Letters: Harmonic Analysis of Advanced Bus-Clamping PWM Techniques
Letters: Harmonic Analysis of Advanced Bus-Clamping PWM Techniques
Letters: Harmonic Analysis of Advanced Bus-Clamping PWM Techniques
Harmonic Analysis of Advanced Bus-Clamping PWM Techniques
Tushar Bhavsar and G. Narayanan, Member, IEEE
ULSEWIDTH modulation (PWM) techniques for a two-
P level voltage-source inverter (VSI) have been researched
extensively [1]–[14]. Continuous PWM methods such as sine-
Fig. 1. Voltage vectors produced by a two-level VSI. I, II, III, IV, V, and VI
triangle PWM and conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM) are sectors formed by these vectors.
are popular PWM techniques. Discontinuous PWM or bus-
clamping PWM (BCPWM) methods have been shown to re- voltage Vdc . Since the six sectors are symmetric, the discussion
sult in lower total harmonic distortion (THD) in line currents is limited to sector I here. The commanded reference vector
than the continuous PWM methods at higher line-side volt- Vref in sector I is synthesized by applying active vector V1 ,
ages for a given average switching frequency [1]–[6], [14]. Ad- active vector V2 , and the zero vector for durations T1 , T2 ,
vanced BCPWM (ABCPWM) techniques have been recently and Tz , respectively, as given by (1), (2), and (3), where Ts is
proposed [8], which employ a special switching sequence, as the sampling period or subcycle duration [1], [2]. The voltage
explained in Section II. This letter studies the harmonic com- vectors can be applied in different sequences, as illustrated in
ponents in the inverter output voltage corresponding to these Fig. 2 [7]–[10]
techniques over a wide range of modulation indexes. Ana- sin(60◦ − α)
lytical closed-form expressions have earlier been derived for T1 = Vref Ts (1)
sin(60◦ )
the total rms harmonic distortion due to sine-triangle PWM,
CSVPWM, and BCPWM techniques [2]–[6]. This letter derives sin(α)
T2 = Vref Ts (2)
such expressions for ABCPWM techniques and validates these sin(60◦ )
experimentally. Tz = Ts − T 1 − T 2 . (3)
CSVPWM applies the two zero states 0 (− − −) and
The voltage vectors produced by a two-level VSI are as shown 7 (+ + +) for an equal duration of 0.5Tz , as illustrated in
in Fig. 1. The vectors are normalized with respect to the dc bus Fig. 2(a). BCPWM methods employ the same zero state for the
entire duration Tz , as shown in Fig. 2(b) and (c). ABCPWM
Manuscript received July 6, 2007; revised December 12, 2007. Current
version published September 11, 2009. Recommended for publication by techniques also apply only one zero state over the entire dura-
Associate Editor J. Sun. tion Tz , but these divide the dwell time T1 or T2 into two halves,
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Insti- as illustrated in Fig. 2(d) and (e), respectively [7]–[10].
tute of Science, Bengaluru 560012, India (e-mail: tusharvbhavsar@gmail.com;
gnar@ee.iisc.ernet.in). With ABCPWM, sequences 7212, 2127, . . . can be employed
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2009.2013492 in the region 0◦ ≤ α < γ, and sequences 0121, 1210, . . . in the
Fig. 2. Possible switching sequences in sector I. Fig. 4. Stator flux ripple vector over a subcycle for sequences. (a) 0127. (b)
0121. (c) 7212.
voltage vector (see Fig. 4). For instance, when the applied volt-
age vector is V1 , the corresponding error voltage vector is
Verr1 , as shown in Fig. 4. The time integral of the error voltage
vector, termed here as stator flux ripple vector, is a measure of
the line-current ripple [7]. The magnitude of the stator flux rip-
ple vector is zero at the start as well as at the end of the subcycle
for all the sequences. The magnitude and angle of the flux ripple
vector vary with time over a subcycle, as illustrated in Fig. 4.
Fig. 3. ABCPWM. (a) ACCPWM. (b) ASCPWM. The trajectory of the tip of the flux ripple vector is parallel to the
instantaneous error voltage vector. The trajectories for the three
region γ ≤ α < 60◦ in sector I, as shown in Fig. 3(a), or vice sequences 0127, 0121, and 7212 are illustrated in Fig. 4(a)–(c),
versa, as shown in Fig. 3(b), where 0◦ ≤ γ < 60◦ . The for- respectively. While the tip of the flux ripple vector has a trian-
mer results in every phase being clamped continually for 60◦ gular trajectory for sequence 0127, as shown in Fig. 4(a), the
duration in every half-cycle of its fundamental voltage. This trajectory is “doubly triangular” for sequences 0121 and 7212.
is termed advanced continual clamping PWM (ACCPWM). The d-axis component (ψd ) and the q-axis component (ψq ) of
In the latter case, the 60◦ clamping duration is split into two the flux ripple vector are also shown. With sequences 0121 and
intervals—one interval of span γ in the first quarter and another 7212, the peak value of ψd reduces to half that for sequence
of span (60◦ − γ) in the second quarter in every half-cycle. 0127 [7], [8], [10].
