aggregate Department rule. Use the Aggregate Component rule to aggregate up to the
component. Refer to UNTS Budget Office Process, Aggregate Budget Aggregate Department, and Aggregate
Budget Aggregate Component of the training document for more details.
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The Quarterly Budget Summary allows the Budget Office to view the quarterly budget at various department levels.
If any changes are needed, they will need to occur at both the level 0 department and level 0 fund.
The task to Copy Working Version to Final is similar to that of Budget Office Copy Working to Proposed. Refer to
Section Budget Office. Once the Copy Working Version to Final is complete, go back to My Task List and open
Validate Working vs. Final to verify that the data transitioned.
Running reports for the Quarterly Process is similar to running reports for the Budget Process. Refer to Sections Run
Reports under the UNTS Budget Office Process of this document.
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Smart View for Office (Smart View) provides a common Microsoft Office interface for ad-hoc reporting and data
analysis from Hyperion Planning.
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3. Click Options on the Smart View toolbar
4. Select Advanced
5. In the General section, enter the Shared Connection URL provided by the Hyperion Administrator
NOTE: ITSS is responsible for installation of Smart View on user machines. Please contact ITSS for assistance.
Users can specify Smart View settings to determine how data and formatting are displayed. Below are common
settings pertaining to member options, data options, advanced (for connection), and formatting.
To define Smart View settings, select Options from the Smart View tab:
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A popup will appear:
In Members Options, users can configure how they zoom in to levels of data, how member names are shown, and
how members are displayed.
1. General
a. Zoom In Level: default for using Zoom In functionality on Smart View
b. Member Name Display: default for viewing member names
c. Indentation: used to format how items and sub-items will be displayed
d. Ancestor: how hierarchical items are displayed
2. Member Retention
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a. Include Selection: when this option is selected, the member will also be included. For example, if a
user zooms in on Year, then the user will see Year and children of Year
b. Within Selected Group: applies only to the group of members to which the selection is made. By
default, this setting is disabled. This selection, if chosen, will affect the behavior of Keep Only and
Remove Only operations
c. Remove Unselected Groups: to remove all dimension groups that are not in the selected group
3. Comments and Formulas
a. Preserved Formulas and Comments in ad hoc operations (except pivot and undo): preserves
formulas and comments on the grid during queries. To make queries run faster, users can clear this
option doing so will remove or ignore formulas and comments.
b. Preserve Formula on POV Change: preserves formulas in cells when you refresh or make changes to
the POV. Otherwise, any formulas in the grid are lost.
1. Suppress Rows: users have the option to suppress rows for the following instances
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a. No Data/Missing
b. Zero
c. Repeated Members
2. Suppress Columns: similar to the Suppress Rows, users have the option to suppress columns
3. Replacement: users have the option to replace the following instances
a. #NoData/Missing Label: replaces intersections that have no data or missing data with #Missing or
another string or label (e.g. -)
b. #NoAccess Label: replaces no-access intersections with another string or label
c. #Invalid/Meaningless: replaces invalid or meaningless intersections with another string or label
d. Enable Essbase Format String: uses administrator-set formatting
4. Mode
a. Navigate Without Data: speeds up operations such as Pivot, Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only by
preventing the calculation of source data while you are navigating. When you are ready to retrieve
data, uncheck Navigate without Data.
In the Formatting, users can use excel formatting with Smart View:
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1. Formatting
a. Use Thousands Separator: puts commas for thousands
b. Use Cell Styles: uses default cell styles from the database
c. Use Excel Formatting: uses the Excel formatting that is on the active worksheet
d. Retain Numeric Formatting: when drilling down in dimensions, if the user chooses scale selected
from Scale and/or Decimal Places (under Adjust Column width), the cell will retain the numeric
e. Adjust Column width: adjusts column widths to fit cell contents automatically
f. Scale: how data will be scaled; a preview below will show users an example of how data will be
g. Decimal Places: sets the number of decimal places for data; a preview below will show users an
example of how data will be displayed
2. Form
a. Repeat Member Labels: to have member labels repeat when users are using forms
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To save as Default Options, users click on the down arrow by the OK button, and select Save as Default Options.
