Vardhaman College of Engineering: Discrete Mathematical Structures

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Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A2505


B. Tech III Semester, End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 16 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Without using the truth table prove the following: 7M
i. p [ p ( p q)] p
ii. p q (p q r ) p q r
b) Prove that the following are valid arguments 8M
p (q r ) p (q r )
p s rs
q ( q s )
s r p

2. a) Without using truth table show that 7M

(( P Q) (P (Q R ))) (P Q ) (P R ) is a tautology.
b) Obtain the disjunctive normal form of: 8M
i. P (P Q) ,
ii. ( P Q ) ( P Q )

Unit II
3. a) For A={1,2,3,4},let R and S be the relations on A defined by, 8M
R = {(1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(4,4)} and S={(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,3),(2,4)}. Find:
i. RS
ii. SR
iii. R2
iv. S3
b) Draw the Hasse diagram representing the partial ordering {(a, b) |a divides b} on {1, 2, 3, 7M
4, 6, 8, 12}.

4. a) Define the following terms and give an example for each: 8M

i. Function
ii. Onto function
iii. One-to-one function
iv. Constant function
b) Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {a, b, c, d}. Determine whether the following functions from A 7M
to B are invertible or not:
i. F = {(1 , a), (2 , a), (3 , c), (4 , d)}
ii. G = {(1 , a), (2 , c), (3 , d), ( 4 , d)}


Unit III
5. a) Let G be the set of real numbers not equal to -1 and * be defined by a*b = a+b+ab. Prove 8M
that (G, *) is an abelian group.
b) Let f: (ZxZ, )(Z,+) be the function defined by f(x,y) = x-y. [(ZxZ, ) be the 7M

abelian group where (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d) here a+c and b+d are computed using
ordinary addition in Z and (Z,+) is a group of integers under ordinary addition] Prove that
f is homomorphism onto Z.

6. a) Define lattice. List out the properties of lattice. 5M

b) Define and give an example for each: 10M
i. Lattice homomorphism
ii. Direct Product of Lattices

Unit IV
7. a) How many arrangements are there of all the letters in SOCIOLOGICAL? 7M
i. In how many of the arrangements are A and G adjacent
ii. In how many of arrangements are all vowels adjacent
n 1
b) Prove that for all integers n, r 0 if n 1 r then P ( n 1, r ) P (n, r ) and find 8M
n 1 r
the value of n so that 2 P( n, 2) 50 P (2n,2) .

8. a) Find the coefficient of x3 in (1+x+2x2)(1-2x)5. 7M

b) How many integer between 1 and 300 are: 8M
i. Divisible by at least one of 5, 6, 8
ii. Divisible by none of 5,6,8

Unit V
9. a) Find the generating function for the number of integer solutions to the equation 7M
c1 c2 c3 c4 20 , where 3 c1 , 3 c2 , 5 c3 5 and 0 c4 .
b) Find the general solution of the recurrence relation an an 3 0, n 3 8M

10. a) Let G be simple graph with n vertices and m edges where m is at least 3. If 7M
m ( n 1)( n 2) 2, prove that G is Hamiltonian. Is converse true.
b) Define Euler circuits and Euler trails: 8M
i. Is there a graph with even number of vertices and odd number of edges that contain
an Euler circuit? Explain.
ii. Is there a graph with odd number of vertices and even number of edges that contain
an Euler circuit? Explain.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A2506


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 18 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Explain Operating system operations in operating systems. 7M
b) Explain the types of system calls provided by the operating system. 8M

2. a) Explain the activities of process management and memory management. 8M

b) What is operating system? Explain the different possible views. 7M

Unit II
3. a) Explain Shortest job first scheduling algorithm. Consider the following processes with 8M
their burst times and arrival times given:
Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 8
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 5
Write the Gantt chart. Using Pre-emptive Shortest job first algorithm, calculate the
average waiting time and average turnaround time.
b) Explain the threading issues in multithreading. 7M
4. a) State Dining philosophers problem and give a solution using semaphores. 8M
b) Define Semaphores? Explain two primitive semaphore operations. What are its 7M

Unit III
5. a) Define deadlock. List the necessary conditions for deadlock. 5M
b) Consider the following snapshot of a system: 10M
Current Maximum Resources
Process allocation allocation available
P1 0 1 0 7 5 3
P2 2 0 0 3 2 2
P3 3 0 2 9 0 2 3 3 2
P4 2 2 1 2 2 2
P5 0 0 2 4 3 3
Using Bankers algorithm, find:
What is the content of the need matrix?
Is the system in a safe state?
Is request from p1=(1,0,2) and then request from p4=(3,3,0) can be granted or not?


6. a) Given reference to the following pages by a program, 5M

0,9,0,1,8,1,8,7,8,7,1,2,8,2,7,8,2,3,8,3. How many page faults will occur if the program has
three page frames available to it and uses FIFO and LRU page replacement algorithms?
b) Explain the following : 10M
i. Segmentation vs. paging
ii. Logical address space vs. physical address space
iii. Dynamic linking vs. dynamic loading
iv. Internal fragmentation vs. external fragmentation
v. Justify why paging is faster than segmentation

Unit IV
7. a) Explain the different directory structure. 8M
b) Explain the three most important aspects of tertiary storage performance. 7M
8. a) Explain the different disk allocation methods. 9M
b) Explain any two disk scheduling techniques with examples. 6M

Unit V
9. a) Describe the access matrix model and explain its implementation for protection 10M
b) Briefly explain the revocation of access rights. 5M
10. a) Explain different types of system threats. 10M
b) Distinguish between system protection and system security. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2406


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and
Communication Engineering & Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 20 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I

1. a) Differentiate between signed and unsigned representation of binary numbers with 5M

suitable examples.
b) A four bit binary number is represented as A3 A2 A1 A0, where A0 is equal to the LSB. 10M
Obtain the Boolean expression in canonical and standard form that will produce HIGH,
whenever, the binary number %2 = 0?

2. a) Perform the following operations: 10M

i. (A123B+ 1200F)16 =( )10
ii. (11101010-10000000)2 =( )8
iii. (1111.129)10 =( )2
iv. (FFFF-10000)16 =( )8
b) Write the Boolean expression for the schematic shown in below Fig.1. 5M


Unit II

3. a) Design a combinational logic circuit to convert 4-bit binary to gray code numbers. 10M
i. Construct the truth-table
ii. Simplify each output function using K-map and write reduced equations
iii. Draw the resulting logic diagram
b) Determine the minimum Sum-of-product (SOP) expression for 5M
F ( w, x, y, z ) m(0, 2, 4,9,12,15) d (1,5,7,10)

4. a) Simplify using K-map, F (A, B, C , D) m(2, 3, 4, 6, 7,10,11,12) 5M

b) Simplify the following Boolean Function by using tabulation method and find out all 10M
prime implicants and essential prime-implicants,
F (A, B , C , D ) m (0, 2, 3, 6, 7,8,10,12,13)

:: 2 ::

Unit III
5. a) What is triggering a sequential circuit? Explain different ways of triggering. 5M
b) Obtain State table, State diagram and state equation for the sequential circuit shown in 10M
below Fig.2.

6. a) Write the truth table of 3 bit gray to binary code conversion. Show the realization using 5M
b) Design and show the Fig.3 realization of sequential circuit characterized by state diagram 10M
shown below. Apply state reduction and state assignment.

Unit IV
7. a) Explain with suitable logic diagram: 7M
i. Serial-in-serial out shift register
ii. Parallel-in-parallel out shift registers
b) Explain switch tail counter and ring counter in detail along with diagram and truth-table. 8M
8. a) Design a synchronous Mod-6 counter using clocked JK flip-flops sequence given is 0-2-3-6- 8M
b) Realize the Boolean expressions using 3 4 2 PLAs: 7M
i) F1 ( X , Y , Z ) m (0,1, 3, 4)
ii) F2 ( X , Y , Z ) m(1, 2,3, 4,5)
Unit V

9. a) What is finite state machine? Explain with an example. 7M

b) Draw the block diagram for a divider that divides an 8-bit dividend by a 5-bitdivisorto give 8M
a 3-bit quotient. The dividend register should be located when St=1. Draw state machine
chart for the control unit.
:: 3 ::

10. a) Differentiate between Mealy and Moore sequential circuits with suitable state diagrams. 6M
b) Reduce the number of states in the following state table and tabulate the reduced state 9M
Present Next State Output
State X=0 X=1 X=0 X=1
a f b 0 0
b d c 0 0
c f e 0 0
d g a 1 0
e d c 0 0
f f b 1 1
g g h 0 1
h g a 1 0
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2507


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 23 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I

1. a) Write the pseudo code for the four primary operations with respect to union. Find 8M
i. Find (x)
ii. Union (x, y)
iii. Weighted union (x, y)
iv. Collapsing find (x)
b) Compute the time complexity for the below given functions using Master method: 7M
i. T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n
ii. T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n2
iii. T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n3
iv. T(n) = 9T(n/3) + n2

2. a) Explain the Big-Oh, Omega, and Theta notation used to represent time complexities with 6M
b) Describe the DFS tree traversal. Traverse the graph given below using DFS traversal 9M
Indicate the order of the nodes visited.

