Wichita Audubon: Coming Events September Program CNC Upcoming Programs
Wichita Audubon: Coming Events September Program CNC Upcoming Programs
Wichita Audubon: Coming Events September Program CNC Upcoming Programs
October 5
Take a leisurely stroll down to the Chisholm Creek Park field trip. Meet
Arkansas River by the light of the full at the Great Plains Nature Center
moon. During this 2 mile hike we Old Friends parking lot at 8 am. Leader: Sandra
will search for moon shadow and talk Wichita Audubon has lost two long Tholen, 634-0049, stholen@cox.net
about the strange effects of the full time members and supporters this
moon. summer: Dr. James Fisher and October 15
Eugenia Love. Regular meeting, “Shortgrass Steppe
Dr. Fisher was an active member in to Eastern Deciduous Forest: The
For more information about any the 60’s and 70’s, accompanying Breeding Birds of Kansas,” by Bill
Chaplin Nature Center programs Walker Butin on many Christmas Busby, 7:30 pm Great Plains Nature
call Shawn Silliman at 620-442-4133, Counts. He was one of the founding Center.
or e-mail cnc@wichitaaudubon.org. partners of the Wichita Clinic and
practiced medicine until 1985. He October 20
resided in Colorado Springs at the Slate Creek Marsh field trip. Meet at
time of his death. the Slate Creek Valley Baptist
Eugenia Love and her husband Dean Church, 7 miles S of Oxford, at 9 am.
were among the pioneers of the Leader: Gene Young, 620-446-1901,
Wichita Audubon Society. youngg6264@yahoo.com
continued on page 2
Old Friends Chaplin Nature Center. She also continued until her death in June.
continued from page 1 enjoyed the Wichita Audubon The total of these gifts is $18,200.
Dean was a man of considerable Newsletter. On one occasion after a The Wichita Audubon Society has
influence in the community, and he severe storm in south-central Kansas been notified by the Trustee of
had visions of a nature center that made the news on the west coast, Genie's estate that she has designated
someday would be owned and Genie called John to see if the Chaplin a distribution of $30,000 for the
operated by the Wichita Audubon Nature Center had sustained damage benefit of the Chaplin Nature Center.
Society. He was the prime mover in that would require additional financial Genie has been a Guardian Angel
the search for and evaluation of support for repairs. She was assured who has maintained a benevolent
properties for development into a that during this particular storm the vigilance over the Chaplin Nature
Nature Center. Nature Center had suffered only Center for many years. She was a
Before the search was completed minor damage. very charming and generous lady who
Genie and Dean moved to California, In remembrance of Dean's interest in will be sorely missed by the multitude
but their interest in the Wichita the WAS and a future nature center, of her relatives, friends and
Audubon Society and hope for a Genie began a series of gifts to the acquaintances.
nature center remained steadfast. Chaplin Nature Center in 1987 which by John Wherry
Dean passed away shortly after they
moved. Genie returned briefly to
Wichita in the early 1980's. She was Be sure to keep up with Mark Your Calendar!
escorted by John Wherry on a tour of the news on Wichita Audubon sells and delivers
Chaplin Nature Center. She was conservation, local issues bird seed. The first two sale dates for
keenly interested in our plans for a and WAS events by this year are September 21 and
new Visitor' Center building. John visiting our website at November 23. To place your order
has kept in touch with Genie by www.wichitaaudubon.org. call Carol Cumberland at 685-4867
regular correspondence, reporting on or email ccumb@swbell.net.
developments and activities at the
25 lb Black Oil Sunflower seed $10
2002-2003 WAS Officers
President Patty Marlett 942-2164 pmarlett@mac.com 25 lb Audubon mix $7
Vice-president Kevin Groeneweg 687-4268 kgroeneweg@cox.net
Secretary Sharon Bolin 620-584-2314 jbolin@sktc.net
Treasurer Duane Delong 684-7456 dwdelong@earthlink.net You may also mail your order to
Directors Wichita Audubon, PO Box 47607,
Bill Beard 722-3081 wbeard@cox.net
Carol Cumberland 685-4867 ccumb@swbell.net
Wichita, KS 67201. Include your
Mary Englemen-Kemmer 688-5322 rockchalk123@aol.com name, address, telephone number,
Barbara Millar 838-8542 bmi3931874@aol.com and how many bags of each type of
Cheryl Miller 978-7900 (wk) cherylmiller1@cox.net
seed you would like.
Gary Straley 620-221-3664 garrob@hit.net
Committee Chairs
Wichita Audubon bird seed sales are
Newsletter Patty Marlett 942-2164 pmarlett@mac.com an important part of our fund-raising
CNC Gary Straley 620-221-3664 garrob@hit.net effort. Last year we earned about
Programs Kevin Groeneweg 687-4268 kgroeneweg@cox.net
Conservation Barbara Millar 838-8542 bmi3931874@aol.com
$2000 profit. We are very fortunate
Development Carol Cumberland 685-4867 ccumb@swbell.net to have a dedicated team of
Membership Sherry Brewer 778-1648 lpbrewer@earthlink.net individuals who volunteer to deliver
Hospitality Laura Groeneweg 687-4268 lauranng@cox.net
Field Trips Harry Gregory 263-7608 birdfan@infi.net
the seed. The team not only helps
Finance Cheryl Miller 978-7900 (wk) cherylmiller1@cox.net raise money for WAS, but they
Naturalist Shawn Silliman 620-442-4133 cnc@wichitaaudubon.org provide bird seed to many individuals
www.wichitaaudubon.org who can no longer drive. If you would
email any officer: was@wichitaaudubon.org like to help deliver seed on September
Send address changes to Sherry Brewer, 3231 SW Farmstead Rd, Benton, KS 67017 21 and/or November 23, please call
316-778-1648 or e-mail lpbrewer@earthlink.net Carol at 265-0466 (work) or 685-
4867 (home).
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Fall Nature Day Wichita
Continued US 400 Augusta
US 166 Arkansas
31st Rd City
21st Rd