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Electropermanent Magnetic Connectors and

Actuators: Devices and Their Application in

Programmable Matter
Ara Nerses Knaian
S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1999)
M. Eng. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2000)
M.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008)
Submitted to the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
at the
June 2010
c Institute of Technology 2010. All rights reserved.

Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
May 21, 2010
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Daniela L. Rus
Thesis Supervisor
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Neil A. Gershenfeld
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terry P. Orlando
Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses
Electropermanent Magnetic Connectors and Actuators:
Devices and Their Application in Programmable Matter


Ara Nerses Knaian

Submitted to the Department of

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
on May 21, 2010, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Programmable matter is a digital material having computation, sensing, and actu-
ation capabilities as continuous properties active over its whole extent. To make
programmable matter economical to fabricate, we want to use electromagnetic direct
drive, rather than clockwork, to actuate the particles. Previous attempts to fabricate
small scale (below one centimeter) robotic systems with electromagnetic direct-drive
have typically run into problems with insufficient force or torque, excessive power
consumption and heat generation (for magnetic-drive systems), or high-voltage re-
quirements, humidity sensitivity, and air breakdown. (for electrostatic-drive systems)
The electropermanent magnet is a solid-state device whose external magnetic flux
can be stably switched on and off by a discrete electrical pulse. Electropermanent
magnets can provide low-power connection and actuation for programmable matter
and other small-scale robotic systems. The first chapter covers the electropermanent
magnet, its physics, scaling, fabrication, and our experimental device performance
data. The second introduces the idea of electropermanent actuators, covers their
fundamental limits and scaling, and shows prototype devices and performance mea-
surements. The third chapter describes the smart pebbles system, which consists of
12-mm cubes that can form shapes by stochastic self-assembly and self-disassembly.
The fourth chapter describes the millibot, a continuous chain of programmable matter
which forms shapes by folding.

Thesis Supervisor: Daniela L. Rus

Title: Professor

Thesis Supervisor: Neil A. Gershenfeld

Title: Professor


Thanks to Neil Gershenfeld for nurturing my creativity, constantly pushing me to

question the established ways of doing things, sparking what Im sure will be a life-
long fascination with machine tools, and for letting me be a part of what must be
one of the most interesting laboratories and groups of people on Earth.

Thanks to Daniela Rus for introducing me to the larger robotics community, and
for teaching me the value of data. For every graph in this thesis with actual gritty
data points instead of smooth mathematical curves, I have Daniela to thank for her
weekly encouragement to report the state of the world as it actually is, as well as how
I would like for it to be.

Thanks to Markus Zahn and the late Jin Au Kong for teaching me Electromag-
netism. They taught me how to do in twenty minutes on the board what used to take
me two weeks with a computer model. After taking their classes, all the sudden my
devices started actually working.

Thanks to Joseph Jacobson, Carol Livermore, Bill Butera, and Saul Griffith for
getting me thinking about the problems in this thesis in the first place. Without
them, this thesis would have been about some other topic entirely. Thanks to Terry
Orlando, my academic advisor, for all his help.

Thanks to Kyle Gilpin, my collaborator on the Robot Pebbles system. Our rough
division of labor starting out was that I handled magnetics and mechanics and he
handled electronics and software. But this doesnt tell the whole story; in addition
to inventing the algorithms, designing the circuits and writing the code, Kyle did all
the hard development work to get the Pebbles fabricated and functioning, and I am
thankful for the opportunity to work with someone so dedicated.

Thanks to Maxim Lobovsky, Asa Oines, Peter Schmidt-Nielsen, Forrest Green,

David Darlrymple, Kenny Cheung, Jonathan Bachrach, Skylar Tibbets, and Amy
Sun, my collaborators on the Millibot project. Max and Asa have designed several
parts of the motor and Millibot, as well as logged a sizable number of hours in the lab
helping me to build these systems. Amy, always ready with her camera, took many

of the photos shown in this thesis. Thanks to my other lab-mates in PHM, DRL,
and the Harvard Microrobotics lab for all their help whether it was helping me
work something out on the whiteboard, teaching me how to use a machine, pointing
out an article I should read, or just being around to dream about the possibilities of
Thanks to Robert Wood and Peter Whitney for introducing me to what it is
possible to build with tweezers, a microscope, and a laser, and for their gracious
Thanks to Joe Murphy, Sherry Lassiter, Nicole Degnan, and Kathy Bates, for
doing a spectacular job keeping all of the supplies and equipment I needed to do
this work flowing into the lab, and for making the Center for Bits and Atoms and
the Distributed Robotics Lab the well-oiled machines that they are. Thanks to John
DiFrancesco, Tom Lutz, and Ron Wiken for their help in the machine shop. Thank
you to DARPA for funding this work, to program managers Mitch Zakin and Gill
Pratt, and to the taxpayers of the United States of America.
Thanks to Harry Keller, David Newburg, Mr. Martins, Mr. Wells, and Dr. Duffy,
high-school teachers and mentors who made a difference in my life.
My father taught me how to use a wood saw, how to build an amplifier, and how
to solder. My mother taught me to look at the world as a scientist. Thank you to
my parents for what you started.
I owe my wife Linda thanks on many levels. She is a mechanical engineer and in-
troduced me to many of the vendors and products mentioned in the text. Throughout
the time we have known each other, she has worked tirelessly to get me out of the lab
and off on some fun adventure, and I thank her for that. From our dinner conversation
over the last couple years she is intimately familiar with electropermanent magnetic
connectors and actuators, both the devices and their application to programmable
matter. Right now she is in the other room proofreading this manuscript.
Finally, thanks my son Aaron, who is 13 months old. Watching and helping him
grow up brings to my life the greatest joy of all.


1 Introduction 17
1.1 The Quest for a Universal Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.2 Programmable Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3 Solid-State Programmable Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4 The Electropermanent Magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.5 Properties of Electropermanent Magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.6 Properties of Electropermanent Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.7 The Robot Pebbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.8 The Millibot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.9 How to Fabricate Smart Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.10 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2 Related Work 31
2.1 Miniaturization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.1.1 Integrated Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.1.2 MEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2 Electrical Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2.1 Electrostatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.2 Electrothermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2.3 Electrostrictive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2.4 Magnetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3 Connection Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3.1 Covalent: Mechanical Latching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

2.3.2 Magnetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3.3 Electrostatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.3.4 Van der Waals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4 Autonomous Microsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4.1 Smart Dust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4.2 Paintable Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5 Modular Robotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.1 Polybot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.5.2 M-TRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.5.3 ATRON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5.4 Catoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.6 Programmed Self-Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.6.1 Penroses Plywood Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.6.2 Griffiths Electromechanical Assemblers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.6.3 Whites Magnetic Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.6.4 MICHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.7 Magnetic Hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.7.1 Hysteresis Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.7.2 Ferreed Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.7.3 Switchable Permanent Magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3 The Electropermanent Magnet 75

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.2.1 Qualitative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.2.2 Quantitative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3 Comparison with Other Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.3.1 Electrostatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.3.2 Electromagnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.4 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

3.4.1 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.4.2 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.5.1 Qualitative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.5.2 Quantitative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

4 The Robot Pebbles 107

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2 Module Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.2.1 Connector Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.2.2 Electronic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.2.3 Mechanical Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.3.1 Module Pair Latching Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.3.2 Power Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.3.3 Self-Disassembly Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.3.4 Self-Assembly Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

5 Electropermanent Actuators 127

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
5.2 The Electropermanent Power Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
5.3 Electropermanent Actuator Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.3.1 Model Set-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.3.2 Model Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.4 Fundamental Limit on Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.4.1 Loss Mechanisms in Electropermanent Actuators . . . . . . . 143
5.4.2 Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.5 Characterization Data for an Electropermanent Actuator . . . . . . . 145
5.6 Permanent-Magnet Motors at the Low-Speed Limit . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.7 The Electropermanent Stepper Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

5.7.1 Principle of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.7.2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.7.3 Experimental: Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

6 The Millibot 171

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
6.2 The Millibot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
6.3 The Arm-Wrestling Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6.4 Folding Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6.5 Mechanical Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6.6 Electrical Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6.7 Assembly Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.8 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

7 Conclusion 183
7.1 Comparison to Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

8 Lessons Learned 189

8.1 High-Level Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
8.2 Connector Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
8.3 Motor Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
8.4 Practical Lessons from the Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

A Electrical Design of Microfabricated Module 205

List of Figures

1-1 Miniature electropermanent magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1-2 Electropermanent Stepper Motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1-3 The Robot Pebbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1-4 A two-module Millibot, showing the major components . . . . . . . . 26
1-5 A transformer fabricated using EFAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2-1 Polybot G2 segment module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

2-2 Polybot in action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2-3 M-TRAN module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2-4 M-TRAN reconfiguration motifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2-5 M-TRAN cluster flow experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2-6 M-TRAN walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2-7 ATRON system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2-8 ATRON module mechanics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2-9 The planar magnetic Catoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2-10 Microfabrication process for Catom shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2-11 Electrostatic Catom actuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2-12 Electrostatic actuation of a 1mm aluminum tube . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2-13 Penroses self-reproducing machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2-14 Penrose manually replicating a string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2-15 Griffiths electromechanical assembler module . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2-16 Griffiths electromechanical assemblers copying a 5-bit string . . . . . 58
2-17 Whites magnetic modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

2-18 Stochastic self-reconfiguration of Whites magnetic modules . . . . . . 59
2-19 A disassembled MICHE module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2-20 The MICHE system in action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2-21 Hysteresis loop of Alnico 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2-22 The single branch ferreed and its magnetization characteristic . . . . 65
2-23 Ferreed switch containing 64 crosspoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2-24 The mechanically switchable permanent magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2-25 Monostable electropermanent magnet based on flux cancellation . . . 70
2-26 Monostable electropermanent magnet based on flux switching. . . . . 71
2-27 Series electropermanent magnet for magnetic workholding . . . . . . 73
2-28 Parallel electropermanent magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3-1 Switchable electropermanent magnet construction . . . . . . . . . . . 76

3-2 Switchable electropermanent magnet operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3-3 Cross-section and side view of the coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3-4 Breakdown voltage of air vs. gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3-5 Electrostatic plate voltage for equal holding force . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3-6 Time to break-even energy consumption with electromagnets . . . . . 92
3-7 Miniature electropermanent magnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3-8 Experimental setup used to measure force vs. displacement . . . . . . 96
3-9 Flexure clamp used to hold the magnet square . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3-10 Electropermanent magnet holding up 250g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3-11 Comparison of experimental data and model predictions . . . . . . . 100
3-12 Modelled force vs. air gap, with and without leakage . . . . . . . . . 101
3-13 Force vs. air gap length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3-14 Holding force vs. switching pulse length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3-15 Measured voltage and current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

4-1 The Robot Pebbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

4-2 Reconfiguration algorithm used by the Pebbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4-3 Arrangement of the connectors on the faces of the module . . . . . . 112

4-4 Pebble printed circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4-5 The circuit on each pebble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4-6 Partially disassembled view of a pebble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4-7 Force vs. displacement when two latched modules are pulled apart . . 118
4-8 Voltage and current vs. time through the coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4-9 Electrical resistance of power connections in a block of Pebbles. . . . 122
4-10 Self-disassembly experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
4-11 Experimental apparatus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
4-12 Self-assembly experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

5-1 Electropermanent magnetic actuators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

5-2 Electropermanent actuator thermodynamic power cycle . . . . . . . . 130
5-3 Electropermanent actuator power variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5-4 Actuator model results: electrical and magnetic power variables . . . 138
5-5 Actuator model results: power flow during magnetization . . . . . . . 139
5-6 Actuator model results: power flow during the power stroke . . . . . 140
5-7 Actuator model results: mechanical variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5-8 Actuator model results: BH diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
5-9 Electropermanent actuator electrical pulse energy vs. pulse length . . 147
5-10 Electropermanent actuator mechanical work vs. pulse length . . . . . 147
5-11 Electropermanent actuator efficiency vs. pulse length . . . . . . . . . 148
5-12 Electropermanent actuator efficiency after subtracting I 2 R loss . . . . 148
5-13 Electropermanent actuator pulse voltage and current vs. time . . . . 149
5-14 Sketch of a permanent-magnet DC motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-15 Electropermanent stepper motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
5-16 Electropermanent stepper motor construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
5-17 Electropermanent stepper motor principle of operation. . . . . . . . . 155
5-18 Drive waveform for the electropermanent stepper motor . . . . . . . . 156
5-19 Calculation of no-load speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5-20 Calculation of low-speed torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

5-21 Load line analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5-22 Magnetic force density vs. size ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
5-23 Relative power efficiency vs. size ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
5-24 Complete friction-drive electropermanent stepper. . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5-25 Electropermanent stepper torque vs. speed curves . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5-26 Electropermanent stepper stall torque vs. pulse length . . . . . . . . 167
5-27 Torque density vs. speed comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
5-28 Efficiency vs. speed comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

6-1 A two-module Millibot, showing the major components . . . . . . . . 172

6-2 Simulation of a Millibot folding into a cube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6-3 Millibot module exploded view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6-4 Millibot module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6-5 Millibot chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
6-6 Millibot flex circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6-7 Millibot flex circuit: microcontroller board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6-8 Millibot flex circuit: motor driver board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

List of Tables

3.1 Magnetic properties of NIB and Alnico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

3.2 Scaling properties of electropermanent magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.3 Device parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

5.1 Input parameters of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

5.2 State variable outputs of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5.3 Derived outputs of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

7.1 Connector comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

7.2 Modular robot connection comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.3 Low-speed rotary motor comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.4 Low-speed linear actuator comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
7.5 Modular robot actuation comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Chapter 1


This thesis introduces a new type of actuator and connector to the field of robotics.
The electropermanent magnet is a device that can have its external magnetic field
switched on and off by an electrical pulse, and retains its magnetic state with zero
power. We show that electropermanent magnets are strong, low-power devices at
small scales, because their switching energy scales with volume, while their holding
force scales with area.
Using these devices, we construct two new modular robotic systems, both of
which have the smallest modules of any of their type in the published literature.
In our Robot Pebbles system, electropermanent magnets provide all of the module-
to-module forces needed for shape reconfiguration, as well as providing a channel for
module-to-module communication and power transfer. This eliminates the need for
any off-the-shelf mechanical components, enabling a 12 mm module size.
We introduce a new type of electric motor, the electropermanent stepper, which
scales well to small dimensions and maintains its efficiency down to zero speed, allow-
ing operation without gearing. We use this motor to build the Millibot, a chain-type
modular robot capable of shape change and locomotion, with a 12 mm module pitch.
This work is part of the larger academic enterprise to construct programmable
matter, a universal material with the ability to change its shape and other properties
on command. Programmable matter could be synthesized using a batch photolitho-
graphic process, motivating our study of connection mechanisms and actuators that

are simple to construct and scale well to small dimensions. The enterprise to create
programmable matter can be seen as a project to digitize the process of fabrication
[31], building on the work of those who digitized computation and communication.

1.1 The Quest for a Universal Machine

In 1833, Charles Babbage invented the analytical engine, a universal mechanical ma-
chine for evaluating arbitrary mathematical expressions. The machine was to be
controlled by punched cards, powered by a steam engine, and to represent numbers
by the positions of geared wheels. Babbage, who once wrote a paper entitled Table
of Relative Frequency of the Causes of Breaking of Plate Glass Windows was fasci-
nated with data and statistics, and was taken with the idea of a machine to perform
arbitrary computations automatically. With the help of the British government, he
launched a massive effort to build a prototype. Sadly, due to the machines enormous
complexity, as well as interpersonal disputes and funding difficulties, the machine was
never finished. But during the same period, and just a few miles away, the ground was
already being laid for those who would follow Babbage in his quest; Michael Faraday
was hard at work discovering the laws of electricity and magnetism.
Just over a century later in 1941, Konrad Zuse would construct the Z3, a punch-
card controlled digital computer, realizing Babbages vision of a universal computing
machine. The Z3 used electromechanical relays rather than clockwork, greatly sim-
plifying its design and construction. Still, the Z3 weighted 1000 kg, consumed 4 kW
power, had a clock rate of 5.3 Hz, and just 64 words of memory.
So it was not until the invention of the integrated circuit by Jack Kilby and
Robert Noyce in the late 1950s, and the microprocessor by Ted Hoff in the 1960s,
that the computing revolution really took off. The integrated circuit allowed in-place
fabrication of all of the components and electrical connections for a computer in
parallel, by photolithography. Now the complexity of a feasible design was no longer
limited by the need for painstaking hand assembly; only by the achievable resolution
of photographic patterning.

Over the past fifty years, the semiconductor industry has worked tirelessly to
improve the resolution of photolithography following Moores law, [64] [63] which
states that the number of transistors that can be placed in a given area doubles every
two years. Because of this, today one can buy a billion-transistor computing machine
for less than the cost of the desk that holds it up off of the floor.

1.2 Programmable Matter

There are other types of universal machines. Even before Babbage, Jacquard con-
structed a punch-card controlled loom, able to weave fabric with any conceivable
Programmable matter is universal material, long discussed in science fiction under
various names [62], which would be able to change its shape and other physical prop-
erties, such as stiffness and color, on command. There are many potential approaches
for synthesizing programmable matter, such as synthetic biology [25], molecular nan-
otechnology [20], quantum dots [4], and metamaterials. [81]
The approach considered in this thesis is electromechanical: the construction of
miniature electronic modules, able to process information, communicate, transfer
power, and exert mechanical force on each other through magnetic fields. Once the
modules were too small to easily see, and if there were enough of them, we might
start to think of them as a material. The module size does not have to micron-scale:
the pixel size of the Apple II monitor was 1 mm; in this thesis we show experimental
results with modules that are just 10 times larger than that. The applications for pro-
grammable matter are many and varied, but would depend on the range of properties
that could be expressed, the resolution, and the cost. An expensive, weak material
might find application as a tactile three-dimensional display [37], a programmable tip
for an endoscope, or a highly adaptive mobile robot. [56] Applications for a cheap,
strong material are almost unlimited; one example is a universal aircraft mechanics
tool, able to transform from a wrench to a screwdriver to a walkie-talkie at the push
of a button, or Albert Hibbs swallowable robotic surgeon. [26] Of course, just as the

builders of early computers could not have imagined Facebook or Twitter, we cannot
imagine exactly what uses people will eventually find for programmable matterbut
then that is the point of making it universal in the first place.

1.3 Solid-State Programmable Matter

A self-reconfigurable modular robot is a machine, made of a large number of repeated

modules, that is able to change its shape. Since the construction of the first modular
robot by Fukada in 1988, [29] over 20 systems have been constructed by research
groups around the world.
A self-reconfigurable modular robot is a form of programmable matter. But most
modular robots have been hand-assembled from off-the-shelf electric motors and me-
chanical components. This has made construction of the modules expensive and
time-consuming, and kept the minimum size of the modules at about 40 mm.
We might try to build miniaturized programmable matter using miniaturized ver-
sions of macroscopic mechanical components: essentially, using miniaturized clock-
work. But this may be a difficult path to programmable matter. In a 1992 paper,
Slocum [83] points out that while macromechancial machines have been manufac-
tured with part-per-million relative tolerances for over a century, micromechanical
machines have much lower relative precision, and resemble the maromachines of the
early 1700s in their complexity and accuracy. A 1 mm machine produced with 100
nm tolerance has a relative tolerance of just one part in 10,000.
But what if we could design out the internal moving parts and build programmable
matter out of electronics only? The modules could exert forces on each other through
the force between current-carrying wires, or the force between plates with a potential
difference. The overall system could still move; but it would be made of solid-state,
non-mechanical parts.
This approach is taken by White and Lipson with their Stochastic system [95], by
Kirby and Goldstein with the Catoms [54], and by An with the EM-Cubes. [5]
In these systems, heat from I 2 R losses in the electromagnets has been a major



Figure 1-1: Miniature electropermanent magnet. This magnet is made from cylindri-
cal rods of hard NIB, semi-hard Alnico, iron pole pieces, and a copper wire coil. The
magnet can hold 4.4 N, which is over 2000 times its own weight, switches with a 5
mJ electrical pulse, and holds its state with zero power.

limit on performance, manifesting itself either as destructive temperature rise, high

power requirements, or low force capability. In this thesis, we will show how to solve
the problem of excessive I 2 R losses in programmable matter or other miniaturized
robotic systems, by using pulse-driven electropermanent magnets.

1.4 The Electropermanent Magnet

This thesis will show that switching the magnetization of a semi-hard ferromagnetic
material with discrete electrical pulses enables high-force, low-power actuation at
small scalesallowing electronic circuits to exert forces on one another for shape
change or locomotion.
An electropermanent magnet is a solid-state device whose external magnetic field
can be modulated by an electrical pulse. No electrical power is required to maintain
the field, only to do mechanical work or to change the devices state. The elec-
tropermanent magnets described in this thesis contains two magnetic materials, one
magnetically hard (NIB) and one semi-hard, (Alnico), capped at both ends with a

magnetically soft material (Iron) and wrapped with a coil. A current pulse of one
polarity magnetizes the materials together, increasing the external flow of magnetic
flux. A current pulse of the opposite polarity reverses the magnetization of the semi-
hard material, while leaving the hard material unchanged. This diverts some or all
of the flux to circulate inside the device, reducing the external magnetic flux.

1.5 Properties of Electropermanent Magnets

One of the most exciting properties of the electropermanent magnet is that it is

scalable. The energy required to switch an electropermanent magnet scales with
its volume, while the force it can exert scales with its area. Objects made from
programmable matter with modules scaled down or up in size would have the same
mechanical properties and require the same amount of energy for magnet switching.
The instantaneous power draw during the switching pulse for an electropermanent
magnet is higher than for the equivalent electromagnet, by about a factor of 10.
But the switching time is short, only 100s for the magnets used in the Pebbles.
Electropermanent magnets result in an energy savings so long as they are switched
infrequently enoughin the case of the Pebbles, less than every two milliseconds. At
smaller length scales, this break-even time goes down further.
The curve of force versus distance is similar to that of a permanent magnet made
from the semi-hard material. Practically, this means that for contacting or very close
magnets, the holding force is as large as that of rare-earth magnets, but decays more
rapidly at long distances. (See Section 3.5.2)
Electropermanent magnets are capable of greater holding pressure than electro-
static plates in air, use lower drive voltages, and are less sensitive to humidity. (See
Section 3.3.1)
Under tensile loading, our electropermanent magnets have a holding pressure of
230 kPa, measured over their whole frontal area. This is similar to or better than the
maximum rated tensile loading of mechanical modular robotic connectors based on
pins and hooks, although our connectors strength in rotation and shear are lower.

permanent 9.8 mm

er Motor

Figure 1-2: Electropermanent Stepper Motor. This new motor works by remagnetiz-
ing a semi-hard permanent mm dia, 2 mm
which thickwork over an arbitrary period
then does
of time. It holds with the zero power, and maintains efficiency to asymptotically zero
50 g-mm torque
speed. This allows the continuous (but slow) lifting of weight with an arbitrarily
small power source. Additionally, its large torque of 1.1 N-mm allows its use without
a gearbox.
Operates efficiently at low
1.2 Joules / Revolution / cm3
(See Chapter 7) The maximum theoretical magnetic force density (at 2 T) for a
magnetic system is 3 MPa; compare physics
this to the 0.6 MPa maximum force density for
electrostatics in air (see Section 3.3.1), the 12 MPa yield strength of polypropylene,
or the 1 GPa yield strength of steel. Purely magnetic bonding is not as strong as
the covalent bonds of materials. But our magnetic connectors are strong enough for
programmable matter. With our Pebbles system, the magnetic connectors are strong
enough in principle to support the weight of nearly a meter of modules.

1.6 Properties of Electropermanent Actuators

Using the electropermanent magnet principle enables the construction of motors and
actuators capable of operation at constant efficiency at arbitrarily low speeds. The
magnet is switched by a discrete pulse containing a fixed amount of energy, and then
can do a fixed amount of work, but over an arbitrarily long period of time. This is

in contrast to ordinary electric motors, which because of I 2 R heating in the windings
have an efficiency that goes asymptotically to zero as the speed is reduced.

The electropermanent actuator is a one-bit memory, allowing the controller to

send the device a command calling for force, and then to open the circuit while the
force is exerted, preventing excessive I 2 R dissipation at low speed.

Electropermanent motors can provide useful torque for robotic applications with-
out additional gearing. The electropermanent wobble motor we present in this thesis,
which has a diameter of 10 mm and a mass of 1 gram, can provide 1.1 N-mm of
torque, enough to lift a 23 gram weight suspended from a string wrapped around its
outer diameter.

The linear actuator characterized in this thesis achieves an efficiency of 8%, and
the rotary motor 1%. These figures are very favorable when compared to similarly
sized electromagnetic and piezoelectric motors operating in the low-speed limit. See
Chapter 7 for a detailed comparison.

1.7 The Robot Pebbles

Our Robot Pebbles system, shown in Figure 1-3, has the smallest modules of any
working modular robotic system in the published literature. The small size of the
modules is enabled by the use of our electropermanent magnets for all aspects of inter-
module connection: mechanical bonding, power transfer, and communication. The
system is capable of self-assembling itself into a square lattice, then self-disassembling
itself into arbitrary user-defined shapes. It is all-electronic: the modules contain no
moving parts.

Each Pebble can, in principle, hold up the weight of 82 other modules; this is higher
than for macroscopic systems based on mechanically-switched permanent magnets,
and a similar figure to that of macroscopic systems based on mechanical latching.
(See Chapter 7) The primary reason is surface-area-to-volume scaling; the mass of a
node scales with volume, but the holding force of the connectors scale with area.



Flex PCB
12 mm EP Magnet

Figure 1-3: The Robot Pebbles are fully printed-circuit integrated, solid-state pro-
grammable matter. All of the components, including the four electropermanent mag-
net connectors and the frame are soldered to a flexible printed circuit board. The
electropermanent magnet connectors provide mechanical connection, electrical power
transfer, and inductive communication between modules.

1.8 The Millibot

The Millibot is programmable matter inspired by the folding of proteins. It is a

continuous flexible circuit with periodically placed electropermanent stepper motors,
capable of folding itself into shapes. Each module is a single, solid-state device, with
no moving parts. We have succeeded in constructing a two-node Millibot, and verified
that one node can lift the other. From experimental measurements of the torque of the
motors and weight of the Millibot modules, we expect that each joint of the Millibot
will be able to lift three of its neighbors in a cantilever. This is a similar figure to
macroscopic modular robotic systems employing 100:1 gearboxes. (See Chapter 7)
The favorable surface-area-to-volume scaling of the electropermanent magnet allows
us to build solid-state robotic systems at 1 cm scale with similar performance to larger
systems requiring moving parts.


Flex PCB

Capacitor MOSFETs

Flex cable
connecting nodes

10 mm
Motor rotor

Figure 1-4: A two-module Millibot, showing the major components.