Unit II

3. a) Write the algorithm for binary search and mention its applications. Mention the worst 8M
case, Best case performance, Average case performance.
b) Apply Quick sort algorithm for the following array of elements and sort the elements. 7M
Take the element 28 from the list as the pivot element.
28, 32, 12, 5, 48, 13, 35, 11.
Also discuss the complexity of the algorithm for worst case and best case.

4. a) Differentiate between 0-1 knapsack and fractional knapsack with an example for each. 6M
b) Explain the divide and conquer paradigm and illustrate Merge-Sort to sort elements in 9M
ascending order. Derive the time complexity taken by the merge sort algorithm.
5 2 4 6 1 3 2 6.

:: 2 ::

Unit III
5. a) Apply all-pair shortest path algorithm to compute the shortest path for the following 6M


b) Solve the travelling salesman Problem for the instance given using dynamic programming 9M
with the source vertex 1.
0 10 15 20
5 0 9 10
6 13 0 12
8 8 9 0

6. a) Define principle of optimality with an example. 5M

b) Apply dynamic programming algorithm to the following instance of the knapsack problem 10M
Capacity W= 5 to find the optimal solution.
Item # Weight (Kg) Value (Rs.)
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
4 5 6

Unit IV
7. a) Explain explicit and implicit constraints with an example. 5M
b) Let m=15 and w= {3, 5, 6, 7}. Find all the possible sets of w that sum to m. Do this using 10M
sum of subset. Draw the portion of state space tree that is generated.
8. a) Define m-color decision problem and write an m-coloring algorithm using recursive 10M
backtracking schema.
b) Generate a state space tree to find the optimal tour by applying branch and bound 5M
technique using Travelling salesman problem for the given graph below.

Unit V
9. a) Draw comparison tree for sorting four elements that is produced by the binary insertion 7M
b) How do you determine a problem is NP Hard or NP complete? Explain with examples. 8M
10. a) Define P, NP, NP-Hard and NP complete problems with examples. 9M
b) Write a brief note on Cooks theorem. 6M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2508


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 30 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I

1. a) Explain the three OOP principles that help to implement object oriented model. 6M
b) What is an inner class? Write a program to demonstrate inner class. Discuss about 9M
garbage collection.

2. a) Compare the implementation differences in for loop and for each with suitable example. 5M
b) i. Write a Java program to find largest and smallest number in an Array 10M
ii. What is the difference between a String class and a StringBuffer class? Explain with
an example

Unit II

3. a) What are the differences between method overloading and method overriding? 6M
b) A Deemed University awards some grace marks to students who participate in the 9M
national games. Therefore, total marks awarded = Exam_Marks + Sports_Grace_Marks.
If total marks scored are greater than maximum marks then the final marks awarded will
be equal to the maximum marks. An OO based implementation will contain a class called
Results, which extends a class called Exam which itself extends a class called student it will
also contain an interface called sports which is implemented by the Results class. The
Results class will be responsible for computing the final marks scored by the students.
Write a Java program along with an interactive driver class.

4. a) Define package in Java and explain the categories of packages with suitable examples for 9M
each type.
b) Write a program to illustrate the uses of final keyword in multilevel inheritance. 6M

Unit III

5. a) Write a program to implement a thread using Runnable Interface. 7M

b) Illustrate the concept of exception handling in inheritance tree. For example, create a 8M
base class called Father and derived class called Son which extends the base class. In
Father class, implement a constructor which takes the age and throws the exception
WrongAge( ) when the input age<0. In Son class, implement a constructor that checks
both father and sons age and throws an exception if sons age is >=fathers age.
6. a) Write a program which shows altering order of threads by changing priority. 6M
b) How to create user defined exceptions in java? Write a program to compute the factorial 9M
of a number. The input value must be tested for validity. If it is greater than 15, the
method ComputeFactorial() should raise an User defined Exception MyException with
appropriate messages.

:: 2 ::

Unit IV
7. a) Create an applet to display different objects in different colors using AWT. 6M
b) Explain Adapter class and its methods with an example program. 9M
8. a) Write a Java program to draw ellipse and rectangle using AWT. 6M
b) Write a program using an applet which will print "key pressed" on the status window 9M
when a key is pressed, "key released" on the status window when the key is released and
display "Java Programming" at coordinates (50,50) on the applet window when the
mouse is clicked.
Unit V
9. a) Write a program to demonstrate passing parameters to Applets. 5M
b) Develop a program to demonstrate an icon-based button. It must display four push 10M
buttons and a label. Each button must display an icon that represents the flag of a
country. When a button is pressed, the name of that country must be displayed in the
10. a) Discuss applet life cycle with a neat diagram. 7M
b) Write a swing program to demonstrate creation of following components: JButton, 8M
JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JTextField.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2012


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and
Electronics Engineering & Civil Engineering)
Date: 27 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) What are the determinants of demand? Explain the process of developing a 9M
mathematical model for demand based on influencing variables. Give the typical
structure of the Demand function.
b) State the law of Demand. Mention two goods demonstrating exceptions to the law of 6M

2. a) Define Elasticity of price expectation, Ee. In the context of a decision environment of 9M

business recession, state briefly the implications of Ee>1, Ee=1, 0<Ee<1, Ee=0 and Ee<0.
b) Explain the concept of income elasticity of demand and explain its role in business 6M
Unit II
3. a) Sketch Isoquants. Give reasons for the following properties of Isoquants: 9M
i. No two Isoquants intersect or touch each other
ii. Isoquant is convex to the origin
b) A firm buys inputs in quantities determined by the production function and the prices of 6M
inputs. Discuss.

4. a) Explain the managerial significance of Break Even Analysis. Mention few of the 5M
Limitations of the Break Even analysis.
b) A firm has a fixed cost of Rs.5,00,000, selling price per unit is Rs.25 and variable cost per 10M
unit is Rs.5. Maximum capacity output is 5,00,000 units per year. Calculate Break even
output and margin of safety, contribution per unit, desired sales to earn a profit of
Rs. 60, 000.

Unit III
5. a) When is a firm considered said to be in equilibrium? Explain and illustrate your answer. 6M
b) Write a note on price and output decisions in the short run under monopoly. Illustrate 9M
with graphs.

6. a) Define the term The Market. Discuss the classification of market based on various 9M
criteria. In the recent time the term global market place is in use. How does this impact
the market related decisions from the economics perspectives?
b) Differentiate between perfect competition and monopoly. 6M


Unit IV
7. a) What do you understand by joint stock company? What are the advantages of joint stock 9M
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sole proprietorship? 6M
8. a) How do you calculate the accounting rate of return? What are its limitations? 5M
b) A machine will cost Rs. 1, 00,000 and will provide annual net cash inflow of Rs. 30,000 for 10M
six years. The cost of capital is 15 per cent. Calculate the machines net present value and
the payback period. Should the machine be purchased?

Unit V
9. From the following balances extracted from the books of M/s Mythri & Co., pass the 15M
necessary closing entries; prepare a trading and profit and loss account and a balance sheet:
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Opening stock 1,250 Plant and machinery 6,230
Sale 11,800 Returns outwards 1,380
Depreciation 667 Cash in hand 942
Commission (Cr). 211 Salaries 750
Insurance 380 Debtors 1,905
Carriage inwards 300 Discount (Dr.) 328
Furniture 670 Bills receivable 2,730
Printing charges 481 Wages 1,589
Carriage outwards 200 Return inwards 1,659
Capital 9,228 Bank overdraft 4,000
Creditors 1,780 Purchases 8,679
Bills payable 541 Bad debts 180
The value of stock on 31st December, 1990 was Rs. 3,700.

