Wichita Audubon: Coming Events September Program CNC Upcoming Programs

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Wichita Audubon

Volume 37 No. 2 September 2002

CNC Upcoming September Program Coming Events

Programs Join us on Tuesday, September 17, September 7
7:30 pm, at the Great Plains Nature Quivira National Wildlife Refuge/
Saturday, September 28, Center for our first meeting of the Cheyenne Bottoms. Meet at the
10 am - 3 pm new season. Todd Pesch, public lands Quivira Headquarters at 9 am. Leader:
Fall Nature Day manager with the Kansas Department Kevin Groeneweg, 687-4268,
& Butterfly Tagging of Wildlife and Parks, will discuss the kgroeneweg@cox.net
history, management, restoration,
Join us for a day long celebration of and future expansion of the crucial September 17
nature at the Chaplin Nature Center. McPherson Valley Wetlands. Regular meeting, “McPherson Valley
There are bird walks, a herp walk Ecologically, these wetlands, located Wetlands Refuge,” by Todd Pesch,
(herps are reptiles and amphibians), a just west of McPherson, are some of 7:30 pm Great Plains Nature Center.
live herp demonstration, and crafts the most important in the state. This
for kids. refuge provides critical habitat for September 21
continued on page 3 migrating waterfowl and more than WAS Bird Seed sale - see page 2 for
112 species of birds, including several information.
rare species.
September 28
You can also join members and Todd
Monday, October 21 Fall Field Day at Chaplin Nature
for dinner at 5:45 pm at Jason’s Deli
8 pm - 9 pm Center, 10 am - 3 pm. See information
in Bradbury Fair, 21st and Rock Road.
Full Moon Hike under CNC Upcoming Programs.

October 5
Take a leisurely stroll down to the Chisholm Creek Park field trip. Meet
Arkansas River by the light of the full at the Great Plains Nature Center
moon. During this 2 mile hike we Old Friends parking lot at 8 am. Leader: Sandra
will search for moon shadow and talk Wichita Audubon has lost two long Tholen, 634-0049, stholen@cox.net
about the strange effects of the full time members and supporters this
moon. summer: Dr. James Fisher and October 15
Eugenia Love. Regular meeting, “Shortgrass Steppe
Dr. Fisher was an active member in to Eastern Deciduous Forest: The
For more information about any the 60’s and 70’s, accompanying Breeding Birds of Kansas,” by Bill
Chaplin Nature Center programs Walker Butin on many Christmas Busby, 7:30 pm Great Plains Nature
call Shawn Silliman at 620-442-4133, Counts. He was one of the founding Center.
or e-mail cnc@wichitaaudubon.org. partners of the Wichita Clinic and
practiced medicine until 1985. He October 20
resided in Colorado Springs at the Slate Creek Marsh field trip. Meet at
time of his death. the Slate Creek Valley Baptist
Eugenia Love and her husband Dean Church, 7 miles S of Oxford, at 9 am.
were among the pioneers of the Leader: Gene Young, 620-446-1901,
Wichita Audubon Society. youngg6264@yahoo.com
continued on page 2
Old Friends Chaplin Nature Center. She also continued until her death in June.
continued from page 1 enjoyed the Wichita Audubon The total of these gifts is $18,200.
Dean was a man of considerable Newsletter. On one occasion after a The Wichita Audubon Society has
influence in the community, and he severe storm in south-central Kansas been notified by the Trustee of
had visions of a nature center that made the news on the west coast, Genie's estate that she has designated
someday would be owned and Genie called John to see if the Chaplin a distribution of $30,000 for the
operated by the Wichita Audubon Nature Center had sustained damage benefit of the Chaplin Nature Center.
Society. He was the prime mover in that would require additional financial Genie has been a Guardian Angel
the search for and evaluation of support for repairs. She was assured who has maintained a benevolent
properties for development into a that during this particular storm the vigilance over the Chaplin Nature
Nature Center. Nature Center had suffered only Center for many years. She was a
Before the search was completed minor damage. very charming and generous lady who
Genie and Dean moved to California, In remembrance of Dean's interest in will be sorely missed by the multitude
but their interest in the Wichita the WAS and a future nature center, of her relatives, friends and
Audubon Society and hope for a Genie began a series of gifts to the acquaintances.
nature center remained steadfast. Chaplin Nature Center in 1987 which by John Wherry
Dean passed away shortly after they
moved. Genie returned briefly to
Wichita in the early 1980's. She was Be sure to keep up with Mark Your Calendar!
escorted by John Wherry on a tour of the news on Wichita Audubon sells and delivers
Chaplin Nature Center. She was conservation, local issues bird seed. The first two sale dates for
keenly interested in our plans for a and WAS events by this year are September 21 and
new Visitor' Center building. John visiting our website at November 23. To place your order
has kept in touch with Genie by www.wichitaaudubon.org. call Carol Cumberland at 685-4867
regular correspondence, reporting on or email ccumb@swbell.net.
developments and activities at the
25 lb Black Oil Sunflower seed $10
2002-2003 WAS Officers
President Patty Marlett 942-2164 pmarlett@mac.com 25 lb Audubon mix $7
Vice-president Kevin Groeneweg 687-4268 kgroeneweg@cox.net
Secretary Sharon Bolin 620-584-2314 jbolin@sktc.net
Treasurer Duane Delong 684-7456 dwdelong@earthlink.net You may also mail your order to
Directors Wichita Audubon, PO Box 47607,
Bill Beard 722-3081 wbeard@cox.net
Carol Cumberland 685-4867 ccumb@swbell.net
Wichita, KS 67201. Include your
Mary Englemen-Kemmer 688-5322 rockchalk123@aol.com name, address, telephone number,
Barbara Millar 838-8542 bmi3931874@aol.com and how many bags of each type of
Cheryl Miller 978-7900 (wk) cherylmiller1@cox.net
seed you would like.
Gary Straley 620-221-3664 garrob@hit.net
Committee Chairs
Wichita Audubon bird seed sales are
Newsletter Patty Marlett 942-2164 pmarlett@mac.com an important part of our fund-raising
CNC Gary Straley 620-221-3664 garrob@hit.net effort. Last year we earned about
Programs Kevin Groeneweg 687-4268 kgroeneweg@cox.net
Conservation Barbara Millar 838-8542 bmi3931874@aol.com
$2000 profit. We are very fortunate
Development Carol Cumberland 685-4867 ccumb@swbell.net to have a dedicated team of
Membership Sherry Brewer 778-1648 lpbrewer@earthlink.net individuals who volunteer to deliver
Hospitality Laura Groeneweg 687-4268 lauranng@cox.net
Field Trips Harry Gregory 263-7608 birdfan@infi.net
the seed. The team not only helps
Finance Cheryl Miller 978-7900 (wk) cherylmiller1@cox.net raise money for WAS, but they
Naturalist Shawn Silliman 620-442-4133 cnc@wichitaaudubon.org provide bird seed to many individuals
www.wichitaaudubon.org who can no longer drive. If you would
email any officer: was@wichitaaudubon.org like to help deliver seed on September
Send address changes to Sherry Brewer, 3231 SW Farmstead Rd, Benton, KS 67017 21 and/or November 23, please call
316-778-1648 or e-mail lpbrewer@earthlink.net Carol at 265-0466 (work) or 685-
4867 (home).
Page 2
Fall Nature Day Wichita
Continued US 400 Augusta

This year we will also be tagging Monarch butterflies. Monarchs Rosehill

are our only migratory butterfly, traveling each fall to wintering
grounds in the mountains of Mexico. By attaching a tiny tag to
their wing, we can help scientists track them and learn more about
Wellington Oxford
this unique phenomenon. Two years ago two butterflies were US 160 Winfield
recovered in Mexico that had been tagged at Chaplin Nature
Center. They had traveled 1218 miles in 120 days. Geuda US 77
As always there will be a country store featuring homemade South Springs
baked goods, homegrown produce, and similar goodies. Lunch Haven Arkansas
US 166
will feature homemade desserts courtesy of Laura Groeneweg, City
and can be purchased for $3 for adults and $2 for children Or you
are welcome to bring a picnic lunch.
Fall Nature Day is free and open to the public. If you haven’t been Chaplin
to Chaplin Nature Center, this is the time to get acquainted. Nature
Please come! Center
272nd Rd
US 77
282nd Rd

