Applying IEC 60909 Fault Current Calculations PDF
Applying IEC 60909 Fault Current Calculations PDF
Applying IEC 60909 Fault Current Calculations PDF
maximum asymmetry is produced by a short circuit that begins Note: This is not the peak value for a particular event
just before a voltage zero. but the highest value depending on X/R and the phase
In order to produce this waveform from equations, it is angle when the short circuit starts.
necessary to specify the voltage amplitude, frequency, X/R 5) The symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib is
ratio, and impedance of the system plus the decay constant for the rms value of an integral cycle of the symmetrical ac
the ac waveform. The decay of any dc component is set by the component of the prospective short-circuit current at the
X/R ratio. instant of contact separation of the first pole to open of a
These resultant ac and dc components then must be added switching device.
together to produce the total waveform and the peak. Note: This defines how to measure the rms value of
Unfortunately, in real power systems, the reactance near the ac component at the point in time that is relevant
to a generator is a function of time. Also, in power system to switching devices. This only differs from Ik near to
components, the resistance is a function of frequency due to the generators where the ac component falls with time.
skin and proximity effects interacting with the large physical 6) The steady-state short-circuit current Ik is the rms
dimensions. value of the short-circuit current after the decay of tran-
While the equation parameters can plot simple system re- sient phenomena.
sponses, large complex systems cannot always be easily re- Within the International Electrotechnical Commission
duced to simple equations with only a few parameters. The (IEC) system, these five parameters are used to define
results of complex calculations and tests need to be easily mea- all short-circuit tests and the calculation of the potential
sured and reported in a manner that allows system calculations short-circuit currents in power systems.
to be compared with test data in a manner that correlates with
how the short-circuit currents react with equipment. IV. OTHER S HORT-C IRCUIT C URRENT PARAMETERS
Outside of the IEC sphere of influence, other parameters will
III. IEC 60909 S HORT-C IRCUIT C URRENT PARAMETERS be found that describe short-circuit currents.
IEC 60909 describes how to calculate and measure the 1) The asymmetrical rms short-circuit current is often
resultant short-circuit current waveform at a specified location defined as the rms value of the first half cycle of an
in a network and at a specific time, either the point of initiation asymmetric current.
of the short circuit or contact opening of switchgear. Note: This is calculated from initiation until the current
1) A prospective (available) short-circuit current is the changes sign and can be 65% larger than the symmetrical rms
current that would flow if the short circuit were replaced current (ac component) of the same waveform in highly reactive
by an ideal connection of negligible impedance without circuits where it lasts a similar percentage longer.
any change of the supply.
Note: This is not the current that would flow during V. S HORT-C IRCUIT C ARRYING C APACITY
a short-circuit test on equipment that has impedance or
produces a voltage but the current that would flow in a The short-circuit strength of power system components can
bolted fault at its incoming terminals. This allows for be specified in a number of ways:
the equipment to change the current to help it survive. 1) rated short-time withstand current Irms together with rate
(For example, fuses and current-limiting circuit breakers peak ip withstand current;
are specified using a prospective current that never flows 2) rated prospective short-circuit withstand current Irms ;
during a test due to the arc voltage limiting the current.) 3) rated conditional short-circuit current Irms ;
2) The initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik is 4) rated fused short-circuit current Irms .
the rms value of the ac symmetrical component of a The specified Irms current must occur for at least 0.1 s and the
prospective (available) short-circuit current applicable at specified ip achieved during through-fault tests for withstand
the instant of the short circuit. current ratings in many equipment standards.
Note: This is an rms value of only the ac component not For prospective current ratings, the specified Irms occurs at
the total waveform and is measured between the top and the input terminals of the device, and the actual test current can
bottom envelopes of the current waveform. It is defined at be smaller due to the natural impedance of the device (busbar
the instant of short circuit because the ac component can or switchboard).
decay for near to generator faults and a defining value is For the conditional and fused ratings, the protection specified
required. is allowed to limit the actual current during testing.
3) The decaying (aperiodic) component idc of a short- The value of ip determines the peak mechanical forces
circuit current is the mean value between the top and in equipment and is therefore a major parameter in failure
bottom envelopes at the time the short circuit starts. mechanisms.