1.9 How to Fabricate Smart Sand

The Robot Pebbles and the Millibot are both PCB-integrated systems, constructed
with nearly the smallest available off-the-shelf electronic components, integrated with
flexible printed circuits and hot-air reflow soldering. We feel that we are close to the
limit with this approach to miniaturizationour current nodes are 12 mm across
with better component selection and increased packing cleverness, perhaps we could
get them down to 8 mm or 6 mmbut not much smaller.
To get to the next level of miniaturization, 1 mm modules, we propose to use
multi-layer, multi-metal electrodeposition. We would deposit copper, iron, cobalt-
platinum (an electroplatable permanent magnet alloy), and silicon dioxide in a series
of hundreds of photo-patterned 5 m thick layers. Part-way through the process,
we would insert a bare-die custom CMOS ASIC containing the circuitry, and an
off-the-shelf ceramic capacitor for the energy storage. (See Appendix A) Then the
electrodeposition process would continue, encapsulating these components. Finally,
we would singulate the wafer into a container, producing a pile of Smart Sand
monolithic blocks of metal, air, and glass with the ability to compute, communicate,

Figure 1-5: A transformer fabricated using EFAB. (MEMgen Corp.)

change shape, and exert forces on each other for shape change and locomotion.
The basis for our proposed fabrication process is EFAB, developed by Cohen at the
USC Information Sciences Institute and commercialized for a limited set of materials
by Microfabrica Inc. (Van Nuys, CA) The EFAB process allows metal micro-devices
with thousands of layers to be built using a single photographic mask, by repetitive
electroplating into molds, in a process called Instant Masking. [17] A set of molds,
one for each layer, are fabricated using photolithography. The molds are arrayed next
to each other on a single plate, so only one mask and one set of photolithography
steps is required, even for a device with hundreds of layers.
The device is built on a conductive substrate. The substrate is immersed in an
electroplating bath, and the portion of the mold for the first metal layer is pressed
against it. This leaves only the area where metal is to be deposited exposed to the
electroplating solution. Current is applied and metal is electroplated. A second filler
metal is plated, then the surface is planarized by mechanical lapping. The mold is
stepped to the next position and the process continues for the next layer, until all of
the layers are fabricated. The filler metal is then dissolved, revealing the completed
devices. Figure 1-5 shows a sub-millimeter transformer fabricated using the EFAB
In standard EFAB, there is only one mask impression per layer. But, to get the
multiple metals needed for magnetic devices, we propose to add a step where the

substrate is transferred to another electroplating bath and a second metal is plated
according to a second set of molds.
On each layer, we would electroplate copper for the coils, iron for the soft magnetic
material, and cobalt-platinum [12] for the hard magnetic material. The semi-hard
material could be formed by thin layers of hard material interleaved with thick layers
of soft material. Once all the metals were deposited for a given layer, we would add a
layer of silicon dioxide to fill space with dielectric, planarize by lapping, then proceed
to the next layer.

1.10 Contributions
The primary contribution of this thesis is the identification of the electropermanent
magnet as a scalable, strong, low-power means of actuation and connection for pro-
grammable matter and other microrobotic systems. In particular, I did the following

Developed a magnetic circuit model for the electropermanent magnet, suitable

for device design and analysis. Verified this model experimentally and with
finite-element analysis.

Worked out the scaling relationships for the electropermanent magnet, showing
that the device is scalable to small dimensions because the switching energy is
proportional to volume but the force is proportional to surface area.

Computed the break-even voltage for electropermanent magnets as compared to

electrostatic plates. Showed that electropermanent magnets are stronger than
air-breakdown-limited electrostatic plates at any size scale.

Computed the break-even time for electropermanent magnets versus electro-

magnets. Showed that electropermanent magnets use less energy then electro-
magnets so long as the holding time is long enough, and that this is just a few
milliseconds at 1 cm scale.

Constructed 6 mm electropermanent magnets and characterized their perfor-

Showed how to use electropermanent magnets to achieve inter-module latching,

power transfer, and communication in a modular robotic system

Collaborated on the design and construction of a the new modular robotic

system, the Robot Pebbles, which has the smallest modules of any system in
the published literature. Demonstrated self-assembly into a lattice and self-
disassembly of user-defined shapes. Constructed 15 working modules.

Introduced the idea of using the electropermanent magnet principle in motors,

to improve efficiency at low speed and at small dimensions.

Mapped out the electropermanent actuation thermodynamic power cycle, and

showed how energy flows through electropermanent actuators through a model
of their electrical and mechanical dynamics.

Invented a new type of motor, the electropermanent stepper motor. Constructed

a working prototype of the motor, characterized its performance, and presented
formulas for design.

Showed that the prototype electropermanent stepper motor is more efficient

than commercial 10mm diameter electromagnetic motors at speeds below 1000

Proved that the maximum efficiency of an electropermanent actuator is 20%.

Designed a new chain-style modular robotic system, the Millibot, with the small-
est axis-to-axis distance of any system in the published literature. Constructed
two working modules.

Chapter 2

Related Work

This thesis builds on work in miniaturization, mesoscale and microscale actuation,

autonomous microsystems, modular robotics, and electromagnetic devices using mag-
netic hysteresis. In the following sections, we present a survey of related work in each
of these areas.

2.1 Miniaturization

At the annual meeting of the American Physical Society in 1959, Richard Feynman
gave a talk called Theres Plenty of Room at the Bottom, a transcript of which was
later reprinted in [26] and is widely available online. In this talk, he calls attention
to the then-theoretical possibility of manipulating matter on a very small scale. He
points out, for example, that if the entire 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica
were to be engraved onto the head of a pin, the halftoning dots of the images would
still be 32 atoms across. He offers several suggestions for how to do this, from fab-
rication by photolithography and evaporation (which is how integrated circuits are
actually made today) to using a mechanical pantograph to build tiny hands, using
those tiny hands to build tiny machine tools, and then using those tiny machine tools
to build even tinier hands. He warns that the endeavor of miniaturization will not be
straightforward, because different physical phenomena scale differently with size. He
suggests several applications for micro-technology: from miniature computers to swal-

lowable surgical robots. In the domain of microelectronics, today we have achieved
something close to Feynmans vision, with billion-transistor computing machines in
our homes and square-centimeter FLASH memory cards in our pockets capable of
storing the contents of thousands of printed volumes.

2.1.1 Integrated Circuits

Integrated circuits are typically fabricated on single-crystal silicon wafers. The semi-
conductor fabrication process is a repeated series of photolithography and pattern
transfer operations. The wafer is coated with photoresist; that photoresist is exposed
to light through a mask, defining the pattern; the photoresist is developed, removing
it from the desired areas of the wafer; the desired material is added or etched away
through the holes in the photoresist; finally, the photoresist is chemically stripped,
leaving only the desired material in the desired pattern. This process is repeated,
layer by layer, to build up the desired structure. The fabrication process for a CMOS
integrated circuit starts with ion implantation to define the N and P type areas that
will become transistors, continues with chemical vapor deposition of oxide and polysil-
icon to define the transistor gates, sputtering of aluminum to define the wiring, and
finally singulation into individual chips with a diamond circular saw.
There are many different types of integrated circuits, using many different pro-
cesses and materials, and to actually fabricate an integrated circuit is much more
complicated than it would seem from the simplified overview above. For a more de-
tailed introduction to integrated circuit design and fabrication, see Microelectronics:
An Integrated Approach by Howe and Sodini. [42]

2.1.2 MEMS

The acronym MEMS stands for Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems. However, in

common usage, any mechanical system with features measured in micrometers can
be called MEMS, whether electromechanical or not.
MEMS devices are typically produced using processes derived from integrated

circuit fabrication. The first MEMS device was a pressure sensor featuring a piezore-
sistive silicon strain gauge, which began commercial development in 1958 and was
brought to market by National Semiconductor in 1974. [93]
Since then, a huge number of MEMS devices have been built in the laboratory, and
many have become successful commercial products. [82] These include accelerometers,
rate gyroscopes, ink jet print heads, thin-film magnetic disk heads, reflective displays,
projection displays, RF components, optical switches and microfluidic lab-on-a-chip
systems such as DNA microarrays.
One reason for the adoption of MEMS devices is simply because they are small:
they can fit in small spaces, use little material, and are lightweight. Another is
that they can be inexpensive to manufacture, because they are made using batch
fabrication, so executing the process once yields thousands of saleable devices.
From a systems perspective, MEMS devices are interesting because they enable
large numbers of identical devices to be deployed and integrated at low cost as a
single system. A famous example is Texas Instruments Digital Micromirror Device,
[79] which uses an array of millions of tilting mirrors to form an image.
From a scientific perspective, MEMS devices allow interaction with the world on a
smaller scale than macrodevices. As an example, Manalis has used MEMS cantilevers
to weigh biomolecules and cells. [9]
Physical phenomena take on different relative importance at the microscale than
the macroscale, sometimes enabling improved device performance of MEMS devices
over their large-scale counterparts. At the microscale, fluids tend to exhibit laminar,
rather than turbulent flow, enabling the orderly manipulation of fluids and droplets
in microfluidic systems and ink-jet print heads. [76] Time scales tend to be faster at
the microscale, so MEMS relays switch faster than their macroscale counterparts.
However, the picture is not all rosy. For many types of MEMS components,
especially power components such as engines, motors, and batteries, physical scaling
phenomena make things harder, not easier. Power MEMS [45] is an exciting and
active area of academic research, and one to which this thesis attempts to make a

The techniques for MEMS fabrication can be divided into four categories: wet bulk
micromachining, surface micromachining, micromolding, and traditional machining.
In wet bulk micromachining, a single-crystal silicon wafer is shaped by etching
with potassium hydroxide. Because the anisotropic crystal structure of silicon leads
to different etch rates in different directions, a surprising variety of angled shapes can
be made using this technique.
In surface micromachining, structures are built up on the surface of a wafer by re-
peated combination of thin-film deposition, photolithography, and etching. Sacrificial
materials allow the release of moving parts such as gears and cantilevers, fabricated
in place to avoid the need for assembly. Thin films of materials with conductive,
insulating, magnetic, piezoelectric, and many other properties can be deposited.
The micromolding processes include LIGA, EFAB, and soft lithography. In the
LIGA process, X-ray radiation is used to produce molds for electroplating, allowing
the fabrication of high aspect-ratio metal parts. The EFAB process allows three-
dimensional free-form fabrication of metal microdevices, made from thousands of
stacked two-dimensional layers. The basic EFAB process step is to mate a mold
with the device, electroplate the structural material, remove the mold, electroplate a
sacrificial material into the remaining space, and then planarized in preparation for
the next layer. With the soft lithography process, structures are built up from PDMS
and other flexible polymers using photoresist molds.
Finally, MEMS devices can be made using traditional machining and assembled
using the GSWT1 method. Even the most ordinary numerically controlled machining
center can achieve 3 m positioning resolution, and 50 m diameter end mills are
readily available. Small parts can be fixtured using glue, ice, or wax. On the one
hand, these devices can take advantage of the full range of engineering materials; on
the other hand, they are time-consuming and expensive to produce.
Two excellent books about MEMS design and fabrication are Fundamentals of
Microfabrication by Madou [61] and Microsystem Design by Senturia. [82]

Graduate Student with Tweezersthanks to a salesman from Microfabrica, Inc. for teaching
me this lovely acronym.

2.2 Electrical Actuators
An electrical actuator is a device that causes mechanical movement under the control
of an electrical signal. A motor is an actuator that allows for continuous movement
over a large range. Michael Faraday constructed the first electrical motor in 1821, a
current-carrying wire, able to rotate around a permanent magnet in a mercury-filled
There are wide variety of different types and configurations of electrical actu-
ators in service today, ranging in size from the hundred-megawatt electromagnetic
synchronous machines used to pump water at the Grand Coulee Dam down to the
picowatt electrostatic torsion beams used to deflect light in digital micromirror pro-
jectors. [79] There is no single best type of electrical actuatorthe best for a given
application depends on a variety of design considerations. These include requirements
on power, speed, torque, size, durability, mechanical configuration, precision, voltage,
current, driving complexity, and cost. [102] [7]
Physical scaling laws make different physical phenomena relatively more impor-
tant at different length scales. This changes the characteristics of different types of
actuator as they are implemented at smaller sizes. There are also practical differ-
ences of fabrication technology and economics at different scales. Assembly of parts
made from different materials is easy for macroscopic systems, but is not a readily
available microfabrication process step. Material cost is significant for a large motor,
but insignificant for a microscopic one.
In this section we will focus on mesoscale and microscale actuators, which we define
as those below 15 mm in all dimensions. To narrow the scope further, we will discuss
actuators where the input energy is electrical and the output energy is mechanical. For
a more complete survey, including actuators using chemical, fluid, magnetostrictive,
magnetothermal, magnetofludic, electrofluidic, and optical operating principles, see
Actuators by Janocha [46] and Microactuators by Tabib-Azar [87].

2.2.1 Electrostatic

Electrostatic actuators use the force of attraction between opposite electrical charges
or the repulsion of like charges. In everyday life, we observe electrostatic forces
brought on by the mechanical movement of charge on dielectrics. By rubbing our
stockings on the carpet, we can make our hair stand on end or make Styrofoam
peanuts stick to each other. The author is not aware of a practical actuation device
making use of this phenomenon of tribocharging. Electrostatic actuators are typically
based on the variable capacitance principle; capacitor plates with an applied potential
difference pull together or pull in conducting or dielectric materials.
Electrostatic actuators can be made with nothing but conductors and insulators,
and can exert static force with zero power dissipation. However, large forces require
large electric fields. 0 is the permittivity of free space. The force F between two
capacitor plates in air, with a voltage V, separation d, and area A is

0 AV 2
F = (2.1)

For air gaps greater than a millimeter, where the breakdown field of air is 3 MV/m,
[89] the maximum electrostatic pressure, calculated with the above formula, is 40 Pa.
Larger forces are achievable in vacuum or in dielectric materials. For a micrometer
gap, the breakdown voltage of air is higher, and this figure rises to almost 600 kPa.
(See Section 3.3.1.)
Fields for real electrostatic actuators may be computed using Maxwells Equations,
either on paper or with finite-element software such as COMSOL Multiphysics. Force
computation may be accomplished using the energy method, the Lorentz force law,
or the Maxwell stress tensor. Electromechanical Dynamics by Woodson and Melcher
[96] is a helpful reference for modeling, even if using software to solve the equations.
Macroscale electrostatic motors with liquid dielectric can achieve the same gravi-
metric power densities as magnetic motors. Niino, Higuchi, and Egawas DEMED2
motors [68] [97] are made from plastic films with embedded 200m pitch three-phase
Dual Excitation Multiphase Electrostatic Drive

electrodes. The sheets operate immersed in dielectric fluid (3M Flourinert) to allow
operation at up to 1400 Vrms. The authors built a 50-layer stack; it has a mass of
3.6 kg and a propulsive force of 300 N.
In MEMS devices, electrostatic actuators are commonly combined with flexural
bearings. Common building blocks are the electrostatic cantilever, [82], electrostatic
comb drive, and the electrostatic torsion beam. [79] The mechanical coupling of an
electrostatic actuator with the elasticity of a flexure leads to the pull-in instability.
Below the pull-in voltage, the system is stablesmall increases in voltage lead to small
decreases in plate spacing. Above the pull-in voltage, the system becomes unstable
and the plates violently slam together, often becoming permanently attached through
stiction. [82]
In another type of electrostatic actuator, the electrostatic induction motor, the
stator is a series of voltage-driven electrodes, and the rotor is a poorly-conducting
disc. A travelling potential wave on the stator surface induces and pulls along charges
on the rotor. Freschette, Nagle, Ghodssi, Umans, Schmidt, and Lang constructed an
electrostatic induction micromotor by deep-reactive ion etching and wafer bonding.
The motor was designed to power a compressor in a micro gas-turbine, and supported
by an aerostatic bearing. [28] The rotor diameter was 4.2 mm. The motor achieved
a torque of 0.3 N-m and a rotational speed of 15,000 RPM when driven with 100 V
at 1.8 MHz.

2.2.2 Electrothermal

Electrothermal actuators can achieve greater deflections and greater forces than elec-
trostatic or magnetic actuators, and permit looser tolerances and simplified drive;
although they are slower, less efficient, and require static power to maintain force.

Thermal Expansion Actuators

Most materials expand when heated, with great force although with small displace-
ment. For example, a copper bar will lengthen by 0.17% when heated to 100 C. A

bimetallic strip is made by bonding two materials with different thermal expansion
coefficients; it bends when heated, and the bending displacement is much greater
than the linear expansion of either material alone.
Comtois and Bright constructed a lateral thermal actuator, composed of two can-
tilevers connected at the free end, with a polysilicon heater on one side.[18] The
200m long device achieved a 16m deflection when operated at 3V with 3.5mA

Shape Memory Alloy

Shape memory alloys undergo a reversible phase transition from martensite to austen-
ite upon heating. With some limitations, they can remember one shape at the low
temperature and another at the high temperature, and switch between them repeat-
Shape memory alloys are capable of impressive stress and strain, but, like other
thermal actuators, have low efficiency and are slow-acting. The most common shape
memory alloy is Nitinol, a Nickel-Titanium alloy developed at the Naval Ordinance
Laboratory (NOL) in 1962.
Nitinol wire becomes 3.5% longer, acting with 100 MPa pressure, upon heating
above 100 C. It then returns to its original length upon cooling below 45 C. For
example, a 1 m long, 0.4 mm diameter wire pulls with an impressive 16N force, but
requires 15 seconds of heating at 5 W to stretch 3.5 mm. [46] This corresponds to an
energy efficiency of about 0.07%.

2.2.3 Electrostrictive

Piezoelectric Actuators

Lead Zirconium Titanate (PZT) is a piezoelectric material, meaning that it displays

an inherent coupling between mechanical strain and electrical potential. Applying a
potential results in a strain, and applying a strain results in a potential. In addi-
tion, PZT is a ferroelectric material, displaying a hysteresis curve between its electric

displacement and electric field and exhibiting a remnant polarization.
A slab of PZT (of any thickness) expands by 580 pm/V; for example, applying a
voltage of 100 V results in an expansion of 58 nm. Expansion pressure can be over 100
MPa. Single piezoelectric sheets are typically used for making very fine adjustments
to optical setups, or as acoustic transducers.
Increased displacement can be obtained using a stack of thin sheets of piezo ma-
terial. For example, Piezo Systems of Woburn,MA sells a 5 mm x 5 mm x 18mm
stack, with a weight of 4.5 grams, a maximum deflection of 14.5 m, a response time
of 50 s, and a force of 840 N.
Driving a piezoelectric actuator stores energy in its electrical capacitance and
its mechanical strain field. If driven with a resonant circuit, so the stored energy
can be recovered, piezoelectric actuators can have impressively high efficiency, 50%-
80%. [78] Piezoelectric actuators do not require static power to maintain force and
displacement, a major advantage over thermal and most magnetic actuators.
However, if driven with a non-resonant circuit, especially if operated at light
loading compared to their capacity, piezoelectric actuators can have arbitrarily low
efficiency, because the energy stored when deforming the crystal will be dissipated as
heat when the driving voltage is removed.

Ultrasonic Motors

Ultrasonic motors use repeated small displacements of piezoelectric actuators to

achieve a large net displacement. Compared to typical magnetic motors, which op-
erate most efficiently at low torque and high speed, ultrasonic motors can efficiently
produce high torque at low speeds. In many applications, they can be run without
gearing. [91] Ultrasonic motors hold position with the power off.
Ultrasonic motors are a mature commercial product. They are used to actuate
the focus ring in SLR cameras, drive automatic window blinds, and turn the hands
of watches, among many other applications. [80]
The first ultrasonic motor, invented by H.V. Barth of IBM in 1973, simply used
a piezoelectric actuator to repeatedly push on a wheel off-axis, spinning it around.

Modern ultrasonic motors use a travelling wave design. Sinusoidal electrical potential
applied to the piezoelectric stator ring sets up a travelling flexural wave on its surface.
The rotor ring, which is pushed against it by a spring, is rotated by friction, riding
the tips of the wave.

The energy conversion efficiency of ultrasonic motors can be as high as 87% [80]
with a single-point contact design. However, since the torque is proportional to con-
tact surface area, multi-point contact designs lead to higher torque, but to lower
efficiency, typically around 40-60%. Ultrasonic motors tend to have maximum effi-
ciency at about half the no-load speed, with the efficiency tending toward zero at
stall and at no load. Sashida [80] and Ueha [91] cover the physics, characteristics,
applications, and fabrication of ultrasonic motors in detail.

The smallest ultrasonic motors (below 10 mm in size) do not appear to have

the energy conversion efficiency of their larger cousins, as the following survey will

The Squiggle motor (New Scale Technologies, Victor, NY) drives a leadscrew using
a piezoelectric nut. Oscillating voltage is used to induce a deformation wave through
the nut that drives it along the screw. The smallest model is 2.8 mm x 2.8 mm x 6
mm. It can exert 490 mN force at stall, and runs at 10 mm/sec with a 150 mN load.
Under these conditions it draws 340 mW, an efficiency of 0.4%.

Physik Instruments (Auburn, MA) produces a linear ultrasonic motor measuring

9mm x 5.7mm x 2.2mm. It has a peak driving force of 50 mN and a maximum velocity
of 80 mm/sec. Under these conditions it draws 500 mW, an efficiency of 0.8%.

The Seiko watch company developed a miniature rotary ultrasonic motor for use
as a vibrating alarm in a watch. It measures 10 mm (diameter) by 4.5 mm, has a
starting torque of 0.1 mN-m and a no-load speed of 6000 RPM, and requires 60 mA
at 3V, for an efficiency of 0.06%. [91]

Flynn [27] constructed a rotary ultrasonic motor measuring 8mm diameter by 2

mm high. It achieved a torque of 10 mN-m and a no-load speed of 870 RPM.

2.2.4 Magnetic

At macro-scale, electromagnetic motors are the dominant means of electromechanical

energy conversion. At the largest scale, synchronous machines and induction machines
[1] are used, due to their very high efficiency.
Ahn [3] constructed a micromachined planar variable reluctance magnetic motor,
with a diameter of 500 m . Application of of a sequence of pulses at 500 mA resulted
in rotation; the torque was 3.3 nN-m.
Dario [19] and his colleagues won the 1998 IEEE microbot maze competition
with a mobile robot using two electromagnetic wobble motors for drive wheels. The
robot fit inside a cubic centimeter; the wobble motors were slightly larger that those
presented here, 10 mm in diameter and 2.5 mm thick. They had a maximum torque
of 0.16 N-mm and no load speed of 200 RPM. Heat dissipation limited the coil current
to 140 mA, for an I 2 R power dissipation of 82 mW.
Kafader and Schuzle, researchers for the Maxom Motor AG of Switzerland, con-
ducted a study of the dimensional scaling of DC motors. [48] They found that I 2 R
resistive losses are the dominant loss mechanism in small motors, and that the abil-
ity to dissipate heat, generally proportional to motor area, determines the maximum
continuous torque rating, which is proportional to volume.
If we want to have a large number of small motors do the work of a single large
motor, then we need the mechanical power output proportional to volume. For a
DC motor, we can get this with a constant rotational speedbut with I 2 R losses
proportional to area. This means that the large number of small motors will have
higher lossesbe less efficientthan the large motor. We can get around this problem
by increasing the rotational speed as the size goes down, allowing us to decrease the
torque and keep the losses proportional to volume instead. However, with increased
rotational speed, bearing losses increase, and eventually become dominant.

2.3 Connection Mechanisms

2.3.1 Covalent: Mechanical Latching

Many modular robot connectors are based on mechanical latching. The use of inter-
locking hooks or pins spanning the two modules allows control of a large, ultimately
covalent bonding force, using a much smaller actuation force.
Khoshnevis, Will and Shen developed the CAST (Compliant-And-Self-Tightening)
connector. [52] A stainless steel pin on one module is inserted into a slot on the other
module, then secured with an electromagnetically actuated mechanical latch. The
connector is 25 mm square, weighs 50 grams, and holds 10 kg, a net holding pressure
of 160 kPa.
Nilsson developed the Dragon connector, [69] which is a genderless, latching, two-
cone, two-funnel structure, actuated by shape-memory alloy. It has a diameter of 75
mm, a mass of 170 g, and supports 70 kg. This is a net holding pressure of 155 kPa.
It should be noted that the strength of these connectors is well below that of the
yield strength of plastics or metals. This is because they rely on latching members
with a much smaller cross-section than the connector itself, and because the fail-
ure mode of the connector is not tensile breaking of the material, but slipping out,
bending, or buckling.

2.3.2 Magnetic

Electromagnets have been used as a modular robot connector by White and Lipson
with their Stochastic system [95], by Kirby and Goldstein with the Catoms [54],
and by An with the EM-Cubes. [5] These systems have been groundbreaking in
their achievement of robotic behavior without moving parts. But in these systems,
heat from I 2 R losses in the electromagnets has been a major limit on performance,
manifesting iteself either as destructive temperature rise, high power requirements,
or low force capability.
Mechanically switched permanent magnets actuated by shape memory alloys were

used on the M-TRAN modular robot. [57] Mechanically switched permanent magnets
actuated by gearmotors were used on the MICHE system. [35].

2.3.3 Electrostatic

Electrostatic forces can be used to hold modules together, by placing capacitor plates
on the faces of each module. Electrostatic actuation and latching is covered in more
detail in Sections 3.3.1 and 2.2.1.
Karagozler and his colleagues on the Claytronics project have constructed several
electrostatic connectors for modular robotics. [49] They found that the use of shear
forces, to prevent peeling, and the use of flexible electrodes were essential to maximize
performance. Their latch holds with a pressure of 6 kPa when driven with 500 V,
and consumes zero static power while holding.

2.3.4 Van der Waals

Geckos have the amazing ability to climb smooth vertical surfaces. Their feet have
500,000 individual setae, hairs which provide adhesion to surfaces via van der Waals
forces. The force is strong in shear but not in tension, allowing the Gecko to easily
pull its foot up off a surface, even though it is strongly adhered. [6]
Kim has constructed a robot that runs up hard walls, using Gecko-inspired sheets
of polymer fibers. [53] Murphy has fabricated synthetic anisotropic Gecko-inspired
adhesive materials, with an shear adhesive force of 200 kPa in one direction but just
20 kPa in the opposite direction. [67]
Northern fabricated a material for programmable adhesion by van der Waals
forces, by microfabricating an array of Nickel paddles. A permanent magnet can
pull the paddles up off the surface, reducing the magnitude of the adhesion force.
Northern measured an on-state adhesion of 14 Pa. [70]
Gecko-inspired adhesives are strong in shear while magnets are strong in tension.
Together, they might be used to build a connector with strength in both directions.

2.4 Autonomous Microsystems
Most integrated circuits or MEMS devices are placed in an IC package before they
leave the factory, and soldered to a circuit board in a box before they reach the
consumer. Autonomous microsystems are the exception; they are millimeter-scale
systems meant to accomplish tasks on their own.

