No101 17 IP Philippines
No101 17 IP Philippines
No101 17 IP Philippines
Instead of using the word juvenile, Philippine laws made use of the word child. As defined in R.A.
No. 9344, Child is a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. While Child at Risk refers to a child
who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offences because of personal, family and social
circumstances. Some of the examples mentioned in the law are: being abandoned or neglected, and living
in a community with a high level of criminality or drug abuse.
Child in Conflict with the Law or CICL on the other hand refers to a child who is alleged as, accused
of, or adjudged as, having committed an offence under Philippine laws.
A child can commit an act or omission whether punishable under special laws or the amended Revised
Penal Code which is referred to as an Offence. Under Republic Act 10630, offences which only apply to a
child and not to adults are called Status Offences. These shall not be considered as offences and shall not
be punished if committed by a child. Examples of status offences include curfew violations, truancy,
parental disobedience and the like.
Before R.A. No. 9344 was enacted, children at risk and CICL were treated much like adult offenders as
when former President Ferdinand Marcos, Sr. signed into law the Judiciary Reorganization Act 1980
which abolished the juvenile and domestic relations courts. As such child offenders were subjected to the
same adversarial proceedings as their adult counterparts.
As an offshoot of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the R.A. No. 9344
intends to deal with these children without resorting to judicial proceedings. Instead of punishing juvenile
offenders and treating them as criminals, these child offenders will be provided by the State and the
community with assistance to prevent them from committing future offences.
In the Philippines, members of Congress had passed bills intended to make laws more consistent with
the Philippines advocacy on juvenile justice. As much as the Philippines should be concerned with a
juvenile justice system in harmony with international policies, the dominant goal is to achieve a standard
national policy on CICL rather than an accurate reproduction of an international model on CICL.
Administrative and Legal Officer of the Office of the Chief, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, Philippines.
R.A. No. 9344, one bill passed into law, institutionalized the promotion of the well-being of child and
their families, involvement of parents and guardians, promotion of diversion, avoiding deprivation of liberty
and protecting the privacy rights of children.
R.A. No. 10630 further emphasized child-sensitive justice policies focused on the best interest of the
child. This principle has been first laid down in the Doha Declaration.
C. Restorative Justice
The concept of restorative justice as opposed to retributive justice has also been introduced by R.A.
No. 9344. It espouses resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of the victim, the offender and the
community. It primarily aims to achieve reparation for the victim, reconciliation of the offender, the
offended and the community, and enhancement of public safety. It also ensures that the childs rights will
not be infringed when he/she admits to the offence.
Authorities which have initial contact with the child refer to law enforcement officers or private
citizens apprehending or taking custody of the CICL.
If the LSWDO determines that the child is abandoned, neglected or abused by his parents, and the
best interest of the child requires that he/she be placed in a youth care facility or Bahay Pag-asa, the
childs parents or guardians shall execute a written authorization for the voluntary commitment of the
child. But if there are no parents or guardians, or they will not execute it, the LSWDO or the DSWD shall
file the proper petition for involuntary commitment. Only those who are at least 12 years old can be
committed to a youth care facility.
C. System of Diversion
If the imposable penalty for the crime is not more than six years imprisonment, mediation, family con-
ferencing and conciliation, or other indigenous modes of conflict resolution in consonance with restorative
justice shall be facilitated by the law enforcement officer or Punong Barangay with the assistance of the
LSWDO or members of the BCPC. Both the child and his/her family shall be present in these activities.
In victimless crimes where the imposable penalty is not more than six years imprisonment, the LSDO
shall develop an appropriate diversion and rehabilitation programme, in coordination with the BCPC.
Again, involvement of the child and his/her parents or guardians is a must.
Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed exceeds six years imprisonment, diversion
measures will only be decided by the courts.
The diversion programme shall cover socio-cultural and psychological services for the child which may
include: reparation of the damage caused, counselling, participation in available community-based pro-
grammes, or in education, vocation and life skills programmes.
At the level of the appropriate court, in addition to the programmes cited, diversion programmes can
also include reprimand, fine or institutional care and custody.
A diversion programme will depend on the individual characteristics and the peculiar circumstances of
the CICL. Some of these factors are: the childs feelings of remorse; the ability of the parents or the
guardians to supervise, the victims view; and, the availability of community-based programmes for reha-
bilitation and reintegration of the child.
In case of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract of diversion as certified by
the LSWDO the offended party can institute the appropriate legal action. Also, if no diversion took place
because the imposable penalty exceeds six years, or the child or his/her parents does not consent to
diversion, the case shall be filed according to the regular processes.
D. Release on Recognizance
Where a child is detained, the court shall order the release of the minor on bail or release on recogni-
zance to his/her parents and other suitable person. The court has also the option to transfer the minor to
a youth care facility. In no case shall the court order the detention of a child in a jail pending trial or
hearing of his/her case.
The court shall impose the appropriate disposition measures in consideration of the various circum-
stances of the CICL. Upon recommendation of the social worker who has custody of the child, the court
shall dismiss the case if it finds that the objectives of the disposition measures have been fulfilled.
G. Competent Authority
Family Courts have exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving children in conflict with the law. Juris-
diction is vested with Regional Trial Courts in places where there are no family courts.
The Bahay Pag-asa is a 24-hour child-care institution funded and managed by local government units
(LGU) and licensed and/or accredited non-government organizations. Children in conflict with the law who
are 15 to 18 years old shall be housed in these temporary shelters while awaiting trial and the judgement
to be rendered by the courts.
The law also clarified procedures for children below the minimum age if criminal responsibility,
including those who commit serious offences. It provides that any child aged 12 to 15 who commits a
serious offence punishable by more than 12 years imprisonment should be deemed a neglected child under
the Child and Youth Welfare Code. As a neglected child, the minor should be placed in the IJISC. The
same is true with a child who was previously subjected to a community-based intervention programme.
He shall also be deemed a neglected child and as such shall undergo an intensive intervention programme
supervised by the LSWDO. The child will undergo appropriate intervention programmes through the
written authorization for voluntary commitment of the child as executed by the parents or guardians or
through a petition in the court for the involuntary confinement filed by the LSWDO or DSWD.
The Bahay Pag-asa will be managed by a multi-disciplinary team composed of a social worker, a psy-
chologist/mental health professional, a medical doctor, an educational guidance counsellor, and a member
of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC). They will come up with individualized in-
tervention plan for the child and his/her family.
Based on the recommendation of the multi-disciplinary team of the IJISC, the LSWDO or the DSWD,
the court may require the parents of the CICL to undergo counselling or any other intervention that
would advance the best interest of the child.
A child under the minimum age of criminal responsibility shall also be subjected to a community-based
intervention programme supervised by the LSWDO.
The ultimate objective of providing the children in conflict with the law with interventions that will
improve their social functioning is for them to be eventually reintegrated to their families and to their
communities as well.
Throughout the history of its implementation, R.A. No. 9344 and its progeny have been hailed as a
medium of hope for CICL. During such times, the Juvenile Justice System also faced criticism and difficul-
ty. As such, the Juvenile Justice System of the Philippines is at odds with itself as to whether or not the
present system warrants reconsideration. Today, the Philippines should see this exigency.