10. Pass Journal Entries for the following transactions: 15M

Jan 1 Started business with cash Rs.100,000
2 Deposited Rs.75,000 to bank
3 Purchased furniture Rs.20,000 and paid by cheque (Through Bank)
4 Purchased goods for cash Rs.15,000 and on credit for Rs.30,000 from Ganesh
5 Paid shop rent Rs.2,500 cash
6 Sold goods for cash Rs.5,000 & on credit Rs.20,000 to Priya
7 Withdrew from bank for personal use Rs.1,000
8 Sold goods on credit Rs.6,000 to Jithesh
9 Received Rs.19,500 from Priya in full settlement.
10 Received interest from bank Rs.600
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2510


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Information Technology)
Date: 23 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) What are the different registers in a processor? What are its uses? 7M
b) Convert the decimal numbers 2 and 9 to: 8M
i. BCD
ii. Excess 3 gray code
iii. Excess 3 code
iv. Gray Code

2. a) Bring out the various symbols for representation of register transfers with examples. 7M
b) Draw the diagram for 4 bit binary incrementer. Explain its working. 8M

Unit II
3. a) Explain the different addressing modes with an example. 7M
b) Explain the following instructions with an example: 8M
i. STA
ii. BUN
iii. ISZ
iv. AND to AC

4. a) Discuss the implementation of Memory Stack and also write the necessary steps needed 10M
to perform Push and Pop operations.
b) Illustrate the steps needed to perform X = (A+B) (C+D) using two Address Instruction. 5M

Unit III
5. a) Draw the diagram for micro-programmed control organization. Explain its stages. 7M
b) Give the algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers in signed 2s complement number 8M

6. a) Explain address sequencing. 7M

b) Give the block diagram for BCD Adder. Explain its working. 8M

Unit IV
7. a) Explain with a diagram 16 x 8 Memory chip organization. 7M
b) Define Direct Memory Access and Explain the registers in a DMA interface with a diagram. 8M

8. a) Explain with a diagram pipeline for floating point addition and subtraction. 8M
b) Discuss with a diagram separation of execution unit into eight functional units operating 7M
in parallel.

Unit V
9. a) Discuss the Cache coherence problem and explain the hardware solution to overcome 8M
the problem.
b) Discuss the three organizations used in design of operating system to prevent conflict of 7M
shared resources by processors.

10. a) Explain with a neat sketch Time Shared Common Bus and Multiport Memory 10M
b) Distinguish between Tightly coupled and Loosely coupled multiprocessor. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2010


B. Tech III Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Electronics and Communication Engineering & Electrical and Electronics
Date: 16 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
x 1 x
m n
1. a) Express dx in terms of the Gamma function and hence evaluate 7M
3 10
x 1 x

x8 4 2
b) Show that xe dx x 2e x dx 8M
0 0

2. a) If n is an integer, show that J n x 1 J n x . 7M
b) 3 2
Express f x x 2 x x 3 in terms of the Legendres polynomial in the interval 8M
1 x 1
Unit II

3. a) Show that the function f x, y xy is not analytic at the origin even though 7M
Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied thereof.
3 3
b) Show that u x y xy is harmonic and hence find its harmonic conjugate. 8M
2 2
2 2
4. a) z then prove that 2 2 f z 4 f z
If f z is an analytic function of 8M
x y
b) Find the analytic function f z u r , iv r , such that 7M
v r , r cos 2 r cos 2

Unit III
5. a) If x iy cosh u iv show that: 8M

x2 y2
i. 1
cosh 2 u sinh 2 u
ii. x 2 sec 2 v y 2 cosec 2 v 1
b) Express log logi in the form of a ib. 7M

:: 2 ::

6. a) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = , i, 0 into points w = 0, i, 7M
b) Discuss the transformation w = z2 8M
Unit IV
2 i
2 8M
7. a) Evaluate z dz, along the real axis to 2 and then vertically to 2+i
sin z 2 cos z 2
b) Using the Cauchys integral formula, evaluate the integral z 1 z 2
dz where C 7M
is the circle z 3

2z3 1
8. a) Find the Taylors expansion of f z 2 about the point a = i 8M
z z
b) Define pole of complex function f z . Determine the poles of the following functions: 7M
i. f z
z 1 ( z 2 1)
z2 4
ii. f z
z3 2z2 2z
Unit V

2z 4
9. a) Find the residues at each pole of f z 7M
z 1 z 2 1
b) Evaluate dz using Residue theorem, where C is the circle z i 3 8M
C 2 z 5iz 2

cos 3
10. a) By integrating around a unit circle, evaluate 5 4 cos d

sin mx
b) Evaluate dx when m 0 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2011


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Common to Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Civil
Date: 18 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Discuss how environmental science is a multidisciplinary as well as interdisciplinary 8M
b) Discuss the role of the individual in conservation of natural resources with respect to soil 7M
erosion and desertification.

2. a) Differentiate between renewable and non renewable sources of energy in detail with 8M
b) Discuss the impact of overexploitation of extracting and using various mineral resources. 7M
Unit II
3. a) Explain the various types of forest ecosystem with examples. 8M
b) Define and explain the various steps involved in ecological succession. 7M
4. a) Explain the various levels of biodiversity and add a note on values of biodiversity. 8M
b) Describe the Ex-Situ method for conservation of biodiversity. 7M
Unit III
5. a) Summarize on sources, effects and control measures of soil pollution. 7M
b) Mention the different types of solid wastes and discuss the concept of 3R for solid waste 8M
6. a) Discuss about e waste and plastic waste recycling and reuse. 8M
b) Write a concise note on: 7M
i. Causes of Climate change
ii. Composition and effects of Acid rain
Unit IV
7. a) Discuss the role of information technology in environment and human health with an 8M
b) What is meant by polluter pay principle? 7M
8. a) What are the approaches to green computing? 8M
b) What is meant by green building concept explain in detail? 7M
Unit V
9. a) Discuss about Indian forest act and briefly mention about its salient features. 8M
b) Describe the salient features of environmental protection Act. 7M
10. a) Discuss how NGOs are creating environmental activities in India. 8M
b) What is meant by environmental impact assessment and state its importance? 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2409


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 23 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Draw the circuit of CE amplifier and obtain its equivalent hybrid model and derive 9M
expressions for Ai, Ri, Av and Ro using exact and approximation analysis.
b) For the transistor connected in CE configuration determine Av, Ai, Ri and Ro using the 6M
complete hybrid equivalent model. Given RL =Rs=1k, hie=1k, hre=2x10-4, hfe=100,
hoe =20A/V.
2. a) Draw the diagram of CG amplifier with the help of small signal model; derive the 7M
expressions for input impedances, output impedance and voltage gain.
b) Derive the expression for gm in terms of ID and IDSS. For JFET if IDSS=20mA, VGS(OFF)= -5V 8M
and gmo=4ms. Determine the trans-conductance for VGS= -4V, and find Io at this point.
Unit II
3. a) Show that in Hybrid model, the diffusion capacitance is proportional to the emitter 7M
bias current.
b) Two RC coupled amplifiers are connected to form a 2-stage amplifier. If the lower and 8M
upper cutoff frequencies of each individual amplifier respectively are 100HZ and 20kHZ,
What these frequencies are for the 2-stage amplifier?
4. a) Draw the circuit diagram of 2-stage RC coupled amplifier. Explain the function of various 7M
components and their effect on the frequency response.
b) The hybrid- parameters of the transistor used in the circuit with Rs=100 and RL =1K is 8M
shown below in Fig.1 are gm=50mA/V, rbe=1 k, rbc=4M,rce=80 k, Cc = 3PF, Ce = 100PF
and rbb = 100, find:
i. Upper 3db frequency of current gain Ai
ii. The magnitude of voltage gain AVS at frequency of part(i)

:: 2 ::

