ETAG 020: Edition March 2006 Amended Version March 2012
ETAG 020: Edition March 2006 Amended Version March 2012
ETAG 020: Edition March 2006 Amended Version March 2012
ETAG 020
Edition March 2006
amended version March 2012
Part five:
Kunstlaan 40 Avenue des Arts
B 1040 Brussels
5.4. Safety in use 4
5.4.2. Tests for suitability 4
5.4.3. Tests for admissible service conditions 6
In this Part of ETAG "Plastic Anchors for Multiple Use in Concrete and Masonry for Non-Structural
Applications" the methods of verification and the assessments required for the use of plastic anchors in
autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) are given. For a general assessment of plastic anchors, on principle,
Part 1 applies.
In general this Guideline applies to the use of plastic anchors in autoclaved aerated concrete according to
EN 771-4 [9] "Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units" with a compressive strength
1,8 N/mm fcm 8,0 N/mm or EN 12602 [10] "Reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete"
between strength classes AAC 2 and AAC 6.
If the anchor manufacturer applies for autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units with fcm > 8,0 N/mm or
reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete with > AAC 6 to be stated in the ETA, additional tests
have to be performed for these compressive strengths (Extrapolation is not possible.).
The required tests for suitability are given in Table 5.1a and b and the tests for admissible service conditions
are given in Table 5.2a and b. The determination of admissible service conditions and determination of
characteristic resistances for plastic anchors to be used in AAC are given in 6.4.3.
The same numbering of paragraphs as in Part 1 is used.
The plastic anchors for use in autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) shall be used for multiple fixings. By
multiple anchor use it is assumed that in the case of excessive slip or failure of one anchor the load can be
transmitted to neighbouring anchors without significantly violating the requirements on the fixture in the
serviceability and ultimate limit state.
Therefore the design of the fixture shall specify the number n1 of fixing points to fasten the fixture and the
number n2 of anchors per fixing point. Furthermore the design value of actions N Sd on a fixing point to a value
n3 (kN) is specified up to which the strength and stiffness of the fixture are fulfilled and the load transfer in
the case of excessive slip or failure of one anchor need not be taken into account in the design of the fixture.
Section two:
(1) Tests for plastic anchors for use in non-cracked AAC (AAC blocks)
The tests shall be performed in single units or in a wall with units glued together. The walls may be lightly
prestressed in vertical direction to allow handling and transportation of the wall.
The types of suitability tests, test conditions, the number of required tests and the criteria applied to the
results are given in Table 5.1a: non-cracked AAC (AAC blocks).
Suitability tests of the functioning under conditioning and temperature (Table 5.1a, line 4 and 5) may be
omitted if there is information about the influence (-factor) of the load bearing behaviour from suitability
tests in concrete according to Part 2 or in solid masonry according to Part 3.
(2) Tests for plastic anchors for use in reinforced AAC (prefabricated reinforced AAC members)
Some additional tests have to be carried out in prefabricated reinforced AAC, if the anchor shall also be
assessed for the use in reinforced AAC. The types of the additional suitability tests, test conditions, the
number of required tests and the criteria applied to the results are given in Table 5.1b: reinforced AAC
(prefabricated reinforced AAC members).
Table 5.1a: Suitability tests for plastic anchors for use in non-cracked AAC (AAC blocks)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Purpose of test Strengt Drill Ambient Condition Minimum Criteria Remarks
h bit temperature Polymeric Number ultimate to the test
of Sleeve of tests load procedure
AAC per described
anchor req. in Part 1
(1) (8) (11)
1 Setting capacity
for nailed-in dcut,max mint T (2) standard 5 0,9
anchors only
4 Functioning under 0,8
1,8 N/mm fcm 2,8 N/mm
anchor sleeve
5 Functioning, dcut,m min T (3) standard 5 1,0
effect of
temperature dcut,m 0 C (4) standard 5 1,0
dcut,m LT: +50 C (6) standard 5 1,0
dcut,m ST: +80 C (6) standard 5 0,8 (10)
6 Functioning dcut,m normal standard 5 0,9
under sustained
dcut,m LT: +50 C (6) standard 5 0,9 (13)
8 Maximum torque
dcut,m normal standard 5
Table 5.1b: Additional suitability tests for plastic anchors for use in reinforced AAC
(prefabricated reinforced AAC members)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Purpose of Strength Crack Drill Ambient Condition Minimum Criteria Remarks
test of width bit temperature polymeric number ultimate to the test
reinforced w sleeve of tests load procedure
AAC per described
[mm] anchor req. in Part 1
(1) (8) size
3 Functioning in AAC 2 0,35 dcut,m normal standard 5 0,75
cracks (14)
AAC 6 0,35 dcut,m normal standard 5 0,75
(1) Normal ambient temperature: +21 3 C (plastic anchor and base material AAC),
(2) Minimum installation temperature as specified by the manufacturer; normally 0 C to + 5 C.
