An Open Mobile Ecosystem
An Open Mobile Ecosystem
An Open Mobile Ecosystem
An Open Mobile
For over a decade, growth in wireless communication and devices has been hampered
by a lack of open standards and programmable devices. But quickly evolving innovation
in wireless communication will transform wired networks and mobile devices, providing
more flexibility to consumers in terms of choice of operators, equipment, and applica-
tions. This mobility explosion is driving investment and innovation in mobile technolo-
gies. Three sets of innovations will form the foundation of a mobile ecosystem of plat-
forms, applications, services and providers:
Many applications are free, as are thousands of purely web-based applications for iPhone that don’t
require any special application downloads. Ironically, Apple’s iTunes service, which also provides iPhone
applications to users, vets every application before making it available—a classic walled garden.
Nokia, the world leader in the sale of smart phones, recognizes that mobile phones are morphing into
personal web devices. Most Nokia phones use open source operating systems like Linux and Symbian
(Symbian was proprietary software before Nokia purchased it). Together with a consortium of other mo-
bile technology companies, Nokia made Symbian available as an open source system. This is good news
for developers who can now create applications for the Symbian operating environment. As a result, we can expect to see a flood
of interesting new mobile applications and services on Nokia devices.
Internet giant Google also recently made its foray into the world of mobile computing with its version of an open source mobile
operating system, Android. Google has also gathered a consortium of technology companies and wireless carriers to create
the Open Handset Alliance. Members of the Alliance are developing handsets, applications, and services optimized to work on
Google’s Android system.
Devices will operate portably across different kinds of wireless networks such as mesh networks,
WiFi, and WiMax.
T he T e c h nolo gi c a l Foundation fo r an O pen M o b i l e E cosystem 2
International Spotlight: Wi-Fi’s commercial success over the last decade has occurred almost entirely
The Battle Over outside the legacy frameworks governing wireless communications. Operat-
Standards in China ing in an unlicensed microwave band reserved for experimental use, Wi-Fi is a
The Chinese government has powerful demonstration of the innovation possible when new players from the
committed itself to setting its own information technology sector are permitted to aggressively enter the wireless
standards for mobile technology to hardware market. Traditionally viewed as the “junk” spectrum, 2.4 Ghz is now the
ensure that Chinese companies can band most consumers associate with flexible, free, and high-performance wire-
make more profit than international less communication.
competitors, control large markets,
and avoid costly licensing fees. Most Over the next decade, we will increasingly look back at Wi-Fi as a sort of quaint
experts agree that, apart from sup- ancestor of a multitude of highly-optimized wireless “species,” each occupying
porting the industry, the Chinese a portion of a widening pie of the unlicensed spectrum made available through
government wants to have a say in a broad political coalition of free marketers and commons activists. These will
setting global standards so it can include:
embed monitoring technology.
• New flavors of Wi-Fi, such as 802.11n coupled with MIMO, which use smart
Currently China has two major 2G antennas to exploit multi-path propagation of microwave signals to increase
wireless networks: China Mobile’s bandwidth.
GSM network and China Unicom, • ZigBee, a low-bandwidth, very low-power protocol optimized for sensors.
which supports both GSM and CDMA
technology. China has set its own • UltraWideband, a very high-bandwidth LAN protocol designed to operate in a
new TD-SCMA standard for 3G wire- light, non-interfering method on existing licensed frequencies.
less requiring handsets to have mul- • Wi-Max, a wide-area version of Wi-Fi, originally intended to be unlicensed, but
timode chipsets to support multiple near-term deployments are mostly limited to licensed use. A number of carriers
standards. worldwide are deploying wireless networks.
The following are forecasts which we have shown in the form of short videos. These videos bring the for-
casts, our visions of the future, to life. Below are descriptions of each. You can view them at
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