Unit III
5. a) Derive the gain equation with feedback for negative feedback and explain its effects on 8M
the various characteristics of the amplifier.
b) An amplifier has mid band gain of 125 and a bandwidth of 250KHz: 7M
i. If 4% negative feedback is introduced find the new bandwidth and gain
ii. If bandwidth is restricted to 1MHz find the feedback ratio
6. a) State and explain Barkhausen criterion to get sustained oscillations. 7M
b) In a transistorised Hartley oscillator two inductances are 2mH and 20H while the 8M
frequency is to be changed from 950 kHz to 2050 kHz. Calculate the range over which the
capacitor is to be varied.
Unit IV
7. a) Show that in case of transformer coupled class A power amplifier, maximum theoretical 7M
efficiency is 50%.
b) Draw the circuit for a push-pull amplifier and discuss its working. 8M

8. a) Explain with neat circuit diagram complementary symmetry class B amplifier 6M

b) A transformer coupled class A power amplifier having collector supply voltage of 15V, 9M
delivers maximum output power of 3W to a load resistance of 1.5 connected to the
secondary of the ideal output transformer. Determine:
i. Turns ratio of the output transformer
ii. Power rating of the transistor
iii. D.C. power input to the amplifier. Assume maximum symmetrical swing for the
output voltage
Unit V
9. a) What are tuned amplifiers and explain requirements of tuned amplifiers. 7M
b) Using the circuit diagram and equivalent circuit of inductively coupled single stage tuned 8M
amplifier, derive expressions for bandwidth which interrelated to the circuit component
values and quality factor of the tuned circuit and resonant frequency.
10. a) The bandwidth for single tuned amplifier is 20kHz. Calculate the bandwidth if such three 5M
stages are cascaded. Also calculate the bandwidth for four stages.
b) Design a single tuned amplifier for the following specifications: 10M
i. Centre frequency = 500kHz
ii. Bandwidth = 10kHz
Assume transistor parameters: gm = 0.04S, hfe=100, Cbe=1000pF, and Cbc = 100pF. The
bias network and the input resistance are adjusted so that r = 4k and RL=510.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2407


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 30 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Determine whether the following discrete-time signals are periodic or not, if periodic, 6M
specify the period.
6n n
i. x n cos cos
13 6
ii. x n cos n
b) Find the Fourier Series representation of the signal x(t) shown in Fig.1. 9M

2. a) Sketch the following signal and perform operation y t 2 x t 5 7M

0 if t 4
x t t 2 if 4 t 3
t 2 if 3 t
b) Find the trigonometric Fourier series for the waveform shown in the Fig.2 shown 8M

Unit II
3. a) Find the Fourier transform of aperiodic unit impulse train shown in Fig.3 below: 7M

b) Consider an LTI system whose response to the input x(t)=[e-t+e-3t] u(t) is 8M
y(t)=[2e-t 2e-4t]u(t). Determine the System impulse response by using Fourier Transform.

:: 2 ::

4. a) State and prove the following properties of continuous signal Fourier Transform. 8M
i. Time shifting property
ii. Frequency differentiation property
jw 4 7M
b) A causal Stable LTI System S has the frequency response H jw
6 2 5 jw
i. Determine the differential equation relating to input and output as x(t) and y(t).
ii. Determine the impulse response h(t) of the system

Unit III

5. a) Derive the condition for distortion-less transmission of a signal through a linear time 7M
invariant system.
b) Prove the following properties of convolution integral: 8M
i. Commutative Property
ii. Associative Property

6. a) Check and determine the following system for memory, Stability, Linearity, Time 6M
Invariance, Causality and Invertible y t At 2 x t cos t x 2 t B
b) Perform the convolution between the signals x(t)and h(t) given below Fig.4. 9M


Unit IV

7. a) Find, the output y(t) of the system described by the differential equation 7M
dy(t )
5 y (t ) x(t ) by Laplace Transform method. Assume that the input
x(t)= 3e-2tu(t) and initial condition is y(0+)=-2.
b) Find the Inverse Laplace transform of the following X(s) 8M
X (S ) 2
(S 10S 34)

8. a) Verify the initial and final value theorem of the Laplace transform for the function 8M
f(t) = e-t (sin3t + cos5t)
b) Find the Laplace transform of the full wave rectified output as shown in Fig.5 7M


:: 3 ::

Unit V
9. a) State and prove sampling theorem for Low pass signal and also explain how signal is 8M
reconstructed from the sample values.
b) Find the Z-transform of the following sequence and find the ROC
x[ n] sin 0 ( n) u[ n]
x[ n] 5 u[n] 2(3) n u[ n 1]
10. a) Obtain the sequence x(n) by using long division method 8M
X Z for Z 1
1 1.414 Z 1 Z 2
b) The system equation is given by, y(n)-(7/2)y(n-1)+(3/2)y(n-2)=3x(n)-4x(n-1) 7M
i. Transfer function H(Z)
ii. Impulse response h(n), assuming System is causal
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2408


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 27 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) A point is chosen randomly on a square whose side is 1m long. If the coordinates of the 8M
point are denoted by (x, y), find:
i. P x y
ii. P(0.75, 0.35)
Gaussian random variable has a PDF of the form f X X c exp 2 x 2 3 x a . 7M
Find c.
2. a) In a class, 60% students like sports, 70% like chocolate, and 40% like both. Determine the 5M
probability that a randomly selected student neither likes sports nor chocolates.
b) An audio amplifier circuit has 6 transistors. Harry determines that 2 are defective but he 10M
does not know which two. He randomly removes 3 transistors and inspects them. Let X
be the number of defective transistors that he finds, such that X may be 0, 1 or 2. Find
and plot the cumulative distribution function and probability density function for X.
Unit II
3. a) Show that the moment generating function of the random variable X having a normal 8M
2t 2
distribution with mean and variance 2 is given by M x t e t
b) Determine: 7M
i. Marginal distributions of x and y
ii. Cov(x, y)
iii. (x,y) for the joint following distributions
-3 2 4
1 0.1 0.2 0.2
3 0.3 0.1 0.1

4. a) Find the mean and variance of exponential density function. 7M

x a
fx x e b
if x a
0 if x a

b) Prove that density function of the sum of the two statistically independent random 8M
variables is the convolution of their individual density functions.

:: 2 ::

Unit III
5. a) Prove that the mean value of a weighted sum of uncorrelated random variables equals to 7M
the weighted sum of the means of the random variables.
b) Two random variables x and y have the joint characteristic function 8M
2 2
x , y w1, w2 exp 2 w 8w show that x and y are zero mean random variables and
1 2

that they are uncorrelated.

6. a) Write a short on linear transformation of Gaussian random variables. 8M
b) Let X be random variable with mean E (X) = 3, x 2 2 . If Y 6 X 22 find: 7M
i. E [X2]
ii. E [Y]
iii. Rxy
iv. Check whether X and Y are orthogonal or not
Unit IV
7. a) Define correlation and covariance for a stochastic process. Illustrate with a suitable 10M
example and mathematical equations.
b) A random process X(t) consists of three member functions: 5M
x1 T 1, x2 t 3, x3 t sin 2 t
Each member function can occur with equal probability. Find the mean function and
autocorrelation function of X(t).
8. a) Define ergodicity and discuss its types. 5M
b) With suitable example and mathematical equations, illustrate the difference between a 10M
wide-sense stationary and strict-sense stationary stochastic process.
Unit V
9. a) Discuss any two types of noise, giving two special characteristics about each type. 8M
b) For a sinusoidal process X t cos t , whose phase angle is uniformly 7M

distributed over 0, 2 , find the power spectral density. Draw your conclusion about
how the power of the process is distributed?
10. a) Find the power spectral density for a process whose autocorrelation function is equal to 5M
one for all values of time delay. Can you find a practical scenario for such a situation?
b) What methods are used for mathematical modeling of noise in electronics and 10M
communication circuits? Define noise temperature and explain its significance in analysis
of system behaviour.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2203