2.4.1 Smart Dust

In this Smart Dust project, Pister, Warneke, and colleagues constructed solar-powered
integrated circuits capable of acting as sensors and communications transceivers. [94]
Their systems fit into just a few cubic millimeters. Because the devices were too
small to contain RF antennas, they used optical communications. One of the lessons
from the Smart Dust project was the small amount of power available to autonomous

2.4.2 Paintable Computing

In the Paintable Computing project, Butera envisioned construction of a display by

mixing autonomous microsystems containing LEDs with paint, then coating them
onto a surface with a brush. [10] Butera and I worked together to build a 1000-node
macroscale testbed, and use it to run his distributed postscript rendering algorithm
to display the letter A. [55]

2.5 Modular Robotics

A self-reconfigurable modular robot [98] is a robot, composed of a set of modules,
that can change its shape by changing the connectivity of the modules. A self-
reconfigurable modular robot might move like a snake through a narrow tunnel, then
reconfigurable into a legged shape for travel over ground.
Modular robots can be divided into three general classes: Lattice Architectures,
Chain/Tree Architectures, and Mobile Architectures. [98] In systems with a lattice

architecture, modules move between positions on a regular grid. In chain/tree archi-
tectures, a set of connected modules use actuated joints to change configuration. In
mobile architectures, modules move from position to position with the help of the
environment, for example with rolling wheels. In this thesis, we present two new
modular robot systems using electropermanent actuation: The Pebbles are a lattice
architecture system and the Millibot is a chain architecture system.
Many modular robots systems have been constructed over the past twenty years.
Rather than attempt an exhaustive survey, [98] in the following sections we will
describe in some detail a selection of systems that we feel are most relevant to our

2.5.1 Polybot

Polybot, developed by Yim, Duff, and Roufas in the late 1990s at Xerox PARC,
[100] [99] is a tree-type self-reconfigurable robot with two types of modules, called
the segment and node. The segment, shown in Figure 2-1, is a rotary joint with
two square connection faces. The node is a cube with six connection faces. Through
combinations of nodes and segments, one can build a variety of different structures.
The segments are about 50 mm across and are actuated by geared servo motors. Each
module contains a microcontroller. Communication is via a CAN bus connecting all
modules. Power is external; the modules transfer power and communicate via custom-
made hermaphroditic electrical connectors on the faces. Latching between connection
faces is done by placing grooved pins in chamfered holes then rotating a plate with
an SMA actuator to secure the grooved pins.
Polybot demonstrates locomotion versatility through reconfiguration. Using the
same modules, it can roll like a wheel, slither like a snake, walk like a spider, and
even ride a tricycle.

Chamfered Grooved
Holes (x4) Pins (x4)



Figure 2-1: Polybot G2 segment module. The segment has a rotary joint and two
square connection faces. Polybot also uses node modules, which are cubes with six
connection faces. (Yim [101])

2.5.2 M-TRAN

M-TRAN (Modular Transformer) is a modular robot developed by Murata, Yoshida,

Kamimura, Kurokawa, Tomita, and Kokaji at the National Institute for Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology in Japan. [66] [57] Figure 2-3 shows an M-TRAN
module, which consists of two semi-cylindrical boxes connected by a link. The two
rotary joints are actuated by gearmotors. The module has six connecting faces,
each with four-way rotation symmetry. The modules are held together using four
permanent magnets on each connecting face; module release is achieved by pulling
the magnets into the module using an SMA coil / spring linear actuator. Each
node contains a microcontroller; nodes communicate serially; electrical connectivity
for power distribution and communication is through conductive contacts on the
connecting faces. The connecting faces are 66 mm square, and the motors have enough
torque to lift two other nodes. Figure 2-4 shows three basic M-TRAN reconfiguration
motifs. Figure 2-5 shows M-TRAN moving over ground through cluster flow, and
Figure 2-6 shows M-TRAN reconfiguring into a quadruped and walking.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2-2: Polybot in action. Locomotion as a (a) snake, (b) rolling track, (c) spider,
and (d) Polybot riding a tricycle. (Yim [101])

Figure 2-3: M-TRAN module. The two boxes are connected by a link and both rotary
axes connecting the box to the link are motorized and independently controllable. The
North-out permanent magnets on the left box can be retracted by an SMA actuator
to allow disconnection. The South-out magnets on the right box are fixed. (Murata

Figure 2-4: M-TRAN reconfiguration motifs. A single node can move in two dimen-
sions either by the forward roll, allowing it to move in one direction or upwards (a)
or pivot translation (b), allowing it to move anywhere in the plane but not upwards.
With the aid of another node, it can switch between these two modes. (c) (Murata

Figure 2-5: M-TRAN cluster flow experiment. A block of nodes can move along the
floor as shown through self-reconfiguration. (Murata [66])

Figure 2-6: M-TRAN walking. The system first self-reconfigures from a planar con-
figuration to a quadruped, then walks over ground. (Murata [66])

atron_robot.jpg (JPEG Image, 370x278 pixels) http://www.coolhun

Figure 2-7: ATRON system, consisting of hemispheres connected by a rotary joint,

and connected to each other by a right-angle bracket. The hemispheres are 110 mm
in diameter. (stergaard [71])

2.5.3 ATRON

The system most similar to the Millibot in the published literature is ATRON, a
chain/lattice hybrid system developed by stergaard, Kassow, Beck, and Lund at
the University of Southern Denmark. [71] An ATRON module is two hemispheres
connected by a rotary joint. ATRON modules are permanently connected to each
other at 90 , forming a chain that can reconfigure itself into three dimensional shapes.
ATRON modules can fill space in a face-centered cubic lattice.

According to the ATRON Wiki, the modules are 110 mm in diameter, weigh 850
grams, and can lift the weight of two other modules against gravity. They use a geared
DC motor for actuation and a slip ring for power transfer and communication. Most
of the complexity of the modules comes from the cross-linking hook-type connectors,
which are used to strengthen packed shapes.

he ATRON module
Left: Exploded view
D model. Right: Photo
design, including
, excluding the plastic

Figure 2-8: ATRON module mechanics. (stergaard [71])

ning the shape two four-sided pyramids, with a number of carvings to allow
rotation within an organism. Figure 16 illustrates how these
the initial design was two hemispheres as illus- carvings allow a module to be moved in an otherwise fully
Fig. 5, geometrical considerations based on Voronoi packed lattice.
2.5.4 Catoms
hinted at in Fig. 10, lead to module shapes that are

icture showing the

The Claytronics project, a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University and In-
ring design, and also
age of the planetary tel Corporation, seeks to create ensembles of submillimeter robots, which will work
on shoes (northern
e, left) are dragging together to form dynamic three-dimensional objects, for applications like telepres-
entric tracks on the
slip ring (southern ence and rapid prototyping. [37] They share our vision that nodes can be made
e, right) allowing for
power and data infinitesimally inexpensive by microfabrication of large batches, and by using electric
e hemispheres. The
ost tracks provide or magnetic field cooperative actuation to avoid moving parts or precision bearings
n that is
ted by a finer-grained
inside the modules.
the motor. When
the two hemispheres In their paper A Modular Robotic System Using Magnetic Force Effectors, [54]
gether by the ball
sible on the southern Kirby, Aksak, Hoburg, Mowry, and Pillai describe the planar magnetic Catoms. These
e picture. The bearing
ed on the southern are cylindrical modules, 45 mm in diameter, each containing an array of radially-
e and bonded to the
oriented electromagnets, plus computation and power-storage capabilities. The elec-
tromagnets were driven with 1.5A at 50V, and the authors report that this was
r sufficient to cause thermal breakdown in our coils in a matter of seconds, necessi-
tating drive at lower duty cycle. Nodes communicate with and localize their neighbors
using a circular array of infrared LEDs. Nodes transfer power inductively using the
electromagnets, at 300mW, with 15% efficiency. Each node contains a carbon aerogel
capacitor, which is charged inductively and then discharged during actuation.

y, Burak Aksak, Jason D. Campbell, James F. Hoburg,
owry, Padmanabhan Pillai, Seth Copen Goldstein

ediments to building
mplexity and number
nstruct the individual
ojectwhich aims to
robotswe investigate
inating moving parts
mechanisms on each
tors. Additionally, we
f using these unary
nce, implement inter-
unication, and sensing.
recent results in the
ign sufficiently robust
an two modules. Our
of systems such as
quiry to several other
magnetic latching to Fig. 1. Three magnetic 45mm planar catoms. Videos
lied upon a powered Figure 2-9: The planar magnetic
demonstrating Catoms. The
their movement cylindricalaremodules
capabilities are 45atmm in di-
] within each module
ameter. They use an array of electromagnets for cooperative
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/claytronics/iros07/planarcatom/. actuation and inductive
power transfer and communicate using an array of infrared LEDs. (Kirby [54])

criteria for any individual mechanism is: will it support
tronics open up new scaling the ensemble to larger numbers of units?. A direct
otic systems. As the outgrowth of this design criteria is that each unit in the
ible to use force-at-a- ensemble must be inexpensive, robust, and easy to manu-
ch cause one module facture. Hence mechanisms used for locomotion, adhesion,
etic or electric fields communication, etc., must be as simple as possible. One way
rthermore, as the cost to achieve
Karagozler, this isand
Goldstein, to Reid,
use inexpensive
in their paperandStress-driven
robust resources
MEMS assembly
continue to decrease, e.g., computationto reduce mechanical complexity. Fur-
+ Electrostatic Forces = 1 mm Diameter Robot, describe their progress toward a
e complex electronics thermore, since we are interested in the ensemble as a whole,
ms. In this paper,1 we we do planar
mm diameter not require that individual
electrostatic Catom. [50]unitsTheybe show self-sufficient.
a process for forming
can As long as individual
s magnetic forcesaluminum-on-silicon-dioxide hollow units
tubes can
usingcontribute to the Electrode
microfabrication. overall features
sion, power transfer, motion of the ensemble, they do not need the ability to
are patterned onto the oxide, then the silicon wafer is etched away, and compressive
mbining a single coil move independently within the greater environment. We call
simplify the robot this design
stresses cause principle the chip
the once-rectangular ensemble
to rollaxiom:
up intoeach unit(Figure
a tube. contains
2-10). The
while increasingauthors onlyshow
its also the that
minimum abilitiesto necessary
it is possible to contribute
roll a conductive 1 mm tubeto the
along a row
aggregate functionality of the ensemble.
of linear electrodes using electrostatic forces. (Figure 2-12) In doing so, they show
are the result of our Choosing the right mechanism for locomotion is a key
design for
s of the Claytronics decision.
their planIn toaddition to scalability,
place a custom the size
logic IC inside of the
the tube to construct
ow to design, build, unit must
a 1 mm planar alsowhich
Catoms, be taken
will rollinto
each other Atviathe macroscale,
electrostatic forces, using
d of massive numbers complex mechanisms such as motors are effective. However,
the mechanism shown in Figure 2-11.
main driving design as units scale down in size other approaches become viable,
taking advantage of increasing 52 surface-to-volume ratio and
A/SPAWAR N66001-04-1- decreasing of inertial moments. Our current robots, which
on. We want to thank the we call planar catoms1 , are small enough that we can
valuable insights.
Seth Copen Goldstein, J. Robert Reid

s and
an be
Figure 2-10: Microfabrication process for aluminum-on-silicon-dioxide tubes to
tube be
Fig. 1. The Catom:shells
used for the electrode Tubeof+electrostatic
Chip. Fig. 2.(Karagozler
Catoms. Fabricated
[50]) Catom.

pick-and-place technology, and stress-driven assembly. Pho-

odular tolithography is used SiO2to create a dieAluminum with the circuits for local
eases, control and the metal Voltageplates.
transitionThe happens
every 100sec die are designed w w
n this electrodes
so that when released from the wafer they curl up intoR the V
mecha- 3D shape of the unit. Eventually F
this process will result  0 V
electrode in a spherical catom with all of the required functionality.

basic Achieving this goal will obviously F require more than onest
ned to design iteration. In this paper, we detail the implementation
ts of the V
of Figure
an early generation catom
Fig. 7. The force created
2-11: Electostatic at
between the the
electrodes millimeter
of adjacent catoms
Catom actuation: The force from the electric fields between scale (See
e abil- the capacitor
plates will
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). Wethedetailmove
electrode switches every 100msec
Catoms. the process
(Reprinted fromfor forming
Stress-Driven MEMS three
e density
catom Assembly + Electrostatic
two pairs Forces = 1mmThis
of electrodes. Diameter
way, a Robot. [50]) loop is
series circuit
Fig. 8. The electrodes on neighbo
dimensional Fig. shapes 14. Thefrom two dimensional patterns, details

formed. The experimental
total electrostatic setupcreated
force of actuation.
between the
with of the electrostatic actuation,
electrodes causes the catoms toand our
roll around on-going
each other until work located to
rfaces of an equilibrium is reached. By switching the voltage on the
are in the bottom right
re en- implement energy transfer
electrodes, and internal
and successively actuation.
the electrodes that are located
the next The paper
the lower catom.
tively pair, a continuous rolling motion is possible.
closes with a discussion of our III-A current
estimates thestatus and the next
In this analysis, n is the ind
ol. To(5)
The analysis in Section forces created
counter clockwise on the top
steps in the process.
between catoms. In Section III-B we show that we can meet
the challenge of actuating tubes even when the tubes are not
bottom catom. The n = 0 e
novel perfect cylinders due to non-uniformity introduced by the
is at the point of contact. T
ea vector connected in parallel to form
atom. A. Our Research Path manufacturing process.
even numbered electrodes  of
e contact Figure 2-12: Demonstration of electrostatic actuation of a 1 mm aluminum tube,
design showing proof of A. Force for
concept Created Catoms. (Karagozler [50]) parallel to form Ceven =
Based On Voltage
The design and implementation of a sub-millimeter au-
the Electrostatic
connected in this alternating f
Before we analyze how much force can be created, it is
at: A
directed tonomous robot, even one which only needs to function
important to understand how much force is needed to actuate
across Codd and Ceven have
electrostatic force is proportion
th of the
a (a)
in an ensemble, is challenging and therefore will be done
53 (b) the maximum force is created
For a catom to roll around a xed catom, in the worst
nce to
the tube. Fig. 15.
over several design generations. The rst generation, detailed
case, tube created
the torque in motion. a) tube
by the electrostatic forces moving
capacitors are equal.
must be forward,
The voltage drops across C
b) tube moving enough tobackward.
overcome the moment
The created
video by canthe weight
be of found at
2.6 Programmed Self-Assembly
A major goal of the cellular robotics community over the past few years has been to
simplify the module, to enable the construction of systems with larger numbers of
modules at lower cost, and eventually to enable microfabrication.
One potentially very simple type of module is the zero-degree-of-freedom module,
with no actuation capability, but merely the ability to bond to the desired module
should it happen to come into contact due to stochastic environmental forces.

2.6.1 Penroses Plywood Modules

The origin of the idea for stochastic program-driven self-assembly of machines can
be traced back to L.S. Penrose and R. Penrose in 1957. [74] [73] The structure of
DNA had recently been discovered by Watson, Crick, and Franklin in 1953, but the
mechanism for replication was not yet understood. In their 1957 letter to Nature,
A self-reproducing analogue, Penrose and Penrose shows two simple interlocking
plywood shapes, A and B, which will not interlock, except in the presence of an
existing AB or BA complex, which they will replicate upon external agitation.
L.S. Penroses 1959 paper goes further. He describes his aim like this:

Suppose we have a sack or some other container full of units jostling

one another as the sack is shaken and distorted in all manner of ways. In
spite of this, the units remain detached from one another. Then we put
into the sack a prearranged connected structure made from units exactly
similar to the units already within the sack. ... Now we agitate the sack
again in the same random and vigorous manner, with the seed structure
jostling about among the neutral units. This time we find that replicas
of the seed structure have been assembled from the formerly neutral or
lifeless material. (L.S. Penrose, 1959 [73])

Penrose goes on to show diagrams of modules for self-replication of a one-dimensional

binary string, to be shaken in a tray full of neutral modules. The modules were me-
chanical state machines, (as we would now call them) constructed from plywood

shapes with pin joints. Penrose built the modules and replicated strings with them
manually, but evidently did not achieve fully autonomous replication. [38] Schematics
of Penroses modules are shown in Figure 2-13 and a photograph of him using them
to replicate a string is shown in Figure 2-14.

2.6.2 Griffiths Electromechanical Assemblers

S. Griffith wrote a doctoral thesis in 2004 [38], and Griffith, Goldwater, and Jacobson
published a paper in 2005, Self-Replication from Random Parts, [39] where they
demonstrate self-replication of a 5-bit string on an air-hockey table, achieving the goal
of Penroses system. Griffith originally built mechanical state machines from laser-cut
acrylic, but like Penrose, found that the requirements on the speed, angle, and position
of the collision needed to achieve mating were too severe for successful autonomous
operation. Griffith then designed electromechanical tiles, shown in Figure 2-15, each
containing a microcontroller, battery, and magnetically operated mechanical latches.
The use of electronics for the state machine greatly eased the mechanical design,
allowing for a larger basin of attraction. These tiles were able to self-replicate a
string, shown in Figure 2-16, and were also used to produce checkerboards and other
patterns using internal control. The tiles were 50 mm square and had a mass of 26
grams. Replication of the strings took about 20 minutes of agitation.

2.6.3 Whites Magnetic Modules

In their paper, Stochastic Self-Reconfigurable Cellular Robotics, White, Kopanski,

and Lipson describe their magnetic modules for shape assembly. [95] They show two
types of modules: a square module with electromagnets on the faces and a triangular
module with swiveling permanent magnets, both shown in Figure 2-17. The modules
contain no power source, simplifying fabrication, and receive power instead from
neighboring modules by ohmic conduction through spring contacts on the faces. The
units were 60 mm square. The electromagnet units were able to form a 3-unit chain
in 960 seconds; the swiveling permanent magnet units in 14 seconds. (Figure 2-18

Figure 2-13: Penroses self-reproducing machine. The seed (at center in a) is linked
by double hooks, incorporating the tilted cam-lever activating principal and is pro-
tected by the blocking device at its base. When the neutral unit at left joins the seed
(b), it disengages one of the hooks holding the seed together and sets the blocking
mechanism so that only one more neutral unit can be added. When the fourth unit
joins the triple group (c), it disengages the second hook in the original seed, causing
it to come apart in the middle and form two replicas of itself (d). (Penrose [73])

machines. He implemented autonomously replicating di-mers, really a templating scheme, in 1
dimension, and showed the path to replicating arbitrary strings of information, though never in a
system that replicated autonomously. That is one thing I am aiming at achieving in this work, and
also in analyzing these systems in terms of their state machines to provide the self assembly
community with blueprints for systems that can achieve higher function such as replication, or
logically limited epitaxial growth. Saitou51, 52 did some interesting design of conformational switches
for mechanical SA along similar lines.

a. Figure 6-4 details the acrylic components of each unit, 4b.

in total. The latches sit in recesses labeled

(a)retainer in Figure 6-5. The center of mass is on the hook end of the latch pivot such that
Kinematic self replicating plywood machine. Copies a di-mer by agitation in a
Figure 2-14: Penrose
1D channel.default it sits
(b) Kinematic manually
down. replicating
roll cage, sitsaover
or retainer,machinestring
2D that his
latches to plywood
replicates latches modules.
a bit-string (Grif-
defined by
part collision.
fith [38])falling out upon heavy coloursDesign(red/blue).
was doneNon-autonomous.
with assembly in mind suchPenrose.
that all parts were
designed for press fit or seating by gravity without bearings or axles. Figure 6-5 clearly illustrates the
flexures which were used for alignment and retainment of both the communication coils and the
latching electromagnets. With magnets installed the flexures acted as retaining springs. The battery
cavity is also illustrated and was a snug press fit. The circuit board sat atop the battery held in place
with double sided tape. The rechargeable lithium batteries with sufficient energy capacity dictated
much of the size of the units as nothing smaller than 20x25mm batteries had enough capacity to run
the units for the estimated 4 hours required for larger/ more complex assemblies.

Jacobson, H. (1958). "On models of reproduction." American Scientist 46: 255-284.
Saitou, K. (1996). Conformational switching in self-assembling mechnical systems : theory and
application, Thesis Ph D --Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dept of Mechanical Engineering
1996: 174.
Saitou, K. (1999). "Conformational switching in self-assembling mechanical systems." Ieee
Transactions on Robotics and Automation 15(3): 510-520.


Figure 6-6 Detail of fully assembled unit.

Figure 2-15: One of
Self adhesive Griffith,
copper Goldwater,
traces were andandJacobsons
cut on a vinyl cutter electromechanical
adhered between the communications assembler
(Griffith [38])
and the circuit board. Wherever possible mass was removed from the units by cutting holes
and recesses as can be seen in Figure 6-5 & Figure 6-6. The circuit board was designed at
20x20mm to sit atop the battery. Wires for traces and electromagnets were routed as short as
possible to prevent excess wire from being snagged during the random collisions of the assembly
environment. Also shown in Figure 6-6 is the unit numbering to aid in debugging, and the

Figure 6-27, all other units were unbound. From this initial condition the experiment was allowed to
proceed until 3 copies had replicated. To aid in the visualization of the experiment the 5-mers were
tracked by software (Adobe After Effects) by using contrast tracking of the beginning and end tiles of
the 5-mer, from the video track. At the conclusion of the video in the last screen shot the 4 5-mers, 3
replicated and original, can be seen as well as the remaining individual units, one of which is being
pointed to. Each replicant is numbered in order of production. Similar experiments were run for 3
and 4-mers.

Figure 6-27 Screenshots from a self-replicating bit-string experiment.

Figure 2-16: Griffiths electromechanical assemblers make three copies of a 5-bit
string. The modules move stochastically on an air table, and can engage electrome-
chanical latches to hold onto a neighboring module. A microcontroller on each module
guides the replication, in communication with neighboring modules. (Griffith [38])

(a) (b)
Figure 2-17:
2. Two White,
prototype Kopanski,
units (a) and Lipsons
square, using electromagnets Magnetic
(b) triangle, Modules
using swiveling formagnets
permanent Stochastic
operate outside (a) Square unit with electromagnets.
of this kind of environment. Design details (b) Triangular unit with
swiveling permanent magnets. (White [95])
Units of a stochastic modular robotic system have the The schematics of the design of the square unit and its base
following characteristics: are shown in Figure 3. The base unit is 6cm square and
supports all of the components of the robot from the circuitry to
Units are unpowered, and become active only once they the electromagnets. A circular indentation on the bottom of the
bond to the main structure. base allows formation of an air cushion under the robot,
Units have no locomotion ability. The potential location permitting it to float freely. Each side has a slot to allow the
of a unit is determined by active bonding sites and the electromagnet to protrude and connect to another robots
statistical mechanics of Brownian motion. electromagnet. Triangular notches were used to ensure that the
robots line up perfectly and that the robots separate (rather than
Unit interfaces are identical, and their function slide sideways) when the polarity of the electromagnets is
differentiates depending on their final context. reversed. Our electromagnets attract the other electromagnets
Structures can reconfigure by activating new bonding sites whether they are powered or not, but the attractive force drops
on their exterior and waiting for a floating unit to bond, or by proportional to the square of the distance. The force that is
rejecting connected units into the environment. The likelihood necessary to bond one robot to another is equal to the total
of bonding dependst=0on[s] statistical mechanics
t=36 [s] properties of t=360
the [s] spring force t=361
[s] by the leaf spring
t=960 [s]contacts when the two
motion and attraction basin of active bonding sites. Depending robots are completely bonded.
on the specific design of individual modules, they can share A critical part of the design is the means for transmitting
power and information and cooperate to achieve global power and information from one robot to another. An
sensing, actuation and computation. Power for this system alternating male/female pattern of contacts consisting of leaf
comes from the substrate on which it is grown, or from the springs and copper plates was used. Beryllium-copper sheet
environment in which it is embedded. roughly 3mm t=7 wide and 0.1mm thick is bent in half lengthwise
t=0 [s] t=3 [s] t=6 [s] [s] t=14 [s]
Figure 4. Stochastic self-reconfiguration: (top row) square units with electromagnets;in (bottom
orderrow) to triangular
create unitsa cantilever
with swiveling spring
permanent that requires
magnets. All very little
units have no locomotion ability, and all units except seed are unpowered.
III. Stochastic
IMPLEMENTATION force to compress and yet will not fail due to yielding or
Figure 2-18:
A differential relationship canself-reconfiguration
describe the dependency of fatigue. White, A Kopanski,
The retention tradeoff
of the existsand Lipsons
bonding Mag-
the stiffness
mechanism. Based on of the bond and
We chosebetween
netic toa structure
begin with
Modules. investigating
F unitstop
The and rate this
row concept
of itsshows
growth dF/dt at assquare
the a mechanics
the qualityof
units the bonding
of mechanisms,
the contact,
assembling intoand a aline.
itbond needs
must Theto be
withstand multiple
macroscopic scale and
proportional in two-dimensions.
to the number of active bonding The environment
sites. If the able to hold a unit in place. A bond that is not retained may
connections and sustain multiple impacts. Through repeated
selected wasnumber
planar, shows
of active the
consisting triangular
sites units.
is proportional
a 3030cm (White
(1 tosquare
the surface
foot) [95]) lose a unit due to the environmental agitation, or may hold
area of the structure (the perimeter of the area in our 2D case), tests, a design
the unit improperly was andobtained thatgeometric
thus preclude yieldedscaling.
robustInand consistent
air table atop an orbital shaker. The shaker oscillated
and we assume the perimeter to be proportional to the square
at 1Hz to performance.
our experiments, Capacitance
no bonds werefiltration
lost. was used to allow smooth
simulate macroscopic
root of the area,Brownian
then motion. Three cellular units wakeup offactors
the microcontroller and toanalytically
remove spikes introduced
shuffled in this space with nearly frictionless motion, depend The actual are difficult to predict and
dF (t ) at theoninstant
bond of formation.
the bonding process, including
elastically bouncing off each other and = offF (t )the table boundaries. (1) dynamics, friction, and elasticity of the connectors, magnetic
dt The
Three units are the minimum required to demonstrate field (in ourrobot
case) control
and fluidcircuitry
mechanics comprises a printed circuit board
of the environment.
meaningfulwhere is some bonding
geometric rate coefficient In
reconfiguration. (see below).
one set Solvingof Table that1holds a set
lists two of factors
such H-bridges
measuredand empirically
a Basic Stampin our II microchip.
differential equation yields a polynomial solution,
used square modules (Figure 2a), that self- 59 system There for two
a total densities.
of four H-bridges that are used to
assembled into an L-shape and then into 2 2a line. In a second set electronically
This simple model switch the polarity
predicts that robotof reconfiguration
the electromagnets. The
F (t ) = t (2) H-bridges
process will receive
acceleratea logic signal
with size. from
This the controller,
prediction is which in
of experiments we used triangular units
2 (Figure 2b), that self
assembled into a line and then changed their sequence within quantitatively
The coefficient combines various factors that influence
turn determinesverified inwhich
the computational
sites to simulations
activate below,
for unconstrained geometries. However, the model ignores the
depending on the

