Can Blockchain Strenthen IoT

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Tim Weil, Scram Systems,

Can Blockchain
the Internet of
Nir Kshetri, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

lockchaina kind of transactions through smart con- From a security standpoint, a
distributed ledger tech- tracts.2 Combined with artificial main drawback of IoT applica-
nologyhas been de- intelligence (AI) and big data sol tions and platforms is their re-
scribed in the popu- utions, more significant impacts liance on a centralized cloud. A
lar press as the next big thing. can be produced. decentralized, blockchain-based
Put simply, a blockchain is a data A natural question is thus approach would overcome many
structure that makes it possi- what roles can blockchain play in of the problems associated with
ble to create a tamper-proof dig- strengthening IoT security? To the centralized cloud approach.
ital ledger of transactions and demonstrate this problems sig- Some point out that blockchain
share them. This technology uses nificance, consider the follow- could provide military-grade sec
public-key cryptography to sign ing example. In October 2016, urity for IoT devices.6 There is
transactions among parties. The the US-based DNS provider Dyn no single point of failure or vul-
transactions are then stored on a faced cyberattacks. Dyn said the nerability in blockchain, except
distributed ledger. The ledger con- attacks originated from tens of with the clock needed for time
sists of cryptographically linked millions of IP addresses,3 and at stamping.
blocks of transactions, which form least some of the traffic came from Considering these observations,
a blockchain ( It is IoT devices, including webcams, this column provides insights into
impossible or extremely difficult baby monitors, home routers, and ways in which blockchain might
to change or remove blocks of data digital video recorders.4 These IoT strengthen IoT security.
that are recorded on the block- devices had been infected with
chain ledger. malware called Mirai, which con- Incorporating Blockchain
Regarding the question of whe trols online devices and uses them into IoT Security
ther blockchain can strengthen to launch distributed denial-of- Blockchains incorporation into
the Internet of Things (IoT), service (DDoS) attacks. The pro- IoT is being supported through a
the answerbased on this re- cess involves phishing emails to wide variety of measures intended
searchis maybe. Observers infect a computer or home net- to strengthen security. Several
have noted that the blockchain work. Then the malware spreads companies are leading initiatives
IoT combination is powerful to other devices, such as DVRs, to integrate blockchain into their
and is set to transform many in- printers, routers, and Internet-con- production and supply chains. For
dustries.1 For instance, IoT de- nected cameras employed by stores instance, IBM is using its large
vices can carry out autonomous and businesses for surveillance.5 cloud infrastructure to provide

68 IT Pro July/August 2017 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1520-9202/17/$33.00 2017 IEEE
blockchain services for tracking network (the Industrial Internet). can be achieved.13 In this regard, a
high-value items as they move Filaments blockchain-based ap- key challenge that arises in some
across supply chains. plications involve sensors con- applications is that it is difficult
The IBM Watson IoT Platforms nected in a decentralized system to ensure that the properties of
built-in capability also allows us- and use autonomous smart con- physical assets, individuals (cre-
ers to add selected IoT data to tracts. This means that devices dentials), resource use (energy
private blockchain ledgers that communicate securely with each and bandwidth through IoT de-
can be included in shared trans- other, exchange values, and ex- vices), and other relevant events
actions. The platform translates ecute actions automatically. For are stored securely and reliably.
the data from connected devices instance, Filaments Tap can be This aspect can be handled rela-
into the format that blockchain attached to drilling rigs in remote tively easily for most IoT devices.
contract APIs need. It is not nec- locations. Based on predefined For instance, a private blockchain
essary for the blockchain con- conditions, a rig might know that can be used to store cryptographic
tract to know the specifics of the it requires a piece of machinery hashes of individual device firm-
device data. The platform filters and thus might send a request to ware. Such a system creates a
device events and sends only the an autonomous drone.10 permanent record of device con-
data that is required to satisfy the Measures are also taken at in- figuration and state. This record
contract ( All terorganizational levels. A group can be used to verify that a given
business partners can access and
supply IoT data in a decentral-
ized fashion and can verify each
transaction.7 Data is not collect- Blockchain-based identity and access management
ed, stored, or managed centrally. systems can be leveraged to strengthen IoT security.
Rather, it is protected and shared
among only the parties involved in
the transaction.
Startups such as Provenance of technology and financial com- device is genuine and that its soft-
use blockchain to promote trust panies have announced that they ware and settings have not been
in the supply chain by provid- have formed a group to set a new tampered with or breached. Only
ing transparency and visibility standard for securing IoT appli- then is the device allowed to con-
when the product moves from the cations using blockchain. Com- nect to other devices or services.
source to the customer.8 Others panies joining the group include Returning to the Dyn example,
are creating new business models Cisco, Bosch, Bank of New York IP spoofing attacks were launched
that eliminate the need for cen- Mellon, Foxconn Technology, Ge- for the later versions of the Mi-
tralized cloud servers. For exam- malto, and blockchain startups rai botnet. Blockchain-based
ple, Filament, a blockchain-based Consensus Systems, BitSE, and identity and access management
solutions provider for IoT, has Chronicled.11 This group hopes systems can provide stronger de-
launched wireless sensors, called to establish a blockchain protocol fense against attacks involving IP
Taps, that allow communication to build IoT devices, applications, spoofing or IP address forgery.
with computers, phones, or tablets and networks.12 Because it is not possible to al-
within 10 miles ( ter approved blockchains, it is not
Taps create low-power, autono- Identity and Access possible for devices to connect to
mous mesh networks that enable Management Systems a network by disguising them-
companies to manage physical Blockchain-based identity and ac- selves by injecting fake signatures
mining operations or water flows cess management systems can be into the record.14 The earlier ex-
over agricultural fields. Taps dont leveraged to strengthen IoT secu- ample involving Filaments Taps
rely on cloud services. Device rity. Such systems have already illustrates this point.
identification and intercommuni- been used to securely store in-
cation is secured by a blockchain formation about goods prove- Cloud vs. Blockchain
that holds the unique identity of nance, identity, credentials, and Models
each participating node.9 One key digital rights. As long as the orig- In the cloud model, IoT devices
application is likely to be in the inal information entered is accu- are identified, authenticated, and
next generation of the industrial rate, blockchains immutability connected through cloud servers,  69

