2-First Law WorkHeat

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Work and heat Expansion Work

Must focus upon infinitessimal changes in state and energy, and be Work can now be written in terms of pressure and change in volume:
able to connect the contributions of small changes in heat and work to dw ' &pex dV
the total energy
If we need to know the total work done expanding the volume of a
Work done on a system: dw system, we can integrate the above expression over the initial and final
Energy supplied as heat: dq volumes V f

w ' & pex dV
dU ' dq % dw Vi

# Force acting on the piston, pexA, is the same as raising a weight as

Expansion work: Work that leads to a change in volume - gas the system expands (e.g., F = mg)
expanding, driving force against atmospheric pressure # Compressing the system is analogous, excepting that Vi > Vf
Examples: thermal decomposition of CaCO3
If we have free expansion, there is no opposing force, despite increase
combustion of octane
(or decrease for compression) in volume. (e.g., expand into vacuum)

w = 0

Work and heat Expansion Work

Chapter 2 of Atkins: The First Law: Concepts 1. Work required to move an object over distance
dz against a force of opposing magnitude F:
Sections 2.3-2.4 of Atkins (7th & 8th editions) dw ' &F dz
Negative sign: since the system moves against the
Expansion Work opposing force F, there will be a decrease in the
General Expression for Work internal energy of the system
Free Expansion
Expansion Against Constant Pressure 2. System: massless, frictionless, rigid, perfectly
Reversible Expansion fitting piston of area A
Isothermal Reversible Expansion
3. Force on outer face of the piston: F = pexA
Heat Transactions
Calorimetry 4. Work done against external pressure:
dw = -pexAdz
Heat Capacity
5. Change in volume dV = Adz
Last updated: Sept. 21, 2007; swapped positions of 17 & 18; no other changes
Expansion Against Constant Pressure Reversible Expansion
During expansion, external pressure pex is In order for the gas to expand, pex must be smaller than p (the pressure
constant (e.g., atmosphere) of the gas). At the same time, the system must be infinitesimally close to
Vf equilibrium throughout the expansion. This means that pex must equal

w ' &pex dV ' &pex (Vf & Vi ) p dp at all times during the expansion. Therefore,
Vf Vf Vf

m m m
w ' & pex dV ' & (p & dp) dV ' & p dV
If )V = Vf - Vi, then the work can be written
Vi Vi Vi
w ' &pex )V
The dpdV part disappears, since the integral of the product of two
infintessimal quantities gives another infinitessimal quantity. Thus,
The integral above is interpreted as area, as Vf
we watch work done by a gas expanding
against a constant pressure dw ' &pex d V ' &p dV w ' & p dV
The magnitude of work, *w*, is equal to the This is work of reversible expansion. The integral on the right can be
area beneath the line with p = pex, between evaluated with knowledge of how pressure of the defined gas depends
final and initial volumes: p, V graphs to on the volume (i.e., if we know the equation of state of the gas, p can be
calculate expansion are indicator diagrams expressed in terms of V)!

Types of Work Reversible Processes

There are various types of work from different sources which work much Reversible process: a process during which the system is never more
in the same way, resulting from the product of: than infinitesimally far from equilibrium and an infinitesimal change in
an intensive factor (e.g., P) x an extensive factor (e.g., V) external conditions can reverse the process at any point - a change can
be reversed by infinitesimal modification of a variable
Type of work dw Comments Units
Irreversible process: a process which cannot be reversed by an
Lifting -mg dh mg mass and gravity N infinitesimal change in external conditions; during the process, the
dh is change in height m system makes finite departures from equilibrium
Expansion -pexdV pex is external pressure Pa
dV is change in volume m3 Consider a sample of gas in thermal and mechanical equilibrium with the
Surface expansion ( dF ( is surface tension N m-1 surroundings; i.e., with Tgas = Tsurroundings and pgas = pexternal. If the external
dF is change in area m2 pressure is decreased infinitesimally at constant T, the gas will expand
Extension f dL f is the tension N infinitesimally; if the external pressure is increased infinitesimally at
dL is change of length m constant T, the gas will be compressed by an infinitesimal amount.
Electrical N dq N is electric potential V
dq is change in charge C Strictly speaking, a reversible process cannot be achieved, since to carry
out a finite transformation in a series of infinitesimal steps would require
Generalized work: dw = -F dz where F is generalized force and dz is infinite time. All real processes are therefore irreversible. A reversible
generalized displacement process is an idealization (very useful)
Isothermal Reversible Expansion Calorimetry
Here, w is equal to the area under the How do we study changes in energy due to addition or subtraction of
p = nRT/V isotherm, and this heat in a system? We can use an adiabatic bomb calorimeter
represents work of a reversible
expansion at constant temperature, Adiabatic: Implies that the device is
where external pressure is continually isolated from the outside world,
matched against the internal pressure such that no thermal transfer of
energy can take place between
Yellow square: irreversible expansion system and surroundings
against constant external pressure Bomb: The sturdy vessel with constant
More work and maximum pushing volume inside which very
power is obtained from the reversible vigorous reactions,
expansion (pushing power is wasted combustions and explosions
when p > pex - more work also cannot can take place at high pressure
be obtained by increasing pex, since
compression will result!) Calorimeter: From the cgs unit of energy,
the calorie, implying the
Maximum work obtained from system operating between specific measurement of energy
initial and final states is obtained when change is reversible