Fig. 3. An open module showing all of its major components. Each contains two microprocessors, connection mechanisms,
Figure emitters
2-19:andAdetectors, an accelerometer,
disassembled MICHE a tilt module,
switch and batteries.
showing Each cube
the is totally polymer
lithium self-sufficient.
mechanically switched permanent magnets, and circuitry. (Gilpin [35])
releases it hold. The Magswitches do not weaken with time
because the south (and north) poles of the magnets in each
Magswitch are only brought into close proximity when the
2.6.4 MICHE
Magswitch is on and attached to the steel face of a neighbor-
ing cube. As a result, the combined magnetic flux has a low
Gilpin,path from north
Kotay, Rus,poleand
to south. The advantage
Vasilescus of us-
MICHE system [34] [35] consists of cubes with
ing Magswitches for activation is that power is only consumed
while changing the state
mechanically of the Magswitch.
switchable Once a Magswitch
permanent magnets on
is on or off, it remains in that state indefinitely without con- Fig.each face
4. Each to holdconsists
Magswitch themselves together
of two permanent magnets
suming any external power. This is invaluable for the battery stacked on top of each other inside a metal housing. The bot-
in a three-dimensional lattice. Each cube, shown in Figure
tom magnet is fixed2-19,
while contains a micropro-
the top magnet contains a keyway
life of the modules.
A miniature plane-neighboring cubes communicate byrotated
and is free to rotate. As the top magnet is 1802 , the
cessor and pager-sized motor with anbattery,
a lithium-polymer integrated and infared
entire device switches from on to off or vice versa.
tary gear box drives each Magswitch. These motors have a
stall torque of 0128 oz in (20.2
communication. Theg cm) (Solarbotics
modules are2006).
46 mmA 17- on a side and have a mass of 128 g. The
thread per inch worm gear is glued to the motors output shaft. MOSFETs, which would be needed to run the motor in both
This worm gear turns a 30-tooth spur gear
mechanically switched permanent magnets can which has a key that directions,
hold 2arekg.
eliminated. The disadvantage to only being able
matches the keyway of the Magswitch shown in Figure 4. The to rotate the Magswitches in one direction is that a motor may
entire motor, worm gear, spur
The MICHE gear and
system Magswitch
form shapes assembly is stall while activating
by self-disassembly. Theits cubes
Magswitch, leaving
start the Magswitch
illustrated in Figure 5. When driven with 411 V, the voltage of stranded in a partially activated configuration. (It is not un-
a freshly charged lithium-polymer battery, the motor requires common
as a lattice. The user inputs the desired shape, andforthe
a motor to stall if
magnets its Magswitch
release is not in direct
the unused
approximately 113 s to switch a deactivated Magswitch on and contact with a neighboring modules steel place or some other
back off again.
cubes, which fall away by gravity. The userferromagnetic
The motor driver circuit consists of a single metal-oxide-
is then left material.) If the motor could reverse directions,
with the specified shape.
it would at least be able to return its Magswitch to the deac-
semiconductor 1eld-effect transistor (MOSFET). As a result, tivated state. An analog Hall Effect sensor is used to detect
(Figure 2-20)
the motor can only turn in one direction but three additional the state of each Magswitch. The Hall Effect sensor is placed
The Robot Pebbles system described in this thesis is the successor to the MICHE
system, and is the result of a collaboration between Gilpin, Rus, and myself.
Downloaded from http://ijr.sagepub.com at MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH on April 18, 2010


27.MICHE system forming
A 15-module doga 15-module dog out of a 27-module
was constructed out of ablock. The
27-module be p
mechanically-switched permanent magnets release un-needed modules and they fall two
away. Note
(Gilpin [35]) that during self-disassembly the original block was
suspended using a magnet. The excluded blocks fell off the 29
structure. the
all modules. This allows us to conclude that disassembly mes- com
sages would also have reached all modules. to-p
For a more specific test 61
of the systems ability to disassem- disa
ble, we analyzed the formation of the humanoid structure men- and


Magnetic Flux Density (T)




200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200
Magnetic Field (kA/m)

Figure 2-21: Hysteresis loop of Alnico 5. (Data from Campbell [11])

2.7 Magnetic Hysteresis

In a vacuum and in most materials, magnetic flux and magnetic field are propor-
tional, related, at least approximately, by the relationship B = H. However, in
ferromagnetic materials, the phenomenon of magnetic hysteresis occurs. J.A. Ewing
coined the term hysteresis in 1890, to describe his observation that the magnetic in-
duction in a metal lagged the applied current. He theorized that the molecules of a
ferromagnetic material acted as reversible permanent magnets. [22]
A plot of the outer hysteresis loop for Alnico 5 is shown in Figure 2-21. This plot
was generated by cycling a sample of Alnico 5 between extreme values of magnetic
field, and plotting the resultant magnetic flux versus the field. The flux follows the
lower curve as the field is increased, and the upper curve as the field is reduced. The
remnant flux density, when the field is zero, is about 1.28 T. The normal coercivity,
which is the field when the flux is zero, is about 50 kA/m. The outer hysteresis loop
is not a complete characterization of the material; if the field is reversed at lower

values, the material will follow minor hysteresis loops inside the outer loop.
The most important commercial applications of magnetic hysteresis have been in
information storage and retrieval. The hard disk drives used in modern computers,
as well as the older technologies of magnetic tape recording, magnetic wire recording,
bubble memory, and core memory are all based on storing information in the hysteresis
state of a magnetic material. [32]
The phenomenon of magnetic hysteresis also has uses in electromechanical sys-
tems. In the following sections, we will describe some related work in this area.
An excellent additional reference for the interested reader is the Permanent Magnet
Design and Application Handbook by Lester R. Moskowitz. [65]

2.7.1 Hysteresis Motors

A hysteresis motor [41] has a rotor made from a hard ferromagnetic material such as
Alnico. Current applied on the stator windings applies a magnetic field to the stator
that cycles its magnetization through all four quadrants of the hysteresis loop as the
motor rotates. Because time is required to change the magnetization of the material,
there is a continuous phase lag between the rotor field and stator flux, and this results
in torque. Hysteresis motors are synchronous motors and run at a constant multiple
of the AC line frequency. Because the rotor is a homogenous cylinder with no poles
or other features, they are smooth-starting and quiet. These characteristics make
hysteresis motors suitable for use in electric clocks and record players.
Like the electropermanent motor presented in this thesis, hysteresis motors pro-
duce torque through changes in the magnetization of a hard ferromagnetic material.
Unlike the electropermanent motor, a hysteresis motor requires continuous current to
exert torque, so its efficiency decreases toward zero at zero speed.

2.7.2 Ferreed Switches

In 1960, Feiner, Lovell, Lowry, and Ridinger of AT&T Bell Laboratories published
a paper called The FerreedA New Switching Device. [24] In their paper, they

describe a new type of reed relay, shown in Figure 2-22, in which a flexible metallic
reed is placed in series with a ferrite core with a coil wrapped around it. Applying a
positive current pulse to the coil magnetizes the ferrite and closes the relay. Applying
a negative current pulse of precisely the correct magnitude and duration demagnetizes
the ferrite opening the relay. There is no static power consumption. I believe this is
the first historical example of an actuator using discrete pulse switching of a magnetic
The authors go on to describe a number of variations on the basic Ferreed design,
including two-branch ferreeds with a parallel permanent magnet and series ferreeds
with two permanent magnets in parallel.
The AT&T 1ESS telephone switch, introduced in 1965 was the first electronic,
computerized telephone switching system. [51] The 1ESS switch used a Ferreed cross-
point matrix for switching voice calls. (Figure 2-23) In 1973, new systems began using
the smaller Remreed switch, in which the magnetization of the reed itself was switched
by an electrical pulse. [13]
In the design of an electronic telephone switch, the key advantage of the Ferred
switch (over the mechanically latching relay) was that it could take its command from
the central processor on the microsecond time scale of electronics, and autonomously
complete the switching operation on the millisecond time scale of a mechanical relay.
[13] This allowed the expensive stored-program computer in the switch to handle
more calls in a given time.
The continuously improving lithography pitch of integrated circuit fabrication
eventually made it economical to replace electromechanical crosspoint switches with
semiconductor-based time-division-multiplexed digital switches, in which the whole
switch operates at electronic speeds. But electropermanent magnetic switches may
make a comeback in telecommunications; they have been investigated for use as op-
tical switches. [47]

Figure 2-22: (a) The single-branch ferreed (b) its magnetization characteristic.
(Feiner [24])

1965 Ketchledge: N o .System

Storage batte
tinuity. There a
volts, and these
power. This wi
ample, onlysix c
ing network for
care of four-wire
ization is the us
Equipment an
be adaptable to
the high manuf
Figure 2-23: Ferreed switch containing 64 crosspoints, used to switch telephone calls
Fig. 1. Ferreed switch containing 64 crosspoints.
by Bell System 1ESS Switch, the first electronic telephone switching system, which
ment effort and
went into service in 1960. (Ketchledge [51]) ponents. Thus N
were developed
design was tail
2.7.3 Switchable Permanent Magnets switch is a goo
made as an arr
Mechanically-Switched Permanent Magnets points. The con
then connected
Although not technically a system that uses magnetic hysteresis, the mechanically multaneous row
switched permanent magnet provides useful background for the solid-state devices wire.
described in the next sections.
No. 1 ESS is
manent memory
Arlo F. Israelton, chief engineer of the Eriez manufacturing company of Erie, words of 44 bits
Pennsylvania, patented a device called the Turn-Off Permanent Magnet in 1969. Each officewill h
[43] As is shown in Figure 2-24, it contained two permanent magnets, sandwiched these permanent
The temporary
between two pole pieces. One of the permanent magnets was fixed but the other
Fig. 2. Program store, 5.5 million bits. store 8192 word
could be rotated using a crank. With both magnets aligned, the magnet was on Random access
at least two but
and could be used for lifting heavy objects such as steel girders and plates. Rotating
the crank could make the magnets face opposite directions, making the magnetic flux ferrite sheet stor
circulate inside the device only, and releasing the hold on the objects.
Israelton notes in his patent that this circuit depends on the high coercive char-
Outline of System
The basic con
high-speed elect
acteristics of oriented ceramic material because when the movable magnet is returned
to its original position there is a brief, but strong tendency to demagnetize the mag-
nets. Ceramic magnets can resist this, but Alnico magnets could not. This provides
some explanation for why this device did not appear on the scene earlier.
The turn-off magnet is a useful device both because it provides the operator with
mechanical advantage and because it is bi-stable. A permanent magnet can lift a
heavy weight, but typically only through a small distance. Using this device, the
operator must supply the energy to lift the load by turning the crank. But the
operator can supply this energy over a distance equal to half the circumference of the
crank, which can be much longer than the lifting distance; so mechanical advantage
is obtained and a much smaller force than the weight of the lifted object is required
to turn the crank. Once the crank is turned, the object is held in place without
additional work until the crank is turned again.
Mechanically-switchable permanent magnets are familiar to anyone who works
with optics hardware; they are used to mount posts to an optics table. In this
application they are useful because, with the magnet off, the post can be finely
adjusted to have any position and orientation and then the magnet can be turned on
to lock the post into position.

Monostable Electropermanent Magnets

In 1972 Robert Edgar, Francois Martzloff, and Russell Tompkins, of the General
Electric Corporation, patented two types of temporarily reversible permanent mag-
nets and showed how they could be used to build electrical relays and impact print
The first type, based on the flux-cancellation principle, is shown in Figure 2-25.
It is constructed by wrapping a permanent magnet with a coil. With the coil switched
off, the permanent magnet holds a load. Switching on the coil cancels the field from
the permanent magnet, releasing the load. When the coil is switched off, the field
In the patent, the inventors state that this configuration is uniquely enabled by

Figure 2-24: The mechanically switchable permanent magnet. Turning the crank
switches the two permanent magnets between the aligned and anti-aligned positions,
switching the holding force on and off. (Israelton [43])

the properties of the newly developed rare-earth Samarium Cobalt permanent magnet
material. Shown in Figure 2-25 are the B/H curves for Samarium Cobalt magnets
(introduced in 1967) and the older Alnico magnets. The holding force is zero at
B = 0. From the figure, we can see that demagnetizing an Alnico magnet to B =
0 takes it out of its linear region, indicating that permanent demagnetization will
occur and a reverse field would be required to remagnetize it. On the other hand,
the Samarium Cobalt material has a linear demagnetization curve clear down to B =
0, so its demagnetization to B=0 is reversible, and after removal of the current, its
original holding force will be restored.
The second type, based on a flux-switching principle, is shown in Figure 2-26.
It is constructed by placing a permanent magnet and a coil in parallel between two
ferromagnetic pole pieces. With the coil off, the permanent magnet exerts a holding
force on a nearby object. When the coil is turned on, the flux from the permanent
magnet is shunted through the coil, and the holding force switches off. When the
coil is turned off, the holding force resumes. In this configuration, the field from
the coil reinforces the magnetization of the permanent magnet, increasing its flux
while switching off the holding force, and so there is no requirement for a permanent
magnet that is reversible down to B = 0; any permanent magnet material could be
used. However, the inventors note, this configuration has a larger volume.
It is possible to build a bistable latching relay by using a monostable electroper-
manent magnet and a spring. The magnet should be strong enough to resist the force
of the spring in the closed position, with zero air gap, but not strong enough to pull
the gap closed from the open position. Reinforcing the magnet with a momentary
current pulse closes the switch. Cancelling the magnet with a momentary opposite
current pulse opens the switch.

Series Electropermanent Magnet

Philibert Maurice Braillon patented the Magnetic Plate Comprising Permanent Mag-
nets and Electropermanent Magnets in 1978. [8] This device, shown in Figure 2-27
is designed for magnetic work-holding in machine tools.

Figure 2-25: Monostable electropermanent magnet based on the flux-cancellation
principle. (Edgar [21])

Figure 2-26: Monostable electropermanent magnet based on the flux-switching prin-
ciple. (Edgar [21])

Inside the device is a row of permanent magnets, alternately made from a high-
coercivity material and a lower-coercivity material. Initially, all the magnets are
magnetized together and their flux passes through the bottom member. (Figure 2-27-
2) Coils surround the low-coercivity magnets. Passing a momentary pulse of current
through the coils reverses their magnetization. Now, the net field across the bottom
member is zero so no flux flows through it. Rather, the flux from each magnet exits
the plate separately through the top, holding down the workpiece. (Figure 2-27-3)

Parallel Electropermanent Magnet

In 2001, Dominic Pignataro of the Walker Magnetics Group patented the Electrically
Switchable Magnet System, shown in Figure 2-28. This device contains two types of
permanent magnet materials, one with high coercivity (e.g. NIB) and one with a lower
coercivity (e.g. Alnico) but both with approximately the same remanence. The two
materials are placed in parallel and surrounded by a coil. Passing a pulse of current
through the coil in one direction magnetizes the materials in the same direction. In
this state, flux exits the device and exerts a holding force. Passing a pulse of current
through the device in the opposite direction reverses the magnetization of the lower
coercivity magnet, but leaves the higher coercivity magnet unchanged. In this state,
the two magnets are oppositely magnetized, and so the magnetic flux only circulates
inside the device, and there is no holding force.
The materials set and magnetic circuit described in this work, along with Feiners
work from 1960 on the Ferreed switch [24], provided the inspiration for the devices
constructed, characterized, and modeled in this thesis. Parallel electropermanent
magnets are used commercially in steel mills to lift loads weighing many tons, and
switch with current pulses on a time-scale of seconds. In this thesis, we examine a
different size regime for the parallel electropermanent magnet, lifting loads weighing
just a few grams and with switching pulses on a microsecond time scale. One conclu-
sion of this thesis is that the electropermanent magnet is a useful and efficient device
at both of these extremes.

Figure 2-27: Series electropermanent magnet for magnetic workholding. With all the
magnets magnetized in the same direction, flux travels through the bottom plate.
(Fig. 2) With every second magnet oppositely magnetized, flux circulates locally,
holding down the workpiece. (Fig. 3) (Braillon [8])

Figure 2-28: Parallel electropermanent magnet, made from a series combination of
materials with similar remanence but differing coercivity. A pulse of current through
the coil 41 switches the magnetization of one material (37 and 35) but not the other
(33 and 39), switching the device between holding and non-holding states. (Pignataro

Chapter 3

The Electropermanent Magnet

3.1 Introduction
At the macroscale, the electromagnetic force is overwhelmingly the most common
physical mechanism for electromechanical energy conversion. [1] At the microscale,
the dominant commercial mechanism is electrostatic [23] [79] and a variety of physical
principles are under active research, including electrostatic, magnetic, piezoelectric,
and electrothermal, to name just a few. [7] Traditionally, use of the electromagnetic
force has three disadvantages at small scales: the need for specialized materials,
the need for high-density coiled geometries, and low ratios of force to static power
consumption due to the unfavorable scaling of coil resistance in small devices. [61]
For our work constructing programmable matter [36] [98] and soft robotic systems
[90] we are interested in millimeter-scale and smaller devices that allow electronically-
controlled holding between surfaces. For the Robot Pebbles, [33] described in Chapter
4, we found electrostatic holding to be too weak and require impractically large volt-
ages, electromagnets to be too power-hungry, and mechanically switched permanent
magnets [88] [60] tend to be too bulky and expensive.
We will show that that the electropermanent magnet is a more desirable device
for small-scale systems than electromagnets, so long as the time between switching
events is not too short. The reason is that the energy to switch an electropermanent
magnet is proportional to its volume, while it can exert force proportional to its area.

Coercivity Residual Induction
Grade N40 NIB 1000 kA/m 1.28 T
Sintered Alnico 5 48 kA/m 1.26 T

Table 3.1: Magnetic properties of NIB and Alnico. From [72], [77]

Coil (N, )




Figure 3-1: Switchable electropermanent magnet construction.

Also, electropermanent magnets do not require coils with as high a density as electro-
magnets, so long as the average time between switching events is long enough. After
presenting these theoretical results, we will describe our device fabrication process
and present experimental data characterizing the performance of these devices.

3.2 Theory

3.2.1 Qualitative

Figure 3-1 shows a schematic view of an electropermanent magnet with a keeper bar,
and Figure 3-7 shows a photo of an actual device. The electropermanent magnets
described in this paper are made from the parallel combination of Neodymium-Iron-

i i i i



Off Switching On On Switching Off

Figure 3-2: Switchable Electropermanent Magnet Operation. In the off state, the
two magnetic materials are oppositely polarized, so magnetic flux circulates inside
the device, and there is no force on the target. In the on state, the two magnetic
materials are polarized in the same direction, so magnetic flux travels outside the
device and through the target, attracting it to the magnet. A current pulse in the
coil of proper magnitude and sufficient duration switches the device between the on
and off states, by switching the magnetization of only the Alnico magnet, which has
a lower coercivity than the NIB magnet.

Boron (NIB), which has a very high coercivity, and Aluminum-Nickel-Cobalt (Alnico),
which has a relatively lower coercivity. Both have about the same residual induction.
(See Table 3.1)
Because the NIB magnet has a very high coercivity, under our experimental con-
ditions the flux through it is always in the same direction. When the device is in the
off-state, the NIB and Alnico magnets are oppositely magnetized, so the flux circu-
lates inside the device and does not cross the air gaps to the keeper. (See Figure 3-2)
When the magnet is on, the NIB and Alnico magnets are magnetized in the same
direction, so the flux from both crosses through the keeper, and force is required to
pull the two halves apart.
Figure 3-2 shows the operation of the device through a full cycle. A positive cur-
rent pulse through the coil results in a clockwise flux through the magnet and keeper,
magnetizing the Alnico magnet rightward, turning the device on. A negative current
pulse imposes a counterclockwise flux through the magnet and keeper, magnetizing
the Alnico magnet leftward, turning the device off.
To understand the origin of the bistability of the device, it is helpful to consider
Figure 3-2. The NIB magnets and the Alnico magnets are in parallel and are the
same length, so they see the same magnetic field H, and their magnetic flux adds. On
the scale of the Alnico B/H curve, the NIB B/H curve appears as a horizontal line,
because of its much higher coercivity. (See Table 3.1) So, the polarized NIB magnet
biases up the symmetrical B/H curve of the Alnico magnet, such that the two taken
together have a residual induction near zero on the lower part of the hysteresis loop,
but a positive residual induction on the upper part of the hysteresis loop. A current
pulse through the coil imposes a magnetic field H across the device, cycling it around
the biased-up hysteresis loop shown in the figure.

3.2.2 Quantitative

Force Computation

In this section we compute the force vs. air gap for the device shown in Figure 3-
1, using a magnetic circuit approach. We denote the axial magnetic field intensity
within any of the magnets Hm , and the magnetic field intensity in the air gap Hg .
The coil has N turns and carries a current I. Starting with Amperes law, using a
loop passing through either of the magnets, through both air gaps, and through the
keeper bar, we can write:

Hm L + 2Hg g = N I (3.1)

We denote the axial magnetic flux density in the magnets of the two materials
BAlnico and BN IB , the magnetic flux density in the air gap Bg , and the pole-to-pole
leakage flux leak . Using Gausss law for magnetic fields and a magnetic circuit
approach, we can write the flux conservation expression:

d Nrods (Balnico + BN IB ) = Bg ab + leak (3.2)
For the NIB magnet, we use a straight-line demagnetization curve. [1]

BN IB = Br + 0 Hm (3.3)

The air-gap field and flux are linearly related.

Bg = 0 Hg (3.4)

We can approximate the pole-to-pole leakage flux leak as being due to a constant
leakage permeance Pleak .

leak = (N I Hm L) Pleak (3.5)

The Alnico magnet has a nonlinear B/H relationship, Balnico (Hm (t), t), which

is dependent on Hm (t) and on the progression of time t, because of the hysteresis.
Combining the above equations, we can write an implicit expression for Hm (t) in terms
of this function and geometric parameters. This equation can be solved numerically
for Hm (t) in terms of the current I(t) and the device parameters.

d Nrods (Balnico (Hm (t), t) + Br + 0 Hm (t)) =
0 ab (3.6)
+ Pleak (N I(t) Hm (t)L)

Since the field is perpendicular to the iron at the surface of the gap, neglecting
fringing fields, the force per area is given by the Tzz component of the Maxwell stress

F Bg2
= Tzz = (3.7)
2ab 20
Given Hm (t) from a numerical solution of Equation 3.6, we can write the expres-
sion for the force by combining Equations 3.1 and 3.4.

ab N I(t) Hm (t)L
F = 0 (3.8)
4 g

Holding Force

When both the Alnico and NIB magnets are fully magnetized in the same direction,
as g 0, Balnico = BN IB = Br . Also in this case, leak 0 since g 0. In this
case, we can write a simple expression for the air gap flux using Equation 3.2.

d2 Nrods
Bg = Br (3.9)
Combining this with Equation 3.7, we can write an expression for the holding

1 Br d2 Nrods
F = (3.10)
0 ab 4

With all other terms held constant, as we reduce the pole area ab the force in-
creases. This is because the force per area goes as the square of the flux density.
With constant flux, as we make the area smaller the force increases.
For maximum force, we should then set the pole area so that the air gap flux
density is just below the saturation flux density of the iron from which the pole
pieces are constructed, which we denote Bsat . Given this, we can write an expression
for the optimal value of the dimension b.

Br d2 Nrods
b= (3.11)
Bsat 4a
If this value is used, the poles are near saturation when the magnet is on, so the
the holding force is simply:

Bsat ab
F = (3.12)

Electrical Characteristics

Energy and power are very limited in autonomous microsystems. If we are to in-
tegrate these devices, their electrical terminal characteristics, switching energy, and
temperature rise upon switching are of paramount importance.

Current to Magnetize To switch on the magnet, we will apply a pulse of voltage

V to the coil for a time T, until the coil current rises to Imax . (See Figure 3-2) We
denote the magnetic field intensity for the Alnico to reach saturation Hm = Hmag ,
and the associated magnetic flux density Balnico = Bmag . Substituting these values
into Equation 3.6 and solving for I, we obtain an expression for the current.

Hmag L d2 Nrods (Bmag + Br + 0 Hmag )

Imax = +   (3.13)
N 8N 0 ab + P 2g leak

From this expression, we can see that there is a linear dependence of Imax on
length scale. As all of the dimensions in the problem, including L, d, a, b, and g, are
scaled down linearly, we expect the required current Imax to decrease linearly as well.


w d+w d


Figure 3-3: Left: Cross-section view of coil. Assuming square wire packing, the
sum of the area of the bounding boxes around each wire equals the total cross-
sectional area of the coil, so N d2w = Lw. Right: Side view of the coil. The dotted
line shows the middle turn, distance w/2 from the core. This is an average-length
turn; the total length of the wire is N times the length of this turn. By adding the
lengths of the straight segments and circular caps, we can find the length of the wire,
l = N (2d(Nrods 1) + (d + w)).

As g 0, Imax reduces to Hmag L/N .

Coil Resistance To proceed further to obtain the magnetizing voltage and switch-
ing energy, we will need the DC series resistance of the coil. The resistance of the
coil is equal to the resistance of the unrolled wire.

R= (3.14)

The length of the unrolled wire is N times the length of an average-length turn.
(See Figure 3-3)

lwire = N [2d (Nrods 1) + (d + w)] (3.15)

The wire area, in terms of the wire diameter dw , is simply

Awire = d (3.16)
4 w
Assuming square wire packing, we can relate the cross-sectional area of the coil
to the wire diameter and the number of turns. (See Figure 3-3)

wL = N d2w (3.17)

Combining Equations 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17, we can write the resistance of the
coil in terms of the device parameters.

4N 2 d 2Nrods 2
R= 1+ 1+ (3.18)
L w

We see that as w 0, the resistance goes to infinity, but that R cannot be made
arbitrarily small as w , so that there are diminishing returns when increasing
the coil thickness w much above d in an attempt to reduce the resistance.

Switching Voltage The voltage drop across the coil is the sum of the induced
voltage, from Faradays law, and the voltage across the series resistance, from Ohms

dBalnico dBN IB d2 Nrods
V (t) = N + + I(t)R (3.19)
dt dt 8

This equation can be solved numerically with Equations 3.6 and 3.18 to model
the nonlinear electrical response of the device. However, we can determine a number
of useful electrical characteristics without resorting to numerical techniques.
From the above equation, we can see that higher voltage results in faster switching.
We can also see that there is a minimum voltage, Vmin , below which the magnet cannot
reach the switching field Hmag after any amount of time T. We can find this minimum
voltage by setting the d/dt terms to zero, which gives the steady-state limiting value
after a transient of arbitrarily long duration. This allows us to find the voltage Vmin
below which a current Imax will not flow after the transient.

Vmin = Imax R (3.20)

Combining Equations 3.20, 3.18, 3.13, we can write the minimum voltage in terms
of device parameters.

d Nrods (B mag + Br + 0 Hmag ) d 2Nrods 2
Vmin = 4Hmag +   1+ 1+ N
0 ab
2L 2g + Pleak w
Examining this equation, we can see that Vmin is independent of length scale and
proportional to the number of turns N. For g 0, it simplifies to the expression

d 2Nrods 2
Vmin (g = 0) = 4Hmag N 1 + 1+ (3.22)

Inductance Although the device has a nonlinear inductance, we can approximate

its behavior with an average constant inductance L = /I, in order to estimate
the switching time T.