Note: This describes how to measure the value from a It is common, however, that the test station cannot achieve
measured or calculated waveform. both the specified Irms and the corresponding value of ip
4) The peak short-circuit current ip is the maximum pos- required by the equipment standard at the same time. This is
sible instantaneous value of the prospective (available) because the X/R ratio assumed in the equipment standard and
short-circuit current. the X/R ratio of the test station circuit rarely match.
Test stations therefore commonly perform a peak test of a ac and decaying dc components into one combined value,
few cycles followed by a thermal test. which can be 65% larger than the value of the ac component.
Irms needs to be achieved at the start of the short circuit
for a prospective rating and for up to 0.1 s for a withstand VII. S WITCHING E QUIPMENT
rating. Remember that the ac component decays in generator
test stations. While switching equipment must be capable of carrying a
The Joule integral or I 2 t of the test also needs to exceed the through-fault current when it is not called upon to close or trip,
2 there are many more issues to consider than the fault current
rated Irms times the rated time, which may be specified or come
from the equipment standard. The Joule integral of the current withstand requirements for cables, overhead lines, transform-
i dt is a measure of the heat dissipated in the resistances ers, busbars, and the busbar systems of switchboards.
of the system and therefore determines the temperature reached Except for the asymmetrical breaking current test (test duty
by the components. 5), all the breaking current tests are carried out with symmetri-
The rated short-circuit current Irms therefore defines three cal currents, most of which are directly related to Irms , the rated
parameters of a piece of equipment, which need to be satisfied symmetrical current of the device.
by test. This defines one of the most significant parameters of current
extinction di/dti0 or the rate of change of current at current
1) Irms (required) > Irms (specified). zero. Not only does this defines the rate of contraction of the
2) ip (required) > ip (specified). arcing column and the rate of rise of voltage withstand of the
2 2
3) Irms T (required) > Irms T (specified). extinction mechanism after current zero, it also sets the rate of
rise of the voltage applied by the circuit.
It is therefore important, at the instant of contact separa-
tion, to have the rated symmetrical breaking current of the
S YSTEM R EQUIREMENTS switchgear greater than Ib , the symmetrical ac component of
While the equipment capability is proven by test, the system the prospective short-circuit current.
requirements need to be calculated in accordance with a stan- The peak current ip affects the switchgear in a number
dard that relates to the tested equipment capability. of ways. During a making test, after the contacts prestrike,
On a new power system, the rated Irms of the equipment ip defines the maximum pressure that the mechanism must
is normally selected from the R10 range of numbers with overcome to force the contacts to metallic closure (i.e., mech-
a reasonable margin above the calculated Ik or prospective anism strength). During the asymmetrical opening tests, it sets
short-circuit current of the system. the maximum pressure in extinction chambers. The following
On an existing power system where the calculated short- three tests are therefore equally important in establishing the
circuit current is approaching the ratings of some of the equip- suitability of switchgear.
ment, much more care is required. All three tests need to be 1) Irms (rated) > Irms (calculated) = Ik .
applied to prevent equipment failure. 2) ip (rated) > ip (calculated) = ip .
3) Irms 2
T (rated) > Irms T (calculated) = Ik 2 Tk .
1) Irms (rated) > Irms (calculated) = Ik .
They are not the only criteria however. Some switchgear
2) ip (rated) > ip (calculated) = ip .
suffers from minimum and/or critical breaking current issues.
3) Irms 2
T (rated) > Irms T (calculated) = Ik 2 Tk .
High-voltage back up fuses will explode if subjected to
The peaking factor in equipment standards (such as IEC currents below their minimum breaking current. (When not
61439 [2] and IEC 62271 [3] for switchgear and controlgear) all of the notches in the parallel elements initially clear, this
may be lower than that in the system due to the assumed X/R leads to restrikes inside the fuse cartridge, excessive energy
ratio, so a simple Irms test is not sufficient. dissipation, and eventual rupture.)
If reclosers are used, the heat generated cannot dissipate in Oil circuit breakers have critical breaking currents that re-
the time between recloses so the sum of all the reclose durations quire special tests that need to be monitored.
is required.
To compare with the equipment rated values, IEC 60909 cal-
culates Ik , the initial rms value of the symmetrical component,
2 While three-phase equipment normally has only one rated
ip , the maximum value of the peak current, and Irms Tk where
Tk is the sum of the durations of each short-circuit current. short-circuit current, it relates not only to three-phase faults but
If any of the rated values are conditional, the applications two-phase and single-phase faults as well, and the equipment
engineer must ensure that the conditions (protection required) standards often set out extra tests to cover the different types of
comply with what was used during the certification testing. fault current.
