Mechanical Dreams Dream Aspect
Mechanical Dreams Dream Aspect
Mechanical Dreams Dream Aspect
Me hANiCaL DrEAm
The game takes place on Kanas, a circle of light nearly 30,000 miles in diameter.
This circle of light is but a small part of the planet called Naakinis, whose size is
perhaps best left unknown... Surrounding Kanas is an intangible black wall
called the Sofe, which rises over 40 miles high. Due to some of Kanas
Short peculiarities, it is assumed that other areas of light (circular or not) exist, and
that there might be other sentient beings in these areas.
Lexicon Pendulum
Key words Light, instead of being provided by a sun, originates from a Pendulum, a blue
and local flavor glowing sphere (which, when seen from the ground, appears to be an inch wide).
The Pendulum oscillates as if it were anchored to the center of Naakinis by an
invisible cord. The Pendulum waxes and wanes from east to west, then west to
Naakinis: In the Frilin language,
east, disappearing behind the Sofe for a few hours. The light shed by the
Naakinis refers to something awakened
Pendulum does not so much provide luminosity as it provides stability: reality on
and immense. In our terms, it could mean
conscious planet. Because it goes
Kanas is a fragile concept. The Sofe is simply a region on which reality cannot
completely against their views of the world, get a hold: the Pendulums light is probably too weak for the Sofes density.
however, the Gnaths have banished this word
from their language. To the Gnaths, the idea The Dream
of a large, spherical object floating in orbit When the Pendulum disappears behind the Sofe, its light can no longer reach
for no apparent reason seems a weak theory Kanas. As less and less light is shed on Kanas, a phenomenon called the Dream
and to award it a conscience is ludicrous. occurs. As the Pendulum wanes in the east, the western cities feel the Dream rise
Gnaths dont understand why something sooner than the eastern cities (and inversely so). As long as a bit of light remains,
conscious would spin in circles millennia after the Dream lingers faintly. When no light is left, the Dream becomes real. The
millennia without ever tiring. Furthermore, Dream is the superimposition of the dream world onto reality, which it does not
while they believe it may be possible to replace or dominate. Instead, the Dream overlaps onto reality (to different
prove the necessity of the planets extents). Regardless of its effects, the Dream fades away a dawn, leaving no trace
movement, to justify its consciousness is a at all other than frightened faces and, perhaps, a few dead bodies...
seemingly impossible task. The Frilins, Inas
and Emovans, plus some Judges and
Judicators, however, still maintain a belief in
The Day
On Kanas, daylight lasts twenty hours, calculated from the moment the Dream
Her, Naakinis. The Frilins, Inas and the
and the darkness start to fade (because of the high quantity of Kioux, trees miles
Emovans can justify their faith in Her
high, the Pendulum can rarely be seen as the leaves and branches cover the sky
because they are emotional characters that
almost entirely in most places). Because of the Dream, mornings on Kanas are
need spirituality. The Judges and Judicators,
however, believe in Her for a different
an occasion to revel for a few minutes before reality bites back... Time being
reason. They recognize that their strength,
more difficult, if not impossible, to measure during the Dream, it is estimated
impressive even among Echoes, must exist that the Dream lasts ten hours. For this reason, Dream (night) workers work
for a reason. And they believe that the shifts last from dusk til dawn, meaning that sometimes they may happen to
conscious planet Naakinis has given them work a little more and other times, a little less depending on the fluctuations of
these powers, as She is the one who directs the Dream. During the twenty hours of daylight, most people work between ten
and makes sense of the world. It is the Laws (best situations) and fifteen hours (normal situations). The poorest people, those
of the Judges and the Reincarnation of the nearest to slavery in some far flung cities, are sometimes forced to work through
Judicators that prevent the Gnaths from the twenty hours of daylight (all races on Kanas are much more resilient than
discarding this concept entirely. humans). On Kanas, weeks are five days long (regulated by the peoples need
for orpee, a vital resource that all but one race must eat weekly or die).
The era
The majority of the residents of Kanas live in a world so dangerous (matching
the occult era of the medieval ages to the proletarian revolution of the late 1800s
in our history) that anything outside their immediate surroundings is of no
concern to them. Those who live on Kioux (huge trees that grow miles high)
built platforms at different heights, and thus live in layered cites. Those
citizens, in safty, are concerned with things outside their immediate world. The
InTr o D U c t i O N CHa tEr 1 p
higher the platform and the richer, more civilized and technologically advanced
society there is. They rule this world from above and see the masses below as
nothing but a workforce. They dont live in a medieval world. Rather, they live
in an era of ever evolving science and technology. They dont have to fight for
survival with common dangers of everyday life. Instead they are occupied with Kanas: Created by the Gnaths to replace
pursuing scientific research or they quest for power. Of course, these cities have the word Naakinis. This word first meant
many levels and there are many differences between the first and last platforms. territory, region, frontier or limit. The
The first platforms are often Renaissance-like. The next few levels are more Gnaths used it to define the circle of light in
industrial and some of the highest platforms are, in their own way, very much which they live. Outside the circle of light is
like our modern world. Therefore, unless people are lucky and rich, they do not the Sofe. They did not believe in a greater
dwell on philosophy, science or technology because they are too absorbed in whole that had unknown purpose. Because
daily survival. their view was narrower than that of the
Frilins, it was quickly accepted by most as a
Sofe more manageable explanation of their
The potential for scientific discovery by the people on Kanas is limited by the world. After the Gnaths view became
Sofe; a black, ethereal (but solid) wall that entirely surrounds them. The total prominent, most people forgot the dualistic
surface covered by light averages fifty thousand miles, five times the Earths visions of Naakinis and Kanas. Soon, the
surface if it were flat. The fact that the Soleks recently (three hundred years two words were only used in reference to the
differing ecosystems. People presume that
ago) emerged from the Sofe proves that it isnt actually the end of the world.
they live on Kanas and that Naakinis, the
The Soleks are the only race who have been able to survive traveling into the
planetary goddess, is a Frilin myth (albeit a
Sofe. When the Soleks returned to Kanas, the inhabitants believed that they
well-established one). Those few who realize
must have come from another light zone because, although the Soleks share the that everything cannot be explained by the
same language and cultural roots as everyone else, no one remembered them. Kanasian view of the world believe that the
They must have left a very long time ago and therefore have been forgotten and Frilins, in the words of Ekoya, saw
upon their return, mistaken for people of another light zone. For most, that the something real, but explained it incorrectly.
Soleks appeared is enough proof that the space around is just like the space In order to create a new explanation of the
above and that, with the appropriate means of travel, anyone can reach other universe, both points of view would
civilizations in far flung regions of the world. (Note: Kanas refers to the part necessarily have to be re-interpreted. To
of the universe that is light and world refers to everything outside this realm sum up, the word Kanas now refers to
of light.) both the small ecosystem (the geographic
region limited by the Sofe) and the mindset
of those who live in the trees.
Emovans and Inas, who are very numerous
and dwell under the ground in the water or
caves, still mostly believe in Naakinis.
Me hANiCaL DrEAm
Within this world
In Kanas, ten races live together and share the same basic culture, with three
exceptions; the Inas, the Yakis and the Emovans. Inas live in immense under-
ground caves lit by millions of artificial lights. Yakis are nomads living in tribes and
Orpee: It is the source of life (and Emovans live miles below the surface in underground rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
power) on Naakinis. Orpee looks like a small All ten races share the same two languages: Frilin and Gnath. The source of the
fruit and is found deep underground. It Gnath language is Frilin, as they were supposedly the first race on Kanas.
contains eflow in small, edible quantities. Its
greatest particularity is that no other known Every culture, determined more by geographic location than by race, develops its
resource on Kanas contains eflow. own dialect. Gnaths, Odwoanes and Volkos are more gregarious than other races
Everybody needs eflow to survive, therefore and tend to gather in cities. Nayans are scattered wherever there are sentient beings.
orpee is a very valuable and highly prized. Upon their return, Soleks created tribes, similar to the Yakis, and they are now
There are ten known sources of orpee on
gradually re-integrating into society, either by joining families or becoming nomads.
Kanas. These sources are all controlled by
Zns are extremely rare, and therefore are not a real consideration in Kanas.
the Inas, the only race able to go deep
enough underground to gather orpee.