N (Bmag + Br + 0 Hmag ) 8 d2 Nrods

L= = (3.23)

We can combine this expression with Equation 3.13 to eliminate the dependence
on I, since I = Imax . After some algebraic rearrangement, we see that the effective
inductance while magnetizing is the parallel combination of two inductances, one for
the magnetization of the material and one for the inductance due to the air gap.

" 1  1 #1
0 ab d Nrods (Bmag + Br + 0 Hmag )
L = N2 + Pleak + (3.24)
2g 8Hmag L

Pulse Length Under the linear inductance model, the device is a series LR circuit,
and applying a voltage pulse results in a first-order rise in the current.

V tR
I(t) = (1 e L ) (3.25)
We denote the switching pulse length T. Equation 3.25 is monotonically increasing,
so I(T ) = Imax . Combining with Equation 3.25 and 3.20, we can solve for the pulse

T = ln (3.26)
R V Vmin
Solving for the time constant, = L/R, by combining Equations 3.26, 3.18, and
3.24, we arrive at an expression for the pulse length in terms of V and Vmin . Tallying
up the scale dependences, the time constant and pulse length decrease quadratically
with length scale.

Switching Energy We can compute the energy E required to switch the magnet
by integrating the power V I(t) over the pulse.

E= V I(t) dt (3.27)

Performing this integral, using Equations 3.26 and 3.25, we obtain an expression
for E in terms of the previously computed inductance L, resistance R, and minimum
voltage Vmin .

V 2L V Vmin
E = 2 ln (3.28)
R V Vmin V
Again tallying up the scale dependencies, if we set the driving voltage V inde-
pendently of length scale, then the switching energy E is proportional to the cube of
length scale.
Electropermanent magnets require a uniform energy per volume to magnetize
which makes them compatible with use in a scalable integrated robotic device. This
is for two reasons: availability of power and dissipation of heat.
Energy sources (e.g. batteries) typically have a constant volumetric energy density,
so a battery powering an electropermanent magnet will last for the same number
of switching events as the whole system is scaled down. Because materials have a
constant volumetric thermal capacity and the rate of heat dissipation from an object

Symbol Parameter Length Scaling Turns Scaling Eqn.
F Force L2 Const. 3.8
Imax Current L L 1 3.13
R Resistance L 1 N2 3.18
Vmin Voltage Const. N 3.21
L Inductance L N2 3.24
Time Constant L2 Const. 3.25
T Pulse Length L2 Const. 3.26
E Pulse Energy L3 Const. 3.28

Table 3.2: Scaling properties of electropermanent magnets, assuming constant pulse

voltage and scaled air gap.

is roughly proportional to area, using electropermanent magnets we can expect a

scale-independent temperature rise and a cooling time that gets proportionally shorter
with decreasing length scale.

3.3 Comparison with Other Approaches

In this section, we compare programmable holding by electropermanent magnet with

two other solid-state approaches: holding by electromagnets and holding by electro-
static force between capacitor plates. As will be shown, the electropermanent magnet
allows for larger forces than air-breakdown-limited electrostatics and for lower energy
consumption than electromagnets, so long as the switching events are spaced suffi-
ciently far apart in time.

3.3.1 Electrostatics

Electrostatic motors and actuators [23] are commonly used in microfabricated sys-
tems. [79]
Consider two side-by-side capacitor plates, with the same area footprint of the
electropermanent magnet described in this paper. The capacitor plates are coated
with a thin layer of insulation, to prevent conduction should they come into direct
If the two capacitor plates on separate bodies are brought into face-to-face contact,

and a voltage is applied to the plates, a force will be required to separate the plates.
Very low static power (only leakage) is required to maintain the holding force; thus
the capacitor plates are also a zero-power holding device.
In practice, the limitation on such a system is the high voltage required to obtain
reasonable forces. The high voltages present several problems; one is switching and
the other is the dielectric breakdown of air.

Switching High Voltages

Up to 5V, standard CMOS logic devices can be used. From 5V - 18V, one can use
legacy metal-gate CMOS ICs to drive electrostatic devices. [58] From 15V through
300V, a variety of special-purpose high voltage ICs [85] and processes [2] designed for
display, printer, and medical applications are available. Discrete transistor switches
are commercially available with Vds up to about 1000V. To switch higher voltages,
multiple discrete transistors, coupled by transformers, can be used.

Breakdown Voltage of Air

The dielectric strength of air is not a constant electric field intensity, but is depen-
dent on the distance between the electrodes. [16] A commonly quoted figure for the
dielectric strength of air is 3 106 V/m, [89] but this figure applies only for gaps of
millimeter size and above.
The Paschen curve describes the dielectric strength of air due to the phenomenon
of avalanche breakdown. (See Figure 3-4) At atmospheric pressure, the Paschen
curve is valid down to its minimum, which occurs at 7m and 365 volts. [30] Between
7m and 3m, while the Paschen curve predicts a rise in breakdown voltage with
decreasing distance, avalanche breakdown is still possible along longer fringing paths,
so the maximum permissible voltage for practical applications is a constant 365V.
The curve for the vapor-arc breakdown voltage of vacuum intersects the 365V line at
4m. The mean free path of an air molecule at STP is about 3.4 microns, so vacuum
phenomena are possible at this scale, and the vacuum curve limits the permissible
plate voltage below 4m. [14] [92]

Figure 3-4: Breakdown voltage of air vs. gap. (Torres [30])

Force between capacitor plates

The force per area between two parallel conductive plates with normal electric field E
at the surface, and area A, neglecting fringing, is given by the Maxwell Stress Tensor
term Tzz.

F = 0 E 2 A (3.29)

Substituting A for the footprint area of the electropermanent magnet with which
we are making this comparison, a(L + 2b), and in terms of the voltage V and air gap

F = 0 a (L + 2b) (3.30)

By solving for V, we can get the voltage on the plates needed to equal the strength
of an electropermanent magnet exerting force F.

F g2
V = (3.31)
0 a (L + 2b)

Figure 3-5 shows the plate voltage required to achieve the same force as the
electropermanent magnet for the same design air-gap, plotted on the same axes as
the Paschen curve. The voltage required is higher than Paschen curve limit at all
scales, meaning that the electropermanent magnet is capable of applying larger forces
than breakdown-limited electrostatic plates, even when both devices are scaled to
microscopic dimensions.
The conclusion is that electropermanent magnets can produce larger forces than
capacitor plates in air, even at microscopic dimensions. However, capacitor plates
have a lower profile, are simpler to fabricate, and have lower switching energy, which
is more important for many applications.

3.3.2 Electromagnets

An electromagnet working through an air gap requires continuous power dissipation

to maintain holding force, in contrast to an electropermanent magnet, which changes
state in response to a discrete energy pulse.

Force Computation

Consider an electromagnet with the geometry shown in Figure 3-1, but with the
hard magnetic materials replaced with a soft magnetic material, , to form a
horseshoe-type electromagnet. The Amperes law loop expression is:

2Hg = N I (3.32)

H is the magnetic field in the gap, g is the gap thickness, N is the number of turns,
and I is the current. Following the approach of the electropermanent magnet force
computation, the force is:


Voltage (V)



Voltage for equal force

Breakdown voltage of air
4 3 2
10 10 10
Magnet Dimension (m)

Figure 3-5: Electrostatic plate voltage required to equal the holding force of the
electropermanent magnet, using the same area footprint and air gap. The red curve
is the voltage required, the blue curve shows the voltage at which air will break
down for the design air gap. Since the required voltage would be higher than the
breakdown voltage, electropermanent magnets are capable of applying larger forces
than capacitor plates across the same size air gap. The design used for this analysis is
a scaled version of the device shown in the Experimental section. The air gap length
is also scaled.

(N I)2 ab
F = 0 (3.33)
4g 2

Rearranging this expression, the steady-state current required to maintain a par-

ticular holding force is

2g F
I= (3.34)
N 0 ab

In the steady-state, the power dissipation of the electromagnet is the I 2 R resistive

power dissipation in the windings. Using the expression for coil resistance, Equation
3.18, the power dissipation of the magnet is

16F g 2 d 2Nrods 2
P = 1+ 1+ (3.35)
0 abL w

Switching on an electromagnet also takes a finite time and energy, due to the
magnetizing inductance introduced by the air gap. The energy required to reach a
given current is 12 LI 2 . The inductance of this structure is

N 2 ab
L = 0 (3.36)

The energy to switch the equivalent electromagnet is then:

E = LI 2 = F g (3.37)

The L/R time constant to switch after a step to voltage V is:

0 Lab
=  2
8g 1 + d
1 + 2Nrods

Time to Break-Even

Keeping the same dimensions, with a soft magnetic core substituted for the permanent
magnet materials, the switching time and switching energy are always lower for the
electromagnet. However, the electromagnet dissipates finite power in the steady-state,



BreakEven Time (s)




10 Fully packed copper
1/2 packed copper
1/4 packed copper
4 3 2
10 10 10
Magnet Dimension (m)

Figure 3-6: Time to break-even energy consumption for electromagnets vs. electrop-
ermanent magnets, for a scaled version of the device described in this paper. At
centimeter scale, the break-even time is about 10 ms, and at millimeter scale, 100s.
The break-even time gets lower with reduced wire packing density.

while the electropermanent magnet does not. Therefore, there is a break-even time
Tb at which the energy consumption of the electromagnet and the electropermanent
magnet are equal. If holding is required for times longer than Tb , the electropermanent
magnet uses less energy.

We can formalize the definition of Tb above as

2Eelectropermanent Eelectromagnet
Tb = (3.39)

Eelectropermanent is multiplied by two because the electropermanent magnet must

be switched twice for each holding period: once to switch on, and again to switch off.

Figure 3-6 shows a plot of Tb versus the length scale of the magnet, computed
using the equations dervived above. The plot shown is for L/g = 100; the breakeven
time is shorter for longer air gaps. Tb is milliseconds at centimeter scales, and tens
of microseconds at millimeter scales. Electropermanent magnets use less energy than
electromagnets in applications where the expected holding time is longer than Tb .
For magnetic programmable matter, where we want millimeter-scale modules able
to hold for human-perceptible time scales, and want to permit large air gaps to
reduce the cost of fabrication and increase the resistance to dust and contamination,
electropermanent magnets are clearly preferable to electromagnets.

Sensitivity to Wire Conductivity and Winding Fill Fraction

Microfabricated inductors typically have a lower Q than discrete inductors, [59] and
one important reason is the lower conductivity of the available wiring materials (e.g.
polysilicon instead of copper) and the lower fill fraction of the windings of coils pro-
duced by lithographic methods over winding methods. Figure 3-6 shows the break
even time at multiple winding fill fractions. (Which is also equivalent to varying the
conductivity of the wire.)
The break-even time Tb is lower for lower conductivity or lower winding fill-
fractions. High-resistance, compact coils increase the energy consumption of elec-
tropermanent magnets less than that of electromagnets. The intuitive explanation
for this difference is as follows: With an electropermanent magnet, a significant frac-
tion of the electrical input energy is transferred to the magnetic material and only
some of it goes to resistive heating. In an electromagnet, once the air-gap field is
set up, the current remains on and essentially all of the energy input is dissipated
in resistive heating. This makes the energy consumption of the electromagnet more
sensitive to the coil resistance than the energy consumption of the electropermanent



Figure 3-7: Miniature electropermanent magnet. This magnet is made from cylin-
drical rods of the magnetic materials, 1.6 mm in diameter, and iron pole pieces The
magnetic rods were machined by cylindrical grinding, the pole pieces by wire EDM.
The pieces were then assembled with tweezers under a microscope.

3.4 Experimental

3.4.1 Materials and Methods

We constructed several prototype electropermanent magnets. Each device has an

NIB magnet, an Alnico magnet, iron pole pieces, and a copper wire coil.
Prototype pole pieces were made from a sheet of No. 5 relay steel, obtained from
Carpenter Steel Corporation. (Reading, PA) We cut the pole pieces from the sheet
on an abrasive waterjet cutter. We left the pole pieces secured to the sheet with tabs,
to keep them from falling into the machine due to their small size. After cutting, we
broke the tabs with a cold chisel and filed them away. We then honed the faces of the
pole pieces flat with a steel file. In greater quantities, we purchased wire-EDM-cut,
chromate-coated pole pieces, made from grade ASTM-A848 magnetic iron, from BJA
Magnetics, Inc.
For the prototypes, we purchased NIB magnets from Amazing Magnets, Inc and
Alnico 5 magnets from Magnet Kingdom, Inc. As purchased, the Alnico magnets
were longer than the needed length. We cut them to length by striking with a cold

chisel, then grinding to final length using an abrasive file. In greater quantities, we
purchased custom-length Grade N40SH NIB and Grade 5 Alnico magnets from BJA
Magnetics, Inc.
We assembled the magnets using a microscope and tweezers. After cutting and
handling, particles of ferromagnetic contamination tended to accumulate on the mag-
nets. We tried several methods to remove contamination from the ends of the mag-
nets, and eventually found that the best method was to wrap a large permanent
magnet with clear packing tape, adhesive out, and to rub the magnets and pole
pieces against the adhesive of the packing tape to remove the contamination.
We secured the magnets to the pole pieces using Loctite Hysol E60-HP epoxy
adhesive. We placed glue on the surface between the magnets and pole pieces, but
also formed fillets of adhesive in the gap between the magnets.
We waited 24 hours for the glue to cure, then honed the target-contact face of
the device flat using a abrasive file. We then wound the devices with N=80 turns of
40AWG solder-strippable magnet wire, purchased from MWS Wire Industries.

3.4.2 Experimental Setup

To measure the force vs. distance and force vs. pulse length of the device, we used a
custom-built experimental setup, shown in Figure 3-8. A personal computer controls
all of the hardware to allow for automated experiments and data collection.
The device under test mounts into a flexure clamp sample holder , shown in Figure
3-9. The device is positioned by a stepper-motor-driven ballscrew linear motion stage,
purchased from Dahner Motion Systems. The motor is driven by a Geckodrive Model
G203V stepper motor drive. The magnet pulls against an iron target plate, 72 mm
square and 6.4 mm thick. The motion of the target is constrained in five axes by
a Nelson Air Model RAB1S linear air bearing, so that it it can move only coaxially
with the magnet. The force on the target is measured using a Futek Model LSB200
tension/compression load cell with a 4.4 N range. The signal from the load cell is
Thanks to Paul Lituri of BJA Magnetics (Rutland, MA) for his suggestion to use packing tape
for cleaning magnets.

Linear Sample Iron
Stage Holder Target Load Cell

Stepper Pulse Linear Air Load Cell

Motor Generator Bearing Amplifier
Driver PCB

Figure 3-8: Experimental setup used to measure the force vs. displacement relation-

Figure 3-9: Flexure clamp used to hold the magnet square as it is pulled away from
the iron target plate.

amplified using a Futek Model CSG110 load cell amplifier, and then sampled by a
National Instruments Model USB-6211 data acquisition unit.
A custom-designed pulse-generator PCB switches the state of the magnet using
MOSFET transistor switches controlled by an Atmel AVR microcontroller. The PC
can switch the magnet on or off with any desired pulse length in 1s increments via
serial port command. A Hewlett Packard E3631A DC supply powers the magnet,
and allows the PC to vary the pulse voltage. The current through the magnet is
measured by sensing the voltage drop across a 0.01 series resistor. The pulse voltage
and current signals are amplified by a pair of Texas Instruments OPA445 operational
amplifiers, and sampled by a Tektronix TDS3054 digital oscilloscope, also connected
to the PC.

3.5 Results

3.5.1 Qualitative

The devices reliably switch between holding and non-holding states upon applica-
tion of momentary, opposite polarity current pulses. Discharging a 100F capacitor
charged to 20V across the device is sufficient to switch it between states. The mass
of the device is about 200 mg. Upon switching, the magnets can lift themselves ver-
tically onto an overhead iron bar from a starting distance of about 3 mm. When
the device is switched off, it falls down under its weight only. Figure 3-10 shows the
device holding up a 250 g test mass. The devices can switch states in free air, without
a keeper bar present, although the eventual holding force is lower.

3.5.2 Quantitative

Holding Force

Figure 3-11 shows the plot of force versus air gap for the device as it is pulled away
from the iron plate. The blue dots are experimental data from the load cell, the red
line is data from a finite-element simulation, and the black line is the prediction of

Figure 3-10: Electropermanent magnet, switched on, holding up a 250g test mass.

Experimental Data, Magnet On
Experimental Data, Magnet Off
4 Finite Element Model
Magnetic Circuit Model

Force (N)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Displacement (mm)

Figure 3-11: Comparison of experimental data and model predictions for force vs.
air gap, showing close agreement over the range of validity for each type of data.
(The experimental data is missing points in the non-equilibrium region of the mag-
net/spring system, and the finite element analysis is missing points at close spacing
where the resulting mesh required too many elements.

Symbol Parameter Value

L Magnet Length 3.2 mm
d Magnet Diameter 1.6 mm
a Pole Width 1.6 mm
b Pole Thickness 1.3 mm
N Turns 80
Br NIB Remnant Flux Density 1.28 T
Bsat Iron Saturation Flux Density 1.5 T
Pleak Leakage Permeance 23 nH

Table 3.3: Device parameters.

Neglecting leakage
4.5 Using a data-fit leakage reluctance


Force (N)




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Air Gap Length (mm)

Figure 3-12: Force vs. air gap, computed using the magnetic circuit model, with
and without leakage. The top curve neglects leakage, while the bottom curve uses a
leakage permeance fit to match the finite element analysis result.

the magnetic circuit model. The three curves show close agreement over their valid
ranges. The green dots are experimental data from the load cell with the magnet
switched off.

Figure 3-12 shows the prediction of the magnetic circuit model in two cases; with
the leakage permeance set to zero (red curve) and with the leakage permeance fit to
match the finite-element analysis result. (See Table 3.3) From the plot, we can see that
pole-to-pole leakage does not change the holding force at zero air gap, but significantly
changes the slope of the force vs. distance curve around zero air gap. This makes it an
important effect to take into account during the design of electropermanent magnet
systems, even those operating over relatively small air gaps.

Magnet on
Magnet off

Force (N)

-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Air Gap Length (mm)

Figure 3-13: Force vs. air gap length. The device was switched on while in contact
with the plate, pulled away to a distance of 0.75 mm, returned to the plate, switched
off, and pulled away again. While still in contact with the plate, the peak force
reached 4.4 N. When the linear stage drove the device further from the target, the
device broke away from the plate dynamically, reaching a new static equilibrium
(between the magnetic force and load cell stiffness) at a distance of 0.07 mm, which is
why there are no data points on the upper curve between 0 and 0.07mm. The middle
curve shows the magnet returning to the plate; the force is lower because the device
has been partially self-demagnetized. The lower (green) curve shows that, with the
magnet switched off, the force is near zero.

Figure 3-13 shows the effect of self-demagnetization. The device is pulled away
from the plate to a distance of 0.75 mm, following the upper blue curve, then returned
to the plate, following the lower blue curve. This excursion decreases the final holding
force to about half its initial value.
Figure 3-14 shows data on the holding force vs. switching pulse length at zero air
gap. The holding force increases linearly from zero with increasing pulse length, then
saturates at 4.4 N force at about 100s pulse length. This shows that it is possible
to set the holding force to any value within a range by controlling the switching pulse
Figure 3-15 shows the current transient to turn on the magnet. The time constant
is about 20s. Substituting the device parameters into Equation 3.24, using air gap
g=0, we get L = 76H. Since V=20V and If inal = 5.3A, R = V /I = (20V )/(5.3A) =
3.8. Following the assumptions of our model, the predicted L/R time constant is
21s, versus the measured time constant of 20s.

3.6 Conclusion

Electropermanent magnets can have their holding force switched on and off by the
application of a momentary electrical pulse. Electropermanent magnets have low
power consumption and temperature rise compared to electromagnets, especially at
small length scale. Electropermanent magnets require energy proportional to their
volume and hold with force proportional to their area, so fundamental scaling favors
their low-energy operation at small dimensions.
At centimeter scale, electropermanent magnets can hold hundreds of times their
own weight, can exert force comparable to their weight from a distance comparable
to their length, and switch is a fraction of a millisecond. At millimeter scale, scaling
laws predict each of these metrics should improve.
Electropermanent magnets use higher instantaneous power but lower overall en-
ergy than electromagnets, with break-even times in the milliseconds at centimeter
scale in the microseconds at millimeter scale according to our analysis. Electroper-



Holding Force (N)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Switching Pulse Length (s)

Figure 3-14: Holding force vs. switching pulse length. While in contact with the
plate, the device was AC pulse demagnetized, switched ten times using pulses of the
indicated length, then pulled away from the plate. The holding force is the force
measured just before separation. The holding force increases linearly with increasing
pulse length and then saturates, so that above 100 s, no increase in holding force
with increasing pulse length is observed.


Voltage (V)




-50 0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Current (A)

-50 0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 3-15: Measured voltage and current for the 150 s pulses. The peak current
of 5.3 A is reached after about 100 s, the same pulse length at which the holding
force saturates.

manent magnets are less sensitive than electromagnets to lower winding fill fractions
and lower conductivity wire, making them more amenable to microfabricated coils.
Electropermanent magnets are stronger than breakdown-limited electrostatic plates
in air, operate at much lower, more practically switched voltages, and allow larger air
gaps for higher resistance to dust and contamination. On the other hand, they have
a higher profile and use more energy to switch.
All of the above conclusions make electropermanent magnets a promising building
block for actuators in the next generation of batch-fabricated, millimeter-scale robotic

Chapter 4

The Robot Pebbles

4.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the first of the two new modular robotics platforms constructed
as part of this work, which my collaborator Kyle Gilpin and I call the Robot Peb-
bles. [33]
The Pebbles are a two dimensional, lattice-type system. The modules are cubes
and pack a square grid. Each cube has four mating faces, each with a custom-
designed electropermanent magnet connector to allow it to draw in a nearby module,
mechanically bond to it, communicate, and transfer power. The electropermanent
magnet connectors, which we cover in detail in Chapter 3, only require power to
switch between holding states, and otherwise dissipate zero power. Figure 4-1 shows
a pile of Pebbles, plus the unfolded printed circuit and internal components.
The Pebbles can self-reconfigure in one of two ways. In self-assembly mode, the
nodes are placed on a shaker-table and vibrated. One node, called the seed node, is
externally powered and programmed with the desired shape. When a node is agitated
into magnet range of the seed node on a face where the structure needs to grow, the
seed node can pull in the node and make it part of the structure. The new node
powers up, learns the plan, and assists in the construction. The shape grows over
During its initial development, this system was called Smart Sand. However, it turns out
that geologists do not call something sand unless its particles are below 2 mm in diameter, so we
decided to save that name for a future system and call this system the Pebbles instead.



Flex PCB
12 mm EP Magnet

Figure 4-1: The Robot Pebbles are fully printed-circuit integrated, solid-state pro-
grammable matter. All of the components, including the four electropermanent mag-
net connectors, are soldered to a flexible printed circuit board. The printed circuit is
then wrapped around and soldered to the frame.

Figure 4-2: Reconfiguration algorithm used by the Pebbles. On a shaker table, the
Pebbles draw in nodes from the environment (a) to form a rectangular block (b). The
system then releases the extra nodes (c) revealing the final structure. (d)

time until finished, and can then be removed from the shaker table.
In self-disassembly mode, the nodes start out in a square block. (The square block
could be formed earlier by self-assembly.) The user inputs the desired shape. The
system turns off the magnetic bonds between nodes that are not part of the desired
structure. These nodes then fall away, by gravity or user agitation, leaving the desired
The Robot Pebbles are a solid-state, all-electronic system, meaning that there are
no moving parts. They are also a fully printed-circuit integrated system, made only
of surface-mount electronic components, a flexible printed circuit board in the net of
a cube, and a skeleton frame, which the board is wrapped around and affixed to by
Because we did not use any off-the-shelf mechanical components (e.g. motors,
gears, bearings, standard connectors) or any batteries, the size of the node was limited
only by the size of the smallest available off-the-shelf electronic components. To
our knowledge, these 12 mm modules are the smallest of any modular robot in the
published literature.
In the following sections, I will describe the design of the nodes and the connectors,

show the results of some unit tests on the modules, and finally show the results of
some full-system self-reconfiguration experiments.

4.2 Module Design

4.2.1 Connector Design

The key enabling component for the Robot Pebbles is the electropermanent magnetic
The electropermanent magnet connector is shown schematically in Figure 3-1, and
in Figures 4-1, 4-4, and 4-6. Looking at Figure 4-6, it consists of two iron pole pieces
(a) and (b), an Alnico magnet (c) and an NIB magnet (d). The rods are 1.6 mm in
diameter and 3.2 mm long. The assembly is secured together with epoxy adhesive
(f), and wrapped with a coil of 80 turns of 40 AWG copper wire (e).
The Alnico magnet and NIB magnet have the same remanence but greatly dif-
fering coercivity. A pulse of current through the coil will switch the magnetization
of the Alnico magnet but leave the magnetization of the NIB magnet unchanged. A
positive pulse magnetizes both magnets in the same direction, causing the flux to
exit the device and turning the magnet on. A negative pulse results in opposite
magnetization, causing the flux to circulate inside the device, and turning the magnet
off. For a detailed magnetic circuit model of the electropermanent magnet, includ-
ing design formulas, as well as materials and methods for constructing and testing
these millimeter-scale electropermanent magnets, see Chapter 3.
The power supply bus voltage is 20 V. At this voltage, a 100s square pulse,
resulting in a peak current of 5 A, is sufficient to switch the magnet on or off. In the
Pebbles, the required 5 mJ of energy for a pulse is supplied by a 100F tantalum
capacitor, also visible in the figures.
The connectors are arranged on the faces of the module as shown in Figure 4-3.
The north and south poles align on each face, causing the modules to attract and hold
to one another while the magnet is enabled. The arrangement is four-way rotation

symmetric, so a module can approach with any orientation.
When the connectors are mated, the magnetic force is primarily in a direction
normal to the mating face. The connectors are also able to resist shear loads, although
lesser in magnitude, due to static friction.
When mated, the connectors also serve as two-terminal electrical connectors to
transfer power from module to module. Power is transmitted through simple ohmic
conduction, using the iron poles of the magnet as contacts. Electrical connectors
typically require a spring in order to achieve intimate contact; in this case, the spring
is the compliance of the flex circuit on which the connector is mounted, and the
magnetic force provides the preload. Because the permanent magnet materials are
conductive, to ensure electrical isolation of the poles, we coated the two rods of
permanent magnet material with 7m of insulating Parylene before assembling the
In each module, the four north poles and the four south poles of the connectors
are each bussed together. (See Figure 4-3) Between modules, north connects to south.
This means that, if the north poles are electrically positive on one module, they will
be electrically negative on its neighbor. The resulting power distribution grid looks
like a checkerboard, with north positive on red squares, and south positive on black
squares. Power to ground shorts are not possible because on the grid any closed path
back to the same module involves an even number of polarity reversals. A full-wave
bridge-rectifier inside each module converts the incoming power, which has unknown
polarity, to a known polarity to power the modules electronics.
Communication between modules is by magnetic induction. The same electronics
used to produce the drive pulses apply a sequence of 1s pulses for communication.
Through magnetic induction, these pulses result in a corresponding pulse in the neigh-
boring node, which is detected using the microcontrollers built-in comparator. The
system transmits data at 9600 baud, using on/off keying.


+ - - +


- + + -


Figure 4-3: Arrangement of the connectors on the faces of the module. The north
and south poles align on each face, so that the magnets attract. The arrangement
is four-way rotation symmetric, so a module can mate from any of four possible

Capacitor Nub
Cathode Pad




Anode Pad

Figure 4-4: Pebble printed circuit. The electropermanent magnets are soldered to
the flex PCB like the other components. The microcontroller is packaged in a 7 mm
square TQFP, and the MOSFETS are packaged in 2 mm square DFN packages. The
nubs on the frame are soldered to the holes on the PCB to complete the assembly.

4.2.2 Electronic Design

Figure 4-4 shows the pebble printed circuit. All of the logic and timing for reconfig-
uration, communication, and magnet drive is performed by an ATMEGA328 micro-
controller. This is an 8-bit machine with 32K of program memory and 2K of data

Power for the system is bussed through the electropermanent magnetic connector
poles, as described in the previous section. This power is of uncertain polarity, de-
pending on the node location, so it is first passed through a full-wave bridge rectifier
(SDA006, Diodes, Inc.) and a 22 ohm current-limiting series resistor, which feeds
the nodes +20V internal power rail. A linear regulator (LT3009, Linear Technology)
steps down this voltage to provide +5V for the microcontroller.

A 100F , low ESR capacitor (B45197A, Kemet) is connected between the +20V
rail and ground. It provides the 5 A peak current needed to switch the electroperma-
nent magnets.

The drive and sense circuitry for the electropermanent magnetic connectors is
shown schematically in Figure 4-5. The four electropermanent magnet coils require
bidirectional drive, but only one needs to be switched on at any one time, so we are
able to avoid building an H-bridge for each. One terminal from each electropermanent
magnet is tied together onto a common bus. This bus can be driven with +20V or
GND, or left floating, by one MOSFET half-bridge circuit. The other terminal of each
electropermanent magnet is tied to its own half-bridge, so that it can be individually

The half-bridges are made from a push-pull pair of N-channel (FDMA2002, Fairchild)
and P-channel (FDMA1027, Fairchild) power MOSFET transistors. The gate of the
N-channel transistor is controlled by an I/O line from the microcontroller. The P-
channel transistor gate needs to be switched between +20V (off) and +15V (on). The
circuit shown, which uses a third N-channel MOSFET with a center-tapped resistive
load provides this gate drive.

In order to receive messages from neighboring modules, the microcontroller needs

Figure 4-5: The circuit on each pebble, not including the microcontroller, power
regulator, bridge rectifier, and energy storage capacitor.

to be able to detect pulses of induced voltage on the electropermanent magnet coils.
To allow this, the common bus is connected to one terminal of the microcontrollers
analog comparator through a high-pass RC filter. The other terminal serves as a
DC voltage reference; it is connected to the output of a low-pass RC filter, which
is driven by the microcontroller with a variable duty-cycle square wave to set the
voltage threshold for communication pulse detection.
The module contains a white LED, driven by a microcontroller power pin, for user
status updates.

4.2.3 Mechanical Design

The module printed circuits (Figure 4-4) are a two-layer Copper-on-Kapton flex cir-
cuits, with Kapton stiffeners on the cube faces. We populated them with components
using automated pick-and-place assembly. In principle, it would be possible to design
the electropermanent magnets for automated assembly, but for these prototypes, we
soldered them in place by hand. We used a temporary spacer to make the ends of
the magnet poles protrude from the frame by about 0.1 mm, to ensure good contact
during mating.
Figure 4-6 shows a nearly assembled module, although missing one of its magnets
for clarity. The skeleton frame (i) is fabricated from yellow brass by investment
casting from 3D inkjet-printed positives. The frame has hemispherical nubs (j) on its
edges; these mate with holes in the flex circuit to align the circuit with the frame. The
nubs are hand-soldered to the pads on the flex circuit, so that the flex circuit can be
removed by desoldering for repair or debugging. The energy storage capacitor (g) is
the largest electronic component of the system, and does not fit on the board. Instead,
it is mounted at center of the cube, between two flex-circuit tabs that protrude into
the interior.
In the initial prototype, the tabs containing the frame mating holes would protrude
at an angle. We solved this problem by adding a non-soldermask-coated, thin section
(25m) at the end of each tab; we then tuck this section under the adjacent face
during assembly to secure the tab in place before soldering.

Figure 4-6: Partially disassembled view of a pebble. (Left) The electropermanent
magnet connector, with most of the coil removed to show the permanent magnet
rods. (Right) A pebble opened to show the mounting of the capacitor in the center
of the cube, and the mating of the frame nubs with the flex circuit holes.

4.3 Results

4.3.1 Module Pair Latching Force

To compare the efficacy of different drive waveforms, we performed pull tests using
two cubes. One cube was mounted on a linear motion stage, the other on an air
bearing, with a load cell measuring the force along the allowed direction of motion.
(For details about this experimental setup, see Section 3.4.2.) For each of the pull
tests, the module attached to the motion stage is connected to an external power
source through an attached magnetic connector. The linear stage is used to bring the
modules together. When they come into contact, the second cube powers up, and the
two exchange a synchronization message.
A representative sampling of the normal force after three different latching wave-
forms in shown in Figure 4-7. The average peak force, (over nine tests), for two
asynchronous pulses, (one from each magnet), was 2.16N. When both magnets were
pulsed synchronously, the resulting force was 2.06N (averaged over 15 tests). When
both magnets were pulsed synchronously twice, the average peak force was 3.18N
(averaged over 4 tests). In addition to the normal force required to separate two

Double Asynchronous Pulse
3 Single Synchronous Pulse
Double Synchronous Pulses

Force [N]




0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Displacement [mm]

Figure 4-7: Force vs. displacement when two latched modules are pulled apart, using
one of three switching waveforms. The modules have a mass of 4.0 g. The peak
magnetic latching force, 3.2 N, could in principle support the weight of 82 modules.
The modules stretch 1-3% before detaching when pulled. The weight of a single
module can be supported from a distance of 1.4 mm, 12% of the module size.

cubes, we measured the shear force between two cubes using the same fixture. Five
shear tests yielded forces of 0.22 to 0.83N with an average of 0.69N.
We also measured the normal force between the magnets after they had been
switched off and it was zero to within the precision of apparatus. Holding the cubes
in our hands and pushing them together, we can observe no tendency for the modules
to hold together when the magnets are off. Any remnant force is certainly much less
than the weight of a module.
All three traces show an initial linear rise in force with displacement, correspond-
ing to the elastic deformation of the cubes in the fixture as they are pulled apart
before the magnetic connectors separate. A peak is reached, and then the LED in the
load-cell-side cube extinguishes, corresponding to separation of at least one pole of
the connectors, and the force decreases as the air gap distance between the magnets
increases. The distance over which the connectors remain in contact as the stage
displacement increases, the distance from zero displacement until the peak force, pro-
vides a way to measure the tolerance to misalignment of the system. A large network
of cubes is mechanically overconstrained, so one might be concerned about the ability
to get reliable power transmission between modules, which requires continuous con-
tact. From the data, one can see that a displacement between 0.14 to 0.30mm (1%
to 3% of the total module size) is possible before separation, allowing a large network
of cubes to achieve precision connector alignment through elastic averaging.[84]
In the single synchronized pulse experiments, (red line in Figure 4-7), we observed
a plateau in force following the peak, before the rapid decrease. Observation was
difficult, but it appeared that the plateau corresponds to a case where one pole of the
connectors is still in contact while the other is separated.
After separation, there is a non-continuous jump in the data, which we have
interpolated with a thin line. We suspect this is because, after the connectors are
pulled apart, and the contact force stiffness has been removed from the system, the
magnet pulls away and a new static equilibrium between the magnetic force and load
cell stiffness is reached at an air gap distance greater than zero.
Figure 4-8 shows the coil current and voltage during a single synchronized pulse.


Voltage [V]


200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time [s]

Current [A]

200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Time [s]

Figure 4-8: Voltage and current vs. time through the electropermanent magnet coil,
driven with a 300s pulse from the 100F module energy storage capacitor. The
peak magnetizing current of 4.2 A is reached after 60s.

The current reaches a momentary peak and then decreases during the pulse, indicating
that the magnetic material is not saturating during the pulse, but that the peak
current is instead limited by the discharge of the capacitor. This was the inspiration
for the double synchronous pulse, which energizes the coils a second time after waiting
for the capacitor to recharge, and as Figure 4-7 shows, does result in a larger force.
The force measured for the double synchronous pulse is 73% of the 4.4 N peak force
measured in the experiment shown in Figure 3-13, where a single electropermanent
magnet was pulled away from an iron plate, a stiff power supply was used, and full
saturation of the magnetic material was achieved.

4.3.2 Power Transfer

The magnets were strong enough to achieve intimate contact between the two poles
of the electrical connector, and the connectors reliably transferred power between
modules. The connectors tolerated misalignments of about 1 mm and continued
to operate. Sometimes we observed visually that, in a lattice of modules, at least
one of the connectors was not in physical contact. However, this did not matter
operationally, because the node would still received power from a connector on another
We assembled a 3 x 4 block of Pebbles and measured the electrical resistance
between each neighboring pair of modules using an ohmmeter. The results are shown
in Figure 4-9. The average resistance was 0.3. The Pebbles draw about 11 mA from
the 20 V supply. Based on this, the power dissipation through each connection, for
each Pebble served by that connection, is 27 W. This is about 10,000 times less than
the power used by the Pebble to power its microcontroller and LED, 220 mW.
There is a 22 current-limiting resistor in series with the power input of each
Pebble. After the magnet switching pulse, the capacitor is discharged to 8 V, and
needs to recharge to 20V, resulting in a (calculated) peak current of 540 mA. At this
current, 87 mW is dissipated in each connection through which the power flows, and
the 11 W delivered to the Pebble.

0.49 0.23

0.33 0.19 0.29

0.32 0.23

0.20 0.26 0.20

0.22 0.31

0.33 0.31 0.58

0.37 0.24

Figure 4-9: Electrical resistance of power connections in a block of Pebbles, in ohms,

measured with an ohmmeter on a block of Pebbles. The mean resistance is 0.3. For
each connection though which the power for a Pebble travels, the I 2 R dissipation at
11mA is 27 W. This is about 10,000 times less than the power used by the Pebble
to power its microcontroller and LED, 220 mW.

4.3.3 Self-Disassembly Experiments

We manually constructed a 3x5 block of Pebbles then commanded the system to self-
disassemble into a several shapes by selecting the Pebbles to remain in the structure
using a graphical user interface. When we issued the disassemble command, the un-
selected Pebbles turned off their electropermanent magnets, disconnecting themselves
from the structure. See Figure 4-10. In trials, the system formed the desired humanoid
shape 23/25 times. The other times, it appeared that communication messages did
not get through correctly. We tried several methods for removing the disconnected
Pebbles, including placing the structure on a vibration table and tapping the side
table; neither was sufficient to remove the Pebbles separating the arms and legs of
the humanoid, which are surrounded on three sides. One method that did work was to
simply pick up the structure and shake it manually; the disconnected Pebbles would
then fall away.

4.3.4 Self-Assembly Experiments

We placed several Pebbles onto an inclined vibration table. The Pebbles slide down
toward a powered root Pebble. Once a Pebble comes within magnet range, about
2mm, the magnets assist in drawing it in and aligning it. Once a Pebble makes
contact, it receives power and switches on its own magnets. Through a combination
of falling into a cluster and magnetic attraction, the Pebbles self-assemble into a
square lattice. The self-assembled block of Pebbles can then be used as a block of
raw material for shape formation by self-disassembly. Assembly of the 8 Pebbles took
5 seconds. The shaker table was inclined at 7 to the horizontal in X and Y. See
Figure 4-12.

10 mm

(a) (b)

10 mm

(c) (d)

Figure 4-10: Self-disassembly experiments. (a) A humanoid drawn on-screen. (b)

The resulting humanoid. (c) A triangle drawn on-screen. (d) The resulting triangle.

Figure 4-11: Experimental apparatus showing a humanoid after a completed disas-
sembly trial. The clamp holds the root module in place onto a bed of pogo pins,
which provide the root with power and a data connection to the PC.

0s 2s

3s 5s

Figure 4-12: Self-assembly experiment. The Pebbles start out at random positions
on an inclined vibration table, falling down toward a powered root node. Through a
combination of falling into a cluster and magnetic attraction, the Pebbles self-assemble
into a square lattice.

Chapter 5

Electropermanent Actuators

5.1 Introduction
Electropermanent magnets can do mechanical work. The switching pulse stores mag-
netic energy in the device and this energy is released as the magnet pulls on the
load, until the system reaches mechanical equilibrium. The time for the release of the
mechanical energy can be arbitrarily long and no electrical energy input is required
during this period. The I 2 R losses are proportional to the work done. This remarkable
characteristic leads to some major advantages for our new electropermanent motors
over other magnetic motors: larger continuous torque, efficiency at low speeds, abil-
ity to operate without gearing in many applications, the ability to do work at high
torque on an arbitrarily low source of electrical power, and zero-power holding. For
the designer of a low-power, low-cost system, these are exciting capabilities.
Ordinary permanent-magnet motors exert torque proportional to the current; the
constant of proportionality is the well-known torque constant. Electrical power input,
lost as heat due to the DC resistance of the windings, is required to maintain this
current and torque. At low enough speeds, the mechanical power output becomes
insignificant compared to this I 2 R loss; so ordinary permanent-magnet motors require
some minimum input of electrical power to maintain a given torque. In contrast,
electropermanent motors have I 2 R losses only during the switching pulses, which
become farther apart in time as the speed is reduced. Their I 2 R losses are instead

proportional to the work done, which means that electropermanent motors maintain
efficiency at arbitrarily low speed, and thus can do work on a load, perhaps slowly,
on an arbitrarily low source of electrical power.
The continuous torque rating of an ordinary magnetic motor is limited by heating
due to the I 2 R losses to produce torque. In contrast, the continuous torque rating
of an electropermanent motor is limited only by the saturation flux density of its
magnetic materials; its self-heating at stall is zero. The continuous torque of elec-
tropermanent motors can be many times higher than an ordinary electromagnetic
motorand they run cold at this torque, whereas an ordinary motor runs at its heat
dissipation limit. Because of their higher continuous torque and efficiency at low
speed, electropermanent motors can be run without gearing for many applications.
Electropermanent motors are not for every application. Because they continuously
cycle a magnetic material around its hysteresis loop, they are intrinsically dissipative
devices. Later in the chapter, we prove that their efficiency is limited to 20%. This is
better than other inherently dissipative actuators, such as shape memory alloys, which
typically have efficiency below 1%. But it is not as good as a magnetic or piezoelectric
motor run at its optimal operating speed, or than an electrostatic motor.
Electrostatic motors require high drive voltages, and have lower peak torque than
magnetic motors, due to electrical breakdown limits. Magnetic motors 1-10 mm in
size run most efficiently at speeds in range of 100,000 RPM. Effective utilization of
their power in robotic systems requires a large gear ratio which is difficult to achieve in
small systems. Piezoelectric motors are the closest competition to electropermanent
motors and can achieve higher torque density. However, piezoelectric motors are also
inherently dissipative devices, due to kinetic friction between the rotor and stator
and due to hysteresis losses from rapid cycling of their ferroelectric materials. When
operated away from their optimal, resonant speed, piezoelectric motors also incur
losses that push their efficiency to zero in the low-speed limit.
In this chapter we will introduce a model to describe the flow of energy through
electropermanent actuators and motors. We will give formulas for design, introduce
the electropermanent stepper motor, and give experimental data on its performance.

V(t) V(t)
i(t) i(t)
Am Am

N,R g N,R
l l


m m

(a) (b)

Figure 5-1: Electropermanent magnetic actuators: (a) gap-closing and (b) side-drive.
An electrical pulse in the coil transfers energy to the permanent magnets and air gap,
which then do mechanical work to accelerate and lift the bar.

5.2 The Electropermanent Power Cycle

Figure 5-1 shows two basic configurations of electropermanent actuator. Both are
variable-reluctance actuators; the one on the left is a gap-closing actuator, the one
on the right is a side-drive actuator. Unlike a standard magnetic actuator, a parallel
electropermanent magnet has been placed in series with the flux path.
Like a heat engine, a electropermanent actuator is a cyclic energy conversion
device, whose operation consists of a series of processes, repeated in sequence to
do useful work. Probably the most famous thermodynamic power cycle is the Otto
Cycle, which describes the operation of an internal combustion engine as a series of
four processes: intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust. The power cycle for a
heat engine is plotted on a PV (pressure-volume) diagram, the conjugate variables of
its primary means of energy storage.
In Figure 5-2, we have plotted the power cycle of an electropermanent actuator
on a BH (flux-field) diagram. The field H is the magnetic field intensity inside the
permanent magnets, while the flux density B is the magnetic flux density in the air

Collapse 2

Demagnetization Magnetization

1 H
5 Collapse

Figure 5-2: Electropermanent actuator thermodynamic power cycle.

1 2 3 4 5 1










Figure 5-3: Electropermanent actuator power variables versus time.

gap. The conjugate variables of the electrical power input (voltage and current) and
the mechanical power output (force and velocity) are plotted versus time in Figure
The cycle starts at point 1, with the NIB magnet and the Alnico magnet oppositely
magnetized, so that both the magnet field and air gap flux are zero. To begin the
magnetization process, the drive circuit connects a voltage source to the coil, resulting
in an increasing current and field. By the end of the magnetization pulse, the cycle
has reached point 2.
At point 2, the magnetization pulse ends, and the system enters the collapse
process. During the collapse process, the field in the permanent magnets undergoes
a direction reversal, and the magnetic flux density decreases, until a new equilibrium
between the permanent magnets and the air gap is reached. Once the system has
reached point 3, the coil current is zero and the permanent magnets are supplying the
field needed to overcome the reluctance of the air gap. The collapse process induces
a voltage in the coil; if the coil is shorted, the collapse energy will be dissipated as
At point 3, the power stroke begins. The magnetic flux exerts a force at the
air gap, pulling it closed for a gap-closing actuator, or increasing its area for a side
drive actuator; in either case reducing its reluctance and reducing the magnitude of
the field. The state of the magnetic material proceeds along a recoil line from the
magnetization curve toward point 4. Although mechanical work is done during every
part of the cycle, the power stroke is typically much longer in duration than the other
processes, so it is where the great majority of the work is done.
At point 4, once enough work has been extracted from the power stroke, the
controller turns on the demagnetization pulse, which increases the magnitude of the
field in the negative direction, driving the device toward point 5. This results in
a direction reversal of the flux and field in the air gap, but still a positive force of
At point 5, the controller turns off the demagnetizing pulse, and the air gap flux
and magnet field collapse back to zero. This sets the force to zero, allowing the power

stroke of another electropermanent actuator to return the air gap to its original size
so the cycle can repeat from point 1.
This section has illustrated that an electropermanent actuator is a cyclic energy
storage device, allowing the input of electrical energy on a short time scale, to allow
for decreased I 2 R losses, and the output of mechanical energy on a longer time scale.
In the next section, we describe the dynamics of power flow and energy storage in the

5.3 Electropermanent Actuator Dynamics

To examine the dynamics of energy flow through electropermanent actuators, we built
a computer model of a gap-closing electropermanent actuator. The model is of the
actuator shown in Figure 5-1 (a). The model uses a magnetic circuit approach, with
a parallel-plate assumption for the air gap flux. It models the effects of coil resistance
and I 2 R loss, the four-quadrant hysteresis behavior of the Alnico magnet, and the
weight and inertia of the bar as it is lifted.
In this section, we first describe the model set-up, then show data from a run of
the model. The model results illuminate the mechanism for power flow through the
device, show which loss mechanisms are important during different parts of the cycle,
and show the separation of time scales. It is remarkable to the author that, for the
mm-scale devices constructed, electrical power is input at hundreds of watts for tens
of microseconds, while mechanical power is output at hundreds of milliwatts for tens
of millisecondsa power and time transformation ratio of 1000:1. This ratio enables
the high-force, low-power characteristic of electropermanent actuators, as compared
to other electromagnetic actuators.

5.3.1 Model Set-Up

The model is a set of three ordinary differential equations. We solve the equations
as an initial value problem in MATLAB using ODE45, which performs numerical
integration using a Runge-Kutta method.

Symbol Parameter Value Unit.
Ap Air gap pole area 4.8 mm2
Am Permanent magnet area 2.4 mm2
N Coil turns 80
R Coil resistance 3
l Magnet length 3.3 mm
m Load mass 300 g
g Acceleration of gravity 9.8 N/kg
Br NIB remnant flux density 1.28 T
r Alnico recoil permeability 2.6
V0 Pulse voltage 30 V
T Pulse length 60 s

Table 5.1: Input parameters of the model.

Symbol Variable Initial Value Unit.

Bp Air gap flux density 0 T
d Air gap length 125 m
v Air gap velocity 0 mm/s

Table 5.2: State variable outputs of the model.

The state variables of the model, shown in Table 5.2, are the pole magnetic flux
density Bp , the air gap length d, and the air gap closing velocity v. The input
parameters and derived output variables of the model are shown in Tables 5.1 and
The magnetic dynamics are described by Faradays law of induction, combined
with Ohms law to model the effect of coil resistance.

d V IR
Bp = (5.1)
dt Ap N
The mechanical dynamics are described by Newtons law; the forces modeled are
the magnetic force and the weight of the bar.

d Fm
v=g (5.2)
dt m
The final differential equation is simply the definition of velocity.

d=v (5.3)
Symbol Variable Unit.
i Coil current A
Fm Magnetic force N
Ba Alnico flux density T
Bn NIB flux density T
Ha Alnico field intensity kA/m
Hn NIB field intensity kA/m
Pi Electrical power input W
Po Mechanical power output W
Pl I R loss in coil W
Pm Power flow into permanent magnets W
Pg Power flow into air gap W

Table 5.3: Derived outputs of the model.

The magnetic force is computed using the Maxwell stress tensor expression for
the air gap.

Bp2 Ap
Fm = (5.4)
The current in the coil is computed using Amperes law, with a path of integration
through the Alnico magnet and the air gap.

Ha l 2dBp
I= + (5.5)
N 0 N
The Alnico and NIB magnets are in parallel and the same length, so they see the
same magnetic field H, and their flux adds.

Ap Bp = Am Ba (Ha , t) + Am (Br + 0 Ha ) (5.6)

In the above equation we have written the Alnico magnetic flux as a function of the
Alnico field and time. To compute the flux in the alnico magnet, we used experimental
data from Campbell and Al-Murshids paper A model of anisotropic Alnico magnets
for field computation. [11] We fit a 20th order polynomial to the up-switching and
down-switching hysteresis curves, and used a linear model for excursions into the
interior along recoil lines. The model function keeps track of the field direction-
switching to select which curve to use. To compute the flux in NIB magnet, we used

the straight-line demagnetization curve from Fitzgerald. [1]
A major objective of the modeling is to visualize the flow of power through the
device. The expressions for the electrical power input and I 2 R loss are particularly

Pi = V I (5.7)

Pl = I 2 R (5.8)

Because we want to accurately model hysteresis losses in the Alnico material,

it is important to select an appropriate energy relationship. Since the material is
dissipative, it is not correct to say that its magnetic energy density is B H. However,
Haus and Melcher [40] show that the following relationship for magnetoquasistatic
power flow into a fixed control volume follows from only Poyntings Theorem and
Maxwells Equations, with no assumption of linearity or energy conservation.

Pm = H dV (5.9)
V dt

Performing the integral and simplifying, we get

Pm = Ap lHa (5.10)

The magnetic potential energy U stored in an air gap of volume V is

U= dV (5.11)
V 20

So the power flow into the moving-boundary air gap control volume is

vAp Bp2 + 2dAp Bp dB


Pa = (5.12)

Finally, the mechanical power output, which goes into both accelerating and lifting
the load, is

Po = mv mgv (5.13)

5.3.2 Model Results

Figures 5-4 through 5-8 show the results of the simulation, for the parameters in Table
5.1. These parameters were chosen to approximate those of our electropermanent
stepper motor described in Section 5.7.
During the magnetization pulse, which lasts for 50 s, power flows into the device
as electrical current. A portion of this power is lost immediately to I 2 R heating, and
the remainder flows into the permanent magnets and the air gap. Some of the power
that flows into the permanent magnets is lost to hysteresis loss, and the remainder is
After the pulse ends, the collapse phase occurs over the next 10 s. The magnetic
field reverses direction, and some of the energy stored in the air gap and permanent
magnets is lost to additional I 2 R heating. (A more advanced drive circuit might
attempt to recover some of this energy.)
The power stroke lasts for roughly 15 ms. Note that this time is determined by the
load; a heavier load results in less acceleration and so a longer power stroke. During
the power stroke, power flows from the air gap to the load. A small amount of power
flows from the permanent magnets and there is a small amount of I 2 R heating due
to the changing magnetic flux linking the coil, but neither is significant. The induced
voltage during the power stroke may be a useful input for control, as it provides a
way to determine the progress of the power stroke.
The simulation stops when the air gap length reaches zero. In a real system, if
the magnet was left on all the way to zero air gap length, there would be a collision
and elastic losses at this point.
Over a full cycle, the hysteresis loss is proportional to the area of the loop. The model presented
here is in terms of magnetic power flow and not stored magnetic energy, so it does account for the
hysteresis loss, although it does not indicate exactly when in time the hysteresis loss heating actually
occurs. From thermodynamic considerations, we know that most of the heating must occur during
the most irreversible processes of the cycle, which are magnetization and demagnetization.

Voltage (V)



10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)
Coil Current (A)


10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)
PM Field (kA/m)


10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)
Pole Flux Density (T)

10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)

Figure 5-4: Actuator model results: electrical and magnetic power variables during
the magnetization and collapse processes.

Electrical Power Input (W)

10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)
I2R Heating Power (W)

10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)
Power into Air Gap (W)



10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)
Power into PM (W)



10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (us)

Figure 5-5: Actuator model results: power flow during magnetization and collapse.

Power into Air Gap (mW) Mechanical Power Out (mW)




0 5 10 15
Time (ms)



0 5 10 15
Time (ms)
Power into PM (mW)




0 5 10 15
Time (ms)
I2R Heating Power (mW)




0 5 10 15
Time (ms)

Figure 5-6: Actuator model results: power flow during the power stroke.