This is termed advanced split clamping PWM (ASCPWM). In The rms stator flux ripple (FSEQ ) over a subcycle corre-
both cases, every phase switches at twice the average switch- sponding to a sequence (SEQ) can be expressed in terms of the
ing frequency for an interval of 60◦ centered around every zero magnitude (Vref ) and angle (α) of the reference vector and the
crossing of its fundamental voltage [8]. sampling time (Ts ). The expressions for the rms ripple due to
The discontinuous PWM or BCPWM can similarly be 0121 and 7212 are of the form shown in (4). The coefficients
categorized into two schemes, namely continual clamping C1(SEQ) and C2(SEQ) are functions of α and are tabulated in
PWM (CCPWM) and split clamping PWM (SCPWM). Replac- Table I [7], [8]
ing sequences 0121, 1210, . . . by 012, 210, . . . and sequences 1 2 2
7212, 2127, . . . by 721, 127, . . . in Fig. 3 modifies ACCPWM FSEQ = T V + C1(SEQ) Ts2 Vref
+ C2(SEQ) Ts2 Vref
. (4)
3 s ref
and ASCPWM into CCPWM and SCPWM, respectively [8].
The total rms harmonic distortion factor (FD ) is the rms
stator flux ripple over a sector normalized with respect to the
In a PWM inverter-fed drive, there is an instantaneous er- fundamental flux ψ1 , as shown in (5). The fundamental flux is
ror between the actual applied voltage vector and the reference given by (6), where ω1 is the fundamental angular frequency
COEFFICIENTS C 1 (S E Q ) AND C 2 (S E Q ) [7]
Fig. 11. Measured no-load current THD versus fundamental frequency for
2.2-kW induction motor. The legends are as in Fig. 7.
Fig. 10. Measured no-load current (in amperes) on a 2.2-kW motor with
(a) CSVPWM, (b) CCPWM (γ = 30◦ ), (c) SCPWM (γ = 30 ◦ ), (d) ACCPWM
(γ = 30 ◦ ), and (e) ASCPWM (γ = 30◦ ). The measured values of IT H D (in
percentage) are (a) 11.22, (b) 9.43, (c) 8.91, (d) 8.69, and (e) 8.12.
B. No-Load Current THD lytically evaluated harmonic distortion, measured VW THD , and
The PWM techniques are first tested on a 2.2-kW constant measured no-load ITHD . Thus, for a given sampling frequency
V /f induction motor drive. The no-load current waveforms at a and average switching frequency, ABCPWM techniques result
fundamental frequency of 50 Hz for different PWM techniques in less distortion than CSVPWM at higher speeds. Further, at
are shown in Fig. 10. The no-load current THD (ITHD ) is defined load power factors greater than 0.5, these techniques also re-
in (10), where Irm s and I1 are the rms values of the no-load cur- sult in lower switching losses than CSVPWM [8]. Hence, it
rent and its fundamental component, respectively. The measured is advantageous to employ ABCPWM at higher speeds and
values of ITHD at various frequencies for the different PWM higher loads. ASCPWM (γ = 30◦ ), which is a member of the
techniques are plotted in Fig. 11. As seen, ASCPWM (γ = 30◦ ) ABCPWM family, leads to the lowest current THD.
leads to the lowest ITHD among the different techniques To obtain the least possible current THD in the entire range of
operation, CSVPWM should be used at frequencies lower than
s − I1
Irm 2
34 Hz, SCPWM should be used between 34 and 47 Hz, and
ITHD = . (10)
I1 ASCPWM for frequencies higher than 47 Hz. In order to im-
plement this, software has to be written for all three PWM tech-
For further confirmation on a larger machine, the PWM tech- niques. Depending on the fundamental frequency of the drive,
niques are evaluated on a 100-kW induction motor drive. The the most appropriate PWM technique should be switched ON.
experimental ITHD values are plotted in Fig. 12. The measure- The implementation can be on a DSP [15] or a field-programable
ments in Figs. 11 and 12 are averages of five trials. As seen from gate array [16] based digital controller suitable for motor drive
Figs. 5, 9, 11, and 12, there is good agreement among the ana- application.