Each of these races or ethnicities (ethnicity, on Naakinis, is a conglomeration of
Eflow: Most people do not understand sedentary people in a given place where location, not race, is the determining
what eflow is or how it keeps them alive. factor) provides a piece of the cultural puzzle to this world, be it how they talk,
Rather, the masses believe that orpee is the eat, act, mate (for those who do) the morals and ethics they adopt, their thought
source of their survival. Eflow exists processes, arts and crafts and the knowledge they value most. Although these
everywhere, but in such small quantities that
factors are strongly influenced by an individuals race, when culture is fairly
it is practically impossible to detect. Eflow
embedded in a certain location, the nature and race of the individual growing
gives life if it is infused into a body, and
within the culture is clearly affected by it.
causes death if it is completely removed
from a body. Whenever the eflow in
someones body becomes scarce, that person As the dust falls to the ground, the sculptors creation is nearly complete. Holding our
panics and will do anything possible to breath, we brush away any leftover dust ...The next part of the introduction will take
regain his health. Echoes are able to a closer look at the universe before you actually immerse yourself in it. As we will use
recognize eflow powers and use it for more some terms specific to the world that are not explained here, we recommend you take
than just maintaining their existence. Echoes a little journey through this book to get familiar with them. Check out the Lexicon,
use eflow to activate their Gifts powers, and Races and Echoessave the powers for another time...
thus require more orpee (or eflow) that
regular people. Binary geography
Echoes: These rare individuals manifest On Naakinis, there are two kinds of ecosystems cohabiting one surface. First,
a Gift and a Whisper at some point in their theres the giant ecosystem that belongs to Naakinis. Its made up of huge trees,
life, identifying them as Echoes and the Kioux, which are miles tall and have roots and branches that cover immense
connecting them to a specific type, be it War surfaces on the ground and in the sky. This ecosystem also has large caverns
Engine, Walker or Judge. Many scientists hundreds of meters deep that shelter millions of Inas and beasts. The second
believe that Echoes stand on the edge of two ecosystem, the Kanas system, is filled with what earthlings consider normal-
worlds, on the axes of two ecosystems sized trees growing on the branches of Kioux and on the ground, creating
(Naakinis and Kanas) because they are all forests that resemble that of earths. The animals and beasts inhabiting these
born in the Kanas system and slowly evolve forests range from the size of a rabbit to that of an elephant. The animals of
towards the Naakinis. Echoes are the most Kanas never grow as large as those of the Naakinis.
important phenomenon of this universe and
are found everywhere in high spheres of Biologists and evolutionary scientists believe that the Naakinis ecosystem came
power. Echoes have transformed the world first and then, at some unknown point in time, the Kanas ecosystem emerged,
with their discoveries, rulings and feats. overlapping the Naakinis ecosystem without causing its disappearance. To
Because there is only one for every ten clarify, Kanas is a smaller ecosystem that grow faster but has a shorter life span
thousand people, each time an Echo Awakens
than the Naakinis system. It is a microcosm of a bigger ecosystem that has
he has to hide his nature carefully to avoid
existed for many years (Kioux can live for about a hundred thousand years).
jealousy. The Echo phenomenon can be
discussed at length, but more details will
appear over the course of the book.
Walking within these lands will make you feel at ease with the scale of things
(Kanas) and, at the same time, youll feel like the tiniest dwarf ever created by
Mother Nature (Naakinis). This is probably what led the Gnaths to first climb a
InTr o D U c t i O N CHa tEr 1 p
Kioux, clear it of its dangerous fauna and make it hospitable enough to construct
cities on. When visualizing this landscape, you must remember all the immense
underground rivers and seas, which look like the veins of an incredible giant.
The Yakis travel the lands above on huoras, gigantic beasts that can carry entire
families and their houses on their backs. There are also northern mountains with
incredible peaks. But most important to picture are the Kioux every few miles,
their trunk hundreds of meters wide. They are an overwhelming presence, with
roots that scar the ground and branches and leaves that hide the sky.
Those who live in Kanas constantly feel the Kioux overshadowing presence and
much of their efforts are focused on trying to forget it. If a traveler leaves his city
for the first time, for example, hell leave behind the many years of darkness in Half-Echoes: Some people carry a
which he lived under the shadows of the platforms above, in the slums or few particular powers, yet they cannot
evolve through Spheres. They are Half-
perhaps on the first or second platform. When he returns, hell understand all the
Echoes. Librarians, for example, can stock
pressure the platforms generate and he will realize the clear injustice that hovers
and recall astonishing amounts of
above his head.
information without the slightest error. A
librarian can memorize the name, function
At first, the difference between earth and Kanas might seem trivial. But, despite and affiliation of every citizen within his city
thousands of years of living in Kanas, its inhabitants still feel like small insects and can recall this information at anytime.
on the back of a huge beast from another world. For example, the laws by which Some Librarians contain information that
the Kioux grow are not the same as other trees; it is not merely a giant species of every other Librarian possesses, which would
an ordinary tree. Inas accept the fact they live in caves way too big to fit their mean they know the details of about 10
natural environment, housing millions in each cave. Gnaths, on the other hand, billions of individuals by heart. The
wish to dominate the Kioux because they feel a need to control their categories of Half-Echoes are more general
environment rather than let it dominate them. than for Echoes, but lack the clarity that
makes Echoes so easily identifiable. Two
Every time someone sees a Kioux, he gets an uneasy feeling and something tells Librarians, for example, might have very
him this is not my place. The Core, for example, has built his spiritual strength different powers but will still be called
on this concept. By replacing the Naakinis goddess of the Frilins with a more Librarians because of the way they use their
rational world based on perception and experience, the Core has succeeding in powers.
reducing the Naakinisian environment to a myriad of smaller facets. It is as Whisper: The accepted theory about
though the Core Himself had taken an image too big to be observed and traced Whispers names the Whisper as the voice
lines on it to create a mosaic, enabling the image to be viewed one part at a time. of eflow as it travels through an Echos body.
As an Echo gains strength, and because he
Most of the rich cities and towns are constructed in the trunks of Kioux because gains strength, the information flowing
they offer great protection from every kind of ground assault. These cities keep within him begins to crystallize. This
active slums beneath them and those that dwell in these slums, unless they are brave crystallization process forms the Whisper.
and experienced fighters, live in a constant state of fear. Of course, the larger a slum When an Echo is born, a small portion of
is, the less chance it has of being attacked by beasts. Therefore, old cities with eflow immediately begins to crystallize
hundreds of thousands of citizens are relatively safe. Newer cities generally have a forming the embryo of the Whisper and
identifying what type of Gift the Echo will
difficult time for at least fifty years, the time it takes for two generations to grow and
have. This Whisper grows more coherent and
for people to come from other places and try their luck within the new city.
understandable as the Echo progresses from
Sphere to Sphere.
Because of these dangers, people get easily paranoid in the slums. They are
accustomed to violence and consider it normal. Cruelty is also considered
natural, be it only because of everyones need for orpee. However, since the Core
Himself came to power, things have changed because he forces every city within
his Domain to build and maintain very solid barriers around their cities. He
accomplishes this task by hiring teams of hard-core workers, mostly Volkos, to
assist the Lords in building fortifications. And while cities are now safer, life is
still dangerous for those on the frontiers.
Me hANiCaL DrEAm
Kanas is mostly covered by jungle and forest, therefore the most common
material is wood. Only in the north can you find mountainous peaks and the
single surface ocean of this world is situated in the northeast. Everywhere else
the land is flat and filled with trees from both realms. Should you leave the safety
of your town or city, youll find a solid sedimentary ground.
InTr o D U c t i O N CHa tEr 1 p
The wilderness
No one is innocent to the dangers of this environment. Many things that are taken
for granted on earth cannot be in this world. For example, going for a ride in the
forest is only possible within a few miles of the cities and only when accompanied
by guards to protect you, not necessarily from creatures but from thieves and
rogues. If you venture out any further, the creatures you might encounter are often
too dangerous to handle unless you are fully trained to fight them (theres no
comparison between fighting a sentient being with a head, two legs and two arms,
and fighting a raging gnasher with a six-foot long jaw and very sharp teeth). The
tension emerging from this external environment makes Kanas resemble our
Jurassic era in way. Imagine what it would be like to take a walk with T-rexes and
other flesh-eating dinosaurs in the vicinity. People live in civilized surroundings and
are content to do so if only for the protection it affords them. And although they
Precepts: The Judge Precepts are the
exist, people who live in small villages without the protection of the masses are
highest authority on Kanas and never
universally regarded as freaks. For example the Yakis, being nomadic, are regularly
doubted or interfered with. They represent
exposed to danger and many would not want to risk living the way they do. Those
the most fundamental and supreme rules
who become members of a Yaki tribe often have to sacrifice comfort for protection, and are, quite surprisingly, the laws the Core
because the armor the Yakis wear help them a lot to survive during their travel, but decided to keep as his governments when he
is very burdensome. came to power. By retaining these laws, the
Core melded Kanas and Naakinis law for the
So with the combination of the Dream and the dangers of the surrounding first time (since the Judges think of
wilderness, people can hardly develop a positive perception of the world in which themselves as children of Naakinis).
they live. It seems as though everything is out to get them, be it flesh-eating
creatures, the Dream, the leaders on a higher platform or the orpee, which they The Aran world: Stranger than the
must constantly seek in order to survive. Dream and more distant, Aran does not
seem to be connected with Kanas reality
because its presence can only be felt where
the Pendulums light cannot reach; deep
under the water or below the canopy formed
by the dense foliage of some forests and
jungles (a Kioux can sometimes have such
dense foliage at its top that Aran domains
exist within.). The creatures that exist in
these domains obey different laws than the
people of Kanas and their functions, actions
and goals have not yet been understood by
anybody, including the Core. Most noticeably,
anyone from Kanas who succeeds in
reaching this territory automatically must
leave all inorganic matter at the entrance.
Once inorganic material has entered Aran, it
loses its substance and disintegrates into
nothing before the bearers eyes.
Me hANiCaL DrEAm
More of a
technical matter
Kioux: These are the tallest trees found
on Kanas, often reaching heights of fifteen
miles and a circumference of about five
miles. With so many Kioux at such close
proximity, their branches interweave to
block out most light, creating a ceiling of
sorts. The ground beneath the Kioux is made
up of their roots. Their leaves, being almost
transparent at the top, create a soft green
iridescent sky with thin rays of light that
penetrate towards the ground, but rarely
reach it in taller Kioux. This is why the cities
built on the Kioux live mostly in shadow.
The biggest Kioux on Kanas is Kha-Bheks,
which is 20 miles tall and six miles at the
trunks base. Most new cities are constructed
on Kioux because they offer shelter from
dangerous beasts that lurk on the ground.
Each Kioux is home to many different types
of creatures, from those who live high in the
trees branches to those who walk up and
down the trunk, perpendicular to the ground.
One of every hundred Kioux has almost
perfectly horizontal branches. When a tree
of this type is found, political battles are
often waged to determine who should
construct new cities on it.
Kioux are also a great source of raw
material. The inhabitants of a Kioux can use
all the wood, resin, leaves, vines and small
critters they find on the tree. The wood can
be used for construction purposes while resin
is better for carving more specific tools such
as swords. Leaves are made into leather
armor by taking two layers and weaving
them together. They also serve as rainproof
rooftops and clothes (the higher in the tree
you go, the thinner the leaves). Vines are
weaved into ropes and used to lash other
structures. Critters found on Kioux provide
meat, domestic animals beasts of burden to
work the fields of crops growing vertically up
and down the trees.
Me hANiCaL DrEAm
Pregnant female Emovans migrate to aquatic
cities to lay their eggs deep underwater.
Groups of females share tasks including
watching over each others eggs. During this
time, each group is guarded over by powerful
Emovan, Aran and Dream warriors. Most
females can only breed once in their lifetime,
so these breeding grounds are as sacred as
the Emovan store of orpee. Usually, a female
will lay between ten to fifty eggs, with eighty
percent of her offspring surviving to
maturity. This high survival rate is partially
due to the high security and supervision
Emovan eggs receive. As a result, the
Emovan population has grown dramatically
in the last two centuries, and they recently
have begun to migrate northwards.
About their hearths
The Inas live in huge caves, 5 to 10 miles underground, about halfway between
the Emovans watery home and above ground. Within these caves are hearths in
which the Inas make their homes. Each hearth (there are ten) has an entrance to
dark, cold caves that lead to orpee mines, thousands of miles below the surface.
Only the oldest and most powerful Inas can access the orpee supply.
