Drugs Project and Presentation Rubric
Drugs Project and Presentation Rubric
Drugs Project and Presentation Rubric
Poster/Project Rubric
Total Score is 24pts
Content ALL of the questions MOST of the SOME of the Very FEW of the
Accuracy were answered questions were questions were not questions were
correctly. answered answered correctly, answered
Knowledgeable facts correctly. or some parts of the correctly.
were demonstrated. questions were
Grammar There are NO mistakes There are There are FEW There is a
with spelling or SOME spelling spelling mistakes and significant
sentence structure. mistakes and sentence structure. amount of
sentence (3-4 errors) grammatical
structure. errors.
(1-2 errors) (5 or more
Creativity & The project is The project IS The project is The project is
in terms of design, terms of design, attractive, thought it poorly designed
layout, neatness and layout, neatness MAY be messy. and not neat.
use of space and use of space
perception. perception.
Format Student used format Student made Student made FEW Student did NOT
CORRECTLY. SOME errors errors using format. use format
using format. (3-4 errors)
(1-2 errors)
Bibliography & Student used 3 OR Student used Student only used 1 Student did not
Sources MORE sources only 1 book and book for all his/her include a
including 1 from a 1 other source sources and there are bibliography.
book and cited in and cited in inappropriate
appropriate format appropriate citations
Drug Research Project
For this research-based project, you will be asked to either create a poster, video, power point, or any other
creative way to answer the following questions:
1) What is it (definition, medical class and origin of the drug)? What is the chemical process in the body?
(include receptors, neurotransmitters, what it stimulates and what it inhibits to feel euphoria)
2) What is the legal class of drugs and what are the laws governing the drug?
3) How is it made? (NOT A STEP BY STEP PROCESS!! specific chemicals/grown/man made)
4) What are the common names given to the drug? (up to 10 street names)
5) How is it taken (the form and method of use) and why do people take it? (route of administration and the
attraction to abuse it)
6) Does it have a medical purpose? (In the US, other country? What is it; was it past, present or future)
7) Short term vs. long term effects in the body (immediate effect after taking it vs. long term)
8) Is it addictive physically or psychologically? (details, why and how, what are the traits)
9) Effects of overdose (symptoms)? In Massachusetts, list the top 10 cities/towns per capita
10) Mortality vs. Morbidity (death rate/stats and disease rate/stats; include local, national, global)
11) Recovery and withdrawal symptoms (what is the process physically, mentally, emotionally)
12) Societys viewpoint/Famous (celebrity) users (how do people see the drug and those who use it; name a
few celebrities known for abusing the drug and societys opinion)
Directions: All required questions are answered in detail and exhibited ON the poster, power point, video,
etc. that will be displayed during your oral presentation. It must clearly demonstrate an anti-drug theme. No
poster boards or materials will be supplied, but some class time will be allotted for research. Power points and
videos must be emailed to martin.heidi@whrsd.org and titled drug presentation in the subject.
You can either work on the project with the person who has the same drug as you, or by yourself. If you choose
to work in partners, there will be one grade awarded to both of you regardless of who did the work and their
ability to orally present the information; so choose wisely. Each partner is essentially responsible for 6 of the 12
questions listed above. (Together completing all 12 questions)
Bibliography: Minimum of 3web sources & 1 book source (not your health book). All citations must be in
MLA format and included as the last PP slide, rolling credits of a video or on the back of the poster board. Copy
right and plagiarism laws must be adhered to.
This project is worth 2 exam grades, each worth 44 total points (refer to your attached rubrics)
Presentation Rubric
Total Score is 16pts
Delivery & Student delivers the Student delivers Student delivers Student delivers the
WHOLE message in MOST of the the message in an message with NO
a confident way. message in a UNCERTAIN confidence. He/she
He/she uses facial confident way. way. He/she uses does not use any
expressions and He/she facial expressions facial expressions
gestures to enrich the SOMETIMES and gestures very or gestures to
message. uses facial few times to enrich enrich the message.
expressions and the message.
gestures to enrich
the message.
Content ALL the content that MOST of the SOME content that The content IS
the student presents, content that the the student NOT supported by
including his/her student presents is presents is additional
opinion, is supported supported by supported by information or
by additional additional additional explanations.
information or information or information or
explanations. explanations. explanations.
Fluency The student presents The student The student The student is
NO hesitation and presents SOME hesitates EXTREMELY
he/she does not hesitation and FREQUENTLY HESITANT.
search to read words. he/she rarely has and he/she often He/she has to
to search for has to search for search for words
words. words. most of the
(1-2 words) (3-4 words) presentation.