If American equipment is being used, the applications engi- As well as the initial symmetrical (three phase) short-circuit
neer must ensure that he does not compare the asymmetrical current, IEC 60909 sets out how to calculate the following:
fault-current rating of a piece of equipment with a calculated 1) line-to-earth short-circuit currents Ik1 ;
symmetrical short-circuit current because these are two differ- 2) line-to-line short-circuit currents Ik2 ;
ent things with significantly different values. The asymmetrical 3) line-to-line-to-earth short-circuit currents:
value includes the two IEC 60909 components of symmetrical a) Ik2EL2 ;
tion even though tap ratios, loads, and power factor correction
are continually changing.
This involves procedures for deriving the short-circuit im-
pedance of the various system components including im-
pedance correction factors, which ensure that results both near
equipment and out in the network represent the most probable
This allows transformer impedance to be calculated in the
main tap-changer position and shunt capacitance and nonrotat-
ing loads to be neglected.
This reduces a million different calculations to one maximum
and one minimum.
It should be noted that most of the data required are often not
Fig. 2. Transformation of unbalanced fault currents across a delta star
available and default values are required. These are provided in
the different parts of IEC 60909.
b) Ik2EL3 ;
Note: In line-to-line-to-earth short circuits, the currents
Maximum short-circuit currents need to be calculated be-
in each phase and earth all have different amplitudes.
cause they determine the rating required for the equipment on
As well as the different currents in the fault, each of these the system. They should allow for foreseeable system upgrades
unbalanced faults has different current transformation ratios that could occur independently of repeating the calculations and
across transformers depending on the vector group of the confirming ratings.
transformer (Fig. 2). While IEC 60909 does not call for it, it is useful to also
While with the common delta/star vector group a three- calculate a present maximum, which is needed to check present
phase current transforms with the ratio of the high-voltage protection grading and investigate incidents.
to low-voltage phase-to-phase voltages, a single-phase current Calculation of minimum short-circuit currents is required to
transforms with the ratio of the high-voltage phase-to-phase ensure that protection will pick up and trip with the setting ap-
voltage to the low-voltage phase-to-earth voltage in two of the plied. The protection also must not explode because the current
three high-voltage lines. is below the minimum breaking current of some equipment.
With unganged high-voltage fuses, after the first fuse clears IEC 60909 introduces the concept of a voltage factor c to
in a three-phase low-voltage fault, this leads to a reduction of calculate the maximum and minimum short-circuit currents.
current in the remaining high-voltage fuses. There has been at For the maximum short-circuit current, cmax Un is equal
least one case where the second and third fuses never cleared, to the highest system voltage Um from IEC 60038 (standard
and manual tripping was required hours later. voltages) or the highest voltage for equipment and represents
With a delta/star transformer, a low-voltage phasephase the highest voltage that should appear under normal conditions
current transformed to high-voltage line currents becomes, in at any location in the network at that voltage level.
one phase, two and, in two phases, one times the high-voltage For the minimum short-circuit current, cmin Un is the lowest
phase-to-phase voltage divided by the low-voltage phase-to- supply or utilization voltage from IEC 60038 at that location in
earth voltage. the network.
The different transformation ratios for different faults can The two voltage factors should be used with the most likely
lead to grading issues. impedance of each component. If accurate data are not avail-
able, the most likely value rather than an extreme value should
be used. In other words be conservative once only and not with
IX. IEC 60909 C ALCULATIONS the choice of every parameter.
The IEC 60909 calculation method uses an equivalent source The impedance correction factors are derived for the maxi-
voltage at the short-circuit location driving into the short-circuit mum case and need to be applied with thought for the minimum
impedance of the network with all other voltage sources set cases.
to zero. The supply network is not the same for the maximum and
Symmetrical components are used to define the positive minimum cases.
sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence impedances For the maximum case, the following data should be
of the system and its components in order to calculate the included.
unbalanced short-circuit currents. 1) cmax Un .
Any power system with multiple voltage levels and voltage 2) The impedance corresponding to the maximum short-
control using transformer tap changers and power factor control circuit current that the supply authority reserves the
has many different configurations per day let alone per year. right to provide to the premises. (New transformer just
The standard sets out how to derive what is the most likely outside.)
prospective maximum and minimum fault currents at that loca- 3) All parallel transformers in service.