The hearths are faintly lit by tiny particles that filter through the trees, roots, earth
and rocks to reach the Inas caves. Although the Pendulum is far away, its rays
have the ability to penetrate many obstacles and for many millions of miles. This
light is supplemented with the reflected red glow of orpee torches that bounce of
the shiny bits of sastak embedded in the cave roof and walls. The result is a lounge-
like atmosphere where soft red light spreads itself gently around the rooms, leaving
darkened corners everywhere
The Dream
Inas are fit for a serene and comfortable life with the Dream, for the shapes the
Dream takes at night are always gossamer and quiet. Because daylight does not
shine brightly into their caves, it always seems as though the Dream lingers
continuously, making corners blur and echoes reverberate for hours. The Dream
is not strong or dangerous in the caves and therefore the Inas seem to live at one
with it, absorbing its diversity by becoming similar to the Dream in body (an Inas
is made up of incredibly soft, muted colors and outlines).
Nayans are born with a moist, almost liquid
skin of the most beautiful deep blue color.
Their eyes reflect the soft glow of the
Pendulums shadow on the northern ocean.
Young Nayans are concentrate essence of
Nayansenergetic whirlwinds of activity
until they mature and their energies are
directed towards some defined direction or
Out of the Sofe
In the year 2508, two hundred and
fifty years before the Core came
to power, a huge tribe emerged
from the Sofe. Their bodies were
scarred and distorted by wounds,
disease and mutations. Their skin
was as black as ink and no matter
how hard you stared, you could
not locate their eyes. They
emerged from the Sofe, a million
strong, silent and brooding. Their
leader marched a hundred or so
yards ahead of the immense mob,
tall and stoic. She was obviously
an Overlord. The armor that
covered her body appeared to be
made of spines and strange Sofe
roots. It moved of its own will as
she stood there, silently, glancing
neither right nor left.
Me hANiCaL DrEAm
1343-01: Scouts return from the frontiers of
the Sofe. Invaders from the Sofe are slowly
marching, seemingly towards Kha-Bhek,
where the Empress lives and reigns.
Mind Chemists, once they obtain the skill of being able to penetrate a Mind, are overwhelmed by the experience. They
are thrust into a completely new and unexplored universe. Some adapt easily to the landscape of the Mind while others
become, over a period of years, completely paranoid. Successful Mind Walkers explore the Mind exactly as a Walker
explores the territory of Kainas. Their goal is to learn more about the Mind in order to help those who suffer from
afflictions of the Mind. These Chemists, who basically become walking scalpels, inspire fear in the entire population.
There are millions of secrets locked within the Mind that we Mind Chemists do not understand and cannot decode.
Why and how are Mind Creatures born, for example? We are explorers of a new world; Mind Chemists are a new Chapter
breed, so there is no history, no documented evidence or a wise one who can teach us age-old
Mind Walking methods. We are as vulnerable in the Mind of an individual as they are in reality.
Before Droliath-Estolah came to power, there had There is no orpee loss and little corruption in this well-oiled
YEAR 110
The First Century of the Core
Ninth Plate
After the Years of chaos
Population: 5 000 000
Mortality: 0.1%/year
Eigth Plate
Population: 10 000 000
Mortality: 0.1%/year
Leasure: 9%
Core s Domain 10BP
Core s Army
Seventh Plate
Population: 15 000 000
Mortality: 0.2%/month Core s Bank
The Cores News
74 The official opening of Vilnaco creates a massive exodus: VOLKOS: 500 million / 50 million
four platforms are already built.
89 The Skytrain (and Enclave) are finished with unprecedented SOLEKS: 20 million / 30 million
speed and efficiency.
YAKIS: 100 million / 150 million
90 The Core announces the construction of platforms 10 to 13 in
Kha-Bhek. ZNS: ~100 000 no allegiances.
109 The Scourge fails to beat a worthy opponent in the Northwest.
The reasons remain unclear.
110 Today.
The Cores News: CHAPTER ONE The Cores Crusade Vol. 110 n45 CORES PUBLISHING
Printed on 100% pure Kioux leaves. Manufactured by Kioux Leaf A.E.S., in Kha-Bhek on the fourth plate at 467, Ouigorn street.
Apart from orpee and occasional The new platforms
barter, the main currency is the Blood of Kha-Bhek
piece (Bp) so named because of its Many workers engaged in the
color. construction of the Skytrain feared
that the period of prosperity would
The material used to make these coins end when the Skytrain was completed.
is found deep in the heart of the When the Core Himself announced
biggest Kioux, where the resin the construction of four additional
crystallizes into a mineral substance. platforms, everyone was shocked! It
The deep-red colored mineral is meant more work, and higher up.
harvested from the kioux and forged Workers were ecstatic because, for the