Table 1. How blockchain can address Internet of Things (IoT) challenges.

Challenge Explanation Potential blockchain solution

Costs and capacity It is a challenge to handle exponential No need for a centralized entity: devices can
constraints growth in IoT devices: by 2020, a network communicate securely, exchange value with each
capacity at least 1,000 times the level of other, and execute actions automatically through
2016 will be needed. smart contracts.

Deficient Each block of IoT architecture acts as a Secure messaging between devices: the validity
architecture bottleneck or point of failure and disrupts of a devices identity is verified, and transactions
the entire network; vulnerability to are signed and verified cryptographically to
distributed denial-of-service attacks, hacking, ensure that only a messages originator could
data theft, and remote hijacking also exists. have sent it.

Cloud server downtime Cloud servers are sometimes down due to No single point of failure: records are on many
and unavailability of cyberattacks, software bugs, power, cooling, computers and devices that hold identical
services or other problems. information.

Susceptibility to Information is likely to be manipulated and Decentralized access and immutability: malicious
manipulation put to inappropriate uses. actions can be detected and prevented.
Devices are interlocked: if one devices blockchain
updates are breached, the system rejects it.

where processing and storage are Consider smart water meters was safe to drink.19 Citing official
often carried out. Even if devices and associated risks. Twenty per- documents and findings of re-
are a few feet apart, connections cent of Californias residents have searchers who conducted exten-
between them go through the smart water meters, which col- sive tests, a CNN article asserted
Internet.15 lect data and send alerts on water that Michigan officials might have
First, IoT networks that have leakage and usage to consumers altered sample data to lower the
high costs are a concern in the phones. Likewise, the Washing- citys water lead level.20 It was re-
centralized cloud model. Gartner ton Suburban Sanitary Commis- ported that the Michigan Depart-
estimated that in 2016, 5.5 million sion (WSSC) in Washington, DC, ment of Environmental Quality
new IoT devices were connected is planning to integrate IoT into and the city of Flint discarded two
every day.16 It is estimated that by its system. Water-usage data can of the collected samples. A re-
2020, a network capacity that is at tell criminals when residents are searcher said that the discarded
least 1,000 times the level of 2016 not home. Perpetrators can then samples had high lead levels.
will be needed.17 The amount of burglarize homes when their resi- Including them in the ana lysis
communication that needs to dents are away.19 would have increased the level
be handled will increase costs Third, the centralized cloud above 15 parts per billion (PPB).
exponentially. model is susceptible to manipu- According to the US Environ-
Second, even if economic lation. Collecting real-time data mental Protection Agency, water
and manufacturing challeng- does not ensure that the informa- supply companies are required to
es are addressed, each block of tion is put to good and appropri- alert the public and take action
the IoT architecture could act as ate use. Consider the water supply if lead concentrations exceed the
a bottleneck or point of failure system example just discussed. action level of 15 PPB in drink-
that can disrupt the entire net- If state officials or water service ing water (
work.18 For instance, IoT devices companies believe that the evi- Blockchain can eliminate many
are vulnerable to DDoS attacks, dence might result in high costs or of the drawbacks described in
hacking, data theft, and remote lawsuits, they can censor, edit, or Table 1. In blockchain, message ex-
hijacking. Criminals might also delete data and analysis. They can changes between devices can be
hack the system and misuse also manipulate findings. For in- treated in a similar way as financial
data. If an IoT device connected stance, consider the water crisis in transactions in a bitcoin network.
to a server is breached, everyone the city of Flint, Michigan, which To exchange messages, devices
connected to the server could be began in 2014. Flint authorities rely on smart contracts. Block-
affected. insisted for months that city water chain cryptographically signs

