Natres Sat HW Digests

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4. People of the Philippines vs.

Alfonso Dator & BENITO GENOL accused (Acquitted) PASTOR TELEN The doctrine is a relative one and its flexibility is called upon by the peculiarity and uniqueness of
Facts: Police officers confiscated pieces of lumber from an Isuzu cargo for failure of the driver, accused the factual and circumstantial settings of a case. Hence, it is disregarded (1) when there is violation of
Benito Genol, to show the required documents for the proper transport of the pieces of lumber consisting due process, (2) when the issue involved is purely a legal question, (3) when the administrative action is
of forty-one (41) pieces of Dita lumber and ten (10) pieces of Antipolo lumber with a total volume of patently illegal amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, (4) when there is estoppels on the part of the
1,560.16 board feet. administrative agency concerned, (5) when there is irreparable injury, (6) when the respondent is a
Pastor Telen, owner of lumber, testified that the lumber will be used in renovating his residence. Boy department secretary whose acts as an alter ego of the President bears the implied and assumed approval
Leonor, who was the Officer in Charge of CENRO Maasin, Southern Leyte allegedly allowed Telen to cut of the latter, (7) when to require exhaustion of administrative remedies would be unreasonable, (8) when
the aging Dita trees only. According to Telen, Leonor assured him that a written permit was not anymore it would amount to nullification of a claim, (9) when the subject matter is a private land in land case
necessary before he could cut the Dita trees, which are considered soft lumber, from the private land of proceedings, (10) when the rule does not provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, and (11) when
his mother, provided the same would be used exclusively for the renovation of his house and that he shall there are circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial intervention.
plant trees as replacement thereof, which he did by planting Gemelina seedlings. The trial court convicted
Pastor Telen of violation of Sec 68 of PD No. 705 which Telen appealed. A suit for replevin cannot be sustained against the petitioners for the subject truck taken and retained by
them for administrative forfeiture proceedings in pursuant to Sections 68-A of OD 705, as amended.
Issue: WON Legal Documents / Permit is still required for cutting/transporting the soft lumber. Dismissal of the replevin suit for lack of cause of action in view of the private respondents failure to
exhaust administrative remedies should have been the proper course of action by the lower court instead
Held: The Supreme Court upheld the conviction. of assuming jurisdiction over the case and consequently issuing the writ ordering the return of the truck.
The fact of possession by the appellant of the subject lumber, as well as his subsequent failure to produce
the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and regulations constitute criminal liability for Issue: Whether or not the confiscation of the truck was valid.
violation of Presidential Decree No. 705, Section 68.
Held: Yes. The suit for replevin is never intended as a procedural tool to question the orders of confiscation
The appellant stands charged with the crime of violation of Section 68 of PD No. 705, a special statutory and forfeiture issued by the DENR in pursuance to the authority given under P.D. 705, as amended. The
law, and which crime is considered mala prohibita. In the prosecution for crimes that are considered mala provision of Section 68 of P.D. 705 before its amendment by E.O. 277 and the provision of Section 1 of E.O.
prohibita, the only inquiry is whether or not the law has been violated. The motive or intention underlying No. 277 amending the aforementioned Section 68 could never be clearer.
the act of the appellant is immaterial for the reason that his mere possession of the confiscated pieces of -----------------------------------
lumber without the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and regulations gave rise to Facts:
his criminal liability. May19, 1989. The truck of Victoria de Guzman was seized by the DENR because the driver of the truck
was not able to produce the required documents for the forest products.
Under the DENR Administrative Order No. 78, Series of 1987, a certification from the CENRO concerned Jovitio Layugan, the Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO), issued an order
to the effect that the forest products came from a titled land or tax declared alienable and disposable of confiscation of the truck and gave the owner 15 days to submit an explanation. Owner was not able to
land must still be secured to accompany the shipment. This the appellant failed to do, thus, he is criminally sumbit an explanation and the order of the CENRO was enforced.
liable under Section 68 of PD No. 705 necessitating prior acquisition of permit and legal documents as The issue was brought to the secretary of the DENR. While pending, the owner filed a suit for replevin
required under existing forest laws and regulations. against the Layugan. Layugan filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that the owner failed to exhaust
administrative remedies. Trial court ruled in favor of the owner. CA sustained Trial Courts decision
6. Leonardo Paat vs. Court of Appeals, et. Al.
FACTS: The truck of private respondent Victoria de Guzman was seized by the DENR personnel while on Issue: W/ON the trial court has jurisdiction?
its way to Bulacan because the driver could not produce the required documents for the forest product
found concealed in the truck. Petitioner Jovito Layugan, CENRO ordered the confiscation of the truck and Held. No. This Court in a long line of cases has consistently held that before a party is allowed to seek the
required the owner to explain. Private respondents failed to submit required explanation. The DENR intervention of the court, it is a pre-condition that he should have availed of all the means of administrative
Regional Executive Director Rogelio Baggayan sustained Layugans action for confiscation and ordered processes afforded him. Hence, if a remedy within the administrative machinery can still be resorted to by
the forfeiture of the truck. Private respondents brought the case to the DENR Secretary. Pending appeal, giving the administrative officer concerned every opportunity to decide on a matter that comes within his
private respondents filed a replevin case before the RTC against petitioner Layugan and Baggayan. RTC jurisdiction then such remedy should be exhausted first before courts judicial power can be sought. The
granted the same. Petitioners moved to dismiss the case contending, inter alia, that private respondents premature invocation of courts intervention is fatal to ones cause of action.
had no cause of action for their failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The trial court denied their
motion. Hence, this petition for review on certiorari. Petitioners aver that the trial court could not legally
entertain the suit for replevin because the truck was under administrative seizure proceedings.

ISSUE: Whether or not the instant case falls within the exception of the doctrine. Mustang lumber v ca
La bugal blaan tribal association v ramos
HELD: The Court held in the negative. The Court has consistently held that before a party is allowed to Didpio eath-savers v gozun
seek the intervention of the court, it is a pre-condition that he should have availed of all the means of Tano v socrates
administrative processed afforded him. Hence, if a remedy within the administrative machinery can still
be resorted to by giving the administrative officer concerned every opportunity to decide on a matter
that comes within his jurisdiction then such remedy should be exhausted first before courts judicial
power can be sought. The premature invocation of court intervention is fatal to ones cause of action.

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