Isothermal Reversible Expansion Heat Transactions

Expansion is isothermal if system is in contact with constant thermal Internal energy can be written as:
surroundings (i.e., a constant temperature bath or heating element)
dU ' dq % dwexp % dwe
1. Each stage of expansion, p = nRT/V
2. Temperature T is constant, so treated outside of the integral dq heat: energy transferred across boundary due to difference in T
dwexp work due to expansion
Vf dwe extra sources of work (e.g., electrical current)
dV Vf
m V
w ' &nRT ' &nRT ln
Vi # At constant V, dwexp = 0 (system cannot expand)
# If no additional work (no battery, etc.), dwe = 0

# When Vf > Vi, gas expands, and work done to expand the gas dU ' dq
causes the system to lose internal energy, w < 0
# Constant supply of energy at constant T replenishes internal energy Write dU = dqv, which implies infinitessimal change at constant volume.
# More work is done for a given change in volume at higher Thus for a measurable finite change:
temperature )U ' qV
# Pressure of confined gas needs higher opposing pressure for
reversibility - so, pressure can change but )T = 0 (continued) q > 0 (heat supplied to system) q < 0 (heat lost from system)
Heat Capacity Molar Heat Capacity
Increasing temperature increases the internal energy of a system Heat capacity is an extensive property: for instance, we know for
instance that 100 g of water has 100x the heat capacity of 1 g of water
The exact increase depends upon the heating conditions
So, we can also have an intensive property, the molar heat capacity at
Heat cannot be detected or measured directly. (There is no heat constant volume, which is a measure of heat capacity at constant
meter.) One way to determine the magnitude of a heat transfer is to volume per mole of material: CV,m
measure the work needed to bring about the same change in the
thermodynamic state of the system as was produced by heat transfer. s
There is also the specific heat capacity, CV,m , which gives us a useful
measure of heat capacity per unit mass of the sample (e.g., J K-1 g-1)
Another approach is to deduce the magnitude of a heat transfer from the
its effects; namely, a temperature change. The temperature change Generally:
resulting from a particular transfer of heat is determined by the heat
capacity of the system, which is defined as follows: Heat capacities are temperature dependent, decreasing at lower T
heat capacity (of a system): the heat required to raise the Over small ranges near room temperature, CV are almost invariant to
temperature of the system by one Kelvin changes in temperature
(or one C)

Heat capacity is an extensive property

Heat Capacity & Internal Energy

How does the calorimeter work? *
Here is a plot of the internal energy of a system versus temperature
1. Reaction is conducted in the constant volume bomb The slope of the curve at a given
2. Bomb is immersed in a stirred water bath, forming the calorimeter temperature is defined as the heat
3. Calorimeter is immersed in a second water bath, the temperature of capacity of the system
which is continuously adjusted to the temperature of the bomb bath,
thereby ensuring an adiabatic system The heat capacity at constant volume is
formally defined as
A chemical reaction either releases or absorbs heat, causing a
proportional change in temperature )T of the calorimeter: MU
CV '
Measuring )T allows us to determine qV, and therefore )U - BUT.... MT V
we must calibrate the calorimeter using known energy to get the
The RHS is a partial derivative, which
calorimeter constant, C
is a derivative where all variables are
q ' C)T held constant except for one - it gives the
1. Use electrical current I at fixed potential h through a heater for time t slope of the plot of U vs. T

q ' Iht The heat capacity at temperature A is

2. Burn an exact mass of substance with known heat output lower than that at temperature B
Molecular Interpretation of Heat Capacity
We previously showed that the internal energy of a system is given by
Um = Um(0) + (3/2)RT, so
MUm 3
CV,m ' ' R
MT V 2
For non-linear polyatomic molecules:
CV,m ' 3R

CV,m is independent of temperature, and ca. 24.94 J K-1 mol-1

When vibration is considered as well, for frequency <:
h< e &h</ 2kT
CV,m ' Rf 2 f '
kT 1 & e &h</ 2kT
At T = 0, f = 0, and f . 1 when kT h< (so vibrational contributions to
heat capacity are 0 at T = 0, and climb steadily to the classical value with
increasing T - more and more energy levels become accessible and it
appears that the vibrations are no longer quantized

Relating U and T at Constant V *,

Heat capacity is used (say in a calorimeter) to relate internal energy
changes and changes in temperature
As usual, an infintessimal change in temperature changes energy slightly
dU ' CV dT at constant volume
Over a measurable range of temperatures
)U ' CV )T at constant volume
Change in energy can be noticed with heat supplied at a constant V
q V ' CV )T
1. Supply a controlled known amount of heat to the sample (say with
an electric current in a heater)
2. Monitor the resulting increase in temperature
3. The ratio: heat supplied/temperature increase is the heat capacity
Large heat capacity: large supply of heat, small change in measured T
Small heat capacity: small supply of heat, large change in measured T
Infinite heat capacity: at a phase transition, energy changes phases!

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