70 IT Pro July/August 2017

Upstream supply chain partners/
supply chain partners device owners
Tracing back products Identifying users of vulnerable
to the origin of the raw devices
material Guaranteeing return of products
Pinpointing the source in case of recalls
of problematic parts/ Registering updates, patches,
items and part replacements throughout
the lifetime of a product

Figure 1. Blockchains role in improving overall security in supply chain networks. With blockchain, it is
possible to access immutable records for various aspects of transactions involving a product to understand
key vulnerabilities in the upstream supply chain. This technology can also help strengthen downstream
supply chain partners and device owners precautionary and defensive cybersecurity measures.

transactions and verifies those handling and dealing with crisis products, and are sold to custom-
cryptographic signatures to ensure situations such as product recalls ers. Blockchain can also be used
that only the messages originator due to security vulnerabilities. to register updates, patches, and
could have sent it. This can elim- Blockchains public availability part replacements applied to any
inate the possibility of man-in-the- means that it is possible to trace product or device throughout its
middle, replay, and other attacks.6 back every product to the origin lifetime. It is easier to track prog-
Blockchains proponents have of the raw materials, and transac- ress in addressing vulnerabilities
forcefully argued that this new tions can be linked to identify us- and send warnings and notifica-
technology can save us from ers of vulnerable IoT devices. tions to owners.8
another Flint-like contamina- IoT-linked security crises, such
tion crisis.19 Projects such as the as the cyberattacks on Dyn,

WSSCs integration of the IoT in could have been handled better ased on the evolving
supply systems can be upgraded if the supply chains had adopted mechanisms and forces
with sensors such as near-infrared blockchain. For instance, Chi- described here, a prom-
reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) na-based Hangzhou Xiongmai ising future seems likely for the
to include data on chemical levels. Technologies, which makes In- use of blockchain in address-
If such a system had been installed ternet-connected cameras and ac- ing IoT security. For instance,
in Michigan, Flints water service cessories, recalled its products in some of the key security chal-
company could have found the the US that were vulnerable to the lenges associated with the cloud
lead contamination when it ex- Mirai malware. However, it is dif- can be addressed by using the
ceeded healthy levels. Blockchain ficult to determine the devices decentralized, autonomous, and
can provide the second layer of owners. Blockchain is suitable for trusted capabilities of blockchain.
crisis prevention in such cases.20 complex workflows. It can be used Blockchains decentralized and
to register time, location, price, consensus-driven struc tures are
Ensuring Supply parties involved, and other rel- likely to provide more secure ap-
Chain Security evant information when an item proaches as the network size in-
Blockchain can ensure supply changes ownership. The tech- creases exponentially.
chain security (see Figure 1). It nology can also track raw ma- Blockchain enables the verifi-
also makes it possible to contain terials as they move through the cation of the attributes it carries.
an IoT security breach in a tar- supply chain, are transformed Blockchain-based transactions are
geted way after discovery of the into circuit boards and electronic easily auditable. Due primarily to
breach. Blockchain can facilitate components, are integrated into this and other features, blockchain  71