(3) Tests with lowest service temperature (min T) as specified by the manufacturer
(4) Installation at minimum installation temp. as specified by the manufacturer; normally 0 C to + 5 C.
(6) These values apply for temperature range b) according to Part 1,
(LT = maximum long term temperature +50 C; ST = maximum short term temperature +80 C).
For temperature range a) and c) see Part 1,
(8) Conditioning of polymeric anchor sleeve according to Part 1,
(10) Reference values from the tests with maximum long term temperature +50 C
(11) Number of tests, if one anchor size only; if more than one size shall be assessed, then the smallest,
the medium and the largest size shall be tested. Intermediate sizes shall be tested according to line 1,
6 and 8; these intermediate sizes shall not be tested, if the tests from line 1 of Table 5.2 show a
regularity in failure mode and ultimate load.
(13) NRk Part 1, (5.3); characteristic resistance NRk as given in the ETA evaluated according to
(14) The tests shall be carried out with the most unfavourable direction of expansion determined in test
line 1, Table 5.2b.
Table 5.2a: Tests for admissible service conditions for plastic anchors for use in non-cracked AAC
(AAC blocks)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Purpose of test Strength Load Distances Member Minimum Remarks
of direc- thickness number
AAC tion h of tests
for s, m, l
[N/mm] (2)
1 Characteristic resistance test with single
1,8 fcm 2,8 5
for tension loading not s > smin anchor in the
N hmin
influenced by edge and c > cmin centre of the
spacing effects 6,5 fcm 8,0 5
2 Edge distance to end of 1,8 fcm 2,8 5 test with single
wall for characteristic s > smin
N = hmin anchor at the
tension resistance (1) c = cmin
6,5 fcm 8,0 5 corner
Table 5.2b: Tests for admissible service conditions for plastic anchors for use in reinforced AAC
(prefabricated reinforced AAC members)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Purpose of test Strength Crack Load Distances Member Minimum Remarks
class of width direc- thickness number
reinforced w tion h of tests
AAC [mm] s, m, l
1 Characteristic
resistance for tension AAC 2 5 test with
s > smin
loading not influenced 0,2 N hmin single
c > cmin
by edge and spacing AAC 6 5 anchor
2 Edge distance to end test with
AAC 2 5
of member for s > smin single
0 N = hmin
characteristic tension c = cmin anchor at
AAC 6 5
resistance (1) the corner
(1) Tension tests with double anchor group with s = smin near the free edge (c = cmin) to determine the
characteristic resistance depending for the minimum spacing smin and the minimum edge distance
cmin are required if the chosen minimum spacing is lower than the following values:
smin 4 cmin (groups with spacing parallel to the edge)
smin 2 cmin (groups with spacing perpendicular to the edge)
(2) Anchor sizes small (s), medium (m) and large (l) of an anchor system shall be tested; intermediate
sizes need not to be tested Conversion of ultimate loads to take account of concrete-, masonry- and steel strength
In contrast to Equation (6.0b) the conversion of the test results in autoclaved aerated concrete shall be
carried out as follows:
(1) General
The tests results shall be converted as far as compressive strength and dry density are concerned.
m i n fc k
tk t
FRu = FRu [kN] (6.5)
t e s t fc ,t e s t
From the above, the 5 %-fractile for the ultimate load shall be derived.
(5) Characteristic failure load (ultimate load) of the different strength of AAC
For the strength between low and high strength AAC the characteristic failure loads shall be determined by
linear interpolation of the converted test results. General
In all tension tests the requirement for the load/displacement curves shall satisfy the requirements laid down
in Part 1, (1). The requirement of the coefficient of variation of the ultimate load is taken from (2) Equation (6.6b).
NRk1,0 min (min 1 ; min 2, line 1,3,6) min 2, line 4,5 min V
NRk = (6.7)
NRk1,0 = characteristic resistance from the tests Table 5.2a or b, line 1 converted
according to
min 1 = minimum value 1 (reduction factor from the load/displacement behaviour)
according to Part 1, Equation (6.2) of all tests
min 2, line 4,5 = minimum value 2 (reduction factor from the ultimate loads of the suitability tests)
according to Part 1,Equation (6.5) of suitability tests according to Table 5.1, line 4
and 5 (conditioning and temperature)
min 2, line 1,3,6 = minimum value 2 (reduction factor from the ultimate loads of the suitability tests)
according to Part 1,Equation (6.5) of suitability tests according to Table 5.1a,
line 1 and 6 and only for reinforced AAC in addition tests according to Table 5.1b,
line 3
(2) Tension loading influenced by minimum edge effects (Table 5.2a or b, line 2)
The characteristic resistances for single anchors near the free edge under tension loading shall be calculated
as follows:
If pull-out failure is observed in tests according to
Table 5.2a or b, line 2, then the evaluation shall
be done according to Equation (6.7).