Pole Flux Density (T)



0 5 10 15
Time (ms)
Magnetic Force (N)

0 5 10 15
Time (ms)
Velocity (mm/s))



0 5 10 15
Time (ms)
Air Gap (m)



0 5 10 15
Time (ms)

Figure 5-7: Actuator model results: mechanical variables.



Pole Magnetic Flux Density (T)





150 100 50 0 50 100 150
PM Magnetic Field (kA/m)

Figure 5-8: Actuator model results: BH diagram showing magnetization, collapse,

and the power stroke.

5.4 Fundamental Limit on Efficiency

5.4.1 Loss Mechanisms in Electropermanent Actuators

The three major types of loss in an electropermanent actuator are I 2 R losses due to
electrical resistance in the coil, hysteresis losses due to switching the magnetic field
of the permanent magnet, and elastic losses due to collisions.
I 2 R losses can be reduced by decreasing the resistance of the coil by using larger
wire. So then it is possible to trade reduced I 2 R losses for a reduced ratio of force to
Elastic losses can be eliminated by using a motor topology that does not result in
collisions, such as a side-drive motor with a bearing. Even in a gap-closing actuator,
elastic losses can be reduced to zero by reducing the difference between the load force
and actuator force.
Hysteresis losses in electropermanent actuators are fundamental to their operation
and cannot be reduced beyond a certain limit. In this section, we present a proof, sub-
ject to certain assumptions and limitations, that hysteresis losses limit the efficiency
of electropermanent actuators to 20%. This is not as bad as it might sound; many
devices for direct-drive actuation, especially at small scale, have efficiency below 1%.
It does mean that electropermanent actuators are likely to be useful for small-scale
motion and control systems, rather than large-scale energy conversion application like
automobiles or municipal water pumping.

5.4.2 Proof

Consider two electropermanent magnets from chapter 1, attached to a sliding shaft

and configured back-to-back. By alternating turning the magnets on and off, the
sliding shaft will execute a reciprocating motion. By using, for example, a slider-
crank mechanism, useful work can be extracted from both directions of motion.
To compute the fundamental limit on electropermanent actuator efficiency, we
can use idealized versions of the magnetic materials. For the semi-hard material we

use a rectangular-loop hysteresis model, with remanence Br and coercivity Hc . For
the hard material we use a flat line at Br , independent of magnetic field.

For a uniformly magnetized volume V of magnetic material, the energy lost to heat
due to cycling around the hysteresis loop is proportional to the area of the hysteresis
loop. I
Eloss = V HdB (5.14)

This relationship is attributed to Charles Proteus Steimetz. It is equal to the net

energy flux into the material. Since the state of the material is the same at the
beginning and end of the cycle, there can be no net change in the stored magnetic
energy, so the net energy flux into the material over a cycle equals the heat loss. For
a block of the idealized rectangular-loop semi-hard material, having area Amag and
length lmag , the hysteresis loss per cycle is

Ehyst = 4Br Hc Amag lmag (5.15)

The force on the reciprocating shaft during the power stroke, from the Maxwell Stress
Tensor evaluated across the two air gaps, each with area Agap , is

Bgap Agap
F = ; (5.16)

From Gausss law for magnetic fields, we have

Bgap Agap = 2Bmag Amag (5.17)

where the factor of two is because the magnetic flux from the hard and semi-hard
materials add. The maximum length of the gap lgap is limited by the length and
coercivity of the semi-hard material. At the edges of the rectangular loop, where the
magnetic material sees field Hc , from Amperes law we see that

2lgap = Hc lmag (5.18)

The work done on the reciprocating shaft during each half-cycle of the shaft is

W = F lgap (5.19)

Combining Equations 5.16, 5.17, and 5.18, all of the dependence on the geometry of
the gap cancels out and we see that the work done has the same form as the hysteresis
W = Br Hc Amag lmag (5.20)

Examining the expressions for Eloss and W, we see that for every unit W of work,
there are four units of dissipation; thus the energy efficiency of an electropermanent
actuator with a rectangular-loop hysteresis material and no resistive loss is exactly
W Br Hc Amag lmag
= = = 20% (5.21)
W + Ehyst 5Br Hc Amag lmag
To summarize the analysis up to this point, the work done is proportional to the area
of the hysteresis loop in the second quadrant, while the hysteresis loss is proportional
to the area of the whole hysteresis loop. Any real hysteresis loop will have a positive
slope and will have additional area in the 1st and 3rd quadrant tails. So the 20%
figure constitutes an upper limit on the achievable efficiency on an electropermanent

5.5 Characterization Data for an Electroperma-

nent Actuator

Using the experimental set-up described in Section 3.4.2, we collected force versus
displacement and voltage and current versus time data for an electropermanent mag-
net of the type described in Chapter 3 using Alnico 5 as the semi-hard material and
Nd-Fe-B as the hard material. Figure 5-11 shows the energy efficiency, computed by
dividing the work done by the energy input for two pulses.

To compute the work done, we numerically evaluated the integral
W = F dx (5.22)

To compute the electrical energy input, we evaluated the integral

Ein = V Idt (5.23)

To separate out the effects of hysteresis loss from I 2 R losses in the windings, we
computed the electrical energy input not due to resistive loss, by subtracting out the
resistive loss using the known winding resistance R.
EinnotR = V I I 2 Rdt (5.24)

Figure 5-9 below shows the measured electrical energy input for a single pulse
and the portion of this due to I 2 R loss. Figure 5-10 shows the measured output
mechanical energy.
For the case without resistive loss, we can see that the energy efficiency is roughly
constant at 20%. The two data points for 10s pulses are at 30.2% and 32%; the
location of these points is very sensitive to the zero voltage, zero current, and zero
force baseline location. We believe they are due to an offset error in the instruments.
For the case including resistive loss, the efficiency is about 14% for 20s pulses,
and decreases roughly linearly. When the material saturates with 100s pulses, the
efficiency is 6%.

5.6 Permanent-Magnet Motors at the Low-Speed

Any motor that requires steady electrical power input to produce torque has zero
efficiency at zero speed, because it requires electrical power input but produces no
work. In the case of magnetic motors, in the stalled condition, 100% of the input



Electrical Energy Input (Millijoule)


0 50 100 150
Pulse Length (microseconds)

Figure 5-9: Electropermanent actuator electrical R pulse energy vs. pulse length. Blue
dots are the measured R electrical pulse energy, V Idt over the pulse. Red dots are
the I 2 R dissipation, I 2 Rdt, using a value of R measured using an ohmmeter.


Mechanical Energy Output (Millijoule)








0 50 100 150
Pulse Length (microseconds)

Figure 5-10: Electropermanent actuator efficiency vs. pulse length. The mechanical
work is numerically integrated from the measured force and displacement data, F dx.
These plots are for a magnet slowly pulled away from an iron plate.



Energy Convesion Efficiency (Percent)



0 50 100 150
Pulse Length (microseconds)

Figure 5-11: Electropermanent actuator efficiency vs. pulse length. The efficiency is
the total mechanical work divided by the electrical energy in two switching pulses.
Energy Convesion Efficiency Neglecting Resistive Loss (Percent)







0 50 100 150
Pulse Length (microseconds)

Figure 5-12: Electropermanent actuator efficiency after subtracting I 2 R loss. The

efficiency is the total mechanical work divided by the electrical energy in two switching
pulses after subtracting I 2 R losses using the measured values of I(t) and R.



Voltage (V)


100 50 0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Current (A)

100 50 0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 5-13: Electropermanent actuator pulse voltage and current vs. time. In the
figures above, we have overlaid the plots for eight linearly-spaced pulse lengths from 10
s - 150 s. Demonstrating the causality and repeatability of the system, the pulses
follow identical trajectories until the voltage is turned off, when a negative-voltage
spike corresponding to the partial collapse of the magnetic field is observed.

energy goes to resistive losses in the windings.

As the running speed is increased from zero, the efficiency increases from zero as
mechanical work is produced. Eventually, the efficiency reaches a maximum at some
optimal running speed, above which other loss mechanisms, such as frictional losses
and magnetic hysteresis losses dominate resistive losses.
Figure 5-14 shows a simple but illustrative permanent-magnet motor upon which
the following analysis is based, although the analysis applies without loss of generality
to any motor having torque proportional to current and having resistive losses in its
The torque produced by the motor shown is given by the Lorentz force law. Here,
is the torque, I is the current, B is the constant magnetic flux density, l is the total
length of the windings, and r is the radius of the windings from the center point.

= IlBr (5.25)



Figure 5-14: A sketch of the basic operating principle of a standard permanent-

magnet DC motor. A current-carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field.
The Lorentz force on the wire results in a torque about the axis shown, causing the
loop to rotate.

Neglecting mechanical and magnetic losses which become important at high speeds,
the heat output of this motor Qout is equal to the I 2 R resistive loss. Taking as the
resistivity of the wire, and Awire as the area, we can write the heat output.

I 2 l
Qout = (5.26)

The first law of thermodynamics for the motor control volume is written below.

Pin(elec) = Qout + Pout(shaf t) (5.27)

is the efficiency of the motor.

Pout(shaf t)
= (5.28)

Combining Equations 5.27 and 5.28,

Pout(shaf t)
= (5.29)
Pout(shaf t) + I 2 R

After some algebra, taking into account that Pout(shaf t) = T , we arrive at an
expression for the efficiency of the motor in terms of the speed and the design

= (5.30)

+ (Br)2

As approaches zero, the efficiency of the motor approaches zero. At the low
speed limit, which we define to be where is small compared to Br /lA, the
efficiency is approximated by the following expression.

B 2 2 2
r lAwire (5.31)

We take B and to be constant, since in a practical design, B is limited by the
saturation flux density of available magnetic materials, and is a material property,
the resistivity of the wire. We recognize lAwire as the volume of copper wire in the
In an application where the motors primary task is to push against a viscous
damping force, the force scales with the square of length scale (frontal area), and
the length of the lever arm scales with length, so the torque scales with the cube of
length. In this case, if we designed a working system at macroscale using permanent
magnet motors and then scaled down all the components equally, the efficiency of a
permanent-magnet motor would decrease with the square of length scale.

5.7 The Electropermanent Stepper Motor

In this section we introduce a new motor topology, the electropermanent stepper,

that is particularly suited to applications in micro-robotics and programmable matter.
Using the principle of electropermanent actuation developed in the preceding sections,
it maintains efficiency in the low-speed limit, allowing it to do work on high-torque
loads with low power consumption.
The motor is a wobble motor. Wobble motors are a mechanically simple motor

topology where a gap-closing electrostatic or electromagnetic force is converted to
an eccentric (wobbling) rotary motion. Wobble motors work by static friction, with
the rotor rolling around a stator of a smaller diameter. Wobble motors are attrac-
tive for microfabrication due to their simple geometry and reduced relative precision
requirements on fabrication. [44]
Wobble motors have proven their utility in microrobotic applications. Dario [19]
and his colleagues won a 1998 IEEE microbot maze competition with a mobile robot
using two electromagnetic wobble motors for drive wheels. The robot fit inside a
cubic centimeter; the wobble motors were slightly larger that those presented here,
10 mm in diameter and 2.5 mm thick. They had a maximum torque of 0.16 N-mm
and no load speed of 200 RPM. Heat dissipation limited the coil current to 140 mA,
for an I 2 R power dissipation of 82 mW.
Our electropermanent wobble motors, which are 25% smaller than Darios electro-
magnetic wobble motors, have a maximum torque of 1.1 N-mm, which is seven times
higher. Operating at 0.16 N-mm and 10 RPM, they consume 16 mW, five times
less power. This demonstrates the improvement to a motors torque and low-speed
efficiency that is possible using the electropermanent magnet principlealthough it
should be noted that it comes at the expense of reduced efficiency at high speeds.

5.7.1 Principle of Operation

Figure 5-16 shows the construction of the electropermanent stepper motor. The stator
is cross-shaped, with an outer circular profile. The rotor has a slightly larger inner
diameter, and rolls around the stator in an eccentric pattern combining oscillating
translation and continuous rotation.
The rotor, stator core, and stator tips are made from soft magnetic iron. Alnico
and NIB permanent magnets are placed in parallel at the center of each arm of the
stator. An insulated copper wire coil is wrapped around each arm, which is used to
switch the magnetization of its Alnico magnet. The NIB magnet in each arm has a
high coercivity, so is magnetization is not substantially changed by current through
the coils. Thus, each arm of the stator is an electropermanent magnet.

9.8 mm

Figure 5-15: Electropermanent stepper motor, being driven by the Millibot electron-
ics. The stator is fixed by a pair of tweezers, and the outer ring rotates. A pair of

9.8 mm dia, 2 mm thick

Alnico and NIB permanent magnets are located under each coil, making each arm of
the stator an electropermanent magnet.

50 g-mm torque
Operates efficiently at low 153


AlNiCo Stator NdFeB

Magnet Magnet Rotor Coil

Figure 5-16: Electropermanent stepper motor construction.

Figure 5-17 shows how the motor takes a step. In the initial condition, two adja-
cent magnets are switched on, causing the rotor to adhere to their ends by friction.
A pulse simultaneously turns off one magnet and turns on the opposing magnet. The
rotor rolls along the perpendicular magnet, which stays on continuously, moving away
from the magnet that switched off and toward the magnet that switched on. Repeti-
tion of this sequence results in continuous rotation with superimposed vibration.

The NIB permanent magnets are placed with alternating magnetization direction
around the stator, so that when adjacent arms are switched on, there can be a loop of
flux through the two arms and the rotor. The magnetic flux paths during operation
are shown in Figure 5-17. Because the coils on opposite arms are always used together,
they are continuously wound, so that the device has two electrical phases. Because
the two phases do not need to be driven at the same time, one terminal of each can
be connected to a common, making the electropermanent stepper a three-terminal
device. The drive sequence is shown in Figure 5-18. Reversing this sequence in time
makes the motor turn backwards.

4 3 4 3
2 5 2

1 6
6 1
7 8 7 8

(a) (b)

Figure 5-17: Electropermanent stepper motor principle of operation. The red magnets
are NIB, always polarized in the direction shown. The magnetization of the blue
Alnico magnets switches as the motor operates. The motor starts in position (a),
with magnets 5-6 and 7-8 on, and magnets 1-2 and 3-4 off. Flux flows through the
rotor and stator as shown. Applying a current pulse to the horizontal winding around
magnets 5-6 and 2-1 switches the magnetization of magnets 5 and 1, turning magnet
5-6 off and magnet 2-1 on, resulting in the new flux paths shown at right. The
rotor pivots counterclockwise about magnet 7-8, taking one step to arrive at the new
position shown in (b). Repeated steps drives the rotor abound the stator with a
continuous rotary motion and oscillating translational motion.





Figure 5-18: Drive waveform for the electropermanent stepper motor. The pulses
switch the magnetization of the permanent magnets, which then apply torque for the
rest of the cycle. The pulse width Tp is 10 60s, depending on the torque, and the
pulse period T is 4 ms or longer, depending on the speed.

5.7.2 Design

Calculation of No-Load Speed

The rotor, with inner radius ro , rolls around the stator, with radius ro and Na arms.
Figure 5-19 shows a diagram of the rolling geometry. After one step, the contact point
moves from A to C; the rotor has rolled a distance AC along the stator. After a full
cycle of Na steps, the rotor has rolled a distance Na AC, slightly less than the rotor
circumference, 2ro , resulting in the circumferential displacement of the point A by
2ro Na AC after Na steps. So the rotor rotates through 2 Na AC/ro radians
every Na T seconds, resulting in an angular rate of

2 Na AC
ro Na T

Because the shape of the rotor is an interrupted disc rather than a disc, the curve
ABC is made up of two circular arcs, AB with radius ri and BC with radius ro . If
we approximate the curve as a single arc with radius ri , then AC is 2ri /Na and the

expression for angular rate becomes

2 ro ri
Na T ro
For an exact expression, we can find the length of arc AB by calculating the half-
angle that it subtends, then multiplying by the radius to get the arc length. To do
this, we need to introduce w, the width of a stator arm.

1 w
AB = 2ri sin
We can find the length of the chord connecting B and C by drawing triangles on
the stator, and then use this chord length, 2s, to get find the subtended rotor angle
and finally the arc length BC.

1 s
BC = 2ro sin
The exact expression for the no-load speed is then

"   " r !##

2 ri w sin(/Na ) w2 w
= sin 1 sin1 ri2
T Na ro 2ri ro 4 2

For our motor, which had ro = 4.076 mm, ri = 4.000 mm, w = 2.4 mm, and Na
= 4, for T = 40 ms, the approximate formula predicts = 0.73 rad/sec , and the
exact formula predicts = 0.77 rad/sec, a difference of about 5%. For comparison,
the experimentally measured no-load speed under these conditions was 0.5 rad/sec,
implying that the rotor may be slipping somewhat even at no load.

Calculation of Torque

The (instantaneous) torque on the rotor of the wobble motor about its pivoting
arm, in terms of the force from the moving arm F , is
Figure 5-20 shows the motor executing a step. For motors with a small gap, where


ri C


Figure 5-19: Figure for calculation of no-load speed. The inner surface of the rotor
rolls along the path from point A to point C as the motor takes one step.

the diameter of the inner and outer ring are very close, the gap-closing force is very
nearly radial. The length of the vector r above is the length of the chord of the circle
between the two arms:
|r| = 2ri sin( 2 )
where is the angle between the arms, equal to 2/Na . From the figure, the angle
between the (radial) force and the chord is /2 + /2. So then
| | = |r||F |sin() = di sin( 2 )sin( 2 + 2 )
Writing in terms of Na , removing the vector notation, and simplifying, we can
= 2ri F sin( Na )cos( Na )
For Na = 4, this expression reduces to = ri F .

Selection of the Diameter Difference

The torque, speed, and relative efficiency of the motor are all strongly influenced by
the diameter difference between the rotor and stator, which determines the air gap
length at the start of a step. A larger diameter difference results in higher speed but
lower magnetic flux and so lower torque.


ri r

Figure 5-20: Figure for calculation of low-speed torque. The rotor pivots about the
instantaneous axis at the end of the bottom arm, resulting in a torque .

The magnetic flux density at the start of the power stroke can be determined
from a load line analysis. In Figure 5-21 we plot the hysteresis curve in the second
quadrant for parallel Alnico 5 and NIB magnets with equal area. The operating point
of the system at the start of the power stroke will be the intersection of this curve
with the load line of the gap.
For a total magnet length on the flux path lm (length of two magnets), air gap
length lg , magnet area Am , and pole area Ap , the slope of the load line is

B lm Ag
r = =
0 H lg Am

For our electropermanent stepper motor, at the start of the power stroke the flux
loop passes through two magnets and a gap approximately equal to the diameter
difference of the rotor and stator. The area of the pole is approximately equal to the
area of the magnets. So we can write a simplified expression for r in terms of the
problem parameters.

r =
do di

Figure 5-22 plots the force density at the poles against r . Figure 5-23 plots the
relative power efficiency, which we define as the ratio of mechanical work done to

hysteresis loss in the Alnico. With r = 17, efficiency is maximized and the force
density is at about 75% of its maximum value, making this an attractive design point.
It corresponds to the intersection of the load line with the maximum power point on
the hysteresis plot.
The motors we constructed have do di = 0.15 mm and lm = 3.3 mm, for r = 22.
Reading the chart in Figure 5-22, we would then expect their magnetic force density
to be about 540 kPa. Since they have 4.8 mm2 pole area, we would expect F = 2.6 N,
so from the previous section, = 10 N-mm. In static torque tests hanging weights on
a string from the rotor, it was able to support an 80 gram weight. Depending on the
position of the pivot, this could correspond to a static torque around the pivot of up to
7 N-mm, in moderate agreement with this calculation. However the dynamic torque
capability was about four times lower. We suspect that the vibrational dynamics
of the motor, which are not modeled here, have a significant impact on its dynamic
torque capacity.

Experimental: Materials and Methods

Figure 5-15 shows a photo of an electropermanent stepper motor that we fabricated

in the lab.
The iron portions of the rotor and stator were made from Carpenter Electrical
Iron, grade ASTM-A848, purchased from Scientific Alloys, Inc (Westerly, RI) We
annealed the iron in a hydrogen atmosphere, heating to 850 C, holding for two hours,
then cooling at 100 C / hour to 540 C. We purchased Grade N40 NIB from Amazing
Magnets, Inc. (Irvine, CA), and Alnico 5 from Magnet Kingdom. (Medford, NY)
All of the parts were cut by wire EDM. To assemble the stators, we used a needle
to coat the mating faces of the magnets and iron pieces with a layer of Loctite Hysol
E-60HP epoxy, then we assembled the parts under magnification with non-magnetic
titanium tweezers. After assembly, we cleaned away excess wet glue with isopropanol.
We used a custom-machined fixture plate to assist in final alignment of the parts.
After the glue dried, we secured the stators to a plate using paraffin wax, then we
machined the circular outer profile using a 1/4 inch diameter end mill.


r = 30
Magnetic Flux Density (T)

r = 17

r = 5

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Magnetic Field (kA/m)

Figure 5-21: Load line analysis. The second-quadrant hysteresis curve for Alnico 5
in parallel with NIB is plotted with three gap load lines. The magnet/gap size ratio
r is defined in the text; for a design with equal permanent magnet and pole area, it
is equal to the ratio of the total magnet length on the flux path to the length of the
air gap. The system will start the power stroke at the intersection of the load line
and the hysteresis curve.


Magnetic Force Density (kPa)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Magnet/Gap Size Ratio r

Figure 5-22: Magnetic force density vs magnet/gap size ratio. The magnet/gap size
ratio r is defined in the text; for a design with equal permanent magnet and pole
area, it is equal to the ratio of the total magnet length on the flux path to the length
of the air gap.

Relative Power Efficiency (for equalarea design)










0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Magnet/Gap Size Ratio r

Figure 5-23: Relative power efficiency vs size ratio. The relative power efficiency is
the ratio of the mechanical work done by the gap closing to the hysteresis loss of the
Alnico magnet. The magnet/gap size ratio r is defined in the text. This plot is valid
only for a design with equal magnet and pole area; in that case, the magnet/gap size
ratio is the ratio of the total magnet length on the flux path to the length of the air

Stepper Motor

Figure 5-24: Complete friction-drive electropermanent stepper, shown with an early

version of the Millibot flex circuit, which provides the drive pulses.

The coils are wound from 40 AWG bondable magnet wire with solderable polyurethane-
nylon insulation, purchased from MWS Wire Industries (Westlake Village, CA). Be-
fore winding the coils, we used a diamond file and hobby knife to remove excess
glue and ensure a smooth winding surface. We wound the coils using a coil winding
machine, mounting the stators onto the machines chuck using a custom-designed
aluminum flexure clamp. The clamp served as the left-hand spool side for winding
the coil; we used a laser-cut, break-away balsa wood spacer for the right-hand spool
side. We positioned a stereomicroscope over the coil winder and hand-wound the 40
turn coils. After winding, to reflow the bond coat and make the coils freestanding, we
applied a drop of ethanol, waited 5 seconds, then dried away the remaining ethanol
using a heat gun. We found it critical to us an ohmmeter to test for shorts between
the coils and the stator core, and to re-wind coils showing any conductivity to the
core before energizing the motor.
To drive the motor, we used a Millibot circuit, described in the next chapter. The
drive voltage was 30V. We applied drive pulses from 10-50 s in length, spaced apart
by 4-400 ms.

5.7.3 Experimental: Results

To measure the motors torque, we mounted the motor vertically, fixed a piece of
thin wire to the outside of the rotor, and hung weights from the wire. As the motor
turned, it wrapped the wire around its outer diameter, lifting the weights. We timed
the interval for a quarter-turn of the motor using a stopwatch to measure the speed.
We plotted the pulse voltage and current waveforms on an oscilloscope, and calcu-
lated the input power by multiplying voltage times current. To measure the current,
we placed a 0.03 series resistor in series with each phase, and measure the voltage
drop across the resistor using a differential amplifier.
Figure 5-25 is a torque-speed curve for T=40 ms and T=4 ms. Note the dropping
torque-speed curve, which is characteristic of wobble motors in the literature. We
suspect that this curve is due to vibrational dynamics and partial backdriving during
the wobble cycle, because the stall torque, shown in Figure 5-26 is much higher than

T=4 ms

Torque (Nmm)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Speed (RPM)

Figure 5-25: Electropermanent stepper torque vs. speed curves, measured by hanging
weights on a string from the rotor, and measuring the time for one revolution with a

the low-speed dynamic torque.

For most efficient drive, it is necessary to reduce the driving pulse length until
the motor can just lift the weight. For a 0.16 N-m torque, the efficiency was 1%,
maintained over two orders of magnitude in speed, from T=4 ms to T=400 ms.



Stall torque (Nmm)




10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Pulse length (microseconds)

Figure 5-26: Electropermanent stepper torque vs. pulse length, measured by hanging
weights on a string from the rotor until the backdriving occurred. This plot shows
that the stall torque of the motor is considerably higher than its dynamic torque and
that the torque can be controlled by the driving pulse length.

Micro Mo BH1202
EP Stepper

Torque Density (Nmm/kg)



0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed (RPM)

Figure 5-27: Torque density vs. speed comparison with two motors of similar size
to the electropermanent stepper. The electropermanent stepper torque/speed curve
at T=40 ms is plotted against the torque speed curve for a Micro-Mo BH1202 elec-
tromagnetic penny motor and Flynns 8 mm diameter ultrasonic motors. [27] The
electropermanent stepper has higher torque density than the electromagnetic motor,
but lower torque density than the ultrasonic motor.

Micro Mo BH1202
EP Stepper





1 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Speed (RPM)

Figure 5-28: Efficiency vs. speed comparison with the Micro-Mo BH1202 electro-
magnetic motor. Lifting the maximum rated load of the BH1202, 0.16 N-mm, the
electropermanent stepper has 1% efficiency, independent of speed. This is a higher
efficiency that the Micro-Mo BH1202 at speeds below 1000 RPM. Note that this is a
log-log plot.

Chapter 6

The Millibot

6.1 Introduction
Nature builds proteins by encoding their blueprint as a one-dimensional code (DNA),
transcribing that code to a linearly connected chain of amino acids, then folding that
chain. These proteins acting together produce all of the richness and variety of life.
In our quest to produce a universal object which can transform itself into some
approximation of any object, it seems sensible to consider borrowing from natures
approach. In his PhD thesis, entitled Growing Machines, Griffith [38] describes
mechanical and electromechanical systems built to emulate the protein-folding ma-
chinery of biology.

6.2 The Millibot

The Millibot is a continuous flexible printed circuit with electropermanent stepper
motors placed at a 12 mm pitch. It is designed to move along the ground like an
inchworm, then fold itself into a user-defined shape.
The Millibot is a testbed for the idea of roll-to-roll robotics; that robotic modules
with no internal moving parts, only field interactions between neighbors, can be inex-
pensively manufactured as a continuous strip. As such, when designing the Millibot
we had the following goals:


Flex PCB

Capacitor MOSFETs

Flex cable
connecting nodes

10 mm
Motor rotor

Figure 6-1: A two-module Millibot, showing the major components.

