Document B Munson Report

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Document B: The Munson Report

In 1941 President Roosevelt ordered the State Department to investigate the loyalty of
Japanese Americans. Special Representative of the State Department Curtis B.
Munson carried out the investigation in October and November of 1941 and presented
what came to be known as the Munson Report to the President on November 7, 1941.
The excerpt below is from the 25-page report.

There is no Japanese problem on the Coast. There will be no armed uprising of Japanese. There
will undoubtedly be some sabotage financed by Japan and executed largely by imported agents. .
. . In each Naval District there are about 250 to 300 suspects under surveillance. It is easy to get
on the suspect list, merely a speech in favor of Japan at some banquet being sufficient to land
one there. The Intelligence Services are generous with the title of suspect and are taking no
chances. Privately, they believe that only 50 or 60 in each district can be classed as really
dangerous. The Japanese are hampered as saboteurs because of their easily recognized
physical appearance. It will be hard for them to get near anything to blow up if it is guarded.
There is far more danger from Communists and people of the Bridges type on the Coast than
there is from Japanese. The Japanese here is almost exclusively a farmer, a fisherman or a small
businessman. He has no entree to plants or intricate machinery.

Source: The Munson Report, delivered to President Roosevelt by Special Representative

of the State Department Curtis B. Munson, November 7, 1941.

Saboteurs: a person who deliberately destroys something to gain a military advantage

Bridges type: a reference to Harry Bridges, a leader of the International Longshore and
Warehouse Union
Entre: permission to enter intricate: complicated

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