can play a key role in tracking the 8. B. Dickson, Blockchain Could Challenges, IEEE Internet of Things
sources of insecurity in supply Help Fix IoT Security after DDoS newsletter, Jan. 2017;
chains as well as in handling and Attack, VentureBeat, 29 Oct. 2016; 16. R. Van der Meulen, Gartner Says
dealing with crisis situations such 6.4 Billion Connected Things Will
as product recalls that occur af- 9. B. Dickson, How Blockchain Can Be in Use in 2016, Up 30 Percent
ter safety and security vulnerabili- Change the Future of IoT, Venture- From 2015, Gartner press release,
ties are found. And as mentioned, Beat, 20 Nov. 2016; 10 Nov. 2015;
blockchain-based identity and ac- 10. S. Pajot-Phipps, Energizing the
cess management systems can ad- BlockchainA Canadian Perspec- 17. S. Waterman, Industry to Gov-
dress key IoT security challenges tive, Bitcoin Magazine, 26 Jan. 2017; ernment: Hands Off IoT Secu-
such as those associated with IP rity, Fedscoop, 17 Nov. 2016; bit
spoofing. 11. J. Brown, Companies Forge Coop- .ly/2g4oXYX.
erative to Explore Blockchain-Based 18. A. Banafa, A Secure Model of IoT
Acknowledgments IoT Security, CioDive, 30 Jan. 2017; with Blockchain, OpenMind, 21
I thank Jeff Voas for numerous edits Dec. 2016;
and suggestions on previous versions 12. E. Young, Tech Giants and Block- 19. R. Hackett, How Blockchains Could
of this article. Certain commercial en- chain Startups Unite to Make IoT Save Us from Another Flint-Like
tities, equipment, or materials may be Apps More Secure, The Cointele- Contamination Crisis, Venturebeat,
identified in this document in order to graph, 30 Jan. 2017; 25 Feb. 2017;
describe an experimental procedure or 13. C. Catallini, How Blockchain Ap- 20. D. Debucquoy-Dodley, Did Mich-
concept adequately. Such identification plications Will Move Beyond Fi- igan Officials Hide the Truth about
is not intended to imply recommenda- nance, Harvard Business Rev., 2 Mar. Lead in Flint? CNN, 14 Jan. 2016;
tion or endorsement, nor is it intended 2017;
to imply that the entities, materials, or 14. S. Kumar, Not Just for Crypto-

equipment are necessarily the best avail- cash: How Blockchain Tech Could Nir Kshetri is a professor of manage-
able for the purpose. Help Secure IoT, IoT Agenda, 13 ment in the Bryan School of Business and
Feb. 2017; Economics at the University of North
References 15.
A. Banafa, IoT and Block- Carolina at Greensboro. Contact him at
1. K. Christidis and M. Devetsikiotis, chain Convergence: Benefits and
Blockchains and Smart Contracts
for the Internet of Things, IEEE
Access, May 2016, pp. 22922303.
2. Blockchain in Banking: A Measured Ap-
proach, Cognizant Reports, 2016. IT Professional (ISSN 1520-9202) is published bimonthly by the IEEE
3. 3rd Cyberattack Has Been Re- Computer Society. IEEE Headquarters, Three Park Avenue, 17th Floor,
solved After Hours of Major Out- New York, NY 10016-5997; IEEE Computer Society Publications Office,
ages: Company, NBC New York, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, PO Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314;
21 Oct. 2016; voice +714 821 8380; fax +714 821 4010; IEEE Computer Society Head-
4. N. Perlroth, Hackers Used New quarters, 1828 L St. NW, Suite 1202, Washington, DC 20036. Visit www
Weapons to Disrupt Major Web- for subscription information.
sites Across US, New York Times, 21 Postmaster: Send undelivered copies and address changes to IT Pro-
Oct. 2016; fessional, Membership Processing Dept., IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes
5. E. Blumenthal and E. Weise, Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141. Periodicals Postage Paid at New York,
Hacked Home Devices Caused NY, and at additional mailing offices. Canadian GST #125634188. Can-
Massive Internet Outage, USA To- ada Post Publications Mail Agreement Number 40013885. Return un-
day, 21 Oct. 2016; deliverable Canadian addresses to PO Box 122, Niagara Falls, ON L2E
6. J. Coward, Meet the Visionary 6S8, Canada. Printed in the USA.
Who Brought Blockchain to the Editorial: Unless otherwise stated, bylined articles, as well as product
Industrial IoT, IOT World News, 14 and service descriptions, reflect the authors or firms opinion. Inclusion in
Dec. 2016; IT Professional does not necessarily constitute endorse-
7. A. Kaul, IBM Watson IoT and Its ment by the IEEE or the Computer Society. All submis-
Integration with Blockchain, Trac- sions are subject to editing for style, clarity, and space.
tica, 1 Aug. 2016;

72 IT Pro July/August 2017

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