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 18 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Draw neat sketch of D.C. Generator and explain the main parts of it. 8M
b) The brushes of a certain lap connected 400kw, 6 pole generator are given lead of 180 7M
electrical. From the data given, calculate:
i. The demagnetizing ampere turns
ii. The cross magnetizing ampere turns
iii. Series turns required to balance the demagnetizing component
The full load current is 750A and the total numbers of conductors are 900 and the leakage
coefficient is 1.4.
2. a) Explain clearly commutation in a D.C. generator and methods to improve it. 8M
b) An 8 pole lap wound armature rotated at 350 rpm is required to generate 260V. The 7M
useful flux per pole is about 0.05 Weber. If the armature has 120 slots, calculate the
suitable number of conductors per slot and hence determine the actual value of flux
required to generate the same voltage?
Unit II
3. a) Classify DC generators based on type of excitation. Also for each type, derive the equation 8M
for the induced emf.
b) In a 50kW, 230/250V (no-load/full load) over compounded dc generator (long shunt) the 7M
flux per pole required to produce 230V on no load at 1050 RPM is 0.06 wb. The
resistances of the armature and series field are 0.04 and 0.01 respectively and the
shunt field resistance is 100 . Calculate the value of the flux per pole at full load, 1000
RPM.Neglect brush drop.
4. a) Explain clearly the working and importance of an equalizer bar for satisfactory parallel 8M
operation dc generators.
b) What are the causes for the failure to build-up a dc generator? What are the remedies? 7M
Unit III
5. a) Explain with neat figure 3 point starter and its protective devices. 8M
b) A fields test on two mechanically coupled D.C. series motors gave the following test data. 7M
Motor: Armature current 50A, Armature voltage 500V, field winding voltage drop 38V.
Generator: Armature current 38A, armature voltage 400V. Field winding voltage drop
36V. Resistance of each armature is 0.2 . Calculate the efficiency of each machine at
this load.
6. a) Explain with circuit diagram the speed control of armature voltage and field flux control 10M
methods. Mention the application of different types of motors.
b) Explain Swinburnes test to determine the efficiency of a D.C. shunt motor. 5M

:: 2 ::

Unit IV

7. a) Explain with necessary circuit diagrams, the predetermination of efficiency and regulation 9M
of a single phase transformer from O.C test and S.C test.
b) A 10kVA, 500V/100V transformer has the following circuit parameters referred to 6M
primary; Resistance R01=0.3 ; Reactance X01=5.2 . When supplying power to a lagging
load, the current, power and voltage measured on primary side were 20A, 8kW and 500V
respectively? Calculate voltage on secondary terminals under these conditions.
8. a) What is the effect of unequal voltage ratio and unequal p.u. impedance on the parallel 9M
operation of two transformers? Explain with relevant vector diagrams.
b) Two 1-phase transformers with equal turns have impedances of (0.5+j3) and (0.6+j10) 6M
with respect to the secondary. If they operate in parallel, determine how they will share
total a load of 100kW at 0.8 pf lagging?
Unit V
9. a) Describe in detail the star-star connection of three single phase transformers. What are 9M
the limitations of this connection? How they can be overcome?
b) A 3 phase step down transformer is connected to 6.6 kV mains and takes 10A. Calculate 6M
the secondary line voltage, line current and output for the following connections:
i. Star- delta
ii. Delta-star. The transformation ratio is 1/12 neglect losses
10. a) Explain the advantages of using a tertiary winding in a bank of star-star transformers. 7M
b) Explain with necessary diagrams how two 3 phase transformers can be used to convert a 8M
3 phase supply to a 2 phase one. If the load is balanced on one side, show that it will be
balanced on the other side?
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2204


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 23 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Derive an expression for the electric field intensity at a point due to a line charge. 7M
b) Find the work done in moving a 5 C charge from the origin to the point P 2, 1, 4 8M

through the field E 2 xyz x x 2 z y x 2 y z V/m along a straight line path

x 2 y and z 2 x

2. a) Derive the expressions for the potential and electric field intensity due to an electric 8M
b) State and explain Point form of Gausss law. Using this, calculate the volume charge 7M
density at the point P(3, 5, 8), if the electric flux density is:

D 2 xyz y 2 ax x 2 z 2 xy ay x 2 yaz C / m2

Unit II
3. a) Starting from Biot-Savarts law, derive the expression for the magnetic field intensity due 8M
to an infinite length conductor carrying current, I.
b) Obtain an expression of Magnetic field intensity H at a point due an infinite sheet of 7M

4. a) Define Magnetic flux density, B . Prove that div(B) = 0. 5M

b) Explain Amperes circuit law and also Find H due to infinitely long straight conductor 10M
using Ampere circuit law.

Unit III
5. a) Determine whether or not the following potential fields satisfy the Laplaces equation: 8M
2 2 2
i. V x y z
ii. V r cos
iii. V r cos
b) Find the capacitance of a co-axial cable using concept of capacitance. 7M

6. a) Explain the terms: Current and Current density. Derive the continuity equation in terms 7M
of volume charge density.
b) A solenoid with air case has 2000 turns, length of 50cm and case radius is 4cm. Find the 8M
inductance. Derive the expression used for inductance.


Unit IV
7. a) Explain Lorentzs force equations and force on a differential current elements 8M
b) A point charge for which Q = 2 1016 C and m = 5 1026 kg is moving in the combined 7M
fields. E = 100ax 200ay + 300az V/m and B = 3ax + 2ay az mT. If the charge velocity at
t = 0 is v(0) = (2ax 3ay 4az) 105 m/s:a) Give the Lorentzs force by which the charge is
accelerating at t = 0, b) find the kinetic energy of the charge at t = 0.

8. a) Explain briefly vector magnetic potential. 7M

b) Show that the magnetic force between two parallel conductors carrying currents in 8M
opposite and same directions is same in magnitude. Assume the current carrying
conductors are parallel to z-axis and separated by a distance, d.

Unit V
9. a) Define the terms: conduction current density and displacement current density. 7M
For a time-varying fields, show that:

b) Explain the Maxwells equations in point form and integral form for time varying fields. 8M

10. a) State and prove the Poynting theorem. Write the expression for average power density by 7M
using Poynting theorem.
b) The electric field intensity in a lossless medium is given by: 8M
5 10
H =2cos t x z where 3 x 10 H / m, 1.2 x 10 H / m and
10 rad / sec . Deduce the expressions for B , D and E using Maxwells
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2202


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 30 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Obtain expression for inductance of a coil in terms of reluctance and number of terms. 5M
b) For the circuit shown in Fig.1 determine the equivalent inductance given K1 =0.5, K2 =0.6 10M
derive necessary formula.

2. a) Shown that in a series RLC resonant circuit: 8M
i. f1 f 2
ii. Q
b) A series RLC circuit has 1 f capacitor and R = 16 . Calculate: 7M
i. f0
ii. Q
iii. L
iv. If Bw = 5000Hz

Unit II
3. a) From the two wattmeter readings derive an expression to measure the power factor of 7M
the circuit.
b) Three impedances Z1= 2030, Z2=4060 and Z3=10-90 are delta connected to a 400 V, 3 8M
system. Determine:
i. Phase currents
ii. Line currents
iii. Total power

4. a) Show how the two wattmeters used to measure the power vary as the power factor of 6M
the circuit varies from unity to zero.
b) A three phase three wire ABC system with line voltage VAB=311.1 0, has line currents 9M
IA= 61.5 116.6 A, IB= 61.2
-48 A, IC= 16.1
o o
218 A. Fine the wattmeter readings connected
in lines A and B.


Unit III
di d 2i 0 7M
5. a) For the circuit switch K is closed at t = D in Fig.2 determine i(0+), 0 and
dt dt 2

b) Derive an expression for step response of a RL circuit with zero initial conditions. Draw 8M
the response of current.
6. a) For the circuit shown in Fig.3 switch K is closed at t=0 find icb for t>0 given v(t)=5e-2t volts. 9M

b) A series RL circuit with R=100 L=0.2H is connected to 100V source then a second 6M
source of 50V with same polarity is connected at t = t1 resulting in a consitant current of
0.5A for t>t1 Find t1.

Unit IV

7. a) What are the chief properties of a filter? 6M

b) Design a T and section constant K high pass filter having cut off frequency of 12kHz 9M
and nominal impedance R0=500 . Also find:
i. Its characteristic impedance and phase constant at 24kHz
ii. Attenuation at 4kHz

8. a) For the low pass filter shown in Fig.4, find the m derived section to have a resonant 8M
frequencies of 1700 Hz and 3300 Hz for T and networks respectively:

b) With a neat circuit diagram, explain a symmetrical resistance lattice attenuator and obtain 7M
expression for propagation constant.

Unit V
9. a) Draw the current locus diagram for: 10M
i. Series RL circuit having variable L
ii. Series RC circuit in parallel with variable R
b) For series RL circuit shown in Fig.5 draw current locus diagram when R = 10 V2 = 100V 5M
with variable XL = 0 to 10


10. a) Draw current locus diagram for the circuit shown in Fig.6 and explain. 10M

b) Draw current locus diagram for the circuit shown in Fig.7. Find currents corresponding 5M
to values of reactance increasing from 3 to 4 .

Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2311


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 16 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit I

1. Draw to 1:1 scale the top view and sectional front view of double riveted lap joint with chain 15M
riveting. The thickness of the plate is 9 mm. Show at least three rivets in each row. Indicate all
dimensions. Use snap head rivets.

2. Taking the diameter of rods d = 20 mm, draw the front view showing Top half in section of a 15M
SOCKET & SPIGOT COTTER JOINT. Add a view looking from the socket end. Show all dimensions
in terms of d.

3. Fig.1 shows the details of a BUSHED BEARING. Draw to 1:1 scale the Front view in full section of 15M
the assembled bearing. Add a top view.


:: 2 ::

Unit II

4. The details of PETROL ENGINE CONNECTING ROD are shown in Fig.2. Assemble all the parts and 45M
draw the following views to 1:1 scale:

i. Front view with top half in section

ii. A view looking from big end

Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2307


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 20 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Define the terms: 2M
i. Poisons Ratio
ii. Factor of Safety
b) A steel bar 35mm x 35mm in section and 100mm in length as shown in Fig.1 is acted upon 13M
by a tensile load of 180kN along its longitudinal axis and 400kN and 300kN along the axes
of the lateral surfaces. Taking E=205GPa and = 0.3, determine:
i. Change in dimensions of the bar
ii. Change in volume
iii. Longitudinal axial load acting alone can cause the same longitudinal strain:


2. a) Define the terms: 2M

i. Thermal Stresses
ii. Resilience
b) An element in a stressed material has tensile stress of 500MN/m2 (x-face) and a 13M
compressive stress of 350MN/m2 (y-face) acting on two mutually perpendicular planes
and equal shear stresses of 100MN/m2 (upward on x-face) on these planes. Find, by
Mohrs Circle Method, maximum shearing stress, principal stresses, and position of
principal planes.

Unit II
3. a) What are the types of beams? Differentiate between a cantilever and simply supported 4M
b) Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the cantilever beam of 4m length carrying a load whose 11M
intensity varies uniformly from zero at the free end to 2kN/m at the fixed end?

4. a) What are the conventions used for Shear Force and Bending Moment in general? 4M
b) A beam of length 12m is simply supported at two supports which are 8m apart, with an 11M
overhang of 2m on each side? The beam carries a concentrated load of 1000N at each
end. Draw the SF and BM diagram.

Unit III
5. a) Write bending equation and explain: 5M
i. Its salient terms
ii. Its practical application
b) A timber beam is freely supported on supports 6m apart. It carries a uniformly 10M
distributed load of 12kN per meter run and a concentrated load of 9kN at 2.5 meters
from the left support? If the stress in timber is not to exceed 8N/mm2, design a suitable
rectangular section making the depth twice the width?

6. Symmetrical I section beam has two (100mm x 10mm) flanges and a (300mm x 10mm) web. 15M
If the beam is subjected to shear force F, determine the percentages of shear force shared by
the flanges and web?

Unit IV
7. a) Derive differential equation for deflection of beam. 7M
b) A simply supported beam of 6m span is subjected to a concentrated load of 18kN at 4m 8M
from left support. E= 200GPa, I=15x106mm4. Calculate:
i. The position and the value of maximum deflection
ii. Deflection at the load point

8. Find the maximum deflection and the maximum slope for the beam loaded as shown in Fig.2 15M
Take flexural rigidity EI=15x109 kN-mm2.


Unit V
9. a) Distinguish between thin and thick cylinders. 5M
b) A pipe of 400mm internal diameter and 100mm thickness contains a fluid at a pressure 10M
of 80MPa. Find the maximum and minimum hoop stresses across the section.

10. a) A thin cylindrical shell, 2m long has 200mm diameter and thickness of metal 10mm. It is 8M
subjected to an internal pressure of 4.1858MPa? Find hoop stress developed and
changes in diameter and length.
b) A thick cylinder of internal diameter 160mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 7M
40MPa. If the allowable stress in the material is 120MPa, find the thickness required?
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2308


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 23 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Define surface tension. Obtain expression for the same in case of: 8M
i. A droplet
ii. Liquid jet
b) Define Total pressure and Center of pressure for a submerged surface. Determine the 7M
total pressure and center of pressure on a circular plate of diameter 1.5m which is placed
vertically in water in such a way that the center of the plate is 3m below the free surface
of water. Find the position of center of pressure also.
2. a) Discuss the conditions for equilibrium of: 8M
i. Floating body
ii. Submerged body
b) A block of wood of specific gravity 0.7 floats in water. Determine the metacentric height 7M
of the block if its size is 2m x 1m x 0.8m.
Unit II
3. a) Distinguish between: 8M
i. Steady and Unsteady flow
ii. Uniform and Non uniform Flow
iii. Laminar and Turbulent flow
iv. Rotational and Irrotational flow
b) The velocity distribution in a three-dimensional flow is given by u = - x, v = 2y and w = 7M
(3-z). Find the equation of the stream line that passes through point (1, 1, 1).
4. a) Obtain the continuity equation in three dimensional form. 8M
b) The stream function and velocity potential for a flow are given by = 2xy and = x2 y2. 7M
Show that the conditions for continuity and irrotational flow are satisfied.
Unit III
5. a) Derive Bernoullis equation of fluid motion from Eulers equation. State clearly the 8M
assumptions made.
b) Water under pressure of 3.924 103 is flowing through a 0.3mpipe at the rate of 7M
0.25m3/sec. If the pipe is bent by 1350 find the magnitude and direction of the resultant
force on the bend.
6. a) With usual notations, obtain an expression for rate of flow through a venturimeter. 8M
b) A 20cmx10cm venturimeter is inserted in a vertical pipe carrying oil of specific gravity 0.8 7M
the flow of oil is in upward direction. The difference in levels between throat and inlet
section is 50 cm. The oil-mercury differential manometer gives a reading of 30 cm of
mercury. Neglecting losses, determine the discharge of oil.

:: 2 ::

Unit IV

7. a) Define displacement thickness as referred to boundary layer formation. With usual 8M

notations, obtain an expression for the same.
b) A flat plate 1.5m x 1.5 m moves at 50 kmph in stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m3. If the 7M
coefficients of drag & lift are 0.15 & 0.75 respectively, determine:
i) Lift force
(ii) Drag force
(iii) Power required to keep the plate in motion.
8. a) Give the velocity distribution in laminar boundary layer on a flat plate as 8M
3 4
u y y y
2 2 . Obtain expression for the boundary layer thickness and
force on one side of the pate.
b) What do you understand by the term boundary layer? Describe with reference to flow 7M
over a flat plate.
Unit V
9. a) An airplane flies at 600 at sea level where the temperature is 150C. What is the 7M
speed of the airplane at the same mach number at an altitude 10,000m? What are the
temperature and pressure at the stagnation point?
b) Methane gas flows in an adiabatic, no-work system with negligible change in potential. At 8M
one section p1=14 bar, T1=500K and V1 125 . At a downstream section M2 = 0.8:
i. Determine T2 and V2
ii. Find P2 assuming that there are no friction losses
iii. What is the area ratio
10. a) Sketch and explain the propagation of pressure waves in a compressible fluid for: 8M
i. Subsonic
ii. Sonic
iii. Supersonic cases
b) Argon flows through a duct at section 1 the area is 0.05m2 and V1 = 180m/s P1 = 500kPa. 7M
and T1 = 470K. Compute:
i. Initial stagnation temperature
ii. M1
iii. P0
iv. If at section 2 the area is 0.036 m2 then compute M2 and p2. Assume 1.4
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2309


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 30 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Define: 10M
i. Intensive property
ii. Extensive property
iii. Thermodynamic cycle
iv. Quasi-static process
v. Isolated system
b) An engine cylinder has a piston of area 0.12m2 and contains gas at a pressure of 1.5MPa. 5M
The gas expands according to the process which is represented by a straight line on a PV
diagram and the final pressure is 0.15MPa. Calculate the work done by the gas on the
piston if the stroke is 0.3m.

2. a) Write a note on: 9M

i. Thermodynamic system and different types
ii. State, path, process
iii. Statement of Zeroth law of thermodynamics
b) The temperature t on a thermometric scale is defined in terms of a property k by the 6M
relation t = a ln k +b where a and b are constants. The values of k are 1.83 and 6.78 at
ice and steam points, the temperatures of which are assigned 00 C and 1000 C
respectively. Find the temperature corresponding to a value of k equal to 2.42.

Unit II
3. a) i. State first law for a closed system undergoing a cycle. 9M
ii. The heat capacity at constant pressure of a certain system is a function of
41.87 J
temperature only and may be expressed as C p 2.093
t 100 R
where t is the temperature of the system in oC. The system is heated while it is
maintained at a pressure of 1 atmosphere until its volume increases from 2000
cm3 to 2400 cm3 and its temperature increases from 00C to 100oC.
Find the magnitude of heat interaction and increase in internal energy of the
b) A certain gas of mass 4kg is contained with a piston and cylinder assembly. The gas 6M
undergoes a process for which pV1.5= constant. The initial state is given by 3bar, 0.1m3.
The change in internal energy of gas in the process is u2-u1 = -4.6 kJ/kg. Find the net
heat transfer for the process when the final volume is 0.2m3. Neglect the change in KE
and PE.

:: 2 ::
4. a) Apply the steady flow energy equation for the following: 6M
i. Diffuser
ii. Rotary air compressor
iii. Throttling device
b) Air at a temperature of 150C passes through a heat exchanger at a velocity of 30m/sec 9M
where its temperature is raised to 8000C. It then enters a turbine with the same
velocity of 30m/sec and expands until the temperature falls to 6500C. On leaving the
turbine, the air is taken at a velocity of 60m/sec to a nozzle where it expands until the
temperature has falls to 5000C. If the air flow rate is 2kg/sec, calculate:
i. The rate of heat transfer to the air in the heat exchanger
ii. The power output from the turbine assuming no heat loss
iii. The velocity at exit from the nozzle, assuming no heat loss. Take the enthalpy of
air as h=Cpt, where Cp is specific heat of air equals to 1.005kJ/kgK and t the
Unit III
5. a) i. Define heat engine , heat pump , refrigerator 5M
ii. Show that COP of a heat pump is greater than COP of a refrigerator by unity
b) Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series. A rejecting heat to B through 10M
an intermediate reservoir. A receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 4210C from a hot source
while B is in communication with a cold sink at 4.40C. If the work output of A is twice that
of B, evaluate:
i. Intermediate temperature between A and B
ii. Efficiency of each engine
iii. Heat rejected to cold sink

6. a) State and prove Clausius theorem. 6M

b) A heat engine is supplied with 278 kJ/s of heat at a constant fixed temperature of 9M
2830C and heat rejection takes place at 50C. The following results were reported:
i. 208 kJ/s of heat rejected
ii. 139 kJ/s of heat rejected
iii. 70 kJ/s of heat rejected
Classify which of the results report a reversible, irreversible and impossible cycle.
Unit IV
7. a) Define the following terms as applied to a pure substance: 8M
i. Triple point
ii. Critical point
iii. Sub cooled liquid state
iv. Dry vapor state
b) Find the enthalpy and entropy of steam when pressure is 2MPa and specific volume 7M
is 0.09m3/kg.

8. a) What is quality of steam? What are the different methods of measurement of quality? 9M
Explain anyone with a neat sketch.
b) Steam initially at 0.3 MPa , 2500C is cooled at constant volume. 6M
i. At what temperature will the steam become saturated vapor
ii. What is the quality at 800C


Unit V
9. a) What is air standard cycle? With the help of P-v and T-s diagrams Derive an expression for 8M
efficiency of Otto cycle.
b) An engine working on Otto cycle has an air standard cycle efficiency of 56% and rejects 7M
544 kJ/kg of air. The pressure and temperature of air at the beginning of compression are
0.1 MPa and 600C respectively. Compute:
i. The compression ratio of the engine
ii. The work done per kg of air
iii. The pressure and temperature at the end of compression
iv. The maximum pressure in the cycle

10. a) For the same compression ratio and heat rejection, which cycle has highest efficiency: 7M
Otto, Diesel or Dual? Explain with P-v and T-s diagrams.
b) With the help of P-v and T-s diagrams, derive the expression for cycle efficiency for 8M
Brayton cycle.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2310


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 27 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit I
1. a) Find atomic packing factor for FCC and HCP structures. 7M
b) Differentiate edge and screw dislocations with sketches. 8M
2. a) Define degrees of freedom, Phase and equilibrium. Explain Hume-Rothary rules. 8M
b) Why alloying is required? Mention why the following elements are added. 7M
Chromium, Nickel and Vanadium.
Unit II
3. a) With cooling curve data, explain how phase diagrams are constructed. 7M
b) Two metals A and B are completely soluble in liquid state. A melts at 6000C and B at 8M
4000C. Gradual cooling results an eutectic at 40% A and 60% B. Assume that the liquidus
lines are straight. The eutectic solidifies at 2500C. Find for an alloy of 75% A and 25% B:
i. The temperature at which the solidification will begin to crystallize from the melt and
at which the melt will be completely solid
ii. The percentage of solid in the solid solution at 3000C
iii. The percentage of eutectic in the solid solution at room temperature
4. a) Draw an iron carbon equilibrium diagram and explain the three invariant reactions 12M
associated with it.
b) State Gibbs phase rule and explain the terms. 3M
Unit III
5. a) What are the different types of cast iron? 5M
b) i. Give the classification of steels. 10M
ii. Briefly explain the properties of plain carbon steels.
6. a) To relieve the internal stresses, which heat treatment technique is preferred? Explain the 7M
b) For 0.8% carbon steel draw the TTT diagram and explain the phases. 8M
Unit IV
7. a) List the engineering properties and applications of copper. 7M
b) List the applications of aluminum alloys. Mention the formable aluminum series. 8M
8. a) Classify ceramic materials. Mention the characteristics of ceramic materials. 8M
b) List the applications of silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. 7M
Unit V
9. a) Classify composites. List the properties of composites. 7M
b) Sketch and explain hand lay-up process of producing polymer composites. 8M
10. a) Explain the applications of Polymer matrix composites. 6M
b) Sketch and explain vacuum bag moulding process of producing composites. 9M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A2103


B. Tech III Semester, End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 16 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) What is surveying? Explain briefly the principle of surveying. 7M
b) Sketch the map conventional symbols for the following: 8M
i. Temple
ii. Railway double line
iii. Lake
iv. Buildings

2. a) Distinguish between: 8M
i. Plane survey and Geodetic Survey
ii. Plan and Map
b) List the different sources of error in surveying? Briefly explain the types of errors. 7M

Unit II
3. a) Explain the stepping method of chaining on slopping ground. 7M
b) Explain briefly the direct distance measurement methods. 8M

4. a) Explain different types of EDM instruments. 7M

b) Explain the working method of electromagnetic distance measuring instrument. 8M

Unit III
5. a) Explain the temporary adjustments of leveling instruments. 7M
b) Explain the characteristics of contour with the neat sketch. 8M

6. a) The following staff readings were taken with a dumpy level. The instruments have been 7M
moved after third, sixth and eighth readings: 0.988, 1.065, 2.090, 2.228, 2.864, 1.262,
1.982, 0.602, 1.044, 2.684 meters. The reduced level of the starting point = 432.384m.
i. Rule out a page of the level book and enter the above reading
ii. Carry out reductions of levels by collimation method
iii. Apply the arithmetic check
b) Define the following: 8M
i. Contour
ii. Contour Interval
iii. Bench Mark
iv. Turning Point

:: 2 ::

Unit IV
7. a) What are the parts of a prismatic compass? Explain the function of each part. 7M
b) In a closed traverse ABCDE, the bearings of the line AB was measured as 150o30. The 8M
included angles were measured as under: A=130o10, B=89o45, C=125o22, D=135o34,
E=59o9 Calculate the bearing of all other lines.

8. a) Explain the terms: 6M

i. Magnetic meridian
ii. Dip
iii. Declination
iv. Isogonic lines
b) The following are the bearings taken in a closed compass traverse. Compute the interior 9M
angles and correct them for observational errors:
Side Fore- bearing Back-bearing
AB 142 30 322 30
BC 223 15 44 15
CD 287 00 107 45
DE 12 45 193 15
EA 60 00 239 0

Unit V
9. a) Describe various accessories of plane table. Give the functions of each. 7M
b) Explain different types of errors in plane table surveying. 8M

10. a) What is orientation? What are different methods of orientation of a plane table? 7M
b) Explain the procedure of graphical method of plane table by Bessels method. 8M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2102


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 20 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) What do you mean by dressing of stones? Discuss various types. 7M
b) Define quarrying of stone and briefly explain the method of quarrying of stones. 8M

2. a) What are the characteristics of good tiles? 5M

b) Classify the types of bricks in brief. 10M

Unit II
3. a) List the various stages of processing of timber. Write a note on various methods of 8M
seasoning of wood.
b) Explain the manufacturing process of cement by dry process method. 7M

4. a) List the physical properties of cement. Explain any two. 8M

b) Explain the importance of preservation of timber and the methods of preservation. 7M

Unit III
5. a) Classify the stone masonry. Give safe permissible load on the following types of stone
masonry with cement mortar: 6M
i. Coursed rubble masonry
ii. Ashlar masonry
iii. Random rubble masonry
b) Explain with neat sketches:
i. Square Rubble (Uncoursed) 9M
ii. Square Rubble (Built to courses)
iii. Ashlar Fine Tool

6. a) What are the different types of brick masonry? List out the types of bonds in brick work. 7M
b) What is strap footing? Explain the load transfer mechanism in strap footing with a neat 8M

Unit IV
7. a) What are the classifications of arches based on materials? Explain them in brief with neat 7M
b) Explain the method of laying Concrete and Terrazzo flooring. 8M

8. a) Write a note on: 8M

i. Glazed windows
ii. Panelled doors
b) What are lintels? Explain the classification of lintels with neat sketches. 7M


Unit V
9. a) What are the various methods of damp proofing? Explain them briefly. 8M
b) What are the constituents of paint? Explain briefly. 7M

10. a) What is underpinning? List the circumstance under which underpinning is adopted. 8M
Explain any one method with a neat sketch.
b) What is plastering? What is the importance of plastering? 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2101


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 23 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit I
1. a) Distinguish between: 9M
i. Specific weight and specific volume
ii. Density and relative density
iii. Adhesion and cohesion
b) Calculate capillary depression when two vertical plates separated by a distance 0.04mm 6M
are dipped in a dish of mercury. Assume a surface tension force of 0.5248N/m and a
contact angle of 128.90.
2. a) Explain with neat sketch the working principle of the following: 8M
i. Inverted differential manometer
ii. Micro manometer
b) A vessel of uniform area of 1000mm2 and height 2meters contains water to a depth 1.5m 7M
and oil of specific gravity 0.8 for the remaining portion. The vessel is open to the
atmosphere. Find the gauge pressure and absolute pressure on the base of the vessel.

Unit II
3. a) Define velocity potential function and stream function. 6M
b) A stream function is given by 5 x 6 y. Calculate the velocity components and also 9M
magnitude and direction of the resultant velocity at any point.
4. a) Define vortex flow. Explain the types of vortex flow. 6M
b) An open circular cylinder of 15cm diameter and 100cm long contains water up to a height 9M
of 80cm. find the maximum speed at which the cylinder is to be rotated about its vertical
axis so that no water spills.

Unit III
5. a) Identify and explain the growth of boundary layer over a flat plate. 5M
u y 10M
b) If the velocity profile in boundary layer is given by calculate the:
i. Displacement thickness
ii. Momentum thickness
iii. Energy thickness in terms of the nominal thickness of the boundary layer
6. a) List and explain the types of drags. 7M
b) A submarine which may be supported to approximate a cylinder 3m in diameter and 15 8M
m long travels submerged at 1.54m/s in sea water at 4oC. Find the drag exerted on it.
Take kinematic viscosity of sea water at 4oC as 1.67x10-6m2/s and mass density as
1025kg/m3. Also find the friction drag. Cd=0.7.


Unit IV
7. a) Explain the parts of Venturimeter and its design consideration and derive discharge 9M
equation for Venturimeter.
b) A vertical venture meter 40cm x 20cm is provided in a vertical pipe to measure the flow of 6M
oil of relative density 0.80. The difference in elevations of the throat section and the
entrance section is 0.5m, the direction of flow being upward as shown in Fig.1. The
oil-mercury differential gauge shows deflection of mercury equal to 40cm. Determine the
quantity of oil flowing in the pipe. Neglect the losses:

8. a) Derive discharge equation for flow over triangular notch. 9M
b) A rectangular weir 6m long is divided into 3 bays by two vertical posts each 0.3m wide. 6M
Find the discharge when the head is 0.45m, Crest length 3.05m, Cd = 0.6.

Unit V
9. a) What are the causes for minor and major energy losses in pipes? Explain. 7M
b) For the distribution main of a city water supply a 36cm diameter pipe is required. As 8M
pipes above 30cm are not available, two parallel mains of the same diameter are used.
Assuming the friction factor of all the pipes to be same, determine the diameter of the
parallel mains.

10. a) Derive Darcy-Weisbach equation for loss of head due to friction in pipes. 8M
b) Two pipes 1 and 2, each of 10cm diameter branch off from a point A in a and rejoin at B. 7M
Pipe 1 is 400m long and pipe 2 is 600m long. The total head at A is 30m. A short pipe
8cm diameter is fitted at B and the flow is discharged into atmosphere through it Fig.2.
Assume f= 0.02 for both the pipes. Find the total discharge and division of discharge in
pipes 1 and 2.

Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A2104


B. Tech III Semester End Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2015
(Regulations: VCE-R14)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 30 November, 2015 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit I
1. a) Define the terms factor of safety and normal stress. 5M
b) Calculate the Modulus of rigidity and Bulk modulus of cylindrical bar of diameter 20mm 10M
and length 2.0m, if the longitudinal strain in bar during tensile test is four times the
lateral strain. Find the change in volume, when bar is subjected to pressure of 100N/mm 2
and E=2 x 105N/mm2.
2. a) Derive the relationship between modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity. 5M
b) A bar of 20mm diameter is tested in tension, is observed that a load of 37.7KN is applied. 10M
The extension measured over a gauge length of 200mm is 0.12mm and contraction in
diameter is 0.0036mm. Find Poisson ratio and the elastic constants E, G, and K.
Unit II
3. a) Sketch different types of beams and supports. 5M
b) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown below Fig.1. 10M

4. a) Obtain the relationship between load intensity, shear force and bending moment. 5M
b) Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the beam shown below Fig.2. 10M

Unit III
5. a) Define the Thin Cylinder and Thick Cylinder. 2M
b) A Cylinder of Inner diameter of 3.0m and Thickness of 6.0cm contain gas. If tensile stress 13M
in material not exceed 80 N/ mm2. Determine the Internal pressure of gas. Derive the
expression for circumferential stress and longitudinal stress.
6. a) Derive the expression for volumetric strain in Thin cylinder. 8M
b) Find the thickness of metal necessary for a cylindrical shell of inner diameter 180 mm to 7M
with stand an internal pressure of 8.0N/mm2. The maximum hoop stress in section is not
exceeding 35 N/mm2.

:: 2 ::
Unit IV
7. a) Define the terms: 4M
i. Bending stress
ii. Neutral axis
iii. Shear stress
iv. Section modulus
b) An I-section shown in Fig.3 is simply supported over span of 12.0m. If permissible bending 11M
stress is 100 N/mm2. Determine concentrated load can be carried at a distance of 5.0m
from support?

8. a) What are the assumptions made in Bending Theory? 6M
b) Prove the relationship M f E 9M
Unit V
9. a) Calculate the Deflection of simply support beam carries Uniform Distribution Load of 7M
W/m over entire span.
b) A Cantilever beam of 150mm wide and 300mm deep and 3.0m long. And what is the 8M
Uniform Distribution Load which the beam can carry in order to produce a deflection of
5.0mm at free end? Take E=200 GN/m2.
10. a) Determine the deflection of Cantilever beam is shown in Fig.5. 7M

b) A simply supported beam as shown in Fig.6 is carrying two point loads. Find the 8M
Deflection at point of application of the loads. Take EI=41500 KN/m2.


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