Users also have the option to apply the settings to all sheets in the current Excel workbook by selecting Apply to All
2. A panel on the right of the users excel worksheet will appear. Select Shared Connections
3. Expand UNTSBud
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5. Click Connect
6. Enter your network username and password
Depending on the users provisioning, the user may have access to the Planning Ad Hoc or Essbase tab shown on Excel.
For purposes of ad hoc analysis, users will predominantly use these main functionalities, which exist on both Essbase
and Planning:
Key functionality:
1. Zoom In: zoom in next level, all levels, or bottom level (level 0 members)
2. Zoom Out: Zoom out collapses to hierarchy parent
3. Pivot: moves dimensions between rows, columns, and POV (member in the drop-down box)
4. Keep Only: keeps the selected member
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5. Remove Only: removes the selected member
6. Member Selection: a tree-list of all available members of a given dimension
7. Change Alias: allows user to display dimension alias
8. Refresh: refreshes current worksheet. Click on arrow below the Refresh icon to refresh all worksheets
9. POV: display or hide the POV toolbar
Users then click on UNTSBud, and expand the Forms folder > expand Allfunds folder
Users will see all forms to which they have access. To see individual forms, simply click on the form. To view various
forms as tabs in the excel, users will open the composite form by double-clicking on the forms with names ending in
[Composite] or clicking Open Form at the bottom of the panel.
NOTE: When inputting budget, be sure to open all relevant composite forms (e.g. input, review, and summary).
In the screenshot above, clicking on the composite form will open a new workbook with the various forms as
individual tabs.
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To begin budgeting in Smart View, users will choose department-site and fund. Click Refresh to apply the
department-site and fund setting across all the tabs in the worksheet:
Like on the Planning Interface, Smart View will allow users to know that no data exists for certain forms. If this is the
case, move to the next tab and input the budget accordingly:
Cell colors are also similar to that of Planning. If the cells are colored grey, that means the data is read-only and users
will not be able to input data in these cells. Users can input data in the peach-colored cells on Excel.
Users will be able to reference instructions on completing the task by going to the Planning tab > More > Instructions:
Users also are able to view comments, supporting details, and attachments by clicking on the cell and then hovering
the pointer over the cell or by going to the Planning tab > Cell Actions:
Once users have inputted their budget data for the selected department-site and fund, the users click on Submit
Data, and then click Refresh. Doing so will allow users to view how their budgets aggregate.
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2 1
d d
Users will then
f review all composite forms associated with the f given department-site and fund. Once the budget is
complete, the users will go back to the input composite excel worksheet and select subsequent funds associated with
the given department-site. d budgeted and accounted for within the department-
Users will do this until all funds are
site before moving
f on to a new department-site and fund combination.
1 1
To create an ad hoc analysis, the user needs to be connected to Essbase or Planning, depending on their provisioning.
Once the appropriate application is selected, the user will need to connect to the database (See Connecting and
Logging on to Smart View for reference). At the bottom of the panel is the option to do an Ad hoc analysis.
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Select Ad hoc analysis. If there is preexisting data in the users current Excel worksheet, a popup may appear,
indicating the following choices:
Clear sheets contents and POV: removes everything in the existing worksheet and replaces it with the default
basis to begin a new ad hoc analysis
Reuse sheet contents only: keeps only the content, removes the POV
Reuse sheet contents and POV: keeps everything. Generally used when users want to keep the existing
template or format in the worksheet but want the option to make minor changes
To select different members used for ad hoc analysis: Go to Essbase or Planning Ad Hoc tab > Member Selection:
A popup will appear, with the dimension on the top left (which can be changed to another dimension if needed):
- If selected, this will put all members selected across the rows after user clicks OK
- If selected, this will put all members selected across the columns after user clicks OK
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Users will need to click on the checkbox by the left of the member name.
Users will then click either the < or > icon to move it to the left or right column. Only members in the right column will
be selected for analysis. Click OK to finish.
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A user can now drill out (up) by double right clicking on any of the children members between B4:B17:
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