NRk2,0 = characteristic resistance from the tests Table 5.2a or b, line 2 converted
according to
min 1 = minimum value 1 (reduction factor from the load/displacement behaviour)
according to Part 1, Equation (6.2) of all tests
(3) Tension loading influenced by minimum spacing effects (Table 5.2a or b, footnote (1))
The characteristic resistances for single anchors with minimum spacing near the free edge under tension
loading shall be calculated as follows:
If pull-out failure is observed in tests according to
Table 5.2a or b, footnote (1), then the evaluation
shall be done according to Equation (6.7).
NRk3,0 = characteristic resistance from the tests Table 5.2a or b, footnote (1) converted
according to
min 1 = minimum value 1 (reduction factor from the load/displacement behaviour)
according to Part 1, Equation (6.2) of all tests
If no shear tests are available, the characteristic shear resistances VRk,AAC for aerated concrete edge failure
may be calculated according to, Annex C for concrete edge failure as follows:
VRk,AAC = 0,5 VRk,AAC (shear loading in direction to the free edge)
VRk,AAC = 1,0 VRk,AAC (shear loading in other directions)
The concrete strength fck,cube has to be replaced by the aerated concrete strength fck in the relevant Equation
of Annex C.
If shear tests towards the edge are performed and aerated concrete edge failure occurs the characteristic
shear resistance shall be calculated as follows:
VRk,AAC = VRk,AAC,0 min V (6.10)
VRk,AAC,0 = characteristic resistance evaluated from the results of shear tests converted
according to
min V = minimum value V to consider a coefficient of variation of the ultimate loads in
the suitability and admissible service condition tests larger than 20 % and 15 %,
respectively; see Equations (6.6a) and (6.6b).
The characteristic shear resistances VRk,s of the metal expansion element for single anchors may be
calculated as follows:
VRk,s = 0,5 As fuk (6.11)
As = stressed cross section of steel
fuk = characteristic steel ultimate tensile strength (nominal value)
The minimum design value is decisive for the characteristic resistance FRk given in the ETA.
The value of the characteristic resistance FRk shall be rounded to the following numbers:
FRk = 0,3 / 0,4 / 0,5 / 0,6 / 0,75 / 0,9 / 1,2 / 1,5 / 2 / 2,5 / 3 / 3,5 / 4 / 4,5 / 5 / 5,5 / 6 / 6,5 /
7 / 7,5 / 8 / 8,5 / 9 / kN
FRk = characteristic resistance according to
F = 1,4
M = corresponding material partial safety factor
The displacements under short term tension loading (NO) are evaluated from the tests with single anchors
without edge or spacing effects according to Table 5.2a, line 1 or Table 5.2.b, line 1. The value derived shall
correspond approximately to the 95 %-fractile for a confidence level of 90 %.
The long term tension loading displacements N may be assumed to be approximately equal to 2,0-times
the value NO.
The displacements under short term shear loading (VO) are evaluated from the corresponding shear tests
with single anchors. The value derived shall correspond approximately to the 95 %-fractile for a confidence
level of 90 %.
If no shear tests are performed the displacements under short term shear loading (VO) for a plastic anchors
with metal expansion element may be determined for the loading according to Equation (6.12) with a shear
stiffness of 500 N/mm.
The long term shear loading displacements V may be assumed to be approximately equal to 1,5-times the
value VO.
Under shear loading, the displacements might increase due to a gap between fixture and anchor. The
influence of this gap is into account in design.
= 1, 5 fuk > 800 N/mm or fyk / fuk > 0,8 (7.3)
7.1.3. Specific conditions for the design method in autoclaved aerated concrete
(1) The ETA shall contain only one characteristic resistance FRk independent of the load direction and
the mode of failure. The appropriated partial safety factor and the corresponding values cmin and smin
for this characteristic resistance shall also be given.
(2) The characteristic resistance FRk for a single plastic anchor shall be taken also for a group of two or
four plastic anchors with a spacing equal or larger than the minimum spacing smin.
The distance between single plastic anchors or a group of anchors is a 250mm.
(4) For prefabricated reinforced components the following has to be taken into account if no special
tests or calculation for the resistance of the member made of AAC will carried out:
- The design value of shear resistance in the member caused by the anchorage are less than or equal
to 40% of the design value of resistance of the member in the critical cross section.
- The edge distance c is 150 mm for slabs of width 700 mm.
- The spacing s of fixing points is a 250 mm. For prefabricated reinforced floor units the spacing of
fixing points is a 600 mm. Fixing points are single anchors or groups of 2 or 4 anchors.
Section four:
9.1.6. Assumptions under which the fitness of the anchor for the intended use was favourably
The specific conditions (2), (3) and (4) for the design method according to 7.1.3 shall be given in the ETA
as well.
The ETA also has to include that the plastic anchor shall not be installed and used in water saturated
aerated concrete.