US 166 Arkansas
31st Rd City
21st Rd

Chaplin Nature Center Hosts Girl Scouts

From July 22 through July 25, Passport 2002. Individual leaders comments: "I liked sleeping in the
approximately 50 Wichita area Girl select the programs for their girls. tent" - Michelle; "I liked the butterflies
Scouts participated in the Exhibition Shawn Silliman, our resident and bugs, but the crawdads and snails
Earth program at Chaplin Nature naturalist, prepared the introductory were Ugh" - Justine; "We caught
Center. The program is designed for material for Passport 2002. carrion beetles and a cricket in our
the girls to become "Junior beetle trap" - Kaitlynn; "loud crying"
Naturalists" by participating in a Jackie Waters, a Haysville teacher - little girl stung by a sweat bee; "I like
number of activities including and Girl Scout Leader, directed the the warm sand on my (bare) feet" -
archaeology, seining, butterfly study, program at CNC with the help of her Paula; "I liked everything! " - Lauren;
natural cooking, beetle search, adult staff and some junior staff. "I made an endangered rattlesnake
environmental games, water ecology, Stephanie and Laura were two junior pretzel, baked it, and then ate the
tree identification, hiking, and an staff members who were quite whole thing" - Alyssa. One girl said
animal study (emphasis this year was enthusiastic about their CNC that her friend bit the head off of a
on the owl.) Besides having fun, the experience and the program. Some cricket in Natural Cooking.
girls satisfy requirements toward 17 of the activities they especially liked
different Junior Badges. The adult included listing plants, insects, There were no negative comments
leaders attain certification in Outdoor spiders, birds and other animals that made and all of the responses were
Leadership by taking part. Because of had been seen while they were there. uniformly positive about the Center.
some night programs, the groups They liked the trails, the butterflies Shawn Silliman's program was widely
stayed all night on two of the program (of which there were a profusion), acclaimed by the girls and the staff.
days. The Exhibition Earth Program and the cricket cookies. The other The Center looked very nice and was
is listed under a menu of programs girls were mainly 9 years of age and well greened-up by a generous rain
offered by the Girl Scouts called 12 years of age. A sampling of some continued on page 4
Page 3
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Girl Scouts at CNC Help Needed Adopt-A-Park

continued from page 3
during the session. Conspicuous Shawn and the Chaplin Nature The WAS board of directors has voted
among the flowers in bountiful bloom Center Committee are busy getting to adopt both Chisholm Creek Park
were gray-headed cone flowers, day ready for Fall Nature Day on and Oak Park as part of the city’s
flowers, blazing stars (gayfeather) and September 28. Your help is needed in Adopt-A-Park program. For several
Maximillian sunflowers. the following areas: years we have conducted biannual
• Donated items to sell in the country trash pickups in Chisholm Creek
This is the second year for this Girl store: baked goods, homegrown Park. We will be doing the same in
Scout program and well illustrates produce, homemade foods like jellies, Oak Park, so watch for dates.
what CNC can be and do for the craft items of all sorts, especially if Plans for revamping Oak Park are
community. It furthers our mission of bird or nature related. finished and include rebuilding the
conservation and environmental • Help prepare and/or serve lunch. pond, creating a marshy area west of
education, which is of crucial • Act as greeter and register visitors. the pond, building a waterfall and an
importance to the future of our world. • Assist with children’s crafts. additional pond by the old arch. Due
• Lead nature walks. to our input, the wooded areas will
Gary Straley, CNC committee chair If you can help please call Shawn at remain largely untouched for the
620-442-4133, or e-mail benefit of the birds.
cnc@wichitaaudubon.org. There will be a presentation of the
Oak Park plans on Tuesday,
September 10, 7 pm at Gloria Dei
Lutheran Church, 1101 West River
Page 4

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