Harry Potter: Order of The Phoenix Orientation: Making Paper From Woodchips
Harry Potter: Order of The Phoenix Orientation: Making Paper From Woodchips
Harry Potter: Order of The Phoenix Orientation: Making Paper From Woodchips
I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a special place in my
heart. I have to say that of all the books, however, this one was not my favorite.
When the series began it was as much of a feel good experience as a huge mug of hot cocoa. The
stories were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.
Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this works you feel a whole new
level of intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly moved by the last page. Other
times the book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel. The galloping pace of the other books has slowed
to a trot here, and parts of it do seem long, as if were reading all about Harry just hanging out instead of
having his usual adventures. Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example
housekeeping is still housekeeping, magical or no, and Im not very interested in doing it or reading about
other people doing it.
A few other changes in this book the real world comes much more in to play rather than the
fantasy universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off his meds. I know that he
had a lot to be grumpy in this book, especially with being a teenager and all, but the sudden change in his
character seemed too drastic. He goes from being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will
bite his best friends heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it didnt fit with his character, like he turned
into a walking clich of the angry teen overnight. The real story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the
book, and this part I loved. I actually liked the ending (and yes, I cried!) as sad as it was. It packed a punch
and it made me care about the story even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would have
been great.
A general Wood-chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from
statement forest trees.
The wood-chipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a
A sequenced
selected area of the forest called a coupe.
Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are
Of explanation
taken to the mill.
At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a
chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips.
why or how
something occurs The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities.
At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp
by chemicals and heat.
The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.
Closing Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
Blessing behind Tragedy
There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine children. They had a
dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They making plan to travel with their children to
America. It had taken several years but finally they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They
had booked seats for the whole family member in a new liner to America.
The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in America. However few
days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy. Because of
the possibility of getting rabies, there were being quarantined for long days. There were in quarantine when
the departure time came. The family dreams were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they
had planned. The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship leaved
without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both his son and God for the
Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty Titanic, had shark. It
took hundreds of passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had been called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It
was unbelievable but it was.
The Clark family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by dog, they were left
behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked
God for saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a tragedy.
Everybody has a dream. You have and so do I. When the dream will come true, there is something wrong
last minute before it. What will we do?
The Clark family lived in Scotland. They had dream to travel to America. They prepared well for their
Few days before they went to America, his youngest son was bitten by a dog. It made they were behind
quarantined. They had to forget their plan.
The family was full of disappointment and anger. The father was angry with his son and God. The family
failed to travel to America and the father could not accept it.
The father thank to his son when he hear the ship sank. He thanks to God because of saving the family
from sinking. He thought leaving behind the ship was not a tragedy but a blessing.
Green, Pink and Yellow
Can you name the colors in English? Yes, you are right. They are blue, red, yellow, green, white, brown, purple, black
and so on. I have a funny story about the colours. Do you want to know it? ok let me tell you.
One day, an English teacher talked about colours to his students. After he had been explaining, he asked his students,
Who can make a sentence using the word, Green, Pink and Yellow? James, the smartest student in the class quickly
raised his hand and answered, When the yellow morning Sun comes, I see a beautiful girl wearing a pink clothe
walking through the green grass. Excellent. James, you are a very good student the teacher said.
Me, me Sir. Johny, the lazy student in the class said while raising his hand. And then he said, I heard telephone
ringing green, green, then I pink up the receiver and I said, Yellow, who is speaking there?
Town Contaminated
Background Events Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the
explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo 22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread
radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of
the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class
submarine during a refit had been a thermal and not a nuclear explosion. And those
involved in the clean-up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated
material were sworn to secrecy.
Resource of A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history
Information of the Soviet Navy.
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The first
large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956.
Supporting Point :
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around
11% of the worlds energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would
get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:
Contrastive Point :
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to
allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on
safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident.
Recommendation (Conclussion) :
People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990s nuclear power was the fastest growing
source of power in many parts of the world.
Thesis Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot
of road deaths and other accidents.
Arguments Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world.Cars emit
a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and triggers off
asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.Secondly, the
city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in
the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at
night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
Reiteration In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.
Watching TV
Is it important to know what your kids are watching? Of course it is. Television can expose your children to
things that you have tried to protect them from, especially violence, drug abuse, etc.
Argument 1:
One study demonstrated that watching too much TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bedtime
resistance, sleep onset delay and anxiety around sleep, followed by shortened sleep duration.
Argument 2:
Another study found a significant association between the amount of time spent watching television during
adolescence and early adulthood, and the like hood of subsequent aggressive acts against others.
Argument 3:
Meanwhile, many studies have found an association between kids watching a lot of TV, being inactive and
Considering some facts above, protect your children with some following tips: