2018-2019 QEC General Rate Application, Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

Qulliq Energy Corporation

2018/19 General Rate Application

This document provides an overview of Qulliq Energy Corporations (QEC) 2018/19 General Rate
Application (GRA) to the Minister Responsible for QEC (the Minister) for rates effective April 1, 2018
and April 1, 2019. The complete application is available from QEC at its office in Iqaluit, and from the
QEC website at http://www.qec.nu.ca/.


Qulliq Energy Corporation is the only
generator and distributor of electrical
energy for retail supply in Nunavut. QEC
serves a population of 37,000 over an
area of 2.1 million square kilometers and
has approximately 15,000 electrical
customers across the Territory.

The Corporation generates and

distributes electricity to Nunavummiut
through the operation of diesel plants in
25 communities meeting community peak
demands ranging from approximately 200
kW in Grise Fiord to 10 MW in Iqaluit.

The Corporation provides mechanical,

electrical and line maintenance from three
regional centers and administers the
Corporations business activities from its
headquarters in Baker Lake and
executive offices in Iqaluit. Nunavut, Canada

Low customer densities and a harsh climate have a profound impact on QECs operations. QEC is the
only electrical utility in Northern Canada without hydro-electric generation. This creates a large
dependence on fossil fuels.

QECs electricity systems are isolated and must be planned and operated independently. In order to
supply safe and reliable power, QEC develops long-term capital plans to determine which plants require
upgrades, expansions or replacements. QEC also researches emerging alternative energy
technologies to determine if they can be incorporated into the capital planning cycle. QEC is currently
investigating the potential for solar and wind generation in Nunavut.

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Executive Summary
Qulliq Energy Corporation
2018/19 General Rate Application


Qulliq Energy Corporation operates under the Qulliq Energy Act. Rates for electricity service are
approved by the Minister who receives advice from the Utility Rates Review Council (URRC) pursuant
to the Utility Rates Review Council Act. The URRC is an advisory body that reviews QECs applications
for changes to electricity rates.

A General Rate Application (GRA) is a request to change the overall level of rates (revenue
requirement) and how rates are recovered from customers. QECs last GRA was for the 2014/15 fiscal
year. The GRA process has two phases:

Phase I of a GRA examines the total cost of providing electrical service (called revenue
requirement). Phase I reviews QECs salaries and wages, travel costs, fuel costs and costs of
capital projects and infrastructure.

Phase II of a GRA determines how the revenue requirement should be recovered through rates
for different customer classes (domestic, commercial, and street lighting). As part of the
Phase II process, QEC completes a cost of service study that examines how different customer
classes contribute to the overall cost of running the utility.

The URRC sets the timeline for the GRA review process but an approximate timeline based on previous
reviews would result in a final instruction from QEC to the Minister in March of 2018.

Oct 2017 Nov 2017 to Feb 2018 March 2018

QEC submits GRA to the URRC reviews application URRC submits report and
Minister recommendations to the
URRC coordinates Minister
URRC review process begins opportunities for public
comment on GRA Minister provides instruction
to QEC on rates for
April 1,2018

You can participate in the review process by attending community meetings organized by the URRC or
making written submissions. More information on the URRC and the public review process is available
on the URRC website at www.urrc.gov.nu.ca.

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Executive Summary
Qulliq Energy Corporation
2018/19 General Rate Application


Current GRA
The GRA describes QECs forecast
2014/15 2018/19 2018/19 2019/20
costs for 2018/19 and requests Approved Existing Proposed Proposed
approval of a revenue requirement ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions)
of $134.0 million. This results in a Non-fuel O&M 53.5 60.2 60.2 60.2
Fuel 56.4 48.8 48.8 48.8
shortfall of $8.8 million compared to
Capital related costs 21.1 25.1 25.1 25.1
revenues at existing rates with the Total revenue requirement 130.9 134.0 134.0 134.0
current fuel refund rider in place. 130.9 134.9 130.4 134.0
Revenue from sales
Fuel refund rider 0.0 (9.7) 0.0 0.0
Although the application indicates
Shortfall 0.0 8.8 3.6 0.0
that average rate increases of 7.6%
are needed to recover the shortfall compared to existing rates, in order to minimize rate impacts to
customers, QEC is proposing to phase-in the required rate increase over a two-year period (2018/19
and 2019/20). This means average rate increases are reduced to 3.6% per year. The rate increase
reflects the following key cost increases since the time of the 2014/15 GRA:

Nonfuel Costs: Increases in non-fuel expenses are approximately $6.7 million. This mainly reflects
general inflationary pressures over the last three years as well as increases in salaries and wages from
additional positions required to maintain and improve service levels, as well as salary increases
consistent with labour agreements.

Capital Investments: Increases in capital related costs (financing and amortization expenses) are
approximately $4.0 million. The requirement for capital investments in the aged electricity system in the
territory is also one of the main drivers of the required rate increase. The Corporation cannot delay
capital investments needed to provide safe and reliable electricity to customers.

Diesel Fuel Cost: Diesel fuel prices have decreased since 2014/15 and lowered fuel expense by
approximately $7.6 million. QEC currently refunds these fuel savings to customers with a fuel refund
rider. A refund rider of 5.41 cents/kWh is in place as of October 1, 2017. The fuel rider will end March
31, 2018 and the lower fuel prices will be built into QECs energy rates as part of the current GRA to
offset other revenue requirement increases.

Sales Revenues: Revenue at base energy rates has increased since the 2014/15 GRA. However with
the fuel refund rider of 5.41 cents/kWh in place, the combined revenue at existing rates with the fuel
rider has decreased by approximately $5.7 million.

QEC has made efforts to mitigate rate impacts on customers in a number of ways without sacrificing
safety and reliability. These include:

Fuel Efficiency Improvements: QECs corporate-wide fuel efficiency has improved since the
last GRA reducing forecast fuel consumption by 730,000 litres (or $677,000) for 2018/19.

Station Service Reductions: Station service (electricity used by QEC at its facilities) has been
reduced through a variety of initiatives and plant upgrades. The 2018/19 forecast is lower than
the 2014/15 forecast (3.3% vs 3.5% of generation, or savings of $112,000).

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Executive Summary
Qulliq Energy Corporation
2018/19 General Rate Application


QEC currently has different rates for each community it serves. QEC inherited the existing rate structure
from the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC). Community-based rates are intended to
reflect differences in costs to provide service in each community. However, the current rates do not
accurately reflect community-based costs. The rate adjustments needed to achieve community-based
rates that fully reflect community-based costs would be substantial, far greater than rates proposed in
this GRA. For example, Grise Fiord would require a rate increase of 172% and Iqaluit would require a
22% rate increase.

Rate Adjustment Needed
Existingw/FSRRider CommunitybasedCOSrate to Achieve COS Rate
1 Iqaluit 22%
Iqaluit Rankin Inlet 9%
LevelizedTerritorywide Igloolik 22%
Igloolik 0.9
rateat78cents/kW.h Pangnirtung 24%
Cape Dorset 20%
0.8 Baker Lake 17%
Cambridge Bay 6%
Qikiqtarjuaq 99%
Qikiqtarjuaq 0.7
ClydeRiver Clyde River 50%
Arviat Arviat 2%
Fullcommunitybasedratesfor 0.6 Sanikiluaq 15%
GriseFiordwouldbe172% Naujaat 13%
ArcticBay higherthancurrentrates 0.5 Arctic Bay -2%
HallBeach Hall Beach 15%
GjoaHaven Gjoa Haven -1%
PondInlet Pond Inlet -8%
WhaleCove Whale Cove 36%
GriseFiord 0.3 Grise Fiord 172%
Kugluktuk Kugluktuk -18%
CoralHarbour Coral Harbour -2%
ChesterfieldInlet Chesterfield Inlet -1%
Taloyoak Taloyoak 27%
ResoluteBay 0.1 Resolute Bay 8%
Kimmirut 15%
0 Kugaaruk -18%
45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255


Other problems with community-based rates include:

The recent practice of applying rate increases on an equal percentage basis to all customers
results in higher rate increases (in cents per kWh) for some communities. For example, a 7.6%
increase to domestic rates is about 4 cents/kWh in Iqaluit and about 8 cents/kWh in Kugaaruk.

Large capital projects put enormous upward pressure on rates, especially for small communities.
A community that needs a new power plant may face rate increases of 50% or more.

As QEC begins to roll out alternative energy projects, under community-based rates only the
community where the alternative energy project is located takes on the risks (such as higher
initial capital costs) and benefits (lower fuel expense) of the project.

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Executive Summary
Qulliq Energy Corporation
2018/19 General Rate Application


To address the issues with the existing community-based rates, the Corporation is proposing to
transition to a Territory-wide levelized rate structure (sometimes called a postage stamp rate). Under
the Territory-wide rate, all customers in the same rate class would pay the same rates, regardless of
where they live. These types of rates are common across Canada. In 2010, NTPC introduced a levelized
rate structure for non-government customers in its thermal rate zone. Yukon also has levelized rates
for most customers and consumption levels.

Moving to a Territory-wide rate means rates will increase in some communities and decrease in other
communities. QEC is proposing to complete the transition gradually, over an estimated six years. The
current GRA addresses only the first two years of the process (2018/19 and 2019/20). The remaining
years will be addressed in future applications. As part of the gradual transition, QEC is limiting rate
increases to no more than an additional 5% over and above average revenue requirement increases.

Annual Rate Change
ExistingwithFSR 2018/19 2019/20
2018/19 2019/20
1 10% 9%
Levelizedrateat78 10% 9%
cents/kW.h 9% 9%
Igloolik 0.9
Pangnirtung 9% 9%
CapeDorset 9% 9%
BakerLake 9% 9%
CambridgeBay 8% 3%
Qikiqtarjuaq 0.7 7% 0%
ClydeRiver 7% 0%
Arviat 6% 0%
Sanikiluaq 2% 0%
Naujaat 0% 0%
ArcticBay 0.5 -1% -1%
HallBeach -1% -1%
GjoaHaven -1% -1%
PondInlet -1% -1%
WhaleCove -1% -1%
GriseFiord 0.3
-2% -2%
-2% -2%
0.2 -2% -2%
ChesterfieldInlet Ratedecrease
-3% -2%
-3% -3%
ResoluteBay 0.1
-3% -3%
-4% -3%
0 -5% -5%
45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145

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Executive Summary
Qulliq Energy Corporation
2018/19 General Rate Application


The combined impact of the termination of the KugaarukDomesticNonGovernment
current fuel refund rider, revenue requirement NoSubsidyBill
increases and the transition to territory-wide Proposed April 1, 2018 Proposed April 1, 2019
Rates at October 1,
rates will result in bill increases for customers 2017
(NES at 50% Iqaluit (NES at 50% Iqaluit
base rate) base rate)
in communities that currently have lower than Usage 700 kW.h 700 kW.h 700 kW.h

average rates and bill decreases for customers Customer Charge $18.0 $18.0 $18.0
Energy Charge $1.142 $799.1 $1.034 $723.9 $0.986 $690.2
in communities that currently have higher than
Total BASE BILL $817.1 $741.9 $708.2
average rates:
Fuel Stab Fund -$0.0541 ($37.9) $0.000 $0.0 $0.000 $0.0

Non-government domestic customers NET BILL $779.3 $741.9 $708.2

receiving the territorial electricity GST $39.0 $37.1 $35.4
subsidy will see bill increases of NET BILL after Tax $818.2 $779.0 $743.6

approximately $40 per month on Change from existing bill before tax -$37.3 -4.8% -$33.7 -4.5%
Change from existing bill after tax -$39.2 -4.8% -$35.4 -4.5%
April 1, 2018 and $19 per month on
April 1, 2019 for a typical customer BillsubsidizedbyNESP
using 700 kWh each month. The NES Customer Rate $0.301 $211.0 $0.301 $211.0 $0.327 $229.1
increase in 2018/19 reflects only NES Subsidy
Customer Charge
removing the existing fuel refund rider Subsidy ($18.0) ($18.0) ($18.0)
while maintaining base energy rates at Energy Subsidy -$0.840 ($588.1) -$0.733 ($512.9) -$0.659 ($461.1)

the existing levels. As part of the Subsidized BILL $173.1 $211.0 $229.1

transition process, no further rate GST $8.7 $10.6 $11.5

increases are proposed in 2018/19 for BILL after Tax $181.8 $221.6 $240.6

these customers. Change from existing bill before tax $37.9 21.9% $18.1 8.6%
Change from existing bill after tax $39.8 21.9% $19.0 8.6%

Non-government domestic customers

who dont receive the territorial electricity subsidy will see bill decreases in 14 communities.
Customers in Kugaaruk will see the largest decreases of approximately $39 in 2018/19 (4.8%)
and $35 in 2019/20 (4.5%) on monthly consumption of 700 kWh.
Non-government domestic customers who dont receive the subsidy will see bill increases in 11
communities. Customers in Baker Lake will see the largest increase of approximately $41 in
2018/19 (8.3%) and $44 in 2019/20 (8.3%) for a customer using 700 kWh.

Non-government commercial customers in 18 communities will see a bill decrease. Customers

in Whale Cove will see the largest decreases of approximately $109 in 2018/19 (4.8%) and $98
in 2019/20 (4.6%) on monthly consumption of 2,000 kWh.

Non-government commercial customers in 7 communities will see bill increases. Customers in

Iqaluit will see the largest increase of approximately $114 (11.4%) in 2018/19 and $91 (8.3%) in
2019/20 for a commercial customer using 2,000 kWh per month. The bill increase for customers
in Iqaluit in 2018/19 reflects only removing the existing fuel refund. As part of the transition
process, no further rate adjustments are proposed in 2018/19 for these customers.

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