Smallest axis-to-axis pitch possible, while still using off-the-shelf electronic com-
ponents for control.

Minimum number of moving parts: For a chain with N joints, the minimum
number of moving parts is N+1. This ruled out, for example, gear reduction as
a means to achieve large torques.

Scalable physics: The basic design, actuation devices, and computational capac-
ity per node should be feasible to shrink to sub-millimeter axis-to-axis dimen-
sions, without encountering any surface-area-to-volume-ratio type limitations.

Planar Fabrication: As much as possible, the parts should be manufacturable

via two-dimensional, layered techniques, such as photolithography, laser cutting,
and wire EDM.

Connected geometry: We wanted to build a permanently-connected chain of

nodes, because chains are strong in tension, and allow passing power and com-
munication messages down the chain.

6.3 The Arm-Wrestling Number

A limitation on the motion paths of any chain-style modular robot is that a given
joint must be capable of providing enough torque to lift its neighbors. To quantify
a systems capability to lift itself in a scale-independent way, we have defined a non-
dimensional number which we call the arm-wrestling number, equal to the number
of nodes that a single node can lift, with the chain configured as a straight horizontal
line. Note that this is the worst-case condition: if there were already any bends in the
part of the chain being lifted, the effective moment arm would be shorter, because of
the triangle inequality, and so the required torque would be lower.
For a system with nodes with mass m, axis-to-axis distance l, motor torque ,
and taking the acceleration of gravity as g, the arm-wrestling number N is

N= (6.1)
Both the torque of the motors and the mass of a node are expected to scale with
the cube of length, so the arm-wrestling number is expected to scale as the inverse
square root of lengthto increase as the size scale is decreased. This is good news.
Using the experimentally measured torque of the Millibot motors, 1.1 N-mm, mass
of a Millibot node, 4.0 g, and axis-to-axis distance, 12 mm, one Millibot joint should
be able to lift three modules. If the whole system were scaled down by a factor of 10,
we would expect one joint to be able to lift nine modules. Of course, as the size scale
decreases other types of resisting forces may become more significant than weight.

6.4 Folding Geometry

Cheung, Demaine, and Griffith have proven that folding is universalthat a voxelized
version of any shape can be folded without self-interference using a space-filling curve.
For the Millibot we have selected the hexagonally-bisected cube folding geometry,
used in V. Zykovs Molecubes. [103] This geometry turns out to reduce to a chain of

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Figure 6-2: Results of a dynamic simulation by J. Bachrach, showing a 216-segment

Millibot folding into a cube.

rotary joints, rigidly linked to each other at a 109.57 angle. Each joint needs to be
able to turn through 240 . Figure 6-2 shows the results of a dynamic simulation by J.
Bachrach, showing a 216-segment Millibot folding into a cube in a neutral buoyancy

6.5 Mechanical Design

Figure 6-5 is a drawing of an assembled Millibot chain. Figure 6-4 is a drawing of the
repeated unit, and Figure 6-3 is an exploded view diagram of the repeated unit.
Millibot modules are rotary joints. An electropermanent stepper motor at the
center of the module provides the rotation. The rotor includes a tapered dovetail key
for attachment to the rotor joiner. The rotor is made of iron, as it is a component in
the motors magnetic circuit, and is manufactured by wire EDM.
The rotor joiner is a structural piece that mechanically connects a module to its
neighbor. Its shape results in the required 109.57 angle between modules. It is made
of bronze for strength and machinability, and manufactured by 5-axis machining.
The motor bushings act as thrust bearings for the motor rotors and provide mount-
ing points for the flex circuit. The motor driver side bushing is made of bearing-grade
Torlon polyamide-imide plastic, to avoid causing motor connection short circuits. The
processor (and power electronics) bushing is made of 932 Bearing-grade bronze, for
strength and lubricity.

6.6 Electrical Design

We attempted an electrical design with a single processor per motor, but were unable
to find a small enough microcontroller to fit. So we used a design with one processor
for every two motors, greatly relaxing the PCB layout requirements.
The Millibot flex circuit is a repeated series of three boards: the power board, the
processor board, and the motor driver board.
The processor board contains an Atmel ATMEGA324P 8-bit microcontroller. It

Magnet Descender
Sensor Magnet
0000-160 Screw

Cable Cover

Processor Flex Circuit



EP Stepper

Motor Driver
Cable Carrier Magnetoresistive
Rotation Sensor

1 cm

Figure 6-3: Millibot module exploded view. This assembly is repeated for each joint.
One segment of the continuous flex circuit is shown in its folded configuration. The
electropermanent stepper motor rotates the rotor joiner relative to the rest of the
assembly. The rotor joiner connects to the processor bushing of its neighbor using
two screws. See Figure 6-4 for an assembled view.

Figure 6-4: Millibot module. This assembly is repeated for each joint. The electrop-
ermanent stepper motor rotates the rotor joiner relative to the rest of the assembly,
as shown. The rotor joiner connects to the processor bushing of its neighbor using
two screws. See Figure 6-4 for an exploded view.

uses its two UARTs to communicate serially with its two neighboring microcontrollers
on the chain. The microcontrollers general purpose I/O pins control one LED, and
the two adjacent motor driver boards. Normally, the microcontroller is programmed
using a serial chain bootloader, but for initial programming, pads on the processor
board allow in-system programming through a pogo pin fixture.

The motor driver board contains two MOSFET half-bridges, for driving the two
electrical phases of an electropermanent stepper motor. The common terminal of the
motor is connected to a half-bridge on the power board, which is shared between
two motors. The half-bridges are capable of supplying the motor with 30V, 10A
switching pulses for up to 60 s. They use the same circuit topology as the Robot
Pebble magnet drive circuit. (See Section 4.2.2) The motor driver board also contains
a two-axis magnetoresistive rotation sensor, the Measurement Specialties KMT36H.
The rotation sensor measures the orientation of a permanent magnet attached to the
adjacent module; see Figure 6-3. Analog signals from the rotation sensor connect to

1 cm

Figure 6-5: Millibot chain, assembled by building a Millibot module around each
section of the continuous flex circuit. This view shows how the rotor joiner of each
module attaches to the processor bushing of its neighbor. When the chain is assem-
bled, the sensor magnet is positioned above the magnetoresistive rotation sensor of
the next module. Power and data are transferred between modules over the coiled
section of the continuous flex circuit.

Continuous Flex Circuit



9.6 mm


Power Motor Motor

Electronics Driver Stator

Figure 6-6: Millibot flex circuit. The circuits link together in a continuous reflow-
soldered chain. Shown is the electronics to drive two joints: one microcontroller, one
power electronics board, two motor driver boards, and the stators of two motors.

the A/D inputs of the microcontroller.

The power board contains the 150 F tantalum capacitor used to supply the
pulse current for the electropermanent stepper motor. It also contains the common
half-bridge, shared by the two motors controlled by the microcontroller.
Power is bussed at 30V for the motor and 5V for the electronics along a 2 mm
wide flexible circuit tether connecting the boards.

6.7 Assembly Process

The Millibot chain is made from a continuous flexible printed circuit. In the current
prototype, the flex circuit segments are two modules long and attached to each other

cuit Ceramic

Atmel AVR,
5 mm CSP

Figure 6-7: Millibot flex circuit: microcontroller board. Major components are the
Atmel ATMEGA324P microcontroller, in a 5 mm square DFN package, a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, and a 0402 blue LED.

uit Magnetoresistive


Figure 6-8: Millibot flex circuit: motor driver board. Major components are the
dual-axis hall-effect position center (center) the dual N-channel MOSFETs (bottom)
and the P-channel MOSFETS (top).

via hot-air reflow soldering.
Solder paste is stenciled onto the board and the electronic components are placed
by an automated pick-and-place machine. The components are attached by hot-air
reflow soldering in an oven.
The motor stators, which are assembled separately (see Section 5.7.2) are hand-
soldered onto the flex circuit. The motor rotor, connecting yoke, and top/bottom
bushings are then placed around the stator, and fixed in place with a single 0000-160
The flex circuit is then wrapped around the motors. On the motor side, the cable
carrier is inserted under the board, and the board and cable carrier are secured in
place with a single 0000-160 screw. The flex circuit cable is then fixed to the carrier
with Kapton tape.
On the opposite side, the cable cover is inserted under the board, and the board
and cover are secured to the bushing using a pair of 0000-160 screws.
At this point, the system consists of a set of motor units, connected by a common
flex circuit spine. To assemble the nodes into the chain, the flex cable is coiled around
the magnet descender, and the rotor joiner is attached to the next nodes bushing
with two screws to complete the assembly.

6.8 Results
We assembled a two-node Millibot, shown in Figure 6-1. The mass of each module
is 4.0 g. After some iteration on the motor assembly procedure and power electronic
design, we have achieved a working chain of two modules. The electropermanent
stepper motor is strong enough to lift the weight of at least one module. We have
fabricated parts for an eight-unit chain, and as of this writing are proceeding with

Chapter 7


7.1 Comparison to Related Work

Among switchable mechanical connectors, electropermanent magnets are strong for
their size. Table 7.1 compares the tensile holding pressure of our electropermanent
magnet, measured over its whole footprint, against other modular robot connec-
tors. These include macroscale mechanically-latching modular robot connectors from
Khoshnevis [52] and Nilsson [69], as well as a microscale connector based on van der
Waals forces from Northern [69]. The electropermanent magnet presented here has
the largest tensile holding pressure of all of these connectors, 231 kPa. This is surpris-
ing because the yield strength of metals is in the range of 200 - 1000 MPa, while the
holding pressure of the magnetic field at 2 T is 3 MPa. But, mechanically latching
connectors are typically based on pins and hooks with a relatively small area, and the
failure mechanism is not tensile stress but bending and buckling. It is important to
note that electropermanent magnets are much weaker in shear and twisting than in
tension; we do not have precise data but it is very likely that the mechanically-latched
connectors are stronger in these directions. Thus, when using magnetic connectors it
makes sense to have a supplemental strengthening method for rotation and shear; for
example, mechanical interlocking or van der Waals adhesion.
Electropermanent magnets are a suitable connector for millimeter scale modular
robotics. Our Robot Pebbles have the smallest modules of any functional modular

Connector Operating Length Mass Holding Force per Switching
Principle Pressure Weight Energy
EP Magnet Electropermanent 6 mm 0.2 g 231 kPa 2200 25 J/kg
(this work) Magnet
CAST [52] Magnetically actuated 25 mm 60 g 160 kPa 170 20 J/kg
mechanical latch
Dragon [69] SMA actuated 75 mm 170 g 155 kPa 410
mechanical latch
Programmable Magnetically switched 1.7 mm 14 Pa
Adhesion [70] van der Waals force

Table 7.1: Connector comparison.

System Connectors Length Mass Modules

Robot Pebbles Electropermanent 12 mm 4g 81
(this work) magnet
MICHE [35] Gearmotor driven 46 mm 128 g 15
mechanically switched
permanent magnet
M-TRAN [57] SMA retractable 132 mm 440 g 6
permanent magnet
ATRON [71] Gearmotor driven 110mm 850 g 97
mechanical latch

Table 7.2: Modular robot connection comparison.

robotic system in the published literature and this is enabled by their use of electrop-
ermanent magnets, which remove the need for off-the-shelf mechanical components.

Table 7.2 compares the number of modules that can be supported by the connec-
tors of four modular robot systems: the Pebbles, MICHE, M-TRAN, and ATRON.
ATRON uses a screw-driven mechanical connector, and can support 97 modules. The
Pebbles come in second place with the solid-state electropermanent magnet, able to
support 81 modules.

Because of the absence of torque-dependent I 2 R losses, electropermanent motors

can have higher ratings for continuous torque than electromagnetic motors. Table 7.3
is a comparison of the torque and efficiency of four motors with similar dimensions
to the electropermanent stepper. Even though its measured torque of 1.1 N-m is less
than our modeling predicts, it is several times higher than the 0.16 N-mm maximum
continuous torque of Darios electromagnetic wobble motor and the MicroMo BH1202

Motor Operating Mass Torque Efficiency Efficiency
Principle Density (Peak) (1 RPM)
EP Stepper Elecropermanent 1 g 1.1 N-m/kg 1% 1%
(this work) wobble motor
Dario [19] Electromagnetic 1g 0.16 N-m/kg 1.2% 0.02%
wobble motor
MicroMo Electromagnetic 1g 0.16 N-m/kg 51% 0.002%
BH1202 brushless DC
Flynn[27] Piezoelectric 0.5 g 1.73 N-m/kg

Table 7.3: Low-speed rotary motor comparison.

electromagnetic motor. In both these cases, the continuous torque and low-speed ef-
ficiency of these motors are limited by heat dissipation concerns, which are absent at
low speed for the electropermanent stepper. The efficiency of the electropermanent
stepper at 1 RPM is 1%, much better than the 0.02% and 0.002% efficiency of the
electromagnetic motors at the same conditions. However, the MicroMo BH1202 has
a peak efficiency of 51%, better than even the theoretical limit for electropermanent
motors. For applications requiring a high absolute efficiency, such as energy conver-
sion, or when high-speed, low-torque performance in needed, electromagnetic motors
are more suitable.
Ultrasonic motors, which use piezoelectric vibration to move a load, are also
known for their high-torque, low-speed characteristics. Indeed, Flynns highest-torque
Green mini-motor, 8 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick, had a torque density of 1.73
N-m/kg, somewhat higher than the 1.1 N-m/kg torque density of the electroperma-
nent stepper. Flynn did not report data on the efficiency of her motors, and we have
not been able to find power consumption and torque density data on other rotary
ultrasonic motors of a similar size. However, we can compare the efficiency of elec-
tropermanent linear actuation to the commercial Squiggle motor, an ultrasonic linear
motor that vibrates a piezoelectric nut around a lead screw. Table 7.4 shows data on
peak force and efficiency for linear actuators of a similar size to the electropermanent
magnet. The electropermanent actuator under these conditions has an efficiency of

Motor Operating Mass Force Stroke Eff
Principle Density (1 mm/s)
EP Magnet Electropermanent 0.2 g 22 kN/kg 0.12 mm 8%
(this work) magnetic
Squiggle Motor Piezoelectric 0.16 g 3 kN/kg 6mm 0.002%
(New Scale Tech.) ultrasonic
Nitinol wire SMA any 100 MPa 3.5% 0.07%
(New Scale Tech.)
PZT Piezoelectric any 100 MPa 580 pm/V 80%
(New Scale Tech.)

Table 7.4: Low-speed linear actuator comparison.

8%, compared to 0.002% for the Squiggle motor. While PZT has 80% efficiency under
ideal conditions, switching it requires the input of enough energy to deform a crystal
with a tensile modulus of 100 MPa. If this level of force is not needed, elastic losses
and electronic switching losses can reduce the efficiency of the complete system well
below the efficiency of raw PZT. These considerations point to the desirability of
developing multi-pole linear electropermanent motors for use in miniaturized medi-
cal instruments and other applications of piezomotors not requiring their picometer
positioning resolution.

Finally, we can conclude that miniaturized chain-style modular robots driven

by electropermanent motors can have the same relative capabilities as their larger
cousins, which are driven by geared electromagnetic motors. Table 7.5 compares the
size, actuation mechanism, and arm-wrestling number of several chain-style modular
robot systems. The arm-wrestling number, which we define in Section 6.3, is the
number of modules that a single joint can lift as a cantilever. Based on the exper-
imentally measured torque of the electropermanent stepper motor and the weight
of the Millibot modules, we have estimated the arm-wrestling number of the Mil-
libot at 3. This is larger than M-TRAN and ATRONs arm-wrestling number of
2, but smaller than Polybots arm-wrestling number of 6. All three of these sys-
tems use geared electromagnetic motors. Like the Millibot, the magnetic Catoms use
direct-drive electromagnetic actuationbut because of heat-dissipation limits with
the electromagnets, the arm-wrestling number of the magnetic Catoms is 0.6. Note

System Actuation Length Mass Modules lifted
Principle as a cantilever
Millibot (est.) Electropermanent 12 mm 2g 3
(this work) wobble
Magnetic Free-space 45 mm 105 g 0.6
Catoms [54] electromagnetic
M-TRAN [57] Gearmotor 132 mm 440 g 2

ATRON [71] Gearmotor 110 mm 850 g 2

Polybot [99] Gearmotor 50 mm 416 g 6

Table 7.5: Modular robot actuation comparison.

however, that the magnetic Catoms are a 2D system, and that lifting of other nodes
is not required for their operation.

7.2 Summary
To summarize, electropermanent magnetic connectors and actuators can provide
miniature robotic systems with the same capabilities of movement and connection
current as macroscopic systems. At the millimeter scale, electropermanent magnets
and actuators are suitable substitutes for gear-motors and mechanical latches, with
similar performance relative to their size and weight. Fundamentally, this is because
of the favorable surface-area-to-volume scaling of electropermanent magnets. Elec-
tropermanent connectors and actuators are simple to fabricate and have no moving
parts, enabling all-electronic motion systems. They will enable millimeter-scale pro-
grammable matter.

Chapter 8

Lessons Learned

At some level, this whole document is about the lessons I have learned. But the rest
of the document is about positive results. This section is devoted to negative results,
ideas for future work, and anecdotal tips for working in the lab.

8.1 High-Level Lessons

Test early and often

In the beginning of my graduate student career, I would work for weeks on some de-
tailed computer model or intricate design project, only to go into the lab and quickly
find out that whole concept was flawed due to some very basic, very unmodeled phe-
nomenon. Without doing experiments, the issues one chooses to analyze are rarely
the important ones. After learning this lesson a few times, I got better about ruth-
lessly subjecting my ideas to experiment, as early as possible, and then incrementally
increasing the complexity toward the desired system.

Also, analyze early and often

About a year before starting in on the main work of this thesis, I decided to try switch-
ing the magnetization of a permanent magnet, to use as a latch for programmable
matter. I went down to the hardware store and bought an Alnico magnet, wrapped

a coil around it, and tried to switch its magnetization with the power supply on my
desk. It didnt work because the current was too low, but the wire burned up be-
cause the pulse was too long. Convinced the idea was futile, I abandoned that idea
to work on others. Later, while I was doing a theoretical comparison of actuation
methods, I did some analysis of the physics of the problem and was surprised to see
that the concept was actually very sound. I went back into the lab, built a much
more carefully thought-out experimental setup, and got a great result. This was the
first experiment that ultimately led to this thesis.
So the counterpoint to Test early and often is Analyze early and often. Doing
a too-quick experiment, without understanding the theory behind the problem well
enough, might lead you to a false conclusion. It is a delicate art to strike the right
balance between generating concepts, testing them with experiments, testing them
with analysis, and reading the literature to see if someone else has tried it or if there
is something better.

8.2 Connector Lessons

The contact faces should be plated

The contact faces of the magnetic connectors become non-conductive after several
weeks, probably because of oxidation. For our experiments, we solved this problem
by periodically filing them down. For the next revision, they should be plated with
gold or tin.

The next system should be 3D

Stuck on the design of a 3D Robot Pebbles system, following the mantra of test
early and often, we built a 2D system instead. That was useful and we learned a
lot; but the range of experiments that can be done with a 2D system is much smaller
than with a 3D system. Also, the magnetic connectors are weak in rotation, and so
a single layer object easily falls apart. 3D objects would be more robust. The next
Pebbles-like system should really be 3D.

Interlocking is important for strength

To build a strong structure from bricks, they should be interlocked. This gives the
structure the strength of covalent bonding in at least some directions. There is a
lesson to be learned here for the design of programmable matter.

8.3 Motor Lessons

Wobble motor performance is not as predicted by the model

The power efficiency of the wobble motors, 1%, was about 10 times lower than the
simple quasistatic electropermanent linear actuator. Also, the dynamic torque was
about 10 times lower than expected, 1 N-mm rather than 10 N-mm, while the force of
the linear actuator was exactly as predicted by the model. This points to improving
motor mechanical dynamics to reduce elastic losses as a major opportunity to improve
on the results presented here, perhaps by an order or magnitude. One approach would
be to study the wobble motor dynamics in detail, with high-speed video and modeling
of the elastic dynamics, and to attempt to correct the problem. Another approach
would be to apply the electropermanent principle to a more conventional mechanical
design for a motor, using a bearing to simplify the kinematics to rotation only.

Side-drive motors could work

Early in the project, when I had less insight into the magnetic operation of these
motors than I do now, I developed a bias against side-drive designs, preferring gap-
closing designs because of concerns about iron saturation during the magnetizing
pulse. This led to the selection of the gap-closing wobble motor as the preferred
topology. However, I now believe that by with castellated teeth, Hyperco-50 soft
magnetic material, or both, the iron saturation concern could be addressed, and
excellent side-drive electropermanent motors could be constructed.

The magnets should be thinner and the pulse rate higher

Our wobble motor prototypes were designed to have the longest magnets that could
fit. One reason for this was to support the rotor/stator diameter difference needed
for geared wheels. Another design direction that might result in higher efficiency
and smoother rotation would be to use the thinnest rotor/stator gap possible, and
proportionally thin magnets. The resulting motor would operate with shorter, lower-
energy, more closely-spaced pulses. The I 2 R losses would be lower due to the relatively
large size of the coils compared to the magnets, and the amplitude of the wobble would
be lower, which might reduce the elastic losses.

Our geared wobble motor prototypes were unreliable

We built several prototype geared wobble motors, [86] using N teeth on the stator and
N+1 teeth on the rotor. Our aim was to increase torque, with the gear teeth acting to
reduce slip between the rotor and stator and enforce the intended motion path. We
tried arc-segment teeth and involute teeth, both cut into the magnetic components
and on separate coaxial wheels. Our experience was that gear teeth made the motor
harder to assemble and less reliable. The basic problem was the motor would run for
a short time, but then wedge itself into an invalid position (e.g. gears tip-to-tip) and
stop turning. More development of the gear tooth shape and bearings might lead to
a solution to this problem; if this is done it should be informed by imaging of the
actual vibrational dynamics of the motor so that the nature of the wedging problem
can be better understood.

8.4 Practical Lessons from the Lab

Permanent magnets like to clump into balls

When assembling tiny magnetic parts on your desk, dont let them get too close
together. Also, dont drop them on the floor. But if you do, a large magnet is a
useful tool for finding them.

Goo is bad

It is tempting to say Oh, well get everything positioned just right and then encap-
sulate the whole assembly in goo, such as hot glue, silicone sealant, P2 wondermask,
or epoxy. The problem is that once you do this, the system becomes becomes un-
changeable and unobservable. This might be a fine strategy for production, but not
for prototyping and experimenting. The reversible soldered nubs that hold the Pebble
circuits onto the frames represent the triumph of good design over bad goo.

Long work-time epoxy is wonderful

For fixing parts together at this scale, glue works well. The key is that it has to have
a long open time, so you have time to get everything lined up, and the excess glue has
to be cleanable with solvents. A machined fixture makes it easy to line up the parts,
and then the assembly can be lifted out of the fixture. Loctite E-60HP worked very
well for bonding metals and magnets, and cleans up with isopropanol. Loctite 409,
an instant-setting cyanoacrylate, was useful for tacking down wires, but disastrous
when we attempted to use it to hold parts in precision alignment.

Small magnet wire is floppy

The hardest part of building these motors is separating the big hairy mess of wires
after winding, then soldering them down to the circuit board. Looking at a CAD
model, it is easy to imagine the magnet wire as a stiff metal rod, easily formed into
precise shapes and easily poked through holes. Actually, its mechanical properties
are more like spaghetti; it is much easier to pull it through a hole then to push it. A
good motor design should make terminating the magnet wires as simple as possible,
something you would be happy to do wearing giant spacesuit gloves. Soldering the
wires to oversized surface mount pads next to the coils seems to work fairly well.

Thin magnet wire is fragile

On 40 AWG magnet wire, the insulation is only about 5 microns think. One hard pull
against a sharp edge will cause the insulation to fail. We had a lot of problems with
the magnet wire shorting out to its conductive magnetic mandrel. The solution was
to start with a nice, rounded, smooth surface, to immobilize the coils after winding
by setting the bond coat, and then to treat them with the utmost gingerness and

Acquire and use the right tools

Titanium tweezers are not attracted to magnets. Sharp knives work much better than
dull ones. Screwdrivers with exactly the right size tip dont slip out of the screw head.
Paying attention to things like this makes the difference between getting a working
system and getting a big sad mess of broken parts.

Cleanliness is important

Dust and dirt particles are a problem at this scale. Ferromagnetic dust particles
lead to oversize air gaps when gluing up magnets. To make precise assemblies, it is
important to have a separate area for fabrication (e.g. filing, cutting) and assembly.
The assembly area and all of the parts should be scrubbed down with packing tape
before starting; this is the only way I have found to remove ferromagnetic dust from
magnets; thanks to Paul Lituri of BJA Magnetics for this suggestion.

Fabrication is more precise than assembly

The most ordinary macro-machining center has 2.5m positional resolution. Design-
ing complexity into the parts (e.g. snap fits) to simplify the assembly makes sense.
Of course, the ultimate limit of this idea is microfabrication, where the whole device
is fabricated in one shot an there is no assembly at all; that is ultimately the right
way to build these systems in quantity.

NOTE: The design documents for the systems presented in this thesis are available
online at http://groups.csail.mit.edu/drl/ara


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Appendix A

Electrical Design of
Microfabricated Module

Because semiconductor device fabrication is complex and requires high temperature

process steps, we feel it makes sense to fabricate the integrated circuit containing the
modules control and drive electronics seperately. However, because the size of the
module is below that of commercially-available packaged VLSI functions, a single,
custom-designed integrated circuit will be required.
A candidate process for the logic IC is TSMCs CL018HV HV-CMOS process,
with 0.18m feature size and up to 32 V drain-to-source voltage. A 1 mm square IC
on this process can have about 50,000 transistors; compare this to the the Intel 4004
microprocessors 2,300 transistors.
To size the energy source and drive transistors, we can estimate the electrical
characteristics of the electropermanent magnets using the scaling information in Table
3.2. For 10 V drive and 0.5 mm magnets, we expect the switching pulse length to be
700 ns, the switching current to be 800 mA, and the switching energy to be 2J.
For energy storage, we could use a 0.22F , 10V ceramic capacitor, which holds
11J, and is commercially available in the size 0201 package, which is 0.6 mm x
0.3 mm x 0.3mm.
To size the drive transistors, we can use the formula for the saturation drain
current of a MOSFET from Howe and Sodini. [42]

ID = n Cox (VGS VT n )2
With n Cox = 50A/V 2 , gate-to-source voltage VGS = 10V , gate threshold volt-
age VT n = 1V , and gate length L = 0.18m, the gate width W needs to be just
40m to support the drain current of 800 mA required to pulse the electropermanent
magnets. Drive transistors with sufficient saturation current density will fit on the 1
mm chip.


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